Nokotan Ep 2
177 removals
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Total words | 2177 |
Words removed (%) | 16.21 |
356 lines
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Words added | 449 |
Total words | 2273 |
Words added (%) | 19.75 |
356 lines
# Amazon
# Crunchyroll
I made it!
I made it!
Shika! Shika shika shika! Shika!
Deer Meets Darkness Girl
Introducing once more, Koshi Torako, former delinquent.
Introducing once more, Torako Hoshi, former delinquent.
Covering up her past upon joining high school, she climbed the ranks as an honor student
Covering up her past upon joining high school, she climbed the ranks
and is now president of the student council, as well as class rep.
and is now president of the student council, as well as class rep.
However, a new student, a deer (?)
However a transfer deer (?) named Shikanoko Noko revealed her past,
named Shikanoko Noko discovered her past,
revealed that she was a virgin,
found out she was a virgin,
and because she was a total pushover,
and because she was a total pushover,
she was duped into becoming the president of the Deer Club.
she was duped into becoming the president of the mysterious Deer Club.
One again, she reluctantly heads to the club.
And once again, she reluctantly heads to the club.
Yay! It's time for Deer Club!
Yay! It's time for Deer Club!
She doesn't sound reluctant?
Maybe she doesn't sound reluctant?
It's not like I'm looking forward to it, exactly.
Well, it's not like I'm actually looking forward to going to the club.
Oh? Then what is it?
Oh? Then what is it?
When I gave the clubhouse a little makeover this morning,
When I gave the clubhouse a little makeover this morning,
it turned out so good!
it turned out so good!
But it's not like I'm super excited for club activities today
But it's not like I'm super excited for club activities today
or anything like that.
or anything like that.
Is that so?
Is that so?
It's the president's job to make the clubhouse a comfortable place.
It's the president's job to make the clubhouse a comfortable place.
I can't wait to see how she reacts!
I can't wait to see how she reacts!
You're amazing Koshitan! I was wrong about you!
You're amazing, Koshitan! I was wrong about you!
Of course!
Of course!
All that's left is the wallpaper, and maybe a cabinet!
All that's left is the wallpaper... Oh! And maybe I'll get a cabinet!
There's still so much to be done!
There's still so much to be done!
Just you wait. It'll be my own Utopia!
Just you wait! It'll be my own utopia!
I won't forgive you, Deer
And thus, the Utopia came to an end.
And thus, the utopia came to an end.
W-What is this? My Utopia!
Wh-What is this? My utopia!
The Utopia I spent my life savings on and four hours of my morning!
The utopia I spent my life savings on and four hours of my morning!
She woke up at 3 a.m.
She woke up at 3 AM.
Are you okay, Koshitan?
Are you okay, Koshitan?
It's dangerous there. Come over here.
It's dangerous there. Come over here.
You! Was it you?!
You! Did you do this?!
Did you do this to my Utopia?
Did you do this to my utopia?!
What do you mean?
Hm? What are you talking about?
It was already like this when I got here.
It was already like this when I got here.
This room is dangerous.
Also, this room is dangerous.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Something is trying to kill me.
Someone's trying to kill me today.
Who? Why?
Who? And why?
I don't know.
I don't know.
But it was probably that person who trashed our room.
But it's probably the same person who trashed our room.
I fell into a five-meter-deep pitfall on the way to school,
I fell into a five-meter-deep pitfall on the way to school,
spears came falling out of the sky,
spears came falling out of the sky,
and there were plastic bottles filled with water everywhere.
and there were plastic bottles filled with water everywhere.
How are you alive? Didn't a spear fall on your head?
How are you still alive?! Didn't a spear stab you in the head?!
And water bottles? Not even cats are scared of those anymore.
And water bottles? Not even cats are scared of those anymore!
My antlers got totally stuck on the door, too!
And my antlers totally got stuck in the door, too!
You broke it again?
You broke it again?!
I'm telling you, this place is dangerous!
Anyway! I'm telling you, this place is dangerous!
Calm down.
Now, calm down.
Just think about it, there's no way someone's after you.
Just think about it. There's no way someone's after you.
You think so?
You think so?
Of course.
Of course.
Let's just step outside, get some fresh air and think calmly--
Let's just step outside, get some fresh air and think calmly—
How could you step out of cover so carelessly?
Hey, how could you step out of cover so carelessly?
This is a battlefield!
This is a battlefield!
Who are you?!
Who are you?!
I thought I taught you carelessness will get you killed!
I thought I taught you that carelessness will get you killed!
You never taught me anything! And we're living in an era of peace!
You never taught me a damn thing! I was born in the Heisei era of peace!
But more importantly, are we seriously under attack?
But more importantly, is someone seriously after you?
Looks like it.
Looks like it.
Screw this. I'm leaving.
Man, screw this! I'm leaving!
What? You're going to abandon your teacher and run away?
What?! You're going to abandon your teacher and run away?!
Shut up! Since when am I your student?
Shut up! Since when am I your student?
I'm done getting caught up in all this annoying--
I'm done getting caught up in all this annoying—
Koshitan, is your head alright?
Koshitan, is your head all right?
That's not an insult.
That's not an insult.
Who the hell are you?
Who the hell are you?
Give me back my Utopia!
Give me back my utopia!
She's pissed.
Now she's pissed.
You're going down!
You're going down!
I don't care if you're a soldier or an assassin.
I don't care if you're a soldier or an assassin.
Bring it on!
Bring it on!
Grenade! Get down!
Crap! Grenade! Get down!
Deer crackers?
Deer crackers?!
It's a trap!
Hey! It's a trap!
Hold it right there, you idiot!
Wait, you moron! Wait, wait, wait!
What is it, Koshitan?
What, Koshitan?!
Open your eyes! It's the trap of all traps!
Open your eyes! It's a trap! It's the trap of all traps!
What kind of idiot drools and walks right into a trap?
What kind of idiot drools and walks right into a trap?!
- A trap... - Shikanoko?
- A trap... - Shikanoko?
Long, long ago, a deer was asked,
Long, long ago, a deer was asked,
"Why do deer eat deer crackers?"
"Why do deer eat deer crackers?"
This is how they answered.
This is how they answered.
"Because there are deer crackers before me!"
"Because there are deer crackers before me!"
I'm sorry, Koshitan.
I'm sorry, Koshitan.
But I love deer crackers more than anything in the world.
But I love deer crackers more than anything in this world!
I failed.
I told you that this was a trap--
Well, I messed up.
I lost a little speed at the end and couldn't reach the crackers!
I told you that this was a trap—
I lost a little speed at the end and couldn't reach the deer crackers!
You're still on that?!
You're still on that?!
Hey! You over there trying to get me!
Hey! You over there trying to get me!
Can you hear me?
I know you can hear me!
My name is Nokotan! Show yourself!
My name is Nokotan! Show yourself!
I gratefully accept your challenge!
I accept this fight fair and square!
Haven't you lost already?
Haven't you lost already?
The deer's distant cry of defeat.
The deer's distant cry of defeat.
And bring me more deer crackers, please!
And bring me more deer crackers, please!
You're asking them for favors?
You're asking them for favors?
You're quite bold for a pest.
You're quite bold for a pest.
I planned to exterminate you earlier
I planned to exterminate you earlier
but my calculations were all wrong.
but my calculations were all wrong.
A challenge? I'd love to.
A fight? I'll happily accept.
I'll send you on your way to hell.
I'll send you on your way to hell.
This girl...
I've managed to survive countless battles
I've managed to survive countless battles
but she was able to capture me with ease.
but she was able to capture me with ease.
She's amazing.
She's on another level.
Who the hell are you?
Who the hell are you?!
- Anko? - Anko?
- Anko? - Anko?
What the hell are you doing here?
What the hell are you doing here?
Big sister!
I missed you!
I missed you so much!
You missed me? You see me at home every day.
You missed me? You see me at home every day.
I want to be with you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, every minute and second!
I want to be with you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, every minute and second!
I can't get enough of your scent!
I can't get enough of your scent!
Cut it out, will you?
Cut it out, will you?
And why aren't you at school?
And why aren't you at school?
Even your angry face is so adorable!
Even your angry face is so adorable! I wuv you so much!
Are you listening?
Are you even listening?
Who's she, Koshitan?
Who's she, Koshitan?
My bad, this is Anko Koshi.
My bad, this is Koshi Anko.
My little sister.
My little sister.
Koshi... Anko... Koshi... Anko!
Koshi... Anko... Red bean... paste!
You're thinking about food again, aren't you?
You're imagining something delicious, aren't you?
Don't stare at me like that, you monster!
Don't stare at me like that, you vermin!
Shikanoko Noko. I cannot forgive you.
Shikanoko Noko. I cannot forgive you.
How do you know her name?
What's your deal with her?
Wait, did you do all this?
Wait, did you do all this?
Yes. It was me.
Yes. It was me.
Why would you...
Why would you...
It's all this deer's fault! All of it!
It's all this deer's fault! All of it!
It's her fault you changed!
It's her fault you changed!
You used to come running home to me after school.
You used to come running home to me after school.
To you? That's where we live.
To you? That's where we live as a family.
You've been coming home so late...
You've been coming home so late...
I'm always home by seven!
I'm always home by seven!
Wondering what you were doing out late every night, I followed you
I followed you because I was curious about why you were out so late
and found you in a secret club with a deer!
and you were alone with that deer in your "club."
How obscene!
How obscene!
What's obscene is your way of thinking!
What's obscene is your damn way of thinking!
And you left early again this morning...
And you left early again this morning...
All you think about is your little deer love nest!
All you think about is your little deer love nest!
That comfy couch, those cute rugs... Is all of that necessary?
That comfy couch, those cute rugs?! Is all of that necessary for a club room?
Obscene! What do you two plan on doing here?
Obscene! What were you two planning on doing in there?!
Th-That's a good question.
She wanted to retort, but could not admit that the setup was for herself.
She wanted to retort, but couldn't admit that the setup was for herself.
You can't answer? Does that mean...
You can't answer? Does that mean...
You slept together?
You slept together?
Of course not!
Of course not!
Are you mentally ill?
Are you mentally ill?
And what's with the weapon? Are you Iga? Koga? Hokage?
And what's with the kunai?! Are you Iga? Koga? A Hokage?
Help me out here, will you?
Hey, help me out here.
Koshitan is my girl!
Koshitan is my girl!
That's not helping!
That's not helping!
What are you doing? That's not what's going on here!
Why are you complicating things? That's not what's going on here!
I have no idea what's going on, but I will protect Koshitan!
I don't know if you're chunky or smooth, but I will protect Koshitan!
You've done it now, you idiot!
You've done it now, you idiot!
I knew it! You're trying to take my sister's virginity!
I knew it! You took my sister's virginity, didn't you?!
You've done it now!
See?! I knew this would happen!
Do you know how hard I've been protecting my sister's virginity?
Do you know how hard I've been protecting my sister's virginity?!
I don't remember asking for that.
I don't remember asking for that.
I can't forgive you.
I won't forgive you...
The deer that took my sister from me
The deer that took my sister from me
and my sister who crossed that line with a deer.
and my sister who crossed that line with a deer.
I haven't crossed any lines! Not even the Chuo line!
I haven't crossed any lines! Not even the Chuo Line!
Setting: Hino City
I belong by your side.
I belong by your side.
Anyone who stands in my way is my enemy.
Anyone who stands in my way is my enemy.
That's why I decided to destroy it.
That's why I decided to destroy it all.
I thought that if I destroyed this weird club of yours
I thought that if I destroyed this ridiculous Deer Club of yours
and exterminated the pest, my sister would come back home to me.
and exterminated that vermin, my sister would come back home to me.
But I've changed my mind.
But I've changed my mind.
You mentioned something about a challenge, right?
You mentioned something about fighting fair and square, right?
That sounds fun. I accept.
That sounds fun. I accept.
But if I win,
But if I win,
you'll spend the rest of your life as a deer at Nara Park.
you'll spend the rest of your life as a deer at Nara Park.
If I lose, I will accept the festering relationship you have with my sister
If I lose, I will accept the festering relationship you have with my sister
and leave you alone.
and leave you alone.
You're gonna give people the wrong idea!
You're gonna give people the wrong idea!
Pull yourself together, Anko.
Pull yourself together, Anko.
This is ridiculous. There's no point in fighting.
This is ridiculous. There's no point in fighting.
Why? It was the deer's idea.
Why? It was the deer's idea.
That is true...
That is true...
Fine. Let's fight.
Fine. Let's fight.
Wait, are you serious?
Wait, are you serious?
If you become a Nara Park deer, what will happen to the club?
If you become a Nara Park deer, what will happen to the club?
Don't worry, Koshitan.
Don't worry, Koshitan.
Trust me!
Trust me!
The Deer Club has a bond harder than deer crackers.
The Deer Club has a bond harder than deer crackers!
What are you talking about?!
What are you even talking about?!
Deer crackers aren't hard, they're flaky!
Deer crackers aren't hard! They're flaky!
I have one condition, too.
I have one condition, too.
If I win the fight...
If I win the fight...
Give me tons of deer crackers.
Give me tons of deer crackers.
Go to Nara already!
Just go to Nara already!
The Deer Club faces its first big problem!
The Deer Club faces its first huge crisis!
What will happen to the club? To Nokotan?
What will happen to the club? To Nokotan?
The battle that will decide the fate of Deer Club and deer crackers begins now!
The battle that will decide the fate of Deer Club and deer crackers begins now!
I'm deporting you to Nara!
I'm deporting you to Nara Park immediately!
All the crackers I can eat...
All the deer crackers I can eat...
Can I go home now?
Can I go home now?
The first-ever Hinominami High School King of Torako Competition!
1st Hinominami High School Chitty Chitty King of Koshi Torako Competition!!
The first-ever Hinominami High School Chitty Chitty King of Koshi Torako Competition!
Let's introduce our competitors!
Let's introduce our competitors!
What the hell is this?
What the hell is this?!
Torako Koshi's little sister with a fierce sister complex,
Koshi Torako's little sister with a fierce sister complex,
Anko Koshi!
Koshi Anko-chan!
Does anything besides my sister even matter?
Does anything in this world even matter other than me and my sister?
What is this?
No, really! What is this?!
The Deer Club's resident deer, Noko Shikanoko!
The Deer Club's resident deer, Shikanoko Noko-san!
I'll do anything for deer crackers!
I'll do it for the deer crackers!
Are you listening to me?
Are any of you listening to me?!
How do you feel about the competitors, Miss Koshi?
How do you feel about the competitors, Koshi-san?
I... I'm so lost right now.
I... I'm so lost right now.
You sure sound excited!
You sure sound excited!
Are my words reaching you at all?!
Are my words reaching you at all?!
And today's grand prizes are...
And today's grand prizes are...
For Anko, the right to deport Nokotan to Nara!
For Anko-chan, the right to deport Nokotan to Nara Park!
And for Nokotan, a 100-year supply of deer crackers!
And for Nokotan, a 100-year supply of deer crackers!
Where did you get all those?
Where did you even get all of these?
I'll be your host, Ukai of the Deer Club!
And your host will be me, Ukai, the advisor of the Deer Club!
Do you have nothing else to do?
Do teachers have nothing else to do?
Let's go to the first question!
All right! Let's get started!
This set is too well prepared.
You spent way too much money on this set.
Question one. What does Miss Koshi do every--
Question one. What does Koshi-san do every—
What does Miss Koshi do every night before bed?
What does Koshi-san do every night before bed?
She talks to all her stuffed animals and gives them a smooch before bed.
She talks the plushies in her room and gives them all a goodnight kiss.
Stop! What kind of question is that? What about my privacy?
Stop! What kind of question is that?! Why are you violating my privacy?!
Is that a bad thing?
Is that a bad thing?
Of course it is!
Of course it is!
But it's making your fans love you even more!
But it's making your fans love you even more!
- She likes stuffed animals? - Adorable!
- She likes plushies? - Adorable!
I like that!
Fan for life!
That's not the issue!
That's not the issue here!
Here's a photo to prove it!
Here's a photo to prove it!
Privacy! My privacy!
Privacy! My privacy!
Stop it with these questions!
Stop it with these questions!
- On to the second question! - You're ignoring me?!
- On to the second question! - You're ignoring me?!
Is Miss Koshi--
Is Koshi-san currently—
Nokotan was quicker this time!
Is Miss Koshi wearing a bra?
Nokotan was quicker this time! Your answer, please!
The answer is she's wearing a bra top, not a bra.
Is Koshitan currently without a bra?
What are these questions?
The answer is she's wearing a bra top, therefore, without a bra.
Again, what are these questions?!
You can't prove that without looking!
Y-You can't prove that without looking!
Schrödinger's bra.
Schrödinger's bra.
Let's take a look at the photo!
Let's take a look at the footage!
Stop it! Why do you have these photos?
Stop! Stop! Stop! Seriously! Why do you have this footage?!
Question three!
Question three!
Can I go home now?
Can I go home now?!
Miss Koshi has da--
Koshi-san has da—
Miss Koshi has dated how many boys or girls in total?
Koshi-san has dated how many boys or girls in total?
The answer is zero!
The answer is zero!
I might have dated someone!
Uh, I might have dated someone!
She hasn't.
She hasn't.
Sorry, incorrect!
Sorry, incorrect!
Miss Koshi has dated zero boys or girls in total,
Koshi-san has dated zero boys or girls in total,
but what is the reason for this?
but what is the reason for this?
Please answer in sixty characters or less.
Please answer in sixty characters or less.
Do you really need to dig that deep?
Do you really need to dig that deep?!
The answer please, Anko!
The answer please, Anko-chan!
While the people around her worked to develop their relationships,
Others dated as she waited for her first love due to shojo manga brain rot.
she let herself be brainwashed by Shoujo manga,
and kept waiting for her first love and soulmate that never came.
Exactly sixty characters.
Exactly sixty characters.
Stop analyzing me!
Stop analyzing me!
Her favorite manga magazine is Bessatsu Friend.
Her favorite manga magazine is Bessatsu Friend.
Question four!
Question four!
What is Miss Koshi's childhood secret?
What is Koshi-san's childhood secret?
She wet the bed until she was ten.
She wet the bed until she was ten.
Don't say that!
Don't say that!
What is something that Miss Koshi surprisingly likes?
What is something that Koshi-san surprisingly likes?
- She likes kid's anime. - Correct!
- She likes kids' anime. - Correct!
Why is that surprising? Who cares?
Why is that surprising? Who cares?
Question five! What is Miss Koshi's--
Question five! What is Koshi-san's—
- Egg on rice! - Correct!
- Egg on rice! - Correct!
How were you able to answer that?!
How were you able to answer that?!
What's happened here?
What's happened here?
The contestants are locked in a tie!
The contestants are locked in a tie!
How much longer are they going to violate my privacy?
How much longer are they going to violate my privacy?
Something isn't right!
Something isn't right!
Why does this freaky deer know so much about my sister?
Why does this freaky deer know so much about my sister?
There must be something going on!
There must be something going on!
I know! She's connected to the Shika Shika Network (SSN),
I know! She's connected to the all-deer network, Shika Shika Network (SSN)!
collecting my sister's data, and sending it to a supercomputer
It's collecting my sister's data, sending it to the supercomputer Shikagaku
to be analyzed and transmitted to her antlers!
to be analyzed and transmitted to her antlers!
I'll have to show you my true power!
Now, I'll have to show you my true power!
You've let your guard down. I have plenty more traps!
You've let your guard down. I have plenty more traps left!
Doesn't this make the quiz completely pointless?
Doesn't this make the quiz completely pointless?
Koshitan's privacy was violated for nothing.
Koshitan's privacy was violated for nothing.
I'll make Shish Kebab out of you before I send you to Nara Park!
I'll make Shish Kebab out of you before I send you to Nara Park!
You can dodge them?!
You can dodge them?!
What is up with this deer?
What is up with this deer?
Take my knives like an adult!
Take my knives like an adult!
Take this! And this!
Take this! And this!
I'm tired. No one's looking. Maybe I'll just leave.
I'm tired. No one's looking. Maybe I'll just leave.
You pest!
You vermin!
Hey, Shikanoko!
Hey, Shikanoko!
Koshitan. I'm getting sleepy.
Koshitan... I'm getting really sleepy...
What are you saying? Stay with me, Shikanoko!
What are you saying?! Stay with me, Shikanoko!
Open your eyes, Shikanoko! Shikanoko!
Open your eyes, Shikanoko! Shikanoko!
Following me around, making me join your club...
Following me around, making me join your club...
Getting us into this mess...
Getting us into this mess...
How dare you...
How dare you...
How dare you just leave me like this!
How dare you just leave me like this?!
Shikanoko, you're alive!
Shikanoko, you're alive!
I'm glad you're alive, but how?
I'm glad you're alive, but how?
It looks like the crackers protected me.
It looks like the crackers protected me.
What is this, an old movie?
What is this, an old movie?
Deer crackers aren't even hard, they're flaky!
Deer crackers aren't even hard, they're flaky!
Thank you for saving my sister.
Thank you for saving my sister.
This was my loss.
This was my loss.
I was so foolishly blinded by hate and anger,
I was so foolishly blinded by hate and anger,
I almost hurt my own sister.
I almost hurt my own sister.
I've failed as a little sister!
I've failed as a little sister!
You're the one who should be by her side...
You're the one who should be by her si—
That's not true.
That's not true.
It's not true.
It's not true.
It was you...
It was you, no...
Koshian, I was able to save your sister thanks to the deer crackers you gave me.
Koshian, I was able to save your sister thanks to the deer crackers you gave me.
You saved her life!
You saved her life!
I think we can be good friends!
I think we can be good friends!
Can I call you Nokotan?
Can I call you Nokotan?
Of course!
Of course!
Take care of my sister, okay, Nokotan?
Take care of my sister, okay, Nokotan?
Leave it to me, Koshian.
Leave it to me, Koshian.
Nokotan! Koshian!
Nokotan! Koshian!
How lovely!
How lovely!
In the end, Koshitan still had no idea what was going on.
In the end, Koshitan still had no idea what was going on.
Starting tomorrow, I'm going to wear a bra every day.
Starting tomorrow, I'm going to wear a bra every day.
The next day
It's white today!
It's white today!
X-ray vision?!
X-ray vision?!