TR 3.5 changes

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26 removals
Words removed33
Total words3015
Words removed (%)1.09
453 lines
25 additions
Words added28
Total words3010
Words added (%)0.93
452 lines
; RULE*.INI - Tiberium Resurrection 3.1 *
; RULE*.INI - Tiberium Resurrection 3.5 *
; *** Tiberian Sun Rules ***
; *** Tiberian Sun Rules ***
; If placed in game directory, it will override built in values. Values to be used as multipliers
; If placed in game directory, it will override built in values. Values to be used as multipliers
; or percentages can be specified as either a simple floating point number (embed ".") or as a
; or percentages can be specified as either a simple floating point number (embed ".") or as a
; conventional percentage number (append "%"). Values used as distances or time delays
; conventional percentage number (append "%"). Values used as distances or time delays
; are specified as simple floating point number. Distance values are expressed in cells. Time
; are specified as simple floating point number. Distance values are expressed in cells. Time
; values are expressed in minutes.
; values are expressed in minutes.
; If multiple rules files are present, the Name field is used to identify between them.
; If multiple rules files are present, the Name field is used to identify between them.

Name=Tiberian Sun -- Official Rules of Engagement
Name=Tiberian Sun -- Official Rules of Engagement

; veteran factors
; veteran factors
VeteranRatio=3.0 ; must destroy this multiple of self-value to become a veteran [per level]
VeteranRatio=3.0 ; must destroy this multiple of self-value to become a veteran [per level]
VeteranCombat=.20 ; combat BONUS factor when unit is a veteran
VeteranCombat=.20 ; combat BONUS factor when unit is a veteran
VeteranSpeed=.20 ; speed BONUS factor when unit is a veteran
VeteranSpeed=.20 ; speed BONUS factor when unit is a veteran
VeteranSight=.25 ; sight range BONUS when unit is a veteran
VeteranSight=.25 ; sight range BONUS when unit is a veteran
VeteranArmor=.25 ; armor BONUS when unit is a veteran
VeteranArmor=.25 ; armor BONUS when unit is a veteran
VeteranROF=.20 ; rate of fire BONUS when unit is a veteran
VeteranROF=.20 ; rate of fire BONUS when unit is a veteran
VeteranCap=2 ; maximum veteran level that can be obtained
VeteranCap=2 ; maximum veteran level that can be obtained
InitialVeteran=no ; Do initial forces start as veterans?
InitialVeteran=no ; Do initial forces start as veterans?

; repair and refit
; repair and refit
RefundPercent=50% ; percent of original cost to refund when building/unit is sold
RefundPercent=50% ; percent of original cost to refund when building/unit is sold
ReloadRate=.5 ; minutes to reload each ammo point for aircraft or helicopters
ReloadRate=.5 ; minutes to reload each ammo point for aircraft or helicopters
RepairPercent=25% ; percent cost to fully repair as ratio of full cost
RepairPercent=25% ; percent cost to fully repair as ratio of full cost
RepairRate=.016 ; minutes between applying repair step
RepairRate=.016 ; minutes between applying repair step
RepairStep=7 ; hit points to heal per repair 'tick'
RepairStep=7 ; hit points to heal per repair 'tick'
URepairRate=.016 ; [units only] minutes between applying repair step
URepairRate=.016 ; [units only] minutes between applying repair step
IRepairRate=.001 ; [infantry only] minutes between applying repair step
IRepairRate=.003 ; [infantry only] minutes between applying repair step
IRepairStep=2 ; [infantry only] hit points to heal per repair 'tick' for infantry
IRepairStep=2 ; [infantry only] hit points to heal per repair 'tick' for infantry
TiberiumHeal=.010 ; minutes between applying Tiberium healing [for those units that heal in Tiberium]
TiberiumHeal=.010 ; minutes between applying Tiberium healing [for those units that heal in Tiberium]

; income and production
; income and production
;BailCount=28 ; number of 'bails' carried by a harvester
;BailCount=28 ; number of 'bails' carried by a harvester
BuildSpeed=.63 ; general build speed [time (in minutes) to produce a 1000 credit cost item]
BuildSpeed=.60 ; general build speed [time (in minutes) to produce a 1000 credit cost item]
BuildupTime=.06 ; average minutes that building build-up animation runs
BuildupTime=.06 ; average minutes that building build-up animation runs
GrowthRate=5 ; minutes between ore (Tiberium) growth
GrowthRate=5 ; minutes between ore (Tiberium) growth
TiberiumGrows=yes ; Does ore grow denser over time?
TiberiumGrows=yes ; Does ore grow denser over time?
TiberiumSpreads=yes ; Does ore spread into adjacent areas?
TiberiumSpreads=yes ; Does ore spread into adjacent areas?
SeparateAircraft=yes ; Is first helicopter to be purchased separately from helipad?
SeparateAircraft=yes ; Is first helicopter to be purchased separately from helipad?
SurvivorRate=.2 ; fraction of building cost to be converted to survivors when sold
SurvivorRate=.2 ; fraction of building cost to be converted to survivors when sold
SurvivorDivisor=100 ; the divisor into the survivor rate value to determine the number of survivors
SurvivorDivisor=100 ; the divisor into the survivor rate value to determine the number of survivors
PlacementDelay=.05 ; delay before retrying produced object deploy if temporary blockage detected
PlacementDelay=.05 ; delay before retrying produced object deploy if temporary blockage detected
WeedCapacity=56 ; Amount of weed that needs to be harvested by a house in order to build the chem missile
WeedCapacity=56 ; Amount of weed that needs to be harvested by a house in order to build the chem missile

; computer and movement controls
; computer and movement controls
CurleyShuffle=yes ; Should helicopter shuffle position between shots [as in C&C]?
CurleyShuffle=yes ; Should helicopter shuffle position between shots [as in C&C]?
BaseBias=2 ; multiplier to threat target value when enemy is close to friendly base
BaseBias=2 ; multiplier to threat target value when enemy is close to friendly base
BaseDefenseDelay=.25 ; minutes delay between sending response teams to deal with base threat
BaseDefenseDelay=.25 ; minutes delay between sending response teams to deal with base threat
CloseEnough=2.25 ; If distance to destination less than this, then abort movement if otherwise blocked.
CloseEnough=2.25 ; If distance to destination less than this, then abort movement if otherwise blocked.
DamageDelay=1 ; minutes between applying trivial structure damage when low on power
DamageDelay=1 ; minutes between applying trivial structure damage when low on power
GameSpeedBias=1 ; multiplier to overall game object movement speed
GameSpeedBias=1 ; multiplier to overall game object movement speed
Stray=2.0 ; radius distance (cells) that team members may stray without causing regroup action
Stray=2.0 ; radius distance (cells) that team members may stray without causing regroup action
CloakDelay=.02 ; forced delay that subs will remain on surface before allowing to submerge
CloakDelay=.02 ; forced delay that subs will remain on surface before allowing to submerge
SuspendDelay=2 ; minutes that suspended teams will remain suspended
SuspendDelay=2 ; minutes that suspended teams will remain suspended
SuspendPriority=1 ; teams with less than this priority will suspend during base defense ops
SuspendPriority=1 ; teams with less than this priority will suspend during base defense ops
FlightLevel=600 ; typical flight level for aircraft [above ground level]
FlightLevel=600 ; typical flight level for aircraft [above ground level]
MissileSpeedVar=.25 ; speed flucuation percentage that guided missiles have
MissileSpeedVar=.25 ; speed flucuation percentage that guided missiles have
MissileROTVar=.25 ; rate of turn fluctuation percentage that guided missiles have
MissileROTVar=.25 ; rate of turn fluctuation percentage that guided missiles have

TeamDelays=2250,2700,3600 ; interval between checking for and creating teams, by difficulty level
TeamDelays=350,700,1400 ; interval between checking for and creating teams, by difficulty level
AIHateDelays=5400,4500,4050 ; delay in frames before the computer chooses an enemy, by difficulty level
AIHateDelays=50,100,200 ; delay in frames before the computer chooses an enemy, by difficulty level
AIAlternateProductionCreditCutoff=3000 ; when the AI house has less credits than this it will begin
AIAlternateProductionCreditCutoff=3000 ; when the AI house has less credits than this it will begin
; to spend money more conservatively
; to spend money more conservatively
HealScanRadius=5 ; how far should medic-type units scan for targets? Used to override the range
HealScanRadius=5 ; how far should medic-type units scan for targets? Used to override the range
; of these units, because they need to have very short ranges
; of these units, because they need to have very short ranges
FillEarliestTeamProbability=100,80,60 ; (by difficulty level, from hardest to easiest)
FillEarliestTeamProbability=100,200,300 ; (by difficulty level, from hardest to easiest)
MinimumAIDefensiveTeams=4,3,2 ; (by difficulty level, from hardest to easiest)
MinimumAIDefensiveTeams=0,1,1 ; (by difficulty level, from hardest to easiest)
MaximumAIDefensiveTeams=6,5,4 ; " "
MaximumAIDefensiveTeams=6,5,4 ; " "
TotalAITeamCap=14,12,10 ; (by difficulty level, from hardest to easiest)
TotalAITeamCap=50,25,12 ; (by difficulty level, from hardest to easiest)
DissolveUnfilledTeamDelay=9000 ; how long to wait before dissolving an ai trigger team that has no members (multiplay only)
DissolveUnfilledTeamDelay=3000 ; how long to wait before dissolving an ai trigger team that has no members (multiplay only)
LargeVisceroid=VISC_LRG ; when two small visceroids combine they turn into this
LargeVisceroid=VISC_LRG ; when two small visceroids combine they turn into this
SmallVisceroid=VISC_SML ; when infantry transmorgifies into a visceroid
SmallVisceroid=VISC_SML ; when infantry transmorgifies into a visceroid

; controls how the computer AI scores potential ion cannon targets
; controls how the computer AI scores potential ion cannon targets
; the first value is for hard computer opponents, next for normal, and finally for easy
; the first value is for hard computer opponents, next for normal, and finally for easy
; right now, normal and hard are the same, because on hard, the computer will actually wait for
; right now, normal and hard are the same, because on hard, the computer will actually wait for
; production on an object to finish if that object is the best target; in this way all three
; production on an object to finish if that object is the best target; in this way all three
; difficulty levels are different.
; difficulty levels are different.

; Ion storm control
; Ion storm control
IonLightningFrequency=10 ; Percent chance that lightning will strike this frame
IonLightningFrequency=10 ; Percent chance that lightning will strike this frame
IonLightningRandomness=90 ; Percent chance that the lightning will strike a random cell instead of an object.
IonLightningRandomness=90 ; Percent chance that the lightning will strike a random cell instead of an object.
IonLightningDamage=300 ; Damage done by lightning strike.
IonLightningDamage=300 ; Damage done by lightning strike.
IonStormDuration=120 ; Default ion storm duration in deconds. This is overriden by the trigger control.
IonStormDuration=120 ; Default ion storm duration in deconds. This is overriden by the trigger control.
IonStormWarning=31 ; Warning time in seconds before an Ion Storm hits.
IonStormWarning=31 ; Warning time in seconds before an Ion Storm hits.
IonStorms=no ; Are random ion storms going to appear?
IonStorms=no ; Are random ion storms going to appear?
IonStormWarhead=IonWH ; Warhead used by ion storm strike.
IonStormWarhead=IonWH ; Warhead used by ion storm strike.

; misc
; misc
FogOfWar=no ; Is fog of war enabled?
FogOfWar=no ; Is fog of war enabled?
Visceroids=no ; Are randomly appearing visceroids going to occur?
Visceroids=no ; Are randomly appearing visceroids going to occur?
Meteorites=no ; Are tiberium meteorites going to occur?
Meteorites=no ; Are tiberium meteorites going to occur?
CrewEscape=50% ; percent chance that crew will escape from destroyed vehicle
CrewEscape=50% ; percent chance that crew will escape from destroyed vehicle
CameraRange=9 ; distance around spy camera to reveal map
CameraRange=9 ; distance around spy camera to reveal map
FineDiffControl=no ; Allow 5 difficulty settings instead of only 3 settings?
FineDiffControl=no ; Allow 5 difficulty settings instead of only 3 settings?
Pilot=E1 ; pilot type that parachutes out of aircraft
Pilot=E1 ; pilot type that parachutes out of aircraft
Crew=E1 ; soldier that emerges from destroyed unit or building
Crew=E1 ; soldier that emerges from destroyed unit or building
Technician=CTECH ; civilian infantry type to serve as technician survivor [should be armed variety]
Technician=CTECH ; civilian infantry type to serve as technician survivor [should be armed variety]
Engineer=ENGINEER ; special (limited supply) infantry survivor from construction yards [probably engineer type]
Engineer=ENGINEER ; special (limited supply) infantry survivor from construction yards [probably engineer type]
Disguise=E1 ; infantry type to appear as when disguised and viewed by the enemy
Disguise=E1 ; infantry type to appear as when disguised and viewed by the enemy
Paratrooper=E1 ; infantry that is dropped as a paratrooper
Paratrooper=E1 ; infantry that is dropped as a paratrooper

; droppod flight characteristics
; droppod flight characteristics
DropPodWeapon=DropGun ; weapon mounted on drop pod
DropPodWeapon=DropGun ; weapon mounted on drop pod
DropPodHeight=2000 ; height above ground that drop pods appear at
DropPodHeight=2000 ; height above ground that drop pods appear at
DropPodSpeed=75 ; speed of drop pod's descent
DropPodSpeed=75 ; speed of drop pod's descent
DropPodAngle=0.79 ; angle of descent for drop pod [radians; .40=flat,1.18=steep]
DropPodAngle=0.79 ; angle of descent for drop pod [radians; .40=flat,1.18=steep]

; hover vehicle characteristics
; hover vehicle characteristics
HoverHeight=120 ; height of hovering vehicles
HoverHeight=120 ; height of hovering vehicles
HoverDampen=40% ; dampening effect on hover vehicle bounciness
HoverDampen=40% ; dampening effect on hover vehicle bounciness
HoverBob=.04 ; time between hover 'bobs'
HoverBob=.04 ; time between hover 'bobs'
HoverBoost=150% ; hover speed when traveling on straight away
HoverBoost=150% ; hover speed when traveling on straight away
HoverAcceleration=.02 ; time to accelerate to full speed
HoverAcceleration=.02 ; time to accelerate to full speed
HoverBrake=.03 ; time to decelerate to full stop
HoverBrake=.03 ; time to decelerate to full stop

; subterrainean vehicle characteristics
; subterrainean vehicle characteristics

; production & power effects
; production & power effects
MultipleFactory=1 ; factory bonus for multiples [1=full bonus, 0=no bonus] (def=1)
MultipleFactory=1 ; factory bonus for multiples [1=full bonus, 0=no bonus] (def=1)
MinProductionSpeed=.5 ; minimum production speed as result of low power (def=.5)
MinProductionSpeed=.5 ; minimum production speed as result of low power (def=.5)

; hack section
; hack section
GDIGateOne=GAGATE_A ; these buildings affect nearby walls, so I need to know what they are
GDIGateOne=GAGATE_A ; these buildings affect nearby walls, so I need to know what they are

RepairBay=GADEPT ; building to go to when in need of repairs
RepairBay=GADEPT ; building to go to when in need of repairs
BaseUnit=MCV ; unit to consider "home" when no buildings are present
BaseUnit=MCV ; unit to consider "home" when no buildings are present
HarvesterUnit=HARV ; preferred unit(s) to build for harvesting purposes
HarvesterUnit=HARV ; preferred unit(s) to build for harvesting purposes
PadAircraft=ORCA,ORCAB ; aircraft that can be produced (and land at) a helipad (or ground)
PadAircraft=ORCA,ORCAB ; aircraft that can be produced (and land at) a helipad (or ground)

; Bret's hack section
; Bret's hack section
TreeStrength=200 ; 25
TreeStrength=100 ; 25
WindDirection=1 ; Direction of wind (gets converted to a FacingType, so 0 is north
WindDirection=1 ; Direction of wind (gets converted to a FacingType, so 0 is north
; and increasing numbers rotate clockwise)
; and increasing numbers rotate clockwise)
TrackedUphill=.5 ; coefficient for tracked vehicle movement uphill
TrackedUphill=.5 ; coefficient for tracked vehicle movement uphill
TrackedDownhill=1.1 ; coefficient for tracked vehicle movement downhill
TrackedDownhill=1.1 ; coefficient for tracked vehicle movement downhill
WheeledUphill=.5 ; coefficient for wheeled vehicle movement uphill
WheeledUphill=.5 ; coefficient for wheeled vehicle movement uphill
WheeledDownhill=1.2 ; coefficient for wheeled vehicle movement downhill
WheeledDownhill=1.2 ; coefficient for wheeled vehicle movement downhill
LeptonsPerSightIncrease=2000 ;how high does a unit have to go before it can see farther?
LeptonsPerSightIncrease=2000 ;how high does a unit have to go before it can see farther?
LeptonsPerFireIncrease=2000 ; how high does a unit have to go before it can fire farther?
LeptonsPerFireIncrease=2000 ; how high does a unit have to go before it can fire farther?
BlendedFog=yes ; should we blend the fog (as opposed to dither it)
BlendedFog=yes ; should we blend the fog (as opposed to dither it)
CliffBackImpassability=2 ; how impassable is it behind cliffs? (0 = minimal, 2 = maximal)
CliffBackImpassability=2 ; how impassable is it behind cliffs? (0 = minimal, 2 = maximal)
IceCrackingWeight=2.0 ; objects weighing more than this will crack ice
IceCrackingWeight=2.0 ; objects weighing more than this will crack ice
IceBreakingWeight=4.0 ; objects weighing more than this well break through ice
IceBreakingWeight=4.0 ; objects weighing more than this well break through ice
CraterLevel=1 ; controls how big the craters from meteorites are.
CraterLevel=1 ; controls how big the craters from meteorites are.
; 0 is no cratering, while 4 is the largest craters.
; 0 is no cratering, while 4 is the largest craters.
;StatisticTimeInterval=30; controls how many seconds pass between statistic calculations, for score screen graphs
;StatisticTimeInterval=30; controls how many seconds pass between statistic calculations, for score screen graphs
BridgeVoxelMax=3 ; maximum debris from each destroyed bridge section (def=3)
BridgeVoxelMax=3 ; maximum debris from each destroyed bridge section (def=3)
WallBuildSpeedCoefficient=.5 ; how much faster than normal objects do walls build?
WallBuildSpeedCoefficient=.5 ; how much faster than normal objects do walls build?
WorstLowPowerBuildRateCoefficient=.3 ; what is the lowest the build rate can get for being low on power?
WorstLowPowerBuildRateCoefficient=.3 ; what is the lowest the build rate can get for being low on power?
BestLowPowerBuildRateCoefficient=.75 ; what is the highest the build rate can get when in a low power condition?
BestLowPowerBuildRateCoefficient=.75 ; what is the highest the build rate can get when in a low power condition?

; firestorm defense controls
; firestorm defense controls

; veinhole monster parameters
; veinhole monster parameters
; VeinholeMonsterStrength=1000 ; no longer used. To modify veinhole monster strength, edit the [VEINTREE] entry
; VeinholeMonsterStrength=1000 ; no longer used. To modify veinhole monster strength, edit the [VEINTREE] entry
VeinholeGrowthRate=500 ; was 3000
VeinholeGrowthRate=500 ; was 3000
VeinholeShrinkRate=100 ; was 500
VeinholeShrinkRate=100 ; was 500

; AI trigger weighting parameters
; AI trigger weighting parameters
AITriggerSuccessWeightDelta=10 ;5
AITriggerFailureWeightDelta=-10 ; -20

; Some spotlight controls
; Some spotlight controls
SpotlightSpeed=.015 ; speed in radians
SpotlightSpeed=.015 ; speed in radians
SpotlightMovementRadius=0 ; offset of center of arc sweep
SpotlightMovementRadius=0 ; offset of center of arc sweep
SpotlightLocationRadius=1000 ; offset from building
SpotlightLocationRadius=1000 ; offset from building
SpotlightAcceleration=.0025 ; acceleration in radians
SpotlightAcceleration=.0025 ; acceleration in radians
SpotlightAngle=360 ; maximum suggest angle of arc sweep
SpotlightAngle=360 ; maximum suggest angle of arc sweep

; Controls for radar events
; Controls for radar events
; The events, in order, are:
; The events, in order, are:
; (1) Generic Combat Event,
; (1) Generic Combat Event,
; (2) Generic Noncombat Event,
; (2) Generic Noncombat Event,
; (3) Dropzone Event,
; (3) Dropzone Event,
; (4) Base Under Attack Event,
; (4) Base Under Attack Event,
; (5) Harvester Under Attack Event,
; (5) Harvester Under Attack Event,
; (6) Enemy Object Sensed Event
; (6) Enemy Object Sensed Event
; So, for example, to change the visibility duration of the Harvester Under Attack Event,
; So, for example, to change the visibility duration of the Harvester Under Attack Event,
; you would change the fifth number in the list for RadarEventVisibilityDurations
; you would change the fifth number in the list for RadarEventVisibilityDurations
RadarEventSuppressionDistances=8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 6 ; suppression distance in cells
RadarEventSuppressionDistances=8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 6 ; suppression distance in cells
RadarEventVisibilityDurations=200,200,200,200,200,200 ; event visibility in frames
RadarEventVisibilityDurations=200,200,200,200,200,200 ; event visibility in frames
RadarEventDurations=400,400,400,400,400,400 ; event duration in frames
RadarEventDurations=400,400,400,400,400,400 ; event duration in frames
RadarCombatFlashTime=49 ; this should ALWAYS be an odd multiple of FlashFrameTime, ie RadarCombatFlashTime / FlashFrameTime should be an odd number
RadarCombatFlashTime=49 ; this should ALWAYS be an odd multiple of FlashFrameTime, ie RadarCombatFlashTime / FlashFrameTime should be an odd number

RevealTriggerRadius=9 ; the sight range of a "reveal around waypoint" trigger, 10 is maximum
RevealTriggerRadius=9 ; the sight range of a "reveal around waypoint" trigger, 10 is maximum

; id holders for particle systems and voxel debris
; id holders for particle systems and voxel debris
ExplosiveVoxelDebris=GASTANK,PIECE ; name of explosive voxel debris
ExplosiveVoxelDebris=GASTANK,PIECE ; name of explosive voxel debris
TireVoxelDebris=TIRE ; name of tire voxel debris
TireVoxelDebris=TIRE ; name of tire voxel debris
ScrapVoxelDebris=PIECE ; name of scrap metal voxel debris
ScrapVoxelDebris=PIECE ; name of scrap metal voxel debris

; Building prerequisite categories are specified here.
; Building prerequisite categories are specified here.

; hunter seeker controls
; hunter seeker controls

; default threat evaluation controls
; default threat evaluation controls

; defaults for dumb threat evaluation
; defaults for dumb threat evaluation


; ******* Jumpjet Flight rules *******
; ******* Jumpjet Flight rules *******
; Jumpjet movement controls
; Jumpjet movement controls
CruiseHeight=500 ; cruiseheight should be higher than a bridge, just to be safe
CruiseHeight=500 ; cruiseheight should be higher than a bridge, just to be safe
WobblesPerSecond=.15 ; was .25
WobblesPerSecond=.15 ; was .25
WobbleDeviation=40 ; was 40
WobbleDeviation=40 ; was 40

Drag=0.1 ; rate that jellyfish slows down
Drag=0.1 ; rate that jellyfish slows down
; max velocity that jellyfish can move again when...
; max velocity that jellyfish can move again when...
MaxVelocityWhenHappy=5.0 ; ...just puttering around
MaxVelocityWhenHappy=5.0 ; ...just puttering around
MaxVelocityWhenFollowing=4.5 ; ...going someplace in particular
MaxVelocityWhenFollowing=4.5 ; ...going someplace in particular
MaxVelocityWhenPissedOff=10.0 ; ...tracking down some mofo
MaxVelocityWhenPissedOff=10.0 ; ...tracking down some mofo
AccelerationProbability=0.01 ; Chance happy jellyfish will "puff"
AccelerationProbability=0.01 ; Chance happy jellyfish will "puff"
AccelerationDuration=20 ; How long a puff accelerates the jellyfish
AccelerationDuration=20 ; How long a puff accelerates the jellyfish
Acceleration=0.75 ; How much a puff accelerates
Acceleration=0.75 ; How much a puff accelerates
InitialBoost=2.0 ; How much of an initial speed boost does jellyfish get when puffing
InitialBoost=2.0 ; How much of an initial speed boost does jellyfish get when puffing
;BounceVelocity=3.5 ; How fast does jellyfish bounce away after hitting a wall. Don't screw with this
;BounceVelocity=3.5 ; How fast does jellyfish bounce away after hitting a wall. Don't screw with this
;CollisionWaitDuration=15 ; How long does jellyfish wait before puffing after hitting a wall?
;CollisionWaitDuration=15 ; How long does jellyfish wait before puffing after hitting a wall?
MaxBlockCount=3 ; How many times will jellyfish block against a wall before giving up on destination?
MaxBlockCount=3 ; How many times will jellyfish block against a wall before giving up on destination?
PropulsionSoundEffect=FLOATMOV,FLOTMOV2,FLOTMOV3,FLOTMOV4 ; Sound effect when puffing
PropulsionSoundEffect=FLOATMOV,FLOTMOV2,FLOTMOV3,FLOTMOV4 ; Sound effect when puffing
IntentionalDeacceleration=1.0 ; How fast does it deaccelerate when it wants to? (When going to waypoint or target)
IntentionalDeacceleration=1.0 ; How fast does it deaccelerate when it wants to? (When going to waypoint or target)
IntentionalDriftVelocity =12.0 ; How fast does it move when it is near its target?
IntentionalDriftVelocity =12.0 ; How fast does it move when it is near its target?
ProximityDistance=3.0 ; How close before special deacceleration & drift logic take over?
ProximityDistance=3.0 ; How close before special deacceleration & drift logic take over?

; ******* Special Weapon rules *******
; ******* Special Weapon rules *******
; Special weapon rules are specified here.
; Special weapon rules are specified here.
HSBuilding=GAPLUG,NATMPL ; list of buildings the hunter seeker tries to pop out of
HSBuilding=GAPLUG,NATMPL ; list of buildings the hunter seeker tries to pop out of
NukeWarhead=Nuke ; warhead used by falling nuke missile
NukeWarhead=Nuke ; warhead used by falling nuke missile
NukeDown=NukeDown ; nuclear missile as it descends
NukeDown=NukeDown ; nuclear missile as it descends
NukeProjectile=NukeUp ; nuclear missile (from silo) projectile to launch
NukeProjectile=NukeUp ; nuclear missile (from silo) projectile to launch
EMPulseWarhead=EMPuls ; warhead used by falling nuke missile
EMPulseWarhead=EMPuls ; warhead used by falling nuke missile
EMPulseProjectile=PulsPr ; nuclear missile (from silo) projectile to launch
EMPulseProjectile=PulsPr ; nuclear missile (from silo) projectile to launch

; ******* Audio / Visual rules *******
; ******* Audio / Visual rules *******
; General controls that deal with audio or visual appearance of
; General controls that deal with audio or visual appearance of
; the game or the units therein are specified here.
; the game or the units therein are specified here.
UnloadingHarvester=HORV ; harvester image to use when unloading tiberium
UnloadingHarvester=HORV ; harvester image to use when unloading tiberium
PoseDir=2 ; aircraft landing facing (0=N, 1=NE, 2=E, etc)
PoseDir=2 ; aircraft landing facing (0=N, 1=NE, 2=E, etc)
DropPodPuff=DROPEXP ; animation to play when drop pod hits the ground
DropPodPuff=DROPEXP ; animation to play when drop pod hits the ground
WaypointAnimationSpeed=10 ; how fast do the waypoint markers animate?
WaypointAnimationSpeed=10 ; how fast do the waypoint markers animate?
BarrelExplode=EXPLOLRG ; exploding crates animation
BarrelExplode=EXPLOLRG ; exploding crates animation
BarrelDebris=GASTANK,PIECE ; exploding crate debris list
BarrelDebris=GASTANK,PIECE ; exploding crate debris list
Wake=WAKE2 ; wake effect when traveling on/over water
Wake=WAKE2 ; wake effect when traveling on/over water
DropPod=DROPPOD,DROPPOD2,DROPPODY,DROPPODY2 ; mark to leave after drop pod lands
DropPod=DROPPOD,DROPPOD2,DROPPODY,DROPPODY2 ; mark to leave after drop pod lands
DeadBodies=DEATH_A,DEATH_B,DEATH_C,DEATH_D,DEATH_E,DEATH_F ; choice of dead bodies to leave around
DeadBodies=DEATH_A,DEATH_B,DEATH_C,DEATH_D,DEATH_E,DEATH_F ; choice of dead bodies to leave around
BridgeExplosions=TWLT026,TWLT036,TWLT050,TWLT070 ; the explosions to use for the bridge explosion effect
BridgeExplosions=TWLT026,TWLT036,TWLT050,TWLT070 ; the explosions to use for the bridge explosion effect
DigSound=SUBDRIL1 ; sound when digging into the ground
DigSound=SUBDRIL1 ; sound when digging into the ground
Dig=DIG ; anim to play when unit digs into ground
Dig=DIG ; anim to play when unit digs into ground
IonBlast=RING1 ; initial anim when ion cannon hits
IonBlast=RING1 ; initial anim when ion cannon hits
InfantryExplode=S_BANG34 ; animation when infantry just explodes
InfantryExplode=S_BANG34 ; animation when infantry just explodes
AtmosphereEntry=PODRING ; animation to use when drop pod enters atmosphere
AtmosphereEntry=PODRING ; animation to use when drop pod enters atmosphere
GateUp=GATEUP1 ; sound of gate rising
GateUp=GATEUP1 ; sound of gate rising
GateDown=GATEDWN1 ; sound of gate lowering
GateDown=GATEDWN1 ; sound of gate lowering
ShroudGrow=no ; Does the shroud grow back over time?
ShroudGrow=no ; Does the shroud grow back over time?
ScrollMultiplier=.07 ; multiplier to default scroll speed
ScrollMultiplier=.07 ; multiplier to default scroll speed
ShakeScreen=400 ; divide object strength by this to determine if the screen shakes when destroyed
ShakeScreen=400 ; divide object strength by this to determine if the screen shakes when destroyed
CloakSound=CLOAK5 ; sound of cloaking or decloaking
CloakSound=CLOAK5 ; sound of cloaking or decloaking
SellSound=CASHTURN ; sound of selling objects (typically buildings)
SellSound=CASHTURN ; sound of selling objects (typically buildings)
GameClosed=BLEEP1 ; game closed sound
GameClosed=BLEEP1 ; game closed sound
IncomingMessage=Message1 ; incoming message sound
IncomingMessage=Message1 ; incoming message sound
SystemError=BOOP ; system error sound
SystemError=BOOP ; system error sound
OptionsChanged=Notify ; options have changed sound
OptionsChanged=Notify ; options have changed sound
GameForming=GAMEFRM1 ; game forming sound
GameForming=GAMEFRM1 ; game forming sound
PlayerLeft=BOOP ; player has left sound
PlayerLeft=BOOP ; player has left sound
PlayerJoined=BOOP ; player has joined sound
PlayerJoined=BOOP ; player has joined sound
Construction=BOOP ; sound of building construction
Construction=BOOP ; sound of building construction
CreditTicks=CREDUP1,CREDDWN1 ; credit tick up and down sounds
CreditTicks=CREDUP1,CREDDWN1 ; credit tick up and down sounds
CrumbleSound=CRMBLE2 ; building crumble sound when building is completely destroyed
CrumbleSound=CRMBLE2 ; building crumble sound when building is completely destroyed
BuildingSlam=PLACE2 ; placing building down sound
BuildingSlam=PLACE2 ; placing building down sound
RadarOn=COMMUP1 ; radar activation sound
RadarOn=COMMUP1 ; radar activation sound
RadarOff=RADARDN1 ; radar deactivation sound
RadarOff=RADARDN1 ; radar deactivation sound
ScoldSound=SCOLD8 ; generic scold sound
ScoldSound=SCOLD8 ; generic scold sound
TeslaCharge=OBELPOWR ; tesla charge up sound
TeslaCharge=OBELPOWR ; tesla charge up sound
TeslaZap=OBELRAY1 ; tesla zap sound
TeslaZap=OBELRAY1 ; tesla zap sound
BlowupSound=EXPNEW01 ; sound when building is damaged to half strength
BlowupSound=EXPNEW01 ; sound when building is damaged to half strength
ChuteSound=BOOP ; parachute deploy sound
ChuteSound=BOOP ; parachute deploy sound
GenericClick=CLICKY1 ; generic click sound
GenericClick=CLICKY1 ; generic click sound
GenericBeep=BLEEP1 ; generic beep sound
GenericBeep=BLEEP1 ; generic beep sound
BuildingDrop=PLACE2 ; sound of building being placed down
BuildingDrop=PLACE2 ; sound of building being placed down
StopSound=Notify ;Sound when units are commanded to stop
StopSound=Notify ;Sound when units are commanded to stop
GuardSound=Notify ;Sound when units are commanded to guard
GuardSound=Notify ;Sound when units are commanded to guard
ScatterSound=Notify ;Sound when units are commanded to scatter
ScatterSound=Notify ;Sound when units are commanded to scatter
DeploySound=27-I002 ;Sound when units are commanded to deploy
DeploySound=27-I002 ;Sound when units are commanded to deploy
LightningSound= ; Commented out because sound was way too annoying (AI)
LightningSound= ; Commented out because sound was way too annoying (AI)
TreeFire=FIRE2,FIRE1 ; small and large fires to attach to burning trees
TreeFire=FIRE2,FIRE1 ; small and large fires to attach to burning trees
OnFire=FIRE3,FIRE2,FIRE1 ; list of flames to use when something catches fire [must be 3 in list]
OnFire=FIRE3,FIRE2,FIRE1 ; list of flames to use when something catches fire [must be 3 in list]
FlamingInfantry=FLAMEGUY ; anim to use for special onfire infantry logic
FlamingInfantry=FLAMEGUY ; anim to use for special onfire infantry logic
Smoke=xxxx ; smoke that rises from the ground after a building explosion
Smoke=xxxx ; smoke that rises from the ground after a building explosion
MoveFlash=RING ; movement destination click feedback animation
MoveFlash=RING ; movement destination click feedback animation
Parachute=PARACH ; big parachute used for paratroopers
Parachute=PARACH ; big parachute used for paratroopers
BombParachute=PARABOMB ; parachute used for parabombs and other parachuted ordinance
BombParachute=PARABOMB ; parachute used for parabombs and other parachuted ordinance
SmallFire=FIRE3 ; animation for small fire [used after napalm]
SmallFire=FIRE3 ; animation for small fire [used after napalm]
LargeFire=FIRE2 ; animation for large fire [used after napalm]
LargeFire=FIRE2 ; animation for large fire [used after napalm]
AllyReveal=yes ; Allies automatically reveal radar maps to each other?
AllyReveal=yes ; Allies automatically reveal radar maps to each other?
ConditionRed=25% ; when damaged to this percentage, health bar turns red
ConditionRed=25% ; when damaged to this percentage, health bar turns red
ConditionYellow=50% ; when damaged to this percentage, health bar turns yellow
ConditionYellow=50% ; when damaged to this percentage, health bar turns yellow
DropZoneRadius=4 ; distance around drop zone flair that map reveals itself
DropZoneRadius=4 ; distance around drop zone flair that map reveals itself
DropZoneAnim=BEACON ; animation to use for the drop zone flair
DropZoneAnim=BEACON ; animation to use for the drop zone flair
EnemyHealth=yes ; Show enemy health bar graph when selected?
EnemyHealth=yes ; Show enemy health bar graph when selected?
Gravity=6 ; gravity constant for ballistic projectiles
Gravity=6 ; gravity constant for ballistic projectiles
IdleActionFrequency=.15 ; average minutes between infantry performing idle actions
IdleActionFrequency=.15 ; average minutes between infantry performing idle actions
MessageDelay=.6 ; time duration of multiplayer messages displayed over map
MessageDelay=.6 ; time duration of multiplayer messages displayed over map
MovieTime=.06 ; minutes that movie recorder will record when activated (debug version only)
MovieTime=.06 ; minutes that movie recorder will record when activated (debug version only)
NamedCivilians=no ; Show true names over civilians and civilian buildings?
NamedCivilians=no ; Show true names over civilians and civilian buildings?
SavourDelay=.1 ; delay between scenario end and ending movie [keep the delay short]
SavourDelay=.1 ; delay between scenario end and ending movie [keep the delay short]
ShroudRate=4 ; minutes between each shroud creep process [0 means no shadow creep]
ShroudRate=4 ; minutes between each shroud creep process [0 means no shadow creep]
IceSolidifyFrameTime=1000 ; how many frames between when ice is cracked and when it gets solidified
IceSolidifyFrameTime=1000 ; how many frames between when ice is cracked and when it gets solidified
AmbientChangeRate=.2 ; how many minutes between ambient light recalculations
AmbientChangeRate=.2 ; how many minutes between ambient light recalculations
AmbientChangeStep=.1 ; step rate for gradually changing ambient lighting
AmbientChangeStep=.1 ; step rate for gradually changing ambient lighting
SpeakDelay=2 ; minutes between EVA repeating advice to the player
SpeakDelay=2 ; minutes between EVA repeating advice to the player
TimerWarning=2 ; if mission timer is less than this many minutes, then display in red
TimerWarning=2 ; if mission timer is less than this many minutes, then display in red
ExtraUnitLight=.2 ; Extra light to make units glow.
ExtraUnitLight=.2 ; Extra light to make units glow.
ExtraInfantryLight=.2 ; Extra light to make infantry glow.
ExtraInfantryLight=.2 ; Extra light to make infantry glow.
ExtraAircraftLight=.2 ; Extra light to make aircraft glow.
ExtraAircraftLight=.2 ; Extra light to make aircraft glow.
EMPulseSparkles=EMP_FX01 ; Anim to play over units disabled by an EM Pulse.
EMPulseSparkles=EMP_FX01 ; Anim to play over units disabled by an EM Pulse.

; ******* Crate rules *******
; ******* Crate rules *******
; General crate rules and controls are specified here.
; General crate rules and controls are specified here.
CrateMaximum=255 ; crates can never exceed this quantity
CrateMaximum=255 ; crates can never exceed this quantity
CrateMinimum=1 ; crates are normally one per human player but never below this number
CrateMinimum=1 ; crates are normally one per human player but never below this number
CrateRadius=3.0 ; radius (cells) for area effect crate powerup bonuses
CrateRadius=3.0 ; radius (cells) for area effect crate powerup bonuses
CrateRegen=4 ; average minutes between random powerup crate regeneration
CrateRegen=4 ; average minutes between random powerup crate regeneration
SilverCrate=HealBase ; solo play silver crate bonus
SilverCrate=HealBase ; solo play silver crate bonus
SoloCrateMoney=2000 ; money to give for money crate in solo play missions
SoloCrateMoney=2000 ; money to give for money crate in solo play missions
UnitCrateType=none ; specifies specific unit type for unit type crate ['none' means pick randomly]
UnitCrateType=none ; specifies specific unit type for unit type crate ['none' means pick randomly]
WoodCrate=Money ; solo play wood crate bonus
WoodCrate=Money ; solo play wood crate bonus
HealCrateSound=HEALER1 ; heal crate sound effect
HealCrateSound=HEALER1 ; heal crate sound effect
WoodCrateImg=CRATE ; wood crate overlay image to use
WoodCrateImg=CRATE ; wood crate overlay image to use
CrateImg=CRATE ; normal crate overlay image to use
CrateImg=CRATE ; normal crate overlay image to use
FreeMCV=no ; Give free MCV from crate if no buildings but still has money [multiplay only]?
FreeMCV=no ; Give free MCV from crate if no buildings but still has money [multiplay only]?

; ******* Combat and damage rules *******
; ******* Combat and damage rules *******
; General rules that control combat, damage, or related items are listed here.
; General rules that control combat, damage, or related items are listed here.
AmmoCrateDamage=300 ; damage generated from exploding ammo crate overlay
AmmoCrateDamage=300 ; damage generated from exploding ammo crate overlay
HarvesterImmune=no ; Are harvester immune to normal combat damage?
HarvesterImmune=no ; Are harvester immune to normal combat damage?
DestroyableBridges=yes ; Can bridges be destroyed?
DestroyableBridges=yes ; Can bridges be destroyed?
TiberiumExplosive=yes ; Is tiberium extra explosive?
TiberiumExplosive=yes ; Is tiberium extra explosive?
Scorches=BURN01,BURN02,BURN03,BURN04 ; scorch mark smudge types
Scorches=BURN01,BURN02,BURN03,BURN04 ; scorch mark smudge types
Scorches1=BURN05,BURN06,BURN07 ; scorch mark smudge types
Scorches1=BURN05,BURN06,BURN07 ; scorch mark smudge types
Scorches2=BURN08,BURN09,BURN10 ; scorch mark smudge types
Scorches2=BURN08,BURN09,BURN10 ; scorch mark smudge types
Scorches3=BURN11,BURN12,BURN13 ; scorch mark smudge types
Scorches3=BURN11,BURN12,BURN13 ; scorch mark smudge types
Scorches4=BURN14,BURN15,BURN16 ; scorch mark smudge types
Scorches4=BURN14,BURN15,BURN16 ; scorch mark smudge types
TiberiumExplosionDamage = 100 ; the amount of damage dealt out by explosion in a big tiberium chain reaction
TiberiumExplosionDamage = 100 ; the amount of damage dealt out by explosion in a big tiberium chain reaction
TiberiumStrength = 20 ; the higher this value, the harder it is to get big tiberium to explode
TiberiumStrength = 20 ; the higher this value, the harder it is to get big tiberium to explode
Craters=CR1,CR2,CR3,CR4,CR5,CR6 ; crater smudge types
Craters=CR1,CR2,CR3,CR4,CR5,CR6 ; crater smudge types
AtomDamage=1000 ; damage points when nuclear bomb explodes (regardless of source)
AtomDamage=1000 ; damage points when nuclear bomb explodes (regardless of source)
BallisticScatter=1.0 ; maximum scatter distance (cells) for inaccurate ballistic projectiles
BallisticScatter=1.0 ; maximum scatter distance (cells) for inaccurate ballistic projectiles
BridgeStrength=1500 ; strength of bridge [smaller means more easily destroyed]
BridgeStrength=1500 ; strength of bridge [smaller means more easily destroyed]
C4Delay=.03 ; minutes to delay after placing C4 before building will explode
C4Delay=.03 ; minutes to delay after placing C4 before building will explode
C4Warhead=HE ; this is the warhead that C4 uses to damage buildings
C4Warhead=HE ; this is the warhead that C4 uses to damage buildings
FirestormWarhead=FirestormWH ; the warhead that the firestorm defense uses when active
FirestormWarhead=FirestormWH ; the warhead that the firestorm defense uses when active
IonCannonWarhead=IonCannonWH ; the warhead that the ion cannon uses