I Have a Crush at Work - E06 [B-Global vs Lia]
242 removals
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Total words | 2695 |
Words removed (%) | 11.65 |
889 lines
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Words added | 296 |
Total words | 2677 |
Words added (%) | 11.06 |
817 lines
Masugu, you're furrowing
Masugu, you're furrowing your brows a bit too much.
your brows a bit too much.
You too.
I could say the same to you.
How's it going?
Well? How's it going so far?
I'm making some progress,
I'm making some progress, but it's still pretty difficult.
but it's pretty difficult after all.
Hey, let's both make goals for next year!
Hey, let's both make goals for next year!
We regularly study together like this
During our summer trip,
in preparation for the goals
we promised to push each other to achieve our goals.
we promised during our summer trip.
That’s why we’ve been studying together
like this from time to time.
How about you?
How about you?
I'm starting over from the marketing.
I'm starting over from the marketing stage.
I've also identified the issues in
I've also identified the issues with
my previous product, chocolate baumkuchen.
my previous product, chocolate baumkuchen.
Wow, you've done a lot!
Wow, you've done a lot!
Well, in the end, it's still frustrating that
But in the end, it's frustrating that
the sales haven't improved.
sales still haven't improved.
It's even more noticeable
It becomes even clearer when I review the data again.
when I look over at the data again.
But I guess I just have to keep repeating
But I guess I just have to keep going through
this process and move forward step by step.
this process and move forward step by step.
My ideas for what I want to do
My ideas for what I want to do are piling up as well.
are piling up as well too.
I see.
I see.
I was worried because she seemed
I was worried because she seemed so down back then.
so down back then.
But I'm glad she looks much better now.
But I'm glad she looks much better now.
I won't lose to you!
I won't lose to you!
Same, I won't lose to you either!
Same, I won't lose to you either!
Yes, this is nicely done.
Yes, this is nicely done.
I think this direction will work for the next
I think this approach will work well for next
season's sakura-flavored soft cookies.
season's sakura-flavored soft cookies.
Do you really mean that,
Do you really mean that, section manager?!
section chief?!
Only the direction, okay.
You're only heading in the right direction.
But there are still many parts that need
But there are still many parts that need
to improve, so please adjust them.
to improve, so please adjust them.
Well, figures...
Well, figures...
Still, I'm making progress!
But it feels good to be making proper progress!
It's a good feeling.
Miss Yamano,
Miss Yamano, your latest product is doing really well!
your product is doing so well.
It's so rare for people to succeed
It's rare for people to have such success
in their first project.
on their first project.
Are you going to submit your seasonal
Are you entering the seasonal lineup competition too?
product to the competition?
Yes, I will!
That's frustrating to hear, really.
That's frustrating to hear, really.
Alright, I just need to take my time.
Alright, I just need to take my time.
Miss Mitsuya.
Miss Mitsuya.
It's time for our meeting.
It's time for our meeting.
Ah, I'm coming.
Ah, I'm coming.
Step by step, steadily and surely
Step by step, steadily and surely
Is this the meeting with
Is this the meeting with the New Business Department?
the New Business Department?
That's right.
That's right.
About the department store brand.
About the department store brand.
Apparently, they want us to share
Apparently, they want us to share our system with them.
our system with them.
Department store sweets, huh?
Department store sweets, huh?
They're sure growing fast.
They're sure growing fast.
Their performance shot up
Their sales skyrocketed immediately after launch.
right after the launch.
Even so, I really don't like this...
Even so, I really don't like this...
I'm not good with that person.
I'm not good with that person.
You know, that person! That one!
You know, that person! That one!
The former ace of the sales
The former ace of the sales department who launched
department who launched
- Excuse us.
the New Business Department at just 36...
- the new business division at just 36...
Excuse us.
None other than the incredible,
None other than the incredible,
ultra-talented Director Kiribayashi!
ultra-talented Director Kiribayashi!
The planning department's workflow
The planning department's workflow
is more convoluted than I expected.
is more convoluted than I expected.
Director Kiribayashi.
Director Kiribayashi.
The New Business Department
The New Business Department is on a different floor,
is on a different floor,
and it seems like he's rarely in the office,
and it seems like he's rarely in the office,
so this is my first time meeting
so this is my first time meeting him face-to-face.
Director Kiribayashi face-to-face.
You can get rid of this part.
You can get rid of this part.
Wow. He really doesn't hold back...
Wow. He really doesn't hold back...
To prevent mistakes and miscommunication,
To prevent mistakes and miscommunication,
we need to follow proper steps...
we need to follow the proper procedures...
But it's a waste of time, isn't it?
But it's a waste of time, isn't it?
If it were me, I'd rather allocate
If it were me, I'd rather allocate
that manpower elsewhere.
that manpower elsewhere.
Instead of locking everyone
Instead of locking everyone into a rigid workflow,
into a rigid workflow,
I'd want a team that can think
I'd want a team that can think and act independently.
and act independently.
We're from the same company, but his way
We're from the same company, but his way
of thinking is different from our department...
of thinking is totally different from our department...
Anyway, no matter how much time we have,
no matter how much time we have,
it's never enough when it comes to
it's never enough when it comes to
taking on the challenges we want.
taking on the challenges we want.
It'd be a waste to keep going back and forth
It'd be a waste to keep going back and forth
for something uncertain, don't you think?
for something uncertain, don't you think?
I see.
I see.
- For now, let's just begin with the manual.
This person definitely has a way of unsettling people.
- This person definitely
- For now, let's just begin with the manual.
For now, let's just begin with the manual.
- has a way of unsettling people.
- Please adjust it one more time.
Please adjust it one more time.
- has a way of unsettling people.
I'm sorry! I'll be back soon!
I'm sorry! I'll be back soon!
And now I'm alone with him!
And now I'm alone with him!
So, Miss Mitsuya...
So, Miss Mitsuya...
Want to join the New Business Department?
What do you think of joining us at the New Business Department?
We're still a small team, and we're right
We're still a small team, and we're right
in the middle of recruiting more talent for it.
in the middle of recruiting more talent for it.
W-What? This is so sudden...
W-What? This is so sudden...
I've heard a lot about you since
I've heard a lot about you since
I was in the sales department.
I was in the sales department.
But I've hardly accomplished anything...
But I've hardly accomplished anything...
Well, it's true that you don't have any
Well, it's true that you don't have any
personal standout achievements so far.
personal standout achievements so far.
I know.
I know.
That's why I'm working steadily,
That's why I'm working steadily, step by step...
step by step...
Though to you, that might
Though to you, that might seem like a waste of time.
seem like a waste of time.
But I believe there's a lot
But I believe there's a lot to gain from this process.
to gain from this process.
But I actually thought your chocolate
Actually, I thought your chocolate
baumkuchen was a pretty good product.
baumkuchen was a pretty good product.
He knew about my sweets?
He knows about my sweets?
The planning department is a big team,
The planning department is a big team,
and getting another project
and getting another project approved won't be easy.
approved won't be easy.
But if you join us, you'll flourish.
But if you join us, you'll flourish.
I want someone like you who has
I want someone like you who has
their own ideas and ambitions.
their own ideas and ambitions.
Someone as incredible as him not
Someone as incredible as him not
only knows about my project...
only knows about my project...
but even praises it?
but even praises it?
Or are you not interested
Or are you not interested in department store sweets?
in department store sweets?
Say, Miss Mitsuya... You said there's
Say, Miss Mitsuya... You said there's
a lot to gain from this process...
a lot to gain from this process...
Just how much that can you gain?
Just how much can you gain?
Since you can't give a quick answer,
Since you can't give a quick answer,
is it something that you really need?
is it something that you really need?
Oh, so this is the New Business
Oh, so this is the New Business
Department's store brand.
Department's store brand.
This is my first time seeing it in person.
This is my first time seeing it in person.
Even on a weekday night,
Even on a weekday night,
there are quite a lot of customers.
there are still a lot of customers.
Yeah, it's popular for office ladies
Yeah, it's popular for office ladies
who want to reward themselves.
who want to reward themselves.
I see.
I see.
But still, things like employee poaching
But still, things like employee poaching
really do happen, huh?
really do happen, huh?
Whoa, this is yummy!
Whoa, this tastes good!
But isn't it amazing that people
But isn't it amazing that people
are acknowledging your effort?
are acknowledging your effort?
Yeah, you're right.
Yeah, you're right.
It really is amazing, right?
It really is amazing, right?
It's so yummy and looks so classy too!
It tastes so good and looks so classy too!
What kind of face is that?
What kind of face is that?
Honestly, I haven't fully kept up
Honestly, I haven't fully kept up
with everything that's happening.
with everything that's happening.
Director Kiribayashi is really just...
Director Kiribayashi is really just...
on a whole different level.
on a whole different level.
It feels like he's completely crumbled the path
It feels like he's completely crumbled the path
I've been walking on
I've been walking on
and believing in beneath my feet.
and believing in beneath my feet.
Our department holds industry
Our department holds industry
- study sessions with other companies,
The more I hear
- The more I hear
study sessions with other companies,
- and we also invite external lecturers.
about the New Business Department,
- about the New Business Department,
and we also invite external lecturers.
the fresher and more exciting
the fresher and more exciting the offer sounds.
the offer sounds.
I think this is a great opportunity for me.
I think this is a great opportunity for me.
But my goal has always been to sell
But my goal has always been to sell
my own sweets in the planning department.
sweets I've created in the planning department.
Is it really okay for me to leave
Is it really okay for me to leave my department so easily?
my department so easily?
I can't even talk to Ucchan
I can't even talk to Ucchan and the others about it.
and the others about it.
I keep wondering what they'd say
I keep wondering what they'd say
if I actually got transferred...
if I actually got transferred...
There are so many unfinished tasks and projects
There are so many unfinished tasks and projects
I'm working on with everyone...
I'm working on with everyone...
And also...
And also...
The condition for the competition
The condition for the competition
between us would have to change too.
between us would have to change too.
Even though it was my idea.
Even though it was my idea.
Who the heck cares about that?!
Who the heck cares about that?!
There goes your bad habit again!
You're doing it again!
You're overthinking it.
Overthinking things too much.
Listen, this is an important
Listen, this is an important turning point for you,
turning point for you,
so think for yourself about
so think for yourself about what you really want to do.
what you really want to do.
You're always too worried
You always worry too much about what others think.
about what others think.
T-That's not—
T-That's not—
Come on.
Come on.
If you don't hurry,
If you don't hurry, you'll miss the train.
you'll miss the train.
I'll always be there to listen
I'll always be there to listen
if you need someone to talk to.
if you need someone to talk to.
Just because we're coworkers and lovers,
Because we're coworkers and lovers,
there are some things
there are some things I can't help her with.
I can't help her with.
She's been like this a lot.
She's been like this a lot lately.
Here is the regional sales chart
Here is the regional sales chart for our new product.
for our new product.
This year, seasonal-themed sweets
This year, seasonal-themed sweets
performed exceptionally well,
performed exceptionally well, even more than usual...
even more than usual...
Even if you say I'm too worried
Even if you say I'm too worried about what others think...
about what others think...
It's been six years since I joined.
It's been six years since I joined.
Even though it's a team project,
Even though it's a team project,
I've been entrusted with
I've been entrusted with leadership roles more often.
leadership roles more often.
Micchan? What's wrong?
Micchan? What's wrong?
Ah, no, it's fine.
Ah, no, it's nothing.
I have two more meetings to go to today.
I have two more meetings to go to today.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
There's a call from the manufacturing department
There's a call from the manufacturing department
about "Marutto Pie" product.
about the "Marutto Pie" product.
That would be my team's responsibility.
That would be my team's responsibility.
I know about it,
I know about it, so transfer the call to me.
so transfer the call to me.
Oh, is this about the change in specifications?
Oh, is this about the change in specifications?
Yes, I'll pass the message along.
Yes, I'll pass the message along.
My position, my responsibilities...
My position, my responsibilities...
I have a lot on my plate right now.
I have a lot on my plate right now.
Miss Yamano, how are things going with
Miss Yamano, how are things going with
the competition of seasonal products?
the seasonal lineup competition?
Wouldn't it be better to make
Wouldn't it be better to make
this part stand out a bit more?
this part stand out a bit more?
Then I'll try changing it to colored text.
Then I'll try changing it to colored text.
- The prototype photos looked delicious too.
How nice.
- How nice.
- The prototype photos looked delicious too.
The prototype photos looked delicious too.
- Miss Yamano is officially
- Thank you very much!
Miss Yamano is officially entering the competition.
- Miss Yamano is officially
entering the competition.
Thank you very much!
The proposal I showed
The proposal I showed the section manager the other day
the section chief the other day
is still being revised.
is still being revised.
I'm thinking of showing it to him again...
I'm thinking of showing it to him again...
He'll probably tell me
He'll probably tell me to prioritize
to prioritize the team instead.
the team projects instead.
Even in the assignment chart,
Even in the assignment chart, I'm fully assigned to that.
I'm fully designated for that.
There are so many hurdles along the way
There are so many hurdles along the way
when I'm making steady progress.
when I'm making steady progress.
But I do think it's starting
But I do think it's starting to come together pretty well.
to come together pretty well.
If I were in the new department,
If I were in the New Business Department,
would I be able to skip all of these?
would I be able to skip all these steps?
Good morning.
Good morning.
An email from Director Kiribayashi?!
An email from Director Kiribayashi?!
Materials from their last study group?
Materials from their last study group?
Wow, I could learn a lot from these.
Wow, I could learn a lot from these.
- Yes, this is the Planning Department
I really need to make a decision soon.
- I really need to make a decision soon.
- of Tsuda Sweets.
Yes, this is the planning department of Tsuda Sweets.
- I really need to make a decision soon.
Huh? A specification change
Huh? A specification change for "Marutto Pie"?
for "Marutto Pie"?
No, we haven't heard about that.
No, we haven't heard about that.
Huh? The production process is on hold?!
Huh? The production process is on hold?!
It's a relief there was no major impact
It's a relief there was no major impact
on the production schedule this time.
on the production schedule this time.
I've been thinking only about myself...
I've only been thinking about myself...
A communication error is the one thing
A communication error is the one thing
that must never happen.
that must never happen.
This is just like when I was
This makes me look like a total newbie
a brand-new employee...
who just joined, doesn't it?
I know you have your own project,
I know you have your own project,
but first, you need to make sure
but first, you need to make sure
your team is properly coordinated.
your team is properly coordinated.
Umm, I just need to make
Umm, I just need to make a copy of these, right?
a copy of these, right?
I'll help out.
I'll help out.
Don't let it bother you, Micchan!
Don't let it bother you, Micchan!
It happens to everyone.
It happens to everyone.
Ah, thank you...
Ah, thank you...
I've never made a mistake like this before...
I've never made a mistake like this before...
Did I get carried away just because someone
Did I get carried away just because someone
important was paying attention to me?
important was paying attention to me?
Was I acting overconfident
Was I acting overconfident
just because I was called a leader?
just because I was called a leader?
How ridiculous.
How ridiculous.
I can't even get my own project submitted,
I can't even get my own project submitted,
let alone approved.
let alone approved.
I can't do this...
I can't do this...
My head is a mess right now.
My head is a mess right now.
In the end, I'm doing
In the end, I'm doing a half-assed job at everything!
a half-assed job at everything!
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Just for now...
Just for now...
...help me forget everything.
...help me forget everything.
Hey, aren't you going to ask me
Hey, aren't you going to ask me what happened today?
what happened today?
Is it about the department transfer?
Is it about the department transfer?
I'm exactly like how you said I was.
I'm exactly how you said I was.
I was so caught up
I was so caught up in my responsibilities and positions.
in my responsibilities and positiosn.
I was trying to look good.
I was trying to look good.
And when my project
And when my project didn't move forward,
didn't move forward,
I used that as an excuse
I used that as an excuse somewhere deep down.
somewhere deep down.
Then I made a stupid mistake and ended up
Then I made a stupid mistake and ended up
causing trouble for everyone.
causing trouble for everyone.
I'm such an idiot.
I'm such an idiot.
At this rate, it wouldn't make a difference
At this rate, it wouldn't make a difference
no matter where I work.
no matter where I work.
I see.
I see.
That's all you have to say?!
That's all you have to say?!
I told you, I'm just here to listen.
I told you, I'm just here to listen. That's all.
Don't be lenient.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You're thinking for yourself
You're thinking for yourself
and still moving forward, aren't you?
and still moving forward, aren't you?
How strange...
How strange...
My head was such a mess earlier...
My head was such a mess earlier...
But when I'm with Masugu,
But when I'm with Masugu,
I can unwind and everything becomes clear.
I can unwind and everything becomes clear.
Feeling better now?
Feeling better now?
Yes. Thank you.
Yes. Thank you.
It's already late.
It's already late.
You should stay at my place.
You should stay at my place.
It's okay, I still have some stuff
It's okay, I still have some stuff to do at home.
to do at home.
I see.
I see.
Sorry about today.
Sorry about today.
I suddenly showed up
I suddenly showed up
and even had you walking me.
and even made you walk me home.
It's all right.
It's alright.
I've never transferred departments myself,
I've never transferred departments myself,
so I don't know what the right answer is.
so I don't know what the right answer is.
I don't think it's something other people
I don't think it's something other people
should be deciding for you.
should be deciding for you.
If you ever feel hopeless like you did today,
If you ever feel hopeless like you did today,
you can always come to me.
you can always come to me.
Oh, what a coincidence!
Oh, what a coincidence!
Have you given any thought
Have you given any thought to that matter from before?
to that matter from before?
D-Director Kiribayashi?!
D-Director Kiribayashi?!
Isn't this way too sudden?!
Isn't this way too sudden?!
By the way, there's another department
By the way, there's another department
study group next week.
study group next week.
If you're interested, you should join us...
If you're interested, you should join us...
Is that a new product proposal
Is that a project proposal for the spring lineup?
for new spring sweets?
Are you submitting one to the competition?
Will you be joining the competition this time around too?
No, this is...
No, this is...
I got caught up in everything,
I got caught up in everything,
and I missed the submission deadline.
and I missed the submission deadline.
So what? If it's finished,
So what? If it's finished, you should submit it.
you should submit it.
They'll probably bend the rules a little.
They'll probably bend the rules a little.
Good ideas are precious.
Good ideas are precious.
Ah, this happens every time I talk to him...
Ah, this happens every time I talk to him...
I believe there's no significant advantage
I believe there's no significant advantage
in taking a cautious approach.
in taking a cautious approach.
But the truth, aren't you just scared?
But honestly, aren't you just scared?
Please excuse me!
What's up with him?!
What's up with him?!
He just pokes me again and says whatever he wants
He just pokes and prods, saying whatever he wants,
without considering people's feelings!
without any consideration for people's feelings!
I'm gonna do it!
I'm gonna do it!
Sir, please submit my proposal
Sir, please submit my proposal to the competition!
to the competition!
Huh? This late?
Huh? This late?
The selection meeting
The selection meeting hasn't been held yet, right?
hasn't been held yet, right?
Well, yeah, that's true.
Well, yeah, that's true.
But like I said before,
But like I said before,
it still needs revisions and final touches.
it still needs revisions and final touches.
Plus, it'd be a problem if it interferes
Plus, it'd be a problem if it interferes
with your work for the team.
with your work for the team.
I can do it! I'll manage it!
I can do it! I'll manage it!
I mean...
I mean...
If I say something like this,
If I say something like this,
people might think, "After that mistake,
people might think, "After that mistake,
what is she even thinking?"
what is she even thinking?"
People might call me selfish.
People might call me selfish.
What I really want is...
What I really want is...
...to take on my own projects rather than
...to take on my own projects rather than
just working on team projects!
just working on team projects!
Huh? Is that so?
Huh? Is that so?
I'll hold on to your proposal for now
I'll hold on to your proposal for now
and might have to shuffle around your workload.
and might have to shuffle around your workload.
You'll be okay with any kind
You'll be okay with any kind of task right, Miss Mitsuya?
of task right, Miss Mitsuya?
You're so cool, Micchan!
You're so cool, Micchan!
Thank you!
Thank you!
It's okay. It's alright to be
It's okay. It's alright to be
a little selfish and stand my ground.
a little selfish and stand my ground.
If I want to make my goals a reality,
If I want to make my goals a reality,
I need to have the courage
I need to have the courage to stand up for them.
to stand up for them.
My heart's still pounding.
My heart's still pounding.
Was Director Kiribayashi actually
Was Director Kiribayashi actually
trying to motivate me earlier?
trying to motivate me earlier?
Bon appétit.
Thank you for the food.
In my sixth year at the company...
In my sixth year at the company...
I'm still more inexperienced
I'm still more inexperienced than I thought.
than I thought.
Whenever I reach a dead end,
Whenever I reach a dead end,
I panic and end up losing control of myself.
I panic and end up losing control of myself.
I'm sorry about yesterday.
I'm sorry about yesterday.
I was rude and acted inappropriately.
I was rude and acted inappropriately.
It's fine. Don't worry about it.
It's fine. Don't worry about it.
More importantly, did you call me out here
More importantly, did you call me out here
to give me your answer about the transfer?
to give me your answer about the transfer?
Yes. I've made my decision.
Yes. I've made my decision.
I will have to decline the transfer offer.
I will have to decline the transfer offer.
Right now, I want to stay in the planning
Right now, I want to stay in the planning
department and create my own sweets.
department and create my own sweets.
I haven't accomplished anything
I haven't accomplished anything
in the planning department yet.
in the planning department yet.
And I don't want to abandon the goals
And I don't want to abandon the goals
I set for myself halfway through.
I set for myself halfway through.
I've gotta say it...
Even so, I have to say it...
I'm gonna say it...
Would you let me participate
Would you allow me to participate
in the New Business Department's study sessions?
in the New Business Department's study sessions?
I want to make my goals a reality!
I want to make my goals a reality!
I know I'm asking too much for this.
I know I'm asking too much
right after declining your transfer offer.
But I realized something,
But I realized something,
thanks to you, Director Kiribayashi.
thanks to you, Director Kiribayashi.
I can't achieve anything unless
I can't grab hold of the things that I want if
I reach out for them myself.
I don't reach out for them myself.
That's what I've been lacking all this time.
That's what I've been lacking all this time.
I read through the study session materials,
I read through the study session materials,
and they were incredible!
and they're incredible!
It was amazing to gain the industry
It was amazing to gain the industry
perspectives I had no access to.
perspectives I had no access to.
And there were insights and perspectives
And there were insights and perspectives
I'd never considered before.
I'd never considered before.
If I join the study group,
If I join the study group,
I'll definitely create a best-selling
I'll definitely create a best-selling
sweets in the planning department!
sweet in the planning department!
Darz's sweets are delicious and stylish.
Darz's sweets are delicious and stylish.
I honestly admire them so much.
I honestly admire them so much.
I want to use that admiration as fuel
I want to use that admiration as fuel
to push myself even harder
to push myself even harder
toward my own goals.
toward my own goals.
The obstacles I face, the worries I have,
The obstacles I face, the worries I have,
and the people I meet...
and the people I meet...
I realized that if I face them seriously,
I realized that if I face them seriously,
they can all become valuable experiences.
they can all become valuable experiences.
That's why I want to take
That's why I want to take advantage of your invitation!
advantage of your invitation!
This is my answer!
This is my answer!
Are you a masochist?
Are you a masochist?
I'm just joking.
I'm just joking.
That's because you were
I couldn't help myself after hearing those stoic lines you just said.
being so serious there.
You even use the word "use"
Especially towards your superior!
with your superior!
Well, I see.
Well, I see.
I understand, Miss Mitsuya.
I understand, Miss Mitsuya.
I'll talk to them for you.
I'll talk to them for you.
You may join from the next session.
You may join from the next session.
Technically, I have no obligation to go this far
Technically, I have no obligation to go this far
for someone from another department.
for someone from another department.
But I have my own vision.
But I have my own vision.
So that you can achieve results quickly
The sooner you produce results in the planning department, the sooner you'll return the favor to us.
and bring a return to us.
I'll think of it as an investment
Think of these study sessions as an investment of sorts.
and prepare for the next study sessions.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
Honestly, I still get nervous
when I try to be brave.
Honestly, I still get nervous when I try to be brave.
And there's a lot of uncertainty ahead.
And there's a lot of uncertainty ahead.
Even so...
Even so...
...this is the decision I made for myself.
...this is the decision I made for myself.
Stone sauna~
Stone sauna~
Hot stone saunas really
Hot stone saunas really make you sweat, huh?
make you sweat, huh?
This week has been
This week has been way too much for her.
way too much for her.
Yeah, yeah, just relax.
Yeah, yeah, just relax.
Recharge yourself.
Recharge yourself.
Good grief... She was all weak
Good grief... She was all weak
and cried so much the other day.
and cried so much the other day.
This girl is a real handful!
She really is a handful!
You're clinging to me more than usual.
You're clinging to me more than usual.
You okay with everything going on?
You okay with everything going on?
So careless.
You're so careless.
Because this is the kind of healing
Because this is exactly the kind of comfort I need.
I need the most.
Sweet dreams...
Sweet dreams...