Untitled diff

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In the garden of Acala,
Once again, the maidens gather
maidens gather with pure smiles
in the gardens of the wise king
reminiscent of Shinsengumi warriors,
and cross the Tama River with smiles
crossing the flow of the Tama River.
as pure as those of the Shinsengumi.
Their hearts and bodies,
Their bodies and hearts, never once
untouched by impurity
sullied, are clad in pure white clothes.
are clad in pristine white uniforms.
The pleats of their skirts
Maintaining the pleats of their skirts
without a single wrinkle,
and the stillness of their blue sailor collars
their blue sailor scarves
they walk slowly, as is the custom here.
bothered not by the wind.
Tokyo Metropolitan
They walk slowly and delicately.
Hino-Minami High School.
Hinominami High School,
This is the Garden of Maidens,
the garden of the maidens.
albeit co-educational.
(It's a coed school.)
Good morning dear viewers!
Good morning to you, lovely viewers!
Shika! Shika, shika, shika! Shika!
Shika Shika Shika!
S H I I I K A !
It's still so coooold!
It's still so cold.
And it rained yesterday, too!
It rained yesterday, too.
It's slippery, so you have to be careful.
Be careful, it's slippery. Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Th-Thank you very much!
Erm... Thank you very much!
You're welcome.
You're welcome.
Torako Koshi.
Torako Koshi, a second-year student
Tokyo Metropolitan Hino-Minami High School.
at Hinominami High,
president of the student council
Student council president and
as well as Class 2-B's student rep.
class president of Class 2-B.
She's attractive, smart,
In addition
and good at sports.
she's attractive
In both school and around town,
a high academic achiever
she's revered as the perfect girl.
and has outstanding athleticism.
She is known both at school and in
the neighborhood as the "Perfect Girl."
She's wonderful!
She's wonderful!
Just as I planned!
Just as I planned.
However, beneath her seemingly
But Torako Koshi, whose high school life
perfect high school life
seems to be going so well,
lies a secret she can't reveal to anyone.
has a secret she can't tell anyone.
That is...
She's a former delinquent!
She is a former delinquent.
I'm the one they call
I am the famed wild beast of Tokyo Hino!
the Wild Beast of Tokyo's Hino City!
My dark past of being a delinquent
My dark past of being a delinquent,
influenced by too much shonen manga!
influenced by too much manga.
If this ever comes to light,
If I get caught,
all the effort I put into being
all the effort I put into
an honor student after I quit the gang life
being an honor student
when I got into high school
will go down the drain!
will go down the drain!
Not that anyone could ever see
Not that anyone could ever see
through my perfect disguise, though.
through my perfect disguise, though.
That's what she thought...
That's what she thought.
Up until this very day, that is.
Until today, anyway.
Are you kidding me? We have a suicide by
Are you kidding me?
hanging right in the first episode?!
A suicide by hanging in episode one?!
Should we have gotten
I'm glad we're a late-night anime!
a late-night timeslot?
Not that it makes this any better!
Not that it would've been much better!
Should I call the police? A doctor?
Should I call the police? A doctor?
Conan-ku-- I mean...
Detective Conan? No… Hajime!
She's alive?
She's alive?
What? If it's not suicide,
If it's not a suicide, then why is she
why is she hanging from a place like that?
hanging from a place like that?
She has antlers?
She has antlers?
Ah, it must be those things they sell at
Must be those things they sell at that
Tokyo Disne-- I mean Chiba Nezumi Land.
mouse-land place in Tokyo… I mean Chiba!
But then they'd come off
But those would come right off, right?
and she'd fall, right?!
Which means those are real antlers?
Which means those are real antlers?!
Deer antlers, by the looks of it.
And most likely deer antlers, at that...
Is she supposed to be a deer?!
There's no world where that's a deer,
Isn't it only male deer that grow antlers?
Though! I mean, only male deer
Is she some kind of new UMA?
have antlers anyway, right??
Or a modified human
Is it some kind of new UMA, then?
from an evil organization?
Or a mutant belonging to an evil organization?!
Either way,
Even so, that's quite the amount of snot...
that's an incredible amount of snot.
Temperature: 12°C.
Current temperature is 12°C.
That's disgusting!
And a bunch of animals are coming here
And now, animals have started to gather,
thinking she's dead meat!
thinking she's carrion!
You want a piece of me?
You want a piece of me?
You wanna piece of me, huh?!
You wanna piece of me, huh? Come at me!
Come on, come!
Why is she trying to pick a fight
Why is she trying to pick a fight
in this situation?
in this situation?
Actually, should I help her?
Should I help her?
She's glaring at me!
She's staring at me.
The intensity of her gaze!
The intensity of her gaze!
If I get caught up in this, I'll be late!
If I get caught up in this, I'll be late!
But I'm an honor student,
Honor students cannot be late!
I absolutely cannot be late!
I'll have to pretend I didn't see her
The best course of action is
and hurry to school.
to pretend I didn't see her
You're going to leave me here?
and hurry to school...
After seeing me like this,
You're going to leave me here...
you're still leaving me here?
You're really going to
M-Me? Of course not!
abandon me in this situation...
You're just up there for fun, right?
N-n-n-n-no, of course not, I'd never...
I'm running late.
Actually, you're hanging there
I don't really have time to play.
of your own accord, aren't you?
Tomorrow, the news will say,
And I'm in a real hurry here.
"A high schooler from Hino
I don't have time to be playing around...
got caught in power lines and died."
Tomorrow, the news will say:
From now on, you'll remember my face
"A high schooler from Hino town got
when you go down
caught in the electric wires and died"...
this street every morning.
From now on, every morning,
You'll regret this every day, thinking,
when you pass through this street,
"I should've helped her that day."
You'll remember my face.
Okay! Fine!
Every single day you'll think back
and regret your choice, thinking:
"I should have helped her down that day"...
Okay, I got it!
I'm alive!
I'm alive!
This girl's damn heavy!
This girl is freakin' heavy!
Hey you...!
You bastard--
Miss, what were you doing up there?
Excuse me, why were you up there?
I woke up this morning and there I was.
When I woke up this morning
I wonder why?
I was there already. I've no idea why...
Seriously, tell me why!
Seriously, tell me why!
Thanks so much for helping me,
Thank you so much for helping me,
I couldn't have done it without you
Miss Delinquent.
Miss Delinquent.
No, don't mention it...
Don't mention it.
Did you say "Miss Delinquent"?!
"Miss Delinquent"?
Huh? Who's a delinquent?!
Who do you think you're talking to?!
You, girl.
Wh-wh-what are you on about?!
W-What are you talking about?
Me? With this beautiful
Me? With this beautiful
and composed womanly appearance?
and composed womanly appearance?
A delinquent?!
A delinquent? Th-That's not possible!
That's p-p-p-preposterous!!
Oh, really?
But you smell like one.
Smell like what?
But I can smell it...
My antlers are reacting, too.
Smell what?!
What kind of sensor is that?
And my antlers react to you.
I have to get away from this girl.
Wait, what kind of sensor is that?!
It must be your imagination.
If I get mixed up with her,
You may be mistaking me for someone else.
I'll be in trouble.
I'd better get going.
I-isn't it just your imagination?
Try not to get stuck again, okay?
Maybe you're mistaking me for someone else...
That was close.
Oh, I got to get going!
I thought my disguise was perfect.
Try not to get caught up again, okay?
How did she…?
Phew, that was close.
Who the hell was that girl?
I was so sure my disguise was flawless...
Be seated, everyone.
How did she...?
I'd like to introduce a transfer student.
What the hell was with that girl?
Everyone to your seats.
I'd like to introduce you all
to a new transfer student.
A transfer student?
A transfer student?
I have a bad feeling about this...
I have a bad feeling about this.
Come on in.
Come on in.
I knew iiiit!!
I knew it!
Wh-why are you stuck again?
W-Why are you stuck again already?
Learn already, will ya?!
Learn from your mistakes!
You're kidding, right?!
Please introduce yourself
Please introduce yourself, Miss Shikanoko.
to the class Shikanoko-san.
Nroh! I'm Noko Shikanoko. Call me Nokotan!
I'm Noko Shikanoko!
You can call me Nokotan!
N O K O T A N !
What a funny girl.
What a funny girl.
She's a deer!
What a deer.
Why is everyone welcoming her normally?
Why is everyone welcoming her like that?
Am I the weird one here?
Am I the weird one here?
Your desk is...
As for your seat…
The one next to Koshi-san is free!
The desk next to Miss Koshi is open!
This is a common trope in school anime:
A common trope in school anime,
the conveniently-free seat.
the conveniently-empty seat.
This is bad!
This is bad. If she says something weird
If she says something weird,
my high school life will be over!
my high school life will definitely be over!
I have to make the first move.
I have to make the first move here.
Good morning!
G-good morning!
Hey, you're that girl.
Ah, you're the one from this morning!
So you're a transfer student?
So you were the transfer student.
I'm Torako Koshi. If you have
I'm Torako Koshi.
any questions, feel free to ask.
If you have any questions,
feel free to ask me!
Maybe this will be okay after all.
Thank you!
I guess I didn't need to worry so much.
It seems like it might be fine after all.
You can call me whatever you like.
It seems like it might be fine after all.
Whatever I like?
Well, seems like I didn't need to worry that much!
I was just overthinking things.
You can call me however you want.
Okay, Miss Delinquent!
However I want?
Miss Delinquent…
I was just overthinking things...
Let's be friends, Miss Delinquent!
Miss Koshi is a delinquent?
Miss Delinquent!
Miss Koshi, of all people?!
Miss Delinquent!
There must be a mistake.
I hope we can get along well,
A deer just joined your class
Miss Delinquent!
and you're choosing to focus on this?!
Koshi-san is a delinquent?!
W-Wait, a delinquent?
Koshi-san of all people...?!
We heard that wrong, right?!
Hey! You had no reaction to a deer,
what's with the surprise now?!
A d-d-d-delinquent, me?
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
Could you please not
Please don't make false allegations.
make false allegations?
My primal instincts are telling me
My instincts are telling me
you're a delinquent.
you're a delinquent, Miss.
Are you a wild animal?!
Are you a wild beast?!
Also, you're a virgin.
And, you're also a virgin, aren't you?
My antlers are reacting, too.
I mean, my antlers are reacting to you.
What kind of system is that anyway?!
What kind of system is that?!
Miss Koshi's a virgin?
Koshi-san's a virgin!
I knew it!
I knew Koshi-san had to be...!
Stay out of this, you extras!
Stay out of this!!!
W-What proof do you have
Wh-wh-what kind of proof
that I'm a virgin?
do you have to claim I'm a virgin...?
So you're not a virgin?
Huh? then you're not a virgin?
Well… that's…
Well, that's... erm...
Virginity confirmed.
Virginity confirmed.
It's Koshi-san!
It's Miss Koshi!
She looks beautiful as always!
She looks beautiful as always!
Just now it seemed like my disgraceful
My disgraceful past was
past was about to come to light...
just about to come to light.
I'm doing well...
Looks like I'm safe for now.
But I can't let my guard down!
But I can't let my guard down!
I have to make sure that deer
I have to make sure that deer
won't expose me as a former delinquent!
won't expose me as a former delinquent!
To accomplish that,
To accomplish that,
I must make my move
I must make my move
before she starts saying anything the next...
before she opens her mouth again.
A huge pile of snacks at my desk?!
Who put this mountain of sweets here?
Wait! This cross-shaped band...
Wait a minute… The way they're wrapped...
These are deer crackers!
"Deer crackers".
"Deer crackers."
As you know, the soul food
The soul food of Nara Prefecture.
of the Nara Prefecture people
(There are theories as to why.)
(There's theories as to why).
Students on their graduation trips
Some students on their graduation trips
often eat them for laughs,
always try to eat them for laughs but,
but much like their taste, the joke
much like their taste, that joke
is a bit bland, and usually falls flat.
is a bit bland, and usually falls flat.
The only one who would do this is...
Who would do this?
It was her for sure!
Is that drool?
Is that drool? What is she, a Merlion?
What is she, a merlion?!
Excuse me, Miss Shikanoko. What is this?
Erm, Shikanoko-san...?
I'm returning the favor.
What's the meaning of this?
That's not what your face says.
You saved me this morning, right?
A return in favor.
That's not what your face says!
You saved me this morning,
didn't you, Miss?
That's to say thanks.
That's to say thanks.
No, that was no big deal!
That was no big deal.
There's no need to thank me...
I don't need repayment.
You don't like deer crackers?
Not satisfied with deer crackers?
That's not the issue here...
That's not the problem.
Actually, why do you sound
Besides, why are you
so full of yourself all of a sudden?
suddenly being condescending?
In that case,
How about I give you a horn then?
here's a antler specially for you.
They come off?
You can take them off?!
I don't want that!!
I don't want that!
You can eat them, by the way.
You can even eat them.
D-does it taste good?
D-Does it have a taste?
Not that I'd eat it.
Not that I'm going to try it…
They have no taste, no smell, and are hard!
No taste, no smell, super hard.
So you have to force yourself to eat it?!
But you eat it anyway?
If that's what you say...
If that's how it is, then take this.
This one's special.
I said I don't want it!
I said I don't want it!
And sure, there's that,
Maybe I'm not in the position to say this,
But also isn't your identity
but you're ruining your own identity!
going to fall apart like that?
Without your antlers,
If you don't have your antlers,
you're just a regular high school girl!
you're just a common high school girl!
For the one who saved my life,
For the one who saved my life...
I'm willing to
I don't even mind
put my character on the line!
dropping my entire character!!
Calm down!
That's too heavy!
It's too early to abandon your character!
And it's too early to get out of character!
It's still the first episode.
It's still the first episode, you know?
You don't want my crackers or my antlers.
You don't want my crackers...
They stick back on?
You don't want my antlers...
Could it be?! What you're after is…
They stick back...
Ah! Could it be that what you want...
Is me?!
Why do you assume
I want deer-related things?!
Why are you so tied up with the deer thing?
Fine! Just eat me!
Okay, I got it, you can eat me! ...
I'm not gonna eat you!
I'm not gonna eat you!
And who are those people??
And who are those guys?
I mean,
I don't have anything else to give you!
I don't have anything else I can give you!
Look. As you can see,
Look, as you can see,
I don't have any money.
I don't have any money.
But you still have deer crackers?
You have more crackers?
Please, don't make me give you anymore...
Please. I have nothing left to give.
Why are you acting like I'm extorting you or something?
Why are you acting like
And for crackers, of all things!
I'm extorting you?!
Oops, my bad!
And for crackers?
I let my real feelings slip!
Crap, I let my true self show.
Hey, Nokotan!
Hey Nokotan,
Do you know Koshi-san?
are you and Miss Koshi friends?
You two have been close since morning!
You sure look like it!
Huh? "Nokotan"?
That's my nickname! Cute, isn't it?
That's my nickname!
Wow, you're annoying.
Cute right?
You see, I was stuck on a utility pole
this morning, and Miss Delin--
You see, I was stuck on a power pole
Miss Shikanoko!
this morning, and Miss Delinq--
I remembered the teacher called for you!
I just remembered sensei was calling for you!
Koshitan, what are you thinking?
(Do not run in the school hallway)
Bringing me to a place like this…
Oh my, Koshitan...
Bringing me to
a place like this all of a sudden...
How daring.
How bold...
What are you imagining?
What are you imagining?!
That's what I should be asking you.
What? I'm not…
What were YOU imagining, Koshitan?
Wh-what are you... I well...
You're such a virgin!
Such a virgin.
Shut up!
Shut up!
And what's with that
And why are you calling me Koshitan?
"Koshitan" all this time, huh?
It's your nickname.
It's a nickname.
We're Nokotan and Koshitan. Nice, right?
We're Nokotan and Koshitan,
Are we some kind of comedy duo?
isn't that great?
Who said you could give me a nickname?
Are we a comedy duo?!
Then we'll go with Miss Delinq--
Who said you could nickname me?
Koshitan is fine.
Well, I'm stuck with Miss Delinq...
It was fine after all.
"Koshitan" is fine.
That doesn't matter anyway.
Seems like it's okay.
Now, about my real identity.
I mean, that doesn't really matter anyway.
Do you promise
Now, about my real identity,
you'll never tell anyone, ever?
can you promise not to tell anyone,
I happen to be
ever, in no circumstances?
an honor student at this school
I am an honor student here,
and it'd be troublesome
so it'd be bad for me
if anyone found out.
in many ways if anyone
If you say anything,
found out about my real identity.
it will not end well for you.
If you do say anything...
Got it?
it'll not end well for you.
You got that?
You mean...
Your real identity…
Your real identity is that you're a virgin?
You mean as a virgin?
You're... Not wrong, but I don't mean that!
You're… not wrong, but no!
Damn it...
Damn it…
Where do you get off, teasing me like that...
Where do you get off teasing me like that?
Listen you!
Listen up,
Those antlers better be your only joke!
those antlers better be your only joke!
You're right...
You're right...
These are weird, aren't they?
These antlers are kinda weird.
E... Erm... No...
Well… no…
I mean, of course a girl with antlers
A girl with antlers is totally gross.
would be really disgusting, right?
What even is a deer, anyway?
It's like "What are you?",
I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.
"Are you even a deer, huh?", isn't it?
I see...
I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable.
She's lived through years
I see... She's probably heard horrible
of people talking about her appearance.
things about her appearance,
And yet I…
and I...
Forget being an honor student.
Forget about being an honor student,
I've failed at being a human!
I'm a complete failure as a human being!
I... I'm sorry!
I... I'm sorry!
I don't mind the antlers at all!
I don't care about your antlers!
So? We're a-okay now, aren't we?
How about this?
Koshitan wanted to ask
Koshitan, frozen with fear,
how far her antlers went,
was unable to ask where the horns started.
but she was scared of the answer.
Today was exhausting.
Today was exhausting...
I still have to study for tomorrow.
I still have to prepare for
tomorrow's classes when I get home.
What was that?
What was that noise just now?
From over there?
It came from there?
Excuse me! Is anyone in there?
Excuse me!
I just heard a loud noise and…
Is anyone there?
I just heard a loud noise.
Do I call the police? A doctor?
Is everything oka...
Detective Conan? No... Hajime!
Hey, Koshitan!
D-do I call the police? A doctor?
Miss Shikanoko, is that blood?
Conan-ku-- I mean...
Ah, Koshitan!
S... Shikanoko-san, is that b-b-blood?
Did something happen?
Did something happen?
Oh, it was my bad!
Oops, my bad.
I fell from the ladder,
I fell from the ladder
and ended up scraping my knee!
and scraped my knee!
And your head?
What about your head?!
Look at your head!
What a cute bandage.
What a cute band-aid!
Shut up!
Shush you!
What are you doing
And what are you doing
in this abandoned warehouse anyway?
in this warehouse no one uses?
I was cleaning.
I was cleaning!
Cleaning? All by yourself?
All by yourself?
Yep! Thanks, Koshitan!
Yep! Thanks, Koshitan!
Alright, back to work!
Alright, back to work!
Okay. I'll help you!
Fine. I'll help you.
What? Really?!
What? You will?
W-well, you're injured
Y-You're hurt.
and who knows what
Who knows what'll happen
you'll do if I leave you alone?
if I leave you here?
Yay! Thanks!
Yay! Thanks!
She is without a shadow of doubt, a Tsundere.
She is, without a doubt, a tsundere.
Cleaning is such a chore,
Cleaning is such a chore,
but you seem to be having fun, huh?
but you seem to be having fun.
I mean, I'm doing it with you, Koshitan!
Because I'm with you, Koshitan!
Y-you're exaggerating!
That's too much. We're just cleaning.
We're just cleaning!
Even cleaning can be fun
Even cleaning can be this much fun
when you do it with a friend.
when you do it with someone!
It looks much cleaner already!
Oh, my, it looks so much cleaner already!
Ukai Sensei?
Sensei, nroh!
Sensei, Notsu!
Hey there, nroh!
Hai hai! Notsu!
Did you help her, Miss Koshi?
So you helped her out, Koshi-san?
Thank you! It must've been hard.
Thank you!
Not at all! It was a piece of cake.
It must've been hard.
I'm so glad you'll be joining
Oh, not at all!
the Deer Club too, Miss Koshi!
It was pretty easy!
Of course-- Huh?
I feel much more at ease knowing you'll be
joining the Deer Club too, Koshi-san!
Of cour-- Huh?
Deer Club?
Deer Club?
Well, then, like I promised,
Just as I promised,
you can use this place however you like.
feel free to use this room as you like!
Wait, what in the world is a Deer Club?!
What in the world is the Deer Club?
And why am I joining?!
And who said I'd be joining?
What? You didn't hear about it?
What? You didn't hear about it?
I founded the Deer Club here!
I founded a Deer Club!
What the hell kinda club is that anyway?
What the hell kinda club is that?
I promised her that if she cleaned up
I promised her that if she cleaned up
the place she could use it as a clubroom.
the place, she could use it as a clubroom.
- Riiiiight?
- Riiiiight?
"Riiiiight" My left buttcheek!
"Right," my butt!
And ugh, It'll be seriously bad for me
I can't be seen in a crazy club like this!
if I get sucked into that senseless club!
I'm so relieved.
I'm so relieved,
You're so kind and caring, Miss Koshi.
Ms. Koshi! you've got it together,
and you're very caring, after all.
Like an older sister!
Like an older sister!
Since you're so cheerful and kind,
You're so cheerful and kind,
this looks like it'll be a fun club!
this is bound to be a good club.
It'll be like home for us!
It'll be like home for us!
You're also very smart, so you two might
You're also very smart,
as well get some sort of prize!
so you might win some kind of award!
We might even get to nationals!
We might even get to the nationals!
If you're joining, I'm sure
With you on board, I'm sure
the Deer Club will do incredible things!
the Deer Club will do incredible things!
Leave it all to me!
Leave it to me!
Koshitan was easy to get.
Koshitan is a pushover.
Okay Shikanoko-san, make sure
Miss Shikanoko,
you fill in the club approval form.
please fill in the club approval form.
Club name, Deer Club.
Club name: Deer Club.
Club president, Torako Koshi.
Club president: Torako Koshi.
Activities, mainly taking care of deer.
Activities: Mainly taking care of deer.
Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
Why am I the club president here?
Why am I the club president?
- You're the president, Koshitan.
-You're the president, Koshitan.
- You're the president, Koshi-san.
-You're the president, Miss Koshi.
Like I said, why me? That's weird!
How are you two in agreement?!
This is the "Deer" Club no?
It's the Deer Club, right?
If Shikanoko, a literal deer girl, won't be
There's a literal deer girl right here.
the president, then who else would?!
Why not make her president?
That's what you mean?!
I see what you mean.
But look, here it says the deer club
But here it says
"mainly takes care of deer", right?
the Deer Club mainly takes care of deer.
Hm? Yeah...
Yes, it does…
That makes me the
I'll be the Deer Club's
Deer Club's resident deer.
resident deer, you see.
The Deer Club's resident deer?
Deer Club's resident deer?
And the role of the president
And the president cares for her!
is to provide the care!
That's you, Koshitan!
That's you, Koshitan!
That logic is not one bit convincing...
I'm not on board with that.
A club that cares for deer...
What kind of club takes care of deer?
Is this an agricultural school?!
Is this an agricultural school?
Here, submitted.
Here. Submitted!
Hai! Duly accepted.
Submission accepted!
You work too fast!
That easily?
Well then, president
Miss President, I'm counting on you
I'm counting on you
to look after Miss Shikanoko.
to look after Shikanoko-san.
I'll be in your care.
I'll be in your care!
Since she said "leave it to me"
Having said,
with such a great smile,
"Leave it to me!" with a smile,
Koshitan couldn't take it back now.
it was too late for Koshitan to back down.
The Deer Club is now official!
Things got way too out of hand,
The Deer Club is born! Yay!
for just one day...
This is an incredible turn
of events for one single day.
I'll bring more deer crackers tomorrow!
I'll bring more deer crackers tomorrow!
It's okay, I guess.
It's okay, I guess.
Well then, should we begin
I guess we can get started
with a good brushing?
by giving me a good brushing.
You've gotta be kidding!
You've gotta be kidding!
And what's with that
And what's with the weird brush?
scrubber-like brush?
It's for animals.
It's for animal use.
Fine! Let's just get it over with.
OK, I have no choice then!
Damn it. Why me?
Dammit, why do I have to do this...?
Am I going to have to do this
Jeez, you're going to make me do
all the time?
this every club meeting, arent you?
Damn you, you pest!
Damn you, you pest!
S-so scary!
I don't know what's going on,
I have no idea what's going on,
but it seems the Deer Club's fight is just beginning!
but it appears
the Deer Club's fight is just beginning!