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20 removals
Words removed24
Total words151
Words removed (%)15.89
24 lines
20 additions
Words added26
Total words153
Words added (%)16.99
24 lines
North Carolina
North Carolina
Ashe County
Ashe County

Pursuant to an order of the
Pursuant to an order of the
Superior Court of Ashe County, directed to me I
Superin Court of Ashe County directed to me I
have the honor to report that on the 14th December 1872
have the honor to report that on the 14th December 1872
I proceeded to sell to the highest bidder on the
I proceeded to sell to the highest bidder on the
premises, one track of land known as the Price Land containing sixty one acres
premises or tract of land known as the Price Land containing sixty one acre
more or less, lying on the waters of the North
more or less lying on the waters of the North
Fork of New River in Ashe County. The property
York of New Rion in Ashe County the property
belonging to the heirs of Hugh Smith dec'd
belonging to the heirs of Hugh Smith Deed
and at said sale Mathias Little became
and at said sale Mathis Little became
the last and highest bidder at the price of
The last and highest bidder at the price of
two hundred and fifty two dollars and
two hundred and forty two dollars and
executed his bond with Isaac Little as
executed his bond with Isaac Little as
security, due 14th Dec 1873, and made pay
, due 14th Dec 1873 , and made pay
able to me. That said sale was duly admitted
able to me . That said sale was duly advertised
and in all respects fair and that the land
and in all respects fair and that the land
brought a fair price.
brought a fair price

W H Gentry
W H Gurley
for heirs of Hugh Smith dec'd
of him of Hugh Smith deed