Burn the Witch - Official (Left) vs Astral (Right)

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Ninny: Fairy tales are such bullshit.
Ninny: Fairy tales are such bullshit.
Ninny: It's always some girl getting a spell cast\Non her that turns her into a princess,
Ninny: It's always some girl getting a spell cast\Non her that turns her into a princess,
ninny: getting to wear a pretty dress,
ninny: getting to wear a pretty dress,
Ninny: pretending to choose some hot guy\Nand being chosen herself...
Ninny: pretending to choose some hot guy\Nand being chosen herself...
Ninny: Not to mention, the spell randomly \Nbreaks in the middle of it all. Lame, right?
Ninny: Not to mention, the spell randomly \Nbreaks in the middle of it all. Lame, right?
Paparazzi A: Here she comes!
Paparazzi A: Here she comes!
Papapazzi: It's Ninny!
Papapazzi: It's Ninny!
: Hi, Ninny!
Ninny: Yet, for some reason, \Nevery girl wants to be a princess.
Ninny: Yet, for some reason, \Nevery girl wants to be a princess.
: Hi, Ninny!
Paparazzi A: Nice hoodie!
Paparazzi A: Nice hoodie!
Paparazzi A: Is it true you broke up with TJ?
Ninny: Like, are you serious?\NThe spell just breaks randomly.
Ninny: Like, are you serious?\NThe spell just breaks randomly.
Paparazzi A: Is it true you broke up with TJ?
Paparazzi B: We haven't seen you together for a while.
Paparazzi B: We haven't seen you together for a while.
Paparazzi C: Did you find someone new?
Paparazzi C: Did you find someone new?
Ninny: It was inevitable because\Nyou broke your promise?
Ninny: It was inevitable because you broke your promise?
Paparazzi D: Just give us a little something.
Paparazzi D: Just give us a little something.
Ninny: Or time ran out, so what can you do?
Ninny: Or time ran out, so what can you do?
Paparazzi D: I heard someone left the group.
Paparazzi D: I heard someone left the group.
Ninny: But you can do something.
Ninny: But you can do something.
Paparazzi C: What do you think about losing a member?
Paparazzi C: What do you think about losing a member?
Ninny: You're all fools.
Ninny: You're all fools.
Paparazzi E: You didn't get along with Macy, did you?
Paparazzi E: You didn't get along with Macy, did you?
Ninny: None of you know the real \Nreason the spell breaks.
Ninny: None of you know the real reason the spell breaks.
Paparazzi E: Was it always like that?
Paparazzi E: Was it always like that?
Paparazzi B: Is that the reason?
Paparazzi B: Is that the reason?
Ninny: So irritating.
Ninny: So irritating.
Paparazzi A: Huh?
Paparazzi A: Huh?
Paparazzi A: Hey, wait! Ninny!
Paparazzi A: Hey, wait! Ninny!
Paparazzi B: What the hell was that insane flash?
Paparazzi B: What the hell was that insane flash?
Paparazzi: She went in there!
Paparazzi: She went in there!
Paparazzi A: Huh?
Paparazzi A: Huh?
Paparazzi B: She disappeared...
Paparazzi B: She disappeared...
Ninny: If magic only works on fools,
Ninny: If magic only works on fools,
Ninny: I'd rather be the one casting the spell.
Ninny: I'd rather be the one casting the spell.
Noel: The tip of my finger, the edge of my voice.
Noel: The tip of my finger, the edge of my voice.
Noel: Revenger Joe's Iron Key.
Noel: Revenger Joe's Iron Key.
Noel: Five locks, three chains, silence-sheathed.
Noel: Five locks, three chains, silence-sheathed.
Noel: A blast from the pipe to blind.
Noel: A blast from the pipe to blind.
Noel: Please don't use magic!
Noel: Please don't use magic!
Noel: Your magic will make your antlers... bloom...
Noel: Your magic will make your antlers... bloom...
Noel: Blue Spark!
Noel: Blue Spark!
Ninny: Magic Number 44: Flash Bumper!
Ninny: Magic Number 44: Flash Bumper!
Ninny: That was a close one.
Ninny: That was a close one.
Ninny: That's a bud buck, y'know.
Ninny: That's a bud buck, y'know.
Ninny: That's an A-rank harvest.
Ninny: That's an A-rank harvest.
Ninny: What were you gonna do\Nif I didn't make it in time?
Ninny: What were you gonna do if I didn't make it in time?
Noel: I don't want to hear that from someone \Nwho shows up so appallingly late,
Noel: I don't want to hear that from someone \Nwho shows up so appallingly late,
Noel: Ninny.
Noel: Ninny.
Ninny: I told you to stop calling me by my\Nfirst name! I have seniority here,
Ninny: I told you to stop calling me by my\Nfirst name! I have seniority here,
Ninny: Niiha!
Ninny: Niiha!
Noel: If you start calling me "Noel," \NI'll consider it, Ninny.
Noel: If you start calling me "Noel," \NI'll consider it, Ninny.
Ninny: Where do you get off casually making \Ndemands of your seniors like that?
Ninny: Where do you get off casually making \Ndemands of your seniors like that?
Nar: Dragons: mythical creatures.
Nar: Dragons: mythical creatures.
Nar: But in truth, they are neither\Nmythical nor creatures.
Nar: But in truth, they are neither mythical nor creatures.
Nar: Since time immemorial,\N72% of all deaths in London
Nar: Since time immemorial, 72% of all deaths in London
Nar: have been caused by grotesque\Nbeings known as dragons.
Nar: have been caused by grotesque beings known as dragons.
Nar: That is why they are so prominently\Ndisplayed on London's coat of arms.
Nar: That is why they are so prominently\Ndisplayed on London's coat of arms.
Nar: Rampaging dragons cause\Ngreat harm to humans.
Nar: Rampaging dragons cause great harm to humans.
Nar: In order to prevent that,\Nthe dragons must be monitored.
Nar: In order to prevent that, the dragons must be monitored.
Nar: The citizens of Front London\Ncannot see the dragons.
Nar: The citizens of Front London cannot see the dragons.
Nar: But there's also a Reverse London.
Nar: But there's also a Reverse London.
Nar: Only those who live on the reverse\Nside of London can see the dragons.
Nar: Only those who live on the reverse\Nside of London can see the dragons.
Nar: It inevitably fell to the people of Reverse\NLondon to take care of and manage the dragons.
Nar: It inevitably fell to the people of Reverse\NLondon to take care of and manage the dragons.
Ninny: What the heck?!
Ninny: What the heck?!
Ninny: You guys still haven't fixed this from\Nwhen that big guy wrecked it? Pathetic!
Ninny: You guys still haven't fixed this from\Nwhen that big guy wrecked it? Pathetic!
Guy: S-Sorry...
Guy: S-Sorry...
Guy: We were asked to get the monitor up first.
Guy: We were asked to get the monitor up first.
Ninny: And you! Why did you take on\Na two-person job by yourself?
Ninny: And you! Why did you take on\Na two-person job by yourself?
Noel: Because you were late, Ninny.
Noel: Because you were late, Ninny.
Ninny: Most people would just wait!
Ninny: Most people would just wait!
Noel: If I took care of it on my own,\NI'd get the reward all to myself.
Noel: If I took care of it on my own,\NI'd get the reward all to myself.
Ninny: I knew it!
Ninny: I knew it!
Ninny: So that's what you're after.
Ninny: So that's what you're after.
Noel: You make plenty at your job in Front London,
Noel: You make plenty at your job in Front London,
Noel: so just exchange as much as you want.
Noel: so just exchange as much as you want.
Ninny: I have some pride, you know!
Ninny: I have some pride, you know!
Ninny: And quit saying stuff like that.
Ninny: And quit saying stuff like that.
Noel: Huh?
Noel: Huh?
Noel: I lost achievement points.
Noel: I lost achievement points.
Noel: But I plucked all the flowers that\Nbloomed so they wouldn't find out.
Noel: But I plucked all the flowers that\Nbloomed so they wouldn't find out.
Ninny: Yes! I got points!
Ninny: Yes! I got points!
Noel: But why?
Noel: But why?
Ninny: Because of my assist at the end, duh.
Ninny: Because of my assist at the end, duh.
Ninny: That's the only reason our\Npayload made it out safe.
Ninny: That's the only reason our payload made it out safe.
Guy: So cute.
Guy: So cute.
Guy: Cut it out.
Guy: Cut it out.
Guy: They'll be pissed if they catch \Nyou sneaking photos again.
Guy: They'll be pissed if they catch \Nyou sneaking photos again.
Ninny: Hey, wait a minute!
Ninny: Hey, wait a minute!
Ninny: Why are you plucking flowers \Noff of bud bucks, anyway?!
Ninny: Why are you plucking flowers off of bud bucks, anyway?!
Noel: Well, what was I supposed to do?
Noel: Well, what was I supposed to do?
Noel: They go down in price if their \Nflowers bloom before they're sold.
Noel: They go down in price if their \Nflowers bloom before they're sold.
Noel: I did it for our client.
Noel: I did it for our client.
Noel: See? Isn't it pretty?
Noel: See? Isn't it pretty?
Noel: You can touch it if you like.
Noel: You can touch it if you like.
Noel: You can't have it, though.
Noel: You can't have it, though.
Ninny: A-As if I'd want it!
Ninny: A-As if I'd want it!
Osushi: Let me see your panties!
Osushi: Let me see your panties!
Osushi: Let me see your panties!
Osushi: Let me see your panties!
Balgo: Hey! Osushi!
Balgo: Hey! Osushi!
Guy: What's that thing?
Guy: What's that thing?
Guy: Is it a dark dragon?
Guy: Is it a dark dragon?
Guy: In the middle of the city?
Guy: In the middle of the city?
Guy: No...
Guy: No...
Guy: It's just Balgo.
Guy: It's just Balgo.
Guy: Damn it. Not him again.
Guy: Damn it. Not him again.
Balgo: Osushi! Calm down!
Balgo: Osushi! Calm down!
Balgo: You're a cutie! You're absolutely \Nadorable, so please, calm down!
Balgo: You're a cutie! You're absolutely \Nadorable, so please, calm down!
Ninny: Hey, it's Balgo and Osushi.
Ninny: Hey, it's Balgo and Osushi.
Noel: Indeed it is.
Noel: Indeed it is.
Ninny: So do something about them. \NYou're in charge of them, aren't you?
Ninny: So do something about them. \NYou're in charge of them, aren't you?
Noel: We're in charge of them.
Noel: We're in charge of them.
Ninny: He's your senior at school, isn't he?
Ninny: He's your senior at school, isn't he?
Noel: I mean, it's probably fine.
Noel: I mean, it's probably fine.
Noel: Look. He's all smiles.\NWhy don't we have some tea?
Noel: Look. He's all smiles.\NWhy don't we have some tea?
Ninny: I want a caffè latte.
Ninny: I want a caffè latte.
Noel: I'll be glad to push the button,\Nbut you have to put the money in.
Noel: I'll be glad to push the button,\Nbut you have to put the money in.
Chief: There's nothing "fine" about this!
Chief: There's nothing "fine" about this!
Chief: At this rate, Balgo's going to die!
Chief: At this rate, Balgo's going to die!
Chief: We've been tasked with keeping an eye\Non him, so I need you two to do your jobs!
Chief: We've been tasked with keeping an eye\Non him, so I need you two to do your jobs!
Ninny: Getting us to keep tabs on dragonclads
Ninny: Getting us to keep tabs on dragonclads
Ninny: is basically HQ's way of making\Nthis nonsense our problem.
Ninny: is basically HQ's way of making\Nthis nonsense our problem.
Ninny: It's not like we get paid\Nor earn achievement points
Ninny: It's not like we get paid or earn achievement points
Ninny: for keeping him out of trouble 24/7
Ninny: for keeping him out of trouble 24/7
Ninny: while we're on the job.
Ninny: while we're on the job.
Chief: So we're back to that.
Chief: So we're back to that.
Chief: I figured you might say that...
Chief: I figured you might say that...
Chief: So I talked to some of the higher-ups
Chief: So I talked to some of the higher-ups
Chief: and got you girls some extra money\Nand achievement points for this.
Chief: and got you girls some extra money\Nand achievement points for this.
Ninny: Say what?!
Ninny: Say what?!
Ninny: All right, fine. Let's do this!
Ninny: All right, fine. Let's do this!
Ninny: Let's go, Niiha!
Ninny: Let's go, Niiha!
Ninny: You're doing this for the money.
Ninny: You're doing this for the money.
Ninny: I'm doing it for merit.
Ninny: I'm doing it for merit.
Ninny: But just so we don't sound completely\Nawful, we're doing it for society!
Ninny: But just so we don't sound completely\Nawful, we're doing it for society!
Chief: Could you maybe shout the\N"doing it for society" part first?
Chief: Could you maybe shout the\N"doing it for society" part first?
Guy: What the...
Guy: What the...
Balgo: Osushi!
Balgo: Osushi!
Lady: Well, if you say so, Daddy...
Lady: Well, if you say so, Daddy...
Balgo: You're such a good doggie, Osushi!
Balgo: You're such a good doggie, Osushi!
Random lady: It sure is noisy over there.
Random lady: It sure is noisy over there.
Jimmy: Yeah. Maybe there's a dragon on the loose.
Jimmy: Yeah. Maybe there's a dragon on the loose.
Random lady: Don't even joke about that.\NMake sure it's spick and span up there.
Random lady: Don't even joke about that.\NMake sure it's spick and span up there.
Jimmy: Yes, ma'am.
Jimmy: Yes, ma'am.
Balgo: Wait!
Balgo: Wait!
Jimmy: Balgo, you idiot!
Jimmy: Balgo, you idiot!
Jimmy: Don't come over here!
Jimmy: Don't come over here!
Random lady: Goodness, that chimney\Nsweep's really going at it.
Random lady: Goodness, that chimney sweep's really going at it.
Balgo: Sorry! I'm really sorry!
Balgo: Sorry! I'm really sorry!
Balgo: Are you hurt?
Balgo: Are you hurt?
Jimmy: You moron!
Jimmy: You moron!
Jimmy: I'm not hurt!
Jimmy: I'm not hurt!
Jimmy: I just don't wanna get arrested for \Nviolating the dragon contact law!
Jimmy: I just don't wanna get arrested for \Nviolating the dragon contact law!
Jimmy: Wing Bind HQ is right over there!
Jimmy: Wing Bind HQ is right over there!
Balgo: Noel!
Balgo: Noel!
Balgo: You saved me!
Balgo: You saved me!
Ninny: I'm the one who saved you, you dumbass.
Ninny: I'm the one who saved you, you dumbass.
Noel: There, there. Please calm down, Osushi.
Noel: There, there. Please calm down, Osushi.
Noel: Osushi's calm now.
Noel: Osushi's calm now.
Ninny: What did you do to the poor thing, anyway?
Ninny: What did you do to the poor thing, anyway?
Balgo: Nothing. I was just taking Osushi for a walk.
Balgo: Nothing. I was just taking Osushi for a walk.
Jimmy: Uh... Thank you, witches.
Jimmy: Uh... Thank you, witches.
Jimmy: So, um... about that chimney...
Jimmy: So, um... about that chimney...
Noel: Your dragon insurance should cover it.
Noel: Your dragon insurance should cover it.
Noel: More importantly...
Noel: More importantly...
Noel: Did you come into contact with the dragon?
Noel: Did you come into contact with the dragon?
Jimmy: N-No! Not at all!
Jimmy: N-No! Not at all!
Ninny: Niiha, run the test.
Ninny: Niiha, run the test.
Noel: Right.
Noel: Right.
Noel: Please lick this.
Noel: Please lick this.
Balgo: Um... What happens if \Nsomeone touches a dragon?
Balgo: Um... What happens if someone touches a dragon?
Noel: For the protection of both \Ndragons and humans,
Noel: For the protection of both dragons and humans,
Noel: the Dragon Contact Prohibition\NLaw was passed in 1609.
Noel: the Dragon Contact Prohibition Law was passed in 1609.
Noel: Violators face 100 years in prison.
Noel: Violators face 100 years in prison.
Noel: Or...
Noel: Or...
Ninny: They get executed.
Ninny: They get executed.
Balgo: What?
Balgo: What?
Noel: It's within the normal range.
Noel: It's within the normal range.
: Huh.
: Huh.
Balgo: Thank goodness!
Balgo: Thank goodness!
Ninny: This is all your fault!
Ninny: This is all your fault!
Balgo: I'm sorry!
Balgo: I'm sorry!
Ninny: Who do you think... caused...\Nthis mess... in the first place... huh?!
Ninny: Who do you think... caused...\Nthis mess... in the first place... huh?!
Ninny: Who do you think... caused...\Nthis mess... in the first place... huh?!
Ninny: Who do you think... caused...\Nthis mess... in the first place... huh?!
Balgo: Ow!
Balgo: Ow!
Ninny: Who do you think... caused...\Nthis mess... in the first place... huh?!
Ninny: Who do you think... caused...\Nthis mess... in the first place... huh?!
Ninny: Who do you think... caused...\Nthis mess... in the first place... huh?!
Ninny: Who do you think... caused...\Nthis mess... in the first place... huh?!
Balgo: Ouch!
Balgo: Ouch!
Ninny: Who do you think... caused...\Nthis mess... in the first place... huh?!
Ninny: Who do you think... caused...\Nthis mess... in the first place... huh?!
Ninny: Also, why don't you put a muzzle \Non Osushi when you go out?!
Ninny: Also, why don't you put a muzzle \Non Osushi when you go out?!
Ninny: You're the only civilian who can\Ntouch Osushi and not get locked up,
Ninny: You're the only civilian who can\Ntouch Osushi and not get locked up,
Ninny: because you're a dragonclad!
Ninny: because you're a dragonclad!
Ninny: Do you realize that?!
Ninny: Do you realize that?!
Balgo: But I did put one on!
Balgo: But I did put one on!
Balgo: It just got ripped off when Osushi suddenly \Nsprouted wings while we were walking!
Balgo: It just got ripped off when Osushi suddenly \Nsprouted wings while we were walking!
Noel: Did Osushi really grow wings \Nwithout anything triggering it?
Noel: Did Osushi really grow wings \Nwithout anything triggering it?
Balgo: Y-Yes!
Balgo: Y-Yes!
Noel: Where did it happen?
Noel: Where did it happen?
Balgo: Huh? Where?
Balgo: Huh? Where?
Noel: Please try to remember.
Noel: Please try to remember.
Noel: Osushi's wings usually appear
Noel: Osushi's wings usually appear
Noel: when you try to bark like Osushi,
Noel: when you try to bark like Osushi,
Noel: or when you sneeze,
Noel: or when you sneeze,
Noel: or when you start cracking up...
Noel: or when you start cracking up...
Ninny: So all the time, then.
Ninny: So all the time, then.
Noel: Or...
Noel: Or...
Noel: when you're in danger, Balgo.
Noel: when you're in danger, Balgo.
Noel: It would appear that, as a dragonclad,
Noel: It would appear that, as a dragonclad,
Noel: you aggressively attract\N dragons toward you.
Noel: you aggressively attract dragons toward you.
Noel: For now, I need you to take Osushi and get\Nsomewhere where there aren't many people.
Noel: For now, I need you to take Osushi and get\Nsomewhere where there aren't many people.
Noel: Ninny, the barrier tape.
Noel: Ninny, the barrier tape.
Ninny: On it!
Ninny: On it!
Ninny: So what now?
Ninny: So what now?
Noel: Magic Number 04: Stun Ball.
Noel: Magic Number 04: Stun Ball.
Ninny: Wait! What was the point of the barrier tape?!
Ninny: Wait! What was the point of the barrier tape?!
Noel: Just in case.
Noel: Just in case.
Noel: Oh, Chief.
Noel: Oh, Chief.
Noel: We've subdued a dragon,\Nso if we could get a bonus...
Noel: We've subdued a dragon, so if we could get a bonus...
Ninny: Dragon insurance!
Ninny: Dragon insurance!
Noel: No, that's not our fault.
Noel: No, that's not our fault.
Noel: Please stop whining. It's quite pathetic.
Noel: Please stop whining. It's quite pathetic.
Chief: So you don't know what kind of dragon it is?
Chief: So you don't know what kind of dragon it is?
Noel: Correct.
Noel: Correct.
Noel: It's the first time I've seen one like it,\Nso I don't know what kind it is.
Noel: It's the first time I've seen one like it,\Nso I don't know what kind it is.
Noel: It was rather worked up, \Nso I stunned it to shut it up.
Noel: It was rather worked up, so I stunned it to shut it up.
Ninny: Niiha!
Ninny: Niiha!
Ninny: It just went lights out.
Ninny: It just went lights out.
Ninny: It's coming!
Ninny: It's coming!
Ninny: We need to get it away from here!
Ninny: We need to get it away from here!
Noel: I know.
Noel: I know.
Ninny: All right, this should be good—
Ninny: All right, this should be good—
Ninny: Oh, come on. You're making\N this really difficult to call in.
Ninny: Oh, come on. You're making this really difficult to call in.
Noel: Ninny, in front of you!
Noel: Ninny, in front of you!
Ninny: Chief.
Ninny: Chief.
Ninny: Rutherford Street. We need \Nan emergency dragon blockade.
Ninny: Rutherford Street. We need \Nan emergency dragon blockade.
Ninny: We've got a dark dragon.
Ninny: We've got a dark dragon.
Guy: What the...
Guy: What the...
Lady: What's that sound?
Lady: What's that sound?
Broadcast: This is a notice from BBC Reverse London.
Broadcast: This is a notice from BBC Reverse London.
Broadcast: Due to a dark dragon alert,
Broadcast: Due to a dark dragon alert,
Broadcast: Rutherford Street is now\Nunder a dragon blockade.
Broadcast: Rutherford Street is now under a dragon blockade.
Broadcast: Anyone in the vicinity should\Nseek shelter immediately.
Broadcast: Anyone in the vicinity should seek shelter immediately.
Broadcast: Wing Bind has the situation under control.
Broadcast: Wing Bind has the situation under control.
Ninny: You know what always gets me?
Ninny: You know what always gets me?
Ninny: Doesn't it just piss you off when they say,\N"Wing Bind has the situation under control"?
Ninny: Doesn't it just piss you off when they say,\N"Wing Bind has the situation under control"?
Noel: No, because it's our job.
Noel: No, because it's our job.
Ninny: That's not what I mean!
Ninny: That's not what I mean!
Ninny: I'd be fine with it if we said it ourselves,
Ninny: I'd be fine with it if we said it ourselves,
Ninny: but why's the BBC announcing it?
Ninny: but why's the BBC announcing it?
Noel: Chief, the dragon blockade is set up, \Nso it's time we switched out with the Sabres—
Noel: Chief, the dragon blockade is set up, \Nso it's time we switched out with the Sabres—
Chief: Uh, hello? Noel? Hello—
Chief: Uh, hello? Noel? Hello—
Noel: What do you think you're doing?
Noel: What do you think you're doing?
Ninny: That's my line. You were really going \Nto let the Sabres take all the credit?
Ninny: That's my line. You were really going \Nto let the Sabres take all the credit?
Ninny: This is our chance to show\NHR how powerful we are.
Ninny: This is our chance to show HR how powerful we are.
Noel: Our duty as Pipers is to take dragons \Nto pasture and harvest from them.
Noel: Our duty as Pipers is to take dragons \Nto pasture and harvest from them.
Noel: We don't need to be powerful—
Noel: We don't need to be powerful—
Ninny: Like I said before...
Ninny: Like I said before...
Ninny: I want to join the Sabres!
Ninny: I want to join the Sabres!
Noel: Well, personally, I don't.
Noel: Well, personally, I don't.
Ninny: I hit it.
Ninny: I hit it.
Ninny: Whoa...
Ninny: Whoa...
Ninny: Magic Number 28: Rainy Wheel!
Ninny: Magic Number 28: Rainy Wheel!
Balgo: Help...
Balgo: Help...
Noel: Balgo.
Noel: Balgo.
Noel: Leave this to me.
Noel: Leave this to me.
Noel: Magic Number 75: Gatling Crown!
Noel: Magic Number 75: Gatling Crown!
Bruno: Hey. This is a huge deal.
Bruno: Hey. This is a huge deal.
Bruno: How many years has it been?
Bruno: How many years has it been?
Bruno: It's been a century!
Bruno: It's been a century!
Roy: Ninety-six years, to be precise.
Roy: Ninety-six years, to be precise.
Bruno: That's basically a century!
Bruno: That's basically a century!
Bruno: A whole century since the last time we let \Na dark dragon get into Reverse London!
Bruno: A whole century since the last time we let \Na dark dragon get into Reverse London!
Bruno: If this isn't a catastrophe, what the hell is?!
Bruno: If this isn't a catastrophe, what the hell is?!
Bruno: Could you show up for once?!
Bruno: Could you show up for once?!
Bruno: Stop chewing gum!
Bruno: Stop chewing gum!
Bruno: You guys seriously have nothin' to say?
Bruno: You guys seriously have nothin' to say?
Bruno: Am I the only one upset here? Huh?!
Bruno: Am I the only one upset here? Huh?!
Roy: I'm pretty sure I spoke.
Roy: I'm pretty sure I spoke.
Bruno: Anyway, my point is, letting this\NBalgo guy run around is the problem.
Bruno: Anyway, my point is, letting this\NBalgo guy run around is the problem.
Bruno: What do you say, Old Man Wolfy?
Bruno: What do you say, Old Man Wolfy?
Wolfgang: He has been the topic of countless \Ndiscussions within our squad
Wolfgang: He has been the topic of countless \Ndiscussions within our squad
Wolfgang: in the month since he became a dragonclad.
Wolfgang: in the month since he became a dragonclad.
Wolfgang: This situation occurred \Ndue to our own negligence.
Wolfgang: This situation occurred due to our own negligence.
Wolfgang: We cannot simply ignore it.
Wolfgang: We cannot simply ignore it.
Wolfgang: We will proceed with the plan to eliminate\Nthe dragonclad known as Balgo Parks.
Wolfgang: We will proceed with the plan to eliminate\Nthe dragonclad known as Balgo Parks.