SobsPleaase WEB EP3 - v1 vs. v2

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# SobsPlease v1
# SobsPlease v2

No, a little more energy...
No, a little more energy...
That's it!
That's it!
Maybe the tempo should be a bit faster.
Maybe the tempo should be a bit faster.
The drums define the rhythm.
The drums define the rhythm.
The melody fills you with emotions, which scream to be put into words!
The melody fills you with emotions, which scream to be put into words!
And then there's the moment when everything clicks.
And then there's the moment when everything clicks.
It pierces straight into my soul and sends me flying!
It pierces straight into my soul and sends me flying!
It's already past midnight?
It's already past midnight?
No, wait! How?! When?! Why?!
No, wait! How?! When?! Why?!
What am I doing?!
What am I doing?!
I need to study, seriously!
I need to study, seriously!
Study, you idiot!
Study, you idiot!
I guess there's such a thing as adding too much.
I guess there's such a thing as adding too much.
Maybe I just need to take this one and make it a little quieter, then.
Maybe I just need to take this one and make it a little quieter, then.
Stay awake, Nina!
Stay awake, Nina!
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry...
"The pigeon was on the rhythm..."
"The pigeon was on the rhythm..."
Come on, focus!
Come on, focus!
I've barely made any progress since yesterday!
I've barely made any progress since yesterday!
I wasted an entire day playing around.
I wasted an entire day playing around.
A guitar?
A guitar?
Oh yeah, I think I saw an acoustic guitar preset too.
Oh yeah, I think I saw an acoustic guitar preset too.
Anyone home?
Anyone home?
That you, Nina? Come on in!
That you, Nina? Come on in!
Have you eaten yet?
Have you eaten yet?
N-No, I...
N-No, I...
We have meat buns!
We have meat buns!
Steaming meat buns!
Steaming meat buns!
Steaming meat buns!
Steaming meat buns!
Steaming meat buns!
Steaming meat buns!
Steaming meat buns!
Steaming meat buns!
Steaming meat buns!
Where are your manners, Momoka?!
Where are your manners, Momoka?!
More proof that you're from a rich home.
More proof that you're from a rich home.
Who puts sauce on meat buns?
Who puts sauce on meat buns?
They're better this way.
They're better this way.
They're from a classmate.
They're from a classmate.
She works in Chinatown, and they had these leftover.
She works in Chinatown, and they had these left over.
I see...
I see...
Are they good?
Are they good?
Yeah, they are.
Yeah, they are.
That's good. Enjoy.
That's good. Enjoy.
So, about the song...
So, about the song...
Is it done?
Is it done?
If only it was this quick to write one.
If only it was this quick to write one.
Oh, sad. Why are we here, then?
Oh, sad. Why are we here, then?
Your place isn't exactly on my way home, you know.
Your place isn't exactly on my way home, you know.
I thought we should discuss what kinda song we wanna do.
I thought we should discuss what kinda song we wanna do.
'Cause honestly, I've got nothing.
'Cause honestly, I've got nothing.
What kind of song would suit us three?
What kind of song would suit us three?
Honestly, I just bang the drums. I'm fine with anything.
Honestly, I just bang the drums. I'm fine with anything.
What about you, Nina?
What about you, Nina?
Yeah, I'm loving these!
Yeah, I'm loving these!
I think it's been a week or so since I taught you how to use this app, yeah?
I think it's been a week or so since I taught you how to use this app, yeah?
You made this in a week? Insane!
You made this in a week? Insane!
I don't know any theory and can't read sheet music,
I don't know any theory and can't read sheet music,
but Momoka said that with this app I could create a song entirely by feel.
but Momoka said that with this app I could create a song entirely by feel.
So I poked around a bit.
So I poked around a bit.
A bit? If you got this far already,
A bit? If you got this far already,
you must've spent entire days on this.
you must've spent entire days on this.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
I need to study.
I need to study.
I seriously need to study!
I seriously need to study!
So I was right.
So I was right.
It's all your fault!
It's all your fault!
You shouldn't have shown me this stupid app!
You shouldn't have shown me this stupid app!
I told you studying was my top priority!
I told you studying was my top priority!
You're just lashing out at me.
You're just lashing out at me.
I'm aware.
I'm aware.
Then don't blame me, young lady.
Then don't blame me, young lady.
Fine. Have it your way.
Fine. Have it your way.
I'm sorry for showing you the app.
I'm sorry for showing you the app.
Deleting it right now. Singing is all you have to—
Deleting it right now. Singing is all you have to—
You don't need to delete it.
You don't need to delete it.
Make up your mind!
Make up your mind!
I'm the one at fault!
I'm the one at fault!
All I need to do is focus on studying.
All I need to do is focus on studying.
You'll handle all the band stuff. Happy?
You'll handle all the band stuff. Happy?
Who are you trying to convince?
Who are you trying to convince?
See you next week.
See you next week.
What's her deal, anyway?
What's her deal, anyway?
She's not making any sense.
She's not making any sense.
I'll be heading home too.
I'll be heading home too.
Wait! What about the meat buns?
Wait! What about the meat buns?
You can eat the rest! See you!
You can eat the rest! See you!
Hey, Nina!
Hey, Nina!
Walk to the station together?
Walk to the station together?
I'm really impressed, you know.
I'm really impressed, you know.
You wrote a song in no time at all.
You wrote a song in no time at all.
I don't think I could do that.
I don't think I could do that.
It's not that impressive. I just did what Momoka showed me.
It's not that impressive. I just did what Momoka showed me.
But isn't it really hard to write lyrics and stuff?
But isn't it really hard to write lyrics and stuff?
Is it?
Is it?
Um... I'm going to stop by the store.
Um... I'm going to stop by the store.
I can come along.
I can come along.
No, it's alright.
No, it's alright.
I was thinking I'd just walk home from there.
I was thinking I'd just walk home from there.
See you, then.
See you, then.
Both of them, I swear...
Both of them, I swear...
Why can't you just... return it to her yourself?
Why can't you just... return it to her yourself?
I'm about to head to work.
I'm about to head to work.
You busy too?
You busy too?
I'm... not that busy, no.
I'm... not that busy, no.
Come on, Nina. You can go after school.
Come on, Nina. You can go after school.
Just take it to her.
Just take it to her.
For the buns.
For the buns.
Oh, I've seen this online.
Oh, I've seen this online.
Look there.
Look there.
Bumpkin spotted.
Bumpkin spotted.
Is it this way?
Is it this way?
A crossing...
A crossing...
And now...
And now...
This way!
This way!
Or not.
Or not.
Found it!
Found it!
Excuse me?
Excuse me?
Can I help you?
Can I help you?
Um, I'm looking for an Awa...
Um, I'm looking for an Awa...
Oh, you mean Subaru!
Oh, you mean Subaru!
Yeah, I think we can just improvise that bit.
Yeah, I think we can just improvise that bit.
My, it's Nina!
My, it's Nina!
What brings you here?
What brings you here?
Did you find this place just fine?
Did you find this place just fine?
I would've come out to get you if you'd called the school!
I would've come out to get you if you'd called the school!
I'm sorry I took so long.
I'm sorry I took so long.
Oh? Did you forget your phone?
Oh? Did you forget your phone?
Silly me.
Silly me.
The others are waiting for you.
The others are waiting for you.
See you later!
See you later!
Have a good evening!
Have a good evening!
Have some time after this?
Have some time after this?
Let's grab something to eat?
Let's grab something to eat?
I'll pay.
I'll pay.
have to study, actually.
have to study, actually.
Okay. What about the weekend?
Okay. What about the weekend?
Sunday, maybe?
Sunday, maybe?
Please, there's no need.
Please, there's no need.
It was on the way for me.
It was on the way for me.
If that's all, I'll be heading home.
If that's all, I'll be heading home.
Want me out?
Want me out?
Should I quit the band for you?
Should I quit the band for you?
I'm not as much of an airhead as I pretend I am.
I'm not as much of an airhead as I pretend I am.
I can tell you don't like having me around.
I can tell you don't like having me around.
What? No, I—
What? No, I—
I'm not trying to cause problems for you.
I'm not trying to cause problems for you.
I could always join another band.
I could always join another band.
No, that's not... You're not...
No, that's not... You're not...
I mean, you've got it all wrong!
I mean, you've got it all wrong!
It's just...
It's just...
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
You sure about this?
You sure about this?
Yeah. I can always study another day.
Yeah. I can always study another day.
It's not like we have a set pace.
It's not like we have a set pace.
No, I meant like, with me.
No, I meant like, with me.
I got started with music in a middle school band,
I got started with music in a middle school band,
so I don't wanna sound like I'm the expert here, but...
so I don't wanna act like I'm an expert here, but...
In a band, everyone has to be on the same page to make good music.
In a band, everyone has to be on the same page to make good music.
Here you go.
Here you go.
Would you like some tissues?
Would you like some tissues?
You end up spending a lot of time together.
You end up spending a lot of time together.
Please, take some tissues.
Please, take some tissues.
So if there's any sort of disagreement, you have to sort it out.
So if there's any sort of disagreement, you have to sort it out.
If you ignore the issue and pretend everything's fine, it will blow up eventually.
If you ignore the issue and pretend everything's fine, it will blow up eventually.
So whatever it is you dislike about me, just tell me.
So whatever it is you dislike about me, just tell me.
That's not it. I don't dislike you.
That's not it. I don't dislike you.
If anything, I'm the problem.
If anything, I'm the problem.
Stop blaming yourself all the time.
Stop blaming yourself all the time.
Everyone ends up hating me either way.
Everyone ends up hating me either way.
No! That's not what I wanted to say!
No! That's not what I wanted to say!
I'm just... bad at letting people get close.
I'm just... bad at letting people get close.
I'm shy, and it makes people act considerate around me.
I'm shy, and it makes people act considerate around me.
And? That's what upsets you?
And? That's what upsets you?
Not quite.
Not quite.
It's just, when someone tries to make me their friend,
It's just, when someone tries to make me their friend,
I don't wanna give in so easily and let them have it their way.
I don't wanna give in so easily and let them have it their way.
That's just how they make me feel...
That's just how they make me feel...
You are a pain to deal with.
You are a pain to deal with.
I guess this is also why you dropped out of school.
I guess this is also why you dropped out of school.
No, that was because...
No, that was because...
She told you?
She told you?
Do you enjoy looking down on people?
Do you enjoy looking down on people?
Listen here!
Listen here!
I don't know what's going on in your head, but allow me to be clear.
I don't know what's going on in your head, but allow me to be clear.
I may be attending an acting school,
I may be attending an acting school,
but it won't count as having finished high school!
but it won't count as having finished high school!
I'm in the same position as you!
I'm in the same position as you!
But you want to be an actress, don't you?
But you want to be an actress, don't you?
You're working hard towards your dreams!
You're working hard towards your dreams!
You can take pride in your work!
You can take pride in your work!
This is what I've been trying to explain.
This is what I've been trying to explain.
Recognize her?
Recognize her?
I might've seen her before, yeah.
I might've seen her before, yeah.
"The Case Files of a Grandma Detective."
"The Case Files of a Grandma Detective."
It's rerunning right now.
It's rerunning right now.
She's my grandmother.
She's my grandmother.
She just won't shut up about me.
She just won't shut up about me.
She keeps saying I'll follow in her footsteps.
She keeps saying I'll follow in her footsteps.
And made me apply to acting school, where she'd put in a good word.
And made me apply to acting school, where she'd put in a good word.
So, uh... You don't want to be an actress?
So, uh... You don't want to be an actress?
I don't want to make it my career.
I don't want to make it my career.
Then why do you still go to acting school?
Then why do you still go to acting school?
Good question. I do kinda wanna quit.
Good question. I do kinda wanna quit.
I often wonder what I'm gonna do after.
I often wonder what I'm gonna do after.
But no one else gives it a second thought.
But no one else gives it a second thought.
It's just natural, considering who my grandmother is,
It's just natural, considering who my grandmother is,
that I'd choose this path.
that I'd choose this path.
And the band?
And the band?
That's my little rebellion.
That's my little rebellion.
In middle school, I felt like I'd rather die than join the drama club.
In middle school, I felt like I'd rather die than join the drama club.
I like music, so I joined a school band instead.
I like music, so I joined a school band instead.
It turned out more fun than I expected.
It turned out more fun than I expected.
I also tried secretly starting my own band once.
I also tried secretly starting my own band once.
You never told your grandmother?
You never told your grandmother?
You think I could?
You think I could?
Oh, actually! Seen Hachiko yet?
Oh, actually! Seen Hachiko yet?
Won't people think I'm from the sticks?
Won't people think I'm from the sticks?
And? It's true, so who cares?
And? It's true, so who cares?
Well, since I brought it up, we're doing it!
Well, since I brought it up, we're doing it!
Starting today, you're officially my friend!
Starting today, you're officially my friend!
Girls Band Cry.
Girls Band Cry.
A public concert?
A public concert?
Yup! I thought it would be a good start.
Yup! I thought it would be a good start.
I reserved us a spot in a weekend event!
I reserved us a spot in a weekend event!
Didn't we say we'd record a song and upload it first?
Didn't we say we'd record a song and upload it first?
We're gonna do that too.
We're gonna do that too.
But I just have the urge to play some live music.
But I just have the urge to play some live music.
You guys make me feel it.
You guys make me feel it.
Why's that?
Why's that?
I saw the picture you sent me the other day.
I saw the picture you sent me the other day.
Both of you exude this dissatisfied feeling, like you couldn't be happy if you tried.
Both of you exude this dissatisfied feeling, like you couldn't be happy if you tried.
But that's what I like about you two, and why I asked you to play with me.
But that's what I like about you two, and why I asked you to play with me.
So it's all good.
So it's all good.
What do you think, Nina?
What do you think, Nina?
The way she put it bothers me.
The way she put it bothers me.
But I can see where she's coming from.
But I can see where she's coming from.
Can we even play live without a bass?
Can we even play live without a bass?
Nina can't play any instruments, can she?
Nina can't play any instruments, can she?
It's an amateur event.
It's an amateur event.
We'll manage with a synth track.
We'll manage with a synth track.
Also, we have this.
Also, we have this.
And this is?
And this is?
A looper pedal.
A looper pedal.
You record some notes and...
You record some notes and...
Wait, by concert, do you mean, like...
Wait, by concert, do you mean, like...
singing in front of people?
singing in front of people?
What else could I mean?
What else could I mean?
Like, you saw me singing that one time—
Like, you saw me singing that one time—
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Enough of that, seriously.
Enough of that, seriously.
Let go! I don't wanna!
Let go! I don't wanna!
Calm down.
Calm down.
You sang at the station already!
You sang at the station already!
It's the same deal.
It's the same deal.
It's not that simple!
It's not that simple!
I have no experience whatsoever!
I have no experience whatsoever!
You'll be fine.
You'll be fine.
Worst case, I'll figure something out.
Worst case, I'll figure something out.
Then why don't you just do the singing?
Then why don't you just do the singing?
You're much better than me anyway!
You're much better than me anyway!
And you'll play the guitar?
And you'll play the guitar?
You know I can't.
You know I can't.
I've said this before.
I've said this before.
I wanna hear you sing, Nina.
I wanna hear you sing, Nina.
But why?
But why?
Sing and find out.
Sing and find out.
Trust me.
Trust me.
I'm leaving.
I'm leaving.
If you leave now, you're out of the band.
If you leave now, you're out of the band.
Sure. It's been nice knowing you.
Sure. It's been nice knowing you.
Give it a moment.
Give it a moment.
It's cheap to use the band as leverage!
It's cheap to use the band as leverage!
You didn't care a moment ago.
You didn't care a moment ago.
But I—
But I—
Stop freaking out.
Stop freaking out.
Whether or not it goes well, whether it's a huge success or a total flop,
Whether or not it goes well, whether it's a huge success or a total flop,
you're gonna regret it either way.
you're gonna regret it either way.
I've got you figured out, you know.
I've got you figured out, you know.
That's not—
That's not—
Don't try to deny it.
Don't try to deny it.
You need to let it all out,
You need to let it all out,
and channel all your emotions into your singing.
and channel all your emotions into your singing.
Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
Game over! Nina loses.
Game over! Nina loses.
Stay out of this, Subaru!
Stay out of this, Subaru!
Take it out through song, not on her!
Take it out through song, not on her!
These are the feelings you need to channel.
These are the feelings you need to channel.
They have some nice equipment here.
They have some nice equipment here.
True. Even though this place is pretty cheap.
True. Even though this place is pretty cheap.
Let's see.
Let's see.
Good. I like it.
Good. I like it.
Nina, have you memorized the song I sent you?
Nina, have you memorized the song I sent you?
I tried including some of what you've made, too.
I tried including some of what you've made, too.
I have.
I have.
Let's run through it, then.
Let's run through it, then.
What did you think we came here for?
What did you think we came here for?
But this is too sudden!
But this is too sudden!
Don't be scared, come on.
Don't be scared, come on.
It's just practice.
It's just practice.
It'll be a mess no matter what.
It'll be a mess no matter what.
Making mistakes isn't a problem.
Making mistakes isn't a problem.
One, two, three, four!
One, two, three, four!
How was it?
How was it?
I've got goosebumps.
I've got goosebumps.
Mad goosebumps!
Mad goosebumps!
Oh my.
Oh my.
You've fallen for Momoka's trap!
You've fallen for Momoka's trap!
Once you experience this feeling, you'll want more.
Once you experience this feeling, you'll want more.
But why?
But why?
It's in our DNA.
It's in our DNA.
Humans naturally move in rhythm with music.
Humans naturally move in rhythm with music.
Singing and dancing is pure instinct to us.
Singing and dancing is pure instinct to us.
Something wrong?
Something wrong?
No, I'm just still stunned by how good your singing is.
No, I'm just still stunned by how good your singing is.
Yeah. I've got goosebumps too.
Yeah. I've got goosebumps too.
Alright, let's try the song.
Alright, let's try the song.
Medium, and a beer.
Medium, and a beer.
Medium without onion.
Medium without onion.
You sound like a drunk.
You sound like a drunk.
You told me to sing my heart out.
You told me to sing my heart out.
Most people would stop before their voice gets like that, though!
Most people would stop before their voice gets like that, though!
Oh, shut up.
Oh, shut up.
Another cigarette, ma'am.
Another cigarette, ma'am.
It should be back to normal tomorrow.
It should be back to normal tomorrow.
Do take care of your throat, though.
Do take care of your throat, though.
Are you three in a band?
Are you three in a band?
I see you have a guitar.
I see you have a guitar.
Would you like to come watch?
Would you like to come watch?
Thank you.
Thank you.
We could show them ours, too.
We could show them ours, too.
I wanna listen to them first.
I wanna listen to them first.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Alright, I've gotta go.
Alright, I've gotta go.
To work.
To work.
See ya.
See ya.
She paid for us again.
She paid for us again.
For both the food and the room.
For both the food and the room.
What is she looking at?
What is she looking at?
Probably at her former bandmates.
Probably at her former bandmates.
Next up, we have a band performing for the first time!
Next up, we have a band performing for the first time!
An all-girl trio that formed here in Kawasaki!
An all-girl trio that formed here in Kawasaki!
And their name is...
And their name is...
We're gonna have a talk about this afterwards.
We're gonna have a talk about this afterwards.
It's a temporary name.
It's a temporary name.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I'm sorry I'm late.
You're going on stage in that?
You're going on stage in that?
Should I not?
Should I not?
I told you to let it all out, didn't I?
I told you to let it all out, didn't I?
Change into that.
Change into that.
Attention. Momoka to Nina.
Attention. Momoka to Nina.
I figured we should go with something you'd hate wearing.
I figured we should go with something you'd hate wearing.
Stop overthinking things.
Stop overthinking things.
What matters is how you feel.
What matters is how you feel.
Listen to your heart and let it out.
Listen to your heart and let it out.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
I've got your back.
I've got your back.
You're shy, yet stubborn.
You're shy, yet stubborn.
Cowardly, yet confident.
Cowardly, yet confident.
You're pulled in every which way by your issues.
You're pulled in every which way by your issues.
That's not a compliment!
That's not a compliment!
Nina, we need you out here!
Nina, we need you out here!
You closed yourself off and let it build up.
You closed yourself off and let it build up.
That built-up energy... is rock.
That built-up energy... is rock.
No one knows who you are here.
No one knows who you are here.
Won't wait to find out, either.
Won't wait to find out, either.
That's what makes it interesting.
That's what makes it interesting.
Nina, you have a rock 'n' roll soul.
Nina, you have a rock 'n' roll soul.
This is... It's just...
This is... It's just...
It rocks!
It rocks!
Next time: "Gratitude (Surprise!)"
Next time: "Gratitude (Surprise!)"