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29 removals
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551 lines
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550 lines
They crept down the stone stairs as silently as possible, not daring to announce
They crept down the stone stairs as silently as possible, not daring to announce
their presence to whatever foul minions lurked in the shadows. The faint glow from
their presence to whatever foul minions lurked in the shadows. The faint glow from
Leoric’s enchanted stone did little to illuminate the gathering dark. Jain slowly
Leoric’s enchanted stone did little to illuminate the gathering dark. Jain slowly
notched an arrow, gracefully pulling her bowstring taut as the small silhouette of
notched an arrow, gracefully pulling her bowstring taut as the small silhouette of
Tomble spun his knives behind her. “He is here somewhere,” Avric whispered, “be
Tomble spun his knives behind her. “He is here somewhere,” Avric whispered, “be
“Greetings, brave heroes,” a boisterous voice suddenly announced from the
“Greetings, brave heroes,” a boisterous voice suddenly announced from the
darkness. “You have come so far! ‘Tis a shame your journey ends here...” As the
darkness. “You have come so far! ‘Tis a shame your journey ends here...” As the
voice faded to the sound of distant cackling, dozens of monstrous shapes emerged
voice faded to the sound of distant cackling, dozens of monstrous shapes emerged
to surround the heroes. The chamber soon rang with the sounds of battle...
to surround the heroes. The chamber soon rang with the sounds of battle...
Game Overview
Game Overview
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition is a game for two to five players
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition is a game for two to five players
in which one player takes on the role of the overlord, while all other players
in which one player takes on the role of the overlord, while all other players
take on the roles of heroes. During each game, the heroes undertake quests
take on the roles of heroes. During each game, the heroes undertake quests
by venturing into dangerous caves, ancient ruins, dark dungeons, and
by venturing into dangerous caves, ancient ruins, dark dungeons, and
cursed forests. Along the way, they will battle monsters, earn riches,
cursed forests. Along the way, they will battle monsters, earn riches,
and attempt to stop the overlord from carrying out his evil plot.
and attempt to stop the overlord from carrying out his evil plot.
Object of the Game
Object of the Game
Before each game, the players select one of the quests listed in the Quest Guide.
Before each game, the players select one of the quests listed in the Quest Guides.
Each quest presents the players with specific objectives they need to complete to win the
Each quest presents the players with specific objectives they need to complete to win the
game. The heroes will either win or lose as a team, while the overlord wins or loses individually.
game. The heroes will either win or lose as a team, while the overlord wins or loses individually.
The game can also be played as a campaign with multiple quests linked together to form an
The game can also be played as a campaign with multiple quests linked together to form an
epic story. During a campaign, players earn upgrades and increase in power over the course
epic story. During a campaign, players earn upgrades and increase in power over the course
of several play sessions. The majority of this rulebook is written assuming that players are
of several play sessions. The majority of this rulebook is written assuming that players are
playing a single scenario (and not the campaign). Campaign rules are explained later in this
playing a single scenario (and not the campaign). Campaign rules are explained later in this
rulebook (see “Campaign Rules” on page 19).
rulebook (see “Campaign Rules” on page 19).
Component List
Component List
This game includes the following:
This game includes the following:
• This Rulebook
• This Rulebook
• 1 Quest Guide
• 2 Quest Guides
• 8 Hero Figures
• 8 Hero Figures
• 31 Monster Figures, consisting of:
• 31 Monster Figures, consisting of:
– 5 Zombies; 4 tan and 1 red
– 5 Zombies; 4 tan and 1 red
– 5 Goblin Archers; 4 tan and 1 red
– 5 Goblin Archers; 4 tan and 1 red
– 5 Cave Spiders; 4 tan and 1 red
– 5 Cave Spiders; 4 tan and 1 red
– 4 Flesh Moulders; 3 tan and 1 red
– 4 Flesh Moulders; 3 tan and 1 red
– 4 Barghests; 3 tan and 1 red
– 4 Barghests; 3 tan and 1 red
– 2 Ettins; 1 tan and 1 red
– 2 Ettins; 1 tan and 1 red
– 2 Elementals; 1 tan and 1 red
– 2 Elementals; 1 tan and 1 red
– 2 Merriods; 1 tan and 1 red
– 2 Merriods; 1 tan and 1 red
– 2 Shadow Dragons; 1 tan and 1 red
– 2 Shadow Dragons; 1 tan and 1 red
• 9 Custom Six–sided Dice, consisting of:
• 9 Custom Six–sided Dice, consisting of:
– 1 Blue Attack Die
– 1 Blue Attack Die
– 2 Red Power Dice
– 2 Red Power Dice
– 2 Yellow Power Dice
– 2 Yellow Power Dice
– 1 Brown Defense Die
– 1 Brown Defense Die
– 2 Gray Defense Dice
– 2 Gray Defense Dice
– 1 Black Defense Die
– 1 Black Defense Die
• 7 Plastic Stands
• 7 Plastic Stands
• 8 Hero Sheets
• 8 Hero Sheets
• 1 Pad of Campaign Sheets
• 152 Small Cards, consisting of:
• 152 Small Cards, consisting of:
– 84 Class Cards
– 84 Class Cards
– 20 Act I Shop Item Cards
– 20 Act I Shop Item Cards
– 14 Act II Shop Item Cards
– 14 Act II Shop Item Cards
– 16 Condition Cards
– 16 Condition Cards
– 12 Search Cards
– 12 Search Cards
– 6 Relic Cards
– 6 Relic Cards
• 84 Bridge-sized Cards, consisting of:
• 84 Bridge-sized Cards, consisting of:
– 40 Overlord Cards
– 40 Overlord Cards
– 18 Monster Cards
– 18 Monster Cards
– 12 Lieutenant Cards
– 12 Lieutenant Cards
– 10 Travel Event Cards
– 10 Travel Event Cards
– 4 Activation Cards
– 4 Reference Cards
• 205 Tokens, consisting of:
• 205 Tokens, consisting of:
– 48 Map Tiles
– 48 Map Tiles
– 45 Damage Tokens
– 45 Damage Tokens
– 35 Fatigue Tokens
– 35 Fatigue Tokens
– 7 Doors
– 7 Doors
– 16 Hero Tokens
– 16 Hero Tokens
– 9 Search Tokens
– 9 Search Tokens
– 6 Lieutenant Tokens
– 6 Lieutenant Tokens
– 10 Objective Tokens
– 10 Objective Tokens
– 8 Villager Tokens
– 8 Villager Tokens
– 20 Condition Tokens
– 20 Condition Tokens
– 1 Reanimate Familiar Token
– 1 Reanimate Familiar Token
Component Overview
Component Overview
This section describes the various components in detail.
This section describes the various components in detail.
Quest Guide
Quest Guides
The Quest Guide lists all of the quests in the game,
The Quest Guides list all of the quests in the game,
including setup, special rules, and the objectives
including setup, special rules, and the objectives
for each quest. Players will refer to this guide when
for each quest. Players will refer to these guides when
choosing and setting up each quest.
choosing and setting up each quest.
Plastic Figures
Plastic Figures
Heroes and monsters are represented
Heroes and monsters are represented
on the game board by plastic figures.
on the game board by plastic figures.
Hero figures are gray, while each
Hero figures are gray, while each
monster is either tan or red. Tan
monster is either tan or red. Tan
monsters represent minion monsters
monsters represent minion monsters
and red monsters represent master
and red monsters represent master
monsters, more powerful versions of
monsters, more powerful versions of
the minion monsters.
the minion monsters.
Custom Dice
Custom Dice
These dice are used to resolve attacks, tests, and other
These dice are used to resolve attacks, tests, and other
similar game elements which rely on a randomly
similar game elements which rely on a randomly
determined outcome.
determined outcome.
Hero Sheets
Hero Sheets
Each Hero sheet contains all the information the
Each Hero sheet contains all the information the
player needs to play a particular hero.
player needs to play a particular hero.
Campaign Sheets
These sheets are used during campaign play. Players use
these sheets to track important information between game
sessions within a campaign.
Class Cards
Class Cards
These cards are divided into eight separate decks
These cards are divided into eight separate decks
that represent the eight different hero classes in the
that represent the eight different hero classes in the
game. Each deck contains all the skills and starting
game. Each deck contains all the skills and starting
equipment belonging to that class.
equipment belonging to that class.
Shop Item Cards
Shop Item Cards
These cards represent the different items heroes can
These cards represent the different items heroes can
find or purchase in the game. They are divided into
find or purchase in the game. They are divided into
Act I items and Act II items.
Act I items and Act II items.
Condition Cards
Condition Cards
The rules for the different ongoing effects in the
The rules for the different ongoing effects in the
game are listed on these cards. When a figure is
game are listed on these cards. When a figure is
inflicted with a condition, players use these cards to
inflicted with a condition, players use these cards to
reference the effects of that condition.
reference the effects of that condition.
Search Cards
Search Cards
These cards represent useful items that heroes may
These cards represent useful items that heroes may
discover during a quest. Search cards are drawn
discover during a quest. Search cards are drawn
when a hero performs a search action. During
when a hero performs a search action. During
campaign play, heroes also receive the amount of
campaign play, heroes also receive the amount of
gold listed on the card.
gold listed on the card.
Relic Cards
Relic Cards
Relic cards represent unique and powerful items in
Relic cards represent unique and powerful items in
the campaign. These items can be acquired by either
the campaign. These items can be acquired by either
the hero players or the overlord player.
the hero players or the overlord player.
Overlord Cards
Overlord Cards
The overlord player uses these cards to
The overlord player uses these cards to
perform various abilities, such as benefiting
perform various abilities, such as benefiting
monsters or springing a trap on the heroes.
monsters or springing a trap on the heroes.
There are both basic Overlord cards, which
There are both basic Overlord cards, which
the overlord player begins the game with, as
the overlord player begins the game with, as
well as upgrade cards, which he can purchase
well as upgrade cards, which he can purchase
with experience points when playing the campaign.
with experience points when playing the campaign.
Monster Cards
Monster Cards
These cards list all the information for the
These cards list all the information for the
different monsters in the game. The face
different monsters in the game. The face
of the card shows the monster’s important
of the card shows the monster’s important
characteristics and abilities, while the back
characteristics and abilities, while the back
of the card lists detailed rules for all the
of the card lists detailed rules for all the
monster’s abilities as well as the number of
monster’s abilities as well as the number of
figures used based on the number of heroes
figures used based on the number of heroes
in the game. Each monster has both an Act I
in the game. Each monster has both an Act I
card and an Act II card.
card and an Act II card.
Lieutenant Cards
Lieutenant Cards
Similar to the Monster cards, these cards list
Similar to the Monster cards, these cards list
the information of the overlord’s powerful
the information of the overlord’s powerful
allies known as lieutenants. Each lieutenant
allies known as lieutenants. Each lieutenant
has both an Act I card and an Act II card.
has both an Act I card and an Act II card.
Travel Event Cards
Travel Event Cards
During campaign play, these cards determine
During campaign play, these cards determine
if there is an event for the heroes while they
if there is an event for the heroes while they
Activation Cards
Reference Cards
These cards list a summary of the hero and
These cards list a summary of the hero and
overlord turns, and they mark which heroes
overlord turns, and they mark which heroes
have completed their turn. There are four
have completed their turn. There are four
different colors of these cards and each color
different colors of these cards and each color
corresponds to a color of hero token.
corresponds to a color of hero token.
Map Tiles
Map Tiles
These puzzle-cut tiles represent
These puzzle-cut tiles represent
different locations heroes explore
different locations heroes explore
during the game. Each quest has a
during the game. Each quest has a
unique layout that uses different
unique layout that uses different
combinations of map tiles. All map
combinations of map tiles. All map
tiles are double-sided, with one side
tiles are double-sided, with one side
showing an indoor location and
showing an indoor location and
the other side showing an outdoor
the other side showing an outdoor
Damage and Fatigue
Damage and Fatigue
These tokens track the amount of damage
These tokens track the amount of damage
or fatigue heroes suffer during a quest. The
or fatigue heroes suffer during a quest. The
damage tokens are also used to track damage
damage tokens are also used to track damage
monsters and lieutenants have suffered.
monsters and lieutenants have suffered.
Doors and Plastic
Doors and Plastic
These doors are placed on the map in
These doors are placed on the map in
some quests. There are both normal
some quests. There are both normal
doors and locked doors. Before playing
doors and locked doors. Before playing
the game, insert each door token into
the game, insert each door token into
one plastic stand.
one plastic stand.
Hero Tokens
Hero Tokens
These tokens are useful for keeping track of important
These tokens are useful for keeping track of important
information as instructed by the rules or card effects.
information as instructed by the rules or card effects.
Search Tokens
Search Tokens
These tokens mark the spaces in a quest where heroes can
These tokens mark the spaces in a quest where heroes can
search for items, potions, and quest specific articles. One
search for items, potions, and quest specific articles. One
of these tokens has a unique back and is only used during
of these tokens has a unique back and is only used during
specific quests.
specific quests.
Lieutenant Tokens
Lieutenant Tokens
These tokens represent lieutenants on the map. The
These tokens represent lieutenants on the map. The
art on the token matches the art on the corresponding
art on the token matches the art on the corresponding
Lieutenant card.
Lieutenant card.
Objective Tokens
Objective Tokens
Many quests in the game have different objectives for
Many quests in the game have different objectives for
both the overlord player and the hero players. These
both the overlord player and the hero players. These
tokens mark the locations of objectives on the map.
tokens mark the locations of objectives on the map.
Objective tokens have a unique colored back for use in
Objective tokens have a unique colored back for use in
specific quests.
specific quests.
Villager Tokens
Villager Tokens
These tokens represent the different characters that
These tokens represent the different characters that
heroes can encounter in quests, such as villagers,
heroes can encounter in quests, such as villagers,
guards, or other characters important to a particular
guards, or other characters important to a particular
quest. The Quest Guide lists any special rules regarding
quest. The Quest Guides list any special rules regarding
these characters.
these characters.
Condition Tokens
Condition Tokens
These tokens are used to signify when monsters are
These tokens are used to signify when monsters are
affected by ongoing effects. These tokens correspond to
affected by ongoing effects. These tokens correspond to
various Condition cards.
various Condition cards.
Familiar Token
Familiar Token
This token is used to represent a familiar controlled by a
This token is used to represent a familiar controlled by a
hero player. In this case, the Necromancer's Reanimate.
hero player. In this case, the Necromancer's Reanimate.
Before Play
Before Play
Before playing Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition, carefully
Before playing Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition, carefully
punch out all tokens and map tiles from the cardboard frames. Then,
punch out all tokens and map tiles from the cardboard frames. Then,
insert the door tokens into the plastic stands.
insert the door tokens into the plastic stands.
Some of the larger monster figures require a little basic assembly. Players
Some of the larger monster figures may require a little basic assembly. Players
should simply insert the appropriate monster figure pieces into the
should simply insert the appropriate monster figure pieces into the
corresponding monster figure. If players wish, they may use a small
corresponding monster figure. If players wish, they may use a small
amount of hobby glue when assembling the figures.
amount of hobby glue when assembling the figures.
Setting up a game of Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition
Setting up a game of Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition
involves different steps for the overlord player and the hero players.
involves different steps for the overlord player and the hero players.
Certain quests may also have quest specific setup instructions listed in the
Certain quests may also have quest specific setup instructions listed in the
Quest Guide. The following instructions are written assuming players
Quest Guides. The following instructions are written assuming players
are playing the basic game. The basic game is a single quest played over
are playing the basic game. The basic game is a single quest played over
the course of a single play session. Players may also play quests as part of a
the course of a single play session. Players may also play quests as part of a
campaign or using the Epic Play variant (see “Campaign Rules” and “Epic
campaign or using the Epic Play variant (see “Campaign Rules” and “Epic
Play” on page 19).
Play” on page 19).
General Setup
General Setup
Before playing, set up the game as follows:
Before playing, set up the game as follows:
1. Choose Quest: Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition
1. Choose Quest: Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition
includes 16 unique quests (along with 4 campaign-specific quests)
includes 16 unique quests (along with 3 campaign-specific quests)
with specific setup instructions and objectives for both the heroes and
with specific setup instructions and objectives for both the heroes and
the overlord. When choosing which quest to play, refer to the Quest
the overlord. When choosing which quest to play, refer to the Quest
Guide. For a player’s first game, we suggest choosing “First Blood,” an
Guides. For a player’s first game, we suggest choosing “Acolyte of Saradyn,” an
introductory quest.
introductory quest.
2. Assemble Map: Players refer to the chosen quest’s “Encounter 1”
2. Assemble Map: Players refer to the chosen quest’s “Encounter 1”
diagram in the Quest Guide to assemble the map. Place any doors
diagram in the Quest Guide to assemble the map. Place any doors
used in the quest as indicated in the Quest Guide.
used in the quest as indicated in the Quest Guide.
3. Choose Player Roles: Players decide who will take on the role of the
3. Choose Player Roles: Players decide who will take on the role of the
overlord. It is recommended that the most experienced player take on
overlord. It is recommended that the most experienced player take on
this role. All other players take on the roles of the heroes. If all players
this role. All other players take on the roles of the heroes. If all players
do not agree, then this decision is made randomly (such as by rolling
do not agree, then this decision is made randomly (such as by rolling
a die).
a die).
4. Prepare Tokens: Sort all damage, fatigue, hero, and condition tokens
4. Prepare Tokens: Sort all damage, fatigue, hero, and condition tokens
into piles by type. Place each pile of tokens within easy reach of all
into piles by type. Place each pile of tokens within easy reach of all
5. Assemble Search Deck and Condition Cards: Take all the Search
5. Assemble Search Deck and Condition Cards: Take all the Search
cards and shuffle them together. Place the Search deck facedown
cards and shuffle them together. Place the Search deck facedown
within easy reach of the hero players. Place the Condition cards in
within easy reach of the hero players. Place the Condition cards in
separate piles based on their type, within easy reach of all players.
separate piles based on their type, within easy reach of all players.
Hero Archetypes
Hero Archetypes
Every hero has an archetype that is printed on his Hero sheet.
Every hero has an archetype that is printed on his Hero sheet.
This archetype defines what classes are available to that hero.
This archetype defines what classes are available to that hero.
These archetypes are:
These archetypes are:
Warrior Healer Mage Scout
Warrior Healer Mage Scout
Hero Setup
Hero Setup
After completing General Setup, the hero players continue setup
After completing General Setup, the hero players continue setup
as follows. The overlord player then performs Overlord Setup (see
as follows. The overlord player then performs Overlord Setup (see
“Overlord Setup”).
“Overlord Setup”).
1. Take Activation Cards and Hero Tokens: Each hero player chooses
1. Take Reference Cards and Hero Tokens: Each hero player chooses
one Activation card and takes the hero tokens of the corresponding
one Reference card and takes the hero tokens of the corresponding
2. Choose Heroes: All hero players must agree on which player controls
2. Choose Heroes: All hero players must agree on which player controls
which hero. Each hero player chooses one Hero sheet and takes the
which hero. Each hero player chooses one Hero sheet and takes the
corresponding hero figure. In a two-player game, the lone hero player
corresponding hero figure. In a two-player game, the lone hero player
controls two different heroes (see “Two-player Game” on page 18).
controls two different heroes (see “Two-player Game” on page 18).
3. Choose Classes: Each hero player chooses one Class deck matching
3. Choose Classes: Each hero player chooses one Class deck matching
his chosen hero’s archetype icon (printed on his Hero sheet; see
his chosen hero’s archetype icon (printed on his Hero sheet; see
“Hero Archetypes” on page 4). Each archetype has different
“Hero Archetypes” on page 4). Each archetype has different
classes available; there are two such classes available for each archetype
classes available; there are two such classes available for each archetype
in the game, each one defining which skills are available to a hero of
in the game, each one defining which skills are available to a hero of
that class. Any Class deck belonging to a class not chosen is returned
that class. Any Class deck belonging to a class not chosen is returned
to the game box.
to the game box.
When a player chooses a class for his hero, he takes the deck of cards
When a player chooses a class for his hero, he takes the deck of cards
for that class (see “Class Card Anatomy” on page 8). This Class
for that class (see “Class Card Anatomy” on page 8). This Class
deck includes the starting equipment for the hero, as well as all of
deck includes the starting equipment for the hero, as well as all of
the skills associated with that class. A player may not select a hero
the skills associated with that class. A player may not select a hero
class that does not match the archetype icon shown on the hero’s
class that does not match the archetype icon shown on the hero’s
Hero sheet. Furthermore, a player may not select a class that has been
Hero sheet. Furthermore, a player may not select a class that has been
chosen by another player.
chosen by another player.
4. Choose Skills: Every hero begins the game with the basic skill (the
4. Choose Skills: Every hero begins the game with the basic skill (the
skill card with no experience icon) and starting equipment from his
skill card with no experience icon) and starting equipment from his
Class deck.
Class deck.
When playing the basic game, all other skills are returned to the game
When playing the basic game, all other skills are returned to the game
box. These skills are only used if playing a campaign or using the Epic
box. These skills are only used if playing a campaign or using the Epic
Play variant (see “Campaign Rules” and “Epic Play” on page 19).
Play variant (see “Campaign Rules” and “Epic Play” on page 19).
5. Place Heroes: Each player places his hero figure on the map in the
5. Place Heroes: Each player places his hero figure on the map in the
area indicated by the quest rules for hero setup. This is typically on an
area indicated by the quest rules for hero setup. This is typically on an
entrance tile.
entrance tile.
Map Tile Breakdown
Map Tile Breakdown
1. Map Tile: A map tile is a single large token used with
1. Map Tile: A map tile is a single large token used with
other map tiles to build the quest map.
other map tiles to build the quest map.
2. Space: Each map tile consists of several square spaces
2. Space: Each map tile consists of several square spaces
(such as the one marked in red). Spaces may have special
(such as the one marked in red). Spaces may have special
rules depending on their contents.
rules depending on their contents.
3. Tile Code: All map tiles are labeled with a unique tile
3. Tile Code: All map tiles are labeled with a unique tile
code for easy identification. Each tile code consists of
code for easy identification. Each tile code consists of
one number and one letter.
one number and one letter.
4. Edge: Each map tile features a puzzle-cut edge used to
4. Edge: Each map tile features a puzzle-cut edge used to
connect other tiles. The black borders of a tile represent
connect other tiles. The black borders of a tile represent
impassable walls that cannot normally be moved
impassable walls that cannot normally be moved
through (see “Moving Off the Map” on page 9).
through (see “Moving Off the Map” on page 9).
Overlord Setup
Overlord Setup
The overlord player performs the following steps after hero players
The overlord player performs the following steps after hero players
perform Hero Setup (see “Hero Setup”).
perform Hero Setup (see “Hero Setup”).
1. Choose Monsters: The Quest Guide lists the monster group options
1. Choose Monsters: The Quest Guide lists the monster group options
available to the overlord for the chosen quest. He takes the Act I
available to the overlord for the chosen quest. He takes the Act I
Monster cards and figures for the chosen monster groups and places
Monster cards and figures for the chosen monster groups and places
them in front of him. See “Monsters” on page 2 of the Quest Guide
them in front of him. See “Monsters” on page 2 of the Act I Quest Guide
for more rules on choosing monsters.
for more rules on choosing monsters.
Many quests also feature a specific lieutenant that the overlord uses
Many quests also feature a specific lieutenant that the overlord uses
during the quest. The overlord player takes the appropriate Act I
during the quest. The overlord player takes the appropriate Act I
Lieutenant card and token and places them in front of him.
Lieutenant card and token and places them in front of him.
2. Perform Quest Setup: The overlord refers to the “Setup” section of
2. Perform Quest Setup: The overlord refers to the “Setup” section of
the chosen quest and follows the instructions listed. This includes
the chosen quest and follows the instructions listed. This includes
placing monster figures, objective tokens, search tokens, and villager
placing monster figures, objective tokens, search tokens, and villager
tokens as indicated on the quest map.
tokens as indicated on the quest map.
3. Create Overlord Deck: The overlord player shuffles the 15 basic
3. Create Overlord Deck: The overlord player shuffles the 15 basic
Overlord cards to create his Overlord deck.
Overlord cards to create his Overlord deck.
When playing the basic game, all other Overlord cards are returned
When playing the basic game, all other Overlord cards are returned
to the game box. These cards are only used if playing a campaign or if
to the game box. These cards are only used if playing a campaign or if
using the Epic Play variant (see “Campaign Rules” and “Epic Play” on
using the Epic Play variant (see “Campaign Rules” and “Epic Play” on
page 19).
page 19).
4. Draw Overlord Cards: The overlord player draws a number of
4. Draw Overlord Cards: The overlord player draws a number of
Overlord cards equal to the number of heroes into his hand (see
Overlord cards equal to the number of heroes into his hand (see
“Overlord Cards” on page 16).
“Overlord Cards” on page 16).
After players have finished Hero Setup and Overlord Setup, they are
After players have finished Hero Setup and Overlord Setup, they are
ready to begin playing the game.
ready to begin playing the game.
Setup Diagram (Four-player Game)
Setup Diagram (Four-player Game)
1. Map: The map is set up in the center of the play area with the
1. Map: The map is set up in the center of the play area with the
hero and monster figures, search tokens, and any objective
hero and monster figures, search tokens, and any objective
tokens placed in the appropriate spaces described in the Quest
tokens placed in the appropriate spaces described in the Quest
2. Hero Sheets: Hero players place their Hero sheets faceup in
2. Hero Sheets: Hero players place their Hero sheets faceup in
front of them.
front of them.
3. Class Cards: Hero players place their Class cards faceup in front
3. Class Cards: Hero players place their Class cards faceup in front
of them, next to their Hero sheets.
of them, next to their Hero sheets.
4. Activation Cards and Hero Tokens: Hero players place their
4. Reference Cards and Hero Tokens: Hero players place their
Activation cards with the corresponding hero tokens in front of
Reference cards with the corresponding hero tokens in front of
them, for easy reference.
them, for easy reference.
5. Overlord Cards: The overlord player shuffles his deck of
5. Overlord Cards: The overlord player shuffles his deck of
Overlord cards and places it facedown in front of him.
Overlord cards and places it facedown in front of him.
6. Monster Cards: The overlord player takes all Monster cards
6. Monster Cards: The overlord player takes all Monster cards
needed for the quest, specified in the Quest Guide, and places
needed for the quest, specified in the Quest Guide, and places
them in front of him.
them in front of him.
7. Damage and Fatigue Token Supplies: Place all damage and
7. Damage and Fatigue Token Supplies: Place all damage and
fatigue tokens in separate piles within easy reach of all players.
fatigue tokens in separate piles within easy reach of all players.
8. Search Cards: Shuffle the deck of Search cards and place it
8. Search Cards: Shuffle the deck of Search cards and place it
facedown near the map within easy reach of the hero players.
facedown near the map within easy reach of the hero players.
9. Condition Cards and Tokens: Place all Condition cards and
9. Condition Cards and Tokens: Place all Condition cards and
tokens within easy reach of all players.
tokens within easy reach of all players.
10. Dice: Place all of the dice near the center of the play area within
10. Dice: Place all of the dice near the center of the play area within
easy reach of all players.
easy reach of all players.
6 5
6 5
8 2
3 4
3 4
Playing the Game
Playing the Game
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition is played over a number of
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition is played over a number of
game rounds. A round consists of each player taking one turn, beginning
game rounds. A round consists of each player taking one turn, beginning
with one of the heroes. Each player completes his entire turn before
with one of the heroes. Each player completes his entire turn before
another player begins his turn. Each round, the hero players decide as a
another player begins his turn. Each round, the hero players decide as a
group the order in which they wish to act. This order may be different
group the order in which they wish to act. This order may be different
each round. If they cannot all agree on an order, they proceed clockwise,
each round. If they cannot all agree on an order, they proceed clockwise,
starting with the player seated to the left of the overlord. After all heroes
starting with the player seated to the left of the overlord. After all heroes
have completed their turns, the overlord’s turn begins. After the overlord
have completed their turns, the overlord’s turn begins. After the overlord
player finishes his turn, the round ends and a new round begins.
player finishes his turn, the round ends and a new round begins.
Hero Turn Summary
Hero Turn Summary
During each hero turn, the active hero player performs the following steps
During each hero turn, the active hero player performs the following steps
in order.
in order.
1. Start of Turn: During this step, any effects affecting the active hero
1. Start of Turn: During this step, any effects affecting the active hero
that last “until the start of your next turn” end. Also, the hero player
that last “until the start of your next turn” end. Also, the hero player
may use any abilities that trigger “at the start of your turn.” Then
may use any abilities that trigger “at the start of your turn.” Then
the hero player refreshes his exhausted cards (see “Exhausting and
the hero player refreshes his exhausted cards (see “Exhausting and
Refreshing Cards” on page 8).
Refreshing Cards” on page 8).
2. Equip Items: If the player wishes to equip different items, he must
2. Equip Items: If the player wishes to equip different items, he must
do so during this step. The Equipment section of the rulebook gives
do so during this step. The Equipment section of the rulebook gives
full details about equipping cards and the limits of what a hero can
full details about equipping cards and the limits of what a hero can
have equipped (see “Equipment” on page 11). Any excess items are
have equipped (see “Equipment” on page 11). Any excess items are
flipped facedown and may not be used until they are equipped.
flipped facedown and may not be used until they are equipped.
3. Perform Actions: During each hero’s turn, he receives two actions.
3. Perform Actions: During each hero’s turn, he receives two actions.
He may perform these actions in any order he chooses, and he is not
He may perform these actions in any order he chooses, and he is not
required to perform both actions. Unless noted otherwise, an action
required to perform both actions. Unless noted otherwise, an action
must be resolved completely before the hero performs his next action.
must be resolved completely before the hero performs his next action.
The player may perform any of the actions summarized below, and
The player may perform any of the actions summarized below, and
may even perform the same action twice. See “Hero Turn in Detail”
may even perform the same action twice. See “Hero Turn in Detail”
on page 8 for more details on these actions.
on page 8 for more details on these actions.
• Move: The hero moves his hero figure up to a number of
• Move: The hero moves his hero figure up to a number of
spaces equal to the hero’s Speed. The hero may interrupt
spaces equal to the hero’s Speed. The hero may interrupt
his movement with another action and then complete his
his movement with another action and then complete his
movement after the other action is resolved.
movement after the other action is resolved.
• Attack: The hero attacks a monster.
• Attack: The hero attacks a monster.
• Use a Skill: The hero uses a skill listed on one of his Class cards
• Use a Skill: The hero uses a skill listed on one of his Class cards
that requires an action. These actions are denoted with a �.
that requires an action. These actions are denoted with a �.
• Rest: The hero will recover all fatigue at the end of this turn.
• Rest: The hero will recover all fatigue at the end of this turn.
• Search: If the hero is adjacent to or in a space containing a
• Search: If the hero is adjacent to or in a space containing a
search token, he may reveal the search token.
search token, he may reveal the search token.
• Stand Up: This is the one and only action that a knocked out
• Stand Up: This is the one and only action that a knocked out
hero may perform during his turn. This action allows the hero
hero may perform during his turn. This action allows the hero
to recover damage and prepare to be activated as normal next
to recover damage and prepare to be activated as normal next
• Revive a Hero: The hero restores health to a knocked out hero
• Revive a Hero: The hero restores health to a knocked out hero
in an adjacent space.
in an adjacent space.
• Open or Close a Door: The hero opens or closes one adjacent
• Open or Close a Door: The hero opens or closes one adjacent
• Special: Different cards or quests may provide heroes with
• Special: Different cards or quests may provide heroes with
unique actions to perform. These actions are either clearly
unique actions to perform. These actions are either clearly
stated “as an action” or noted with a �.
stated “as an action” or noted with a �.
4. Flip Activation Card: After a hero player has finished performing his
4. Flip Reference Card: After a hero player has finished performing his
actions, that hero player flips his Activation card facedown to indicate
actions, that hero player flips his Reference card facedown to indicate
that his turn is over.
that his turn is over.
After the player flips his Activation card, another hero begins his turn.
After the player flips his Reference card, another hero begins his turn.
After all heroes’ Activation cards are facedown (showing the overlord
After all heroes’ Reference cards are facedown (showing the overlord
turn summary), proceed to the overlord turn (see “Overlord Turn
turn summary), proceed to the overlord turn (see “Overlord Turn
Summary” on page 8).
Summary” on page 8).
Hero Sheet Anatomy
Hero Sheet Anatomy
1. Hero Name and Archetype: This area displays the
1. Hero Name and Archetype: This area displays the
name of the hero and the archetype that hero is
name of the hero and the archetype that hero is
associated with. When choosing a class, the archetype
associated with. When choosing a class, the archetype
icon must match the corresponding Class deck in order
icon must match the corresponding Class deck in order
for that class to be chosen.
for that class to be chosen.
2. Characteristics: All of the hero’s characteristics are
2. Characteristics: All of the hero’s characteristics are
shown here. The listed characteristics are, from top
shown here. The listed characteristics are, from top
to bottom, Speed, Health, Stamina, and Defense.
to bottom, Speed, Health, Stamina, and Defense.
Speed determines how many movement points a figure
Speed determines how many movement points a figure
receives when performing a move action. A figure’s
receives when performing a move action. A figure’s
Health is the amount of damage it can suffer before
Health is the amount of damage it can suffer before
being defeated, while Stamina represents the maximum
being defeated, while Stamina represents the maximum
amount of fatigue it may suffer (see “Damage and
amount of fatigue it may suffer (see “Damage and
Health” and “Fatigue and Stamina” on page 13). A
Health” and “Fatigue and Stamina” on page 13). A
hero’s Defense value shows the type of defense dice he
hero’s Defense value shows the type of defense dice he
rolls when attacked.
rolls when attacked.
3. Hero Ability: All heroes have a unique ability that is
3. Hero Ability: All heroes have a unique ability that is
displayed here.
displayed here.
4. Attributes: Hero attributes are shown in this area. The
4. Attributes: Hero attributes are shown in this area. The
listed attributes are Might �, Knowledge�,
listed attributes are Might �, Knowledge�,
Willpower�, and Awareness�. These attributes
Willpower�, and Awareness�. These attributes
are often tested at different times to see if the hero is
are often tested at different times to see if the hero is
able to perform a particular skill, resist a special monster
able to perform a particular skill, resist a special monster
attack, or avoid a trap played by the overlord (see
attack, or avoid a trap played by the overlord (see
“Attribute Tests” on page 15).
“Attribute Tests” on page 15).
5. Heroic Feat: This area displays the hero’s heroic feat.
5. Heroic Feat: This area displays the hero’s heroic feat.
When a hero uses his heroic feat, the hero player flips
When a hero uses his heroic feat, the hero player flips
his Hero sheet over to indicate that the hero has used
his Hero sheet over to indicate that the hero has used
his heroic feat (see “Heroic Feats” on page 15).
his heroic feat (see “Heroic Feats” on page 15).
Hero sheet back
Hero sheet back
Overlord Turn Summary
Overlord Turn Summary
During each overlord turn, the overlord player performs the following
During each overlord turn, the overlord player performs the following
steps in order.
steps in order.
1. Start of Turn: During this step, any effects affecting the overlord that
1. Start of Turn: During this step, any effects affecting the overlord that
last “until the start of your next turn” end. Then, the overlord player
last “until the start of your next turn” end. Then, the overlord player
draws one Overlord card, and he may play any number of Overlord
draws one Overlord card, and he may play any number of Overlord
cards that specifically state they may be played “at the start of your
cards that specifically state they may be played “at the start of your
turn.” Then the overlord player refreshes his exhausted cards (see
turn.” Then the overlord player refreshes his exhausted cards (see
“Exhausting and Refreshing Cards” on page 8).
“Exhausting and Refreshing Cards” on page 8).
2. Activate Monsters: The overlord activates each of his monster
2. Activate Monsters: The overlord activates each of his monster
groups, one at a time, in any order he chooses. Monsters are grouped
groups, one at a time, in any order he chooses. Monsters are grouped
together by type, and a monster group can contain both minion and
together by type, and a monster group can contain both minion and
master monsters (see “Monsters” on page 16).
master monsters (see “Monsters” on page 16).
3. End of Round: Each hero flips his Activation card faceup. The next
3. End of Round: Each hero flips his Reference card faceup. The next
game round then begins, starting with a hero player’s turn.
game round then begins, starting with a hero player’s turn.
Winning the Game
Winning the Game
Each quest provides specific victory conditions for both the overlord
Each quest provides specific victory conditions for both the overlord
player and the hero players. It is important to note that most quests
player and the hero players. It is important to note that some quests
consist of two parts, called Encounters. Completing Encounter 1 of a
consist of two parts, called Encounters. Completing Encounter 1 of a
two-part quest does not determine a winner of the entire game. The first
two-part quest does not determine a winner of the entire game. The first
side (heroes or overlord) to satisfy the final encounter’s victory condition
side (heroes or overlord) to satisfy the final encounter’s victory condition
wins the game!
wins the game!
Hero Turn in Detail
Hero Turn in Detail
During each hero turn, the hero may perform any two actions of his
During each hero turn, the hero may perform any two actions of his
choice. This section explains detailed rules for actions.
choice. This section explains detailed rules for actions.
When a hero player performs a move action, he receives a number of
When a hero player performs a move action, he receives a number of
movement points equal to his hero’s Speed (represented by a � on the
movement points equal to his hero’s Speed (represented by a � on the
Hero sheet). Moving into an adjacent space costs one movement point
Hero sheet). Moving into an adjacent space costs one movement point
(with the exception of entering certain types of terrain; see “Terrain” on
(with the exception of entering certain types of terrain; see “Terrain” on
page 18). The player may choose to move fewer spaces than his hero’s
page 18). The player may choose to move fewer spaces than his hero’s
Speed. A hero may also decide to perform two move actions consecutively,
Speed. A hero may also decide to perform two move actions consecutively,
in which case the hero receives movement points equal to twice his Speed.
in which case the hero receives movement points equal to twice his Speed.
Figures cannot move into or through spaces containing figures or
Figures cannot move into or through spaces containing figures or
obstacles (see “Terrain” on page 18). These spaces are known as
obstacles (see “Terrain” on page 18). These spaces are known as
blocked spaces. However, figures may move diagonally (including
blocked spaces. However, figures may move diagonally (including
around corners and between two blocked spaces) and through friendly
around corners and between two blocked spaces) and through friendly
figures. A hero treats all other heroes as friendly figures, while a monster
figures. A hero treats all other heroes as friendly figures, while a monster
treats all other monsters as friendly figures. A figure cannot end its
treats all other monsters as friendly figures. A figure cannot end its
movement in the same space as another figure.
movement in the same space as another figure.
A hero performing a move action may interrupt his movement to perform
A hero performing a move action may interrupt his movement to perform
another action, such as attacking, and continue the rest of his movement
another action, such as attacking, and continue the rest of his movement
after resolving the other action. For example, a hero with a Speed of “4”
after resolving the other action. For example, a hero with a Speed of “4”
could move two spaces, perform an attack, and then move two more
could move two spaces, perform an attack, and then move two more
spaces after resolving the attack.
spaces after resolving the attack.
Monsters follow the same movement rules as heroes when moving except
Monsters follow the same movement rules as heroes when moving except
that monsters cannot suffer fatigue to receive additional movement points
that monsters cannot suffer fatigue to receive additional movement points
(see “Additional Movement” below).
(see “Additional Movement” below).
A hero may suffer fatigue to receive additional movement points during
A hero may suffer fatigue to receive additional movement points during
his turn. For each fatigue suffered, the hero receives one movement point.
his turn. For each fatigue suffered, the hero receives one movement point.
If the hero already has fatigue equal to his Stamina, he may not suffer
If the hero already has fatigue equal to his Stamina, he may not suffer
any more fatigue to receive additional movement points (see “Fatigue
any more fatigue to receive additional movement points (see “Fatigue
and Stamina” on page 13). A hero player is not required to perform a
and Stamina” on page 13). A hero player is not required to perform a
move action in order to suffer fatigue to move. During his turn, before or
move action in order to suffer fatigue to move. During his turn, before or
after resolving an action or during a move action, a hero may suffer fatigue
after resolving an action or during a move action, a hero may suffer fatigue
to gain movement points.
to gain movement points.
Exhausting and
Exhausting and
Refreshing Cards
Refreshing Cards
Some cards require the player to exhaust them when they are
Some cards require the player to exhaust them when they are
used. When a player exhausts a card, he simply rotates the card
used. When a player exhausts a card, he simply rotates the card
sideways to indicate that he has used its ability. At the start
sideways to indicate that he has used its ability. At the start
of a player’s turn, he refreshes all of his exhausted cards by
of a player’s turn, he refreshes all of his exhausted cards by
returning them to their upright position. A player cannot use
returning them to their upright position. A player cannot use
an exhausted card until it is refreshed.
an exhausted card until it is refreshed.
Class Card Anatomy
Class Card Anatomy
1. Archetype Icon: This icon shows which archetype the
1. Archetype Icon: This icon shows which archetype the
class belongs to. A hero must have a matching archetype
class belongs to. A hero must have a matching archetype
icon on his Hero sheet to choose this class (see “Hero
icon on his Hero sheet to choose this class (see “Hero
Sheet Anatomy” on page 7).
Sheet Anatomy” on page 7).
2. Class Name: This is the name of the class. All Class
2. Class Name: This is the name of the class. All Class
cards with a matching name belong to the same Class
cards with a matching name belong to the same Class
3. Skill Name: The skill name is listed at the top of the
card along with the class name.
4. Experience Icon: This number shows how many
experience points it costs to purchas