SobsPleaase WEB EP10 - v1 vs. v2
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# SobsPlease v1
# SobsPlease v2
I'm starting to doubt whether we're popular at all.
I'm starting to doubt whether we're popular at all.
The merch is so cute, too.
The merch is so cute, too.
It's because you put that weird abbreviation on everything.
It's because you put that weird abbreviation on everything.
Is that so?
Is that so?
We're TogeToge!
We're TogeToge!
How about a TogeToge towel?
How about a TogeToge towel?
But I think it's selling better than the Shin-Kawasaki stuff, at least.
But I think it's selling better than the Shin-Kawasaki stuff, at least.
You sure?
You sure?
It's all good.
It's all good.
The line for photos is long as usual.
The line for photos is long as usual.
Come here!
Come here!
Big hug!
Big hug!
I'll never wash myself ever again!
I'll never wash myself ever again!
You should!
You should!
Your mind, in particular!
Your mind, in particular!
That's true.
That's true.
Don't care.
Don't care.
Pardon me,
Pardon me,
I'm here as an official liaison.
I'm here as an official liaison.
"Golden Archer"?
"Golden Archer"?
I feel like I've heard of that before...
I feel like I've heard of that before...
That's a talent agency!
That's a talent agency!
So we're getting scouted?
So we're getting scouted?
Yes. That's my intention.
Yes. That's my intention.
I see.
I see.
If you have any doubts, please feel free to look up my name and agency online.
If you have any doubts, please feel free to look up my name and agency online.
Know anything?
Know anything?
They're pretty famous.
They're pretty famous.
Lots of girls at my school would love to sign with them.
Lots of girls at my school would love to sign with them.
They work with bands, too.
They work with bands, too.
Okay, but they're an entertainment agency, so...
Okay, but they're an entertainment agency, so...
The truth is...
The truth is...
I actually love Diamond Dust!
I actually love Diamond Dust!
But I dislike the current Diamond Dust!
But I dislike the current Diamond Dust!
It's completely lost its former appeal.
It's completely lost its former appeal.
I love your music, Momoka!
I love your music, Momoka!
I want you to fulfill your creative vision!
I want you to fulfill your creative vision!
And this band has been doing that!
And this band has been doing that!
I know, right?!
I know, right?!
Sit back down, I beg you.
Sit back down, I beg you.
When Diamond Dust signed with a label,
When Diamond Dust signed with a label,
I was told that the image we had wouldn't cut it.
I was told that the image we had wouldn't cut it.
That we needed to get with the times.
That we needed to get with the times.
I've heard.
I've heard.
I don't think their assessment was wrong.
I don't think their assessment was wrong.
In fact, the fans like the current Diamond Dust.
In fact, the fans like the current Diamond Dust.
these four want to challenge that.
these four want to challenge that.
They want to see how my songs will fare.
They want to see how my songs will fare.
And I intend to give that a shot.
And I intend to give that a shot.
I understand.
I understand.
You have a festival coming up, don't you?
You have a festival coming up, don't you?
"Leave your mark there and we'll talk," huh?
"Leave your mark there and we'll talk," huh?
If we stand out there, it'll be much easier for the agency to get us in touch with a label.
If we stand out there, it'll be much easier for the agency to get us in touch with a label.
And if we have lots of fans, they won't try to make us change in order to sell better.
And if we have lots of fans, they won't try to make us change in order to sell better.
So the festival performance is basically our audition, huh?
So the festival performance is basically our audition, huh?
The song we've been working on...
The song we've been working on...
Could you write the lyrics for it?
Could you write the lyrics for it?
I want to see what you do.
I want to see what you do.
Hear the song that grew out of my songs.
Hear the song that grew out of my songs.
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
In English, please!
In English, please!
Just leave them be.
Just leave them be.
Those two seem to understand.
Those two seem to understand.
So? Are the lyrics done?
So? Are the lyrics done?
Not even close.
Not even close.
I thought you had things you wanted to write.
I thought you had things you wanted to write.
I did, yes.
I did, yes.
Why not just write that, then?
Why not just write that, then?
You really don't get it.
You really don't get it.
Words exist outside, you know.
Words exist outside, you know.
All your feelings and thoughts,
All your feelings and thoughts,
when you put them into words, they start existing outside of you.
when you put them into words, they start existing outside of you.
You think we've never written lyrics?
You think we've never written lyrics?
Do I need to remind you how long we've been making music?
Do I need to remind you how long we've been making music?
Well, I do get where she's coming from, though.
Well, I do get where she's coming from, though.
Your break is over, by the way.
Your break is over, by the way.
Is something wrong?
Is something wrong?
Why? How? What?
Why? How? What?
What are you—
What are you—
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
I believe a girl by the name of Iseri should be working here.
I believe a girl by the name of Iseri should be working here.
I don't believe it's her shift today.
I don't believe it's her shift today.
I see.
I see.
Are you looking for her?
Are you looking for her?
You must be Rupa, right?
You must be Rupa, right?
Jeez! If you knew it was coming, warn me!
Jeez! If you knew it was coming, warn me!
And that's how you ended up here?
And that's how you ended up here?
This place is so chill.
This place is so chill.
You don't even know what they want.
You don't even know what they want.
Shouldn't you at least talk to them?
Shouldn't you at least talk to them?
It won't work. I've tried.
It won't work. I've tried.
It's like how you know your grandma wouldn't listen.
It's like how you know your grandma wouldn't listen.
Their frame of reference is so different
Their frame of reference is so different
that when we try to talk, they never make any sense.
that when we try to talk, they never make any sense.
Okay, but still...
Okay, but still...
Besides, I have to focus on writing lyrics.
Besides, I have to focus on writing lyrics.
There's not much time left until the festival.
There's not much time left until the festival.
Our future depends on it, too.
Our future depends on it, too.
I don't have time for distractions.
I don't have time for distractions.
Sounds to me like you're running away.
Sounds to me like you're running away.
Actually, are you staying the night?
Actually, are you staying the night?
Stop calling me.
Stop calling me.
Your fault for running away.
Your fault for running away.
I'm not running away.
I'm not running away.
I'm not running away.
I'm not running away.
I've been gettin' called non-stop too, ya know.
I've been gettin' called non-stop too, ya know.
They've been askin' for where you might be.
They've been askin' for where you might be.
And ya told 'em?
And ya told 'em?
Ya only have yourself and yer letter to blame.
Ya only have yourself and yer letter to blame.
They can't just go an' abandon ya after that.
They can't just go an' abandon ya after that.
How come?
How come?
Ya really thought they'd just throw in the towel?
Ya really thought they'd just throw in the towel?
If ya have somethin' to say,
If ya have somethin' to say,
stand yer ground and tell 'em.
stand yer ground and tell 'em.
She hung up...
She hung up...
They changed the locks?
They changed the locks?
But I'm the one living there!
But I'm the one living there!
Give me the new key!
Give me the new key!
One of them!
One of them!
Always getting in my way!
Always getting in my way!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Here, for you.
Here, for you.
I already requested time off for you.
I already requested time off for you.
Consider this a present from me and Tomo.
Consider this a present from me and Tomo.
But why?
But why?
I think Tomo mentioned my past to you.
I think Tomo mentioned my past to you.
That day, I intended to call my parents.
That day, I intended to call my parents.
But I got stuck at work a little longer than usual...
But I got stuck at work a little longer than usual...
So I didn't end up calling them.
So I didn't end up calling them.
I figured I could talk to them later,
I figured I could talk to them later,
but I didn't get to.
but I didn't get to.
We always think we'll get another chance, until we're out.
We always think we'll get another chance, until we're out.
Enough with the sad stuff, though.
Enough with the sad stuff, though.
Are they really that worried about me?
Are they really that worried about me?
They've always abandoned me when I needed them.
They've always abandoned me when I needed them.
Spare me the sound effects.
Spare me the sound effects.
I see.
I see.
So that's your weakness.
So that's your weakness.
Not even close!
Not even close!
Then go talk to them.
Then go talk to them.
You're gonna tell me that too?
You're gonna tell me that too?
Well, yeah, 'cause this isn't about what you think it is.
Well, yeah, 'cause this isn't about what you think it is.
Excuse me?
Excuse me?
What you're actually hung up about
What you're actually hung up about
isn't school or bullying at all.
isn't school or bullying at all.
It's that your father didn't take your side.
It's that your father didn't take your side.
That's not...
That's not...
What's stopping you from seeing him, then?
What's stopping you from seeing him, then?
Then go. Do it.
Then go. Do it.
I won't let you back in here until you do.
I won't let you back in here until you do.
I'll be back!
I'll be back!
I'm really back...
I'm really back...
Train arriving for Higo-Ōzu, via Suizenji and Hikarinomori.
Train arriving for Higo-Ōzu, via Suizenji and Hikarinomori.
We've searched everywhere.
We've searched everywhere.
Girls Band Cry.
Girls Band Cry.
A band?
A band?
Is that what you're going to do for a living?
Is that what you're going to do for a living?
That's the plan.
That's the plan.
They've already been approached by some sort of entertainment agency.
They've already been approached by some sort of entertainment agency.
Seems like they're one step away from going pro.
Seems like they're one step away from going pro.
Don't know how true that is, though.
Don't know how true that is, though.
We are.
We are.
So you left home to study for college,
So you left home to study for college,
and then started doing all this without saying a thing to us?
and then started doing all this without saying a thing to us?
Well, she's told me a bit about it.
Well, she's told me a bit about it.
Have you considered how this hurts your mother?
Have you considered how this hurts your mother?
You always do this.
You always do this.
When did Mom come into this?
When did Mom come into this?
You told me to do as I want when I left home, didn't you?
You told me to do as I want when I left home, didn't you?
And I've told you the same.
And I've told you the same.
That I'll do as I please.
That I'll do as I please.
We agreed on you going to college.
We agreed on you going to college.
Haven't we humored your selfish requests long enough?
Haven't we humored your selfish requests long enough?
We dealt with it when you wanted to quit school,
We dealt with it when you wanted to quit school,
arranged things for you when you wanted to go to Tokyo.
arranged things for you when you wanted to go to Tokyo.
Stop twisting the story.
Stop twisting the story.
I did it all myself!
I did it all myself!
I quit school myself, I went to Tokyo myself!
I quit school myself, I went to Tokyo myself!
You got a place to live thanks to your mother's contacts.
You got a place to live thanks to your mother's contacts.
Who do you think signed as your guarantor?
Who do you think signed as your guarantor?
You're still a minor.
You're still a minor.
Do you understand what that means?
Do you understand what that means?
You still require adult protection and supervision.
You still require adult protection and supervision.
So I should listen to what you say?
So I should listen to what you say?
I should pretend the bullying never happened?
I should pretend the bullying never happened?
I knew it was pointless.
I knew it was pointless.
We'll never see eye to eye.
We'll never see eye to eye.
I did want to get on the same page.
I did want to get on the same page.
That's why I came here.
That's why I came here.
This is what I get.
This is what I get.
It's impossible.
It's impossible.
I'm going out tomorrow.
I'm going out tomorrow.
You're coming with me, Nina.
You're coming with me, Nina.
Where are we going?
Where are we going?
You'll see soon enough.
You'll see soon enough.
I'm not going.
I'm not going.
That way's the school.
That way's the school.
Go without me.
Go without me.
They're expecting us.
They're expecting us.
You came here with your own goals,
You came here with your own goals,
and I have something to show you as well.
and I have something to show you as well.
Thank you for coming here despite the scorching weather.
Thank you for coming here despite the scorching weather.
It's nothing.
It's nothing.
What is this?
What is this?
I'm sorry you had to endure the heat to come here, Nina.
I'm sorry you had to endure the heat to come here, Nina.
We conducted a thorough investigation,
We conducted a thorough investigation,
and the offending students confessed.
and the offending students confessed.
We owe you an apology for failing to understand the full scope of the situation.
We owe you an apology for failing to understand the full scope of the situation.
And that's all?
And that's all?
What about how the school responded?
What about how the school responded?
I admit our response wasn't appropriate,
I admit our response wasn't appropriate,
but you have to understand that bullying is not so clear-cut.
but you have to understand that bullying is not so clear-cut.
I'm not exactly in the position to be saying this,
I'm not exactly in the position to be saying this,
but at the time, the school was fully aware that—
but at the time, the school was fully aware that—
I don't want you to say any more.
I don't want you to say any more.
There is no need to pretend nothing happened.
There is no need to pretend nothing happened.
You're the victim in this.
You're the victim in this.
I'm a bit worried about Nina.
I'm a bit worried about Nina.
What if...
What if...
What if she doesn't come back from Kumamoto?
What if she doesn't come back from Kumamoto?
What then?
What then?
We'll figure things out.
We'll figure things out.
Are you hurt?
Are you hurt?
It'll be alright.
It'll be alright.
Have some trust.
Have some trust.
Welcome back.
Welcome back.
Will you be eating here?
Will you be eating here?
Are you going back?
Are you going back?
You're really committed to the band, huh?
You're really committed to the band, huh?
Do you like it that much?
Do you like it that much?
You know, that song...
You know, that song...
It gave me the push.
It gave me the push.
The push I needed.
The push I needed.
I was told to act mature.
I was told to act mature.
To stay quiet and put up with it, to do the smart thing.
To stay quiet and put up with it, to do the smart thing.
So I thought I had to.
So I thought I had to.
I thought there was no choice but to grin and bear it.
I thought there was no choice but to grin and bear it.
But then the song saved me.
But then the song saved me.
Told me that if I'm not in the wrong,
Told me that if I'm not in the wrong,
I don't have to give in.
I don't have to give in.
That I should stop worrying about consequences,
That I should stop worrying about consequences,
and just take the leap.
and just take the leap.
And I don't know if I'm falling into the abyss,
And I don't know if I'm falling into the abyss,
or if I've sprouted wings and am soaring through the skies.
or if I've sprouted wings and am soaring through the skies.
But the song gave me the courage to take that step.
But the song gave me the courage to take that step.
Either way, I can't return to the earth,
Either way, I can't return to the earth,
and I wouldn't want to if I could.
and I wouldn't want to if I could.
Back then, I...
Back then, I...
I was ready to give up on life.
I was ready to give up on life.
Maybe I never did grow any wings,
Maybe I never did grow any wings,
and this feeling of freedom is just my imagination.
and this feeling of freedom is just my imagination.
I love who I've become now.
I love who I've become now.
I can say it with pride.
I can say it with pride.
This is the real me, with nothing held back.
This is the real me, with nothing held back.
Got it.
Got it.
But at least eat before you leave.
But at least eat before you leave.
Here, karashi renkon curry.
Here, karashi renkon curry.
You must've missed it.
You must've missed it.
Is it okay?
Is it okay?
Is what okay?
Is what okay?
What? Eating here. Family tenets, remember?
What? Eating here. Family tenets, remember?
Oh, don't worry about them.
Oh, don't worry about them.
Ever since you left,
Ever since you left,
things have been a bit strange.
things have been a bit strange.
Just the other day,
Just the other day,
Dad was drinking, even though he's such a lightweight.
Dad was drinking, even though he's such a lightweight.
And once it got to his head...
And once it got to his head...
"What do you think I should do?"
"What do you think I should do?"
His words.
His words.
He's been worrying about you.
He's been worrying about you.
And even though he's a pretty well-regarded educator, he was going all around asking for advice.
And even though he's a pretty well-regarded educator, he was going all around asking for advice.
Mom actually ended up asking your friend to casually give you the tickets for the train to visit.
Mom actually ended up asking your friend to casually give you the tickets for the train to visit.
You didn't realize, did you?
You didn't realize, did you?
No matter what you think,
No matter what you think,
you're our dear family.
you're our dear family.
They might not always act like it, but Mom and Dad really love you too.
They might not always act like it, but Mom and Dad really love you too.
Don't ever forget that, please.
Don't ever forget that, please.
Thank you.
Thank you.
No, thank you.
No, thank you.
For being alive.
For being alive.
I love you too, Nina.
I love you too, Nina.
It's so spicy...
It's so spicy...
Was Mom's cooking always like this?
Was Mom's cooking always like this?
Makes me tear up.
Makes me tear up.
All the blank white pages that are set before me
All the blank white pages that are set before me
Full of simple questions anyone could answer
Full of simple questions anyone could answer
It's form over function
It's form over function
But my fingers are trembling anxiously
But my fingers are trembling anxiously
Do you like this song?
Do you like this song?
There's no right answer
There's no right answer
No one wins or loses
No one wins or loses
I do.
I do.
And it's all so simple
And it's all so simple
I see.
I see.
I can only march on and carve out my own path
I can only march on and carve out my own path
You don't?
You don't?
You probably dislike it.
You probably dislike it.
No more brooding
No more brooding
If I keep on debating, I'll waste my life
If I keep on debating, I'll waste my life
It's a good song.
It's a good song.
It is a good song.
It is a good song.
I know I never listen.
I know I never listen.
And I'm stubborn and selfish.
And I'm stubborn and selfish.
I'm sorry for that.
I'm sorry for that.
Try to smoke a bit less, okay?
Try to smoke a bit less, okay?
"I'll be back."
"I'll be back."
"I'll be back."
"I'll be back."
"I'll be back."
"I'll be back."
Still want somethin'?
Still want somethin'?
Take care.
Take care.
Your new key!
Your new key!
From Dad.
From Dad.
I'll be singing a song I've written soon.
I'll be singing a song I've written soon.
Come listen if you want.
Come listen if you want.
I will.
I will.
I'll be back!
I'll be back!
And thanks for trimming the bushes!
And thanks for trimming the bushes!
Have fun!
Have fun!
They're so nosy,
They're so nosy,
so annoying,
so annoying,
and a pain to deal with.
and a pain to deal with.
But I love them.
But I love them.
I'll see you again.
I'll see you again.
Thank you for choosing the Tōkaidō Shinkansen.
Thank you for choosing the Tōkaidō Shinkansen.
Change here for Chūō Line, Yamanote Line,
Change here for Chūō Line, Yamanote Line,
Keihin-Tōhoku Line, Tōkaidō Line, Jōban Line,
Keihin-Tōhoku Line, Tōkaidō Line, Jōban Line,
Sōbu Line, Keiyō Line,
Sōbu Line, Keiyō Line,
Miss. Miss!
Miss. Miss!
Tōhoku, Hokuriku, and Jōetsu Shinkansen,
Tōhoku, Hokuriku, and Jōetsu Shinkansen,
My! It's you again!
My! It's you again!
Did you sleep well?
Did you sleep well?
and Tokyo Metro lines.
and Tokyo Metro lines.
I did!
I did!
I'm back.
I'm back.
Brought any gifts?
Brought any gifts?
No way.
No way.
Why are you here?
Why are you here?
Momoka said you'd be back and wouldn't hear otherwise.
Momoka said you'd be back and wouldn't hear otherwise.
If you didn't come back today,
If you didn't come back today,
she probably would have made me drive us all the way to Kumamoto.
she probably would have made me drive us all the way to Kumamoto.
Or she'd try to drive herself if Rupa refused.
Or she'd try to drive herself if Rupa refused.
Too bad Rupa didn't get to play the savior again.
Too bad Rupa didn't get to play the savior again.
You were all on board with this plan!
You were all on board with this plan!
Wait, she's crying.
Wait, she's crying.
Does that count as crying?
Does that count as crying?
What? Look, she's not crying at all!
What? Look, she's not crying at all!
What do you think, Rupa?
What do you think, Rupa?
Hm, I'm not sure.
Hm, I'm not sure.
Thank you. Really.
Thank you. Really.
I'm back!
I'm back!
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
So? Did you get it done?
So? Did you get it done?
Yes! I finished the song!
Yes! I finished the song!
It's really good!
It's really good!
Next time: "The Center of the World."
Next time: "The Center of the World."