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27 removals
Words removed335
Total words981
Words removed (%)34.15
131 lines
4 additions
Words added4
Total words650
Words added (%)0.62
108 lines
Кафедра политической теории, доцент
Кафедра политической теории, доцент
Кафедра глобальных информационных процессов и ресурсов, заведующий кафедрой
Кафедра глобальных информационных процессов и ресурсов, заведующий кафедрой
Степени и звания
Степени и звания
Кандидат политических наук
Кандидат политических наук
Профессор Академии военных наук
Профессор Академии военных наук
Образование основное и дополнительное
Образование основное и дополнительное
2001 - Специалист Политолог по специальности политология. Государственный университет гуманитарных наук на базе Института философии РАН
2001 - Специалист Политолог по специальности политология. Государственный университет гуманитарных наук на базе Института философии РАН
2004 - Кандидат политических наук МГИМО (У) МИД России
2004 - Кандидат политических наук МГИМО (У) МИД России
«Психолого-педагогические основы преподавания в вузе»;
«Психолого-педагогические основы преподавания в вузе»;
«Формирование системы компетенций для профессиональной деятельности в международной среде в интересах укрепления позиций России»;
«Формирование системы компетенций для профессиональной деятельности в международной среде в интересах укрепления позиций России»;
«Основы организации и проведения единого государственного экзамена по предмету обществознание»;
«Основы организации и проведения единого государственного экзамена по предмету обществознание»;
«Политический маркетинг» (Университет Джорджа Вашингтона – США);
«Политический маркетинг» (Университет Джорджа Вашингтона – США);
«Преподавание МРА» (Гарвардский Университет – США).
«Преподавание МРА» (Гарвардский Университет – США).
Стажировки и чтение лекций
11/08 Harvard University, "Peace, Congress and Foreign Policy in the New Administration," Cambridge, MA
03/08 Harvard University, "Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy after 9/11," Cambridge, MA
10/07 Harvard University, "Truth: the new agenda for peace and security," Cambridge, MA
04/07 Harvard University, "Congress, war powers and the two Gulf wars," Hamden, CT
02/07 Harvard University School of Law, "War powers, use of force and the new Congress: challenges and opportunities," Cambridge, MA
Научные сообщества
Научные сообщества
Член Российской ассоциации международных исследований, IPSA, ISA, APSA.
Член Российской ассоциации международных исследований, IPSA, ISA, APSA.
Более 40 публикаций общим объемом более 100 п.л. Из них:
Более 40 публикаций общим объемом более 100 п.л. Из них:
Демократический прагматизм в трудах Джона Дьюи, Шелдона Волина, Бенджамина Бербера. Калининград. 2010
Демократический прагматизм в трудах Джона Дьюи, Шелдона Волина, Бенджамина Бербера. Калининград. 2010
Pragmatism and ideology in U.S. foreign policy in the global war on terror. Cambridge: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; John F. Kennedy School of Government. 2009
The losing battle against anti-Americanism. Cambridge: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; John F. Kennedy School of Government. 2008
Учебные курсы
Учебные курсы
Бакалавриат: Теории политики, политическая философия, современные политические теории.
Бакалавриат: Теории политики, политическая философия, современные политические теории.
Магистратура: Модели власти в США, Взаимодействие с органами государственной власти.
Магистратура: Модели власти в США, Взаимодействие с органами государственной власти.
Candidate of Political Science, MGIMO, September 2004
Candidate of Political Science, MGIMO, September 2004
Diploma of Specialist in Political Science, Moscow Institute of Philosophy, June 2001
Diploma of Specialist in Political Science, Moscow Institute of Philosophy, June 2001
Academic appointments:
Academic appointments:
2004 – present Associate Professor, Department of Political Theory, MGIMO, Russia
2004 – present Associate Professor, Department of Political Theory, MGIMO, Russia
2009 - present Professor Academy of Military Sciences
2009 - present Professor Academy of Military Sciences
2001-2004 Lecturer, Department of Political Theory, MGIMO, Russia
2001-2004 Lecturer, Department of Political Theory, MGIMO, Russia
2001-2004 Invited Lecturer, Moscow State University.
2001-2004 Invited Lecturer, Moscow State University.
Fall 2003 – teaching assistant to professor Stein Ugelvik Larsen (Institute of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen) during his MA course in MGIMO.
Fall 2003 – teaching assistant to professor Stein Ugelvik Larsen (Institute of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen) during his MA course in MGIMO.
Spring 2004 – teaching assistant to professor Stein Ugelvic Larsen during the «First International MA Course in Russian Politics and Institutions in Comparative Perspective» (for foreign students).
Spring 2004 – teaching assistant to professor Stein Ugelvic Larsen during the «First International MA Course in Russian Politics and Institutions in Comparative Perspective» (for foreign students).
Administrative appointments:
Administrative appointments:
May 2006–2008. Program Director, MGIMO - The George Washington University Program in Governance,Political management.
May 2006–2008. Program Director, MGIMO - The George Washington University Program in Governance,Political management.
December 2003 – February 2006. Executive Director of Russian International Study Association.
December 2003 – February 2006. Executive Director of Russian International Study Association.
December 2003 – September. Program Coordinator, MGIMO - Program Coordinator The University of Bergen.
December 2003 – September. Program Coordinator, MGIMO - Program Coordinator The University of Bergen.
Teaching experience:
Teaching experience:
Graduate: Political Theories, Political Philosophy, Modern Political Theories.
Graduate: Political Theories, Political Philosophy, Modern Political Theories.
Undergraduate: The models of power in the US government; Russian political process.
Undergraduate: The models of power in the US government; Russian political process.
Grants and Awards
Grants and Awards
2007 - «The best teacher of political science in the age of till 35 years»
2007 - «The best teacher of political science in the age of till 35 years»
01/09 The losing battle against anti-Americanism. Cambridge: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; John F. Kennedy School of Government.
01/09 The losing battle against anti-Americanism. Cambridge: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; John F. Kennedy School of Government.
09/08 Pragmatism and Relativism. (In Russian) Kaliningrad. Kaliningrad University.
09/08 Pragmatism and Relativism. (In Russian) Kaliningrad. Kaliningrad University.
03/05 The Concept of tradition in the modern American liberalism.(In Russian) Kaliningrad. Kaliningrad University.
03/05 The Concept of tradition in the modern American liberalism.(In Russian) Kaliningrad. Kaliningrad University.
01/10 Political Pragmatism. (In Russian) Political Studies. Moscow.
01/10 Political Pragmatism. (In Russian) Political Studies. Moscow.
09/09 Metaphors and Myth in America’s Foreign Policy Vocabulary.(In Russian) Intertrends. Moscow.
09/09 Metaphors and Myth in America’s Foreign Policy Vocabulary.(In Russian) Intertrends. Moscow.
05/09 Reconfiguring America’s Regional Relationships: New Partnerships for a New Age. Cambridge. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; John F. Kennedy School of Government.
07/08 Democratic Capitalism in the United States (In Russian) Politea. Moscow.
07/08 Democratic Capitalism in the United States (In Russian) Politea. Moscow.
05/08 Originalism and Pragmatism: False Friends. (In Russian)Vestnik MGU. Moscow.
05/08 Originalism and Pragmatism: False Friends. (In Russian)Vestnik MGU. Moscow.
12/07 A difficult way to understanding and cooperation. (In Russian) Modern Europe. Moscow.
12/07 A difficult way to understanding and cooperation. (In Russian) Modern Europe. Moscow.
10/07 The temptation to agree with Bzhezinsky.(In Russian) Intertrends. Moscow.
10/07 The temptation to agree with Bzhezinsky.(In Russian) Intertrends. Moscow.
06/07 Inoculations of import democracy.(In Russian) Intertrends. Moscow.
06/07 Inoculations of import democracy.(In Russian) Intertrends. Moscow.
02/07 Internal threats to power of America.(In Russian) Intertrends. Moscow.
02/07 Internal threats to power of America.(In Russian) Intertrends. Moscow.
12/06 Actual problems of the Siberian region. (In Russian) Tomsk State University. Tomsk.
12/06 Actual problems of the Siberian region. (In Russian) Tomsk State University. Tomsk.
06/06 Internal threats to America. (In Russian) Intertrends. Moscow.
06/06 Internal threats to America. (In Russian) Intertrends. Moscow.
04/06 Siberian region as advanced post of Russia. (In Russian) Tomsk State University. Tomsk.
04/06 Siberian region as advanced post of Russia. (In Russian) Tomsk State University. Tomsk.
01/06 The role of the international associations in the modern policy.(In Russian) RISA Moscow.
01/06 The role of the international associations in the modern policy.(In Russian) RISA Moscow.
12/05 The cores concepts of power in modern liberalism. (In Russian) Political Studies. Moscow.
12/05 The cores concepts of power in modern liberalism. (In Russian) Political Studies. Moscow.
04/05 Kaliningrad: a last advanced post of Russia?(In Russian) Moscow. RISA
04/05 Kaliningrad: a last advanced post of Russia?(In Russian) Moscow. RISA
08/05 The War Congress. Cambridge. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; John F. Kennedy School of Government.
08/05 Congress and U.S. foreign policy. Cambridge. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; John F. Kennedy School of Government.
07/05 Liberalism or leadership: debating the future of the Democratic Party. Hamden, CT
02/05 U.S. foreign policy in the next four years: more leadership or more of the same? New York, NY
10/04 American power and liberal security. Cambridge, MA
05/04 Iraq, terrorism and the changing paradigm of national power. Humanist Assn. of CTHamden, CT
02/04 American power: essential, but is it enough? The George Washington University Washington, D.C.
07/03 Conceptual Features of Political Traditions in Modern Political Ideologies. Political Studies. (in Russian) Moscow.
07/03 Conceptual Features of Political Traditions in Modern Political Ideologies. Political Studies. (in Russian) Moscow.
05/03 Political Traditions as the Mechanism for Overcoming Historical Step-Type Behaviour. (in Russian) RISA Moscow. 2003;
05/03 Political Traditions as the Mechanism for Overcoming Historical Step-Type Behaviour. (in Russian) RISA Moscow. 2003;
04/03 Problem of Scientific Judgement of Traditions in Modern Political Theories (in Russian) MGIMO. Moscow. 2003
04/03 Problem of Scientific Judgement of Traditions in Modern Political Theories (in Russian) MGIMO. Moscow. 2003
11/08 Harvard University, "Peace, Congress and Foreign Policy in the New Administration," Cambridge, MA
03/08 Harvard University, "Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy after 9/11," Cambridge, MA
10/07 Harvard University, "Truth: the new agenda for peace and security," Cambridge, MA
04/07 Harvard University, "Congress, war powers and the two Gulf wars," Hamden, CT
02/07 Harvard University School of Law, "War powers, use of force and the new Congress: challenges and opportunities," Cambridge, MA
Экспертные комментарии
Экспертные комментарии
18.07.11 | Портал МГИМО
18.07.11 | Портал МГИМО
О перспективах «Правого дела» и «Общероссийского народного фронта»
О перспективах «Правого дела» и «Общероссийского народного фронта»
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версия для печати
Последнее обновление: 20.02.2013
Последнее обновление: 21.02.2013