FAQ 12/06/22 -> 7/03/23

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[QUOTE="Boney, post: 10038055, member: 21872"]
[QUOTE="Boney, post: 10038055, member: 21872"]
[SPOILER="Enchantment Slots"]
[SPOILER="Enchantment Slots"]
To streamline the existing [I]de facto[/I] system of metaphysical limitations, I've codified a hard limit of how many enchantments Mathilde can carry upon her person.
To streamline the existing [I]de facto[/I] system of metaphysical limitations, I've codified a hard limit of how many enchantments Mathilde can carry upon her person.

Melee Weapon: Branulhune
Melee Weapon: Branulhune
Ranged Weapon: Runed Revolvers
Ranged Weapon: Runed Revolvers
Staff/Banner: Staff of Mistery
Staff/Banner: Staff of Mistery
Protective: Robes of Aethyric Armour
Protective: Robes of Aethyric Armour
Healing: Seed of Regrowth
Healing: Seed of Regrowth
Talisman: Belt of the Unshackled Mountain
Talisman: Belt of the Unshackled Mountain
Social: Ranald's Coin
Social: Ranald's Coin
Activated 1: Candle of Cleansing Radiance
Activated 1: Candle of Cleansing Radiance
Activated 2: Grounding Rod
Activated 2: Grounding Rod
Activated 3: Dragonflask
Activated 3: Dragonflask

- The Weapon slots can each be filled with a matched pair of weapons, such as dual pistols or a sword and dagger. They must be intended to be used together.
- The Weapon slots can each be filled with a matched pair of weapons, such as dual pistols or a sword and dagger. They must be intended to be used together.
- Any item that directly makes Mathilde more able to take a hit must be in Protective; something that protects her less directly can be in Protective or Talisman.
- Any item that directly makes Mathilde more able to take a hit must be in Protective; something that protects her less directly can be in Protective or Talisman.
- No healing effects outside of the Healing slot.
- No healing effects outside of the Healing slot.
- Activated refers to items that do not have a constant effect. These can include single-shot ranged weapons as these would be effectively identical to wands or rings enchanted with similar effects. These cannot automatically detect when they should be used. They need to be manually activated in some way.
- Activated refers to items that do not have a constant effect. These can include single-shot ranged weapons as these would be effectively identical to wands or rings enchanted with similar effects. These cannot automatically detect when they should be used. They need to be manually activated in some way.
[SPOILER="Dwarf Rep"]Currently, you're one of the most favoured humans of all Dwarves. The other contenders are prominent citizens of Tobaro and the Elector Counts of Ostermark and Averland.
[SPOILER="Dwarf Rep"]Currently, you're one of the most favoured humans of all Dwarves. The other contenders are prominent citizens of Tobaro and the Elector Counts of Ostermark and Averland.

Dwarf Rep is the rating, Dwarf Favours is the currency. Your current level means that all Dwarves will know you as [I]Dawri [/I]and can probably name at least a few of your deeds[I]. Dawri[/I] is a word that means 'as good as something can get without proving itself over a few decades', or, literally, 'dwarf-like'. You helped Zhufbar and Karak Kadrin strike out some very old grudges that otherwise would have been very, very difficult to set right, and then there's the entire Karak Eight Peaks campaign.
Dwarf Rep is the rating, Dwarf Favours is the currency. Your current level means that all Dwarves will know you as [I]Dawri [/I]and can probably name at least a few of your deeds[I]. Dawri[/I] is a word that means 'as good as something can get without proving itself over a few decades', or, literally, 'dwarf-like'. You helped Zhufbar and Karak Kadrin strike out some very old grudges that otherwise would have been very, very difficult to set right, and then there's the entire Karak Eight Peaks campaign.

Possible expenditures:
Possible expenditures:

Dwarf Trainers for an organization?
Dwarf Trainers for an organization?
One point for skilled but common in dwarf society (Miners), two for specialized units (Rangers), four for true expertise (Ironbreakers), eight for hero-level instruction. Would require pay on top of favour expenditure.
One point for skilled but common in dwarf society (Miners), two for specialized units (Rangers), four for true expertise (Ironbreakers), eight for hero-level instruction. Would require pay on top of favour expenditure.

Expert assistance to establish a factory for turning saltpeter into gunpowder?
Expert assistance to establish a factory for turning saltpeter into gunpowder?
Five points.
Five points.

Dwarf expert to come assist with a specific question/project/calamity, or personally tutor Mathilde in any field not considered forbidden to non-Dwarves?
Dwarf expert to come assist with a specific question/project/calamity, or personally tutor Mathilde in any field not considered forbidden to non-Dwarves?
One point for skilled but common in dwarf society (Miners), two for specialized units (Rangers), three for true expertise (Ironbreakers), six for hero-level instruction, ten for contenders for most knowledgeable in their subject in the known world.
One point for skilled but common in dwarf society (Miners), two for specialized units (Rangers), three for true expertise (Ironbreakers), six for hero-level instruction, ten for contenders for most knowledgeable in their subject in the known world.

Or in Khazalid?
Or in Khazalid?
Will happen automatically if Mathilde spends much longer among Dwarves.
Will happen automatically if Mathilde spends much longer among Dwarves.

Let Mathilde move into a dwarf hold and live there?
Let Mathilde move into a dwarf hold and live there?
If you promise to refrain from spellcasting inside the Hold, and would be willing to live in the bunkhouses, your rep would be enough.
If you promise to refrain from spellcasting inside the Hold, and would be willing to live in the bunkhouses, your rep would be enough.
While conducting magical research?
While conducting magical research?
Four points, and you'd have to work out a way to have a laboratory far from the populated parts of the hold. Does not apply to K8P.
Four points, and you'd have to work out a way to have a laboratory far from the populated parts of the hold. Does not apply to K8P.

Send a force to assist in a campaign against someone they already hate
Send a force to assist in a campaign against someone they already hate
If they've outstanding grudges, and you're in a position of power in the campaign, and they've got the forces to spare, your rep would be enough.
If they've outstanding grudges, and you're in a position of power in the campaign, and they've got the forces to spare, your rep would be enough.
Or that they don't care about?
Or that they don't care about?

Provide her with/sell her enchanted equipment of their make
Provide her with/sell her enchanted equipment of their make
No limit; if very large amounts are spent, her rep would give her access to Kragg or Thorek.
No limit; if very large amounts are spent, her rep would give her access to Kragg or Thorek.
Or mundane but high-quality equipment, such as pistols?
Or mundane but high-quality equipment, such as pistols?
Your rep means they'll sell them to you, or you can spend four points to commission something.
Your rep means they'll sell them to you, or you can spend four points to commission something.
Or have an expert collaborate on an enchantment project with her?
Or have an expert collaborate on an enchantment project with her?
Would need to be arranged personally with the expert, but your rep would get you an introduction and their ear.
Would need to be arranged personally with the expert, but your rep would get you an introduction and their ear.

Help Mathilde dig or renovate an underground base somewhere
Help Mathilde dig or renovate an underground base somewhere
Two points to dig, five to renovate it so that it'll last at least a thousand years. It would cost more to renovate it to a lesser standard.
Two points to dig, five to renovate it so that it'll last at least a thousand years. It would cost more to renovate it to a lesser standard.
In total secrecy?
In total secrecy?
As above, and you provide the ale.
As above, and you provide the ale.

Assist in construction of some key project, such as a bridge, road, or fortification?
Assist in construction of some key project, such as a bridge, road, or fortification?
If you mean consultants, same as the trainer scale.
If you mean consultants, same as the trainer scale.
Or just do the whole thing?
Or just do the whole thing?
Would need actual payment, and the cost would be commensurate with the craftsdwarfship, but your rep would open the door to commissioning the work.
Would need actual payment, and the cost would be commensurate with the craftsdwarfship, but your rep would open the door to commissioning the work.
Share maps, information, and general intelligence on the things that dwarves know about events in the world but Mathilde doesn't?
Share maps, information, and general intelligence on the things that dwarves know about events in the world but Mathilde doesn't?
Too vague to say. If you mean skaven, say skaven.
Too vague to say. If you mean skaven, say skaven.
Provide her with letters of introduction testifying to her skill and trustworthiness?
Provide her with letters of introduction testifying to her skill and trustworthiness?
From Belegar, free. Two points from non-KaK Kings.
From Belegar, free. Two points from non-KaK Kings.
Or a temporary companion/aide in diplomatic matters?
Or a temporary companion/aide in diplomatic matters?
As per the trainer scale.
As per the trainer scale.

How much rep for political asylum if the need arise?
How much rep for political asylum if the need arise?
Depends who from, and for what. Varies too much to say.
Depends who from, and for what. Varies too much to say.
And how much for a helicopter ride?
And how much for a helicopter ride?
If you just mean a joyride, you can get it from your rep. If you want a flying taxi, a point for anywhere in the general area, two for anywhere friendly in the Old World.
If you just mean a joyride, you can get it from your rep. If you want a flying taxi, a point for anywhere in the general area, two for anywhere friendly in the Old World.

Purchasing books for her library?
Purchasing books for her library?
Default and extensive from rep alone, 1 point for rare or very rare, 2 for extremely rare.
Default and extensive from rep alone, 1 point for rare or very rare, 2 for extremely rare.

Runic firearms at Zhufbar:
Runic firearms at Zhufbar:
Not much [selection] beyond reliability, accuracy, damage, flaming bullets. Five/ten/fifteen favours to put it on the bench and have someone that's the closest thing Runesmiths have to 'radical' take their best swing at it, and it won't be as dramatic as the equivalent amount of favours in a more traditional weapon.
Not much [selection] beyond reliability, accuracy, damage, flaming bullets. Five/ten/fifteen favours to put it on the bench and have someone that's the closest thing Runesmiths have to 'radical' take their best swing at it, and it won't be as dramatic as the equivalent amount of favours in a more traditional weapon.

6 for an unarmed personal transport, 8 for armed, 16 for gyrocarriage.
6 for an unarmed personal transport, 8 for armed, 16 for gyrocarriage.

Repairs for Dwarven items:
Repairs for Dwarven items:
First repair is free. After that, half the cost of the item each time.
First repair is free. After that, half the cost of the item each time.

Study the Phoenix Crown or other trophies from the War of Vengeance:
Study the Phoenix Crown or other trophies from the War of Vengeance:
5 favour per AP, and they can't leave the vaults they're stored in.
5 favour per AP, and they can't leave the vaults they're stored in.
[SPOILER="College Rep"]
[SPOILER="College Rep"]

Study: As a Magister, you're no longer barred from returning to the Grey College. If you've been pulling your weight for the Order, you can return to it to further your studies. [I]Each costs 1 College Favour or 100gc.[/I]
Study: As a Magister, you're no longer barred from returning to the Grey College. If you've been pulling your weight for the Order, you can return to it to further your studies. [I]Each costs 1 College Favour or 100gc.[/I]

[ ] Intrigue and Tradecraft.
[ ] Intrigue and Tradecraft.
[ ] The Use and Creation of Poison
[ ] The Use and Creation of Poison
[ ] Spells of Grey Magic (teachers' choice; multiple spells)
[ ] Spells of Grey Magic (teachers' choice; multiple spells)
[ ] Spells of Grey Magic (your choice; one spell)
[ ] Spells of Grey Magic (your choice; one spell)
[ ] Swords and Swordplay
[ ] Swords and Swordplay
[ ] Ritual Magic
[ ] Ritual Magic
[ ] Psychology
[ ] Psychology
[ ] Imperial Law
[ ] Imperial Law
[ ] Practical Diplomacy
[ ] Practical Diplomacy
[ ] Physiology and autopsy
[ ] Physiology and autopsy

[ ] Assassination
[ ] Assassination
[ ] Infiltration
[ ] Infiltration
[ ] Interrogation
[ ] Interrogation

[ ] The Nature of [I]Ulgu[/I]
[ ] The Nature of [I]Ulgu[/I]
[ ] The Nature of Magic
[ ] The Nature of Magic
[ ] The Enemies of Man
[ ] The Enemies of Man
[ ] The Allies of Man
[ ] The Allies of Man
[ ] Religion and the Empire
[ ] Religion and the Empire
[ ] The Empire and its Provinces
[ ] The Empire and its Provinces
[ ] Human Nations of the Old World
[ ] Human Nations of the Old World
[ ] Chaos and Chaos Gods
[ ] Chaos and Chaos Gods

[ ] Enchantment
[ ] Enchantment
[ ] Staff turning
[ ] Staff turning
[ ] Potions and Alchemy
[ ] Potions and Alchemy
[ ] Power Stones and their Creation
[ ] Power Stones and their Creation
[ ] Runes and Runecraft
[ ] Runes and Runecraft
[ ] Wyrdstone Containment
[ ] Wyrdstone Containment
[ ] On the Education of Apprentices
[ ] On the Education of Apprentices
[ ] Searching for and Identifying Animal Familiars
[ ] Searching for and Identifying Animal Familiars
[ ] The Creation of Artificial Familiars
[ ] The Creation of Artificial Familiars
[ ] Waystones and Waystone maintenance
[ ] Waystones and Waystone maintenance

[*]Getting a Perpetual Apprentice to serve as assistant/general minion
[*]Getting a Perpetual Apprentice to serve as assistant/general minion
You can put the offer out, but it's up to the individual PAs whether they take the offer. Two favours a year would be standard for those in a more convenient location, four would probably get you someone.
You can put the offer out, but it's up to the individual PAs whether they take the offer. Two favours a year would be standard for those in a more convenient location, four would probably get you someone.
[*]Getting a Journeyman/Magister/Lord Magister of a specific College/with a specific spell to come assist with a specific question/project/calamity
[*]Getting a Journeyman/Magister/Lord Magister of a specific College/with a specific spell to come assist with a specific question/project/calamity
2/5/10 per six months. This is assuming they have no interest in the topic and will receive none of the credit (or blame) for whatever it is you're trying to do.
2/5/10 per six months. This is assuming they have no interest in the topic and will receive none of the credit (or blame) for whatever it is you're trying to do.
[*]Getting copies of the Colleges' books for our library (is this the same 50gp+0/0/1/1/2 for common/extensive/rare/very rare/extremely rare that we have with Dwarf Favor, or some other ruleset?)
[*]Getting copies of the Colleges' books for our library (is this the same 50gp+0/0/1/1/2 for common/extensive/rare/very rare/extremely rare that we have with Dwarf Favor, or some other ruleset?)
Same ruleset.
Same ruleset.
[*]Acquisition of an animal suitable for being a familiar, or a specific type of animal so suitable
[*]Acquisition of an animal suitable for being a familiar, or a specific type of animal so suitable
Any animal, 3. A specific but common animal, 5. Anything rarer, you'll have to negotiate.
Any animal, 3. A specific but common animal, 5. Anything rarer, you'll have to negotiate.
[*]Getting powerstones for our personal research/use
[*]Getting powerstones for our personal research/use
5 per.
5 per.
[*]Having a wizard lab/tower optimized for magical research/other specialized effects built
[*]Having a wizard lab/tower optimized for magical research/other specialized effects built
A survey done and turned into instructions to give the builders to either emphasize a specific wind or a lack of any wind, 5 points.
A survey done and turned into instructions to give the builders to either emphasize a specific wind or a lack of any wind, 5 points.
[*]Acquisition of specific esoteric desired items (ex., what if Mathilde really needs a Lustrian flowering plant or the tooth of a sea drake or something for research, presumably mages have requests for this kind of thing constantly)
[*]Acquisition of specific esoteric desired items (ex., what if Mathilde really needs a Lustrian flowering plant or the tooth of a sea drake or something for research, presumably mages have requests for this kind of thing constantly)
You can put the word out and see if anyone has it within their collections or stockpiles, but if nobody has one on hand it's probably a matter for adventurers rather than wizards.
You can put the word out and see if anyone has it within their collections or stockpiles, but if nobody has one on hand it's probably a matter for adventurers rather than wizards.
[*]Getting permission to do push-the-limits sorts of research (ex., Johann is literally going to poke the skaven and their warpstone, Mathilde is in a great position to research multi-wind interaction and ways to avoid creating dhar when it happens, or to study probably-corrupted Waystones with an eye toward unfucking them, and the Articles are intentionally vague enough that what is okay and what isn't is basically a judgement call by the Colleges; can we pay in Favor to represent burning political capital on being given dispensation for this sort of thing instead of being uncertain whether we're crossing lines?)
[*]Getting permission to do push-the-limits sorts of research (ex., Johann is literally going to poke the skaven and their warpstone, Mathilde is in a great position to research multi-wind interaction and ways to avoid creating dhar when it happens, or to study probably-corrupted Waystones with an eye toward unfucking them, and the Articles are intentionally vague enough that what is okay and what isn't is basically a judgement call by the Colleges; can we pay in Favor to represent burning political capital on being given dispensation for this sort of thing instead of being uncertain whether we're crossing lines?)
No, such things are entirely based on respect and track record.
No, such things are entirely based on respect and track record.
[*]A pegasus!
[*]A pegasus!
5 base, +5 for one trained for combat, +3 for a handler to smooth out the first six months.
5 base, +5 for one trained for combat, +3 for a handler to smooth out the first six months.

Enchanted object prices:
Enchanted object prices:
[I]If it's Relatively Simple it's 2 favours. If it's Moderately Complicated it's 3. If it's Fiendishly Complex it's 5. The list of spells can be found in the Spellbook.[/I]
[I]If it's Relatively Simple it's 2 favours. If it's Moderately Complicated it's 3. If it's Fiendishly Complex it's 5. The list of spells can be found in the Spellbook.[/I]

Battle Magic enchantments:
Battle Magic enchantments:
Kindleflame (Lore Attribute): It is easier to damage someone with Aqshy if he already was damaged with Aqshy recently.
Kindleflame (Lore Attribute): It is easier to damage someone with Aqshy if he already was damaged with Aqshy recently.
Fireball (10 favors): You fling several fiery missiles at the target squad.
Fireball (10 favors): You fling several fiery missiles at the target squad.
Cascading Fire Cloak (10 favors): You create a fiery shield around yourself and your nearby allies until the end of the battle which burns all enemies in melee with you.
Cascading Fire Cloak (10 favors): You create a fiery shield around yourself and your nearby allies until the end of the battle which burns all enemies in melee with you.
Flaming Sword of Rhuin (10 favors): You enchant weapons of a squad of allies with fire for one turn. Such weapons have easier time wounding enemies and stop regeneration.
Flaming Sword of Rhuin (10 favors): You enchant weapons of a squad of allies with fire for one turn. Such weapons have easier time wounding enemies and stop regeneration.
The Burning Head (10 favors): You fling a ball of flame that strikes everything in its path. If someone dies from this spell, their comrades may panic after witnessing his horrific demise.
The Burning Head (10 favors): You fling a ball of flame that strikes everything in its path. If someone dies from this spell, their comrades may panic after witnessing his horrific demise.
Piercing Bolts of Burning (10 favors): You throw several spears made of fire at the target squad, each of which pierces several people.
Piercing Bolts of Burning (10 favors): You throw several spears made of fire at the target squad, each of which pierces several people.
Fulminating Flame Cage (11 favors): You trap target squad in a cage made of flames that will damage all of them should they try to move before it dissipates.
Fulminating Flame Cage (11 favors): You trap target squad in a cage made of flames that will damage all of them should they try to move before it dissipates.
Flame Storm (13 favors): You somewhat imprecisely summon a firestorm that damages everyone caught in it.
Flame Storm (13 favors): You somewhat imprecisely summon a firestorm that damages everyone caught in it.

Wildheart (Lore Attribute): It is easier to affect beasts and beastmen with Ghur.
Wildheart (Lore Attribute): It is easier to affect beasts and beastmen with Ghur.
Wyssan's Wildform (10 favors): You increase strength and toughness of all members of the target squad.
Wyssan's Wildform (10 favors): You increase strength and toughness of all members of the target squad.
The Flock of Doom (10 favors): You summon a flock of crows that hit target squad many times, but with a small amount of force.
The Flock of Doom (10 favors): You summon a flock of crows that hit target squad many times, but with a small amount of force.
Pann's Impenetrable Pelt (10 favors): You make yourself or one nearby ally significantly tougher.
Pann's Impenetrable Pelt (10 favors): You make yourself or one nearby ally significantly tougher.
The Amber Spear (10 favors): You summon a spear made of magic that behaves similar to a ballista bolt - it can severely damage a monster or pierce through several ranks of lesser foes. Armor is useless against this spell.
The Amber Spear (10 favors): You summon a spear made of magic that behaves similar to a ballista bolt - it can severely damage a monster or pierce through several ranks of lesser foes. Armor is useless against this spell.
The Curse of Anraheir (10 favors): Spirits of nature interfere with target squad's attacks and movement.
The Curse of Anraheir (10 favors): Spirits of nature interfere with target squad's attacks and movement.
The Savage beast of Horros (10 favors): You make yourself or one nearby ally significantly stronger and faster.
The Savage beast of Horros (10 favors): You make yourself or one nearby ally significantly stronger and faster.
Transformation of Kadon (16 favors): You turn yourself into a Manticore, Hydra or a Dragon until the end of the battle. While in this form you can't cast spells and your equipment stops working.
Transformation of Kadon (16 favors): You turn yourself into a Manticore, Hydra or a Dragon until the end of the battle. While in this form you can't cast spells and your equipment stops working.

Metalshifting (Lore Attribute): Lore of Metal turns enemies' own armor against them. Thus the effect of most Chamon spells not only can't be prevented by armor, but actually magnified against heavily armored foes regardless of their toughness. On the flip side, unarmored enemies cannot be damaged at all.
Metalshifting (Lore Attribute): Lore of Metal turns enemies' own armor against them. Thus the effect of most Chamon spells not only can't be prevented by armor, but actually magnified against heavily armored foes regardless of their toughness. On the flip side, unarmored enemies cannot be damaged at all.
Searing Doom (10 favors): You throw several superheated silver slivers at the target squad.
Searing Doom (10 favors): You throw several superheated silver slivers at the target squad.
Plague of Rust (10 favors): This spell accelerates rusting which permanently reduces target squad's armor.
Plague of Rust (10 favors): This spell accelerates rusting which permanently reduces target squad's armor.
Enchanted Blades of Aiban (10 favors): You sharpen target squad's weapons which increases their chances to hit enemies.
Enchanted Blades of Aiban (10 favors): You sharpen target squad's weapons which increases their chances to hit enemies.
Glittering Robe (10 favors): You summon a cloak of shimmering scales to protect target squad, giving them protection equivalent to chain mail.
Glittering Robe (10 favors): You summon a cloak of shimmering scales to protect target squad, giving them protection equivalent to chain mail.
Gehenna's Golden Hounds (10 favors): You summon a pair of clockwork hounds who maul one nearby enemy.
Gehenna's Golden Hounds (10 favors): You summon a pair of clockwork hounds who maul one nearby enemy.
Transmutation of Lead (12 favors): You temporary transmute target squad's weapons and armor to lead, lowering their offense and defense simultaneously.
Transmutation of Lead (12 favors): You temporary transmute target squad's weapons and armor to lead, lowering their offense and defense simultaneously.
Final Transmutation (15 favors): You try to transmute target squad into golden statues. This magic only have a 1-in-3 chance of working on most enemies and 1-in-6 on particularly resilient foes, but if it works nothing can save them. Seeing such riches other nearby enemies may succumb to temptation of looting instead of fighting for a short while.
Final Transmutation (15 favors): You try to transmute target squad into golden statues. This magic only have a 1-in-3 chance of working on most enemies and 1-in-6 on particularly resilient foes, but if it works nothing can save them. Seeing such riches other nearby enemies may succumb to temptation of looting instead of fighting for a short while.

Exorcism (Lore attribute): Lore of Light is particularly effective against Daemons and Undead.
Exorcism (Lore attribute): Lore of Light is particularly effective against Daemons and Undead.
Shem's Burning Gaze (10 favors): You fire several rays of searing light at the target squad.
Shem's Burning Gaze (10 favors): You fire several rays of searing light at the target squad.
Pha's Protection (10 favors): You summon a guardian spirit that makes target squad harder to hit.
Pha's Protection (10 favors): You summon a guardian spirit that makes target squad harder to hit.
The Speed of Light (10 favors): Target squad becomes incredibly fast, granting them enormous advantage in close combat.
The Speed of Light (10 favors): Target squad becomes incredibly fast, granting them enormous advantage in close combat.
Light of Battle (10 favors): Makes target squad fearless and strong-willed for a short time, can be cast on already-fleeing allies to allow them to return to battle.
Light of Battle (10 favors): Makes target squad fearless and strong-willed for a short time, can be cast on already-fleeing allies to allow them to return to battle.
Net of Amyntok (10 favors): You catch target squad in a barbed net of light. They cannot move, shoot or cast magic unless they are strong enough and even attempts to do it are dangerous for them.
Net of Amyntok (10 favors): You catch target squad in a barbed net of light. They cannot move, shoot or cast magic unless they are strong enough and even attempts to do it are dangerous for them.
Banishment (10 favors): Ray of purest light smites target squad. Supernatural protection works poorly against it and it is significantly stronger in the Hysh-rich environment.
Banishment (10 favors): Ray of purest light smites target squad. Supernatural protection works poorly against it and it is significantly stronger in the Hysh-rich environment.
Birona's Timewarp (12 favors): You infuse target squad with Hysh, loosening the Time's normal restrictions on them. From the bystander's point of view they move and attack faster, capable to strike first against all but the fastest foes.
Birona's Timewarp (12 favors): You infuse target squad with Hysh, loosening the Time's normal restrictions on them. From the bystander's point of view they move and attack faster, capable to strike first against all but the fastest foes.

Lifebloom (Lore attribute): Wielders of the Lore of Life heal themselves or their nearby allies with every Ghyran spell they cast, regardless of its purpose.
Lifebloom (Lore attribute): Wielders of the Lore of Life heal themselves or their nearby allies with every Ghyran spell they cast, regardless of its purpose.
Earthblood (10 favors): You grant yourself and nearby allies regeneration.
Earthblood (10 favors): You grant yourself and nearby allies regeneration.
Awakening of the Wood (10 favors): Plants damage target squad, more effective in forest.
Awakening of the Wood (10 favors): Plants damage target squad, more effective in forest.
Flesh to Stone (10 favors): You make target squad noticeably tougher.
Flesh to Stone (10 favors): You make target squad noticeably tougher.
Throne of Vines (10 favors): You summon a walking throne of vines which strengthens your connection to Ghyran until the end of the battle. The throne almost completely protects you from miscasts and makes stronger most of your spells from the Lore of Life.
Throne of Vines (10 favors): You summon a walking throne of vines which strengthens your connection to Ghyran until the end of the battle. The throne almost completely protects you from miscasts and makes stronger most of your spells from the Lore of Life.
Shield of Thorns (10 favors): Reflavored (thorns instead of flames) Cascading Fire Cloak, but weaker and can be cast on others.
Shield of Thorns (10 favors): Reflavored (thorns instead of flames) Cascading Fire Cloak, but weaker and can be cast on others.
Regrowth (12 favors): Heals and resurrects members of the target squad.
Regrowth (12 favors): Heals and resurrects members of the target squad.
The Dwellers Below (18 favors): Strange creatures pull members of the target squad underground, instantly killing those who aren't strong enough to resist. No method of protection works against this spell.
The Dwellers Below (18 favors): Strange creatures pull members of the target squad underground, instantly killing those who aren't strong enough to resist. No method of protection works against this spell.

Roiling skies (Lore Attribute): Lore of Heavens can be very dangerous for flyers. Any hostile Azyr spell cast on a flying target damages it in addition to its normal effects.
Roiling skies (Lore Attribute): Lore of Heavens can be very dangerous for flyers. Any hostile Azyr spell cast on a flying target damages it in addition to its normal effects.
Iceshard Blizzard (10 favors): Razor-sharp hail demoralizes target squad and hinders their attacks.
Iceshard Blizzard (10 favors): Razor-sharp hail demoralizes target squad and hinders their attacks.
Harmonic convergence (10 favors): You guide target squad using precognition, allowing them to avoid the worst mistakes.
Harmonic convergence (10 favors): You guide target squad using precognition, allowing them to avoid the worst mistakes.
Wind Blast (10 favors): You push target squad away from you, damaging them if there is an obstacle in the way.
Wind Blast (10 favors): You push target squad away from you, damaging them if there is an obstacle in the way.
Curse of the Midnight Wind (10 favors): Target squad becomes unlucky, their guaranteed successes turning into uncertainties.
Curse of the Midnight Wind (10 favors): Target squad becomes unlucky, their guaranteed successes turning into uncertainties.
Urannon's Thunderbolt (10 favors): You hurl giant ball lightning at the target squad.
Urannon's Thunderbolt (10 favors): You hurl giant ball lightning at the target squad.
Comet of Cassandora (12 favors): You call down a comet from the sky, which strike designated spot several minutes later. Bigger comets take longer to arrive and you don't know beforehand the size of the comet you summoned.
Comet of Cassandora (12 favors): You call down a comet from the sky, which strike designated spot several minutes later. Bigger comets take longer to arrive and you don't know beforehand the size of the comet you summoned.
Chain Lightning (15 favors): Lightning springs from your hands and strikes target squad with a chance to leap to other nearby enemies.
Chain Lightning (15 favors): Lightning springs from your hands and strikes target squad with a chance to leap to other nearby enemies.

Ulgu: effects already covered by QM, costs are as follows:
Ulgu: effects already covered by QM, costs are as follows:
Smoke and Mirrors - unknown (Lore Attribute)
Smoke and Mirrors - unknown (Lore Attribute)
Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma - 10
Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma - 10
Steed of Shadows - 10
Steed of Shadows - 10
The Enfeebling Foe - 10
The Enfeebling Foe - 10
The Withering - 13
The Withering - 13
The Penumbral Pendulum - 13
The Penumbral Pendulum - 13
Pit of Shades - 14
Pit of Shades - 14
Okkam's Mindrazor - 18
Okkam's Mindrazor - 18

Life Leeching (Lore Attribute): Shyish users can extract power from the deaths of their foes. When enemies are wounded by the spells of the Lore of Death caster has a chance to replenish their reserves of Shyish.
Life Leeching (Lore Attribute): Shyish users can extract power from the deaths of their foes. When enemies are wounded by the spells of the Lore of Death caster has a chance to replenish their reserves of Shyish.
Spirit Leech (10 favors): You wound or even kill a single enemy if you prevail in a clash of wills.
Spirit Leech (10 favors): You wound or even kill a single enemy if you prevail in a clash of wills.
Aspect of the Dreadknight (10 favors): Target squad strikes fear into the hearts of their foes.
Aspect of the Dreadknight (10 favors): Target squad strikes fear into the hearts of their foes.
The Caress of Laniph (10 favors): You summon the spirit of ancient sorceress (wtf?) who causes damage to one nearby enemy that can be mitigated by strength, but not armor or toughness.
The Caress of Laniph (10 favors): You summon the spirit of ancient sorceress (wtf?) who causes damage to one nearby enemy that can be mitigated by strength, but not armor or toughness.
Soulblight (10 favors): You reduce target squad's strength and toughness.
Soulblight (10 favors): You reduce target squad's strength and toughness.
Doom and Darkness (10 favors): You summon ghosts who significantly reduce will and courage of the target squad until the end of the battle.
Doom and Darkness (10 favors): You summon ghosts who significantly reduce will and courage of the target squad until the end of the battle.
The Fate of Bjuna (13 favors): You cause one target enemy to laugh uncontrollably, often causing his death. Even if he survives his mind is damaged until the end of the battle.
The Fate of Bjuna (13 favors): You cause one target enemy to laugh uncontrollably, often causing his death. Even if he survives his mind is damaged until the end of the battle.
The Purple Sun of Xereus (15 favors): You summon a vortex of Shyish that slays everyone in its path who isn't fast enough to avoid it. No method of protection works against this spell
The Purple Sun of Xereus (15 favors): You summon a vortex of Shyish that slays everyone in its path who isn't fast enough to avoid it. No method of protection works against this spell

[SPOILER="Great Deeds"]
[SPOILER="Great Deeds"]
Great Deeds are the favour equivalent for the entire Empire. An act that saves an entire province would qualify, as would anything that negates a threat that the Imperial Army would otherwise have had to mobilize against. When the Imperial Army is actively campaigning, turning the tide of a battle that the main force is engaged in would count.
Great Deeds are the favour equivalent for the entire Empire. An act that saves an entire province would qualify, as would anything that negates a threat that the Imperial Army would otherwise have had to mobilize against. When the Imperial Army is actively campaigning, turning the tide of a battle that the main force is engaged in would count.

Incomplete list of things a Great Deed can buy:
Incomplete list of things a Great Deed can buy:
Raising a topic at an Elector's Meet for serious discussion and contemplation, and anyone otherwise neutral on the topic would vote for it.
Raising a topic at an Elector's Meet for serious discussion and contemplation, and anyone otherwise neutral on the topic would vote for it.
Give you the right to address the Meet on a topic they're about to vote towards, and your opinion and any points you raise will be given serious weight.
Give you the right to address the Meet on a topic they're about to vote towards, and your opinion and any points you raise will be given serious weight.
Have an exhibit opened in the Imperial Zoo, named after you, and maintained. If the beasts are already well understood, or you can supply that knowledge, they will also do their best to acquire them. Otherwise you need to supply them.
Have an exhibit opened in the Imperial Zoo, named after you, and maintained. If the beasts are already well understood, or you can supply that knowledge, they will also do their best to acquire them. Otherwise you need to supply them.
Have a Wolfship built to your specifications and put under your permanent command.
Have a Wolfship built to your specifications and put under your permanent command.
Raise your name for promotion to Wizard Lord, and if you fail by only a single criteria (loyalty, ability, reliability, experience) it will be handwaved away.
Raise your name for promotion to Wizard Lord, and if you fail by only a single criteria (loyalty, ability, reliability, experience) it will be handwaved away.
Write a specific law or treaty for the Emperor's consideration, and if he sees no significant problems with it he is likely to enshrine it in law.
Write a specific law or treaty for the Emperor's consideration, and if he sees no significant problems with it he is likely to enshrine it in law.
Found a Knightly Order (permission only, Knights not included).
Found a Knightly Order (permission only, Knights not included).
Found a branch of a College of Magic (permission only, buildings not included).
Found a branch of a College of Magic (permission only, buildings not included).
A trained and mostly tame Griffin.
A trained and mostly tame Griffin.
Knighthood, with a small fief to go with it.
Knighthood, with a small fief to go with it.
If already possessing a noble title, for two Great Deeds, being granted the title of Baron and a large fief including one town.
If already possessing a noble title, for two Great Deeds, being granted the title of Baron and a large fief including one town.
Be granted the right to make copies of all written materials within one library under Imperial (non-Collegiate, non-Cult) authority. Provide your own scribes.
Be granted the right to make copies of all written materials within one library under Imperial (non-Collegiate, non-Cult) authority. Provide your own scribes.
[spoiler=Paper Ratings]
[spoiler=Paper Ratings]
Papers are rated by the combination of the following and deliver that much College Rep when distributed. Further College Rep may be obtained if future studies are built based on your papers.
Papers are rated by the combination of the following and deliver that much College Rep when distributed. Further College Rep may be obtained if future studies are built based on your papers.
If you have not written a paper before, or your previous paper had a positive total, the [I]minimum[/I] for a paper after all other calculations is +1. After that, the minimum falls by 1 for each paper until you produce another net positive paper. Try to strike a balance between keeping your name out there, and being too obvious in churning them out.
If you have not written a paper before, or your previous paper had a positive total, the [I]minimum[/I] for a paper after all other calculations is +1. After that, the minimum falls by 1 for each paper until you produce another net positive paper. Try to strike a balance between keeping your name out there, and being too obvious in churning them out.

In-character gaming of the system is encouraged. Out-of-character gaming of the system is [B]extremely discouraged[/B].
In-character gaming of the system is encouraged. Out-of-character gaming of the system is [B]extremely discouraged[/B].

Results template: [Title, Year. Subject: Uncommon, +0. Insight: Agreement, +0. Delivery: Competent, +0. Misc, +0. Misc, +0. Total: 0.]
Results template: [Title, Year. Subject: Uncommon, +0. Insight: Agreement, +0. Delivery: Competent, +0. Misc, +0. Misc, +0. Total: 0.]

Common, -1. The topic is either numerous or widespread. Common varieties of enemy factions, mundane animals, common phenomena. Eg: Orcs, wolves, lightning.
Common, -1. The topic is either numerous or widespread. Common varieties of enemy factions, mundane animals, common phenomena. Eg: Orcs, wolves, lightning.
Uncommon, +0. The topic is either uncommon or dangerous. Uncommon varieties of enemy factions, magical but common animals, esoteric phenomena. Eg: Black Orcs, demigryphs, a specific Wind.
Uncommon, +0. The topic is either uncommon or dangerous. Uncommon varieties of enemy factions, magical but common animals, esoteric phenomena. Eg: Black Orcs, demigryphs, a specific Wind.
Rare, +1. The topic is either very uncommon or very dangerous, or both. Rare varieties of enemy factions, rare magical animals, exotic phenomena. Eg: Arachnarok spiders, griffins, warpstone.
Rare, +1. The topic is either very uncommon or very dangerous, or both. Rare varieties of enemy factions, rare magical animals, exotic phenomena. Eg: Arachnarok spiders, griffins, warpstone.
Unique, +3. There either is only one of what you are studying, or all examples are restricted to a remote and dangerous location. Eg: Azhag the Slaughterer wearing the Crown of Sorcery, Bile Trolls, The Isle of the Dead.
Unique, +3. There either is only one of what you are studying, or all examples are restricted to a remote and dangerous location. Eg: Azhag the Slaughterer wearing the Crown of Sorcery, Bile Trolls, The Isle of the Dead.

Common, -1. The information contained has already been confirmed by multiple sources.
Common, -1. The information contained has already been confirmed by multiple sources.
Agreement, +0. Confirms a previous discovery that has yet to be widely reproduced.
Agreement, +0. Confirms a previous discovery that has yet to be widely reproduced.
Confirming, +1. Information has already been theorized but has not yet been confirmed.
Confirming, +1. Information has already been theorized but has not yet been confirmed.
Revolutionary, +2. The information is completely new.
Revolutionary, +2. The information is completely new.
Shattering, +3. Disproves something thought to be fact.
Shattering, +3. Disproves something thought to be fact.

Impenetrable, -2. Either badly written or extremely technical.
Impenetrable, -2. Either badly written or extremely technical.
Dull, -1. Readable but uncompelling.
Dull, -1. Readable but uncompelling.
Competent, +0. Delivers the information without tedium.
Competent, +0. Delivers the information without tedium.
Compelling, +1. Gripping to anyone already interested in the topic.
Compelling, +1. Gripping to anyone already interested in the topic.
Thrilling, +2. Genuinely fascinating, even to those outside the field. A rarity in academia.
Thrilling, +2. Genuinely fascinating, even to those outside the field. A rarity in academia.

Familiar, -1. Can be found within the Empire.
Familiar, -1. Can be found within the Empire.
Exotic, +1: Not found in the Old World. The Dark Lands, Araby, Khemri, Troll Country, the Mountains of Mhorn.
Exotic, +1: Not found in the Old World. The Dark Lands, Araby, Khemri, Troll Country, the Mountains of Mhorn.
Very Exotic, +2: From the New World, Ulthuan, Albion or the Far East.
Very Exotic, +2: From the New World, Ulthuan, Albion or the Far East.
Precious +1: Actively concealed or protected. Eg: Anvil of Doom, Steam Tanks, The Isle of the Dead, Slann.
Precious +1: Actively concealed or protected. Eg: Anvil of Doom, Steam Tanks, The Isle of the Dead, Slann.
Thorough, +1: Author was able to get it 'on the slab' and study it at their leisure and with proper implements, or had a thorough enough understanding to be able to derive an almost complete theoretical understanding.
Thorough, +1: Author was able to get it 'on the slab' and study it at their leisure and with proper implements, or had a thorough enough understanding to be able to derive an almost complete theoretical understanding.
Varied, +1: Produced based on a large number of samples or viewpoints.
Varied, +1: Produced based on a large number of samples or viewpoints.
Alien, +1: The paper relies on exotic insights to an extent that conventional study might never have reached these conclusions.
Alien, +1: The paper relies on exotic insights to an extent that conventional study might never have reached these conclusions.
Accessible, +1. Despite being about an intensely technical subject, the information is delivered in such a way that it can be of use to laypeople. Only applies if the work is of interest to non-magical people of import.
Accessible, +1. Despite being about an intensely technical subject, the information is delivered in such a way that it can be of use to laypeople. Only applies if the work is of interest to non-magical people of import.
Tactically Relevant, +1: Information is concerning enemies of the Empire, and would be relevant to military campaigns against them.
Tactically Relevant, +1: Information is concerning enemies of the Empire, and would be relevant to military campaigns against them.
Tactically Significant, +2: Information can be reasonably expected to make a difference in some battles against an enemy of the Empire.
Tactically Significant, +2: Information can be reasonably expected to make a difference in some battles against an enemy of the Empire.
Tactically Groundbreaking, +3: The information this paper contains could change the course of entire wars.
Tactically Groundbreaking, +3: The information this paper contains could change the course of entire wars.
Popular, +1: Concerning a topic that, for whatever reason, is currently in vogue, causing the paper to gather more attention than it otherwise would.
Popular, +1: Concerning a topic that, for whatever reason, is currently in vogue, causing the paper to gather more attention than it otherwise would.
Unpopular, -1: Concerning a topic that is unfashionable, controversial, or awkward, that might cause some to remain silent where they would otherwise give praise.
Unpopular, -1: Concerning a topic that is unfashionable, controversial, or awkward, that might cause some to remain silent where they would otherwise give praise.
Useful, +1: The information is immediately applicable to some activity or vocation already practiced or required in the Empire.
Useful, +1: The information is immediately applicable to some activity or vocation already practiced or required in the Empire.
Speculative, -2: Paper is trying to make a point that it doesn't quite have the proof to back up.

Shared Credit, -1: Let's face it, it's more impressive if it's a solo effort. Will not apply if cowriters are apprentices, employees, or familiars.
Shared Credit, -1: Let's face it, it's more impressive if it's a solo effort. Will not apply if cowriters are apprentices, employees, or familiars.
Secondary Author, -2: You had an active hand in the process of creating the paper, but were not a primary author of it.
Secondary Author, -2: You had an active hand in the process of creating the paper, but were not a primary author of it.
Contributor, -3: You weren't involve in the paper's writing, but your actions helped allow it to be written.
Contributor, -3: You weren't involve in the paper's writing, but your actions helped allow it to be written.
Anonymous, -1: Circumstances dictate that the true author of the paper is concealed from the general public.
Anonymous, -1: Circumstances dictate that the true author of the paper is concealed from the general public.
Classified, -2: Only those trusted by the Empire can access the material written of in this paper.
Classified, -2: Only those trust
Top Secret, -3: Only those whos