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Hey! Let's hurry up and get going!
Hey! Let's hurry up and get going!
Sorry to make you wait.
Sorry to keep you.
Now, to go out and celebrate the completion of Bojji's training.
Now, to go out and celebrate the completion of Bojji's training.
Let's eat lots of delicious food!
Let's eat lots of delicious food!
B-Bojji, that's... a sword, isn't it?
B-Bojji, that's... a sword, isn't it?
But... that's quite big.
But that's a pretty big one.
Can you really wield it?
Can you really wield it?
Whoa, that's awesome!
Whoa, that's awesome!
Huh? Huh?
Huh? Huh?
Wh-What is that needly-looking thing?!
Wh-What is that needly-looking thing?!
Y-You deceived me!
Y-You fake!
How can you make up such a lie and deceive me into thinking he's become strong? You're the worst!
How can you even lie about that
and try to tell us that you made him stronger?! You're the worst!
What are you going on about? This isn't deception nor is it lying.
What are you going on about? This isn't deception nor is it lying.
This is what's called "bluffing."
This is what's called "bluffing."
It is the same thing!
It's the same thing!
people are going to look down on you thousands and thousands of times.
people are going to look down on you thousands and thousands of times.
Are you going to doubt yourself and hang your head each time?
Are you going to doubt yourself and look down at the ground each time?
No, no, no!
No, no, no!
You can say all the motivational words you want, but that's not the case here!
You may say those feel-good things, but reality is different!
Kage, you can rest easy.
Kage, you can rest easy.
Bojji's skills are tried and true.
Bojji's skills are tried and true.
how can you, of all people, doubt him?
what good will it do for you to doubt him?
That's right.
You're right.
What was I thinking?
What was I thinking?
Bojji, I'm sorry I doubted you.
Bojji, I'm sorry I doubted you.
...what was that back then?
...what exactly did I see back there?
Thank you.
Thank you.
But, having said that,
I have to know,
can he actually fight with that needle-like sword?
can he actually fight with that needle-like sword?
You need not worry.
You need not worry.
According to my theory, Bojji is invincible.
If my theory is correct, Bojji is invincible.
Theory, eh?
Theory, eh?
Invincible, eh?
Invincible, eh?
All right, here's to Bojji fully mastering the Despa arts!
All right, here's to Bojji fully mastering the Despa arts!
Despa arts?
Despa arts?
What's that?
What's that?
Ah, hey!
Ah, hey!
You're the ones who picked a fight with me before.
You're the ones who picked a fight with me before.
I'm the oldest brother, Aban!
I'm the oldest brother, Aban!
I'm the middle brother, Layne!
I'm the middle brother, Layne!
I'm the youngest brother, Boan!
I'm the youngest brother, Boan!
It's the three rowdy Aban Brothers!
It's the wild and rowdy Aban Brothers!
Who do we have here?
Who do we have here?
This is my swordsmanship apprentice.
This is my swordsmanship apprentice.
This little pipsqueak?
This little pipsqueak?
P-Pipsqueak, you say?!
P-Pipsqueak, you say?!
What's the matter? You angry?
What's the matter? You angry?
Now, now, just let it slide.
Now, now, just let it slide.
That's Lord Despa for you, managing to stay calm.
Despa is being surprisingly cool-headed.
And so is Bojji. Not engaging them is the grown-up response, I guess.
And so is Bojji. Not engaging them is the grown-up response, I guess.
All right, then, neither will I.
All right, then, neither will I.
Having a worthless apprentice like this...
Having a worthless apprentice like this...
is absolutely fitting for a camel-face like you.
is absolutely fitting for a camel-face like you.
Huh?! Lord Despa?!
Huh?! Despa?!
You can insult my apprentice, but I won't let you insult me!
You can insult my apprentice, but I won't let you insult me!
Isn't it the other way round?!
You've got it backwards!
N-Now you've gone and done it.
N-Now you've gone and done it.
Bring it on!
Bring it on!
Whoa, he's so weak!
Whoa, he's so weak!
Now to finish you!
Now to finish you!
Whoa... Bojji, you're surprisingly tough, huh?
Whoa... Bojji, you're surprisingly tough, huh?
What's this?
What's this?
You wanna take me on, do you?
You wanna take me on, do you?
Bojji, not barehanded! Use your sword!
Bojji, not barehanded! Use your sword!
No, he doesn't need his sword.
No, he does not even need his sword here.
--Huh? --Bojji will be able to defeat him barehanded.
Bojji will be able to defeat him barehanded.
Despa, did you hit your head?!
Lord Despa, did you hit your head?!
Just watch him.
Well, just watch.
You impudent little pipsqueak!
You impudent little pipsqueak!
What was that?
What was that?
No, that punch isn't going to work!
No, that punch didn't do anything!
Huh? He's laughing.
Huh? He's laughing.
He's laughing at Bojji's punch.
He's laughing over Bojji's punch.
--Brother! --Brother!
S-Stay back!
S-Stay back!
Bastard... What the hell did you do?!
What the hell did you do?!
Huh? What?
Huh? What?
We all have different weaknesses.
We all have different weaknesses.
Why, you...!
--Why, you...! --You little...!
You little...!
The jaw, you see, is the most effective spot for jolting one's head,
The jaw, you see, is the most effective spot for jolting one's head,
and delivering a concussion.
and delivering a concussion.
A concussion?
A concussion?
To compensate for his lack of strength, he harnesses the power of the opponent who comes at him
He uses the power of his opponent coming at him
to strike precisely at their weak spot.
to make up for his lack of power,
That's what makes Bojji so impressive.
allowing him to score a precise hit on their weak spot.
Lord Despa!
This is the magnificence of Bojji.
I'm sorry I doubted you!
I'll never doubt you again!
I'm sorry I doubted you! I'll never doubt you again!
You jerk, you've done something strange to us!
You jerk, you've done something strange to us!
Just a moment!
Just a moment!
If you're going to take up a weapon, I'm assuming that you're prepared to be killed?
If you're going to take up a weapon,
is it fair to say that you're prepared to give up your life?!
Draw your sword!
You little bastard!
You little bastard!
--Brother! --Brother!
H-He killed him!
H-He killed him!
Nicely done. He's out cold.
Nicely done. He's out cold.
Out cold?
Out cold?
You two, take him away.
You two, take him away.
Lord Despa, what exactly did Bojji do?
Despa, what exactly did Bojji do?
Mm-hmm, allow me to explain.
Mm-hmm, allow me to explain.
Huh? What are you doing?
Huh? What are you doing?
This is because there is a pain receptor here, which allows me to sense pain.
Ah... this is because there is a pain receptor, a point that feels pain, there.
Pain receptor?
Pain receptor?
Now then,
Now then,
what if I do this?!
how about here?!
L-L-Lord Despa?!
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
If you don't hit a pain receptor, you don't feel any pain.
If you don't hit a pain receptor, you don't feel any pain.
You can also avoid any blood vessels.
You can also avoid any blood vessels.
Eww, that's disgusting.
Eww, that's disgusting.
Living creatures are wondrous things, you see.
Living creatures are wondrous things, you see.
Bojji made use of this wondrous characteristic to knock his opponent out.
Bojji uses that wondrousness to knock his opponent out.
To knock someone out, brain function must be temporarily disrupted.
To knock someone out, you must stop their brain momentarily.
You can cause a temporary disruption by cutting off blood flow to the brain.
To stop their brain momentarily, you can stop the flow of blood to it.
Bojji uses his needle-sword to avoid any vital organs
Bojji uses his needle-sword to avoid any vital organs
while delivering direct stimulation to the nerves, dilating the blood vessels.
while delivering direct stimulation to the nerves,
As a result, the heart is unable to pump blood up to the brain, causing the person to pass out.
dilating the blood vessels. As a result,
Put simply, Bojji can defeat an opponent while leaving them unscathed.
the heart can no longer push the blood up into the brain,
resulting in them falling unconscious.
Put simply, Bojji can defeat an opponent
while leaving them completely unharmed.
Oh, th-that's awesome!
Oh, th-that's awesome!
That's awesome, Bojji!
That's awesome, Bojji! That's your sword style, all right!
That's your sword style, all right!
And, by the same token...
On the other hand...
...Bojji can easily take the life of his opponent at any time.
...Bojji can easily take the life of his opponent at any time.
Whoa, Bojji...
Whoa, Bojji...
...you have gotten stronger, huh? That's a good thing, right?
...you have gotten stronger, huh? Good for you, huh?
That's not right, is it?
Has he? Kage, what kind of strength were you really seeking?
That's not the kind of strength you were truly looking for, Kage.
--Huh? --The strength you sought was a great power to protect others.
A king's swordsmanship, to save the weak and shame the mighty.
What you were looking for was a great power that could protect others.
A king's swordsmanship that helps the weak and crushes the strong.
Is that not the kind of strength you were looking for?
Is that not the kind of strength you were looking for?
Y-Yes, yes, that's right.
Y-Yes, yes, it was. But people's hearts are weak, so...
But people's hearts are weak, so...
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
I believe Bojji will be just fine.
Bojji is sure to be fine. The first thing I taught him was mental fortitude.
The first thing I taught him was mental fortitude.
Bojji, what are the rules for one who carries a sword?
Bojji, what are the rules for one who carries a sword?
Number one!
Number one!
Number two!
Number two!
Number three!
Number three!
Mm-hmm! Make sure that you never forget them!
Mm-hmm! Make sure that you never forget them!
Outstanding! You are outstanding, Bojji!
Fantastic! Fantastic, Bojji!
Wah, Lord Despa!
Wah, Despa!
What'd he say?
What'd he say?
Beats me.
Beats me.
More than anything, Bojji possessed a righteous heart from the start.
More than anything, Bojji possessed a righteous heart from the start.
Th-That's right! Bojji, you're great!
Th-That's right! Bojji, you're great!
By bearing these rules firmly in mind,
By bearing these rules firmly in mind,
your skills will improve over time, as will your body and mind.
your skills will continue to increase,
Your life will become brighter and more joyful as a result.
and you will grow stronger in both body and mind.
Also, your life will shine bright, and you will enjoy yourself.
Very well.
Very well.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
Okay then, let's eat.
Okay then, let's eat.
Ah, I'm stuffed!
Ah, I'm full!
I just remembered something I need to do.
I just remembered something I need to do. You two go ahead without me.
You two go ahead without me.
Hmm? Okay.
Hmm? Okay.
Now, now, just take it easy.
No, no, come on now, take it easy.
At ease.
At ease.
I know it was an act, but I punched you in the face twice...
I know it was an act, but I'm sorry we hit you in the face twice.
Don't worry about it. This was my request, after all.
Not at all. I asked you to do so,
Thanks to you, I got to see Bojji in an actual fight.
and as a result, I got to see Bojji in an actual fight.
Here's a little something for your trouble.
For your trouble.
I cannot accept!
I cannot accept!
Oh no?
Prince Despa...
Prince Despa...
I was more powerless than I thought I would be.
I was more powerless than I thought I would be.
The moment he picked up that sword,
The moment he picked up that sword,
I knew right away that I could not win the fight.
I knew right away that I could not win the fight.
When we get back, you've got training to do.
When we get back, you've got training to do.
Cut me some slack, Captain!
Please overlook this, Captain!
But that's not all Bojji is capable of.
Still, Bojji's true power is even greater than this.
He has mastered an even more amazing move.
He has acquired an even more amazing skill.
I doubt he'll be using it often, though.
Although he isn't likely to show it off very much.
Bojji, come to think of it,
Bojji, come to think of it,
you learned from Lord Despa how to strike an opponent's weak spot,
you learned from Despa how to strike an opponent's weak spot,
but how in the world did you learn to be that fast?
but how in the world did you ever get to be that fast?
Huh? Mitsumata? That giant serpent?
Huh? Mitsumata? That giant serpent?
Prince Bojji, well done.
Prince Bojji, well done.
However, you still have a long way to go.
However, you still have a long way to go.
You still rely on your eyes.
You still rely on your eyes.
Sharpen your other senses.
Sharpen your other senses.
Then, you must become able to sense the presence of things through the movement of air on your skin
Then, you must become able...
...to sense the presence of things through the movement of air on your skin
and then dodge them.
and then dodge them.
How is the situation in the castle?
What's happening at the castle?
Queen Hilling was attacked by monsters from the underworld,
Queen Hiling was attacked by monsters from the underworld,
but Master Drusi risked his life to protect her.
but Master Dorshe risked his life to protect her.
Afterward, the mirror appears to have headed into the underworld.
Afterward, the mirror appears to have headed into the underworld.
There's no sign of movement from King Boss.
King Bosse has taken no action.
In addition, Master Apis is guarding the gateway to the underworld.
Master Apeas is guarding the gateway to the underworld.
I guess I won't be able do this on my own...
I can't do this alone.
We are here, are we not?
We are here, are we not?
I am the Snake Handler.
I am the Snake Handler. I love you guys so much, I can't stand it.
I can't help but cherish you guys.
Please don't fight for me.
Please don't fight for me.
Master Bebin, we would do anything for you.
Master Bebin, we would do anything for you.
Where is Prince Bojji?
Where is Prince Bojji?
Yes. I heard he has finished his training and has grown much stronger.
Oh, I heard that he has finished his training,
As expected of Lord Desper.
and has grown a great deal stronger.
Prince Despa does good work, doesn't he?
Yes, truly.
Yes, truly.
I see. Prince Bojji...
I see. Prince Bojji...
Master Bebin...
Master Bebin...
I know that Prince Bojji is your benefactor,
I know that you are indebted to Prince Bojji,
but I believe that Prince Daida is more suited to be the king.
but I believe that Prince Daida is more fit to be the king.
I'm not too keen on the idea of you training Prince Bojji and teaching him how to read lips.
Your training of Prince Bojji
Indeed, Prince Bojji may not be suited to be the King.
and teaching him how to read lips has not been very well received.
However, I am confident that when the boy grows up, he will save many lives in the future.
Indeed, Prince Bojji may not rise to the caliber of a king.
Prince Daida is no exception as well.
However, as the boy grows, I am certain that he will save many people.
I count Prince Daida as no exception, either.
Prince Bojji will save Prince Daida?
Prince Bojji will save Prince Daida?
Is that a prophecy, or just your wild instinct?
Is that a prophecy, or just your wild instinct?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I just have a strong feeling about it.
I just have a strong feeling.
The king's triumphal return... Things may really turn out that way.
The king's triumphal return, huh? It may end up coming to that.
If Mitsumata is the one who trained you, then Bebin probably knows about it, too.
If Mitsumata is the one who trained you, then Bebin probably knows about it, too.
Bojji, as it happens, Bebin told me something.
Bojji, as it happens, Bebin told me something.
Apparently, your kingdom is embroiled in a huge conspiracy right now.
Apparently, your kingdom is embroiled in a huge conspiracy right now.
No, I don't know what's gonna happen, but...
No, I don't know what's gonna happen, but...
...he told me "Make sure to keep Prince Bojji safe."
...he told me "Make sure to keep Prince Bojji safe."
But don't get the wrong idea.
But don't get the wrong idea.
My first and foremost priority is King Daida.
My loyalty is to King Daida, first and foremost.
I have no intention of making Prince Bojji the king.
I have no intention of making Prince Bojji the king.
You'll understand later why I'm helping him.
You'll understand later why I'm helping him.
Bojji, what do we do now?
Bojji, what do we do now?
Go back to your kingdom?
Go back to your kingdom?
Bojji, you aren't, by any chance, suspecting that old woman, are you?
Bojji, you aren't, by any chance, suspecting that old biddy, are you?
Bojji, you have no courage!
Bojji, you have no courage!
The courage to believe in others.
The courage to believe in others.
Hey... Bojji!
Hey... Bojji!
Let's go home, Bojji.
Let's go home, Bojji.