SobsPleaase WEB EP9 - v1 vs. v2

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# SobsPlease v1
# SobsPlease v2

You done yet?
You done yet?
Look, I thought I was gonna die!
Look, I thought I was gonna die!
When I realized my AC was blowing hot air...
When I realized my AC was blowing hot air...
It's broken...
It's broken...
It was so hot all night I couldn't sleep a wink!
It was so hot all night I couldn't sleep a wink!
No falling asleep.
No falling asleep.
She's right.
She's right.
Both the melody and the lyrics need work before the festival.
Both the melody and the lyrics need work before the festival.
They do?
They do?
I like what we have.
I like what we have.
Anything to work on in particular, Momoka?
Anything to work on in particular, Momoka?
Well, how do I put it...
Well, how do I put it...
If I had to boil it down to one word, it's uninspired.
If I had to boil it down to one word, it's uninspired.
What do you think, Tomo?
What do you think, Tomo?
I can't deal with Miss Expert's superiority complex anymore.
I can't deal with Miss Expert's superiority complex anymore.
I quit.
I quit.
Guess I'm quitting too, then.
Guess I'm quitting too, then.
I don't have anything to add. It's fine.
I don't have anything to add. It's fine.
Why didn't you say anything?
Why didn't you say anything?
Didn't you have feedback on Momoka's new song?
Didn't you have feedback on Momoka's new song?
You'd said something felt off about it.
You'd said something felt off about it.
It's whatever.
It's whatever.
The song's fine.
The song's fine.
I see.
I see.
All's well, then.
All's well, then.
It still doesn't want to eat.
It still doesn't want to eat.
You'll starve to death, little guy.
You'll starve to death, little guy.
Wonder who that is.
Wonder who that is.
The landlord, maybe?
The landlord, maybe?
The mailbox is broken, can you get it?
The mailbox is broken, can you get it?
Good evening, Nina here!
Good evening, Nina here!
No thank you!
No thank you!
Wait! At least hear me out!
Wait! At least hear me out!
What do you want?!
What do you want?!
The air's so cool.
The air's so cool.
Who said you could steal our cold air?!
Who said you could steal our cold air?!
It's not stealing when you have so much.
It's not stealing when you have so much.
Shut up! You'll bother the neighbors!
Shut up! You'll bother the neighbors!
You're the one shouting here!
You're the one shouting here!
Quit it with the doorbell!
Quit it with the doorbell!
I'm in heaven.
I'm in heaven.
Leave as soon as you've cooled down.
Leave as soon as you've cooled down.
What? How could you be so cruel?
What? How could you be so cruel?
They won't be coming to fix my AC until next week!
They won't be coming to fix my AC until next week!
How is that my problem?!
How is that my problem?!
Doesn't Momoka's place have AC?
Doesn't Momoka's place have AC?
It does, but she's on night shift.
It does, but she's on night shift.
You know, I've been wondering...
You know, I've been wondering...
Shouldn't we up the power?
Shouldn't we up the power?
See how cool it is here?
See how cool it is here?
Much better than that junk at your place.
Much better than that junk at your place.
My AC's not junk!
My AC's not junk!
Of course it is! It broke right away on turbo!
Of course it is! It broke right away on turbo!
The remote clearly said not to use it!
The remote clearly said not to use it!
So you see...
So you see...
Both our apartments have broken AC units now.
Both our apartments have broken AC units now.
If you'd allow us to stay here for a bit,
If you'd allow us to stay here for a bit,
we'd be extremely grateful.
we'd be extremely grateful.
Just an hour!
Just an hour!
One hour is enough, so please!
One hour is enough, so please!
This idiot's to blame for it.
This idiot's to blame for it.
Fine, I guess.
Fine, I guess.
Just one hour, not a minute... more?!
Just one hour, not a minute... more?!
That's Tomo's pet.
That's Tomo's pet.
It needs cooler air too.
It needs cooler air too.
Huh? Why would you release it?!
Huh? Why would you release it?!
You're annoying, you know.
You're annoying, you know.
This is quite an apartment.
This is quite an apartment.
Oh, it's from Momoka.
Oh, it's from Momoka.
She'll be stopping by after her night shift.
She'll be stopping by after her night shift.
Why don't we all eat together, then?
Why don't we all eat together, then?
Since we're here.
Since we're here.
Who died and made you queen?
Who died and made you queen?
I'm not letting you stay past the hour.
I'm not letting you stay past the hour.
Look, it's already... Huh?
Look, it's already... Huh?
We missed the last train.
We missed the last train.
Seems like it.
Seems like it.
That was your plan all along, wasn't it?!
That was your plan all along, wasn't it?!
Come on, I've got playing cards.
Come on, I've got playing cards.
You're well-prepared.
You're well-prepared.
Well, it occurred to me
Well, it occurred to me
that we haven't really done any bonding yet.
that we haven't really done any bonding yet.
Okay, there's four of us for now, so...
Okay, there's four of us for now, so...
Count me out.
Count me out.
I'm borrowing the other room.
I'm borrowing the other room.
We've got Mario Party.
We've got Mario Party.
How about Risk?
How about Risk?
And I'm stuck with you all night?
And I'm stuck with you all night?
Did I do something wrong?
Did I do something wrong?
You'll have to be more specific.
You'll have to be more specific.
No, no.
No, no.
It's not your fault, Nina.
It's not your fault, Nina.
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
Are you going to sleep?
Are you going to sleep?
Not really.
Not really.
Three people is enough to play whatever game, isn't it?
Three people is enough to play whatever game, isn't it?
Just leave me alone.
Just leave me alone.
If you wanna complain, just do it!
If you wanna complain, just do it!
Why would I complain?
Why would I complain?
I lost.
I lost.
What's going on here?
What's going on here?
It's all Nina's fault.
It's all Nina's fault.
It's not!
It's not!
My broken AC is to blame!
My broken AC is to blame!
How about you just suck it up?!
How about you just suck it up?!
I tried!
I tried!
I killed some time at the store,
I killed some time at the store,
spaced out for an hour on a bench...
spaced out for an hour on a bench...
The city's so boring when you've got no money!
The city's so boring when you've got no money!
Where's Tomo?
Where's Tomo?
Already asleep.
Already asleep.
Did she say anything about the song?
Did she say anything about the song?
Not really.
Not really.
I see.
I see.
She looked like she had something to say.
She looked like she had something to say.
Where are you off to?
Where are you off to?
The fridge.
The fridge.
Beer doesn't taste good warm.
Beer doesn't taste good warm.
And if my grandmother were to find these?!
And if my grandmother were to find these?!
Chill, it'll be fine.
Chill, it'll be fine.
I'll be done drinking them by mor—
I'll be done drinking them by mor—
It's Tomo's pet.
It's Tomo's pet.
Don't worry. It isn't venomous, and it's very well-behaved...
Don't worry. It isn't venomous, and it's very well-behaved...
Mine now.
Mine now.
Stay away!
Stay away!
I need that room, you know.
I need that room, you know.
Get it out of here! Quickly! Please!
Get it out of here! Quickly! Please!
So she can't deal with snakes, huh?
So she can't deal with snakes, huh?
Oh, she's superstitious.
Oh, she's superstitious.
It's a snake! A real snake!
It's a snake! A real snake!
How are you all fine with it?!
How are you all fine with it?!
It's just a snake.
It's just a snake.
You're insane!
You're insane!
How can not one, but four girls be alright with a snake?!
How can not one, but four girls be alright with a snake?!
Give the little guy a chance.
Give the little guy a chance.
There's a snake behind you, Momoka.
There's a snake behind you, Momoka.
It's... open?!
It's... open?!
Get away!
Get away!
Wait, wait, wait!
Wait, wait, wait!
Just go throw it out already!
Just go throw it out already!
I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
Sorry, I don't wanna end up in jail.
Sorry, I don't wanna end up in jail.
Either way, it's currently locked up with Tomo!
Either way, it's currently locked up with Tomo!
Please, come out!
Please, come out!
Hey. You're gonna break my door.
Hey. You're gonna break my door.
I don't wanna!
I don't wanna!
Why are you acting like a child?
Why are you acting like a child?
Seriously, it's gonna—
Seriously, it's gonna—
How's that?
How's that?
I've had enough!
I've had enough!
What're you gonna do about this?!
What're you gonna do about this?!
You're just as frustrating as they are.
You're just as frustrating as they are.
Goodbye and good riddance!
Goodbye and good riddance!
It's boiling.
It's boiling.
Whose fault do you think that is?!
Whose fault do you think that is?!
You're such good friends.
You're such good friends.
Are not!
Are not!
Well. I'm off to work.
Well. I'm off to work.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Get rid of that snake, alright?
Get rid of that snake, alright?
Oh yeah, where is the snake?
Oh yeah, where is the snake?
Subaru said it, at least, could stay for a bit.
Subaru said it, at least, could stay for a bit.
I wanna be a snake.
I wanna be a snake.
Anyway, it's time to go home.
Anyway, it's time to go home.
Let's go, Rupa.
Let's go, Rupa.
We need to check on our apartment.
We need to check on our apartment.
You're leaving me alone?
You're leaving me alone?
It's not our practice day.
It's not our practice day.
Haven't I put up with you long enough?
Haven't I put up with you long enough?
Momoka said it's important for band members to bond.
Momoka said it's important for band members to bond.
If you don't have anything planned, wanna help me practice?
If you don't have anything planned, wanna help me practice?
I'll run home and grab the guitar!
I'll run home and grab the guitar!
Oh, it's acoustic?
Oh, it's acoustic?
I asked MinE about it,
I asked MinE about it,
and she said practice is key if I wanna play.
and she said practice is key if I wanna play.
She said it's old, but it's a good guitar.
She said it's old, but it's a good guitar.
Your B string is off.
Your B string is off.
I'm impressed you can tell.
I'm impressed you can tell.
You said you've been playing piano since forever, right?
You said you've been playing piano since forever, right?
Doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter.
Anyone can hear that much.
Anyone can hear that much.
Playing guitar is amazing.
Playing guitar is amazing.
My fingers are already calloused from practicing.
My fingers are already calloused from practicing.
Is it fine now?
Is it fine now?
It's still a little off.
It's still a little off.
But I think that's the closest you're going to get.
But I think that's the closest you're going to get.
Let's see, then.
Let's see, then.
How's that? I wanna play the guitar at our next concert.
How's that? I wanna play the guitar at our next concert.
You've improved so much!
You've improved so much!
It'll be good.
It'll be good.
With two guitars, the sound will have more depth to it.
With two guitars, the sound will have more depth to it.
You wanna play like this on stage?
You wanna play like this on stage?
What a joke.
What a joke.
How was it?
How was it?
Well, I'm not an expert.
Well, I'm not an expert.
I'm not an expert on guitars either!
I'm not an expert on guitars either!
But you're an expert on music, aren't you?
But you're an expert on music, aren't you?
I guess.
I guess.
I mean, seems fine?
I mean, seems fine?
Decent for a hobbyist.
Decent for a hobbyist.
A hobbyist?
A hobbyist?
So it won't cut it for a concert?
So it won't cut it for a concert?
Do you want to perform on stage?
Do you want to perform on stage?
Yeah, I went to a Diamond Dust concert the other day.
Yeah, I went to a Diamond Dust concert the other day.
It made me wanna do better.
It made me wanna do better.
I don't want to rely on Momoka.
I don't want to rely on Momoka.
I want to be good enough to support her when we play.
I want to be good enough to support her when we play.
Support everyone, really.
Support everyone, really.
If you notice anything I could do better, let me know.
If you notice anything I could do better, let me know.
It's whatever.
It's whatever.
Come on, tell me! Tomo!
Come on, tell me! Tomo!
If all you do is play at being a guitarist,
If all you do is play at being a guitarist,
you'll never be good enough for the stage!
you'll never be good enough for the stage!
I see.
I see.
Girls Band Cry.
Girls Band Cry.
How many times do I have to say it?
How many times do I have to say it?
Do it prope—
Do it prope—
You can't apply your standards to us.
You can't apply your standards to us.
You've been winning awards since you were a kid.
You've been winning awards since you were a kid.
We're not like you.
We're not like you.
I'm done with this.
I'm done with this.
May I?
May I?
No, don't you start.
No, don't you start.
I talked to her last night, and...
I talked to her last night, and...
It's gotten a bit cooler now, hasn't it?
It's gotten a bit cooler now, hasn't it?
You think?
You think?
Sometimes it's nice not having AC.
Sometimes it's nice not having AC.
You can feel the temperature slowly changing.
You can feel the temperature slowly changing.
Nina appreciated it, you know.
Nina appreciated it, you know.
Like hell she did.
Like hell she did.
You've got guts showing up here again.
You've got guts showing up here again.
Look, I just need some advice...
Look, I just need some advice...
Wait! I'm not here to cool down, I swear!
Wait! I'm not here to cool down, I swear!
You sure?
You sure?
I'm looking for actual, serious advice.
I'm looking for actual, serious advice.
About the band.
About the band.
How's that?
How's that?
What did Tomo tell you?
What did Tomo tell you?
That if all I do is play at being a guitarist,
That if all I do is play at being a guitarist,
I'll never get good enough to play for real.
I'll never get good enough to play for real.
Wow, harsh.
Wow, harsh.
But it's not out of character for her to say that.
But it's not out of character for her to say that.
So? You lost motivation now?
So? You lost motivation now?
Why would I?
Why would I?
Well, if it's good with you, it's good with me.
Well, if it's good with you, it's good with me.
So? What did you think, Subaru?
So? What did you think, Subaru?
Hm, I agree with Tomo, I guess.
Hm, I agree with Tomo, I guess.
I really thought I'd be decent by now.
I really thought I'd be decent by now.
I don't think even a year or two would be enough.
I don't think even a year or two would be enough.
You're fine for an amateur, but you want to play professionally, right?
You're fine for an amateur, but you want to play professionally, right?
But you're good enough, despite your lack of experience.
But you're good enough, despite your lack of experience.
Am I now?
Am I now?
I'm sure Tomo has plenty to say about my playing, you know.
I'm sure Tomo has plenty to say about my playing, you know.
But she hasn't said anything to you, has she?
But she hasn't said anything to you, has she?
Well, I didn't go out of my way to ask her like you did.
Well, I didn't go out of my way to ask her like you did.
I think Tomo's quite a scaredy-cat.
I think Tomo's quite a scaredy-cat.
Doesn't want to rock the boat.
Doesn't want to rock the boat.
That's why she keeps herself at a safe distance,
That's why she keeps herself at a safe distance,
and doesn't reach out to anyone herself.
and doesn't reach out to anyone herself.
But once someone approaches her...
But once someone approaches her...
I kinda get it, actually.
I kinda get it, actually.
True. You used to be that way too.
True. You used to be that way too.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The enclosure's in the living room.
The enclosure's in the living room.
It didn't eat anything, is that okay?
It didn't eat anything, is that okay?
I guess.
I guess.
Oh, Tomo! Hi!
Oh, Tomo! Hi!
You're still at it?
You're still at it?
I had Subaru listen a bit too.
I had Subaru listen a bit too.
Ow, my fingers...
Ow, my fingers...
I think it's fine.
I think it's fine.
You could try playing on stage if you want.
You could try playing on stage if you want.
Why are you lying to me?
Why are you lying to me?
Tomo came to Tokyo,
Tomo came to Tokyo,
recruited members online,
recruited members online,
started a band, and...
started a band, and...
Is that how you two became friends?
Is that how you two became friends?
We also had two girls on guitar and percussion.
We also had two girls on guitar and percussion.
They did say they wanted to go pro, but...
They did say they wanted to go pro, but...
Of course they did. Everyone does, and it's easy to say.
Of course they did. Everyone does, and it's easy to say.
"I hardly ever practice."
"I hardly ever practice."
That's what the people who've made it say.
That's what the people who've made it say.
If you didn't need practice, anyone could make it.
If you didn't need practice, anyone could make it.
Tomo took that to heart.
Tomo took that to heart.
She would always point out what we were bad at or needed to improve on.
She would always point out what we were bad at or needed to improve on.
She believed everyone was serious about our goal.
She believed everyone was serious about our goal.
And her expectations of us were built on that assumption.
And her expectations of us were built on that assumption.
Well, I can see that.
Well, I can see that.
And you decided to stick with Tomo despite that?
And you decided to stick with Tomo despite that?
She said she was fine continuing on her own.
She said she was fine continuing on her own.
But she's still so young...
But she's still so young...
A guarantor?
A guarantor?
I don't wanna talk to my parents.
I don't wanna talk to my parents.
I swear I won't cause you any trouble.
I swear I won't cause you any trouble.
Since then, she's been living with me.
Since then, she's been living with me.
We started Beni-Shouga together.
We started Beni-Shouga together.
We've had opportunities to go pro, but...
We've had opportunities to go pro, but...
Tomo would clash with the label reps, and you never ended up signing with any?
Tomo would clash with the label reps, and you never ended up signing with any?
I think that's why she's afraid of saying what she thinks out loud now.
I think that's why she's afraid of saying what she thinks out loud now.
To her, voicing her feelings means ruining everything.
To her, voicing her feelings means ruining everything.
What do you think, Momoka?
What do you think, Momoka?
How's my playing?
How's my playing?
Do you think I could perform on stage?
Do you think I could perform on stage?
You serious?
You serious?
I'm back!
I'm back!
Took you a while.
Took you a while.
Oh, it's eating!
Oh, it's eating!
You're right!
You're right!
Fear and caution are fine,
Fear and caution are fine,
but you can't get anywhere without taking a chance eventually.
but you can't get anywhere without taking a chance eventually.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Alright, Tomo.
Alright, Tomo.
Let's go on a little walk, shall we?
Let's go on a little walk, shall we?
It hasn't cooled off at all yet.
It hasn't cooled off at all yet.
We have practice tomorrow again.
We have practice tomorrow again.
I hope it doesn't rain.
I hope it doesn't rain.
Look, I did the right thing.
Look, I did the right thing.
I told her she's bad because she is.
I told her she's bad because she is.
She won't cut it as she is right now.
She won't cut it as she is right now.
Then why did you tell her to try playing if she wants to?
Then why did you tell her to try playing if she wants to?
Look at her. She's so eager to play.
Look at her. She's so eager to play.
She really wants to perform with Momoka.
She really wants to perform with Momoka.
And that's why she asked for your opinion.
And that's why she asked for your opinion.
She wants to get really good.
She wants to get really good.
Everyone says that.
Everyone says that.
That they're serious, that they want to get good.
That they're serious, that they want to get good.
But the truth is that they just want validation!
But the truth is that they just want validation!
They just want to play around, nothing more.
They just want to play around, nothing more.
You can hear it, can't you?
You can hear it, can't you?
Do this, then this, then that!
Do this, then this, then that!
Move, fingers, move!
Move, fingers, move!
When I saw those three perform,
When I saw those three perform,
I could tell instantly.
I could tell instantly.
They're serious.
They're serious.
Skill aside, songs aside,
Skill aside, songs aside,
they stood on stage oozing determination.
they stood on stage oozing determination.
That's what you've been looking for.
That's what you've been looking for.
Isn't it?
Isn't it?
You suck!
You suck!
I'll get better, you'll see!
I'll get better, you'll see!
You still suck.
You still suck.
I have to say, I love this kind of thing.
I have to say, I love this kind of thing.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
I don't know, I don't like it.
I don't know, I don't like it.
Don't like what?
Don't like what?
Whatever. It's fine.
Whatever. It's fine.
Let's take five.
Let's take five.
I think this song is really boring as it is right now.
I think this song is really boring as it is right now.
You think so too?
You think so too?
Next time: "Wandervogel".
Next time: "Wandervogel".