[Baws] The End of Evangelion v2 vs v3
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# Exported by Aegisub 9212
# Exported by Aegisub 9212
Sections 2 and 3 of the East Wing will close at 6 p.m. today.
Sections 2 and 3 of the East Wing will close at 6 p.m. today.
Staff are requested to evacuate the area by 4:30 p.m.
Staff are requested to evacuate the area by 4:30 p.m.
Misato and Ayanami scare me.
Misato and Ayanami scare me.
Help me.
Help me.
Help me, Asuka.
Help me, Asuka.
Hey, wake up.
Hey, wake up.
Open your eyes!
Open your eyes!
Hey, hey...
Hey, hey...
Help me.
Help me.
Please help me.
Please help me.
Help me.
Help me.
Help me!
Help me!
Help me.
Help me.
Make fun of me again like you always do!
Make fun of me again like you always do!
I'm so fucked up.
I'm so fucked up.
A total ban on access to and from Headquarters!?
A total ban on access to and from Headquarters!?
I guess we're still at Level 1 Alert.
I guess we're still at Level 1 Alert.
That boy was the last Angel, wasn't he?
That boy was the last Angel, wasn't he?
Yes, all the Angels were supposedly destroyed.
Yes, all the Angels were supposedly destroyed.
Isn't there supposed to be peace now?
Isn't there supposed to be peace now?
So what's going to happen to this place and the Evas?
So what's going to happen to this place and the Evas?
I wish Dr Akagi were here...
I wish Dr Akagi were here...
I think NERV will probably be disbanded.
I think NERV will probably be disbanded.
I have no idea what lies ahead for us.
I have no idea what lies ahead for us.
We'll just have to stick it out until the Instrumentality Project starts.
We'll just have to stick it out until the Instrumentality Project starts.
So mankind, a race of flawed separate entities, has reached its evolutionary potential.
So mankind, a race of flawed separate entities, has reached its evolutionary potential,
The Instrumentality Project will artificially evolve humanity into a single perfect being.
and the Human Instrumentality Project will artificially evolve humanity into a single perfect being.
# Having reached its limit as a colony of flawed and separate entities, humankind
# Having reached its limit as a colony of flawed and separate entities, humankind
# is to be artificially evolved into a perfect single being. The Instrumentality Project...
# is to be artificially evolved into a perfect single being. The Instrumentality Project...
Sounds like an ideal world.
Sounds like an ideal world.
And to achieve this the Committee plans to use
And to achieve this the Committee plans to use
not Adam or NERV,
not Adam or NERV,
but the Evas.
but the Evas.
Just as Kaji predicted.
Just as Kaji predicted.
The promised time has come.
The promised time has come.
With the Spear of Longinus now lost,
With the Spear of Longinus now lost,
Instrumentality using Lilith is impossible.
Instrumentality using Lilith is impossible.
Our only hope is to proceed with Eva Unit 01, the sole clone of Lilith.
Our only hope is to proceed with Eva Unit 01, the sole clone of Lilith.
That was not part of SEELE's original plan.
That was not part of SEELE's original plan.
Creating the Evangelions was the pinnacle of mankind's existence.
Creating the Evangelions was the pinnacle of mankind's existence.
Humanity must evolve and shape this brave new world.
Humanity must evolve and shape this brave new world.
# Humans have existed to create Eva.
# Humans have existed to create Eva.
# Humans should advance to a new world.
# Humans should advance to a new world.
That is the purpose of the Eva series.
That is the purpose of the Eva series.
We are not willing to go so far as to discard our human form just to enter into the Ark called Eva.
We are not willing to go so far as to discard our human form just to enter into the Ark called Eva.
This is merely a rite of passage to free humanity, whose rebirth has been impeded.
This is merely a rite of passage to free humanity, whose rebirth has been impeded.
The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth.
The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth.
A ceremony to unite God, humanity, and all other life forms in death.
A ceremony to unite God, humanity, and all other life forms in death.
Death gives birth to nothing.
Death gives birth to nothing.
Death is what you shall have.
Death is what you shall have.
Mankind exists because it has the will to live...
Mankind exists because it has the will to live...
That is the will of she who chose to remain in the Eva.
That is the will of she who chose to remain in the Eva.
So, this is the truth behind the Second Impact...
So, this is the truth behind the Second Impact...
Have they noticed me!?
Have they noticed me!?
No, that's not it.
No, that's not it.
It's starting.
It's starting.
Audio communications have been severed!
Audio communications have been severed!
Goura ground circuit, inoperative!
Goura ground circuit, inoperative!
Switch the left side over to blue emergency communications!
Switch the left side over to blue emergency communications!
Open a satellite uplink if you have to!
Open a satellite uplink if you have to!
That's correct. What's the situation on the right?
That's correct. What's the situation on the right?
All outside network links have been disconnected from the other end.
All outside network links have been disconnected from the other end.
Is their target the Magi?
Is their target the Magi?
Invading data coming in from all external connections.
Invading data coming in from all external connections.
They're attempting to hack into the Magi.
They're attempting to hack into the Magi.
Just as I thought.
Just as I thought.
Is it coming from the Magi-2 in Matsushiro?
Is it coming from the Magi-2 in Matsushiro?
No, it's at least five Magi types!
No, it's at least five Magi types!
I can confirm the invasions from Germany, China, and America!
I can confirm invasions from Germany, China, and America!
SEELE is pooling all its resources.
SEELE is pooling all its resources.
Five Magi against one.
Five Magi against one.
Not great odds.
Not great odds.
The fourth firewall has been breached!
The fourth firewall has been breached!
I'm closing the main database.
I'm closing the main database.
It didn't work! I can't stop their advance!
It didn't work! I can't stop their advance!
They've breached the next level!
They've breached the next level!
The backup system is also inoperative!
The backup system is also inoperative!
This is bad...
This is bad...
The seizure of the Magi means the occupation of headquarters.
The seizure of the Magi means the occupation of headquarters.
All personnel first stage of alert.
All personnel first stage of alert.
Repeating. All personnel first stage of alert.
Repeating. All personnel first stage of alert.
Let me guess...
Let me guess...
You need help with the Magi's self-defense systems?
You need help with the Magi's self-defense systems?
Yes, Lt. Ibuki will explain at the second command center.
Yes, Lt. Ibuki will explain at the second command center.
I guess even abandoned women such as myself have their uses.
I guess even abandoned women such as myself have their uses.
That arrogant bastard.
That arrogant bastard.
Level 2 Alert currently in effect.
Level 2 Alert currently in effect.
All B-floor non-combat personnel evacuate at once.
All B-floor non-combat personnel evacuate at once.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Special Order A-801 was issued from Tokyo 2 a while ago.
Special Order A-801 was issued from Tokyo 2 a while ago.
Repeal of the privileged legal protection of Special Duty Organization NERV
NERV's been stripped of all legal protections,
and the transfer of command to the Japanese government.
and command has been transferred to the Japanese government.
It's an ultimatum.
It's an ultimatum.
Yes, that's right. They're currently trying to hack into the Magi.
Yes, that's right. They're currently trying to hack into the Magi.
We're at a big disadvantage.
We're at a big disadvantage.
Ibuki here.
Ibuki here.
Dr Akagi has just begun working on protective countermeasures.
Dr Akagi has just begun working on protective countermeasures.
Ritsuko has!?
Ritsuko has!?
Am I doing something silly?
Am I doing something silly?
Logic has no meaning in the relationship between a man and a woman.
Logic has no meaning in the relationship between a man and a woman.
Don't you think so...
Don't you think so...
Recovery of ground communication in Goura has been improved by 0.2 percent.
Recovery of ground communication in Goura has been improved by 0.2 percent.
How much longer?
How much longer?
Cable 3, Hakone back-up circuit is still inoperative.
Cable 3, Hakone back-up circuit is still inoperative.
We should make it. \NDr Akagi is amazing!
We should make it. \NDr Akagi is amazing!
One more minute to the end of page 120.
One more minute to the end of page 120.
And the deployment of the primary firewall
And the deployment of the primary firewall
will only take two and a half more minutes.
will only take two and a half more minutes.
Just hacking into the Magi?
Just hacking into the Magi?
Yeah, right. I doubt they're going to let us off that easily.
Yeah, right. I doubt they're going to let us off that easily.
The seizure of the Magi is just foreplay.
The seizure of the Magi is just foreplay.
Their true objective is to launch an all-out attack on headquarters and seize the remaining Eva units by force.
Their true objective is to launch an all-out attack on headquarters and seize the remaining Eva units by force.
Of course. We have both Adam and Lilith.
Of course. We have both Adam and Lilith.
No wonder those old men are so hasty.
No wonder those old men are so hasty.
The hacking of the Magi has stopped.
The hacking of the Magi has stopped.
A B-Danang type defense system has been employed.
A B-Danang type defense system has been employed.
External access has been cut off for the next 62 hours.
External access has been cut off for the next 62 hours.
See you later, Mother.
See you later, Mother.
Ikari has installed a Type 666 firewall on the Magi's external feed circuits.
Ikari has installed a Type 666 firewall on the Magi's external feed circuits.
It won't be easy to breach.
It won't be easy to breach.
It seems we'll have to give up on the seizure of their Magi.
It seems we'll have to give up on seizing their Magi.
I had hoped to solve this peacefully, but they leave me no choice.
I had hoped to solve this peacefully, but they leave me no choice.
Launch the invasion forces immediately!
Launch the invasion forces immediately!
Commence operations as planned.
Commence operations as planned.
Radar sites 8 to 17 have gone silent!
Radar sites 8 to 17 have gone silent!
A Special Forces battalion is advancing from the Goura defensive line.
A Special Forces battalion is advancing from the Goura defensive line.
Two more battalions approaching from Gotemba!
Two more battalions approaching from Gotemba!
Air unit approaching from Mishima. Three confirmed.
Air unit approaching from Mishima. Three confirmed.
It seems that man's ultimate enemy is man himself.
It appears that man's ultimate enemy is man himself.
All personnel, go to battle stations. Level One.
All personnel, go to battle stations. Level One.
Close down Futagoyama and Komagatake routes at once!
Close down Futagoyama and Komagatake routes at once!
Battle stations!?
Battle stations!?
Invasion through Goura 2nd defense perimeter point A.
Invasion through Goura 2nd defense perimeter point A.
Currently engaging enemy.
Currently engaging enemy.
Even though they aren't Angels...
Even though they aren't Angels...
...but humans like us?
...but humans like us?
I wish the enemy felt the same way.
I wish the enemy felt the same way.
Hey, what happened?!
Hey, what happened?!
What is it?
What is it?
The south hub station has been...
The south hub station has been...
Daigatake tunnel cut off!
Daigatake tunnel cut off!
Fire at West freight entrance 5!
Fire at West freight entrance 5!
Invading forces have entered Level 1.
Invading forces have entered Level 1.
South hub station off-line.
South hub station off-line.
The west side attack is a decoy!
The west side attack is a decoy!
If they're really after the Evas, they'll go after the pilots first.
If they're really after the Evas, they'll go after the pilots first.
Put Shinji on standby in Unit 01 immediately.
Put Shinji on standby in Unit 01 immediately.
Where's Asuka?
Where's Asuka?
She's in hospital room 303.
She's in hospital room 303.
Never mind, put her into Unit 02.
Never mind, put her into Unit 02.
But she hasn't regained her synchro rate with the Eva yet!
But she hasn't regained her synchro rate with the Eva yet!
She'll be killed if they find her there.
She'll be killed if they find her there.
If we put her in Unit 02, at least she'll be safe.
If we put her in Unit 02, at least she'll be safe.
Stop the treatment of the pilot...
Stop the treatment of the pilot...
...and prepare for launch!
...and prepare for launch!
As soon as Asuka gets on board,
As soon as Asuka gets on board,
hide Eva Unit 02 at the bottom of the lake.
hide Eva Unit 02 at the bottom of the lake.
It's not the best hiding spot, but it's better than the cage.
It's not the best hiding spot, but it's better than the cage.
Where's Rei?
Where's Rei?
Whereabouts unknown.
Whereabouts unknown.
Unable to confirm her location.
Unable to confirm her location.
She'll be killed. Find her ASAP!
She'll be killed. Find her ASAP!
Unit 02 has been launched!
Unit 02 has been launched!
It's being positioned 70 meters deep, via route 8.
It's being positioned 70 meters deep, via route 8.
Launch Unit 01 next.
Launch Unit 01 next.
Position it inside the Geofront!
Position it inside the Geofront!
We can't!
We can't!
The pilot still...
The pilot still...
Oh, dear god...
Oh, dear god...
Closing all Central Dogma barricades up to Level 2.
Closing all Central Dogma barricades up to Level 2.
All non-combat personnel, evacuate via route 87 immediately.
All non-combat personnel, evacuate via route 87 immediately.
Underground barricade 3 destroyed.
Underground barricade 3 destroyed.
Enemy Forces have invaded Level 2.
Enemy Forces have invaded Level 2.
There's nothing we can do to hold them off.
There's nothing we can do to hold them off.
It's only a matter of time before they completely overwhelm us.
It's only a matter of time before they completely overwhelm us.
Professor Fuyutsuki, please take care of the rest.
Professor Fuyutsuki, please take care of the rest.
I understand.
I understand.
Give my regards to Yui.
Give my regards to Yui.
Level 2 isn't responding!
Level 2 isn't responding!
Communications with control room 77 have been cut off!
Communications with control room 77 have been cut off!
52nd internal monorail track has been destroyed.
52nd internal monorail track has been destroyed.
Explosion confirmed at hub-station 3.
Explosion confirmed at hub-station 3.
Numerous dead. Damage unknown.
Numerous dead. Damage unknown.
This is brutal.
This is brutal.
I'd rather be fighting Angels!
I'd rather be fighting Angels!
It can't be helped.
It can't be helped.
We're not used to killing humans.
We're not used to killing humans.
Cut the red cables first.
Cut the red cables first.
Level 3 Block B invaded!
Level 3 Block B invaded!
There's no stopping them!
There's no stopping them!
Enemy presence confirmed in Block F! \NThe main bypass is under fire!
Enemy presence confirmed in Block F! \NThe main bypass is under fire!
Abandon Levels 1 to 3!
Abandon Levels 1 to 3!
Order a full retreat!
Order a full retreat!
Inject Bakelite into all routes and pipes up to section 803!
Inject Bakelite into all routes and pipes up to section 803!
Commence Bakelite injection in Section 703.
Commence Bakelite injection in Section 703.
30 seconds to completion.
30 seconds to completion.
Commence Bakelite injection in Section 737.
Commence Bakelite injection in Section 737.
30 seconds to completion.
30 seconds to completion.
We should be able to hold out a little longer.
We should be able to hold out a little longer.
Major Katsuragi,
Major Katsuragi,
route 47 has been cut off. Group 3 is unable to advance.
route 47 has been cut off. Group 3 is unable to advance.
At this rate, Shinji will...
At this rate, Shinji will...
All non-combat personnel, avoid close combat.
All non-combat personnel, avoid close combat.
These guys are pros.
These guys are pros.
If you can't fall back to Central Dogma,
If you can't fall back to Central Dogma,
you're better off surrendering.
you're better off surrendering.
Sorry, I have to leave the rest to you.
Sorry, I have to leave the rest to you.
Mt. Futago secured. Hurry to block off Nagao Pass.
Mt. Futago secured. Hurry to block off Nagao Pass.
It's taking longer than expected.
It's taking longer than expected.
We never get the easy jobs.
We never get the easy jobs.
This is bad.
This is bad.
We aren't equipped with effective anti-personnel weapons.
We don't have any effective anti-personnel weapons.
Well, we're only equipped to handle terrorists at most.
We're only equipped to handle terrorists at most.
If the JSSDF is fully mobilized, this place won't even last for a second.
If the JSSDF is fully mobilized, this place won't last for a second.
Slowly but surely they've been cutting our defense budget.
Slowly but surely they've been cutting our defense budget.
They've probably been planning this all along.
They've probably been planning this all along.
# Come to think of it...
# Come to think of it...
# the reductions in funding for anti-personnel defense measures were probably for this reason in the first place.
# the reductions in funding for anti-personnel defense measures were probably for this reason in the first place.
Now that you mention it...
Now that you mention it...
Command Center 2 - Invaders on lower left floor.
Command Center 2 - Invaders on lower left floor.
Release the safety!
Release the safety!
I... I can't shoot.
I... I can't shoot.
Of course you can! You've had basic training!
Of course you can! You've had basic training!
But I wasn't shooting at people, then!
But I wasn't shooting at people, then!
You idiot!
You idiot!
If you don't shoot, you'll die!
If you don't shoot, you'll die!
I knew I'd find you here.
I knew I'd find you here.
The promised time has come.
The promised time has come.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Level 2 is completely secured, over.
Level 2 is completely secured, over.
Roger that. We're moving in on the MAGI and the Level 2 Command Center.
Roger that. We're moving in on the MAGI and the Level 2 Command Center.
Currently engaging enemy at the left wing on the lower level.
Currently engaging enemy at the left wing on the lower level.
Commence cooling procedures on the fifth Malebolge at once.
Commence cooling procedures on the fifth Malebolge at once.
Any Eva pilots are to be killed on sight.
Any Eva pilots are to be killed on sight.
You have permission to shoot non-combatants.
You have permission to shoot non-combatants.
Yanagihara and Shinjo units, proceed to the lower level.
Yanagihara and Shinjo units, proceed to the lower level.
The Third has been found.
The Third has been found.
Proceeding with termination.
Proceeding with termination.
Nothing personal, kid.
Nothing personal, kid.
Nothing personal here either.
Nothing personal here either.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go.
To Unit 01.
To Unit 01.
Yamagishi squad at cage 7, report your status, over.
Yamagishi squad at cage 7, report your status, over.
The purple one has been secured.
The purple one has been secured.
The Bakelite infusion was not a problem.
The Bakelite infusion was not a problem.
The red one has been removed, and we're currently searching...
The red one has been removed, and we're currently searching...
This is bad...
This is bad...
They're trying to separate Shinji from Unit 01.
They're trying to separate Shinji from Unit 01.
We're running out of time.
We're running out of time.
Let's hurry, Shinji.
Let's hurry, Shinji.
You need to choose whether you'll run away or pilot the Eva.
You need to choose whether you'll run away or pilot the Eva.
At this rate, you'll die meaninglessly!
At this rate, you'll die meaninglessly!
Help me, Asuka.
Help me, Asuka.
Help me.
Help me.
At a time like this, you hide behind a girl, run from reality and lie to yourself?!
At a time like this, you hide behind a girl, \Nrun from reality, and lie to yourself?!
Giving up halfway is worse than never trying at all!
Giving up halfway is worse than never trying at all!
So, stand up!
So, stand up!
Stand up!
Stand up!
I don't want to.
I don't want to.
I want to die.
I want to die.
I don't want to do anything.
I don't want to do anything.
Why are you talking like a spoiled brat?!
Why are you talking like a spoiled brat?!
You're still alive, whether you like it or not.
You're still alive, whether you like it or not.
So keep yourself together. You can die afterwards.
So get it together. You can die afterwards.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Give top priority to isolating Terminal Dogma!
Give top priority to isolating Terminal Dogma!
They've destroyed everything else,\N so why don't they just nuke us and get it over with?!
They've destroyed everything else,\N so why don't they just nuke us and get it over with?!
If we weren't sitting on top of the original MAGI system, they probably would have.
If we weren't sitting on top of the original MAGI system, they probably would have.
They probably need it as intact as they can get it.
They probably need it as intact as they can get it.
I just hope they don't use biochemical weapons.
I just hope they don't use biochemical weapons.
If they do, we'll be in trouble!
If they do, we'll be in trouble!
N2 weapons, too...
N2 weapons, too...
Speak of the devil!
Speak of the devil!
Haven't those bastards heard of self-restraint?!
Haven't those bastards heard of self-restraint?!
They're overdoing it.
They're overdoing it.
Why do they want the Evas this badly?!
Why do they want the Evas this badly?!
They plan to initiate Third Impact.
They plan to initiate Third Impact.
But instead of the Angels, they plan to use the Eva series.
But instead of the Angels, they plan to use the Eva series.
15 years ago, Second Impact was caused deliberately, by humans.
15 years ago, Second Impact was caused deliberately, by humans.
It was done before the other Angels awoke,
It was done before the other Angels awoke,
to reduce Adam to an embryonic state, \Nthus minimizing the damage caused.
to reduce Adam to an embryonic state, \Nthus minimizing the damage caused.
we humans were born from a being called Lilith, who is a source of life just like Adam.
we humans were born from a being called Lilith, who is a source of life just like Adam.
We are the 18th Angel.
We are the 18th Angel.
The remaining Angels were other possibilities,
The remaining Angels were other possibilities,
other versions of what humanity could have become.
other versions of what humanity could have become.
Sadly, we're unable to coexist.
Sadly, we're unable to coexist.
Even though we're fundamentally the same.
Even though we're fundamentally the same.
Listen, Shinji.
Listen, Shinji.
You have to destroy the whole Eva series.
You have to destroy the whole Eva series.
It's the only way for us to survive.
It's the only way for us to survive.
The phone lines are all dead.
The phone lines are all dead.
Yes, sir. Ballistic missile impact was confirmed three minutes ago.
Yes, sir. Ballistic missile impact was confirmed three minutes ago.
NERV's secret research into the Human Instrumentality Project
NERV's secret research into the Human Instrumentality Project
turned out to be an attempt to cause Third Impact, which would lead to the extinction of all human life.
turned out to be an attempt to cause Third Impact, which would lead to the extinction of all human life.
Humanity is probably the only creature capable of hating its own kind.
Humanity is probably the only creature capable of hating its own kind.
Well, then. I suppose all that's left is to clear up the ruins of NERV headquarters.
Well, then. I suppose all that's left is to clear up the ruins of NERV headquarters.
Are you going to ask Germany or China to help in reconstruction?
Are you going to ask Germany or China to help in reconstruction?
No. We won't make the same mistake twice.
No. We won't make the same mistake twice.
Make sure no one can touch it for the next 20 years, like Old Tokyo.
Make sure no one can touch it for the next 20 years, like Old Tokyo.
The heat on the surface has dissipated. \NHigh pressure steam discharges have also stopped.
Surface heat has dissipated. \NHigh pressure steam discharge has also stopped.
All units' positions have been confirmed.
All units' positions have been confirmed.
Currently, up through level 3 of Dogma and the purple one are under our control.
Currently, up to level 3 of Dogma and the purple one are under our control.
What about the red one?
What about the red one?
It was found at the bottom of the lake, 70.2 metres deep.
It was found at the bottom of the lake, 70.2 metres deep.
The pilot's condition is unknown.
The pilot's condition is unknown.
I'm alive...
I'm alive...
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die...
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
Stay alive.
Stay alive.
You shouldn't die.
You shouldn't die.
Stay alive.
Stay alive.
You shouldn't die.
You shouldn't die.
I won't let you die.
I won't let you die.
You shouldn't die.
You shouldn't die.
I won't let you die.
I won't let you die.
You shouldn't die.
You shouldn't die.
I won't let you die.
I won't let you die.
Please, die with me.
Please, die with me.
You shouldn't die.
You shouldn't die.
Stay alive.
Stay alive.
Please, die with me!
Please, die with me!
Don't kill her!
Don't kill her!
Stay alive.
Stay alive.
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
so this is where you've been?
so this is where you've been?
What the...
What the...
Did we get it?
Did we get it?
Mama, I understand now!
Mama, I understand now!
The meaning of the AT Field!
The meaning of the AT Field!
You were always protecting me!
You were always protecting me!
You were always watching over me!
You were always watching over me!
Always... You've always been with me!
Always... You've always been with me!
Eva Unit 02 has activated!
Eva Unit 02 has activated!
Asuka's alright!\NShe's alive!
Asuka's alright!\NShe's alive!
Asuka is?!
Asuka is?!
The cable!
The cable!
That's the power cable! Focus your fire on it!
Focus your fire on that power cable!
Even without the umbilical cable...
Even without the umbilical cable...
I've got 12,000 special armor plates and...
I've got 12,000 special armor plates and...
I've got my AT Field! So...
I've got my AT Field! So...
There's no way I can lose...
There's no way I can lose...
...to you guys!
...to you guys!
Those loathsome Evas.
Those loathsome Evas.
Do they stand in our way yet again?
They stand in our way yet again.
It seems we'll have to fight fire with fire.
It seems we'll have to fight fire with fire.
The Eva series?
The Eva series?
They've been completed?
They've been completed?
They've sent all nine units equipped with S2 engines...
They've sent all nine units equipped with S2 engines...
Isn't that a bit excessive?
Isn't that a bit excessive?
It can't be!
It can't be!
Do they plan to initiate it here!?
Do they plan to initiate it here!?
Listen, Asuka.
Listen, Asuka.
Make sure to destroy all of the Eva series.
Make sure to destroy all of the Eva series.
I'll send Shinji out ASAP, so hang in there.
I'll send Shinji out ASAP, so hang in there.
So, we can get to Unit 01 via emergency route 20, right?
We can get to Unit 01 via emergency route 20, right?
Yes, three power lines are secured.
Yes, three power lines are secured.
As long as you get there in 3 minutes, it'll take you directly to cage 7.
As long as you get there in 3 minutes, it'll take you directly to cage 7.
Make sure to destroy all of them?
Make sure to destroy all of them?
How could Misato be so harsh with someone who's only just recovered?
How could Misato be so harsh with someone who's only just recovered?
Nine units in 3 and half minutes.
Nine units in 3 and half minutes.
I only have 20 seconds for each.
I only have 20 seconds for each.
It's here.
It's here.
They got away.
They got away.
Unable to terminate target.\NStanding by for orders to pursue.
Unable to terminate target.\NStanding by for orders to pursue.
No need to pursue.
No need to pursue.
That area has been targeted for demolition.
That area has been targeted for demolition.
Pull back immediately.
Pull back immediately.
Well... that should hold them off for a while.
Well... that should hold them off for a while.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's not too serious.
It's not too serious.
The power is on. You can still make it.
The power is on. You can still make it.
Listen, Shinji.
Listen, Shinji.
From here on out, you're on your own.
From here on out, you're on your own.
You'll have to make your own decisions, without anyone's help.
You'll have to make your own decisions, without anyone's help.
I just can't.
I just can't.
If all it means is hurting and killing people, then I can't pilot the Eva.
If all it means is hurting and killing people, then I can't pilot the Eva.
I don't have the right to do so.
I don't have the right to do so.
I thought I had no choice but to pilot the Eva.
I thought I had no choice but to pilot the Eva.
But I was just fooling myself.
But I was just fooling myself.
I don't understand anything,\N so I don't deserve the Eva, either.
I don't understand anything,\N so I don't deserve the Eva, either.
There's nothing that I can do for other people!
There's nothing that I can do for other people!
I've done terrible things to Asuka,
I've done terrible things to Asuka,
and I even killed Kaworu!
and I even killed Kaworu!
There isn't a shred of goodness in me,
There isn't a shred of goodness in me,
only dishonesty and cowardice!
only dishonesty and cowardice!
All I do is hurt other people!
All I do is hurt other people!
So I'd rather do nothing at all!
So I'd rather do nothing at all!
I'm not going to feel sorry for you.
I'm not going to feel sorry for you.
If you don't want to feel pain, then you can just sit here and die.
If you don't want to feel pain, then you can just sit here and die.
Crying isn't going to solve anything, either!
And crying isn't going to solve anything, either!
You hate yourself, don't you?
You hate yourself, don't you?
That's why you hurt others.
That's why you hurt others.
Because hurting others is more painful for you than hurting yourself is.
Because hurting others is more painful for you than hurting yourself is.
But, no matter what lies ahead, it will be the result of your own decisions!
But, no matter what lies ahead, it will be the result of your own decisions!
That means something, Shinji!\N It means you will have made a difference!
That means something, Shinji!\N It means you will have made a difference!
So stop lying to yourself, and realise that you do have options.
So stop lying to yourself, and realise that you do have options.
And atone for the choices that you've made.
And atone for the choices that you've made.
But you're not me, Misato!
But you're not me, Misato!
You're just a stranger! \NYou don't know anything about me!
You're just a stranger! \NYou don't know anything about me!
So what if I'm not you?!
So what if I'm not you?!
That doesn't mean you can just give up!
That doesn't mean you can just give up!
If you stay here and do nothing,
If you stay here and do nothing,
I'll never forgive you!
I'll never forgive you!
I'll never forgive you as long as I live!
I'll never forgive you as long as I live!
I'm not perfect either.
I'm not perfect either.
I've made tons of stupid mistakes that I later regretted.
I've made tons of stupid mistakes that I later regretted.
And I keep making them.
And I keep making them.
It's been a cycle of hollow joy and vicious self-hatred.
It's been a cycle of hollow joy and vicious self-hatred.
But even so, every time I learned something about myself.
But even so, every time I learned something about myself.
Please, Shinji!
Please, Shinji!
Pilot the Eva once more and settle this once and for all.
Pilot the Eva once more and settle this once and for all.
Find out why you came here in the first place.
Find out why you came here in the first place.
Find out why you exist at all.
Find out what you're meant to do.
Search for the answers yourself.
Search for the answers yourself.
And when you've found your answers,
And when you've found your answers,
come back to me.
come back to me.
Take care.
Take care.
That's an adult kiss.
That's an adult kiss.
We'll do the rest when you get back.
We'll do the rest when you get back.
If I'd known it would end like this...
If I'd known it would end like this...
I'd have done as Asuka said,
I'd have done as Asuka said,
and changed the carpet.
and changed the carpet.
Right, Pen Pen?
Right, Pen Pen?
I did the right thing, didn't I?
I did the right thing, didn't I?
Damn, they're persistent!
Damn, they're persistent!
Of course that idiot Shinji is nowhere to be found!
Of course that idiot Shinji is nowhere to be found!
I've been waiting for you.
I've been waiting for you.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I altered the Magi's program earlier without telling you.
I altered the Magi's program earlier without telling you.
A loving daughter's final request.
A loving daughter's final request.
please die with me.
please die with me.
It won't activate?!
It won't activate?!
Casper betrayed me!
Casper betrayed me!
Mother, how could you choose your man over your own daughter!?
Mother, how could you choose your man over your own daughter!?
Akagi Ritsuko...
Akagi Ritsuko...
I truly...
I truly...
What's going on up there?
What's going on up there?
There's less than a minute left in her power reserves!
There's less than a minute left in her power reserves!
At this rate, Asuka will...
At this rate, Asuka will...
There's no way I can lose!
There's no way I can lose!
Mama is watching me!
Mama is watching me!
This is the last one!
This is the last one!
The Spear of Longinus!?
The Spear of Longinus!?
Internal power supply depleted.
Internal power supply depleted.
Operational limit has been reached.
Operational limit has been reached.
Eva Unit 02 has gone silent.
Eva Unit 02 has gone silent.
What is this?
What is this?
They should have been defeated. The Eva series is...
They should have been defeated. The Eva series is...
The Eva series has reactivated!
The Eva series has reactivated!
Are they going to finish her off?
Are they going to finish her off?
What's happening?!
What's happening?!
I can't keep watching!
I can't keep watching!
I don't want to watch!
I don't want to watch!
Is that Unit 02?!
Is that Unit 02?!
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you...
I'll kill you...
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
Stop it, Asuka!
Stop it, Asuka!
Stop it!
Stop it!
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you...
I'll kill you...
Unit 02...
Unit 02...
Asuka is!
Asuka is!
But I can't reach the Eva.
But I can't reach the Eva.
There's nothing I can do!
There's nothing I can do!
Has Unit 01 awakened?
Has Unit 01 awakened?
Evangelion Unit 01!
Evangelion Unit 01!
It's the devil himself!
It's the devil himself!
Adam and I are now as one.
Adam and I are now as one.
The only way I will ever see my Yui again
The only way I will ever see my Yui again
is through the forbidden unification of Adam and Lilith.
is through the forbidden unification of Adam and Lilith.
We're running out of time.
We're running out of time.
Your AT Field can no longer keep your shape.
Your AT Field can no longer keep your shape.
Let's begin, Rei.
Let's begin, Rei.
Release your AT Field, the barrier of your heart.
Release our AT Fields, the barriers of our hearts.
Make our imperfect souls whole again.
Make our imperfect souls whole again.
Discard this unnecessary physical shape.
Discard this unnecessary physical shape.
Merge all souls into one.
Merge all souls into one.
And then, take me to Yui's side.
And then, take me to Yui's side.
# Complement your imperfect mind\Nby abandoning meaningless bodies
# Complement your imperfect mind\Nby abandoning meaningless bodies
# and combine everyone's\Nsoul into one.
# and combine everyone's\Nsoul into one.
# And then let's return to Yui's side.
# And then let's return to Yui's side.
Unidentified object approaching at high speed from outer space.
Unidentified object approaching at high speed from outer space.
What did you say?!
What did you say?!
It can't be... It's the Spear of Longinus!
It can't be... It's the Spear of Longinus!
Finally, our wish will come true.
Finally, our wish will come true.
The original Spear of Longinus has been returned to us.
The original Spear of Longinus has been returned to us.
We have fewer units than we planned, \Nbut we'll have to make do.
We have fewer units than we planned, \Nbut we'll have to make do.
Return the Eva series to their true form.
Return the Eva series to their true form.
The true form will evangelize mankind.
This true form will evangelize mankind.
Through indiscriminate death and through prayer,
Through indiscriminate death and through prayer,
humanity shall return to its original state.
humanity shall return to its original state.
And our souls will be at peace.
And our souls will be at peace.
Let us begin the ritual.
Let us begin the ritual.
Eva Unit 01 has been captured!
Eva Unit 01 has been captured!
Altitude is 12,000 and rising!
Altitude is 12,000 and rising!
Damn, SEELE...
Damn, SEELE...
Do they plan to use Unit 01 as a medium?
Do they plan to use Unit 01 as a medium?
Eva Unit 01 has been marked with the stigmata.
Eva Unit 01 has been marked with the stigmata.
Let us resurrect the Tree of Life.
Let us resurrect the Tree of Life.
Our servants, the Eva series
Our servants, the Eva series
were created for this moment.
were created for this very moment.
The Eva series has unleashed its S2 engines!
The Eva series has unleashed its S2 engines!
The dimensional graph has reversed and is showing negative values!
The dimensional graph has reversed and is showing negative values!
Measurement is impossible!
Measurement is impossible!
It can't be expressed by numbers!
It can't be expressed by numbers!
It's an Anti-AT Field.
It's an Anti-AT Field.
This entire phenomenon is exactly like 15 years ago.
This entire phenomenon is exactly like 15 years ago.
Then, this really is...
Then, this really is...
The harbinger of the Third Impact!
The harbinger of the Third Impact!
S2 engines have reached their critical limit!
S2 engines have reached their critical limit!
Unable to maintain intermolecular bonding!
Unable to maintain intermolecular bonding!
The mission...
The mission...
...has failed.
...has failed.
Direct hit!
Direct hit!
Surface ground layers are melting!
Surface ground layers are melting!
The second wave is eroding the headquarters' periphery!
The second wave is eroding the headquarters' periphery!
The outer hull has been exposed!
The outer hull has been exposed!
It's only a physical shock wave!
It's only a physical shock wave!
Set the absorbers to maximum level, it should hold!
Set the absorbers to maximum level, it should hold!
To symbolize eternal time...
To symbolize eternal time...
The Red Earth Purification Ceremony.
The Red Earth Purification Ceremony.
First, return the Geofront...
First, return the Geofront...
...to its original form.
...to its original form.
The source of all human life, The Egg of Lilith,
The source of all human life, the Egg of Lilith,
the Black Moon.
the Black Moon.
We no longer desire to return to that empty shell.
We no longer desire to return to that empty shell.
But that is up to
But that is up to
Lilith to decide.
Lilith to decide.
It appears to have begun.
It appears to have begun.
Now, Rei...
Now, Rei...
It's time to unite me with Yui once more.
It's time to unite me with Yui once more.
I'm not your doll.
I'm not your doll.
Because I am not you.
Because I am not you.
Wait, Rei!
Wait, Rei!
I can't.
I can't.
Ikari is calling.
Ikari is calling.
I'm home.
I'm home.
An unidentified high-energy source is rapidly approaching from Terminal Dogma!
An unidentified high-energy source is rapidly approaching from Terminal Dogma!
AT Field confirmed!
AT Field confirmed!
The pattern is...
The pattern is...
It can't be, an Angel?!
It can't be, an Angel?!
No, it's not!
No, it's not!
It's a person!
It's a person!
A human!
A human!
Through the destruction of the ego of Evangelion Unit 01's pilot,
Through the destruction of the ego of Evangelion Unit 01's pilot,
humanity shall now undergo Instrumentality.
humanity shall now undergo Instrumentality.
The Third Retribution is at hand.
The Third Retribution is at hand.
The AT Fields of the Eva series are resonating!
The AT Fields of the Eva series are resonating!
And amplifying further!
And amplifying further!
Have they begun merging with Rei?
Have they begun merging with Rei?
Psychograph signal down!
Psychograph signal down!
The Destrudo is beginning to materialize!
The Destrudo is beginning to materialize!
The pilot's ego won't be able to take much more of this.
The pilot's ego won't be able to take much more of this.
No more...
No more...
Is it enough?
Is it enough?
Is that where you've been? Kaworu?
Is that where you've been? Kaworu?
The solenoid graph has reversed!
The solenoid graph has reversed!
His ego barrier is weakening!
His ego barrier is weakening!
AT Field shifting to pattern red!
AT Field shifting to pattern red!
The Fruit of Life is held by the Angels.
The Fruit of Life is held by the Angels.
The Fruit of Wisdom is held by man.
The Fruit of Wisdom is held by man.
Now that it has acquired both of them...
Now that it has acquired both of them...
The Eva Unit 01 has become
The Eva Unit 01 has become
an entity equivalent to God.
an entity equivalent to God.
And now, it has been restored to the embryo of souls, the Tree of Life.
And now, it has been restored to the embryo of souls, the Tree of Life.
Will it become an ark to save humanity from the nothingness of Third Impact,
Will it become an ark to save humanity from the nothingness of Third Impact,
or become a demon to annihilate humanity?
or become a demon to annihilate humanity?
Our future is up to Ikari's son.
Our future is up to Ikari's son.
We've done the right thing, haven't we?
We've done the right thing, haven't we?
How should I know?
How should I know?
This Rei is your heart.
This Rei is your heart.
She's an embodiment of your hopes and dreams.
She's an embodiment of your hopes and dreams.
What do you wish for?
What do you wish for?
That's right.
That's right.
It's like when I started practicing the cello.
It's like when I started practicing the cello.
I thought if I came here,
I thought if I came here,
I would find what I was looking for.
I would find what I was looking for.
# I thought there would be\Nsomething if I came here.
# I thought there would be\Nsomething if I came here.
Shinji, try doing it too!
Play with us, Shinji!
Let's do our best to complete the castle!
Let's work together and finish the castle!
Hey, Mom's here!
Hey, Mom's here!
I've gotta go!
I've gotta go!
God dammit!
God dammit!
Even just the sight of you gets on my nerves!
Even just the sight of you gets on my nerves!
Because I'm just like you?
Because I'm just like you?
I wasn't able to be a mother to Shinji after all.
I wasn't able to be a mother to Shinji after all.
Hey, let's do it.
Hey, let's do it.
Aren't you supposed to meet your friend at school today?
Aren't you supposed to meet your friend at school today?
Oh, Ritsuko?
Oh, Ritsuko?
It's okay, we still have time.
It's okay, we still have time.
We've been cooped up here for a week now.
We've been cooped up here for a week now.
Yeah, but I think I'm getting the hang of it,
Yeah, but I think I'm getting the hang of it,
so, come on...
so, come on...
I think I do this kind of stuff to prove my own existence.
I think I do this kind of stuff to prove my own existence.
That's ridiculous!
That's ridiculous!
It's just two depressed adults licking each other's wounds!
It's just two depressed adults licking each other's wounds!
Even if it's only physical, we want to feel needed.
Even if it's only physical, we want to feel needed.
It makes me feel wanted, and that makes me happy.
It makes me feel wanted, and that makes me happy.
It's just an easy way for you to feel that you're worth something, that.
Just an easy way for you to give yourself a sense of self-worth, is what it is.
This... Doing this is also part of Misato?
This... Doing this is also part of Misato?
Yes, that's also part of me.
Yes, that's also part of me.
The me that exists when melting into each other's hearts.
The me that exists when melting into each other's hearts.
The me that Shinji doesn't know.
The me that Shinji doesn't know.
Truth is, reality can be quite painful,
The truth is, reality can be quite painful,
but we just have to bear it.
but we just have to bear it.
I wonder if I'll do the kind of thing that Misato does when I grow up?
I wonder if I'll do the kind of thing that Misato does when I grow up?
Wanna kiss?
Wanna kiss?
You can't!
You can't!
Or are you scared?
Or are you scared?
It's not something kids should do.
It's not something kids should do.
Okay, here goes.
Okay, here goes.
You don't understand anything!
You don't understand anything!
Just stay away from me!
Just stay away from me!
I do understand.
I do understand.
No you don't, you idiot!
No you don't, you idiot!
You think you understand me?!
You think you understand me?!
You think you can help me?!
You think you can help me?!
I can't believe how arrogant you are!
I can't believe how arrogant you are!
You couldn't possibly understand me!
You couldn't possibly understand me!
How can I?
How can I?
You don't tell me anything.
You don't tell me anything.
You don't say anything.\NYou don't talk to me.
You don't say anything.\NYou don't talk to me.
It's impossible to understand you!
It's impossible to understand you!
Did you ever really try to, Ikari?
Did you ever really try to, Ikari?
Of course I did.
Of course I did.
You moron.
You moron.
I know it all...
I know it all...
About your jerk-off fantasies of me.
About your jerk-off fantasies of me.
Go ahead and do it like you always do.
Go ahead and do it like you always do.
I'll even stand here and watch you.
I'll even stand here and watch you.
If I can't have you all to myself,
If I can't have you all to myself,
then I don't want you at all!
then I don't want you at all!
Then why are you never nice to me?
Then why are you never nice to me?
I am nice to you.
I am nice to you.
You're just hiding behind those smiles!
You're just hiding behind those smiles!
You just want to keep things ambiguous!
You just want to keep things ambiguous!
Because the truth hurts everyone,
Because telling the truth is painful for everyone.
it's awfully painful.
But this ambiguity only hurts me more.
But this ambiguity only hurts me more.
That's just an excuse.
That's just an excuse.
I'm s
I'm scared of things being like this.
Scared that e