Goblin Slayer: Goblin's Crown (2020) - Astral (Left) vs Chihiro (Right)

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Noble Fencer: They went your way!
Noble Fencer: They went your way!
Female Warrior: Leave it to me!
Female Warrior: Leave it to me!
Rhea Scout: Great job, ladies!
Rhea Scout: Great job, ladies!
RS: Oh, whoopsie.
RS: Oh, whoopsie.
Dwarf Priest: Come, now, pay attention.
Dwarf Priest: Come now, pay attention.
DP: Hey, Wizard!
DP: Hey, Wizard!
Wizard: I know.
Wizard: I know.
Wizard: May I ask for this dance, milady?
Wizard: May I ask for this dance, milady?
NF: But of course.
NF: But of course.
W: Sagitta...
W: Sagitta...
NF: Tonitrus...
NF: Tonitrus...
W: ...quelta...
W: ...quelta...
NF: ...oriens...
NF: ...oriens...
W: ...raedius!
W: ...raedius!
NF: ...iacta!
NF: ...iacta!
FW: I guess that about does it.
FW: I guess that wraps it up.
DP: You probably shouldn't let your guard down.
DP: We still shouldn't let our guard down.
FW: I'm not.
FW: I wasn’t letting my guard down.
RS: Even though we may face goblins... Nay.
RS: Even though we may face goblins... Nay.
Rs: It's because we get to face goblins \Nthat adventures are worth going on.
Rs: It's because we get to face goblins that adventures are worth going on.
NF: Fear not.
NF: Fear not.
NF: I have a brilliant plan!
NF: I have a brilliant plan!
Sword Maiden: Dear Goblin Slayer,
Sword Maiden: Dear Goblin Slayer,
Sword maiden: I have a request for you.
Sword maiden: I have a request for you.
SM: Our tale begins with a noble's daughter \Nwho left home to become an adventurer.
SM: This story begins with a noble's daughter who left home to become an adventurer.
SM: She departed after accepting a quest
SM: She departed for a quest
SM: and hasn't been heard from since.
SM: but has not been heard from since.
SM: Her parents requested that the guild find her.
SM: Her parents requested that the guild find her.
Sm: This isn't a rare occurrence.
Sm: This in itself isn't a rare occurrence.
SM: The problem is that the quest \Nthe noble girl has undertaken
SM: However, the quest that the girl had undertaken
SM: involves slaying goblins.
SM: was to slay goblins.
Priestess: O merciful Earth Mother, \Nplease bless us,
Priestess: O merciful Earth Mother, please bless us,
Priestess: the wanderers in the \Ndarkness, with holy light!
Priestess: humble wanderers in the dark, with holy light!
SM: The guild came to me for help,
SM: The guild came to me for help,
SM: but you were the only one \NI could make this request of.
SM: but you were the only one \NI could make this request of.
SM: Please consider lending a \Nhelping hand to that poor girl.
SM: Please consider lending a helping hand to that poor girl.
SM: I pray from the bottom of my \Nheart that you return safely.
SM: From the bottom of my heart, I pray for your safe return.
SM: Best regards.
SM: Best regards.
GS: Great job with the Holy Light back there.
GS: That was a good Holy Light.
P: Huh?
P: Huh?
P: U-Um, I... Thank you very much.
P: U-Um, I... Thank you very much.
GS: First there were two, then seven,
GS: First there were two, then seven,
GS: and this makes nine.
GS: and this makes nine.
GS: Altogether, that's twelve.
GS: Altogether, that's twelve.
GS: I don't like how they gathered \Nall the hostages in one spot.
GS: I don't like how they gathered all the hostages in one spot.
GS: I also don't like how the bodies \Nof the dead villagers are intact.
GS: It's also odd that the villagers' corpses were left intact.
P: Do you think there's another ogre?
P: Could there be another ogre?
GS: I'm not sure.
GS: I'm not sure.
Villager: Ow...
Villager: Ow...
Villager: Damn it...
Villager: Damn it...
Villager: What's going on?
Villager: What's going on?
HEA: Talk about slow.
HEA: Talk about slow.
GS: You used Stupor to put even \Nthe hostages to sleep?
GS: Your Stupor even affected the villagers.
DS: Their stench is wretched.
DS: Their stench is wretched.
GS: How many bodies?
GS: How many bodies?
LP: I counted four. Sir Mage \Nhad three, so our total is seven.
LP: I counted four. Sir Mage had three, so our total is seven.
GS: So altogether, we have nineteen.
GS: That's a total of nineteen.
GS: I thought I counted twenty at first.
GS: I thought I counted twenty at first.
GS: Are you the mayor?
GS: Are you the mayor?
Mayor: Y-Yes.
Mayor: Y-Yes.
GS: We're adventurers.
GS: We're adventurers.
Some: What?
Some: What?
Some: Adventurers?
Some: Adventurers?
mayor: A silver rank? Could you be... \NThe Goblin Slayer?
mayor: A silver rank? Could you be... Goblin Slayer?
Mayor: Thank you for coming!
Mayor: Thank you for coming!
GS: Do you have an herbalist in your village?
GS: Is there an herbalist in the village?
GS: A priest would also do, so long \Nas they can perform a miracle.
GS: Even a priest would do, so long as they can perform a miracle.
Mayor: The only priests around here are \Nthe traveling priests that pass through.
Mayor: We do not have any local priests, only the occasional visiting ones.
Mayor: We do have an herbalist, but...
Mayor: We do have an herbalist, but...
GS: All right. We'll help tend to the wounded.
GS: I see. We'll help with the wounded.
GS: We don't have many potions ourselves,
GS: We don't have many potions ourselves.
GS: so you'll have to settle \Nwith miracles and first aid.
GS: We can only provide miracles and first aid.
HEA: Orcbolg!
HEA: Orcbolg!
GS: So there were twenty.
GS: So there were twenty.
HEA: You little... You're not getting away!
HEA: You little... You're not getting away!
GS: Use this.
GS: Use this.
HEA: What's with that arrow? \NThe tip was all loose.
HEA: What's with that arrow? The tip was all loose.
GS: I modified it to be like that.
GS: That was on purpose.
HEA: What?
HEA: What...?
GS: I'll explain later.
GS: I'll explain later.
GS: We'd like to stay at your inn for the night.
GS: We'd like to use your inn for the night.
GS: Also, we'd like information on any \Nadventurers who came here before us.
GS: We'd also need information on the adventurers who came before us,
GS: And if you have one, \Nwe'd like a map of the mountains.
GS: and a map of the mountains, if you have one.
Mayor: That's fine, but as for payment...
Mayor: That's fine, but as for payment...
GS: The goblins are more important.
GS: The goblins are more important.
GS: Once we get some rest, \Nwe're going after them.
GS: After we get some rest, we'll pursue them.
HEA: This is so nice and warm.
HEA: This is so nice and warm.
HEA: Looks like you're still growing.
HEA: Looks like you're still growing.
HEA: Stare...
HEA: Stare...
HEA: Not fair.
HEA: Isn't that nice.
P: Eek! What are you talking about?
P: What are you talking about?
P: What are you... \NE-Everyone else should've joined us.
P: What are you... E-Everyone else should've joined us.
HEA: Well, we've got \N"The best medicine is alcohol!"
HEA: Well, we've got "The best medicine is alcohol!"
HEA: And "Dirt suits me much better."
HEA: And "Dirt suits me much better."
HEA: And as for Orcbolg...
HEA: As for Orcbolg...
P: He's keeping watch.
P: He's keeping watch.
HEA: If you don't make a move, he's going \Nto be that way right up until the end.
HEA: If we left him alone, he would stay that way forever.
HEA: Though we did get to come this far north \Nbecause of that, so I guess I don't mind.
HEA: Still, it's thanks to him that we got to come this far north, so I guess I don't mind.
P: Um... Did you leave your \Nforest because you got bored?
P: So... Did you leave your forest because you got bored?
HEA: You're half right and half wrong.
HEA: Yes... but also no.
HEA: I mean, I had a duty and \Nfelt fulfilled doing it...
HEA: I mean, I had a duty that I was proud of doing…
HEA: But one day, I saw a leaf \Nbeing carried downstream.
HEA: But one day, I saw a leaf being carried downstream.
HEA: I wonder how far it'd go, \Nand then I just never looked back.
HEA: I wondered how far it would go, and I never looked back.
HEA: I chased after the leaf, \Nran through the trees,
HEA: I ran through the trees as I chased the leaf
HEA: and before I knew it, \NI was outside the forest.
HEA: and before I knew it, I was outside the forest.
HEA: I jumped across the rocks \Nin the dry riverbed...
HEA: As I jumped across the rocks on the riverbed...
P: What did you find?
P: What did you find?
HEA: A dike. One that the humans had made.
HEA: A dike, constructed by humans.
HEA: I'd never seen one before, but I \Nthought it was pretty interesting.
HEA: I'd never seen one before, but I thought it was pretty interesting.
HEA: That's where the leaf had stopped.
HEA: That's where the leaf stopped.
HEA: Say, humans die after living \Nfor about a hundred years, right?
HEA: Say, humans live for about a hundred years, right?
P: Well...
P: Well...
HEA: I wonder why you guys can't live longer.
HEA: I wonder why humans don't live long.
HEA: Maybe I'd understand if I was human, too.
HEA: Maybe I'd understand if I was human, too.
P: And if you were born human, you'd wish \Nyou were as beautiful as the elves.
P: Some humans wish that they were as beautiful as the elves.
HEA: And if you were born an elf, \Nyou'd wish you were born human.
HEA: And some elves wish that they were born human.
HEA: I guess you never truly get \Nwhat you want in this world.
HEA: Perhaps you never truly get what you want in this world.
DS: Apparently, the adventurers you \Nwere sent on a rescue mission for
DS: Apparently, the adventurers you were asked to rescue
DS: hoarded all the food.
DS: asked for all the food.
LP: And they refused to slay
LP: Otherwise,
LP: any goblins if the villagers \Ndidn't give them food.
LP: they wouldn't kill the goblins.
LP: That's basically a threat...
LP: That's basically a threat...
LP: Then again, it's possible \Nthey needed the food.
LP: Or perhaps, they needed the food.
P: Did they need it?
P: Did they need it?
GS: Pursuits can last a while sometimes.
GS: A pursuit can take up a lot of time.
HEA: Well, we don't have that \Nmuch time on our hands.
HEA: Well, we don't have that much time ourselves.
HEA: We don't know what it's like in that nest \Nor how many goblins there are.
HEA: We don't know what it's like inside or even how many goblins there are.
HEA: There's a chance that the \Nadventurers are still alive.
HEA: The adventurers could still be alive.
GS: It is possible.
GS: That is possible.
GS: Apparently, the last time they were \Nseen, they looked quite weakened.
GS: Apparently, the last time they were seen, they looked exhausted.
GS: If goblins were going to \Nhave a nest, it'd be here.
GS: This is the most likely place for a goblin's den.
HEA: I wonder why they didn't go \Nback underground immediately.
HEA: But why didn't the group go in right away?
DS: So, wood and food... Which means...
DS: If they took lumber and food, that means...
GS: Yeah.
GS: Yes.
GS: They're trying to starve them out.
GS: It was a siege.
HEA: Orcbolg, why did you give \Nme an arrow like that?
HEA: Orcbolg, why did you give me that arrow?
GS: When you shoot that arrow, the tip \Ncomes off, leaving only the shaft.
GS: Even when they remove the shaft, the tip would stay in.
HEA: So?
HEA: So?
GS: The steel was poisoned.
GS: The steel is a poison.
GS: Unless they dig it out of their body,
GS: If they don't dig it out,
GS: once they get back to their \Nnest, their flesh will rot,
GS: their flesh would rot by the time they return home
Gs: spreading the sickness.
Gs: and the sickness would spread.
GS: It won't take care of all of them \Nat once, but it'll be a huge blow.
GS: It won't kill all of them at once, but it would be a huge blow.
HEA: I still can't fathom what goes \Nthrough that head of yours.
HEA: I still can't fathom what goes through that head of yours.
HEA: I-It's so cold!
HEA: I-It's so cold!
GS: Dusk is approaching. Once we've \Nwarmed up, we're going under.
GS: Dusk is approaching. Once we've warmed up, we're going in.
LP: I never knew a place this cold even existed.
LP: I never knew a place this cold even existed.
DS: Come on, drink! It'll warm you up!
DS: Come on, drink! It'll warm you up!
HEA: Come to think of it, isn't it \Nyour goal to become a dragon?
HEA: Come to think of it, isn't it your goal to become a dragon?
LP: Indeed.
LP: Indeed.
HEA: I know! Once you become an \Nimmortal dragon, I'll come visit you.
HEA: I know! When you become an immortal dragon, I'll come visit you.
HEA: It'll probably take about \Na thousand years, yeah?
HEA: It'll probably take about a thousand years, yeah?
HEA: You can't imagine how boring that is.
HEA: You would probably be bored.
HEA: You won't be able to bear \Nit without any friends.
HEA: Having friends would make it easier.
LP: I see...
LP: I see...
LP: A dragon that talks about his \Nadventures slaying goblins...
LP: A goblin-slaying, story-telling dragon...
LP: A dragon that's visited by an elf...
LP: Who is regularly visited by an elf...
HEA: And a dragon that loves cheese, right?
HEA: And who loves cheese!
LP: Not bad at all.
LP: Not bad at all.
HEA: Right?
HEA: Right?
LP: In any case, let us first concentrate \Non the matter before us.
LP: In any case, let us first concentrate on the matter before us.
GS: Careful. There are spears in there.
GS: Careful. There are spears in there.
HEA: Wow, talk about malicious.
HEA: Wow, talk about malicious.
P: Goblins are capable of laying such traps?
P: Are goblins capable of laying such traps?
GS: Who knows?
GS: Who knows?
GS: I don't see any totems.
GS: I don't see any totems.
P: Perhaps they don't have a shaman.
P: Perhaps they don't have a shaman.
GS: I'm not sure, but I don't like it.
GS: I'm not sure, but I don't like it.
LP: They were capable enough to attack
LP: They attacked that village
LP: that village and dispose of the \Nadventurers that came before us.
LP: and disposed of the adventurers that came before us.
LP: There must be some among them with brains.
LP: There must be someone leading them.
GS: We'll strike from the right!
GS: We'll strike from the right!
Priestess: O merciful Earth Mother, \Nplease bless us,
Priestess: O merciful Earth Mother, please bless us,
Priestess: the wanderers in the \Ndarkness, with holy light!
Priestess: humble wanderers in the dark, with holy light!
Priestess: Holy Light!
Priestess: Holy Light!
GS: Seventeen. No hob, no spellcaster, \Nbut they have arrows.
GS: Seventeen. No hob, no spellcaster, but they have archers.
GS: Let's go.
GS: Let's go.
DS: Here we go!
DS: Here we go!
HEA: First one's mine!
HEA: First one's mine!
DS: Time to work, you gnomes!
DS: Time to work, you gnomes!
DS: Roll grains of sand together, \Nand it shall become rock!
DS: Roll bits of sand together and turn it to rock!
DS: This is going well, Beard-cutter and Scaly!
DS: This is going well, Beard-cutter! Scaly!
LP: Indeed.
LP: Indeed.
GS: Got it.
GS: Got it.
GS: Ten!
GS: Ten!
Gs: Eleven!
Gs: Eleven!
GS: Thirteen!
GS: Thirteen!
GS: The enemies will pick \Nthemselves back up soon.
GS: They're about to regroup.
P: Right!
P: Right!
Priestess: O merciful Earth Mother, \Nplease bless us,
Priestess: O merciful Earth Mother, please bless us,
Priestess: the wanderers in the \Ndarkness, with holy light!
Priestess: humble wanderers in the dark, with holy light!
GS: Seventeen.
GS: Seventeen.
DS: You okay there, long-ears?
DS: You okay there, Long Ears?
HEA: Ow... Sorry. I messed up.
HEA: Ow... Sorry. I messed up.
P: I'll heal you right away. Is there poison?
P: I'll heal you right away. Is there poison?
LP: Here. Let us remove the arrow first.
LP: Here. Let us remove the arrow first.
P: Stay still, okay?
P: Stay still, okay?
GS: What's the matter?
GS: What's wrong?
P: The shaft...
P: It's just the shaft...
GS: Where's the tip?
GS: Where's the tip?
P: Still inside.
P: Still inside.
GS: They actually learned?
GS: They actually learned?
GS: Does it hurt?
GS: Does it hurt?
HEA: I-I'm totally fine.
HEA: I-I'm totally fine.
GS: Do you think there was poison?
GS: Do you think there was poison?
P: I don't think so... but...
P: I don't think so... but...
GS: I'll do it. Get me some fire.
GS: I'll do it. Get me some fire.
HEA: Huh?
HEA: Huh?
DS: You got it.
DS: You got it.
HEA: Huh?!
HEA: Huh?!
DS: Dance, dance, salamanders.
DS: Dance, dance, salamanders.
DS: Let us borrow some flames \Nfrom your fiery tails.
DS: Lend us the flames from your fiery tails.
GS: Bite down on this. \NI'm going to gouge out the tip.
GS: Bite down on this. I need to gouge out the tip.
HEA: N-No way!
HEA: N-No way!
DS: Well, most of that leg \Nis gonna rot off, then.
DS: Most of that leg is gonna decay, then.
LP: And once that happens, \Nwe won't be able to reattach it.
LP: Once that happens, we won't be able to reattach it.
P: Could you at least try to make \Nit hurt as little as possible?
P: Could you at least make it hurt as little as possible?
GS: I'll do my best.
GS: That was my intention.
HEA: Seriously, don't make it hurt, okay?!
HEA: Seriously, don't make it hurt, okay?!
GS: I can't guarantee that, but I'll do my best.
GS: No promises, but I'll do my best.
HEA: It's still throbbing.
HEA: It's still throbbing.
P: A-Are you all right?
P: A-Are you all right?
HEA: I think so.
HEA: I think so.
GS: Can you shoot arrows?
GS: Can you still shoot?
HEA: Of course I can.
HEA: Of course I can.
LP: Then let us all proceed.
LP: Then let's continue inward.
P: She's still breathing.
P: She's still breathing.
HEA: Looks like mission complete... \NRight? This is a shrine, isn't it?
HEA: This is mission complete, right? This is a shrine, isn't it?
HEA: I wonder if a priest from \Nthe evil sect was here.
HEA: I wonder if an Evil-aligned priest was here.
P: Um, this...
P: Look at this...
HEA: That's awful.
HEA: That's awful.
GS: It doesn't appear to be a goblin totem.
GS: It's not a goblin totem.
P: I believe it's the green moon.
P: I believe it's the green moon.
P: It's the sign of a god.
P: It's the symbol of a god.
P: The deity of external knowledge, \Nthe God of Wisdom.
P: The deity of external knowledge, the God of Wisdom.
GS: The green moon? You mean \Nwhere the goblins come from?
GS: The green moon? The same place where the goblins come from?
GS: Would they heal the goblins with \Nmiracles and teach them to use them?
GS: Would they heal the goblins with miracles and teach them to use them?
P: The God of Wisdom is a rather \Neccentric god, but...
P: The God of Wisdom is a rather eccentric god, but...
P: Perhaps it was a dark elf or a \Nhigh-ranking priest of the evil sect.
P: Perhaps it was a dark elf or a high-ranking Evil priest.
HEA: What? I don't think so.
HEA: I don't think so.
HEA: If you control a bunch of goblins, \Nbut you only use them for looting,
HEA: If you control a bunch of goblins, but you only use them for looting,
HEA: doesn't that make you \Nas dumb as the goblins?
HEA: doesn't that make you as dumb as the goblins?
LP: So it thinks like the goblins, \Nleads the goblins,
LP: So it thinks like the goblins, leads the goblins,
LP: heals the goblins, attacks people, \Nand is a follower of evil.
LP: heals the goblins, attacks people, and is a follower of Evil.
P: A priest? It couldn't be...
P: It couldn't be... a goblin priest?
GS: A goblin paladin.
GS: A goblin paladin.
NF: The reason the goblins attack the \Nvillages is because they're low on food.
NF: Goblins only attack villages when they need food.
NF: If we just wait here a few days,
NF: If we just wait here a few days,
NF: I'm sure they'll get impatient \Nand come jumping out.
NF: I'm sure they'll get impatient and come jumping out.
RS: Way to go, Sis.
RS: Way to go, Sis.
FW: Well, if that's all it takes, that'll be great.
FW: Well, if that's all it takes, that'd be great.
Dwarf: We'll be in trouble if we get \Nhit by a blizzard, though.
Dwarf: We'll be in trouble if we get hit by a blizzard, though.
Dwarf: What do you think, spellcaster?
Dwarf: What do you think, spellcaster?
Wizard: I'll do whatever she wants. \NShe's our leader, after all.
Wizard: I'll do whatever she wants. She's our leader, after all.
NF: It's just as I thought. \NIt's just a matter of time.
NF: I knew it. It was only a matter of time.
W: It doesn't look like they're coming out today.
W: It doesn't look like they're coming out today.
RS: Maybe they've got their guard up now.
RS: Maybe they've got their guard up.
NF: I'm sure they'll come out at any moment.
NF: I'm sure they'll come out at any moment.
NF: They're goblins, after all.
NF: They're goblins, after all.
RS: Sorry, Sis. I'll be right back.
RS: Sorry, Sis. I'll be right back.
FW: That's what you get for eating snow.
FW: That's what you get for eating snow.
D: We don't have much firewood \Nleft to continue melting the snow.
D: We don't have much firewood left to melt the snow.
D: We need to think of something.
D: We need to think of something.
NF: Let's keep watch a little longer.
NF: Let's keep watch a little longer.
NF: I'm sure the goblins are \Nsuffering right about now.
NF: I'm sure the goblins are suffering right about now.
W: We'll follow your orders. \NYou're our leader.
W: We'll follow your orders. You're our leader.
NF: You can't possibly be suggesting that \Nwe flee without even fighting the goblins!
NF: We can't possibly run away without even fighting the goblins!
FW: As tired as we are right now, \Nthey might just overpower us.
FW: They might just overpower us, tired as we are now!
FW: We don't have much food or firewood left.
FW: And we don't have much food or firewood left.
NF: You're content with having people \Nlaugh at us for being the adventurers
NF: You would rather have us be known as the adventurers
NF: who ran from some goblins?
NF: who ran from some goblins?
RS: That's all I could get today.
RS: That's all I could get today.
RS: How about this?
RS: How about this?
RS: One of us could go down to the nearby \Nvillage to get supplies and food.
RS: One of us could go down to the nearby village to get supplies and food.
FW: But who would go?
FW: But who would go?
RS: You go. I'm the only one doing \Nany work around here lately.
RS: You go. I'm the only one doing any work around here lately.
RS: I'm done with this crap.
RS: I'm done with this crap.
W: Agreed. To be honest, I never \Nliked this plan anyway.
W: Agreed. To be honest, I never liked this plan anyway.
NF: Very well. I agree that's \Nthe most logical option.
NF: Very well. I agree that's the most logical option.
Mayor: Ah, lady adventurer, you're back.
Mayor: Ah, lady adventurer, you're back.
Mayor: How are things going?
Mayor: How are things going?
NF: Well, I... We're still working on it.
NF: Well... we're still working on it.
Mayor: My stars.
Mayor: My stars.
NF: I was wondering if you \Ncould spare us some food...
NF: So I was wondering if you could spare us some food...
NF: How did things end up like this?
NF: How did things end up like this?
NF: Why are the goblins giving \Nus so much trouble?
NF: Why are these goblins giving us so much trouble?
NF: Those stupid goblins...
NF: They’re just goblins…
NF: G-Goblins?
NF: G-Goblins?
NF: It won't come out...
NF: My sword...
NF: My sword won't come out!
NF: It won't come out!
NF: No... S-Stop!
NF: No... S-Stop!
NF: Stop...
NF: Stop...
NF: No!
NF: No!
NF: Where are the others?
NF: Where are the others?
GS: Dead.
GS: Dead.
NF: I see.
NF: I see.
GS: I want to ask you something.
GS: I want to ask you something.
GS: Just answer as well as \Nyou can. Do you mind?
GS: Just answer as well as you can. I hope you don't mind.
GS: What did you do?
GS: What did you do?
NF: We were trying to starve them out.
NF: We were trying to starve them out.
NF: I thought it would work.
NF: I thought it would work.
GS: I see.
GS: I see.
NF: We would all work together, \Nraise our ranks, and...
NF: We would all work together, raise our ranks, and...
NF: I thought it would all work out.
NF: I thought it would all work out.
GS: I see.
GS: I see.
GS: I guess things like that happen.
GS: I guess things like that happen.
NF: Hey, wait.
NF: Hey, wait.
GS: What?
GS: What?
NF: Are you Goblin Slayer?
NF: Are you Goblin Slayer?
GS: That's what they call me.
GS: That's what they call me.
NF: Ow...
NF: Ow...
NF: Goblin Slayer...
NF: Goblin Slayer...
GS: How's your wound?
GS: How's your wound?
HEA: I'm fine.
HEA: I'm fine.
HEA: It still hurts a little, \Nbut it's been treated.
HEA: It still hurts a little, but it's been treated.
GS: I see.
GS: I see.
HEA: So you mentioned a God of \NWisdom back in that cave, right?
HEA: So you mentioned a God of Wisdom back in that cave, right?
HEA: What's his deal?
HEA: What's his deal?
P: The God of Wisdom is the \Ndeity of external knowledge.
P: The God of Wisdom is the deity of external knowledge.
HEA: So he's a god of knowledge?
HEA: So he's a god of knowledge?
P: The God of Knowledge that we believe \Nin has dominion over intelligence,
P: The God of Knowledge that we believe in has dominion over intelligence,
P: reason, and the truths of this world, \Nand guides those who wish to know the unknown.
P: reason, and the truths of this world, and guides those who wish to know the unknown.
P: The God of Knowledge believes \Nthat the suffering and frustration
P: The God of Knowledge believes that the suffering and frustration
P: experienced on the path to gaining \Nknowledge are important,
P: experienced on the path to gaining knowledge are important,
P: but the God of Wisdom gives knowledge \Nindiscriminately to one and all.
P: but the God of Wisdom just gives knowledge indiscriminately.
P: As a result, ways to destroy \Nthis world are created,
P: It gives birth to heretics who want to destroy the world
: and the God of Wisdom is not interested in
P: and the God of Wisdom is not interested in
P: how many innocent lives \Nare lost in the process.
P: the innocent lives that are lost in the process.
HEA: Now my head is starting to hurt\Nin addition to my leg.
HEA: Even my head is starting to hurt now.
GS: Whatever the reason, the problem is goblins.
GS: Whatever the reason, the problem is goblins.
GS: Their lair must be elsewhere.
GS: Their lair must be elsewhere.
GS: It seems there are some \Nruins higher up here.
GS: It seems there are some ruins higher up here.
LP: What sort of ruins?
LP: What sort of ruins?
GS: A dwarf fortress.
GS: A dwarven fortress.
DS: Ah, the dwarves' fortress \Nfrom the Age of the Gods...
DS: Ah, a dwarven fortress from the Age of the Gods...
DS: It's not going to be easy to \Nget in there from the front.
DS: Entering from the front will not be an easy task.
DS: You got any good ideas?
DS: You got any good ideas?
GS: I just thought of one.
GS: I just thought of one.
NF: I'll go, too.
NF: I'll go, too.
HEA: You can't. We came here on a request \Nfrom your parents to save you.
HEA: You can't. We took on a request from your parents to save you.
HEA: You should head home \Nand talk to them first.
HEA: You should head home and talk to them first.
NF: I have to get it back.
NF: I have to get it back.
LP: Get what back, if I may ask?
LP: Get what back, if I may ask?
NF: Everything... Everything that I've lost.
NF: Everything... that I've lost.
LP: A dragon only has honor \Nwhen it is a true dragon.
LP: A dragon only has honor when it is a true dragon.
LP: A dragon without honor is no dragon.
LP: A dragon without honor is no dragon.
HEA: H-Hey, what if she dies?!
HEA: H-Hey, what if she dies?!
DS: Well, you might die, too.
DS: Well, you might die, too.
DS: Even we might die.
DS: Even we might die.
DS: All living creatures eventually die.
DS: All living creatures eventually die.
DS: You elves know that better than anyone.
DS: You elves know that better than anyone.
HEA: Well, yeah, but...
HEA: Well, yeah, but...
P: We should take her with us. Otherwise...
P: We should take her with us. Otherwise...
GS: I am neither your parent nor your friend.
GS: I am neither your parent nor your friend.
GS: If you have a request, \Nyou know what you need to do.
GS: If you have a request, you know what you must do.
NF: I know that.
NF: I know that.
NF: I'll get the reward money\Nand pay you up front.
NF: An advanced payment.
NF: And I'll also come with you.
NF: I’ll be coming with you, too.
GS: What can you do?
GS: What can you do?
NF: I know the way of the sword, \Nand I can cast lightning spells.
NF: I can use a sword, \Nand I can cast lightning spells.
GS: Very well. You don't have \Nany objections, do you?
GS: Very well. You don't have any objections, do you?
HEA: As long as you're okay with it, Orcbolg.
HEA: As long as you're okay with it, Orcbolg.
GS: Then let's go slay some goblins.
GS: Then let's slay some goblins.
HEA: I don't agree with this!
HEA: I don't agree with this!
HEA: Why are we being treated \Nlike we're battle trophies?
HEA: Why should we be treated like battle trophies?
GS: The rest of us wouldn't be convincing.
GS: The rest of us wouldn't be convincing.
DS: Do you hear those fools \Nyapping, Sir Bishop?
DS: Do you hear those fools yapping, Sir Bishop?
LP: They will eventually become offerings \Nto the God of External Knowledge.
LP: They will eventually become offerings to the God of External Knowledge.
LP: Let them do as they please for now.
LP: Let them do as they please for now.
P: Um... Are you cold?
P: Um... Are you cold?
NF: I'm fine.
NF: I'm fine.
P: Well, I'm cold, so I'm \Ngoing to get a bit closer.
P: Well, I'm cold, so I'm going to get a bit closer.
NF: Do as you please.
NF: Do as you please.
HEA: Hey, I guess you aren't completely dense.
HEA: I guess you aren't completely dense.
P: Thank you very much.
P: Thank you very much.
GS: I planned to give these to you \Nwhen we reached the fortress,
GS: I planned to give these to you at the fortress,
GS: but these rings have breathing \Nspells sealed within them.
GS: but these are rings enchanted with water breathing spells.
P: Rings that allow us \Nto breathe underwater?
P: Rings that allow us to breathe underwater?
GS: That should help with the cold a little.
GS: That should help with the cold a little.
HEA: You should've given these to us earlier!
HEA: You should've given these to us earlier!
P: These are amazing.
P: These are amazing.
HEA: Right?
HEA: I know, right?
P: Here. You should use it, too.
P: Here. You should use it, too.
NF: I don't need it. I'm not cold.
NF: I don't need it. I'm not cold.
P: Yes, of course.
P: Yes, of course.
HEA: Now you can't run away.
HEA: Now you can't run away.
LP: I am the Bishop of the Green Moon,
LP: I am the Bishop of the Green Moon,
LP: a humble servant of the \NGod of External Knowledge!
LP: a humble servant of the God of External Knowledge!
LP: Open these doors!
LP: Open your doors!
P: Don't worry. We're all here with you.
P: Don't worry. We're all here with you.
HEA: Here they come.
HEA: Here they come.
P: Is that the goblin paladin?
P: Is that the goblin paladin?
NF: No.
NF: No.
LP: I would like to request an audience with
LP: I would like to request an audience with
LP: the master of this fortress, \Nthe noble paladin.
LP: the master of this fortress, the noble paladin.
LP: Yes, I bring offerings.
LP: Yes, I bring offerings.
LP: Please throw them in a cell
LP: Yes, we can throw them in a cell
LP: and cut off their hands and \Nfeet so they cannot run away.
LP: and cut off their hands and feet so they cannot run away.
HEA: Are they actually communicating?
HEA: Are they actually communicating?
P: Apparently, it's the miracle \Nof telepathic communication.
P: Apparently, it's the miracle of telepathic communication.
LP: Ah, so we shall begin with this girl.
LP: Ah, so we shall begin with this girl.
HEA: Are you okay? Are you hurt?
HEA: Are you okay? Are you hurt?
P: Calm down!
P: Calm down!
NF: Why, you...
NF: Why, you...
GS: Well, I did expect this...
GS: Well, I did expect this...
HEA: Hey, give it a rest already!
HEA: Hey, give it a rest already!
NF: Goblins need to die!
NF: The goblins need to die!
HEA: Oh, for crying out loud!
HEA: Oh, for crying out loud!
LP: This was to be expected.
LP: We had no choice.
LP: It's better we keep an eye on her \Nif she's going to be reckless.
LP: It's better we keep an eye on her than let her loose on her own.
HEA: Yeah, but...
HEA: Yeah, but...
P: P-Please, calm down.
P: P-Please, calm down.
HEA: You should be angrier than \Nanyone else right now.
HEA: You should be angrier than anyone else right now.
GS: Calm down.
GS: Calm down.
GS: Take care of your wound first, then heal her.
GS: Take care of your wound first, then heal her.
GS: Her hand will rot. And it'll leave a scar.
GS: Her hand will rot. And it'll leave a scar.
P: Right.
P: Right.
GS: There were survivors among the \Nhostages. Go check on them.
GS: Some of the prisoners were still alive. Go check on them.
DS: Right.
DS: Right.
DS: I'm not sure if I'm up to the \Ntask alone. Come along, Scaly.
DS: I'm not sure if I'm up to the task alone. Come along, Scaly.
LP: Well, spellcasters are known \Nto be physically weak.
LP: It's true that spellcasters are known to be physically weak.
P: Let's go.
P: Let's go.
LP: I understand how you feel, but it might \Nbe better to hold off until later.
LP: I understand how you feel, but it might be better to hold off until later.
HEA: Why did you bring that girl?
HEA: Why did you bring that girl?
GS: Because we need her.
GS: Because we need her.
HEA: We need her?
HEA: We need her?
GS: Now that we've attempted this, \Nthere's only winning or losing.
GS: Now that we're here, the only way out is to win.
HEA: That's not what I'm talking about here.
HEA: That's not what I'm talking about here.
GS: I know.
GS: I know.
GS: At least, I believe I do.
GS: At least, I believe I do.
GS: Get ready.
GS: Get ready.
HEA: Sorry. I lost my temper.
HEA: Sorry. I lost my temper.
GS: It happens.
GS: It happens.
GS: To you, to her, and to me.
GS: To you, to her, and to me.
HEA: Even you?
HEA: Even you?
GS: Yes.
GS: Yes.
HEA: I can't picture it.
HEA: I can't picture it.
GS: Is that so?
GS: Is that so?
HEA: Yes.
HEA: Yes.
GS: I see.
GS: I see.
P: Will the hostages be all right?
P: Will the prisoners be all right?
LP: This is probably safer than \Ntaking them with us.
LP: This is probably safer than taking them with us.
DS: What's that sword made of?
DS: What was your sword made of?
NF: Aluminum.
NF: Aluminum.
NF: The blade was forged from a red gem \Nand tempered with lightning.
NF: The blade was forged from a red gem and tempered with lightning.
DS: Mind letting me have a closer look?
DS: Mind letting me have a look later?
DS: So, where are we headed?
DS: So, where are we headed?
GS: We should head to their armory first.
GS: The armory.
GS: But before we do that, how many \Nspells and miracles do we have left?
GS: But before that, how many spells and miracles do we have left?
P: Um... I have three remaining, and the \Nother two have four and three...
P: Um... I have three remaining, \Nand the other two have four and three...
P: So we have a total of ten.
P: So we have a total of ten.
DS: We forgot to include the girlie over there.
DS: You forgot to include the girlie over there.
NF: Two.
NF: Two.
P: So we have twelve remaining altogether.
P: So we have twelve altogether.
GS: No, we should save our two \Nlightning spells if we can.
GS: No, we should save our two lightning spells.
NF: We'll be able to kill the goblins?
NF: Can we kill the goblins?
GS: Yes, if all goes well.
GS: Yes, if all goes well.
P: Well, we're counting on you.
P: We're counting on you.
NF: All right.
NF: All right.
GS: Why did you give her the torch?
GS: Why did you give her the torch?
P: I think it must hurt to be \Nleft not carrying anything.
P: I think it must hurt to be left not carrying anything.
P: Didn't you notice? She seemed a bit \Nbashful when I gave her the torch.
P: Didn't you notice? She seemed a bit bashful when I gave her the torch.
GS: This seems a bit different for an armory.
GS: This seems different from a normal armory.
DS: Well, this is a dwarf fortress, \Nso we might find some ore deposits.
DS: This is a dwarven fortress, \Nso there might have been ore deposits nearby.
GS: But would the goblins actually \Nreinforce their blades?
GS: But would the goblins actually reinforce their blades?
LP: Regardless, leave this to me.
LP: Regardless, leave this to me.
DS: Hey, girlie. Help me out.
DS: Hey, girlie. Help me out.
DS: We're going to carry some \Nof this out of here.
DS: We should bring some of these with us.
DS: Beard-cutter is a master \Nat destroying weapons.
DS: Beard-cutter loves to go through his weapons.
GS: I believe I'm using them effectively.
GS: I believe I'm using them effectively.
DS: You're not going to get very \Nfar with just a short sword.
DS: You're not going to get very far with just a short sword.
DS: Guess we should see what \Nkinds of swords they have.
DS: Guess we should see what kinds of swords they have.
NF: I don't need any other sword.
NF: I don't need any other sword.
DS: So you don't want an actual sword.
DS: So you don't want a sword.
DS: Very well. This is how relationships begin.
DS: Very well. This is how relationships begin.
DS: What good would it do if you \Ncouldn't speak your mind?
DS: What good would it do if you couldn't speak your mind?
LP: Well, are we ready?
LP: Well, are we ready?
DS: Go for it.
DS: Go for it.
LP: O great ancestors who sleep \Nwithin the great whiting...
LP: O great ancestors who sleep within the great whiting...
LP: Take these things with you \Nthrough the burden of time.
LP: Take these things with you through the burden of time.
P: Is that a prayer for decay?
P: Is that a prayer for decay?
LP: Indeed.
LP: Indeed.
LP: Now we have the prisoners from their \Ndungeon as well as their weapons.
LP: We have taken care of the prisoners as well as their weapons.
LP: All according to plan.
LP: All according to plan.
GS: Yeah.
GS: Yeah.
GS: We messed up.
GS: We messed up.
GS: This is a goblin coronation ceremony.
GS: This is a goblin coronation ceremony.
P: And a coronation ceremony needs a priest... \Na cleric to conduct the ceremony.
P: And a coronation ceremony needs a priest... a cleric to conduct the ceremony.
DS: Well, he's sort of dead in the dungeon.
DS: Well, he's sort of dead in the dungeon.
P: Wh-What's wrong?
P: Wh-What's wrong?
P: O merciful Earth Mother,
P: O merciful Earth Mother,
P: please lay your revered hand \Nupon this child's wounds!
P: please lay your divine hand upon this child's wounds!
GS: Get down!
GS: Get down!
GS: Are you all right?
GS: Are you all right?
: Y-Yes.
P: Y-Yes.
GS: At least they tried.
GS: What a poor imitation.
GS: How are you doing over there?
GS: How are you doing over there?
HEA: We're surviving.
HEA: We're surviving.
GS: Let's split up. I'll act as the decoy.
GS: Let's split up. I'll be the decoy.
LP: My physical strength will be optimal \Nto carry the prisoners out.
LP: My physical strength will be optimal to carry the prisoners out.
LP: I will take up that task.
LP: I will take up that task.
GS: All right, let's go.
GS: All right, let's go.
P: All right.
P: All right.
P: Don't.
P: Don't.
NF: I know... I know... I know.
NF: I know... I know... I know.
NF: But this isn't... Why do they get \Nto... laugh and do whatever...
NF: But this isn't fair... They don't deserve to laugh like that...
NF: It's all my fault again.
NF: It's all my fault again.
NF: This all happened because \Nof me... Because of...
NF: This all happened... because of me...
NF: I need my sword back! I need it...
NF: I need my sword back! I need it...
NF: Give it back... Give it back! \NI want to go home!
NF: Give it back... Give it back! I want to go home!
NF: Father, Mother... I'm through with...
NF: Father, Mother... I hate this...
GS: I see. All right.
GS: I see. All right.
NF: Huh?
NF: Huh?
GS: I'll retrieve your sword.
GS: I'll get back your sword.
GS: I'll kill the paladin. I'll kill the goblins.
GS: I'll kill the paladin. I'll kill the goblins.
GS: I don't mean just one or two.
GS: And not just one or two.
GS: I don't mean just a single nest, \Nor all the ones in this fortress.
GS: Not just a single den, not just all the ones in this fortress.
GS: I'm going to slaughter all of the goblins.
GS: I'll slaughter all of the goblins.
GS: So stop crying.
GS: So stop crying.
P: O merciful Earth Mother, please bless us,
P: O merciful Earth Mother, please bless us,
P: the wanderers in the darkness,
P: humble wanderers in the dark,
P: with holy light!
P: with holy light!
GS: Let's go. Keep your head down.
GS: Let's go. Keep your head down.
P: O-Okay. Should I cast Protection?
P: O-Okay. Should I cast Protection?
GS: I'll leave that to you.
GS: I'll leave it to you.
P: Okay.
P: Okay.
GS: I'm leaving the rear to you.
GS: I'm leaving the rear to you.
NF: All right.
NF: All right.
P: It'll be okay.
P: We'll be okay.
GS: That's one.
GS: That's one.
GS: And two.
GS: And two.
GS: Three.
GS: Three.
NF: They're coming from behind!
NF: They're catching up!
GS: How many?
GS: How many?
NF: I'm not sure, but a lot!
NF: I'm not sure, but a lot!
GS: All right.
GS: All right.
NF: I can't keep up...
NF: I can't keep up...
P: Ugh! Why are there always so many of you?
P: Ugh! Why are there always so many of you?
NF: Take that!
NF: Take that!
GS: Thirteen.
GS: Thirteen.
GS: Well done.
GS: Well done.
HEA: I wonder if they're doing okay up there.
HEA: I wonder if they're doing okay up there.
DS: What? You worried about Beard-cutter?
DS: What? You worried about Beard-cutter?
HEA: I'm not worried about Orcbolg. \NI'm worried about my two friends up there.
HEA: I'm not worried about Orcbolg. \NI'm worried about my two friends up there.
HEA: You got a problem with that?
HEA: You got a problem with that?
DS: Well, you're an elf.
DS: Well, you're an elf.
DS: I guess you're partial to \Nthis friendship business.
DS: I guess you're partial to this friendship business.
LP: Throughout the ages, \Nwhen trying to conquer a castle,
LP: Throughout the ages, for those who seek to conquer a castle,
LP: flooding it has been standard,
LP: flooding it has been a standard tactic,
LP: but starving the enemy out \Nis also a worthy option.
LP: but starvation tactics are also a worthy choice.
GS: All right.
GS: All right.
GS: Pull!
GS: Pull!
GS: Twenty-nine. We're making good time.
GS: Twenty-nine. We're making good time.
GS: Let's fall back. Get ready.
GS: We're falling back. Get ready.
P: Goblin Slayer!
P: Goblin Slayer!
GS: Took you long enough.
GS: Took you long enough.
GS: Do it. I'll buy us some time.
GS: Do it. I'll buy us some time.
P: All right.
P: All right.
NF: Okay...
NF: Okay...
NF: Tortrus...
NF: Tonitrus...
P: O merciful Earth Mother,
P: O merciful Earth Mother,
NF: oriens...
NF: oriens...
P: please provide us protection...
P: please shield us weaklings...
NF: Iacta!
NF: Iacta!
NF: Take that!
NF: Take that!
P: We're ready!
P: We're ready!
GS: Never forget your adventurer tools \Nwhen heading out for adventure, I guess.
GS: Never forget your adventurer tools when heading out for adventure, I guess.
NF: Where are the others?
NF: Where are the others?
DS: I'm so sick of those goblins \Nand their stupid holes.
DS: I'm so sick of those goblins and their stupid holes.
HEA: You're telling me...
HEA: You're telling me...
GS: Right on time.
GS: Right on time.
LP: We are safe.
LP: We are safe.
P: Thank goodness.
P: Thank goodness.
HEA: Everything good on your end?
HEA: Everything good on your end?
P: Yes, we're fine.
P: Yes, we're fine.
HEA: We did it.
HEA: We did it.
NF: Yes.
NF: Yes.
DS: Beard-cutter, what happened to your sword?
DS: Beard-cutter, what happened to your sword?
GS: I threw it.
GS: I threw it.
DS: Some things never change.
DS: Some things never change.
GS: Thanks.
GS: Thanks.
HEA: Nothing beats the feeling of being able \Nto shoot as many arrows as I want!
HEA: I love it when I can shoot as many arrows as I want!
DS: Could you not say such scary things?
DS: Could you not say such scary things?
LP: My apologies.
LP: My apologies.
GS: I'll take care of the rear. Back me up.
GS: I'll take care of the rear. Back me up.
DS: You got it!
DS: You got it!
DS: Gnomes! Undines! Make me the \Nfinest cushion I'll ever see!
DS: Hear me, gnomes and undines! Make me the finest cushion I'll ever see!
DS: Who do you goblins think you are?
DS: Who do you goblins think you are?
HEA: Move!
HEA: Out of the way!
HEA: Ugh!
HEA: Ugh!
GS: There are fewer now. I'll take over. Go.
GS: Their numbers are thinning. I'll take over. Go.
GS: Eight, nine.
GS: Eight, nine.
GS: We can't just descend to \Nthe village like this.
GS: We can't return to the village like this.
GS: There was a valley, wasn't there?
GS: There was a valley, wasn't there?
LP: It's not far from here.
LP: It's not far from here.
GS: Then we'll go there.
GS: Then we'll go there.
DS: Here, Beard-cutter!
DS: Here, Beard-cutter!
GS: Thanks.
GS: Thanks.
GS: Thirteen.
GS: Thirteen.
DS: Right, what's next?
DS: Right, what's next?
GS: Give me a shovel!
GS: Give me a long one!
DS: You got it!
DS: You got it!
LP: My apologies...
LP: My apologies...
GS: Nineteen.
GS: Nineteen.
GS: Twenty.
GS: Twenty.
GS: Go on ahead. I'll crush them here.
GS: Go on ahead. I'll crush them here.
LP: Can you handle it?
LP: Can you handle it?
GS: Of course I can.
GS: Of course I can.
DS: That was the last of the weapons.
DS: That was the last of the weapons.
LP: Then I shall lend you mine.
LP: Then I shall lend you mine.
HEA: Leave the backup to me.
HEA: I'll back you up.
DS: My spells are about to run dry.
DS: I'm almost out of spells myself.
P: Goblin Slayer...
P: Goblin Slayer...
GS: Save your miracles.
GS: Save your miracles.
P: I will. I know you're counting on me.
P: I will. I know you're counting on me.
GS: I have a plan.
GS: I have a plan.
P: Right.
P: Right.
GS: Fire when I give the signal.
GS: Fire when I give the signal.
NF: All right.
NF: All right.
GS: He learned.
GS: He learned.
HEA: You rude little bastards!
HEA: You rude little bastards!
GS: In that case...
GS: In that case...
GS: You fell for it.
GS: You fell for it.
GS: Goblins are not bright creatures, \Nbut they aren't complete fools.
GS: Goblins are not bright creatures, but they aren't complete fools.
GS: However... you are a fool!
GS: However... you are a fool!
GS: Fire!
GS: Fire!
NF: Tonitrus...
NF: Tonitrus...
NF: oriens...
NF: oriens...
NF: iacta!
NF: iacta!
HEA: I have a bad feeling about this...
HEA: I have a bad feeling about this...
HEA: Oh, damn it!
HEA: Oh, damn it!
P: O merciful Earth Mother,
P: O merciful Earth Mother,
P: please protect us, the weak, \Nwith the powers of the earth.
P: please shield us weaklings with the power of the earth.
P: Protection!
P: Protection!
P: Goblin Slayer!
P: Goblin Slayer!
NF: Where is he?
NF: Where is he?
NF: Where's Goblin Slayer?
NF: Where's Goblin Slayer?
P: Probably toward the bottom, \Nif he was carried away by the snow.
P: Probably toward the bottom, if he was carried away by the snow.
HEA: Probably.
HEA: Probably.
HEA: It's probably better if we don't \Ntalk too loudly just yet.
HEA: We should probably keep our voices down for now.
LP: We should walk over to find him.
LP: We should walk over to find him.
NF: Aren't you worried about him?
NF: Aren't you worried about him?
DS: Of course we are. \NHe is our comrade, after all.
DS: Of course we are. He is our comrade, after all.
DS: But, you know...
DS: But, you know...
P: He is Goblin Slayer, after all.
P: He is Goblin Slayer, after all.
GS: I messed up.
GS: I messed up.
GS: I should've prepared for the impact \Nrather than the lack of air.
GS: I should've prepared for the impact rather than the lack of air.
NF: G-Goblin... Slayer?
NF: G-Goblin... Slayer?
GS: Are you all right?
GS: Are you all right?
HEA: We should be asking you that.
HEA: We should be asking you that.
HEA: I thought it was weird.
HEA: I thought it was weird.
HEA: There's no way Orcbolg would give us
HEA: There's no way Orcbolg would give us
HEA: these rings to breathe \Nunderwater for no reason.
HEA: these rings to breathe underwater for no reason.
HEA: Were you planning this from the start?
HEA: Were you planning this from the start?
GS: To an extent.
GS: To an extent.
P: It would've been nice of you to explain that.
P: It would've been nice of you to explain that.
GS: Don't be foolish.
GS: Don't be foolish.
GS: What if the enemy heard our \Nstrategy and tried to thwart us?
GS: What if they heard our strategy and tried to thwart us?
P: Yes, but you just make us worry when \Nyou don't tell us what's going on.
P: Yes, but you just make us worry when you don't tell us the plan.
HEA: I've got plenty to say to you,
HEA: I've got plenty to say to you,
HEA: but this is definitely how \Nan adventure should be.
HEA: but this is definitely how an adventure should be.
NF: Adventure...
NF: Adventure...
NF: I see... So this was an adventure.
NF: I see... So this was an adventure.
GS: Hey.
GS: Hey.
GS: I found it.
GS: I found it.
GS: I managed to get the sword, \Nbut the scabbard was washed away.
GS: I got the sword, but the scabbard was washed away.
GS: I guess the avalanche was a failure.
GS: I guess the avalanche was a failure.
GS: You sure cry a lot.
GS: You sure cry a lot.
Guild Girl: We somehow survived another year.
GG: Let us praise the Gods of Fate and Chance, and of Order and Chaos!
GG: Cheers!
All: Happy New Year!
Spearman: I worked real hard this past year.
Witch: I... guess.
SP: I swung my spear around and killed some big monsters.
SP: So that goblin killer is no match for me.
W: Yes, yes...
W: You worked hard... Yes, you did.
HEA: So what're you gonna do now?
NF: I'm planning to talk to my parents, have a nice long chat with them.
NF: I'd like to make graves for my fallen comrades, as well.
NF: After that, I'll decide my path.
HEA: Yeah, that sounds like a plan.
HEA: You always need to take care of your friends and family.
LP: Sweet nectar of the gods!
LP: Sir Goblin Slayer should've joined us.
DS: No kidding. I never get a chance to drink with ol' Beard-cutter.
LP: Not all encounters end up favorable, but one should still cherish the fate that brought us together.
NF: I, um... I'll make sure to write.
P: Yes. Please feel free to write us about anything, anytime.
P: I'll make sure to reply to all of them.
NF: Yes. I'll make sure to write lots and lots.
HEA: Ooh, me too! I've always wanted to write a letter to a friend.
Cowgirl: Maybe I'll write some letters, too.
CG: I rarely get