SobsPleaase WEB EP5 - v1 vs. v2
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Words removed (%) | 0.22 |
408 lines
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Total words | 2258 |
Words added (%) | 0.13 |
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# SobsPlease v1
# SobsPlease v2
Hello! Let me introduce...
Hello! Let me introduce...
Diamond Dust!
Diamond Dust!
And we're releasing our first single!
And we're releasing our first single!
We're wasting time.
We're wasting time.
And with it, money.
And with it, money.
I think we should find ourselves a bassist.
I think we should find ourselves a bassist.
If only it was that simple.
If only it was that simple.
But I'm happy enough with just the three of us.
But I'm happy enough with just the three of us.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Nothing, just... Who was that girl speaking?
Nothing, just... Who was that girl speaking?
I dunno. Their new vocalist, I guess?
I dunno. Their new vocalist, I guess?
Not anyone I recognize.
Not anyone I recognize.
Why do you ask?
Why do you ask?
No, it can't be her.
No, it can't be her.
It's okay. Doesn't matter.
It's okay. Doesn't matter.
Momo! How many years has it been?
Momo! How many years has it been?
Less than two, I'd say.
Less than two, I'd say.
I see nothing's changed.
I see nothing's changed.
That's not true. We're about to go bust!
That's not true. We're about to go bust!
Could even be tomorrow!
Could even be tomorrow!
You're our only hope.
You're our only hope.
Is that Momoka?
Is that Momoka?
Gosh, you're cute!
Gosh, you're cute!
Shut up.
Shut up.
She just looks similar, right?
She just looks similar, right?
He says we can take a look inside.
He says we can take a look inside.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Compared to where we performed last time,
Compared to where we performed last time,
this is kinda... cramped.
this is kinda... cramped.
So drums would go here, huh?
So drums would go here, huh?
Clubs are usually around this size.
Clubs are usually around this size.
This place has been around forever, though,
This place has been around forever, though,
so its regulars have expectations.
so its regulars have expectations.
If the music's bad, they will complain.
If the music's bad, they will complain.
Still, the owner asked us to perform here.
Still, the owner asked us to perform here.
Wanna do it?
Wanna do it?
A concert...
A concert...
If you have any reservations, we can still decline.
If you have any reservations, we can still decline.
We'd need to put in the work to be ready for it.
We'd need to put in the work to be ready for it.
I'm in.
I'm in.
Don't be so impulsive.
Don't be so impulsive.
She's completely hooked.
She's completely hooked.
Can't believe we had to twist her arm last time.
Can't believe we had to twist her arm last time.
Well, we'll probably only get about twenty minutes of on-stage time.
Well, we'll probably only get about twenty minutes of on-stage time.
Maybe it won't be too bad to practice for.
Maybe it won't be too bad to practice for.
Let's give it a shot.
Let's give it a shot.
Here are the tickets.
Here are the tickets.
Also, don't you dare use Diamond Dust's name to advertise us!
Also, don't you dare use Diamond Dust's name to advertise us!
I started a new band with these two to move on, you know!
I started a new band with these two to move on, you know!
Now there's no turning back.
Now there's no turning back.
I can't do this.
I can't do this.
I didn't know we'd have to sell these ourselves...
I didn't know we'd have to sell these ourselves...
Sell any?
Sell any?
Not a single one!
Not a single one!
I've got two left.
I've only got two left.
No way!
No way!
Can't you ask some peeps at your school?
Can't you ask some peeps at your school?
No one knows your past there.
No one knows your past there.
What is it?
What is it?
Um, uh... I'm performing in a concert...
Um, uh... I'm performing in a concert...
Would you maybe be interested?
Would you maybe be interested?
You're in a band?
You're in a band?
Sorry, but I'm into heavy metal.
Sorry, but I'm into heavy metal.
That's fine. I don't think that'll be a problem.
That's fine. I don't think that'll be a problem.
And you gave her one for free?
And you gave her one for free?
We need an audience, not money!
We need an audience, not money!
It's not like we're doing this to get rich.
It's not like we're doing this to get rich.
The point is to get people to come listen, right?
The point is to get people to come listen, right?
She won't come.
She won't come.
Look, humans are pretty simple.
Look, humans are pretty simple.
If they spend money on something, they don't want it to go to waste.
If they spend money on something, they don't want it to go to waste.
But if they get something for free, they'll probably throw it away.
But if they get something for free, they'll probably throw it away.
More importantly, if you give tickets away for free, we're the ones eating the cost.
More importantly, if you give tickets away for free, we're the ones eating the cost.
Do you not realize how this works?
Do you not realize how this works?
See this pile of tickets?
See this pile of tickets?
We bought them.
We bought them.
We paid the club for them.
We paid the club for them.
Here's your medium!
Here's your medium!
They've lowered the ticket quotas recently,
They've lowered the ticket quotas recently,
but if you want to perform in a club,
but if you want to perform in a club,
you get charged stuff like ticket or entry fees,
you get charged stuff like ticket or entry fees,
which have to be paid up-front.
which have to be paid up-front.
That way, even if no one comes, the club still gets some income.
That way, even if no one comes, the club still gets some income.
Isn't that really unfair?!
Isn't that really unfair?!
That's how these things work!
That's how these things work!
You're spitting rice.
You're spitting rice.
Sorry to interrupt you on break.
Sorry to interrupt you on break.
She should've told us that she paid for the tickets herself.
She should've told us that she paid for the tickets herself.
In her eyes, we're probably still children.
In her eyes, we're probably still children.
Both of us.
Both of us.
Well, we're younger than her,
Well, we're younger than her,
and it's not like we're working adults yet.
and it's not like we're working adults yet.
You're Momo's friends!
You're Momo's friends!
What's that mean?
What's that mean?
Wait, where did I put them...
Wait, where did I put them...
What? More tickets for us to sell?
What? More tickets for us to sell?
He wouldn't do that.
He wouldn't do that.
There they are!
There they are!
Here, these are for you.
Here, these are for you.
What's inside?
What's inside?
Well, Diamond Dust is making their debut with a major label,
Well, Diamond Dust is making their debut with a major label,
and they came by earlier to thank me for helping them get there.
and they came by earlier to thank me for helping them get there.
Asked me to come see them.
Asked me to come see them.
And you're giving these to us?
And you're giving these to us?
Once someone makes it as big as they have,
Once someone makes it as big as they have,
it's not my kind of thing anymore.
it's not my kind of thing anymore.
Why did Momoka leave Diamond Dust?
Why did Momoka leave Diamond Dust?
She didn't tell you?
She didn't tell you?
I don't really know either,
I don't really know either,
but the rumor is that for their debut,
but the rumor is that for their debut,
they were told to change their music and look to something that'd sell better.
they were told to change their music and look to something that'd sell better.
And Momo was the only one who refused to do it.
And Momo was the only one who refused to do it.
Feel free to give one of them to Momo.
Feel free to give one of them to Momo.
What now? Do we give one to her?
What now? Do we give one to her?
No, I have a feeling it'd start a fight.
No, I have a feeling it'd start a fight.
But I...
But I...
I want to see them.
I want to see them.
Okay. You want to go together?
Okay. You want to go together?
I'm curious now too, you know.
I'm curious now too, you know.
You gave me that ticket the other day, right?
You gave me that ticket the other day, right?
I did.
I did.
I have three friends who wanna go with me.
I have three friends who wanna go with me.
Do you still have tickets?
Do you still have tickets?
That'll be 7,500 yen total.
That'll be 7,500 yen total.
You're charging for them now?
You're charging for them now?
If you don't want to pay, don't buy them.
If you don't want to pay, don't buy them.
From one extreme to another.
From one extreme to another.
What was I supposed to do, then?!
What was I supposed to do, then?!
"Oh no, we had this campaign last week and were giving them out for free,
"Oh no, we had this campaign last week and were giving them out for free,
but we really need to start charging for them now!"
but we really need to start charging for them now!"
"But you already got one,
"But you already got one,
so I'll discount them from 3,000 to 2,500 each!"
so I'll discount them from 3,000 to 2,500 each!"
You liar.
You liar.
I prefer "hard worker"!
I prefer "hard worker"!
Next, numbers from 500 to 550, please line up!
Next, numbers from 500 to 550!
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
It's packed.
It's packed.
You only have yourself to blame.
You only have yourself to blame.
No way.
No way.
You're kidding me.
You're kidding me.
You have no right to sing this.
You have no right to sing this.
What? Nina!
What? Nina!
Wait! What's gotten into you?
Wait! What's gotten into you?
They only just sta—
They only just sta—
I feel like I'm about to say something awful.
I feel like I'm about to say something awful.
Give me a sec.
Give me a sec.
Let me just scream some random nonsense to get these feelings out.
Let me just scream some random nonsense to get these feelings out.
Therawaugh augh!
Therawaugh augh!
Youmuaw awghing gah!
Youmuaw awghing gah!
Awughking I swear, go fuck yourself!
Awughking I swear, go fuck yourself!
Those were actual words at the end there.
Those were actual words at the end there.
I can't believe it, I can't, I can't, I can't!
I can't believe it, I can't, I can't, I can't!
Why is she here?!
Why is she here?!
Don't ask me.
Don't ask me.
Why did she join Diamond Dust of all bands?
Why did she join Diamond Dust of all bands?
Nothing in my life is more important to me!
Nothing in my life is more important to me!
That song is my treasure!
That song is my treasure!
So what's this about?
So what's this about?
Their new vocalist girl.
Their new vocalist girl.
I know her.
I know her.
We used to be friends.
We used to be friends.
Not anymore.
Not anymore.
For a good reason!
For a good reason!
Girls Band Cry.
Girls Band Cry.
Hello! Let me introduce...
Hello! Let me introduce...
Diamond Dust!
Diamond Dust!
Don't break anything.
Don't break anything.
I couldn't listen to her.
I couldn't listen to her.
You went and saw their concert,
You went and saw their concert,
ruined your mood yourself,
ruined your mood yourself,
and now you're complaining about it.
and now you're complaining about it.
Do you know what that's called?
Do you know what that's called?
Being a headache!
Being a headache!
You wouldn't understand how I feel.
You wouldn't understand how I feel.
I'm not even gonna try.
I'm not even gonna try.
What kinda coincidence is this?!
What kinda coincidence is this?!
What kinda miracle is this?!
What kinda miracle is this?!
Why is she the new Diamond Dust vocalist?!
Why is she the new Diamond Dust vocalist?!
Not to mention the cutesy, annoying, superficial...
Not to mention the cutesy, annoying, superficial...
But didn't you say she was taking auditions left and right and had pretty good chances?
But didn't you say she was taking auditions left and right and had pretty good chances?
Still, why them?!
Still, why them?!
Shut up already.
Shut up already.
No one cares how you feel about this.
No one cares how you feel about this.
No, but hear me out.
No, but hear me out.
Out of all the people who were there,
Out of all the people who were there,
I've listened to Diamond Dust the longest, and love them the most!
I've listened to Diamond Dust the longest, and love them the most!
And I'm telling you, you're a headache!
And I'm telling you, you're a headache!
Diamond Dust doesn't belong to you!
Diamond Dust doesn't belong to you!
Are you okay with what they've become, then?!
Are you okay with what they've become, then?!
Why should I care?
Why should I care?
They're selling better now, so good for them.
They're selling better now, so good for them.
Is money all that matters?
Is money all that matters?
It's better than not making money!
It's better than not making money!
That's not what I asked!
That's not what I asked!
Stop barging into people's feelings uninvited.
Stop barging into people's feelings uninvited.
I told you arguing in here is just a waste of money.
I told you arguing in here is just a waste of money.
No way we can practice like this.
No way we can practice like this.
If you're gonna fight, resolve that first.
If you're gonna fight, resolve that first.
Uh, wait a sec.
Uh, wait a sec.
That was uncalled for.
That was uncalled for.
Why'd you choose a pub if you weren't going to ditch the uniform?
Why'd you choose a pub if you weren't going to ditch the uniform?
They serve food here, too.
They serve food here, too.
It's fine as long as I don't drink, isn't it?
It's fine as long as I don't drink, isn't it?
Actually, why are you always in your uniform?
Actually, why are you always in your uniform?
I like not having to think about what to wear.
I like not having to think about what to wear.
Plus, there's a lot of perks to it.
Plus, there's a lot of perks to it.
High school girl perks!
High school girl perks!
Forget about me, though.
Forget about me, though.
Go on.
Go on.
Why are you defending them?
Why are you defending them?
Who says I am?
Who says I am?
I do!
I do!
Just think about it.
Just think about it.
Biases aside, you can't deny that Diamond Dust is different from back when they had you.
Biases aside, you can't deny that Diamond Dust is different from back when they had you.
Okay, and?
Okay, and?
You shouldn't be so accepting of it!
You shouldn't be so accepting of it!
Why wouldn't I be?
Why wouldn't I be?
I'm not part of the band anymore.
I'm not part of the band anymore.
I have no say in it.
I have no say in it.
No matter what direction the band goes in, it's not my place to complain.
No matter what direction the band goes in, it's not my place to complain.
That's not what I'm asking about.
That's not what I'm asking about.
I'm asking if you like what they're doing!
I'm asking if you like what they're doing!
Who cares?
Who cares?
I don't feel strongly about it.
I don't feel strongly about it.
It was your band.
It was your band.
You poured all your soul into it.
You poured all your soul into it.
I never said I did.
I never said I did.
Am I wrong, then?
Am I wrong, then?
Does that mean that Diamond Dust was so unimportant to you that you didn't care even a bit?
Does that mean that Diamond Dust was so unimportant to you that you didn't care even a bit?
All you care about is their new vocalist.
All you care about is their new vocalist.
That's not true!
That's not true!
I very much care about whether you're okay with what they've become!
I very much care about whether you're okay with what they've become!
Please, don't mind these two!
Please, don't mind these two!
Calm down a bit, will you?
Calm down a bit, will you?
Bands are the same as people.
Bands are the same as people.
They grow, and as they grow, they change.
They grow, and as they grow, they change.
Nothing ever stays the same.
Nothing ever stays the same.
Okay, then why did you quit?
Okay, then why did you quit?
Wasn't it because you couldn't accept the change?
Wasn't it because you couldn't accept the change?
You didn't like what the band became.
You didn't like what the band became.
You quit because of those feelings.
You quit because of those feelings.
You quit because you felt like they were wrong, not you.
You quit because you felt like they were wrong, not you.
You quit because you hated what they were turning the band into.
You quit because you hated what they were turning the band into.
Say something!
Say something!
Does my beloved song mean nothing to you?!
Does my beloved song mean nothing to you?!
It was what Diamond Dust wanted to be, wasn't it?
It was what Diamond Dust wanted to be, wasn't it?
I want to hear you say that they aren't Diamond Dust!
I want to hear you say that they aren't Diamond Dust!
What they are now isn't Diamond Dust anymore!
What they are now isn't Diamond Dust anymore!
They're just—
They're just—
I love the Diamond Dust you were part of!
I love the Diamond Dust you were part of!
I... I just...
I... I just...
I just love the Diamond Dust you were part of.
I just love the Diamond Dust you were part of.
Void literally changed my life.
Void literally changed my life.
So I don't want you to give in!
So I don't want you to give in!
You couldn't stand it then, but now you act like they're right and you're wrong?
You couldn't stand it then, but now you act like they're right and you're wrong?
I don't want to hear that kind of lie from you!
I don't want to hear that kind of lie from you!
Do you know what Diamond Dust's goal was back then?
Do you know what Diamond Dust's goal was back then?
What was it?
What was it?
To form an all-girl band that'd stay together even when we're old and senile.
To form an all-girl band that'd stay together even when we're old and senile.
To never part ways.
To never part ways.
No particular creative vision,
No particular creative vision,
we just wanted to stay together.
we just wanted to stay together.
So it really was me that wronged them.
So it really was me that wronged them.
"Just endure for now."
"Just endure for now."
"One day we'll make it big and be able to do whatever we want."
"One day we'll make it big and be able to do whatever we want."
They kept trying to convince me until the very end.
They kept trying to convince me until the very end.
And despite all that,
And despite all that,
I still quit.
I still quit.
Your oolong tea.
Your oolong tea.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That's it! Sorry for the commotion!
That's it! Sorry for the commotion!
Even then, I'm still on your side, Momoka.
Even then, I'm still on your side, Momoka.
I love your songs.
I love your songs.
What pierced straight into my heart
What pierced straight into my heart
was the old Diamond Dust.
was the old Diamond Dust.
It was you, Momoka.
It was you, Momoka.
You're so dumb sometimes.
You're so dumb sometimes.
Your nose is running.
Your nose is running.
You're right, I am!
You're right, I am!
If I wasn't dumb,
If I wasn't dumb,
I wouldn't be here doing this!
I wouldn't be here doing this!
Keep the drinks coming, please!
Keep the drinks coming, please!
Wait, don't—
Wait, don't—
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Looking at you annoyed me, and I couldn't resist.
Looking at you annoyed me, and I couldn't resist.
I didn't think Momoka was such a lightweight.
I didn't think Momoka was such a lightweight.
Well, she did drink a lot today.
Well, she did drink a lot today.
She reeks of beer.
She reeks of beer.
Wait, her feet are dragging!
Wait, her feet are dragging!
Grab the back then, Subaru!
Grab the back then, Subaru!
This good?
This good?
No, now we look pretty weird.
No, now we look pretty weird.
Hey, Momoka?
Hey, Momoka?
I'm putting you down for a sec, okay?
I'm putting you down for a sec, okay?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Sounds like you got through to her.
Sounds like you got through to her.
That's not it.
That's not it.
It's not that.
It's not that.
You should pick our outfits for the concert.
You should pick our outfits for the concert.
You know, it's not often
You know, it's not often
that someone you know ends up as the new vocalist of your favorite band.
that someone you know ends up as the new vocalist of your favorite band.
You need to make the most out of that.
You need to make the most out of that.
Make the most how?
Make the most how?
Having the opportunity to vent all your anger, joy, and frustration is what makes bands great.
Having the opportunity to vent all your anger, joy, and frustration is what makes bands great.
Look at the concert webpage.
Look at the concert webpage.
"Featuring Momoka, an ex-Diamond Dust member?!"
"Featuring Momoka, an ex-Diamond Dust member?!"
That guy, I swear!
That guy, I swear!
But you see,
But you see,
this means that part of the audience that went to their debut concert
this means that part of the audience that went to their debut concert
will also show up to see us.
will also show up to see us.
What do you want to tell them?
What do you want to tell them?
Give it some thought.
Give it some thought.
I will.
I will.
Outfits, huh?
Outfits, huh?
We don't have a budget, though...
We don't have a budget, though...
It's been three years for us, too.
It's been three years for us, too.
We've been talking with the team,
We've been talking with the team,
and we really need to leave our mark in the next tournament.
and we really need to leave our mark in the next tournament.
I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry!
I told them not to, I swear!
I told them not to, I swear!
But my employees used your name anyway!
But my employees used your name anyway!
But at least the tickets all sold out!
But at least the tickets all sold out!
Huh? What's that?
Huh? What's that?
So what about the outfits?
So what about the outfits?
Right. I put these together.
Right. I put these together.
Oh? You prepared something for me too?
Oh? You prepared something for me too?
Let us know if you don't like it.
Let us know if you don't like it.
But you're wearing it either way.
But you're wearing it either way.
We're all gonna let it all out together.
We're all gonna let it all out together.
I see.
I see.
I like it.
I like it.
You're Momoka?
You're Momoka?
I am. Problem?
I am. Problem?
I don't wanna sound rude,
I don't wanna sound rude,
but I absolutely despise girl-group energy.
but I absolutely despise girl-group energy.
Imma go kill those vibes, aight?
Imma go kill those vibes, aight?
I can't say we care.
I can't say we care.
Don't worry. We'll be the ones killing them for you.
Don't worry. We'll be the ones killing them for you.
Sure, sure.
Sure, sure.
Momoka! I love you!
Momoka! I love you!
Ready to go?
Ready to go?
Don't you think the phrase "leave your mark" is nice?
Don't you think the phrase "leave your mark" is nice?
You struggle and fight, flail about,
You struggle and fight, flail about,
and even as you get hurt,
and even as you get hurt,
you want to leave your own marks too.
you want to leave your own marks too.
I guess.
I guess.
You see, what your song did was tear my heart out.
You see, what your song did was tear my heart out.
You left your mark on me.
You left your mark on me.
It reminds me to keep fighting.
It reminds me to keep fighting.
So let's leave some marks with this song!
So let's leave some marks with this song!
Shout out all your feelings.
Shout out all your feelings.
Don't try to make it pretty, just shout raw feelings.
Don't try to make it pretty, just shout raw feelings.
Frustration, anger, sorrow,
Frustration, anger, sorrow,
shame, embarrassment,
shame, embarrassment,
the past you scream into your pillow,
the past you scream into your pillow,
the regrets that keep you up at night remembering them...
the regrets that keep you up at night remembering them...
Just lay your heart bare!
Just lay your heart bare!
Let's go!
Let's go!
I'll show it all and be proud of it!
I'll show it all and be proud of it!
Next time: "A Tribute to the Outcasts."
Next time: "A Tribute to the Outcasts."