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The corporate name of this church shall be the Plain Community Church, Star Route, Leavenworth, Washington, set in order under the authority of Jesus Christ as stated in the New Testament. This church is to be scripturally independent as to its faith and practice and to be in cooperative fellowship with bodies of believers who are earnestly contending for the faith.
The corporate name of this church shall be the Plain Community Church, 12565 Chapel Drive, Leavenworth, Washington, set in order under the authority of Jesus Christ as stated in the New Testament. This church is to be scripturally independent as to its faith and practice and to be in cooperative fellowship with bodies of believers who are earnestly contending for the faith.
By the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we purpose:
By the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we purpose:
1. To glorify God, honoring Him as our sovereign Lord and Savior.
1. To glorify God, honoring Him as our sovereign Lord and Savior.
2. To live together in Christian love and unity sharing each other’s burdens and joys and submitting to each other out of reverence for Christ.
2. To live together in Christian love and unity sharing each other’s burdens and joys and submitting to each other out of reverence for Christ.
3. To meditate, pray, study and fast regularly, developing our personal relationships with God and learning to live life from God‘s perspective in our relationships with others.
3. To meditate, pray, study and fast regularly, developing our personal relationships with God and learning to live life from God’s perspective in our relationships with others.
4. To bear witness to God’s reconciling grace in our lives practically, being slow to take offense and quick to forgive and seek forgiveness.
4. To bear witness to God’s reconciling grace in our lives practically, being slow to take offense and quick to forgive and seek forgiveness.
5. To worship, fellowship, teach, preach, serve and evangelize as the body of Christ, becoming His mature disciples and discipling others to maturity in Him.
5. To worship, fellowship, teach, preach, serve and evangelize as the body of Christ, becoming His mature disciples and discipling others to maturity in Him.
6. To assume our responsibilities willingly as servants of God, developing an awareness of ourselves as ministers in the church, in our homes, in our vocations, in our community, in our nation and in our world.
6. To assume our responsibilities willingly as servants of God, developing an awareness of ourselves as ministers in the church, in our homes, in our vocations, in our community, in our nation and in our world.
7. To give cheerfully, lovingly, and lavishly of what we are and what we have, recognizing God to be the true owner of our lives and resources and accepting God’s commands to love our neighbors and to disciple the nations.
7. To give cheerfully, lovingly, and lavishly of what we are and what we have, recognizing God to be the true owner of our lives and resources and accepting God’s commands to love our neighbors and to disciple the nations.
8. To guard the spiritual and scriptural purity and peace of the church, realizing continually our accountability to God and His revealed word, the Bible.
8. To guard the spiritual and scriptural purity and peace of the church, realizing continually our accountability to God and His revealed word, the Bible.
9. To walk wisely in the world, being faithful in our involvements, honest about our performance, and respectful towards our fellowmen.
9. To walk wisely in the world, being faithful in our involvement’s, honest about our performance, and respectful towards our fellowmen.
10. To endeavor always to bring to others an understanding of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, seeking to win them to faith in Him that they might be joined to God and to others as the body of Christ.
10. To endeavor always to bring to others an understanding of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, seeking to win them to faith in Him that they might be joined to God and to others as the body of Christ.
As a church, we believe:
As a church, we believe:
1. God has revealed himself to be the living and true God, perfect in love and righteous in all his ways; one in essence, existing eternally in the three persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
1. God has revealed himself to be the living and true God, perfect in love and righteous in all his ways; one in essence, existing eternally in the three persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
2. God, who discloses himself to humankind through his creation, has savingly spoken in the words and events of redemptive history. This history is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word, who is made known to us by the Holy Spirit in sacred Scripture.
2. God, who discloses himself to humankind through his creation, has savingly spoken in the words and events of redemptive history. This history is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word, who is made known to us by the Holy Spirit in sacred Scripture.
3. Scripture is an essential part and trustworthy record of this divine self-disclosure. All the books of the Old and New Testaments, given by divine inspiration, are the written word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. They are to be interpreted according to their context and purpose and in reverent obedience to the Lord who speaks through them in living power.
3. Scripture is an essential part and trustworthy record of this divine self-disclosure. All the books of the Old and New Testaments, given by divine inspiration, are the written word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. They are to be interpreted according to their context and purpose and in reverent obedience to the Lord who speaks through them in living power.
4. God, by his word and for his glory, freely created the heavens and the earth. He made man and woman in his own image, as the crown of creation, that they might have fellowship with him. Tempted by Satan, they rebelled against God. Being estranged from their Maker, yet responsible to him, they became subject to divine wrath, inwardly depraved, and, apart from grace, incapable of returning to God.
4. God, by his word and for his glory, freely created the heavens and the earth. He made man and woman in his own image, as the crown of creation, that they might have fellowship with him. Tempted by Satan, they rebelled against God. Being estranged from their Maker, yet responsible to him, they became subject to divine wrath, inwardly depraved, and, apart from grace, incapable of returning to God.
5. The only Mediator between God and humankind is Christ Jesus our Lord, God’s eternal Son, who, being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, fully shared and fulfilled our humanity in a life of perfect obedience. By his death in our stead, he revealed the divine love and upheld divine justice, removing our guilt and reconciling us to God. Having redeemed us from sin, the third day he rose bodily from the grave, victorious over death and the powers of darkness. He ascended into heaven where, at God’s right hand, he intercedes for his people and rules as Lord over all.
5. The only Mediator between God and humankind is Christ Jesus our Lord, God’s eternal Son, who, being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, fully shared and fulfilled our humanity in a life of perfect obedience. by his death in our stead, he revealed the divine love and upheld divine justice, removing our guilt and reconciling us to God. Having redeemed us from sin, the third day he rose bodily from the grave, victorious over death and the powers of darkness. He ascended into heaven where, at God’s right hand, he intercedes for his people and rules as Lord over all.
6. The Holy Spirit, through the proclamation of the Gospel, renews our hearts, persuading us to repent of our sins and confess Jesus as Lord. By the same Spirit we are led to trust in divine mercy, whereby we are forgiven all our sins, justified by faith alone through the merit of Christ our Savior and granted the free gift of eternal life.
6. The Holy Spirit, through the proclamation of the Gospel, renews our hearts, persuading us to repent of our sins and confess Jesus as Lord. By the same Spirit we are led to trust in divine mercy, whereby we are forgiven all our sins, justified by faith alone through the merit of Christ our Savior and granted the free gift of eternal life.
7. God graciously adopts us into his family and enables us to call him Father. As we are led by the Spirit, we grow in the knowledge of the Lord, freely keeping his commandments and endeavoring so to live in the world that all may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven.
7. God graciously adopts us into his family and enables us to call him Father. As we are led by the Spirit, we grow in the knowledge of the Lord, freely keeping his commandments and endeavoring so to live in the world that all may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven.
8. God by His Word and Spirit creates the one holy catholic and apostolic church, calling sinners out of the whole human race into the fellowship of Christ’s body. By the same Word and Spirit, He guides and preserves for eternity that new, redeemed humanity, which, being formed in every culture, is spiritually one with the people of God in all ages.
8. God by His Word and Spirit creates the one holy catholic and apostolic church, calling sinners out of the whole human race into the fellowship of Christ’s body. By the same Word and Spirit, He guides and preserves for eternity that new, redeemed humanity, which, being formed in every culture, is spiritually one with the people of God in all ages.
9. The church is summoned by Christ to offer acceptable worship to God and to serve him by preaching the Gospel and making disciples of all nations, by tending the flock through the ministry of the word and ordinances and through daily pastoral care, by striving for social justice and by relieving human distress and need.
9. The church is summoned by Christ to offer acceptable worship to God and to serve him by preaching the Gospel and making disciples of all nations, by tending the flock through the ministry of the word and ordinances and through daily pastoral care, by striving for social justice and by relieving human distress and need.
10. God’s redemptive purpose will be consummated by the return of Christ to raise the dead, to judge all people according to the deeds done in the body and to establish his glorious kingdom. The wicked shall be separated from God’s presence, but the righteous, in glorious bodies, shall live and reign with Him forever. Then shall the eager expectation of creation be fulfilled and the whole earth shall proclaim the glory of God who makes all things new.
10. God’s redemptive purpose will be consummated by the return of Christ to raise the dead, to judge all people according to the deeds done in the body and to establish his glorious kingdom. The wicked shall be separated from God’s presence, but the righteous, in glorious bodies, shall live and reign with Him forever. Then shall the eager expectation of creation be fulfilled and the whole earth shall proclaim the glory of God who makes all things new.
1. We practice the ordinance of believer’s baptism by immersion in which we identify with Christ in death to sin, in resurrection to life and in ministry to the world. (Mt. 28: 19; Acts 8:38; Rom. 6:1-14) An act of dedication is observed with small children (1 Sam. 1:24-28; Mt. 19:13-15; Mk. 10:13-16; Lk. 2:22-23).
1. We practice the ordinance of believer’s baptism by immersion in which we identify with Christ in death to sin, in resurrection to life and in ministry to the world. (Mt. 28:19; Acts 8:38; Rom. 6:1-14) An act of dedication is observed with small children.( I Sam. 1:24-28; Mt. 19:13-15; Mk. 10:13-16; Lk. 2:22,23)
2. We practice monthly the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) in which believers, commemorate by the sacred use of bread and wine the suffering and death of Christ until he comes again. (Lk. 22:19-20; I Cor. 11:23-26).
2. We practice monthly the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) in which believers, commemorate by the sacred use of bread and wine the suffering and death of Christ until he comes again. (Lk. 22:19,20; I Cor. 11:23-26)
1. This church shall consist of those who believe in Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They shall have voluntarily subscribed to the statements of faith and purpose herein set forth, shall attend the services regularly, and contribute according to their ability to the support of the church and its ministries.
1. This church shall consist of those who believe in Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They shall have voluntarily subscribed to the statements of faith and purpose herein set forth, shall attend the services regularly, and contribute according to their ability to the support of the church and its ministries.
2. The membership of the church shall consist of those persons affiliated with us whose names are written on the membership roll, who are in good standing, who are at least eighteen years of age and who reside in Plain or surrounding communities.
2. The membership of the church shall consist of those persons affiliated with us whose names are written on the membership roll, who are in good standing, who are at least eighteen years of age and who reside in Plain or surrounding communities.
3. Young people between the ages 12 and 18 may become associate members of this church, but are not entitled to legal privileges.
3. Young people between the ages 12 and 18 may become associate members of this church, but are not entitled to legal privileges.
4. Members of the church who shall willingly absent themselves from the regular services for one year shall not be counted in the membership. The personal circumstances of members shall be evaluated prior to adjusting the membership rolls.
4. Members of the church who shall willingly absent themselves from the regular services for one year shall not be counted in the membership. The personal circumstances of members shall be evaluated prior to adjusting the membership rolls.
5. The membership roll shall be the charge of the pastor and Board of Elders and should any question arise as to the eligibility of persons as members, it should be referred to the aforementioned for settlement.
5. The membership roll shall be the charge of the pastor and Board of Trustee’s and should any question arise as to the eligibility of persons as members, it should be referred to the aforementioned for settlement.
1. The Board of Elders are guardians who care for the congregation, models who lead the congregation and trustees who exercise the corporate business of the congregation. It is their responsibility to find the mind of the Lord as to the direction and functioning of this church.
1. The Board of Trustees are guardians who care for the congregation, models who lead the congregation and trustees who exercise the corporate business of the congregation. It is their responsibility to find the mind of the Lord as to the direction and functioning of this church.
2. Potential Elders will be evaluated in accordance with the qualifications listed in I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1: 5-9 and I Peter 5:1-4. God wants individuals committed to His standards, willing to be conformed to His pattern, and desiring to bring others to maturity in Him. Elders must be members of Plain Community Church.
2. Potential Trustees will be evaluated in accordance with the qualifications listed in I Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 125-9 and I Peter 5:1-4. God wants individuals committed to His standards, willing to be conformed to His pattern, and desiring to bring others to maturity in Him. Trustees must be members of Plain Community church.
3. The corporate powers, business, and property of the corporation shall be exercised, conducted, and controlled by the Elders, except that the Elders shall not have the right to lease, mortgage, or sell property of the corporation without the approval of a majority of the members given in a regular meeting.
3. The Corporate powers, business, and property of the corporation shall be exercised, conducted, and controlled by the Trustees, except that the Trustees shall not have the right to lease, mortgage, or sell property of the corporation without the approval of a majority of the members given in a regular meeting.
4. The seven (7) Elders of the corporation shall hold office for two years on a staggered basis. Positions 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be elected in odd numbered years while positions 5, 6, and 7 will be elected in even numbered years. These elections will be held at the annual meeting.
4. The Four (4) Trustees of the corporation shall hold office for two years on a staggered basis. Positions 1 and 3 will be elected in odd numbered years, while positions 2 and 4 will be elected in even numbered years. These elections will be held at the annual meeting.
5. Should vacancy occur by death, resignation, or otherwise, it shall be filled by appointment of the Board of Elders at their option, and the appointee shall hold office until a successor is elected at the next annual meeting of members or at the special meeting called for that purpose.
5. Should vacancy occur by death, resignation, or otherwise, it shall be filled by appointment of the Board of Trustees at their option, and the appointee shall hold office until a successor is elected at the next annual meeting of members or at the special meeting called for that purpose.
6. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for maintaining harmonious pastoral relations. Their duties shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1) In consultation with the Pastor determining an appropriate training or study opportunity for himself, as specified in the Pastor’s Position Description. 2) Conducting the annual performance evaluation of the Pastor. 3) Serving as the medium of communication for any special Pastoral needs, such as those associated with compensation or housing.
7. In the event elements of the Pastor’s performance are determined to be in need of improvement, the Board of Trustees shall assist the Pastor in improving the performance.
8. In the event dissatisfactions occur, the Board of Trustees is to strive for resolution in accord with the Policy Statement for Reconciliation adopted by the board September 25, 1986 and modified on August 6, 1990. In the event improvement does not occur at the time of the next following annual evaluation, the Board of Trustees shall advise the Pastor and the church membership. If such efforts for restoration of harmony and unity are unsuccessful, the Board of Trustees, by a vote of a majority of its members, call for a vote by the church membership for consideration of tenure. The Board of Trustees shall recommend to the congregation a course of action regarding the pastor’s tenure. The vote will be in answer to the following form question: “shall the present pastoral relations be continued?” If by a two-thirds vote by ballot of members present, the church decides to continue pastoral relations, the office of pastor shall continue. If however, the church fails to decide by such vote to continue pastoral relations, the term of service of Pastor shall terminate. The Board of Trustees shall set the termination date, making due consideration for the Pastor’s future situation.
1. Members of this committee shall consist of the pastor and two members who are not Board members, nominated and elected by the membership at the annual meeting.
1. Members of this committee shall consist of one board member serving in a position not up for election in the current year, appointed by the pastor, and two members who are not board members, nominated and elected by the membership at the annual meeting.
[NOTE - this is not the way it reads in constitution of 1998. No record of this change]
2. In September the three-member nominating committee shall begin meeting for the purpose of prayerfully considering and presenting to the membership at the annual meeting in November a slate of qualified people (one individual for each vacant position) willing to serve in the following offices:
2. In September the three-member nominating committee shall begin meeting for the purpose of prayerfully considering and presenting to the membership at the annual meeting in November a slate of qualified people (one individual for each vacant position) willing to serve in the following offices:
1) Board of Elders
1. Board of Trustees
2) Program Commission
2. Program Commission
3) Missions Commission
3. Missions Commission
4) Buildings and Grounds Commission
4. Buildings and Grounds Commission
The nominees should be announced to the congregation at least two Sundays prior to the annual meeting. Additional nominations can be made from the floor at the annual meeting; these nominees should be contacted and their consent received prior to the meeting.
The slate of nominees should be posted and announced to the congregation at least two Sundays prior to the annual meeting. Additional nominations can be made in writing to the Nominating Committee prior to the annual meeting, with the consent of those being nominated.
1. At their first regular meeting after election each year, the Board of Elders shall meet for the purpose of organization and shall elect from its own members a chairman and a board secretary, who shall be officers of the Board. At this time they shall also elect a church secretary-treasurer, such position to be filled by a member of the Board or, at the Board's option, to be elected from the membership at large.
1. At their first regular meeting after election each year, the Board of Trustees shall meet for the purpose of organization and shall elect from its own members a chairman and a board secretary, who shall be officers of the Board. At this time they shall also elect a church secretary-treasurer, such position to be filled by a member of the board or, at the Board’s option, to be elected from the membership at large.
2. Each officer shall hold office for one year or until his successor is elected. The Board of Elders shall appoint such other officers or employees as is deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of the corporation. No officer except those appointed by the Board to perform work, labor, and services, shall be paid any salary or compensation, except actual expenses incurred in carrying out corporate activities, under the direction of the Board.
2. Each officer shall hold office for one year or until his successor is elected. The Board of Trustees shall appoint such other officers or employees as is deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of the corporation. No officer except those appointed by the Board to perform work, labor, and services, shall be paid any salary or compensation, except actual expenses incurred in carrying out corporate activities, under the direction of the Board.
3. In the event of the death or resignation of any officer or vacancy for any reason, a temporary officer shall be appointed by the Board of Elders and at the next meeting of the Board after the annual meeting of members a successor shall be elected.
3. In the event of the death or resignation of any officer or vacancy for any reason, a temporary officer shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees and at the next meeting of the Board after the annual meeting of members a successor shall be elected.
4. The Board chairman shall preside at all meetings of members and at all meetings of Elders. The chairman shall execute with the church secretary-treasurer in the name of the corporation all deeds, bonds, contracts, and any and all other instruments authorized by the Board of Elders to be executed.
4. The Board chairman shall preside at all meetings of members and at all meetings of Trustees. The chairman shall execute with the church secretary-treasurer in the name of the corporation all deeds, bonds, contracts, and any and all other instruments authorized by the Board of Trustees to be executed.
5. The Board secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the membership and of the Board of Elders and this record shall be preserved for future reference as the property of the Church.
5. The Board secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the membership and of the Board of Trustees and this record shall be preserved for future reference as the property of the Church.
6. The church secretary-treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and report the status of such accounts at the monthly Board of Elders meeting and at the annual membership meeting. The secretary-treasurer shall answer to the Board for the dispersal of all funds and the selection of the proper depository for funds on hand.
6. The church secretary-treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and report the status of such accounts at the monthly Board of Trustees meeting and at the annual membership meeting. The secretary-treasurer shall answer to the Board for the dispersal of all funds and the selection of the proper depository for funds on hand.
7. The secretary-treasurer, along with the Board chairman (see Article VIII, Sec. 4) shall execute all deeds, bonds, contracts and any and all other instruments authorized by the Board of Elders. All correspondence required in connection with church business will be handled by the secretary-treasurer.
7. The secretary-treasurer, along with the Board chairman (see Article VIII, Sec. 4) shall execute all deeds, bonds, contracts and any and all other instruments authorized by the Board of Trustees. All correspondence required in connection with church business will be handled by the secretary—treasurer.
1. There shall be a pastor who shall have the general oversight and supervision of the work of the church and all its departments, and shall be an ex-officio member of all comissions and committees. The pastor shall attend all business sessions of the Board of Elders, providing a pastoral report at the monthly meetings. The pastor has no legal authority regarding church properties. The pastor shall conduct services, teach the gospel regularly, administer the ordinances, supervise the teaching ministry of the church, tenderly watch over the congregation and shepherd the people to maturity in ministry as the body of Christ.
1. There shall be a pastor who shall have the general oversight and supervision of the work of the church and all its departments, and shall be a member of the Board of Trustees and an ex-officio member of all commissions and comittees. The pastor shall attend all business sessions of the Board of rustees, providing a pastoral report at the monthly meetings. The pastor has no legal authority regarding church properties. The pastor shall conduct services, teach the gospel regularly, administer the ordinances, supervise the teaching ministry of the church, tenderly watch over the congregation and shepherd the people to maturity in ministry as the body of Christ.
2. The candidate for pastor shall be recommended by the Board of Elders to the membership for election. The pastor shall be elected by the membership by a two-thirds vote.
3. The pastor shall be given regular financial support. The amount and manner shall be determined by agreement between the pastor and the Board of Elders. The pastor’s support shall be reviewed annually by the Board beginning in October.
2. The candidate for pastor shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees to the membership for election. The pastor shall be elected and appointed by the membership by a two-thirds vote.
4. The tenure of office in the pastorate shall perpetuate as the church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, may choose. Or it shall be disquieted by resignation or death.
3. The pastor shall be given regular financial support. The amount and manner shall be determined by agreement between the Pastor and the Board of Elders. The pastor’s support shall be reviewed annually by the Board beginning in October.
5. In the event dissatisfactions occur. the Board of Elders is to strive for resolution in accord with the Policy Statement for Reconciliation adopted by the Board. If such efforts for restoration of harmony and unity are unsuccessful, the Board may, by a vote of five or more of the seven members, call for a vote by the membership for consideration of tenure. The Board of Elders shall recommend to the congregation a course of action regarding the pastor’s tenure. The vote will be in answer to the following form question: “Shall the present pastoral relations be continued?” If by a two—thirds vote by ballot of members present, the church decides to continue pastoral relations, the office of pastor shall continue. If, however, the church fails to decide by such vote to continue pastoral relations, the term of service of the pastor shall terminate. The Board of Elders shall set the termination date.
4. The tenure of office in the pastorate shall perpetuate as the membership of the church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, may choose. Or it shall be disquieted by resignation or death.
1. The annual business meeting of the corporation shall be held the second Tuesday of each November. Special meetings of the corporation may be called by the Board of Elders’ chairman or by the pastor. Notice shall be given at least two consecutive Sundays preceding the time of such meetings.
1. The annual business meeting of the corporation shall be held the second Tuesday of each November. Special meetings of the corporation may be called by the Board of Trustees chairman or by the pastor. Notice shall be given at least two consecutive Sundays preceding the time of such meetings.
2. Regular meetings of the Board of Elders shall be held the first Monday evening of every month. Special meetings of the Board of Elders may be called by the Board of Elders‘ chairman or by the pastor. A majority shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meetings.
2. Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held the first Monday evening of every month.
3. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by any member of the Board. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meetings.
4. A majority of the active membership shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the corporation.
1. The commissions shall serve as channels through which the organizational efforts of this church are accomplished.
1. The commissions shall serve as channels through which the organizational efforts of this church are accomplished.
1) Program Commission shall be responsible for the planning and the supervising of our corporate endeavors which involve this congregation in worship, fellowship, teaching, preaching, service, and evangelism. This commission will oversee the work of church agencies such as the Sunday School and Youth groups.
1) Program Commission shall be responsible for the planning and the supervising of our corporate endeavors which involve this congregation in worship, fellowship, teaching, preaching, service, and evangelism. This commission will oversee the work of church agencies such as the Sunday School and youth groups.
2) Missions Commission shall be responsible for the planning and the supervising of the missionary program which involves this congregation in fulfillment of our calling in Christ to disciple the nations and to minister to those in distress and need.
2) Missions Commission shall be responsible for the planning and the supervising of the missionary program which involves this congregation in fulfillment of our calling in Christ to disciple the nations and to minister to those in distress and need.
3) Buildings and Grounds Commission shall be responsible for the development, management, and maintenance of the church’s facilities and equipment.
3) Buildings and Grounds Commission shall be responsible for the development, management, and maintenance of the church’s facilities and equipment.
2. Commission membership will consist of two Elders appointed by the Board of Elders, two members elected by the membership, those appointed to serve in leadership positions within a commission’s area of responsibility and those individuals from the congregation who volunteer to serve on a commission of their choice.
2. Commission membership will consist of two members appointed by the Board of Trustees, two members elected by the membership, those appointed to serve in leadership positions within a commission’s area of responsibility and those individuals from the congregation who volunteer to serve on a commission of their choice.
3. Terms of office for those elected by the membership will be two years on a staggered basis. Should a vacancy occur by death, resignation or otherwise, the Board of Elders will appoint a successor to complete that term of office. Two year terms are also encouraged for those who volunteer to serve.
3. Terms of office for those elected by the membership will be two years on a staggered basis. Should a vacancy occur by death, resignation or otherwise, the Board of Trustees will appoint a successor to complete that term of office. Two year terms are also encouraged for those who volunteer to serve.
4. The commissions are responsible to the church membership in general and the Board of Elders in particular. Reports must be presented at the monthly Board meetings.
4. The commissions are responsible to the church membership in general and the Board of Trustees in particular. Reports must be presented at the monthly Board meetings.
5. A chairman will be chosen by each commission subject to the approval of the Board of Elders. One of the Elder on the commission will present the commission report to the Board.
5. A chairman will be chosen by each commission subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. One of the Trustees on the commission will present the commission report to the Board.
6. Each commission shall have a regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Special meetings may be called by the chairman as necessary. Three commission members shall constitute a quorum at regular or special meetings.
6. Each commission shall have a regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Special meetings may be called by the chairman as necessary. Three commission members shall constitute a quorum at regular or special meetings.
7. Policies regarding the purpose and function of each commission will be developed and maintained by the commissions subject to the approval of the Board of Elders and the church membership.
7. Policies regarding the purpose and function of each commission will be developed and maintained by the commissions subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees and the church membership.
1. The leadership of church agencies such as the Sunday School and Youth groups shall be appointed by the Program Commission, with the approval of the Board of Elders, to serve for one year.
1. The leadership of church agencies such as the Sunday School and youth groups shall be appointed by the Program Commission, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, to serve for one year.
2. The church organist and a music committee of two members shall be appointed by the Program Commission, with the approval of the Board of Elders, to serve for one year.
2. The church organist and a music committee of two members shall be appointed by the Program Commission, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, to serve for one year.
3. Ushers shall be appointed by the pastor, with the approval of the Board of Elders, to serve for one year.
3. Ushers shall be appointed by the pastor, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, to serve for one year.
4. Deacons (I Timothy 3:8-13) may be appointed by the pastor, with the approval of the Board of Elders, to serve for one year. They shall assist the pastor in the shepherding work of the church.
4. Elders, deacons and deaconesses (1 Timothy 3:8-13) may be appointed by the pastor, with approval of the Board of Trustees, to serve for one year. They shall assist the pastor in the shepherding work of the church.
5. A greetings coordinator, responsible for sending greetings from the congregation to the sick and bereaved, shall be appointed by the Board of Elders to serve for one year.
5. A greetings coordinator, responsible for sending greetings from the congregation to the sick and bereaved, shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees to serve for one year.
The Church shall be financed by the scriptural system of tithes and offerings.
The church shall be financed by the scriptural system of tithes and offerings.
In the event of the dissolution of the above corporation all of the property and funds of the corporation after the payment of all debts thereof shall be distributed one-half to the Slavic Gospel Association, Inc., Box 1122, Wheaton, Ill., 60187, and the other half to World Gospel Mission, Box WGM, Marion, Indiana, 46952, the same being Christian Mission Boards.
In the event of the dissolution of the above corporation all of the property and funds of the corporation after the payment of all debts thereof shall be distributed one-half to the Slavic Gospel Association, Inc., Box 1122, Wheaton, IL 60187, and the other half to World Gospel Mission, Box WGM, Marion, IN 46952, the same being Christian Mission Boards.
1. Personal differences between members of the church shall be dealt with according to Matthew 18:15-17 and Galatians 6:1.
1. Personal differences between members of the church shall be dealt with according to Matthew 18:15-17 and Galatians 6:1
2. In preferring charges against any member, these charges shall first be presented to the Board of Elders. They then shall notify the accused of the nature of these charges, and then set a time when these charges shall be heard by the Board of Elders. The accusers shall be present and face the defendant. If the matter cannot be settled by the Board, they shall be empowered to call a special meeting of the church.
2. In preferring charges against any member, these charges shall first be presented to the Board of Trustees. They then shall notify the accused of the nature of these charges, and then set a time when these charges shall be heard by the Board of Trustees. The accusers shall be present and face the defendant. If the matter cannot be settled by the Board, they shall be empowered to call a special meeting of the church.
The constitution may be changed or amended by ratification of the membership present at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose, provided due notice of such proposed change shall have been made at least two Sundays preceding the time of such meetings, or all members of the corporation shall have been notified in writing by the secretary of the Board of Elders at least ten days prior thereto.
The constitution may be changed or amended by ratification of the membership present at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose, provided due notice of such proposed change shall have been made at least two Sundays preceding the time of such meetings, or all members of the corporation shall have been notified in writing by the secretary of the Board of Trustees at least ten days prior thereto.