diff of show subcommand

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47 lines
OVERVIEW: LLVM profile data summary
OVERVIEW: LLVM profile data

SUBCOMMAND 'show': Takes a profile data file and displays the profiles

USAGE: llvm-profdata show [options] <profdata-file>
USAGE: llvm-profdata show [options] <profdata-file>


Color Options:

--color - Use colors in output (default=autodetect)

General options:
General options:

--all-functions - Details for every function
--all-functions - Details for each and every function
--binary-ids - Show binary ids in the profile.
--binary-ids - Show binary ids in the profile.
--counts - Show counter values for shown functions
--counts - Show counter values for shown functions
--covered - Show only the functions that have been executed.
--covered - Show only the functions that have been executed.
--debug-info=<string> - Read and extract profile metadata from debug info and show the functions it found.
--debug-info=<string> - For show, read and extract profile metadata from debug info and show the functions it found. For merge, use the provided debug info to correlate the raw profile.
--detailed-summary - Show detailed profile summary
--detailed-summary - Show detailed profile summary
--detailed-summary-cutoffs=<800000,901000,999999> - Cutoff percentages (times 10000) for generating detailed summary
--detailed-summary-cutoffs=<800000,901000,999999> - Cutoff percentages (times 10000) for generating detailed summary
--disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info - Disable autoupgrade of debug info
--function=<string> - Details for matching functions. For overlapping CSSPGO, this takes a function name with calling context.
--disable-i2p-p2i-opt - Disables inttoptr/ptrtoint roundtrip optimization
--enable-name-compression - Enable name/filename string compression
--experimental-debuginfo-iterators - Enable communicating debuginfo positions through iterators, eliminating intrinsics
--function=<string> - Details for matching functions
--generate-merged-base-profiles - When generating nested context-sensitive profiles, always generate extra base profile for function with all its context profiles merged into it.
--hot-func-list - Show profile summary of a list of hot functions
--hot-func-list - Show profile summary of a list of hot functions
--ic-targets - Show indirect call site target values for shown functions
--ic-targets - Show indirect call site target values for shown functions
Text moved with changes to lines 25-28 (96.7% similarity)
Profile kind:
--instr - Instrumentation profile (default)
--sample - Sample profile
--memory - MemProf memory access profile
--json - Show sample profile data in the JSON format (deprecated, please use --show-format=json)
--json - Show sample profile data in the JSON format (deprecated, please use --show-format=json)
--list-below-cutoff - Only output names of functions whose max count values are below the cutoff value
--list-below-cutoff - Only output names of functions whose max count values are below the cutoff value
--max-debug-info-correlation-warnings=<uint> - The maximum number of warnings to emit when correlating profile from debug info (0 = no limit)
--max-debug-info-correlation-warnings=<uint> - The maximum number of warnings to emit when correlating profile from debug info (0 = no limit)
--memop-sizes - Show the profiled sizes of the memory intrinsic calls for shown functions
--memop-sizes - Show the profiled sizes of the memory intrinsic calls for shown functions
Text moved with changes from lines 28-31 (96.7% similarity)
Profile kind supported by show:
--instr - Instrumentation profile (default)
--sample - Sample profile
--memory - MemProf memory access profile
--output=<output> - Output file
--output=<output> - Output file
--profile-version - Show profile version.
--profile-version - Show profile version.
--profiled-binary=<string> - Path to binary from which the profile was collected.
--profiled-binary=<string> - Path to binary from which the profile was collected.
--show-format=<value> - Emit output in the selected format if supported
--show-format=<value> - Emit output in the selected format if supported
=text - emit normal text output (default)
=text - emit normal text output (default)
=json - emit JSON
=json - emit JSON
=yaml - emit YAML
=yaml - emit YAML
--show-prof-sym-list - Show profile symbol list if it exists in the profile.
--show-prof-sym-list - Show profile symbol list if it exists in the profile.
--show-sec-info-only - Show the information of each section in the sample profile. The flag is only usable when the sample profile is in extbinary format
--show-sec-info-only - Show the information of each section in the sample profile. The flag is only usable when the sample profile is in extbinary format
--showcs - Show context sensitive counts
--showcs - Show context sensitive counts
--temporal-profile-traces - Show temporal profile traces in the profile.
--temporal-profile-traces - Show temporal profile traces in the profile.
--text - Show instr profile data in text dump format
--text - Show instr profile data in text dump format
--topn=<uint> - Show the list of functions with the largest internal counts
--topn=<uint> - Show the list of functions with the largest internal counts
--value-cutoff=<uint> - Set the count value cutoff. Functions with the maximum count less than this value will not be printed out. (Default is 0)
--value-cutoff=<uint> - Set the count value cutoff. Functions with the maximum count less than this value will not be printed out. (Default is 0)

Generic Options:
Generic Options:

--help - Display available options (--help-hidden for more)
--help - Display available options (--help-hidden for more)
--help-list - Display list of available options (--help-list-hidden for more)
--help-list - Display list of available options (--help-list-hidden for more)
--version - Display the version of this program
OVERVIEW: LLVM profile data summary

USAGE: llvm-profdata show [options] <profdata-file>


Color Options:

--color - Use colors in output (default=autodetect)

General options:

--all-functions - Details for every function
--binary-ids - Show binary ids in the profile.
--counts - Show counter values for shown functions
--covered - Show only the functions that have been executed.
--debug-info=<string> - Read and extract profile metadata from debug info and show the functions it found.
--detailed-summary - Show detailed profile summary
--detailed-summary-cutoffs=<800000,901000,999999> - Cutoff percentages (times 10000) for generating detailed summary
--disable-auto-upgrade-debug-info - Disable autoupgrade of debug info
--disable-i2p-p2i-opt - Disables inttoptr/ptrtoint roundtrip optimization
--enable-name-compression - Enable name/filename string compression
--experimental-debuginfo-iterators - Enable communicating debuginfo positions through iterators, eliminating intrinsics
--function=<string> - Details for matching functions
--generate-merged-base-profiles - When generating nested context-sensitive profiles, always generate extra base profile for function with all its context profiles merged into it.
--hot-func-list - Show profile summary of a list of hot functions
--ic-targets - Show indirect call site target values for shown functions
Profile kind:
--instr - Instrumentation profile (default)
--sample - Sample profile
--memory - MemProf memory access profile
--json - Show sample profile data in the JSON format (deprecated, please use --show-format=json)
--list-below-cutoff - Only output names of functions whose max count values are below the cutoff value
--max-debug-info-correlation-warnings=<uint> - The maximum number of warnings to emit when correlating profile from debug info (0 = no limit)
--memop-sizes - Show the profiled sizes of the memory intrinsic calls for shown functions
--output=<output> - Output file
OVERVIEW: LLVM profile data

SUBCOMMAND 'show': Takes a profile data file and displays the profiles

USAGE: llvm-profdata show [options] <profdata-file>


General options:

--all-functions - Details for each and every function
--binary-ids - Show binary ids in the profile.
--counts - Show counter values for shown functions
--covered - Show only the functions that have been executed.
--debug-info=<string> - For show, read and extract profile metadata from debug info and show the functions it found. For merge, use the provided debug info to correlate the raw profile.
--detailed-summary - Show detailed profile summary
--detailed-summary-cutoffs=<800000,901000,999999> - Cutoff percentages (times 10000) for generating detailed summary
--function=<string> - Details for matching functions. For overlapping CSSPGO, this takes a function name with calling context.
--hot-func-list - Show profile summary of a list of hot functions
--ic-targets - Show indirect call site target values for shown functions
--json - Show sample profile data in the JSON format (deprecated, please use --show-format=json)
--list-below-cutoff - Only output names of functions whose max count values are below the cutoff value
--max-debug-info-correlation-warnings=<uint> - The maximum number of warnings to emit when correlating profile from debug info (0 = no limit)
--memop-sizes - Show the profiled sizes of the memory intrinsic calls for shown functions
Profile kind supported by show:
--instr - Instrumentation profile (default)
--sample - Sample profile
--memory - MemProf memory access profile
--output=<output> - Output file
--profile-version - Show profile version.
--profiled-binary=<string> - Path to binary from which the profile was collected.
--show-format=<value> - Emit output in the selected format if supported
=text - emit normal text output (default)
=json - emit JSON
=yaml - emit YAML
--show-prof-sym-list - Show profile symbol list if it exists in the profile.