Untitled diff
2 removals
Words removed | 0 |
Total words | 1755 |
Words removed (%) | 0.00 |
168 lines
11 additions
Words added | 266 |
Total words | 2021 |
Words added (%) | 13.16 |
177 lines
Player Rules
Player Rules
Player Rules
Player Rules
Welcome! We’re so glad to have you here! ShadowNET is a living community that builds on player actions. Consequently, The Golden Rule and The Silver Rule are our major guiding principles. We hope you understand and play along. In addition you should assume optional rules are not in use unless otherwise stated.
Welcome! We’re so glad to have you here! ShadowNET is a living community that builds on player actions. Consequently, The Golden Rule and The Silver Rule are our major guiding principles. We hope you understand and play along. In addition you should assume optional rules are not in use unless otherwise stated.
Got a Problem? No Problem!
Got a Problem? No Problem!
We want everyone here to feel welcome and heard. If you have any issues with another Player, a Game Master, a member of the Council or of the Senate, please let either the current Diplomat or a member of the Investigation Division know immediately. We will work with you to resolve the issue promptly and satisfactorily.
We want everyone here to feel welcome and heard. If you have any issues with another Player, a Game Master, a member of the Council or of the Senate, please let either the current Diplomat or a member of the Investigation Division know immediately. We will work with you to resolve the issue promptly and satisfactorily.
Player Accounts, or The Highlander Rule
Player Accounts, or The Highlander Rule
Players are encouraged to make multiple characters; however, all characters owned by the same player must be held underneath the same reddit account.
Players are encouraged to make multiple characters; however, all characters owned by the same player must be held underneath the same reddit account.
Read The Rules!
It is expected for you to have read and have on hand all relevant material for your character.
Fit The Setting
Shadowrun characters on the ‘Net must fit in the base Shadowrun. Only the Chargen head may deny on the basis of setting, but may also deny on the suggestion of other chargen members. The Chargen head must give a clear reason, and the player may bring it up to Investigation.
Active Characters
Active Characters
Each player may have a maximum of three Active Characters at any time.
Each player may have a maximum of three Active Characters at any time.
An Active Character is any character approved by the Character Team.
An Active Character is any character approved by the Character Team.
Dead and retired characters do not count towards this limit.
Dead and retired characters do not count towards this limit.
Prime Runner Slot
Prime Runner Slot
Once you have a character with atleast 150 total Career Karma, you can move it to a Prime Runner Slot. This Slot does not count against your total of 3 active characters. A Prime Runner can no longer participate in Public run thats are not Prime Runs. They are still eligible for Private Runs.
Once you have a character with atleast 150 total Career Karma, you can move it to a Prime Runner Slot. This Slot does not count against your total of 3 active characters. A Prime Runner can no longer participate in Public run thats are not Prime Runs. They are still eligible for Private Runs.
This is a one way move, once a character is in the Prime Runner Slot the only way to remove them is by either Death, or Retirement.
This is a one way move, once a character is in the Prime Runner Slot the only way to remove them is by either Death, or Retirement.
A Player May Only Have One Prime Runner Slot.
A Player May Only Have One Prime Runner Slot.
Achievement Unlocked!
Achievement Unlocked!
After a player has participated in ten shadownet runs, they unlock access to Metavarients, Metasapients, Shifters, Changelings (SURGE III only), and Infected Characters.
After a player has participated in ten shadownet runs, they unlock access to Metavarients, Metasapients, Shifters, Changelings (SURGE III only), and Infected Characters.
All Infected characters will be sterile (they cannot infect other characters)
All Infected characters will be sterile (they cannot infect other characters)
In addition, only Banshees, Ghouls, Gnawers, and Vampires can be created at character generation. Do note that it is still possible to be infected by any other infection while during play.
Looking For Work?
Looking For Work?
As a player on ShadowNET, you will have access to Job Posts (games) put up by Game Masters on the /r/ShadowNET subreddit.
As a player on ShadowNET, you will have access to Job Posts (games) put up by Game Masters on the /r/ShadowNET subreddit.
Players can dive even deeper into their characters through Private Sessions
Players can dive even deeper into their characters through Private Sessions
arranged with Game Masters. Private runs can take the form of (but are not limited to) Favors for a Friend, Character Exploration, or Initiations/Submersions.
arranged with Game Masters. Private runs can take the form of (but are not limited to) Favors for a Friend, Character Exploration, or Initiations/Submersions.
The Great Karma Exchange Program!
The Great Karma Exchange Program!
Are you saving up for some sweet cyberware, but keep getting hamstrung by these pesky feel-good runs? Are you trying to bump up that awesome skill of yours, but can’t seem to get work on anything but wetwork with little karma rewards? Fret not! Here at ShadowNET, you can choose to Work for the Man (convert karma rewards into nuyen rewards) or Work for the People (convert nuyen rewards into karma rewards). Each point of karma is worth two-thousand nuyen. Note: these conversions are capped at 5 karma/10,000 nuyen. You can not exchange karma or nuyen not earned on the run.
Are you saving up for some sweet cyberware, but keep getting hamstrung by these pesky feel-good runs? Are you trying to bump up that awesome skill of yours, but can’t seem to get work on anything but wetwork with little karma rewards? Fret not! Here at ShadowNET, you can choose to Work for the Man (convert karma rewards into nuyen rewards) or Work for the People (convert nuyen rewards into karma rewards). Each point of karma is worth two-thousand nuyen. Note: these conversions are capped at 5 karma/10,000 nuyen. You can not exchange karma or nuyen not earned on the run.
Renaming Gear
Renaming Gear
On your character sheet, you are not allowed to rename gear and other aspects of the sheet, such as martial arts and qualities.
On your character sheet, you are not allowed to rename gear and other aspects of the sheet, such as martial arts and qualities.
If the GM explicitly states that it is fine to loot, then looting is allowed. Otherwise, looted items do not stay with you after the run. If the GM says no once, you must respect their decision and not ask more.
If the GM explicitly states that it is fine to loot, then looting is allowed. Otherwise, looted items do not stay with you after the run. If the GM says no once, you must respect their decision and not ask more.
Upgrading Gear and Cyberware/Bioware
Upgrading Gear and Cyberware/Bioware
Let’s face it: that Rigger Command Console you bought at Character Generation isn’t quite what you wanted. But what’s a runner to do in this fierce economy? Upgrade! That’s what! Much like how one can upgrade a weapon focus by rolling for availability and paying the difference in price, any item with a rating (cameras, jammers, weapon foci, etc.) can be “upgraded” by rolling for availability (null availability can skip this step) and paying the difference in price. Cyberdecks, commlinks, and RCCs can also be upgraded this way.
Let’s face it: that Rigger Command Console you bought at Character Generation isn’t quite what you wanted. But what’s a runner to do in this fierce economy? Upgrade! That’s what! Much like how one can upgrade a weapon focus by rolling for availability and paying the difference in price, any item with a rating (cameras, jammers, weapon foci, etc.) can be “upgraded” by rolling for availability (null availability can skip this step) and paying the difference in price. Cyberdecks, commlinks, and RCCs can also be upgraded this way.
Cyber Suites
Cyber Suites
Upgrading within the Specific lines: SpinRad Systems, Evo, and Trans-Erika, can be done for only the difference in cost between the packages. The other Lines are not upgradeable, because of the nature of the differences in the packages. They are the same manufacturer but drastically different contents.
Upgrading within the Specific lines: SpinRad Systems, Evo, and Trans-Erika, can be done for only the difference in cost between the packages. The other Lines are not upgradeable, because of the nature of the differences in the packages. They are the same manufacturer but drastically different contents.
You can Upgrade the SpinRad Systems: Just a Little Edge, to the SpinRad Systems: Peak Performance, with the Proper Availability check(14R), and the Difference in cost(70,000 Nuyen, 1.5 Essence).
You can Upgrade the SpinRad Systems: Just a Little Edge, to the SpinRad Systems: Peak Performance, with the Proper Availability check(14R), and the Difference in cost(70,000 Nuyen, 1.5 Essence).
Upgrading grades
Upgrading grades
Between grades of Ware the cost is 125% of the difference between the two Grades.
Between grades of Ware the cost is 125% of the difference between the two Grades.
Deltaware & Milspec
Deltaware & Milspec
All gear listed as Deltaware or Milspec will require a Private Session, not a roll. This is to help properly reflect their true difficulty and availability. Milspec includes any gear labeled as such, and anything with an availability of 20 or higher that is not part of upgrade rules. these runs require approval.
All gear listed as Deltaware or Milspec will require a Private Session, not a roll. This is to help properly reflect their true difficulty and availability. Milspec includes any gear labeled as such, and anything with an availability of 20 or higher that is not part of upgrade rules. these runs require approval.
We use core rules. Please track yourself in real time, we are keeping track on the GM side as back up.
We use core rules. Please track yourself in real time, we are keeping track on the GM side as back up.
So You Wanna Be The Best?
So You Wanna Be The Best?
Training is hard work, and takes a great deal of time; however, with a little help from the right folk, learning can be fun (and take less time)! Below is a list of our training rules:
Training is hard work, and takes a great deal of time; however, with a little help from the right folk, learning can be fun (and take less time)! Below is a list of our training rules:
Improving a Single Skill Without a Trainer
Improving a Single Skill Without a Trainer
Ranks 1-4
Ranks 1-4
(New Rating) x Days
(New Rating) x Days
Nuyen Cost: Free
Nuyen Cost: Free
Ranks 5-8
Ranks 5-8
(New Rating) x Weeks
(New Rating) x Weeks
Nuyen Cost: Free
Nuyen Cost: Free
Ranks 9-13*
Ranks 9-13*
(New Rating) x 2 Weeks
(New Rating) x 2 Weeks
Nuyen Cost: Free
Nuyen Cost: Free
Improving a Single Skill, With a Trainer
Improving a Single Skill, With a Trainer
Ranks 5 to 8
Ranks 5 to 8
1 Week
1 Week
Nuyen Cost:
Nuyen Cost:
(New Rating)x500¥
(New Rating)x500¥
Ranks 9 to 13*
Ranks 9 to 13*
1 Month
1 Month
Nuyen Cost:
Nuyen Cost:
(New Rating) x 1000¥
(New Rating) x 1000¥
Improving a Group Skill Without a Trainer
Improving a Group Skill Without a Trainer
Ranks 1 to 4
Ranks 1 to 4
[(New Rating) x 2] Days
[(New Rating) x 2] Days
Nuyen Cost: Free
Nuyen Cost: Free
Ranks 5 to 8
Ranks 5 to 8
[(New Rating) x 2] Weeks
[(New Rating) x 2] Weeks
Nuyen Cost: Free
Nuyen Cost: Free
Ranks 9 to 13*
Ranks 9 to 13*
[(New Rating) x 2] Weeks
[(New Rating) x 2] Weeks
Nuyen Cost: Free
Nuyen Cost: Free
Improving a Group Skill With a Trainer
Improving a Group Skill With a Trainer
Ranks 1 to 4
Ranks 1 to 4
[(New Rating) x 2] Da m,ys
[(New Rating) x 2] Da m,ys
Nuyen Cost: Free
Nuyen Cost: Free
Ranks 5 to 8
Ranks 5 to 8
2 Weeks
2 Weeks
Nuyen Cost:
Nuyen Cost:
(New Rating)x1000¥
(New Rating)x1000¥
Ranks 9 to 13*
Ranks 9 to 13*
2 Months
2 Months
Nuyen Cost:
Nuyen Cost:
(New Rating)x2000¥
(New Rating)x2000¥
Improving a knowledge Skill: knowledge skills are half price when you use a trainer. Example: Mary Sue wants to know even more about Star Trek Fanfiction. Her cost to increase that knowledge skill from rank 3 to rank 4 is: 4 x 250¥, so she will pay a total of 1000¥ nuyen.
Improving a knowledge Skill: knowledge skills are half price when you use a trainer. Example: Mary Sue wants to know even more about Star Trek Fanfiction. Her cost to increase that knowledge skill from rank 3 to rank 4 is: 4 x 250¥, so she will pay a total of 1000¥ nuyen.
Martial Arts and Specializations: Along with the standard rules for martial arts and specializations, ShadowNET also allows characters to work with their trainers to reduce this training time to one week. This training also costs 500¥.
Martial Arts and Specializations: Along with the standard rules for martial arts and specializations, ShadowNET also allows characters to work with their trainers to reduce this training time to one week. This training also costs 500¥.
Attributes: Attributes can be raised at a rate of 1 point per week, regardless of base level.
Attributes: Attributes can be raised at a rate of 1 point per week, regardless of base level.
PVP Rules
PVP Rules
GM’s have the ability to deny or approve PVP at their discretion.
GM’s have the ability to deny or approve PVP at their discretion.
If a player wants to engage in PVP they may petition the GM
If a player wants to engage in PVP they may petition the GM
In addition occasional runs may be marked as PVP runs, for example Hunger Games.
In addition occasional runs may be marked as PVP runs, for example Hunger Games.
Initiations and Submersions
Initiations and Submersions
Given that initiations and submersions are mile markers in a character’s life, it is highly encouraged that players try to schedule in a Private Session with a Game Master; however, we fully realize that this is not always feasible. Awakened and Emerged characters have a few options when contemplating their Initiations and Submersions.
Given that initiations and submersions are mile markers in a character’s life, it is highly encouraged that players try to schedule in a Private Session with a Game Master; however, we fully realize that this is not always feasible. Awakened and Emerged characters have a few options when contemplating their Initiations and Submersions.
Players may Initiate or Submerging their characters through a Personal Run with a Game Master. This counts as an ordeal and may apply the appropriate Karma Cost Reduction.
Players may Initiate or Submerging their characters through a Personal Run with a Game Master. This counts as an ordeal and may apply the appropriate Karma Cost Reduction.
Additionally, players may Initiate or Submerge in a group as long as it fits both with character story and motivation. Group Initiations/Submersions may also apply the appropriate Karma Cost Reduction.
Additionally, players may Initiate or Submerge in a group as long as it fits both with character story and motivation. Group Initiations/Submersions may also apply the appropriate Karma Cost Reduction.
Lastly, players are always able to initiate or submerge their awakened/emerged characters by simply paying the full karma cost for the initiation/submersion, and making the roll as normal.
Lastly, players are always able to initiate or submerge their awakened/emerged characters by simply paying the full karma cost for the initiation/submersion, and making the roll as normal.
All Characters must wait at least one month before Initiating again.
All Characters must wait at least one month before Initiating again.
Not all qualities were built equally.While we work to stay as close to the original source material produced by Catalyst, certain alterations must be made in order for our format to function. Below is a list of altered and banned qualities during character generation.
Not all qualities were built equally.While we work to stay as close to the original source material produced by Catalyst, certain alterations must be made in order for our format to function. Below is a list of altered and banned qualities during character generation.
Current Alterations:
Current Alterations:
Addiction: Certain substances are better represented on ShadowNET using the Dependent quality rather than addiction. Such substances include (but are not limited to): alcohol, cigarettes, Hot Sim, Long Haul, Coffee. This is not an exhaustive list. All potential issues will be addressed during the Character Generation phase, this includes the dry addict quality.
Addiction: Certain substances are better represented on ShadowNET using the Dependent quality rather than addiction. Such substances include (but are not limited to): alcohol, cigarettes, Hot Sim, Long Haul, Coffee. This is not an exhaustive list. All potential issues will be addressed during the Character Generation phase, this includes the dry addict quality.
Lifestyle Location
Lifestyle Location
ShadowNet Involves Seattle runners, therefore all runners need their Primary Lifestyle (the one you gain mechanical benefits from, and start the run from.) within Seattle.
ShadowNet Involves Seattle runners, therefore all runners need their Primary Lifestyle (the one you gain mechanical benefits from, and start the run from.) within Seattle.
Attribute Minimums
Characters can only have 1 attribute at a permanently augmented rating of 1 at character generation and only with good reason such as physical or mental impairment in that attribute. Modifying an attribute of 1 to be higher than 1 through augments (such as muscle toner augmenting an AGI of 1 to 2) is acceptable.
Players may exchange street cred to gain or improve contacts. The rate at which one can do this is 2x the value of the new connection, and 1x the value of the new loyalty. Both connection and loyalty are limited to a maximum of 4 if improved through spending street cred. This doesn’t apply to net contacts, only to contacts that are similar to “at gen” contacts. Runners may burn off Public Awareness using Street Cred at a rate of 4 street cred for every public awareness. GMs may determine an appropriate knowledge skill (such as News) for a character to know to runner. The threshold to recognize the runner is 10-PA or notoriety.
Players may exchange street cred to gain or improve contacts. The rate at which one can do this is 2x the value of the new connection, and 1x the value of the new loyalty. Both connection and loyalty are limited to a maximum of 4 if improved through spending street cred. This doesn’t apply to net contacts, only to contacts that are similar to “at gen” contacts. Runners may burn off Public Awareness using Street Cred at a rate of 4 street cred for every public awareness. GMs may determine an appropriate knowledge skill (such as News) for a character to know to runner. The threshold to recognize the runner is 10-PA or notoriety.
Current Banned Qualities, Gear, and Lifestyles
Current Banned Qualities, Gear, and Lifestyles
Amnesia: Full Deletion
Amnesia: Full Deletion
Borrowed Time
Borrowed Time
Commercial Lifestyle
Commercial Lifestyle
Hotel California
Hotel California
One Good Thing About This Place
One Good Thing About This Place
Dead Emotion
Dead Emotion
One Shot Dart Gun
One Shot Dart Gun
Day Job
Day Job
Friends in High Places
Friends in High Places
Hung Out to Dry
Hung Out to Dry
Better to be Feared than Loved
Better to be Feared than Loved
So Jacked Up
So Jacked Up
Customizing Drugs
Customizing Drugs
In Debt
In Debt
Traveler Lifestyle
Traveler Lifestyle
W Zone
W Zone
Revels in murder
Revels in murder
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
One of Them
One of Them
Tough and Targeted
Tough and Targeted
Drug Grades
Drug Grades
Banned Spell & Adept Power List
Banned Spell & Adept Power List
Convert Blood to Ichor
Convert Blood to Ichor
Elemental Body: Pollution
Elemental Body: Pollution
Elemental Body: Radiation
Elemental Body: Radiation
Elemental Strike: Pollution
Elemental Strike: Pollution
Elemental Strike: Radiation
Elemental Strike: Radiation
Elemental Weapon: Pollution
Elemental Weapon: Pollution
Elemental Weapon: Radiation
Elemental Weapon: Radiation
Inflict Disease
Inflict Disease
Plague Cloud
Plague Cloud
Pollutant Stream
Pollutant Stream
Pollutant Wave
Pollutant Wave
Radiation Beam
Radiation Beam
Radiation Burst
Radiation Burst
Current rules for porting a RunnerHUB character to ShadowNET.
Current rules for porting a RunnerHUB character to ShadowNET.
Copy of current character sheet, and save file from Chummer/ HeroLab
Copy of current character sheet, and save file from Chummer/ HeroLab
When porting characters you may refund contact points spent on HUB contacts(put them in the notes section of your sheet), and spend them on NET contacts now or at a later date.
When porting characters you may refund contact points spent on HUB contacts(put them in the notes section of your sheet), and spend them on NET contacts now or at a later date.
Most importantly the understanding that this would be a fork in your character's story. runs you go on on the NET do not give you karma or nuyen on the HUB, or the other way around.
Most importantly the understanding that this would be a fork in your character's story. runs you go on on the NET do not give you karma or nuyen on the HUB, or the other way around.
Any character can, at any time, re-submit their character sheet. The process goes as follows: First, they submit a character sheet, as if it were a new character, with a log of the proposed changes to their sheet (Note that if the character is essentially a new character, or the changes are extensive enough that a list would be too long to reasonably make, that this is not required). Next, they must post links to their original character submission. Finally, after approval of the character sheet, the player is then allowed to grant the character rewards from that character’s first run.