Untitled diff

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53 removals
Words removed5436
Total words5536
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72 lines
222 additions
Words added1778
Total words1878
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242 lines
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; http://www.aegisub.org/
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Style: Puddi,Comfortaa,30,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,0,0,2,10,10,10,1
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Comment: 10,0:03:09.25,0:03:09.87,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(776,685)}Why did she recognize the two of us?
Comment: 0,0:19:33.69,0:19:34.94,Puddi,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.6\bord2.8\fs30\3c&H4F82E7&\c&H4F82E7&\pos(639,187)\frz6.824\frx26\fry4}Delish {\alpha&HFF&\bord3\fs40}P{*}u{*}d{*}d{*}i{*}n{*}g
Comment: 2,0:19:33.69,0:19:34.94,Puddi,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.6\bord0\fs30\c&H852FCB&\3c&H7DD8F1&\pos(639,187)\frz6.824\frx26\fry4}Delish {\bord0\fs40\c&H357CDC&}P{*\c&H386FDA&}u{*\c&H3C63D8&}d{*\c&H4056D7&}d{*\c&H434AD5&}i{*\c&H473DD4&}n{*\c&H4B31D2&}g{\c&H4F25D1&}
Comment: 0,0:19:33.69,0:19:34.94,Some form of marker?,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.6\pos(678,291)\bord2\alpha&H50&\frz349\3c&HFFE4FF&\c&HFFE4FF&\frx34\fry0\fscx138\fscy140}N{*}e{*}p{*}'s
Comment: 1,0:19:33.69,0:19:34.94,Some form of marker?,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.6\pos(678,291)\bord0\alpha&H50&\frz349\c&H6A00CD&\3c&HFFE4FF&\frx34\fry0\fscx138\fscy140}N{*\c&H7300D1&}e{*\c&H7D00D5&}p{*\c&H8700D9&}'{\c&H9100DD&}s
Dialogue: 10,0:00:14.98,0:00:16.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Finally, I can begin!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:14.98,0:00:16.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Finally, I can begin!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:27.00,0:00:27.04,OP,,0,0,0,,{first frame of OP}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:52.03,0:00:55.74,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}意味不明文字のられつ
Dialogue: 10,0:00:27.00,0:00:27.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{OP}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:52.03,0:00:55.74,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf20}{\kf56\blur2}Imi {\kf84}fumei {\kf70}moji {\kf35}no {\kf106}raretsu
Dialogue: 0,0:00:52.03,0:00:55.54,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)\3c&HB60086&\c&HFFB5F7&}An incomprehensible code sequence
Dialogue: 0,0:00:52.03,0:00:55.74,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}I can't understand this character listing.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:57.10,0:01:00.67,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)\3c&HAD363A&\c&HFCD8D9&\t(2919,2961,\c&HE3E3E3&\3c&H2C2C2C&)}Tell me what it means, compiler
Dialogue: 0,0:00:57.30,0:01:00.87,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}教えてコンパイラ
Dialogue: 0,0:01:02.26,0:01:05.58,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)\3c&H377BCA&\c&HE9E397&}I can't make sense of this binary tree
Dialogue: 0,0:00:57.30,0:01:00.87,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf23\blur2}o{\kf67}shi{\kf22}e{\kf67}te {\kf10}{\kf67}com{\kf66}pi{\kf44}ler
Dialogue: 0,0:01:05.63,0:01:11.38,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)\3c&H377BCA&\c&HE9E397&\t(687,812,\c&H56DE5E&\3c&H49701B&)\t(4608,4649,\c&H953CCA&\3c&H490070&)}Just 0s and 1s won't help you communicate
Dialogue: 0,0:00:57.30,0:01:00.87,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}What does it mean, Compiler?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:12.43,0:01:16.73,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)\c&HA942C7&\3c&H83006A&\t(227,394,\c&HAFFF6E&\3c&HC71CD7&)\t(1478,1728,\3c&HCD4A32&\c&H62D5FB&)\t(2771,2979,\c&HF8F58E&\3c&HEC3DE7&)}Ping link! Connecting you and us
Dialogue: 0,0:01:02.46,0:01:05.83,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}まとまらないバイナリーツリー
Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.52,0:01:21.09,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)\3c&H251873&\c&H2CABC5&\t(267,309,\c&HE751FF&\3c&H6B007C&)\t(2894,2936,\c&HFFDAFF&\3c&HC50044&)}Hit check! Are you in or out?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:02.46,0:01:05.83,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf28\blur2}ma{\kf56}toma{\kf28}ra{\kf27}na{\kf27}i {\kf1}{\kf42}bi{\kf27}na{\kf27}ry {\kf69}tree
Dialogue: 0,0:01:21.72,0:01:24.62,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)}Everything's pure
Dialogue: 0,0:01:02.46,0:01:05.78,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}It's an unordered binary tree.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:24.62,0:01:27.04,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)}You're a Dimension Tripper
Dialogue: 0,0:01:05.83,0:01:11.63,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fscx90}0と1だけじゃ何も伝えらんないよね…
Dialogue: 0,0:01:27.04,0:01:31.70,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)}Kick open the dimensional gates and get over here
Dialogue: 0,0:01:05.83,0:01:11.63,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf58\blur2}zero {\kf35}to {\kf58}ichi {\kf58}dake {\kf35}ja {\kf55}nanimo {\kf81}tsutae{\kf46}ran{\kf46}nai {\kf35}yo {\kf30}ne…
Dialogue: 0,0:01:31.82,0:01:37.24,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)\3c&HD411B8&\c&HDDE9F0&\t(982,1024,\c&HDFF0F8&\3c&H7F1D9E&)\t(1774,1816,\c&HF794EE&\3c&HA10073&)\t(2400,2442,\c&HFCDBD9&\3c&HAE4129&)\t(3026,3067,\c&HFEFADD&\3c&H9E7C00&)\t(4402,4444,\c&HBFFCCB&\3c&H4D610D&)}To this sparkling world
Dialogue: 0,0:01:05.83,0:01:11.63,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}With zeroes and ones only you can't communicate anything.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:37.24,0:01:41.31,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)}We've formed the strongest party, with hundredfold bonds
Dialogue: 0,0:01:12.63,0:01:16.93,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fscx80}ぴんぐ→りんく!!つながるキミとアタシ達が
Dialogue: 0,0:01:41.31,0:01:43.73,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.5\fad(150,150)\t(834,1126,\c&HFCF1CE&\3c&HCD8B28&)}And you'll be one of us
Dialogue: 0,0:01:12.63,0:01:16.93,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf10\blur2}ping {\kf17}→ {\kf10}link!! {\kf84}tsunagaru {\kf42}kimi {\kf50}to {\kf110}atashi-tachi {\kf50}ga
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.46,0:01:47.50,Hyperdimension Body,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(444,592)\p1\fscx75\fscy75\bord2\blur1\c&H666BD6&\3c&H666BD6&\alpha&HFF&\t(0,322,\alpha&H00&)}m 0 0 l 0 -42 l 10 -42 l 10 -26 l 32 -26 l 32 -42 l 42 -42 l 42 0 l 32 0 l 32 -18 l 10 -18 l 10 0 m 63 0 l 63 -17 l 45 -42 l 56 -42 l 68 -25 l 80 -42 l 90 -42 l 72 -17 l 72 0 m 94 0 l 94 -42 l 119 -42 b 132 -42 132 -33 132 -28 b 132 -19 129 -14 119 -14 l 103 -14 l 103 0 m 103 -21 l 117 -21 b 126 -21 126 -35 117 -35 l 103 -35 m 137 0 l 137 -42 l 170 -42 l 170 -35 l 146 -35 l 146 -25 l 170 -25 l 170 -19 l 146 -19 l 146 -7 l 170 -7 l 170 0 m 177 0 l 177 -42 l 204 -42 b 214 -42 216 -37 216 -34 l 216 -24 b 216 -20 211 -18 209 -18 b 215 -18 216 -13 216 -11 l 216 0 l 206 0 l 206 -9 b 206 -12 205 -14 201 -14 l 186 -14 l 186 0 m 186 -22 l 202 -22 b 209 -22 209 -35 202 -35 l 186 -35 m 223 0 l 223 -42 l 251 -42 b 261 -42 265 -37 265 -31 l 265 -13 b 265 -6 260 0 251 0 m 233 -8 l 249 -8 b 254 -9 256 -11 256 -15 l 256 -27 b 256 -31 254 -35 249 -35 l 233 -35 m 272 0 l 272 -42 l 281 -42 l 281 0 m 290 0 l 290 -42 l 305 -42 l 318 -13 l 331 -42 l 346 -42 l 346 0 l 337 0 l 337 -35 l 322 0 l 314 0 l 299 -35 l 299 0 m 353 0 l 353 -42 l 386 -42 l 386 -35 l 362 -35 l 362 -25 l 386 -25 l 386 -19 l 362 -19 l 362 -7 l 386 -7 l 386 0 m 393 0 l 393 -42 l 409 -42 l 429 -9 l 429 -42 l 438 -42 l 438 0 l 422 0 l 403 -35 l 403 0 m 445 -14 l 454 -14 b 454 -9 455 -7 459 -7 l 470 -7 b 474 -7 474 -10 474 -12 b 474 -16 473 -18 470 -18 l 454 -19 b 446 -19 445 -25 445 -28 l 445 -34 b 445 -39 449 -42 456 -42 l 472 -42 b 482 -42 482 -34 482 -30 l 473 -30 b 473 -32 473 -36 469 -36 l 459 -36 b 453 -36 453 -26 458 -26 b 464 -25 471 -25 477 -24 b 481 -23 483 -20 483 -18 l 483 -8 b 482 -2 477 0 472 0 l 454 0 b 450 -1 445 -2 445 -9 m 490 0 l 490 -42 l 499 -42 l 499 0 m 518 0 b 511 0 505 -7 505 -15 l 505 -28 b 505 -35 510 -42 518 -42 l 534 -42 b 542 -42 548 -37 548 -28 l 548 -15 b 548 -7 544 0 534 0 m 518 -7 l 534 -7 b 539 -9 539 -11 539 -15 l 539 -28 b 539 -32 539 -35 534 -35 l 518 -35 b 515 -34 515 -32 515 -28 l 515 -15 b 515 -11 515 -9 518 -7 m 554 0 l 554 -42 l 570 -42 l 590 -8 l 590 -42 l 599 -42 l 599 0 l 583 0 l 563 -35 l 563 0
Dialogue: 0,0:01:12.63,0:01:16.93,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}Ping → Link!! Connecting you and us.
Dialogue: 3,0:01:47.46,0:01:47.50,Hyperdimension Body,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(444,592)\p1\fscx75\fscy75\c&HBFE8FA&\3c&H666BD6&\t(0,2000,\c&H6DCFF1&)\bord0\blur1\alpha&HFF&\t(0,322,\alpha&H00&)}m 0 0 l 0 -42 l 10 -42 l 10 -26 l 32 -26 l 32 -42 l 42 -42 l 42 0 l 32 0 l 32 -18 l 10 -18 l 10 0 m 63 0 l 63 -17 l 45 -42 l 56 -42 l 68 -25 l 80 -42 l 90 -42 l 72 -17 l 72 0 m 94 0 l 94 -42 l 119 -42 b 132 -42 132 -33 132 -28 b 132 -19 129 -14 119 -14 l 103 -14 l 103 0 m 103 -21 l 117 -21 b 126 -21 126 -35 117 -35 l 103 -35 m 137 0 l 137 -42 l 170 -42 l 170 -35 l 146 -35 l 146 -25 l 170 -25 l 170 -19 l 146 -19 l 146 -7 l 170 -7 l 170 0 m 177 0 l 177 -42 l 204 -42 b 214 -42 216 -37 216 -34 l 216 -24 b 216 -20 211 -18 209 -18 b 215 -18 216 -13 216 -11 l 216 0 l 206 0 l 206 -9 b 206 -12 205 -14 201 -14 l 186 -14 l 186 0 m 186 -22 l 202 -22 b 209 -22 209 -35 202 -35 l 186 -35 m 223 0 l 223 -42 l 251 -42 b 261 -42 265 -37 265 -31 l 265 -13 b 265 -6 260 0 251 0 m 233 -8 l 249 -8 b 254 -9 256 -11 256 -15 l 256 -27 b 256 -31 254 -35 249 -35 l 233 -35 m 272 0 l 272 -42 l 281 -42 l 281 0 m 290 0 l 290 -42 l 305 -42 l 318 -13 l 331 -42 l 346 -42 l 346 0 l 337 0 l 337 -35 l 322 0 l 314 0 l 299 -35 l 299 0 m 353 0 l 353 -42 l 386 -42 l 386 -35 l 362 -35 l 362 -25 l 386 -25 l 386 -19 l 362 -19 l 362 -7 l 386 -7 l 386 0 m 393 0 l 393 -42 l 409 -42 l 429 -9 l 429 -42 l 438 -42 l 438 0 l 422 0 l 403 -35 l 403 0 m 445 -14 l 454 -14 b 454 -9 455 -7 459 -7 l 470 -7 b 474 -7 474 -10 474 -12 b 474 -16 473 -18 470 -18 l 454 -19 b 446 -19 445 -25 445 -28 l 445 -34 b 445 -39 449 -42 456 -42 l 472 -42 b 482 -42 482 -34 482 -30 l 473 -30 b 473 -32 473 -36 469 -36 l 459 -36 b 453 -36 453 -26 458 -26 b 464 -25 471 -25 477 -24 b 481 -23 483 -20 483 -18 l 483 -8 b 482 -2 477 0 472 0 l 454 0 b 450 -1 445 -2 445 -9 m 490 0 l 490 -42 l 499 -42 l 499 0 m 518 0 b 511 0 505 -7 505 -15 l 505 -28 b 505 -35 510 -42 518 -42 l 534 -42 b 542 -42 548 -37 548 -28 l 548 -15 b 548 -7 544 0 534 0 m 518 -7 l 534 -7 b 539 -9 539 -11 539 -15 l 539 -28 b 539 -32 539 -35 534 -35 l 518 -35 b 515 -34 515 -32 515 -28 l 515 -15 b 515 -11 515 -9 518 -7 m 554 0 l 554 -42 l 570 -42 l 590 -8 l 590 -42 l 599 -42 l 599 0 l 583 0 l 563 -35 l 563 0
Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.72,0:01:21.29,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}ひっとちぇっく!!キメルならいま
Dialogue: 0,0:01:47.46,0:01:47.50,Hyperdimension background,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(439,597)\p1\fscx75\fscy75\bord2\blur1\c&HB29894&\3c&HB29894&\alpha&HFF&\t(0,322,\alpha&H00&)}m 0 0 l 0 -55 l 22 -55 l 22 -38 l 32 -38 l 32 -55 l 66 -55 l 74 -44 l 82 -55 l 126 -55 b 131 -55 134 -54 137 -52 l 137 -55 l 209 -55 b 216 -55 220 -53 223 -52 l 223 -55 l 258 -55 b 264 -55 269 -53 272 -51 l 272 -55 l 315 -55 l 324 -36 l 333 -55 l 419 -55 l 428 -41 l 428 -55 l 451 -55 l 451 -52 b 457 -55 463 -55 469 -55 b 476 -55 483 -55 490 -52 l 490 -55 l 511 -55 l 511 -52 b 518 -55 526 -55 533 -55 b 540 -55 548 -55 554 -52 l 554 -55 l 580 -55 l 589 -40 l 589 -55 l 612 -55 l 612 0 l 586 0 l 576 -15 l 576 0 l 554 0 l 554 -3 b 547 0 539 1 531 1 b 525 1 517 0 512 -3 l 512 0 l 489 0 l 489 -3 b 484 0 475 0 469 0 b 463 0 456 0 451 -3 l 451 0 l 425 0 l 415 -15 l 415 0 l 336 0 l 336 -6 l 333 0 l 316 0 l 312 -6 l 312 0 l 272 0 l 272 -4 b 269 -2 265 0 258 0 l 206 0 l 206 -14 l 199 -14 l 199 0 l 137 0 l 137 -15 b 135 -14 131 -13 126 -13 l 115 -13 l 115 0 l 93 0 l 93 -32 l 85 -20 l 85 0 l 62 0 l 62 -20 l 54 -32 l 54 0 l 32 0 l 32 -18 l 22 -18 l 22 0 m 116 -34 l 122 -34 l 122 -35 l 116 -35 m 200 -34 l 206 -34 l 206 -35 l 200 -35 m 245 -20 l 255 -20 l 255 -35 l 245 -35 m 528 -20 l 538 -20 l 538 -35 l 528 -35
Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.72,0:01:21.29,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf50\blur2}hit {\kf50}check!! {\kf86}kimeru {\kf62}nara {\kf37}ima
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.46,0:01:47.50,Hyperdimension background,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(439,597)\p1\fscx75\fscy75\bord0\blur1\c&H0F0013&\3c&HB29894&\alpha&HFF&\t(0,322,\alpha&H00&)}m 0 0 l 0 -55 l 22 -55 l 22 -38 l 32 -38 l 32 -55 l 66 -55 l 74 -44 l 82 -55 l 126 -55 b 131 -55 134 -54 137 -52 l 137 -55 l 209 -55 b 216 -55 220 -53 223 -52 l 223 -55 l 258 -55 b 264 -55 269 -53 272 -51 l 272 -55 l 315 -55 l 324 -36 l 333 -55 l 419 -55 l 428 -41 l 428 -55 l 451 -55 l 451 -52 b 457 -55 463 -55 469 -55 b 476 -55 483 -55 490 -52 l 490 -55 l 511 -55 l 511 -52 b 518 -55 526 -55 533 -55 b 540 -55 548 -55 554 -52 l 554 -55 l 580 -55 l 589 -40 l 589 -55 l 612 -55 l 612 0 l 586 0 l 576 -15 l 576 0 l 554 0 l 554 -3 b 547 0 539 1 531 1 b 525 1 517 0 512 -3 l 512 0 l 489 0 l 489 -3 b 484 0 475 0 469 0 b 463 0 456 0 451 -3 l 451 0 l 425 0 l 415 -15 l 415 0 l 336 0 l 336 -6 l 333 0 l 316 0 l 312 -6 l 312 0 l 272 0 l 272 -4 b 269 -2 265 0 258 0 l 206 0 l 206 -14 l 199 -14 l 199 0 l 137 0 l 137 -15 b 135 -14 131 -13 126 -13 l 115 -13 l 115 0 l 93 0 l 93 -32 l 85 -20 l 85 0 l 62 0 l 62 -20 l 54 -32 l 54 0 l 32 0 l 32 -18 l 22 -18 l 22 0 m 116 -34 l 122 -34 l 122 -35 l 116 -35 m 200 -34 l 206 -34 l 206 -35 l 200 -35 m 245 -20 l 255 -20 l 255 -35 l 245 -35 m 528 -20 l 538 -20 l 538 -35 l 528 -35
Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.72,0:01:21.29,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}Hit Check!! Decide it now.
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.46,0:01:47.50,Neptunia Body,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(290,703)\p1\fscx75\fscy75\bord2\c&HFFFFFB&\blur1\3c&HFFFFFB&\alpha&HFF&\t(0,322,\alpha&H00&)}m 3 -2 l 3 -194 l 119 -194 b 161 -193 170 -177 171 -147 l 171 -2 l 106 -1 l 106 -134 b 106 -137 107 -141 101 -143 l 63 -143 l 63 -2 m 191 -81 l 191 -112 l 269 -112 l 269 -81 m 191 -2 l 191 -72 l 269 -72 l 269 -41 l 227 -41 l 227 -33 l 269 -33 l 269 -2 m 283 -2 l 283 -72 l 327 -72 b 335 -71 336 -82 327 -81 l 283 -81 l 283 -112 l 336 -112 b 366 -110 371 -95 371 -79 b 371 -51 357 -42 327 -42 l 319 -42 l 319 -2 m 384 -81 l 384 -112 l 457 -112 l 457 -81 m 453 -2 l 453 -33 l 430 -33 b 422 -33 422 -33 422 -40 l 422 -72 l 389 -72 l 389 -25 b 389 -14 395 -4 408 -2 m 471 -112 l 507 -112 l 507 -40 b 507 -34 509 -34 513 -34 l 534 -34 l 534 -112 l 571 -112 l 571 -2 l 497 -2 b 478 -5 470 -16 471 -34 m 584 -2 l 584 -112 l 653 -112 b 672 -112 681 -101 681 -89 l 681 -2 l 642 -2 l 642 -81 l 620 -81 l 620 -2 m 695 -81 l 695 -112 l 731 -112 l 731 -81 m 695 -2 l 695 -72 l 731 -72 l 731 -2 m 744 -2 l 768 -75 l 796 -75 l 780 -118 l 821 -118 l 860 -2 m 789 -32 l 811 -32 l 798 -65
Dialogue: 0,0:01:21.73,0:01:24.82,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}はぴふる×∞
Dialogue: 3,0:01:47.46,0:01:47.50,Neptunia Body,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(290,703)\p1\fscx75\fscy75\bord0\c&HB483A1&\blur1\3c&HFFFFFB&\alpha&HFF&\t(0,322,\alpha&H00&)}m 3 -2 l 3 -194 l 119 -194 b 161 -193 170 -177 171 -147 l 171 -2 l 106 -1 l 106 -134 b 106 -137 107 -141 101 -143 l 63 -143 l 63 -2 m 191 -81 l 191 -112 l 269 -112 l 269 -81 m 191 -2 l 191 -72 l 269 -72 l 269 -41 l 227 -41 l 227 -33 l 269 -33 l 269 -2 m 283 -2 l 283 -72 l 327 -72 b 335 -71 336 -82 327 -81 l 283 -81 l 283 -112 l 336 -112 b 366 -110 371 -95 371 -79 b 371 -51 357 -42 327 -42 l 319 -42 l 319 -2 m 384 -81 l 384 -112 l 457 -112 l 457 -81 m 453 -2 l 453 -33 l 430 -33 b 422 -33 422 -33 422 -40 l 422 -72 l 389 -72 l 389 -25 b 389 -14 395 -4 408 -2 m 471 -112 l 507 -112 l 507 -40 b 507 -34 509 -34 513 -34 l 534 -34 l 534 -112 l 571 -112 l 571 -2 l 497 -2 b 478 -5 470 -16 471 -34 m 584 -2 l 584 -112 l 653 -112 b 672 -112 681 -101 681 -89 l 681 -2 l 642 -2 l 642 -81 l 620 -81 l 620 -2 m 695 -81 l 695 -112 l 731 -112 l 731 -81 m 695 -2 l 695 -72 l 731 -72 l 731 -2 m 744 -2 l 768 -75 l 796 -75 l 780 -118 l 821 -118 l 860 -2 m 789 -32 l 811 -32 l 798 -65
Dialogue: 0,0:01:21.73,0:01:24.82,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf20}{\kf50\blur2}happy {\kf50}full {\kf50}× ∞
Dialogue: 0,0:01:47.46,0:01:47.50,Neptunia background,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(284,711)\p1\fscx75\fscy75\bord2\blur1\c&HB29894&\3c&HB29894&\alpha&HFF&\t(0,322,\alpha&H00&)}m 0 0 l 0 -217 l 130 -217 b 164 -216 190 -200 192 -163 l 192 -134 l 340 -134 b 358 -133 369 -130 381 -120 l 381 -134 l 527 -134 l 527 -56 l 532 -56 l 531 -134 l 662 -134 b 674 -133 683 -130 692 -123 l 692 -134 l 752 -134 l 752 -48 l 768 -97 l 789 -97 l 773 -139 l 838 -139 l 884 0 l 641 0 l 641 -78 l 636 -78 l 635 0 l 510 0 b 496 -1 481 -6 473 -19 l 473 0 l 423 0 b 397 -2 388 -16 386 -35 l 386 -62 b 373 -49 365 -41 339 -41 l 339 1 l 104 0 l 103 -141 l 84 -142 l 84 0 m 468 -54 l 468 -80 l 443 -80 l 443 -54
Dialogue: 0,0:01:21.73,0:01:24.82,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}Happy full × ∞
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.46,0:01:47.50,Neptunia background,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(284,711)\p1\fscx75\fscy75\bord0\blur1\c&H711339&\3c&HB29894&\alpha&HFF&\t(0,322,\alpha&H00&)}m 0 0 l 0 -217 l 130 -217 b 164 -216 190 -200 192 -163 l 192 -134 l 340 -134 b 358 -133 369 -130 381 -120 l 381 -134 l 527 -134 l 527 -56 l 532 -56 l 531 -134 l 662 -134 b 674 -133 683 -130 692 -123 l 692 -134 l 752 -134 l 752 -48 l 768 -97 l 789 -97 l 773 -139 l 838 -139 l 884 0 l 641 0 l 641 -78 l 636 -78 l 635 0 l 510 0 b 496 -1 481 -6 473 -19 l 473 0 l 423 0 b 397 -2 388 -16 386 -35 l 386 -62 b 373 -49 365 -41 339 -41 l 339 1 l 104 0 l 103 -141 l 84 -142 l 84 0 m 468 -54 l 468 -80 l 443 -80 l 443 -54
Dialogue: 0,0:01:24.82,0:01:27.24,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fscx75}きゅあ☆ぴゅあ でぃめんしょん・とりっぱー!!!!
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.50,0:01:47.54,Hyperdimension Body,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(444.24,591.59)\p1\fscx74.86\fscy74.86\bord2\blur1\c&H666BD6&\3c&H666BD6&\alpha&HFF&\t(-42,280,\alpha&H00&)}m 0 0 l 0 -42 l 10 -42 l 10 -26 l 32 -26 l 32 -42 l 42 -42 l 42 0 l 32 0 l 32 -18 l 10 -18 l 10 0 m 63 0 l 63 -17 l 45 -42 l 56 -42 l 68 -25 l 80 -42 l 90 -42 l 72 -17 l 72 0 m 94 0 l 94 -42 l 119 -42 b 132 -42 132 -33 132 -28 b 132 -19 129 -14 119 -14 l 103 -14 l 103 0 m 103 -21 l 117 -21 b 126 -21 126 -35 117 -35 l 103 -35 m 137 0 l 137 -42 l 170 -42 l 170 -35 l 146 -35 l 146 -25 l 170 -25 l 170 -19 l 146 -19 l 146 -7 l 170 -7 l 170 0 m 177 0 l 177 -42 l 204 -42 b 214 -42 216 -37 216 -34 l 216 -24 b 216 -20 211 -18 209 -18 b 215 -18 216 -13 216 -11 l 216 0 l 206 0 l 206 -9 b 206 -12 205 -14 201 -14 l 186 -14 l 186 0 m 186 -22 l 202 -22 b 209 -22 209 -35 202 -35 l 186 -35 m 223 0 l 223 -42 l 251 -42 b 261 -42 265 -37 265 -31 l 265 -13 b 265 -6 260 0 251 0 m 233 -8 l 249 -8 b 254 -9 256 -11 256 -15 l 256 -27 b 256 -31 254 -35 249 -35 l 233 -35 m 272 0 l 272 -42 l 281 -42 l 281 0 m 290 0 l 290 -42 l 305 -42 l 318 -13 l 331 -42 l 346 -42 l 346 0 l 337 0 l 337 -35 l 322 0 l 314 0 l 299 -35 l 299 0 m 353 0 l 353 -42 l 386 -42 l 386 -35 l 362 -35 l 362 -25 l 386 -25 l 386 -19 l 362 -19 l 362 -7 l 386 -7 l 386 0 m 393 0 l 393 -42 l 409 -42 l 429 -9 l 429 -42 l 438 -42 l 438 0 l 422 0 l 403 -35 l 403 0 m 445 -14 l 454 -14 b 454 -9 455 -7 459 -7 l 470 -7 b 474 -7 474 -10 474 -12 b 474 -16 473 -18 470 -18 l 454 -19 b 446 -19 445 -25 445 -28 l 445 -34 b 445 -39 449 -42 456 -42 l 472 -42 b 482 -42 482 -34 482 -30 l 473 -30 b 473 -32 473 -36 469 -36 l 459 -36 b 453 -36 453 -26 458 -26 b 464 -25 471 -25 477 -24 b 481 -23 483 -20 483 -18 l 483 -8 b 482 -2 477 0 472 0 l 454 0 b 450 -1 445 -2 445 -9 m 490 0 l 490 -42 l 499 -42 l 499 0 m 518 0 b 511 0 505 -7 505 -15 l 505 -28 b 505 -35 510 -42 518 -42 l 534 -42 b 542 -42 548 -37 548 -28 l 548 -15 b 548 -7 544 0 534 0 m 518 -7 l 534 -7 b 539 -9 539 -11 539 -15 l 539 -28 b 539 -32 539 -35 534 -35 l 518 -35 b 515 -34 515 -32 515 -28 l 515 -15 b 515 -11 515 -9 518 -7 m 554 0 l 554 -42 l 570 -42 l 590 -8 l 590 -42 l 599 -42 l 599 0 l 583 0 l 563 -35 l 563 0
Dialogue: 0,0:01:24.82,0:01:27.24,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf100\blur2}cure☆pure {\kf50}dimension {\kf50}tripper!!!!
Dialogue: 3,0:01:47.50,0:01:47.54,Hyperdimension Body,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(444.24,591.59)\p1\fscx74.86\fscy74.86\c&HBFE8FA&\3c&H666BD6&\t(-42,1958,\c&H6DCFF1&)\bord0\blur1\alpha&HFF&\t(-42,280,\alpha&H00&)}m 0 0 l 0 -42 l 10 -42 l 10 -26 l 32 -26 l 32 -42 l 42 -42 l 42 0 l 32 0 l 32 -18 l 10 -18 l 10 0 m 63 0 l 63 -17 l 45 -42 l 56 -42 l 68 -25 l 80 -42 l 90 -42 l 72 -17 l 72 0 m 94 0 l 94 -42 l 119 -42 b 132 -42 132 -33 132 -28 b 132 -19 129 -14 119 -14 l 103 -14 l 103 0 m 103 -21 l 117 -21 b 126 -21 126 -35 117 -35 l 103 -35 m 137 0 l 137 -42 l 170 -42 l 170 -35 l 146 -35 l 146 -25 l 170 -25 l 170 -19 l 146 -19 l 146 -7 l 170 -7 l 170 0 m 177 0 l 177 -42 l 204 -42 b 214 -42 216 -37 216 -34 l 216 -24 b 216 -20 211 -18 209 -18 b 215 -18 216 -13 216 -11 l 216 0 l 206 0 l 206 -9 b 206 -12 205 -14 201 -14 l 186 -14 l 186 0 m 186 -22 l 202 -22 b 209 -22 209 -35 202 -35 l 186 -35 m 223 0 l 223 -42 l 251 -42 b 261 -42 265 -37 265 -31 l 265 -13 b 265 -6 260 0 251 0 m 233 -8 l 249 -8 b 254 -9 256 -11 256 -15 l 256 -27 b 256 -31 254 -35 249 -35 l 233 -35 m 272 0 l 272 -42 l 281 -42 l 281 0 m 290 0 l 290 -42 l 305 -42 l 318 -13 l 331 -42 l 346 -42 l 346 0 l 337 0 l 337 -35 l 322 0 l 314 0 l 299 -35 l 299 0 m 353 0 l 353 -42 l 386 -42 l 386 -35 l 362 -35 l 362 -25 l 386 -25 l 386 -19 l 362 -19 l 362 -7 l 386 -7 l 386 0 m 393 0 l 393 -42 l 409 -42 l 429 -9 l 429 -42 l 438 -42 l 438 0 l 422 0 l 403 -35 l 403 0 m 445 -14 l 454 -14 b 454 -9 455 -7 459 -7 l 470 -7 b 474 -7 474 -10 474 -12 b 474 -16 473 -18 470 -18 l 454 -19 b 446 -19 445 -25 445 -28 l 445 -34 b 445 -39 449 -42 456 -42 l 472 -42 b 482 -42 482 -34 482 -30 l 473 -30 b 473 -32 473 -36 469 -36 l 459 -36 b 453 -36 453 -26 458 -26 b 464 -25 471 -25 477 -24 b 481 -23 483 -20 483 -18 l 483 -8 b 482 -2 477 0 472 0 l 454 0 b 450 -1 445 -2 445 -9 m 490 0 l 490 -42 l 499 -42 l 499 0 m 518 0 b 511 0 505 -7 505 -15 l 505 -28 b 505 -35 510 -42 518 -42 l 534 -42 b 542 -42 548 -37 548 -28 l 548 -15 b 548 -7 544 0 534 0 m 518 -7 l 534 -7 b 539 -9 539 -11 539 -15 l 539 -28 b 539 -32 539 -35 534 -35 l 518 -35 b 515 -34 515 -32 515 -28 l 515 -15 b 515 -11 515 -9 518 -7 m 554 0 l 554 -42 l 570 -42 l 590 -8 l 590 -42 l 599 -42 l 599 0 l 583 0 l 563 -35 l 563 0
Dialogue: 0,0:01:24.82,0:01:27.24,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}Cure☆Pure Dimension Tripper!!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:47.50,0:01:47.54,Hyperdimension background,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(439.25,596.58)\p1\fscx74.86\fscy74.86\bord2\blur1\c&HB29894&\3c&HB29894&\alpha&HFF&\t(-42,280,\alpha&H00&)}m 0 0 l 0 -55 l 22 -55 l 22 -38 l 32 -38 l 32 -55 l 66 -55 l 74 -44 l 82 -55 l 126 -55 b 131 -55 134 -54 137 -52 l 137 -55 l 209 -55 b 216 -55 220 -53 223 -52 l 223 -55 l 258 -55 b 264 -55 269 -53 272 -51 l 272 -55 l 315 -55 l 324 -36 l 333 -55 l 419 -55 l 428 -41 l 428 -55 l 451 -55 l 451 -52 b 457 -55 463 -55 469 -55 b 476 -55 483 -55 490 -52 l 490 -55 l 511 -55 l 511 -52 b 518 -55 526 -55 533 -55 b 540 -55 548 -55 554 -52 l 554 -55 l 580 -55 l 589 -40 l 589 -55 l 612 -55 l 612 0 l 586 0 l 576 -15 l 576 0 l 554 0 l 554 -3 b 547 0 539 1 531 1 b 525 1 517 0 512 -3 l 512 0 l 489 0 l 489 -3 b 484 0 475 0 469 0 b 463 0 456 0 451 -3 l 451 0 l 425 0 l 415 -15 l 415 0 l 336 0 l 336 -6 l 333 0 l 316 0 l 312 -6 l 312 0 l 272 0 l 272 -4 b 269 -2 265 0 258 0 l 206 0 l 206 -14 l 199 -14 l 199 0 l 137 0 l 137 -15 b 135 -14 131 -13 126 -13 l 115 -13 l 115 0 l 93 0 l 93 -32 l 85 -20 l 85 0 l 62 0 l 62 -20 l 54 -32 l 54 0 l 32 0 l 32 -18 l 22 -18 l 22 0 m 116 -34 l 122 -34 l 122 -35 l 116 -35 m 200 -34 l 206 -34 l 206 -35 l 200 -35 m 245 -20 l 255 -20 l 255 -35 l 245 -35 m 528 -20 l 538 -20 l 538 -35 l 528 -35
Dialogue: 0,0:01:27.24,0:01:32.02,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}次元の扉、蹴っ飛ばしおいでよ
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.50,0:01:47.54,Hyperdimension background,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(439.25,596.58)\p1\fscx74.86\fscy74.86\bord0\blur1\c&H0F0013&\3c&HB29894&\alpha&HFF&\t(-42,280,\alpha&H00&)}m 0 0 l 0 -55 l 22 -55 l 22 -38 l 32 -38 l 32 -55 l 66 -55 l 74 -44 l 82 -55 l 126 -55 b 131 -55 134 -54 137 -52 l 137 -55 l 209 -55 b 216 -55 220 -53 223 -52 l 223 -55 l 258 -55 b 264 -55 269 -53 272 -51 l 272 -55 l 315 -55 l 324 -36 l 333 -55 l 419 -55 l 428 -41 l 428 -55 l 451 -55 l 451 -52 b 457 -55 463 -55 469 -55 b 476 -55 483 -55 490 -52 l 490 -55 l 511 -55 l 511 -52 b 518 -55 526 -55 533 -55 b 540 -55 548 -55 554 -52 l 554 -55 l 580 -55 l 589 -40 l 589 -55 l 612 -55 l 612 0 l 586 0 l 576 -15 l 576 0 l 554 0 l 554 -3 b 547 0 539 1 531 1 b 525 1 517 0 512 -3 l 512 0 l 489 0 l 489 -3 b 484 0 475 0 469 0 b 463 0 456 0 451 -3 l 451 0 l 425 0 l 415 -15 l 415 0 l 336 0 l 336 -6 l 333 0 l 316 0 l 312 -6 l 312 0 l 272 0 l 272 -4 b 269 -2 265 0 258 0 l 206 0 l 206 -14 l 199 -14 l 199 0 l 137 0 l 137 -15 b 135 -14 131 -13 126 -13 l 115 -13 l 115 0 l 93 0 l 93 -32 l 85 -20 l 85 0 l 62 0 l 62 -20 l 54 -32 l 54 0 l 32 0 l 32 -18 l 22 -18 l 22 0 m 116 -34 l 122 -34 l 122 -35 l 116 -35 m 200 -34 l 206 -34 l 206 -35 l 200 -35 m 245 -20 l 255 -20 l 255 -35 l 245 -35 m 528 -20 l 538 -20 l 538 -35 l 528 -35
Dialogue: 0,0:01:27.24,0:01:32.02,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf82\blur2}jigen {\kf41}no {\kf50}tobira, {\kf101}kettobashi {\kf82}oide yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.50,0:01:47.54,Neptunia Body,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(290.52,702.39)\p1\fscx74.86\fscy74.86\bord2\c&HFFFFFB&\blur1\3c&HFFFFFB&\alpha&HFF&\t(-42,280,\alpha&H00&)}m 3 -2 l 3 -194 l 119 -194 b 161 -193 170 -177 171 -147 l 171 -2 l 106 -1 l 106 -134 b 106 -137 107 -141 101 -143 l 63 -143 l 63 -2 m 191 -81 l 191 -112 l 269 -112 l 269 -81 m 191 -2 l 191 -72 l 269 -72 l 269 -41 l 227 -41 l 227 -33 l 269 -33 l 269 -2 m 283 -2 l 283 -72 l 327 -72 b 335 -71 336 -82 327 -81 l 283 -81 l 283 -112 l 336 -112 b 366 -110 371 -95 371 -79 b 371 -51 357 -42 327 -42 l 319 -42 l 319 -2 m 384 -81 l 384 -112 l 457 -112 l 457 -81 m 453 -2 l 453 -33 l 430 -33 b 422 -33 422 -33 422 -40 l 422 -72 l 389 -72 l 389 -25 b 389 -14 395 -4 408 -2 m 471 -112 l 507 -112 l 507 -40 b 507 -34 509 -34 513 -34 l 534 -34 l 534 -112 l 571 -112 l 571 -2 l 497 -2 b 478 -5 470 -16 471 -34 m 584 -2 l 584 -112 l 653 -112 b 672 -112 681 -101 681 -89 l 681 -2 l 642 -2 l 642 -81 l 620 -81 l 620 -2 m 695 -81 l 695 -112 l 731 -112 l 731 -81 m 695 -2 l 695 -72 l 731 -72 l 731 -2 m 744 -2 l 768 -75 l 796 -75 l 780 -118 l 821 -118 l 860 -2 m 789 -32 l 811 -32 l 798 -65
Dialogue: 0,0:01:27.24,0:01:32.02,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}Send the dimensional gate flying and come over here.
Dialogue: 3,0:01:47.50,0:01:47.54,Neptunia Body,,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(290.52,702.39)\p1\fscx74.86\fscy74.86\bord0\c&HB483A1&\blur1\3c&HFFFFFB&\alpha&HFF&\t(-42,280,\alpha&H00&)}m 3 -2 l 3 -194 l 119 -194 b 161 -193 170 -177 171 -147 l 171 -2 l 106 -1 l 106 -134 b 106 -137 107 -141 101 -143 l 63 -143 l 63 -2 m 191 -81 l 191 -112 l 269 -112 l 269 -81 m 191 -2 l 191 -72 l 269 -72 l 269 -41 l 227 -41 l 227 -33 l 269 -33 l 269 -2 m 283 -2 l 283 -72 l 327 -72 b 335 -71 336 -82 327 -81 l 283 -81 l 283 -112 l 336 -112 b 366 -110 371 -95 371 -79 b 371 -51 357 -42 327 -42 l 319 -42 l 319 -2 m 384 -81 l 384 -112 l 457 -112 l 457 -81 m 453 -2 l 453 -33 l 430 -33 b 422 -33 422 -33 422 -40 l 422 -72 l 389 -72 l 389 -25 b 389 -14 395 -4 408 -2 m 471 -112 l 507 -112 l 507 -40 b 507 -34 509 -34 513 -34 l
Dialogue: 0,0:01:32.02,0:01:37.44,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}キラ☆キラのこっちのギョウ界へ
Dialogue: 0,0:01:32.02,0:01:37.44,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf185\blur2}kira☆kira {\kf55}no {\kf129}kocchi {\kf55}no {\kf111}sekai {\kf19}e
Dialogue: 0,0:01:32.02,0:01:37.44,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}Into this sparkling, sparkling world.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:37.44,0:01:41.51,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}絆100倍の最強パーティー
Dialogue: 0,0:01:37.44,0:01:41.51,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf89\blur2}kizuna {\kf76}hyaku{\fk51}bai {\kf38}no {\kf102}saikyou {\kf51}party
Dialogue: 0,0:01:37.44,0:01:41.51,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}100 times the bonds result in the strongest party.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:41.51,0:01:43.93,OP Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}「キミ モ ナカマ ダ」
Dialogue: 0,0:01:41.51,0:01:43.93,OP Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\kf50\blur2}「kimi {\kf38}mo {\kf50}nakama {\kf39}da」
Dialogue: 0,0:01:41.51,0:01:43.93,OP English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2}You're our comrade as well.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:57.01,0:02:00.47,Episode Title,,0,0,0,,{\fs40\blur0.5\fad(68,0)\clip(242,529,260,587)\t(0,945,\clip(242,539,1263,587))\alpha&HFF&\t(0,68,1,\alpha&H00&)\pos(754,582)}#06 Lastation's Secret (For Your Eyes Only)
Dialogue: 10,0:01:58.42,0:02:00.47,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8}Whoa!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:01.72,0:02:03.22,Default,,0,0,0,,That was dangerous! {abunai}
Dialogue: 10,0:02:03.22,0:02:04.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Epic win! {taikatsu}
Dialogue: 10,0:02:05.22,0:02:06.98,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm bored!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:07.42,0:02:09.02,Default,,0,0,0,,Play with me,
Dialogue: 10,0:02:09.02,0:02:10.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Neptuna!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:10.68,0:02:13.72,Default,,0,0,0,,So, P-ko, how often do I have to say it? {dakara p-ko, nandemo itteru deshou?}
Dialogue: 10,0:02:13.72,0:02:17.45,Default,,0,0,0,,It's not "Neptuna," it's Neptune! {neptuna ja nakute, neptune!}
Dialogue: 10,0:02:17.45,0:02:19.39,Default,,0,0,0,,Neptuna! Neptuna!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:23.90,0:02:25.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:25.25,0:02:28.25,Default,,0,0,0,,I said suddenly cutting the power is nasty! {ikinari denki nuite dame da tte yo}
Dialogue: 10,0:02:28.98,0:02:29.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:02:35.74,0:02:38.01,Default,,0,0,0,,Neptuna, play with me!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:43.21,0:02:45.09,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:46.57,0:02:49.77,Default,,0,0,0,,Nep-Nep is terrible at losing, isn't she? {nep-nep sugoi makeru shitan desu ne}
Dialogue: 10,0:02:49.77,0:02:53.19,Default,,0,0,0,,However you call it, she's very thickheaded, isn't she? {to iu ka, kanzen ni korou sareru ne}
Dialogue: 10,0:02:53.79,0:02:55.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Histoire-sama,
Dialogue: 10,0:02:55.47,0:02:57.11,Default,,0,0,0,,have you still not found her guardians?
Dialogue: 10,0:02:57.37,0:02:58.52,Default,,0,0,0,,No.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:58.52,0:03:01.00,Default,,0,0,0,,She's been here for three weeks now.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:01.00,0:03:02.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't we have any leads at all?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:03.91,0:03:05.63,Default,,0,0,0,,No idea.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:06.00,0:03:09.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.25,0:03:09.29,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(776,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.29,0:03:09.33,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(770.71,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.33,0:03:09.37,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(771.74,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.37,0:03:09.41,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(995.03,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.41,0:03:09.46,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(993.03,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.46,0:03:09.50,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(996.28,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.50,0:03:09.54,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1212.24,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.54,0:03:09.58,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1210.66,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.58,0:03:09.62,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1210.34,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.62,0:03:09.66,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1435.74,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.66,0:03:09.71,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1430.48,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.71,0:03:09.75,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1432.23,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.75,0:03:09.79,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1652.74,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.79,0:03:09.83,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1649.15,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.83,0:03:09.87,Default,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1648.7,685)}Why did she recognise the two of us?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:10.98,0:03:14.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Wasn't it luck that we quickly found out her name? {namae de chanto wakatte dake demo koun datte deshou ka}
Dialogue: 10,0:03:14.78,0:03:15.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:15.60,0:03:19.88,Default,,0,0,0,,Luckily her panties had the name "Pizdyonka" attached to them. {адназначна пиздёнка}
Dialogue: 10,0:03:20.63,0:03:22.59,Default,,0,0,0,,Got you!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:23.14,0:03:26.53,Default,,0,0,0,,P-Punch!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:34.94,0:03:37.74,Default,,0,0,0,,How's this, Nepgear-chan?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:38.16,0:03:39.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Aren't they soft? {yawarakai deshou}
Dialogue: 10,0:03:39.74,0:03:42.38,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes, Vert-san.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:42.38,0:03:46.77,Default,,0,0,0,,It would be fine if you would call me "Onee-chan". {ii desu no yo onee-chan to yonde kudasatte mo}
Dialogue: 10,0:03:46.77,0:03:49.13,Default,,0,0,0,,But my Onee-chan is —
Dialogue: 10,0:03:49.13,0:03:51.03,Default,,0,0,0,,Ah, whatever. {ah, nanka mo}
Dialogue: 10,0:03:51.03,0:03:54.13,Default,,0,0,0,,It's also fine if Vert-chan is my Onee-chan! {vert-chan ga onee-chan desu ii ka mo}
Dialogue: 10,0:03:53.44,0:03:54.13,Alternate,,0,0,0,,Of course.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:54.57,0:03:55.42,Default,,0,0,0,,Well...
Dialogue: 10,0:03:55.99,0:03:58.63,Default,,0,0,0,,All along things have been going like that, haven't they? {zutto kono koto ni natte yo ne}
Dialogue: 10,0:03:58.63,0:04:01.63,Default,,0,0,0,,The Lily Rank is exploded! {lily rank wa bakuhatsu desu}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:01.63,0:04:03.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey, Vert!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:03.80,0:04:06.51,Default,,0,0,0,,What are you doing to my clan's little sister? {batsu no imouto ni, nani shiteru no ka}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:06.51,0:04:08.09,Default,,0,0,0,,Onee-chan!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:10.34,0:04:14.02,Default,,0,0,0,,Isn't it okay if you occasionally deepen the bond of relatives? {ii de arimasen no tama ni shinzoku fukami kurai}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:14.02,0:04:16.58,Default,,0,0,0,,But the matters aren't like that! {mou koto konnani ja nai}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:16.58,0:04:19.07,Default,,0,0,0,,The matter is, Nepgear is {\i1}my{\i0} little sister!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:19.07,0:04:22.35,Default,,0,0,0,,You're like a meddling sister-in-law.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:22.35,0:04:27.07,Default,,0,0,0,,It's a treasure, so let's calmly invigorate our relationship, okay, Nepgear-san? {tore ka mo yukkuri kankei o hazukonde ne}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:27.67,0:04:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Actually, I want to seduce your body. {jitsu wa anata o sasoi nikutai n desu no yo}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:31.00,0:04:33.51,Default,,0,0,0,,Eh? Doing this {working} with me is your goal? {eh? watashi no kyouryoku taishou?}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:33.51,0:04:35.28,Default,,0,0,0,,But I'm no himashi donburi dish! {himashi donburi na no}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:35.28,0:04:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh my!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:37.00,0:04:38.95,Default,,0,0,0,,What a bad end. {hidoi matsu no}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:38.95,0:04:41.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Blanc contacted you, didn't she?
Dialogue: 10,0:04:42.53,0:04:44.09,Default,,0,0,0,,She did?
Dialogue: 10,0:04:49.73,0:04:50.71,Default,,0,0,0,,Well? {dou?}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:50.71,0:04:53.10,Default,,0,0,0,,This is Kurata, a long-eared bandicoot.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:53.10,0:04:54.64,Default,,0,0,0,,I've gathered him most recently. {saikin kai atsumete no}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:54.64,0:04:55.96,Default,,0,0,0,,So cute.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:55.96,0:04:57.65,Default,,0,0,0,,Please let me only hug him! {dakusasete dake de}
Dialogue: 10,0:04:58.59,0:04:59.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Well?
Dialogue: 10,0:04:59.52,0:05:01.47,Default,,0,0,0,,What do you want to talk about?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:01.47,0:05:05.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Simply put, it's concerning the network security. {kantan ni yotte wa, network security ni kansuru koto yo}
Dialogue: 10,0:05:05.40,0:05:09.91,Default,,0,0,0,,Ah, so you want to take our digital security as a base? {ah, uchi no digital na security hon shitai no ne}
Dialogue: 10,0:05:10.20,0:05:11.17,Default,,0,0,0,,Uh...
Dialogue: 10,0:05:11.17,0:05:12.57,Default,,0,0,0,,Please, go ahead! {douzo ne}
Dialogue: 10,0:05:12.57,0:05:18.16,Default,,0,0,0,,I assembled the first-rated staff I wanted to create an impregnable firewall! {ichii no staff hoshii ni naka totte tsukutta nankoufuraku no firewall da no na}
Dialogue: 10,0:05:18.16,0:05:23.01,Default,,0,0,0,,What about the artificial AS system which you launched recently? Is it protected as well? {saikin kadou hajimeta jinkou as-system no soredemo morau de no}
Dialogue: 10,0:05:23.01,0:05:24.32,Default,,0,0,0,,Eh? Of course.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:24.32,0:05:26.05,Default,,0,0,0,,I could let you copy it,
Dialogue: 10,0:05:26.80,0:05:28.55,Default,,0,0,0,,but I'll have to charge you. You understand, don't you? {боже мой! Typing down the Japanese text for every second line is too bothersome. Their translation is much worse than I thought.}
Dialogue: 10,0:05:29.75,0:05:34.18,Default,,0,0,0,,There are traces that an AS got hacked from a server in Lastation. {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:05:35.73,0:05:36.48,Default,,0,0,0,,What?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:37.29,0:05:38.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Like I said, there are traces—
Dialogue: 10,0:05:38.86,0:05:39.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Impossible!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:39.98,0:05:44.99,Default,,0,0,0,,A security breach is about as likely as being randomly hit by someone falling from the sky.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:48.59,0:05:50.91,Default,,0,0,0,,Move! Move! Move!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:51.27,0:05:53.91,Default,,0,0,0,,{\t(,\fs72)}Move iiit!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:57.95,0:06:01.29,Default,,0,0,0,,Phew, I'm saved. {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:06:05.23,0:06:06.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Goodness gracious.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:08.37,0:06:12.35,Default,,0,0,0,,How could you be careless enough to plummet from the sky {\i1}and{\i0} hit someone?
Dialogue: 10,0:06:12.35,0:06:14.33,Default,,0,0,0,,Sorry. {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:06:14.33,0:06:16.99,Default,,0,0,0,,P-ko started making a fuss while I was flying over here,
Dialogue: 10,0:06:16.99,0:06:19.16,Default,,0,0,0,,and I ended up reverting by mistake.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:19.16,0:06:20.59,Default,,0,0,0,,Show some self-control!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:20.59,0:06:21.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Sorry.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:21.82,0:06:22.59,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, right.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:22.59,0:06:23.73,Default,,0,0,0,,P-ko, introduce yourself.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:24.99,0:06:25.99,Default,,0,0,0,,It's me, P!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:25.99,0:06:29.83,Default,,0,0,0,,Neptune, I never knew you had a child this old.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:29.83,0:06:30.88,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:30.88,0:06:34.35,Default,,0,0,0,,She's the first one I got! She's so cute! {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:06:34.35,0:06:35.68,Default,,0,0,0,,No, that's not it! {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:06:35.68,0:06:38.46,Default,,0,0,0,,She's a lost child who we're taking care of at the church! {what's a "basilicom" supposed to be? kyoukai -> church}
Dialogue: 10,0:06:38.46,0:06:39.62,Default,,0,0,0,,Of course.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:39.62,0:06:42.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Wow, Blanc made a joke! {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:06:42.50,0:06:44.15,Default,,0,0,0,,Rom, Ram.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:44.15,0:06:45.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Be friends with her.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:45.52,0:06:46.79,Default,,0,0,0,,Okay!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:46.79,0:06:47.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Let's go play.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:47.98,0:06:50.13,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes! Play!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:52.37,0:06:54.27,Alternate,,0,0,0,,Wait!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:52.68,0:06:55.32,Default,,0,0,0,,Anyway, about what we were discussing earlier...
Dialogue: 10,0:06:58.43,0:06:59.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Let's go somewhere else.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:59.78,0:07:00.48,Default,,0,0,0,,Uni.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:00.48,0:07:02.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Please, stay here for a while, okay? {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:07:02.40,0:07:04.40,Default,,0,0,0,,O-Okay.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:08.30,0:07:10.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Um, Nepgear...
Dialogue: 10,0:07:11.00,0:07:13.94,Default,,0,0,0,,I'd like... counselling. {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:07:15.99,0:07:18.45,Default,,0,0,0,,Noire-san's behaviour is strange? {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:07:19.84,0:07:24.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Recently she's holed up in her office every night to do whatever. {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:07:24.70,0:07:26.30,Default,,0,0,0,,It's not for work? {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:07:26.30,0:07:28.64,Default,,0,0,0,,She wouldn't lock the door if it was work..
Dialogue: 10,0:07:28.64,0:07:31.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Sometimes I even hear this weird laughter from inside.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:32.89,0:07:35.10,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm kinda worried.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:35.62,0:07:39.98,Default,,0,0,0,,So basically, you want to know what Noire-san's doing in there on her own?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:41.21,0:07:43.73,Default,,0,0,0,,I think you could say so. {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:07:44.00,0:07:46.03,Default,,0,0,0,,I've got just the thing for you, then.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:46.03,0:07:47.90,Default,,0,0,0,,I just happened to bring this with me. {yeah, right, nepgear. whatever you say}
Dialogue: 10,0:07:50.39,0:07:51.62,Default,,0,0,0,,What is it?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:51.62,0:07:56.39,Default,,0,0,0,,It's an inconspicuous gadget that wirelessly transmits images!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:56.39,0:07:58.83,Default,,0,0,0,,A hidden camera, you mean.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:58.83,0:08:03.09,Default,,0,0,0,,This tiny little thing can compress and transmit HD video in real time!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:03.09,0:08:04.38,Default,,0,0,0,,Isn't it awesome?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:04.38,0:08:07.09,Default,,0,0,0,,I've been wanting to set it up some time and see how it works!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:07.41,0:08:10.09,Default,,0,0,0,,U-Uh...
Dialogue: 10,0:08:08.27,0:08:10.09,Alternate,,0,0,0,,Great, isn't it? {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:08:10.45,0:08:18.19,Default,,0,0,0,,Ahahaha!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:15.71,0:08:18.19,Alternate,,0,0,0,,What's so funny?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:18.19,0:08:21.37,Default,,0,0,0,,Noire, you were just bragging about it. {исправление}
Dialogue: 10,0:08:21.37,0:08:24.29,Default,,0,0,0,,"Lastation's security is the best in the world!"
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.10,0:08:23.14,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord6\3c&H720871&\c&H720871&\frz57.9\fscx322\fscy335\pos(368,-273)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.10,0:08:23.14,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\c&HFFFCFD&\blur0.7\fs120\bord0\3c&H720871&\frz57.9\fscx322\fscy335\pos(368,-273)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.14,0:08:23.19,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord6\3c&H720871&\c&H720871&\frz57.9\fscx322\fscy335\pos(607,-198)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.14,0:08:23.19,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\c&HFFFCFD&\blur0.7\fs120\bord0\3c&H720871&\frz57.9\fscx322\fscy335\pos(607,-198)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.19,0:08:23.23,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord4\3c&H6D116F&\c&H6D116F&\frz28.96\fscx150\fscy153\pos(816,64)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.19,0:08:23.23,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\c&HFFFCFD&\blur0.7\fs120\bord0\3c&H6D116F&\frz28.96\fscx150\fscy153\pos(816,64)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.23,0:08:23.27,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord3\3c&H912887&\c&H912887&\pos(950,140)\frz20.28\fscx115\fscy117}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.23,0:08:23.27,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\c&HFFFCFD&\blur0.7\fs120\bord0\3c&H912887&\pos(950,140)\frz20.28\fscx115\fscy117}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.27,0:08:23.31,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord3\3c&H912887&\c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(975,144)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.27,0:08:23.31,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\c&HFFFCFD&\blur0.7\fs120\bord0\3c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(975,144)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.31,0:08:23.35,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord3\3c&H912887&\c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(944.81,147.67)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.31,0:08:23.35,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\c&HFFFCFD&\blur0.7\fs120\bord0\3c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(944.81,147.67)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.35,0:08:23.39,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord3\3c&H912887&\c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(949.81,145.5)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.35,0:08:23.39,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\c&HFFFCFD&\blur0.7\fs120\bord0\3c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(949.81,145.5)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.39,0:08:23.44,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord3\3c&H912887&\c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(976.25,148.48)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.39,0:08:23.44,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\c&HFFFCFD&\blur0.7\fs120\bord0\3c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(976.25,148.48)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.44,0:08:23.48,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord3\3c&H912887&\c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(966.87,145.15)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.44,0:08:23.48,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\c&HFFFCFD&\blur0.7\fs120\bord0\3c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(966.87,145.15)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.48,0:08:23.52,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord3\3c&H912887&\c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(952.63,148.89)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.48,0:08:23.52,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\c&HFFFCFD&\blur0.7\fs120\bord0\3c&H912887&\frz15.89\pos(952.63,148.89)}Bam!! {SEKAI ICHIIII!!!}{Playstation Lolis are the best in the world!!!}{'Ka-swish' is probably more accurate here}
Dialogue: 4,0:08:23.52,0:08:23.56,Stroheim,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.7\fs120\bord3\3c&H