Char Sheet 6/20 -> 7/03

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[QUOTE="Boney, post: 10000102, member: 21872"]
[QUOTE="Boney, post: 10000102, member: 21872"]
Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Name: Dame Mathilde Weber
Name: Dame Mathilde Weber
Blazon: Sable, bend argent, sword argent bendwise inverted, base dexter serpent supine vert and or.
Blazon: Sable, bend argent, sword argent bendwise inverted, base dexter serpent supine vert and or.
Motto: Unseen, But Not Unfelt
Motto: Unseen, But Not Unfelt
Date of Birth: 2450
Date of Birth: 2450
Official Titles: Lady Magister of the Grey Order, Knight of Stirland, Thane of Karak Eight Peaks, Loremaster.
Official Titles: Lady Magister of the Grey Order, Knight of Stirland, Thane of Karak Eight Peaks, Loremaster.
Other Titles: The Dämmerlichtreiter, Sängerkritisch, Dawongr, Azrildrekked, the Silver Savage, Dawizhufokri.
Other Titles: The Dämmerlichtreiter, Sängerkritisch, Dawongr, Azrildrekked, the Silver Savage, Dawizhufokri.
Former Titles: Spymistress of Stirland, War-Councillor of the Expedition to Karak Eight Peaks, Court Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks, Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks.
Former Titles: Spymistress of Stirland, War-Councillor of the Expedition to Karak Eight Peaks, Court Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks, Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks.
Faith: Ranald
Faith: Ranald
Armament: Staff of Mistery, Runic Greatsword 'Branulhune', two Runed Dwarven Revolvers (8 shots)(Rune of Fire, Rune of Stone), Marksdwarf Pistol (1 shot), Grounding Rod, armoured robes.
Armament: Staff of Mistery, Runic Greatsword 'Branulhune', two Runed Dwarven Revolvers (8 shots)(Rune of Fire, Rune of Stone), Marksdwarf Pistol (1 shot), Grounding Rod, armoured robes.
[spoiler="Magical Items"]
[spoiler="Magical Items"]
Staff of Mistery: +1 Magic, spells that create mists, fogs, vapours and miasmas are one category easier and have enhanced effects.
Staff of Mistery: +1 Magic, spells that create mists, fogs, vapours and miasmas are one category easier and have enhanced effects.

Runic Gromril Greatsword, Branulhune, "the art of cleverness in moonlight" or [I]Moonlit Wit[/I].
Runic Gromril Greatsword, Branulhune, "the art of cleverness in moonlight" or [I]Moonlit Wit[/I].
aka Bar Rikkaz, 'Way Opener', 'Door Crusher', 'Gate Breaker', 'Nevertheless, Hammer'
aka Bar Rikkaz, 'Way Opener', 'Door Crusher', 'Gate Breaker', 'Nevertheless, Hammer'
[Master Rune of Kragg the Grim: each blow delivers as much force as required to cut or shatter whatever it is struck against, up to the approximate impact force of a cannonball.]
[Master Rune of Kragg the Grim: each blow delivers as much force as required to cut or shatter whatever it is struck against, up to the approximate impact force of a cannonball.]
[Rune of Superior Skill: any foe struck by this sword has all magical weapons, armour, items, and positive magical effects cease working for several minutes. Though an original rune, the effect is very similar to Thorek Ironbrow's prototype rune. Knowing Kragg, this is almost certainly deliberate.]
[Rune of Superior Skill: any foe struck by this sword has all magical weapons, armour, items, and positive magical effects cease working for several minutes. Though an original rune, the effect is very similar to Thorek Ironbrow's prototype rune. Knowing Kragg, this is almost certainly deliberate.]
[Rune of the Unknown: when held by its owner, at a thought it can disappear, and will reappear again when desired. If not currently disappeared, weapon can be summoned to the owner's hand from a distance of up to several hundred yards. Kragg thought he'd never find a use for this rune because no Dwarf would trust their weapon hidden away somewhere they couldn't see.]
[Rune of the Unknown: when held by its owner, at a thought it can disappear, and will reappear again when desired. If not currently disappeared, weapon can be summoned to the owner's hand from a distance of up to several hundred yards. Kragg thought he'd never find a use for this rune because no Dwarf would trust their weapon hidden away somewhere they couldn't see.]

Runic Training Greatsword, Branithune, with Rune of the Unknown
Runic Training Greatsword, Branithune, with Rune of the Unknown

Seed of Regrowth: An enchanted seed lying dormant in Mathilde's palm, this is capable of healing wounds up to and including death.
Seed of Regrowth: An enchanted seed lying dormant in Mathilde's palm, this is capable of healing wounds up to and including death.
"It will trigger automatically should you be slain, or can be triggered with a mnemonic. A second mnemonic will use it to heal anyone you hold your palm to. It can hold four activations of power; to recharge, allow it to sprout in soil for three to eight hours per activation, depending on the richness of the soil - I recommend sleeping outdoors for this purpose. Alternately, when time is of the essence, hold your palm to an incapacitated or bound enemy and allow the roots to feed upon them. This will recharge a single activation. In a pinch, corpses can be used, albeit at a tenth of the effectiveness."
"It will trigger automatically should you be slain, or can be triggered with a mnemonic. A second mnemonic will use it to heal anyone you hold your palm to. It can hold four activations of power; to recharge, allow it to sprout in soil for three to eight hours per activation, depending on the richness of the soil - I recommend sleeping outdoors for this purpose. Alternately, when time is of the essence, hold your palm to an incapacitated or bound enemy and allow the roots to feed upon them. This will recharge a single activation. In a pinch, corpses can be used, albeit at a tenth of the effectiveness."

Belt of the Unshackled Mountain: A protective runic talisman made for you in repayment for your actions during the Sieges of the Drakenhofs.
Belt of the Unshackled Mountain: A protective runic talisman made for you in repayment for your actions during the Sieges of the Drakenhofs.
Spellburner Rune: The first rune is a variation on the Spelleater Rune. When a hostile spell is targeted against you, it will not only counter it but also burn - literally [I]burn[/I] - the knowledge of it from the mind of the caster. It will be dormant for twelve hours after each use.
Spellburner Rune: The first rune is a variation on the Spelleater Rune. When a hostile spell is targeted against you, it will not only counter it but also burn - literally [I]burn[/I] - the knowledge of it from the mind of the caster. It will be dormant for twelve hours after each use.
Rune of Rancour: The second is based on the Master Rune of Spite, but somehow combined with the Rune of Fortitude. It will grant you the strength to withstand wounds, while returning twofold any strike against whoever dealt it to you.
Rune of Rancour: The second is based on the Master Rune of Spite, but somehow combined with the Rune of Fortitude. It will grant you the strength to withstand wounds, while returning twofold any strike against whoever dealt it to you.
Rune of Valaya's Vengeance: The third, the largest and most intricate of the three incorporates elements of both the Rune of the Furnace and the Rune that Valaya gave to the dwarves that allowed them to weather the coming of Chaos. It will grant you such resistance to flame that you could wade through lava, and burn off any taint of chaos before it could even touch you.
Rune of Valaya's Vengeance: The third, the largest and most intricate of the three incorporates elements of both the Rune of the Furnace and the Rune that Valaya gave to the dwarves that allowed them to weather the coming of Chaos. It will grant you such resistance to flame that you could wade through lava, and burn off any taint of chaos before it could even touch you.

Ranald's Coin: A somehow five-sided coin dedicated to the four known faces of Ranald, and to His relationship with His daughters.
Ranald's Coin: A somehow five-sided coin dedicated to the four known faces of Ranald, and to His relationship with His daughters.
[I]Ranald's Coin is worn showing one of its faces. During normal turns, you can choose which face you will be showing.
[I]Ranald's Coin is worn showing one of its faces. During normal turns, you can choose which face you will be showing.
- The Gambler: A +20 bonus to up to two dice rolls affiliated with a chosen action.[/I]
- The Gambler: A +20 bonus to up to two dice rolls affiliated with a chosen action.[/I]
- [I]The Night Prowler: As long as you are outside of private property and within a town or city, nobody will question your presence and nobody will be able to find you if you do not wish them to. For non-human population centres, will work if it's not completely unknown for humans to be present, or if you are disguised as that species.
- [I]The Night Prowler: As long as you are outside of private property and within a town or city, nobody will question your presence and nobody will be able to find you if you do not wish them to. For non-human population centres, will work if it's not completely unknown for humans to be present, or if you are disguised as that species.
- The Deceiver: Lies you have developed beforehand will be delivered perfectly. The listener may believe you to be mistaken, but they will never believe that you are lying. Cannot be used to tell truths.
- The Deceiver: Lies you have developed beforehand will be delivered perfectly. The listener may believe you to be mistaken, but they will never believe that you are lying. Cannot be used to tell truths.
- The Protector: When you act in a way that defends an individual or group from a danger that you did not cause, they will become aware of what you have done and will believe you acted selflessly in doing so. Rule of thumb: if you have to explain why this might apply, it probably doesn't.
- The Protector: When you act in a way that defends an individual or group from a danger that you did not cause, they will become aware of what you have done and will believe you acted selflessly in doing so. Rule of thumb: if you have to explain why this might apply, it probably doesn't.
- The Father: Ranald's daughters, and Their followers, will recognize you as being worthy of trust and faith.[/I]
- The Father: Ranald's daughters, and Their followers, will recognize you as being worthy of trust and faith.[/I]

Candle of Cleansing Radiance: Enchanted with [I]Boon of Hysh. [/I]Cures disease, purges poison, and heals injuries over a few minutes. Can be recharged by light, meditation, or prayer.
Candle of Cleansing Radiance: Enchanted with [I]Boon of Hysh. [/I]Cures disease, purges poison, and heals injuries over a few minutes. Can be recharged by light, meditation, or prayer.

Dragonflask: Drink from to sneeze out a cone of fiery destruction. Recharge by pouring in something flammable and heating in a fire hot enough to melt lead for a day.
Dragonflask: Drink from to sneeze out a cone of fiery destruction. Recharge by pouring in something flammable and heating in a fire hot enough to melt lead for a day.

Armoured Robes: Robes enchanted with [I]Aethyric Armour, [/I]integrating Helldrake scales as pauldrons and a piece of Crystal Mist as a brooch[I]. [/I]The robe protects similarly to thick steel plate. It can be activated to cover the entire body with the effect and imbue tirelessness to the muscles for a variable and limited time; this requires about an hour's recharge before it can be used again.[/spoiler]
Armoured Robes: Robes enchanted with [I]Aethyric Armour, [/I]integrating Helldrake scales as pauldrons and a piece of Crystal Mist as a brooch[I]. [/I]The robe protects similarly to thick steel plate. It can be activated to cover the entire body with the effect and imbue tirelessness to the muscles for a variable and limited time; this requires about an hour's recharge before it can be used again.[/spoiler]

Personal Wealth: 593 Stirland gold crowns.
Personal Wealth: 593 Stirland gold crowns.

Diplomacy: 17+2+1-1-1=18 - By approaching it through the study of words rather than the study of people, you're developing a solid grasp of diplomacy.
Diplomacy: 17+2+1-1-1=18 - By approaching it through the study of words rather than the study of people, you're developing a solid grasp of diplomacy.
Martial: 17+2+2+1+1+1+1=25 - You're passed the point of 'for a wizard'. You're skilled at combat by the standards of professional warriors.
Martial: 17+2+2+1+1+1+1=25 - You're past the point of 'for a wizard'. You're skilled at combat by the standards of professional warriors.
Stewardship: 13+3+2+1=19 - You've developed an intuitive grasp of business, exchange and logistics.
Stewardship: 13+3+2+1=19 - You've developed an intuitive grasp of business, exchange and logistics.
Intrigue: 19+2+2+2+1+1=27 - You've developed a somewhat frightening understanding of how to disassemble all kinds of psyches.
Intrigue: 19+2+2+2+1+1=27 - You've developed a somewhat frightening understanding of how to disassemble all kinds of psyches.
Piety: 24+1+1=26 - Ranald has your back, and you have His.
Piety: 24+1+1=26 - Ranald has your back, and you have His.
Learning: 22+4+2+1=29 - The magical world makes more sense to you than the 'real' one.
Learning: 22+4+2+1=29 - The magical world makes more sense to you than the 'real' one.

Magic: 6+1+1+1=9 - You're reaching the limits of what is known to be possible with [I]Ulgu[/I] and starting to venture into the unknown.
Magic: 6+1+1+1=9 - You're reaching the limits of what is known to be possible with [I]Ulgu[/I] and starting to venture into the unknown.
[I]Magic uses a different scale than the other stats; see the Spellbook threadmark for more information.[/I]
[I]Magic uses a different scale than the other stats; see the Spellbook threadmark for more information.[/I]

[Spoiler="WHFB Statline"]
[Spoiler="WHFB Statline"]
Warning: out of date
Warning: out of date

Dame Mathilde Weber
Dame Mathilde Weber
4 5 4 4 5 3 5 3 8[/CODE]
4 5 4 4 5 3 5 3 8[/CODE]

Wizard (Level 1)
Wizard (Level 1)

Branulhune (S10, dispels all positive ongoing spells and temporarily disables magical equipment of any targets hit)
Branulhune (S10, dispels all positive ongoing spells and temporarily disables magical equipment of any targets hit)
Dwarven Revolver (S4, Armour Piercing, Quick to Fire, Extra Attack, Multiple Shots x3)
Dwarven Revolver (S4, Armour Piercing, Quick to Fire, Extra Attack, Multiple Shots x3)
Enchanted Robes (5+ Armour Save)
Enchanted Robes (5+ Armour Save)
Grounding Rod (may reroll miscasts)
Grounding Rod (may reroll miscasts)

Seed of Regrowth - Four charges, activate to restore all wounds of Mathilde Weber or a unit in base-to-base contact. Will be used automatically if Mathilde Weber is slain, restoring them at the end of the next combat round. A Charge is restored when wiping out a unit, either by overrunning or wounds; this cannot take it above 4 charges.
Seed of Regrowth - Four charges, activate to restore all wounds of Mathilde Weber or a unit in base-to-base contact. Will be used automatically if Mathilde Weber is slain, restoring them at the end of the next combat round. A Charge is restored when wiping out a unit, either by overrunning or wounds; this cannot take it above 4 charges.
Runic Belt
Runic Belt
- First Rune: One use only. A hostile spell cast against Mathilde Weber or a unit she is in will be countered; the caster takes an automatic wound and cannot cast the same spell until they relearn it.
- First Rune: One use only. A hostile spell cast against Mathilde Weber or a unit she is in will be countered; the caster takes an automatic wound and cannot cast the same spell until they relearn it.
- Second Rune: +1T (already added to statline), any model that successfully wounds Mathilde Weber takes a hit at +2 to the Strength they hit with.
- Second Rune: +1T (already added to statline), any model that successfully wounds Mathilde Weber takes a hit at +2 to the Strength they hit with.
- Third Rune: Immune to fire.
- Third Rune: Immune to fire.

Relevant Spells:
Relevant Spells:
Aethyric Armour - Grants 4+ Armour Save
Aethyric Armour - Grants 4+ Armour Save
Bewilder - The target gains Stupidity. Short range, can be done instead of shooting.
Bewilder - The target gains Stupidity. Short range, can be done instead of shooting.
Blessed Weapon - All attacks Mathilde performs count as Magical.
Blessed Weapon - All attacks Mathilde performs count as Magical.
Dread Aspect - Grants Terror, once per turn deals 1d3 hits at 1d6 strength to an enemy character or unit at close range
Dread Aspect - Grants Terror, once per turn deals 1d3 hits at 1d6 strength to an enemy character or unit at close range
Mockery of Death - if the target fails a Leadership roll, they are removed from the fight. Can only be done in combat instead of attacking.
Mockery of Death - if the target fails a Leadership roll, they are removed from the fight. Can only be done in combat instead of attacking.
Pall of Darkness - creates an area of shadow that blocks line of sight
Pall of Darkness - creates an area of shadow that blocks line of sight
Shadowsteed - Does not count as a Mount; instead grants Strider, increases Movement to 8 and grants +1S on a charge. If wounded, before armour save roll a d6; on a 4+ the wound is removed. if this happens twice in the same round, the Shadowsteed is removed.
Shadowsteed - Does not count as a Mount; instead grants Strider, increases Movement to 8 and grants +1S on a charge. If wounded, before armour save roll a d6; on a 4+ the wound is removed. if this happens twice in the same round, the Shadowsteed is removed.
Substance of Shadow - Grants Ethereal, can only be cast in darkness
Substance of Shadow - Grants Ethereal, can only be cast in darkness
Take No Heed - If in a unit, Mathilde Weber cannot be the target of attacks.
Take No Heed - If in a unit, Mathilde Weber cannot be the target of attacks.

[SPOILER="Glossary"]Armour Piercing: -1 to armour saves for wounds caused by this weapon.
[SPOILER="Glossary"]Armour Piercing: -1 to armour saves for wounds caused by this weapon.
Ethereal: Not slowed by terrain, non-magical attacks cannot wound them.
Ethereal: Not slowed by terrain, non-magical attacks cannot wound them.
Extra Attack: Grants +1 attack when used as a weapon in close combat.
Extra Attack: Grants +1 attack when used as a weapon in close combat.
Fear: Units must pass a Leadership check to attack a Unit with Fear, otherwise they strike with WS1.
Fear: Units must pass a Leadership check to attack a Unit with Fear, otherwise they strike with WS1.
Quick to Fire: No penalty for shooting at a charging character or unit.
Quick to Fire: No penalty for shooting at a charging character or unit.
Scout: In the tabletop, this lets the model deploy outside the usual deployment zone. For this Quest, it will be handled narratively instead.
Scout: In the tabletop, this lets the model deploy outside the usual deployment zone. For this Quest, it will be handled narratively instead.
Strider: Can pass over any difficult terrain without trouble.
Strider: Can pass over any difficult terrain without trouble.
Stubborn: Does not get a penalty to Leadership for being outnumbered.
Stubborn: Does not get a penalty to Leadership for being outnumbered.
Stupidity: Must succeed on a Leadership roll or the character or unit does nothing but move forward slowly.
Stupidity: Must succeed on a Leadership roll or the character or unit does nothing but move forward slowly.
Terror: Units or characters charged must pass a Leadership roll or flee. Units that cause Terror also cause Fear.[/SPOILER]
Terror: Units or characters charged must pass a Leadership roll or flee. Units that cause Terror also cause Fear.[/SPOILER]


Grey Wizard: You have the ability and education to wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion.
Grey Wizard: You have the ability and education to wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion.
Enchanter: You have a talent for taming the winds of magic and trapping them within objects. +10 bonus to rolls to learn or use enchanting skills.
Enchanter: You have a talent for taming the winds of magic and trapping them within objects. +10 bonus to rolls to learn or use enchanting skills.
Tool-Free Enchantment: You have learned a suite of specialized petty magics that allow you to replicate all the necessary parts of an enchantment workshop.
Tool-Free Enchantment: You have learned a suite of specialized petty magics that allow you to replicate all the necessary parts of an enchantment workshop.
Windsage: Your magical senses are incredibly acute, and can track magical energies and discern emotions at a glance. +4 Learning, +1 Magic
Windsage: Your magical senses are incredibly acute, and can track magical energies and discern emotions at a glance. +4 Learning, +1 Magic
Warrior of Fog: Appreciation of and focus on mastering the fickle fog of war. +2 martial. While in command, +10 bonus to scouting and moving forces unseen, +5 bonus to surprise attacks and ambushes. Unlocks creation of battlefield spells for revealing or concealing troop movements.
Warrior of Fog: Appreciation of and focus on mastering the fickle fog of war. +2 martial. While in command, +10 bonus to scouting and moving forces unseen, +5 bonus to surprise attacks and ambushes. Unlocks creation of battlefield spells for revealing or concealing troop movements.
Avatar: You've had close encounters not only with your own God, but with others, and are growing able to recognize and understand divine energies. +1 Piety, +1 Learning, able to sense nearby divine intervention.
Avatar: You've had close encounters not only with your own God, but with others, and are growing able to recognize and understand divine energies. +1 Piety, +1 Learning, able to sense nearby divine intervention.

Familiar: A wolf named Wolf, a boy of exceptional goodness. Gifted to you by Ranald.
Familiar: A wolf named Wolf, a boy of exceptional goodness. Gifted to you by Ranald.
Link of Psyche: The ability to communicate complex thoughts and share mental resources with Wolf. +2 Stewardship, +2 Learning
Link of Psyche: The ability to communicate complex thoughts and share mental resources with Wolf. +2 Stewardship, +2 Learning
Magic Power: Wolf is able to absorb magic in his own right, and a two-way link allows magical power to be transferred from him to you or vice versa. +1 Magic
Magic Power: Wolf is able to absorb magic in his own right, and a two-way link allows magical power to be transferred from him to you or vice versa. +1 Magic

Bureaucrat: Paperwork is no longer your enemy; it is now your [I]weapon.[/I] +3 Stewardship, -1 Diplomacy.
Bureaucrat: Paperwork is no longer your enemy; it is now your [I]weapon.[/I] +3 Stewardship, -1 Diplomacy.
Branarhune: You have invented an entirely new set of sword techniques that take advantage of the Rune of the Unknown, making most conventional defensive techniques useless against you. +1 Martial. When wielding Branulhune: martial skill of human-size opponents is not applied while they are defending, unless they know of Branarhune and either know of or are able to come up with countermeasures to it.
Branarhune: You have invented an entirely new set of sword techniques that take advantage of the Rune of the Unknown, making most conventional defensive techniques useless against you. +1 Martial. When wielding Branulhune: martial skill of human-size opponents is not applied while they are defending, unless they know of Branarhune and either know of or are able to come up with countermeasures to it.
Brave: You can withstand terrors that make others flee. +1 Martial.
Brave: You can withstand terrors that make others flee. +1 Martial.
Disdain for Sigmar: Abelhelm Van Hal died abandoned by Sigmar. You intend to return the favour. +1 Piety due to renewed faith in other gods, will not let Sigmarism flourish in institutions she controls - penalty to institutional actions unless worship of another god is instituted.
Disdain for Sigmar: Abelhelm Van Hal died abandoned by Sigmar. You intend to return the favour. +1 Piety due to renewed faith in other gods, will not let Sigmarism flourish in institutions she controls - penalty to institutional actions unless worship of another god is instituted.
Interrogator: You've seen what men are made of, and you've seen them unmade. +2 Intrigue, +1 Martial, -1 Diplomacy.
Interrogator: You've seen what men are made of, and you've seen them unmade. +2 Intrigue, +1 Martial, -1 Diplomacy.
Master Swordswoman: You have blended sword techniques from the Empire and the Karaz Ankor into a style entirely your own, and tested it - and yourself - in battle. +2 Martial, +10 martial when fighting against enraged or unthinking opponents, or when holding a physical choke-point such as a doorway or tunnel.
Master Swordswoman: You have blended sword techniques from the Empire and the Karaz Ankor into a style entirely your own, and tested it - and yourself - in battle. +2 Martial, +10 martial when fighting against enraged or unthinking opponents, or when holding a physical choke-point such as a doorway or tunnel.
Laconic: A great deal of effort has transformed your distaste for writing into a brutal efficiency in keeping your writing brief. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Martial, +1 Intrigue.
Laconic: A great deal of effort has transformed your distaste for writing into a brutal efficiency in keeping your writing brief. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Martial, +1 Intrigue.
Polyglot: You've developed a tongue and an appreciation for languages, from the ephemeral poetry of Eltharin to the solid precision of Khazalid. +2 Diplomacy, languages are quicker to learn through study and absorb through immersion.
Polyglot: You've developed a tongue and an appreciation for languages, from the ephemeral poetry of Eltharin to the solid precision of Khazalid. +2 Diplomacy, languages are quicker to learn through study and absorb through immersion.
Unseen: Unless specifically on the lookout for magical infiltration, active defences are no obstacle to you. +2 Intrigue.
Unseen: Unless specifically on the lookout for magical infiltration, active defences are no obstacle to you. +2 Intrigue.

Dawongr: You have been named Dwarf-Friend, and will find a warm welcome in most Dwarfholds.
Dawongr: You have been named Dwarf-Friend, and will find a warm welcome in most Dwarfholds.
Knight: You have been Knighted by the Elector Count of Stirland, elevating you to nobility.
Knight: You have been Knighted by the Elector Count of Stirland, elevating you to nobility.
Lady Magister: You have attained the highest non-leadership rank in the College of Magic and have the right to study and perform magic under the Articles of Imperial Magic, as laid down by Magnus the Pious - including the formidable spells of Battle Magic.
Lady Magister: You have attained the highest non-leadership rank in the College of Magic and have the right to study and perform magic under the Articles of Imperial Magic, as laid down by Magnus the Pious - including the formidable spells of Battle Magic.
Loremaster: Though no longer [I]the [/I]Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks, your current task means you are still [I]a[/I] Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks.
Loremaster: Though no longer [I]the [/I]Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks, your current task means you are still [I]a[/I] Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks.
Shareholder: You are a principal shareholder in the Eastern Imperial Company.
Shareholder: You are a principal shareholder in the Eastern Imperial Company.
Thane: You have lead Dwarves into battle without bring shame to them or yourself, so will forever retain the title of Thane.
Thane: You have lead Dwarves into battle without bring shame to them or yourself, so will forever retain the title of Thane.

[U]Arcane Marks:[/U]
[U]Arcane Marks:[/U]
Flicker: Light seems uneasy in your presence. Lamps flicker, candlelight dims, and fires burn low around you.
Flicker: Light seems uneasy in your presence. Lamps flicker, candlelight dims, and fires burn low around you.
Mantle of Mist: Visible vapours are drawn to you. Fog and mist makes it easier to hide; smoke and gases are rather less convenient. +1 Intrigue, potential trouble with any gas-based weapons.
Mantle of Mist: Visible vapours are drawn to you. Fog and mist makes it easier to hide; smoke and gases are rather less convenient. +1 Intrigue, potential trouble with any gas-based weapons.
Shrouded: Shadows you are in grow deeper and cling more tightly to you. +2 Intrigue.
Shrouded: Shadows you are in grow deeper and cling more tightly to you. +2 Intrigue.
Unnatural Shadow: Your shadow has a mind of its own, moving around to inspect its surroundings and coil around things and people it takes a liking to. This is, needless to say, very unnerving.
Unnatural Shadow: Your shadow has a mind of its own, moving around to inspect its surroundings and coil around things and people it takes a liking to. This is, needless to say, very unnerving.

[I]Learning a new skill usually increases the relevant base characteristic, and has narrative effects - a good roll with a weapon you're skilled at will have a better effect than the same roll with one you aren't.[/I]
[I]Learning a new skill usually increases the relevant base characteristic, and has narrative effects - a good roll with a weapon you're skilled at will have a better effect than the same roll with one you aren't.[/I]

[I]Xeno-Affinity: Basic and Advanced Diplomacy skills for non-Imperial cultures require 2/2 rather than 3/3.[/I]
[I]Xeno-Affinity: Basic and Advanced Diplomacy skills for non-Imperial cultures require 2/2 rather than 3/3.[/I]
Bretonnia (1/2)
Bretonnia (1/2)
Colleges of Magic, Advanced: You've worked with your fellow Wizard of the Eight Colleges of Altdorf on numerous occasions. +1 Diplomacy
Colleges of Magic, Advanced: You've worked with your fellow Wizard of the Eight Colleges of Altdorf on numerous occasions. +1 Diplomacy
Empire of Man: Though it took you a while, you've achieved a basic understanding of the many power structures within the Empire. +1 Diplomacy
Empire of Man: Though it took you a while, you've achieved a basic understanding of the many power structures within the Empire. +1 Diplomacy
Eonir of Laurelorn: You've lived amongst the Toriour and Faniour of Laurelorn, and learned something of their society. +1 Diplomacy
Eonir of Laurelorn: You've lived amongst the Toriour and Faniour of Laurelorn, and learned something of their society. +1 Diplomacy
Eonir, Advanced (1/2)
Eonir, Advanced (1/2)
Halflings: Through long acquaintance, and at least partly through the amount of time Wolf spends with them, you've acquired an easy familiarity with the Halflings of the Moot. +1 Diplomacy
Halflings: Through long acquaintance, and at least partly through the amount of time Wolf spends with them, you've acquired an easy familiarity with the Halflings of the Moot. +1 Diplomacy
Karaz Ankor, Advanced: You're more at home in the Karaz Ankor than the Empire you theoretically owe allegiance to. +2 Diplomacy
Karaz Ankor, Advanced: You're more at home in the Karaz Ankor than the Empire you theoretically owe allegiance to. +2 Diplomacy
Kislev: You've developed a basic understanding of the northern realm of Kislev. +1 Diplomacy
Kislev: You've developed a basic understanding of the northern realm of Kislev. +1 Diplomacy
Kurgan (1/2)
Kurgan (1/2)
Skaven: You've developed an understanding of, and even a very cautious sympathy for, the beastmen held in the sway of the Horned Rat. +1 Diplomacy
Skaven: You've developed an understanding of, and even a very cautious sympathy for, the beastmen held in the sway of the Horned Rat. +1 Diplomacy
Stirland: You were raised among the peasants of Stirland, and know their quirks and habits. +1 Diplomacy
Stirland: You were raised among the peasants of Stirland, and know their quirks and habits. +1 Diplomacy

Fitness: Beneath your robes lies the muscle of a warrior rather than the soft flesh of a typical wizard. +2 Martial
Fitness: Beneath your robes lies the muscle of a warrior rather than the soft flesh of a typical wizard. +2 Martial
Greatsword, Master: Your foundation of Empire Greatsword and Dwarven Gazulite techniques has been further honed by the research, training, and practice involved in your own invention of an entirely new style. +4 Martial
Greatsword, Master: Your foundation of Empire Greatsword and Dwarven Gazulite techniques has been further honed by the research, training, and practice involved in your own invention of an entirely new style. +4 Martial
Pistols: You learned how to wield a sidearm from Outrider Champion and Marshal of Stirland, Gustav von Jungfreud. +1 Martial
Pistols: You learned how to wield a sidearm from Outrider Champion and Marshal of Stirland, Gustav von Jungfreud. +1 Martial
Strategy: You know the basics of planning and executing a military campaign. +1 Martial
Strategy: You know the basics of planning and executing a military campaign. +1 Martial
Strategy - Dwarf: You know the strategies of the [I]Dawi[/I]. +5 to command and planning rolls while fighting or leading Dwarven armies.
Strategy - Dwarf: You know the strategies of the [I]Dawi[/I]. +5 to command and planning rolls while fighting or leading Dwarven armies.
Strategy - The Empire (1/3)
Strategy - The Empire (1/3)
Strategy - Knights (1/3)
Strategy - Knights (1/3)
Strategy - Skaven: You know the strategies of the ratmen. +5 to command and planning rolls while fighting or leading Skaven armies.
Strategy - Skaven: You know the strategies of the ratmen. +5 to command and planning rolls while fighting or leading Skaven armies.
Strategy - Undead: You know the strategies of the living dead. +5 to command and planning rolls while fighting or leading Undead armies.
Strategy - Undead: You know the strategies of the living dead. +5 to command and planning rolls while fighting or leading Undead armies.
Strategy - Wizards (1/3)
Strategy - Wizards (1/3)
Tactics - Skaven: You know the tactics of the ratmen. +5 to command and reading the battlefield while fighting or leading Skaven units.
Tactics - Skaven: You know the tactics of the ratmen. +5 to command and reading the battlefield while fighting or leading Skaven units.
Tactics - Undead: You know the tactics of the living dead. +5 to command and reading the battlefield while fighting or leading Undead units.
Tactics - Undead: You know the tactics of the living dead. +5 to command and reading the battlefield while fighting or leading Undead units.
Tactics: - Wizards (1/3)
Tactics: - Wizards (1/3)

Assassination, Advanced: You know how to end a variety of forms of life with a single stab. +2 Intrigue
Assassination, Advanced: You know how to end a variety of forms of life with a single stab. +2 Intrigue
Infiltration, Advanced: It takes significant effort to make it even slightly difficult for you to enter somewhere. +3 Intrigue
Infiltration, Advanced: It takes significant effort to make it even slightly difficult for you to enter somewhere. +3 Intrigue
Infiltration, Master (1/4)
Infiltration, Master (1/4)
Interrogation: You know how to extract information from those that don't wish to give it. +1 Intrigue
Interrogation: You know how to extract information from those that don't wish to give it. +1 Intrigue
Interrogation, Advanced (1/3)
Interrogation, Advanced (1/3)
Psychological Warfare (2/3)
Psychological Warfare (2/3)
Scouting (2/3)
Scouting (2/3)

Bookkeeping: You're skilled at constructing and deconstructing paper trails. +1 Stewardship
Bookkeeping: You're skilled at constructing and deconstructing paper trails. +1 Stewardship
Economics: Your long relationship with the EIC has given you hard-won insights into the movement of goods and money. +1 Stewardship
Economics: Your long relationship with the EIC has given you hard-won insights into the movement of goods and money. +1 Stewardship
Logistics (1/3)
Logistics (1/3)
Numismatics: You've picked up a thing or two about coinage itself.
Numismatics: You've picked up a thing or two about coinage itself.

Ancestor Gods: You've grown to know and appreciate the Ancestor Gods of the Dwarves. +1 Piety
Ancestor Gods: You've grown to know and appreciate the Ancestor Gods of the Dwarves. +1 Piety
Chaos: You know how to avoid - or to invite - the attentions of the Chaos Gods, and of the curses and blessings they gift and inflict.
Chaos: You know how to avoid - or to invite - the attentions of the Chaos Gods, and of the curses and blessings they gift and inflict.
Gazul (1/3)
Gazul (1/3)
Kislev Pantheon (1/3)
Kislev Pantheon (1/3)
Morr: You didn't earn the secrets you know of His, but the mighty blows you've struck against the Necromancers and Vampires of Sylvania hopefully go some way to easing how awkward it might be when you finally meet Him.
Morr: You didn't earn the secrets you know of His, but the mighty blows you've struck against the Necromancers and Vampires of Sylvania hopefully go some way to easing how awkward it might be when you finally meet Him.
Old World Pantheon (Northern) (1/3) (Taal, Rhya, Manann, Ulric)
Old World Pantheon (Northern) (1/3) (Taal, Rhya, Manann, Ulric)
Old World Pantheon (Southern): Having grown up in Stirland and then Altdorf, you've known of the more civilized Gods of the Old World for most of your life: Morr, Verena, Myrmidia, Shallya, and Ranald. You also know of the minor Gods of the southern provinces.
Old World Pantheon (Southern): Having grown up in Stirland and then Altdorf, you've known of the more civilized Gods of the Old World for most of your life: Morr, Verena, Myrmidia, Shallya, and Ranald. You also know of the minor Gods of the southern provinces.
Transcendent Ranald: Your relationship with Ranald is not one of temples and priests. He is your oldest and most annoying friend.
Transcendent Ranald: Your relationship with Ranald is not one of temples and priests. He is your oldest and most annoying friend.
Sigmar (2/3)
Sigmar (2/3)
Ulric (1/3)
Ulric (1/3)

Advanced Morrite Lore: You know the secrets no Priest of Morr should have ever put to paper. +1 Learning
Advanced Morrite Lore: You know the secrets no Priest of Morr should have ever put to paper. +1 Learning
Bibliothecography (2/3)
Bibliothecography (2/3)
History (Old World) (2/3)
History (Old World) (2/3)
Linguistics: You've gone beyond a mere knowledge of languages and are developing an understanding of language itself. +1 Learning
Linguistics: You've gone beyond a mere knowledge of languages and are developing an understanding of language itself. +1 Learning
Undead Lore: Working in Stirland under the Witch Hunter Abelhelm van Hal gave you many opportunities to learn to study the eternal enemy of Stirland: the restless dead. +1 Learning
Undead Lore: Working in Stirland under the Witch Hunter Abelhelm van Hal gave you many opportunities to learn to study the eternal enemy of Stirland: the restless dead. +1 Learning
Von Carstein Lore: You have received a glimpse into the founder of the bloodline long before he took up the name of von Carstein.
Von Carstein Lore: You have received a glimpse into the founder of the bloodline long before he took up the name of von Carstein.

Old Reikspiel
Old Reikspiel
Lingua Praestantia
Lingua Praestantia
Written Queekish (missing magical vocabulary)
Written Queekish (missing magical vocabulary)
Low Queekish
Low Queekish

Enchantment: Able to enchant objects with Fiendishly Complex spells and below.
Enchantment: Able to enchant objects with Fiendishly Complex spells and below.
Powerstones: Able to perform the slow and exhausting process of folding a strand of Wind into a powerstone.
Powerstones: Able to perform the slow and exhausting process of folding a strand of Wind into a powerstone.
Ritual: Able to perform rituals, and attempting to invent entirely new ones.
Ritual: Able to perform rituals, and attempting to invent entirely new ones.
Runecraft: You know the eclectic variety of runes and symbols used by the Colleges to improve their enchantments, and a lot of the theory behind them. +1 Learning.
Runecraft: You know the eclectic variety of runes and symbols used by the Colleges to improve their enchantments, and a lot of the theory behind them. +1 Learning.
Turning: Capable of creating staffs that can strengthen a wizard's ability to wield their Wind.
Turning: Capable of creating staffs that can strengthen a wizard's ability to wield their Wind.
Waystones and Henges: You know the basics of how the Waystone network functions, how to recognize problems in it, and the simplest of the commands to resolve those problems.
Waystones and Henges: You know the basics of how the Waystone network functions, how to recognize problems in it, and the simplest of the commands to resolve those problems.
Windherder: You've developed an intuitive grasp of how Winds interact, when they'll interfere with each other, and when they'll mix and curdle into [I]Dhar[/I]. Makes basic multi-Wind Enchantment and Spellcasting possible, as long as other Wizards provide the other Winds.
Windherder: You've developed an intuitive grasp of how Winds interact, when they'll interfere with each other, and when they'll mix and curdle into [I]Dhar[/I]. Makes basic multi-Wind Enchantment and Spellcasting possible, as long as other Wizards provide the other Winds.

Necromantic Insight: +20 to dispel and induce miscasts against Necromancy. Able to identify (and cast) the spells of Necromancy.
Necromantic Insight: +20 to dispel and induce miscasts against Necromancy. Able to identify (and cast) the spells of Necromancy.
Waaaghbane: +20 to attempts to dispel and induce miscasts against any Little or Big Waaagh spells. -20 for greenskins to attempt the same to you.
Waaaghbane: +20 to attempts to dispel and induce miscasts against any Little or Big Waaagh spells. -20 for greenskins to attempt the same to you.
Fated: +20 to spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery, ??? when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery.
Fated: +20 to spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery, ??? when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery.

[I]Dhar[/I] manipulation: You know the theory behind using another Wind to manipulate [I]Dhar[/I].
[I]Dhar[/I] manipulation: You know the theory behind using another Wind to manipulate [I]Dhar[/I].
[I]Dhar [/I]diagnosis: You know how to spot [I]Dhar[/I] poisoning, gauge its severity, and temporarily reduce the severity of some of its symptoms.
[I]Dhar [/I]diagnosis: You know how to spot [I]Dhar[/I] poisoning, gauge its severity, and temporarily reduce the severity of some of its symptoms.
[I]Dhar[/I] insight: You've observed [I]Dhar [/I]in so many different contexts that you've reached a deep understanding of it without ever wielding it. +10 to studying or countering [I]Dhar-[/I]based magics[I], [/I]+20 to wielding [I]Dhar.[/I]
[I]Dhar[/I] insight: You've observed [I]Dhar [/I]in so many different contexts that you've reached a deep understanding of it without ever wielding it. +10 to studying or countering [I]Dhar-[/I]based magics[I], [/I]+20 to wielding [I]Dhar.[/I]
First Secret of [I]Dhar[/I]: [I]Dhar[/I] is inherently unstable, everyone knows that. What they don't know is how to turn [I]Dhar[/I] against itself. You do. And now you'll never not know it.
First Secret of [I]Dhar[/I]: [I]Dhar[/I] is inherently unstable, everyone knows that. What they don't know is how to turn [I]Dhar[/I] against itself. You do. And now you'll never not know it.
Second Secret of [I]Dhar[/I]: [I]Dhar [/I]could be made [I]more[/I] unstable. A tiny nudge in just the right way and [I]Dhar[/I] unravels in just the right way to unravel more [I]Dhar, [/I]and so on until nothing remains[I].[/I]
Second Secret of [I]Dhar[/I]: [I]Dhar [/I]could be made [I]more[/I] unstable. A tiny nudge in just the right way and [I]Dhar[/I] unravels in just the right way to unravel more [I]Dhar, [/I]and so on until nothing remains[I].[/I]

Known Spells: [I]see the threadmark 'Spellbook of Grey Magic'.[/I]
Known Spells: [I]see the threadmark 'Spellbook of Grey Magic'.[/I]

[SPOILER="Home in Karak Eight Peaks"]The Penthouse is the uppermost room of Karag Nar, formerly inhabited by the Black Orc Warboss of the Broken Toof Tribe.
[SPOILER="Home in Karak Eight Peaks"]The Penthouse is the uppermost room of Karag Nar, formerly inhabited by the Black Orc Warboss of the Broken Toof Tribe.

Entrance: Heavily Fortified Pleasant Foyer
Entrance: Heavily Fortified Pleasant Foyer

B1: Sitting Room / Library
B1: Sitting Room / Library
B2: Guest Room / Trophy Room / Map Room
B2: Guest Room / Trophy Room / Map Room
B3: Bedroom / Bathroom / Wolf's Room / Shrine to Ranald
B3: Bedroom / Bathroom / Wolf's Room / Shrine to Ranald
B4: Extremely Secure Dungeon / Vault / Workshop / Training Hall / Dragon Room
B4: Extremely Secure Dungeon / Vault / Workshop / Training Hall / Dragon Room

White Tower:
White Tower:
Room of Utter Neutrality: A room with absolutely no ambient magic whatsoever, perfect for close examination of magical phenomena. +20 to investigating magical phenomena, +10 to investigating anything else for Mathilde or anyone with similarly developed Magesight. +10 to investigating magical phenomena to anyone with less developed Magesight. No bonus for anyone without it.
Room of Utter Neutrality: A room with absolutely no ambient magic whatsoever, perfect for close examination of magical phenomena. +20 to investigating magical phenomena, +10 to investigating anything else for Mathilde or anyone with similarly developed Magesight. +10 to investigating magical phenomena to anyone with less developed Magesight. No bonus for anyone without it.
Room of Serenity: An extremely comfortable room that removes all distractions and allows one to concentrate fully on a given task. Allows 1 paper to be written or cowritten per turn for no action expenditure.
Room of Serenity: An extremely comfortable room that removes all distractions and allows one to concentrate fully on a given task. Allows 1 paper to be written or cowritten per turn for no action expenditure.
Room of Calamity: A research laboratory in which one is never further than arm's reach from a button that will flush all magical energies from the room within three heartbeats.
Room of Calamity: A research laboratory in which one is never further than arm's reach from a button that will flush all magical energies from the room within three heartbeats.

Grey Tower:
Grey Tower:
Room of Dawn and Dusk: +20 bonus to [I]Ulgu[/I] enchantment, rituals, spell learning, spell making, and power stone creation within the tower.
Room of Dawn and Dusk: +20 bonus to [I]Ulgu[/I] enchantment, rituals, spell learning, spell making, and power stone creation within the tower.
Wellspring of Ulgu: Stores a great deal of [I]Ulgu[/I] for powering the Eye of Gazul, Mathilde's spells, or any other purpose it can be turned to.
Wellspring of Ulgu: Stores a great deal of [I]Ulgu[/I] for powering the Eye of Gazul, Mathilde's spells, or any other purpose it can be turned to.
Eye of Gazul: Burns enemies under Karag Nar's shadow with the anti-fire of the Dwarven underworld. Can be operated by a Grey Wizard, or by anyone else using a console with preprogrammed target signatures.
Eye of Gazul: Burns enemies under Karag Nar's shadow with the anti-fire of the Dwarven underworld. Can be operated by a Grey Wizard, or by anyone else using a console with preprogrammed target signatures.
Current signatures: Greenskins, Ogres, Beastmen, Undead, Daemon (one signature for each Chaos God), Skaven
Current signatures: Greenskins, Ogres, Beastmen, Undead, Daemon (one signature for each Chaos God), Skaven

Red Tower:
Red Tower:
Creates a floating, burning sphere to project a shadow for the Eye of Gazul at night.
Creates a floating, burning sphere to project a shadow for the Eye of Gazul at night.

Blue Tower:
Blue Tower:
Stores and fires electricity that will seek out anything not already grounded on Karag Nar.
Stores and fires electricity that will seek out anything not already grounded on Karag Nar.
Clears away any clouds obstructing the Eye of Gazul.
Clears away any clouds obstructing the Eye of Gazul.

Green Tower:
Green Tower:
Greenhouse: Allows for controlled environments for the study of flora and fungi, as well as year-round access to fresh fruit.
Greenhouse: Allows for controlled environments for the study of flora and fungi, as well as year-round access to fresh fruit.

Purple Tower:
Purple Tower:
Basic [I]Shyish [/I]Battery
Basic [I]Shyish [/I]Battery

Yellow Tower:
Yellow Tower:
Basic [I]Chamon [/I]Battery
Basic [I]Chamon [/I]Battery

Brown Tower:
Brown Tower:
Basic [I]Ghur [/I]Battery
Basic [I]Ghur [/I]Battery

Beige Tower:
Beige Tower:
Basic [I]Hysh[/I] Battery
Basic [I]Hysh[/I] Battery

Flensed skull of the 'Singing King', a Strigoi Vampire that ruled over an army of ghouls encountered during the Purge of the Haunted Hills, slain by you, Kasmir, and Abelhelm.
Flensed skull of the 'Singing King', a Strigoi Vampire that ruled over an army of ghouls encountered during the Purge of the Haunted Hills, slain by you, Kasmir, and Abelhelm.
Flensed skull of Alkharad, a Necrarch Vampire who was operating a necromancer college in Teufelheim and trying
Flensed skull of Alkharad, a Necrarch Vampire who was operating a necromancer college in Teufelheim and trying to