Acropolis vs Masonry

Created Diff never expires
92 removals
Words removed132
Total words815
Words removed (%)16.20
266 lines
92 additions
Words added167
Total words850
Words added (%)19.65
266 lines
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity 0.6.12;
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";

import "./utils/ContractGuard.sol";
import "./utils/ContractGuard.sol";
import "./interfaces/IBasisAsset.sol";
import "./interfaces/IBasisAsset.sol";
import "./interfaces/ITreasury.sol";
import "./interfaces/ITreasury.sol";

contract ShareWrapper {
contract ShareWrapper {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;

IERC20 public share;
IERC20 public share;

uint256 private _totalSupply;
uint256 private _totalSupply;
mapping(address => uint256) private _balances;
mapping(address => uint256) private _balances;

function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return _totalSupply;
return _totalSupply;

function balanceOf(address account) public view returns (uint256) {
function balanceOf(address account) public view returns (uint256) {
return _balances[account];
return _balances[account];

function stake(uint256 amount) public virtual {
function stake(uint256 amount) public virtual {
_totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount);
_totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount);
_balances[msg.sender] = _balances[msg.sender].add(amount);
_balances[msg.sender] = _balances[msg.sender].add(amount);
share.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
share.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);

function withdraw(uint256 amount) public virtual {
function withdraw(uint256 amount) public virtual {
uint256 masonShare = _balances[msg.sender];
uint256 andrasShare = _balances[msg.sender];
require(masonShare >= amount, "Masonry: withdraw request greater than staked amount");
require(andrasShare >= amount, "Acropolis: withdraw request greater than staked amount");
_totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount);
_totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount);
_balances[msg.sender] = masonShare.sub(amount);
_balances[msg.sender] = andrasShare.sub(amount);
share.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);
share.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);

______ __ _______
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\______ \_____ ______ ____ __| _/ \_ _____/|__| ____ _____ ____ ____ ____
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| | \ / __ \_ \___ \ \ ___/ / /_/ | | \ | || | \ / __ \_| | \\ \___\ ___/
/_/ \____/_/ /_/ /_/_.___/ /_/ /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\___/\___/
|______ /(____ //____ > \___ >\____ | \___ / |__||___| /(____ /|___| / \___ >\___ >

\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
contract Masonry is ShareWrapper, ContractGuard {
contract Acropolis is ShareWrapper, ContractGuard {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
using Address for address;
using Address for address;
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeMath for uint256;

/* ========== DATA STRUCTURES ========== */
/* ========== DATA STRUCTURES ========== */

struct Masonseat {
struct Ecclesiaseat {
uint256 lastSnapshotIndex;
uint256 lastSnapshotIndex;
uint256 rewardEarned;
uint256 rewardEarned;
uint256 epochTimerStart;
uint256 epochTimerStart;

struct MasonrySnapshot {
struct AcropolisSnapshot {
uint256 time;
uint256 time;
uint256 rewardReceived;
uint256 rewardReceived;
uint256 rewardPerShare;
uint256 rewardPerShare;

/* ========== STATE VARIABLES ========== */
/* ========== STATE VARIABLES ========== */

// governance
// governance
address public operator;
address public operator;

// flags
// flags
bool public initialized = false;
bool public initialized = false;

IERC20 public tomb;
IERC20 public based;
ITreasury public treasury;
ITreasury public treasury;

mapping(address => Masonseat) public masons;
mapping(address => Ecclesiaseat) public demos;
MasonrySnapshot[] public masonryHistory;
AcropolisSnapshot[] public acropolisHistory;

uint256 public withdrawLockupEpochs;
uint256 public withdrawLockupEpochs;
uint256 public rewardLockupEpochs;
uint256 public rewardLockupEpochs;

/* ========== EVENTS ========== */
/* ========== EVENTS ========== */

event Initialized(address indexed executor, uint256 at);
event Initialized(address indexed executor, uint256 at);
event Staked(address indexed user, uint256 amount);
event Staked(address indexed user, uint256 amount);
event Withdrawn(address indexed user, uint256 amount);
event Withdrawn(address indexed user, uint256 amount);
event RewardPaid(address indexed user, uint256 reward);
event RewardPaid(address indexed user, uint256 reward);
event RewardAdded(address indexed user, uint256 reward);
event RewardAdded(address indexed user, uint256 reward);

/* ========== Modifiers =============== */
/* ========== Modifiers =============== */

modifier onlyOperator() {
modifier onlyOperator() {
require(operator == msg.sender, "Masonry: caller is not the operator");
require(operator == msg.sender, "Acropolis: caller is not the operator");

modifier masonExists {
modifier andrasExists {
require(balanceOf(msg.sender) > 0, "Masonry: The mason does not exist");
require(balanceOf(msg.sender) > 0, "Acropolis: The andras does not exist");

modifier updateReward(address mason) {
modifier updateReward(address andras) {
if (mason != address(0)) {
if (andras != address(0)) {
Masonseat memory seat = masons[mason];
Ecclesiaseat memory seat = demos[andras];
seat.rewardEarned = earned(mason);
seat.rewardEarned = earned(andras);
seat.lastSnapshotIndex = latestSnapshotIndex();
seat.lastSnapshotIndex = latestSnapshotIndex();
masons[mason] = seat;
demos[andras] = seat;

modifier notInitialized {
modifier notInitialized {
require(!initialized, "Masonry: already initialized");
require(!initialized, "Acropolis: already initialized");

/* ========== GOVERNANCE ========== */
/* ========== GOVERNANCE ========== */

function initialize(
function initialize(
IERC20 _tomb,
IERC20 _based,
IERC20 _share,
IERC20 _share,
ITreasury _treasury
ITreasury _treasury
) public notInitialized {
) public notInitialized {
tomb = _tomb;
based = _based;
share = _share;
share = _share;
treasury = _treasury;
treasury = _treasury;

MasonrySnapshot memory genesisSnapshot = MasonrySnapshot({time : block.number, rewardReceived : 0, rewardPerShare : 0});
AcropolisSnapshot memory genesisSnapshot = AcropolisSnapshot({time : block.number, rewardReceived : 0, rewardPerShare : 0});

withdrawLockupEpochs = 6; // Lock for 6 epochs (36h) before release withdraw
withdrawLockupEpochs = 4; // Lock for 6 epochs (36h) before release withdraw
rewardLockupEpochs = 3; // Lock for 3 epochs (18h) before release claimReward
rewardLockupEpochs = 2; // Lock for 3 epochs (18h) before release claimReward !!! THIS IS ALTERED TO SMALLER PERIODS

initialized = true;
initialized = true;
operator = msg.sender;
operator = msg.sender;
emit Initialized(msg.sender, block.number);
emit Initialized(msg.sender, block.number);

function setOperator(address _operator) external onlyOperator {
function setOperator(address _operator) external onlyOperator {
operator = _operator;
operator = _operator;

function setLockUp(uint256 _withdrawLockupEpochs, uint256 _rewardLockupEpochs) external onlyOperator {
function setLockUp(uint256 _withdrawLockupEpochs, uint256 _rewardLockupEpochs) external onlyOperator {
require(_withdrawLockupEpochs >= _rewardLockupEpochs && _withdrawLockupEpochs <= 56, "_withdrawLockupEpochs: out of range"); // <= 2 week
require(_withdrawLockupEpochs >= _rewardLockupEpochs && _withdrawLockupEpochs <= 56, "_withdrawLockupEpochs: out of range"); // <= 2 week
withdrawLockupEpochs = _withdrawLockupEpochs;
withdrawLockupEpochs = _withdrawLockupEpochs;
rewardLockupEpochs = _rewardLockupEpochs;
rewardLockupEpochs = _rewardLockupEpochs;

/* ========== VIEW FUNCTIONS ========== */
/* ========== VIEW FUNCTIONS ========== */

// =========== Snapshot getters
// =========== Snapshot getters =========== //

function latestSnapshotIndex() public view returns (uint256) {
function latestSnapshotIndex() public view returns (uint256) {
return masonryHistory.length.sub(1);
return acropolisHistory.length.sub(1);

function getLatestSnapshot() internal view returns (MasonrySnapshot memory) {
function getLatestSnapshot() internal view returns (AcropolisSnapshot memory) {
return masonryHistory[latestSnapshotIndex()];
return acropolisHistory[latestSnapshotIndex()];

function getLastSnapshotIndexOf(address mason) public view returns (uint256) {
function getLastSnapshotIndexOf(address andras) public view returns (uint256) {
return masons[mason].lastSnapshotIndex;
return demos[andras].lastSnapshotIndex;

function getLastSnapshotOf(address mason) internal view returns (MasonrySnapshot memory) {
function getLastSnapshotOf(address andras) internal view returns (AcropolisSnapshot memory) {
return masonryHistory[getLastSnapshotIndexOf(mason)];
return acropolisHistory[getLastSnapshotIndexOf(andras)];

function canWithdraw(address mason) external view returns (bool) {
function canWithdraw(address andras) external view returns (bool) {
return masons[mason].epochTimerStart.add(withdrawLockupEpochs) <= treasury.epoch();
return demos[andras].epochTimerStart.add(withdrawLockupEpochs) <= treasury.epoch();

function canClaimReward(address mason) external view returns (bool) {
function canClaimReward(address andras) external view returns (bool) {
return masons[mason].epochTimerStart.add(rewardLockupEpochs) <= treasury.epoch();
return demos[andras].epochTimerStart.add(rewardLockupEpochs) <= treasury.epoch();

function epoch() external view returns (uint256) {
function epoch() external view returns (uint256) {
return treasury.epoch();
return treasury.epoch();

function nextEpochPoint() external view returns (uint256) {
function nextEpochPoint() external view returns (uint256) {
return treasury.nextEpochPoint();
return treasury.nextEpochPoint();

function getTombPrice() external view returns (uint256) {
function getBasedPrice() external view returns (uint256) {
return treasury.getTombPrice();
return treasury.getBasedPrice();

// =========== Mason getters
// =========== Andras getters =========== //

function rewardPerShare() public view returns (uint256) {
function rewardPerShare() public view returns (uint256) {
return getLatestSnapshot().rewardPerShare;
return getLatestSnapshot().rewardPerShare;

function earned(address mason) public view returns (uint256) {
function earned(address andras) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 latestRPS = getLatestSnapshot().rewardPerShare;
uint256 latestRPS = getLatestSnapshot().rewardPerShare;
uint256 storedRPS = getLastSnapshotOf(mason).rewardPerShare;
uint256 storedRPS = getLastSnapshotOf(andras).rewardPerShare;

return balanceOf(mason).mul(latestRPS.sub(storedRPS)).div(1e18).add(masons[mason].rewardEarned);
return balanceOf(andras).mul(latestRPS.sub(storedRPS)).div(1e18).add(demos[andras].rewardEarned);

/* ========== MUTATIVE FUNCTIONS ========== */
/* ========== MUTATIVE FUNCTIONS ========== */

function stake(uint256 amount) public override onlyOneBlock updateReward(msg.sender) {
function stake(uint256 amount) public override onlyOneBlock updateReward(msg.sender) {
require(amount > 0, "Masonry: Cannot stake 0");
require(amount > 0, "Acropolis: Cannot stake 0");
masons[msg.sender].epochTimerStart = treasury.epoch(); // reset timer
demos[msg.sender].epochTimerStart = treasury.epoch(); // reset timer
emit Staked(msg.sender, amount);
emit Staked(msg.sender, amount);

function withdraw(uint256 amount) public override onlyOneBlock masonExists updateReward(msg.sender) {
function withdraw(uint256 amount) public override onlyOneBlock andrasExists updateReward(msg.sender) {
require(amount > 0, "Masonry: Cannot withdraw 0");
require(amount > 0, "Acropolis: Cannot withdraw 0");
require(masons[msg.sender].epochTimerStart.add(withdrawLockupEpochs) <= treasury.epoch(), "Masonry: still in withdraw lockup");
require(demos[msg.sender].epochTimerStart.add(withdrawLockupEpochs) <= treasury.epoch(), "Acropolis: still in withdraw lockup");
emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, amount);
emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, amount);

function exit() external {
function exit() external {

function claimReward() public updateReward(msg.sender) {
function claimReward() public updateReward(msg.sender) {
uint256 reward = masons[msg.sender].rewardEarned;
uint256 reward = demos[msg.sender].rewardEarned;
if (reward > 0) {
if (reward > 0) {
require(masons[msg.sender].epochTimerStart.add(rewardLockupEpochs) <= treasury.epoch(), "Masonry: still in reward lockup");
require(demos[msg.sender].epochTimerStart.add(rewardLockupEpochs) <= treasury.epoch(), "Acropolis: still in reward lockup");
masons[msg.sender].epochTimerStart = treasury.epoch(); // reset timer
demos[msg.sender].epochTimerStart = treasury.epoch(); // reset timer
masons[msg.sender].rewardEarned = 0;
demos[msg.sender].rewardEarned = 0;
tomb.safeTransfer(msg.sender, reward);
based.safeTransfer(msg.sender, reward);
emit RewardPaid(msg.sender, reward);
emit RewardPaid(msg.sender, reward);

function allocateSeigniorage(uint256 amount) external onlyOneBlock onlyOperator {
function allocateSeigniorage(uint256 amount) external onlyOneBlock onlyOperator {
require(amount > 0, "Masonry: Cannot allocate 0");
require(amount > 0, "Acropolis: Cannot allocate 0");
require(totalSupply() > 0, "Masonry: Cannot allocate when totalSupply is 0");
require(totalSupply() > 0, "Acropolis: Cannot allocate when totalSupply is 0");

// Create & add new snapshot
// Create & add new snapshot
uint256 prevRPS = getLatestSnapshot().rewardPerShare;
uint256 prevRPS = getLatestSnapshot().rewardPerShare;
uint256 nextRPS = prevRPS.add(amount.mul(1e18).div(totalSupply()));
uint256 nextRPS = prevRPS.add(amount.mul(1e18).div(totalSupply()));

MasonrySnapshot memory newSnapshot = MasonrySnapshot({
AcropolisSnapshot memory newSnapshot = AcropolisSnapshot({
time: block.number,
time: block.number,
rewardReceived: amount,
rewardReceived: amount,
rewardPerShare: nextRPS
rewardPerShare: nextRPS

tomb.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
based.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
emit RewardAdded(msg.sender, amount);
emit RewardAdded(msg.sender, amount);

function governanceRecoverUnsupported(IERC20 _token, uint256 _amount, address _to) external onlyOperator {
function governanceRecoverUnsupported(IERC20 _token, uint256 _amount, address _to) external onlyOperator {
// do not allow to drain core tokens
// do not allow to drain core tokens
require(address(_token) != address(tomb), "tomb");
require(address(_token) != address(based), "based");
require(address(_token) != address(share), "share");
require(address(_token) != address(share), "share");
_token.safeTransfer(_to, _amount);
_token.safeTransfer(_to, _amount);