Untitled diff

Created Diff never expires
0 removals
Words removed0
Total words2036
Words removed (%)0.00
430 lines
0 additions
Words added0
Total words2036
Words added (%)0.00
430 lines
// ==UserScript==
// ==UserScript==
// @name Neverwinter Gateway - Professions Robot
// @name Neverwinter Gateway - Professions Robot
// @description Automatically selects professions for empty slots
// @description Automatically selects professions for empty slots
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/771-neverwinter-gateway-professions-robot
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/771-neverwinter-gateway-professions-robot
// @include https://gateway.playneverwinter.com
// @include https://gateway.playneverwinter.com
// @include https://gateway.playneverwinter.com/*
// @include https://gateway.playneverwinter.com/*
// @include https://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com
// @include https://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com
// @include https://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com/*
// @include https://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com/*
// @include http://gateway.playneverwinter.com
// @include http://gateway.playneverwinter.com
// @include http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/*
// @include http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/*
// @include http://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com
// @include http://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com
// @include http://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com/*
// @include http://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com/*
// @originalAuthor Mustex
// @originalAuthor Mustex
// @modifiedBy Bunta
// @modifiedBy Bunta
// @modifiedBy Bluep
// @modifiedBy Bluep
// @modifiedBy Numberb
// @modifiedBy Numberb
// @version
// @version
// @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/
// @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// @grant GM_listValues
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// ==/UserScript==
// ==/UserScript==
/* RELEASE NOTES (v1, mod 5) (v1, mod 5)
- Started with bluep's edits (https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/270/x)
- Started with bluep's edits (https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/270/x)
- Edited back in leadership asset priority (https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/comment/7213/#Comment_7213)
- Edited back in leadership asset priority (https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/comment/7213/#Comment_7213)
- Edited in Jewelcrafting for Mod5 (https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/comment/6930/#Comment_6930)
- Edited in Jewelcrafting for Mod5 (https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/comment/6930/#Comment_6930)
- Modified the default leadership tasks to prioritize AD generation (feel free to rever)
- Modified the default leadership tasks to prioritize AD generation (feel free to rever)
/* End Bunta's Edits?
/* End Bunta's Edits?
- Fix some gem trading tasks not being filtered correctly
- Fix some gem trading tasks not being filtered correctly
- Add check for gateway disconnected
- Add check for gateway disconnected
- Fix leadership tasks not creating assets correctly
- Fix leadership tasks not creating assets correctly
- Add option to save task lists per character (experimental)
- Add option to save task lists per character (experimental)
- Rewrite script using client.dataModel methods to massively improve reliability and performance (thanks Msc)
- Rewrite script using client.dataModel methods to massively improve reliability and performance (thanks Msc)
- AD refining will now only attempt to refine if you are able to collect diamonds
- AD refining will now only attempt to refine if you are able to collect diamonds
- Change task lists to use exact task names so no ambiguity exists (no longer requires excluderare option)
- Change task lists to use exact task names so no ambiguity exists (no longer requires excluderare option)
- Asset resources are now trained as needed (only for required slots)
- Asset resources are now trained as needed (only for required slots)
- Fix resources not buying correctly in all cases
- Fix resources not buying correctly in all cases
- Fix pause button state saving correctly in firefox
- Fix pause button state saving correctly in firefox
- Add page timeout reloading functions outside of main function (thanks Kreese and Frabtik)
- Add page timeout reloading functions outside of main function (thanks Kreese and Frabtik)
- Add check to ensure tasks are being started for the correct character
- Add check to ensure tasks are being started for the correct character
- Alter next run resolve function to use delay parameter to allow for unique delay timers to be used in certain cases
- Alter next run resolve function to use delay parameter to allow for unique delay timers to be used in certain cases
- Fix ingredient task selection to correctly iterate through all ingredient tasks
- Fix ingredient task selection to correctly iterate through all ingredient tasks
- Alter character selection to pick only exact character name matches
- Alter character selection to pick only exact character name matches
- Update leadership tasks
- Update leadership tasks
- Exclude alchemy from rare task exclusions due to Aqua Regia (thanks Eversor)
- Exclude alchemy from rare task exclusions due to Aqua Regia (thanks Eversor)
- Reduce GM_setValue calls to avoid tampermonkey failing to save settings (thanks miah)
- Reduce GM_setValue calls to avoid tampermonkey failing to save settings (thanks miah)
- Altered mutichar selector to be faster (thanks miah)
- Altered mutichar selector to be faster (thanks miah)
- Updated rare tasks selector (thanks Traktor)
- Updated rare tasks selector (thanks Traktor)
- Add option to refine AD during character switching (thanks Eversor)
- Add option to refine AD during character switching (thanks Eversor)
- Added some level 20 gather tasks
- Added some level 20 gather tasks
- Increased supply buying to 100 units
- Increased supply buying to 100 units
- Added Multi-Character support
- Added Multi-Character support
- Added function to clear all saved settings for script
- Added function to clear all saved settings for script
- Remove disable sound functionality (now configurable in gateway)
- Remove disable sound functionality (now configurable in gateway)
- Added pause button to allow easy on/off switching
- Added pause button to allow easy on/off switching
- Added option to enable/disable filling optional asset slots
- Added option to enable/disable filling optional asset slots
- Added batch potions tasks to be skipped in ingredient selection
- Added batch potions tasks to be skipped in ingredient selection
- Added timer to reload page if stuck loading for too long
- Added timer to reload page if stuck loading for too long
- Added option to disable page sounds
- Added option to disable page sounds
- Updated license to by-nc-sa
- Updated license to by-nc-sa
- Add configurable option for excluding rare tasks
- Add configurable option for excluding rare tasks
- Add ability to specify specific level for tasks and configure same named artificing resource tasks to request correct level of task
- Add ability to specify specific level for tasks and configure same named artificing resource tasks to request correct level of task
- Remove purchase notification that never times out
- Remove purchase notification that never times out
- Added functionality to purchase required resources from gateway shop
- Added functionality to purchase required resources from gateway shop
- Add Artificing and Weaponsmithing to Robot
- Add Artificing and Weaponsmithing to Robot
(Artificing will not work properly yet as all three tiers of gather and craft tasks have the same task name)
(Artificing will not work properly yet as all three tiers of gather and craft tasks have the same task name)
- Update reload process
- Update reload process
- Fix optional asset selector with gateway update
- Fix optional asset selector with gateway update
- Simplify asset selection after they fixed bug in previous gateway update
- Simplify asset selection after they fixed bug in previous gateway update
- Update level 20 leadership tasks
- Update level 20 leadership tasks
- Update with changes in Mustex's script (version 15)
- Update with changes in Mustex's script (version 15)
* Added a secondary timer that will reload the gateway every few hours. This should help with disconnects from the server
* Added a secondary timer that will reload the gateway every few hours. This should help with disconnects from the server
* Implemented tooltips for settings panel
* Implemented tooltips for settings panel
- Repeat task reordering for +2 armor
- Repeat task reordering for +2 armor
- Fix selection of assets after gateway update
- Fix selection of assets after gateway update
- Skip intensive gather tasks added after gateway update
- Skip intensive gather tasks added after gateway update
- Change ordering of tasks and ingredient checks
- Change ordering of tasks and ingredient checks
The purpose of this is to allow crafting of +4 armors if you have +2 ingredients in your inv but to not create them if you don't.
The purpose of this is to allow crafting of +4 armors if you have +2 ingredients in your inv but to not create them if you don't.
Creating the ingredients for them is less efficient than crafting ingredients for pants but is more efficient if you already have the ingredients from earlier tasks.
Creating the ingredients for them is less efficient than crafting ingredients for pants but is more efficient if you already have the ingredients from earlier tasks.
- Optimise crafting tasks for highest exp/min gains due to ingredient requirements
- Optimise crafting tasks for highest exp/min gains due to ingredient requirements
- Add extra craft tasks for when residuum runs out
- Add extra craft tasks for when residuum runs out
- Only allow rare tasks to be selected for Leadership
- Only allow rare tasks to be selected for Leadership
This avoids craft loops where higher quality rare crafts require ingredients with the same name
This avoids craft loops where higher quality rare crafts require ingredients with the same name
- Alter craft tasks to favour armor to optimise inventory space
- Alter craft tasks to favour armor to optimise inventory space
- Fix script restart bug when no tasks found
- Fix script restart bug when no tasks found
- Update search string for Potions (After the task names for elxiirs have been changed)
- Update search string for Potions (After the task names for elxiirs have been changed)
- Remove logon error skips to avoid logons sometimes failing on first load (ensure logon details are correct!)
- Remove logon error skips to avoid logons sometimes failing on first load (ensure logon details are correct!)
- Update tasks for all professions
- Update tasks for all professions
- Update ingredient search lists for all professions
- Update ingredient search lists for all professions
- Fix regular expression used in potion ingredient search
- Fix regular expression used in potion ingredient search
- Alter default timeouts (makes script a lot more stable and less prone to errors)
- Alter default timeouts (makes script a lot more stable and less prone to errors)
- Remove unused variable
- Remove unused variable
- Add extra logging for task ingredient searches
- Add extra logging for task ingredient searches
- Fix bug with required resource checks getting stuck on non craftable resources
- Fix bug with required resource checks getting stuck on non craftable resources
- Added method to check for required task ingredients and choose tasks to create them
- Added method to check for required task ingredients and choose tasks to create them
Method is currently hard coded to specify certain search strings for ingredient types
Method is currently hard coded to specify certain search strings for ingredient types
Currently working for all Alchemy tasks
Currently working for all Alchemy tasks
There is a current problem that if you have the required potion ingredient but it is in your belt slots
There is a current problem that if you have the required potion ingredient but it is in your belt slots
the task is uncraftable but the ingredients show as available and it will not craft a new one
the task is uncraftable but the ingredients show as available and it will not craft a new one
- Update with changes in Mustex's script (version 12)
- Update with changes in Mustex's script (version 12)
* Added tasks for Platesmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring
* Added tasks for Platesmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring
* Added detection for the gateway being down
* Added detection for the gateway being down
- Update asset selection to avoid using coloured assets in junk slots for leadership
- Update asset selection to avoid using coloured assets in junk slots for leadership
- Update leadership tasks table due to task reward/duration alterations
- Update leadership tasks table due to task reward/duration alterations
- Add option to enable/disable automation process
- Add option to enable/disable automation process
- Update alchemy tasks some more
- Update alchemy tasks some more
- Add ability to select from multiple tasks with same name (eg Alchemical Research)
- Add ability to select from multiple tasks with same name (eg Alchemical Research)
- Add craft options for alchemy potions (need to be manually switched since they use the same ingredients)
- Add craft options for alchemy potions (need to be manually switched since they use the same ingredients)
- Add alchemy tasks up to level 20
- Add alchemy tasks up to level 20
- Change task slot selection to be user configurable options in settings window
- Change task slot selection to be user configurable options in settings window
- Add level 1 alchemical research
- Add level 1 alchemical research
- Added ability to specify how many tasks of each profession to train multiple professions at once
- Added ability to specify how many tasks of each profession to train multiple professions at once
- Updated mailsmithing level 0 tasks
- Updated mailsmithing level 0 tasks
- Changed asset selection to only update Junk assets
- Changed asset selection to only update Junk assets
- Leadership asset selection for bronze tier picks lowest asset first
- Leadership asset selection for bronze tier picks lowest asset first
- Modified Leadership tasks
- Modified Leadership tasks
- Tweaked Leadership tasks grid
- Tweaked Leadership tasks grid
- Added task grid for Alchemy (Partial)
- Added task grid for Alchemy (Partial)
- onsave handlers for settings are now called before the settings values are saved
- onsave handlers for settings are now called before the settings values are saved
- Added onsave handler for console to enable/disable using the window console
- Added onsave handler for console to enable/disable using the window console
- Added checking for errors (using the window title) and will navigate back to the main login page if autologin is enabled
- Added checking for errors (using the window title) and will navigate back to the main login page if autologin is enabled
- Added popup for altering settings
- Added popup for altering settings
- Settings are saved to script cache
- Settings are saved to script cache
- Added mailsmithing tasks to task grid
- Added mailsmithing tasks to task grid
- Added lower level leadership tasks to grid
- Added lower level leadership tasks to grid
- Added hiring tasks to leadership task
- Added hiring tasks to leadership task
- Uses saved values to determine which profession type to level (Defaults to Leadership, currently no way to change it)
- Uses saved values to determine which profession type to level (Defaults to Leadership, currently no way to change it)
- Is now able to recover from missing assets
- Is now able to recover from missing assets
- Uses a configurable grid to determine what the next task is to complete
- Uses a configurable grid to determine what the next task is to complete
- Is now able to select some hard coded leadership tasks
- Is now able to select some hard coded leadership tasks
- Can now collect from any completed slot
- Can now collect from any completed slot
// Make sure it's running on the main page, no frames
// Make sure it's running on the main page, no frames
if (window.self !== window.top) {
if (window.self !== window.top) {
throw "";
throw "";
// Set global console variables
// Set global console variables
var fouxConsole = {
var fouxConsole = {
log: function() {},
log: function() {},
info: function() {},
info: function() {},
error: function() {},
error: function() {},
warn: function() {}
warn: function() {}
var console = unsafeWindow.console || fouxConsole;
var console = unsafeWindow.console || fouxConsole;
// Page Reloading function
// Page Reloading function
// Every second the page is idle or loading is tracked
// Every second the page is idle or loading is tracked
var loading_reset = false; // Enables a periodic reload if this is toggled on by the Auto Reload check box on the settings panel
var loading_reset = false; // Enables a periodic reload if this is toggled on by the Auto Reload check box on the settings panel
var s_paused = false; // extend the paused setting to the Page Reloading function
var s_paused = false; // extend the paused setting to the Page Reloading function
(function() {
(function() {
var $ = unsafeWindow.$;
var $ = unsafeWindow.$;
var state_loading = 0; // If "Page Loading" takes longer than 30 seconds, reload page (maybe a javascript error)
var state_loading = 0; // If "Page Loading" takes longer than 30 seconds, reload page (maybe a javascript error)
var state_loading_time = 30; // default of 30 seconds
var state_loading_time = 30; // default of 30 seconds
var state_idle = 0; // If the page is idle for longer than 60 seconds, reload page (maybe a javascript error)
var state_idle = 0; // If the page is idle for longer than 60 seconds, reload page (maybe a javascript error)
var state_idle_time = 120; // default of 120 seconds
var state_idle_time = 120; // default of 120 seconds
var reload_hours = [2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23]; // logout and reload every three hours - 2:29 - 5:29 - 8:29 - 11:29 - 14:29 - 17:29 - 20:29 - 23:29
var reload_hours = [2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23]; // logout and reload every three hours - 2:29 - 5:29 - 8:29 - 11:29 - 14:29 - 17:29 - 20:29 - 23:29
var last_location = ""; // variable to track reference to page URL
var last_location = ""; // variable to track reference to page URL
var reload_timer = setInterval(function() {
var reload_timer = setInterval(function() {
if (!s_paused) {
if (!s_paused) {
if (loading_reset) {
if (loading_reset) {
var loading_date = new Date();
var loading_date = new Date();
var loading_sec = Number(loading_date.getSeconds());
var loading_sec = Number(loading_date.getSeconds());
var loading_min = Number(loading_date.getMinutes());
var loading_min = Number(loading_date.getMinutes());
var loading_hour = Number(loading_date.getHours());
var loading_hour = Number(loading_date.getHours());
if (reload_hours.indexOf(loading_hour) >= 0 && loading_min == 29 && loading_sec < 2) {
if (reload_hours.indexOf(loading_hour) >= 0 && loading_min == 29 && loading_sec < 2) {
console.log("Auto Reload");
console.log("Auto Reload");
unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";
unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";
// check for errors
// check for errors
if ($("title").text().match(/Error/) || $("div.modal-content h3").text().match(/Disconnected/)) {
if ($("title").text().match(/Error/) || $("div.modal-content h3").text().match(/Disconnected/)) {
console.log("Error detected - relogging");
console.log("Error detected - relogging");
unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";
unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";
if ($("div.loading-image:visible").length) {
if ($("div.loading-image:visible").length) {
last_location = location.href;
last_location = location.href;
state_idle = 0;
state_idle = 0;
if (state_loading >= state_loading_time) {
if (state_loading >= state_loading_time) {
console.log("Page Loading too long");
console.log("Page Loading too long");
state_loading = 0;
state_loading = 0;
} else {
} else {
console.log("Page Loading ...", state_loading + "s");
console.log("Page Loading ...", state_loading + "s");
// TODO: Add check for Gateway disconnected
// TODO: Add check for Gateway disconnected
//<div class="modal-content" id="modal_content"><h3>Disconnected from Gateway</h3><p>You have been disconnected.</p><button type="button" class="modal-button" onclick="window.location.reload(true);">Close</button>
//<div class="modal-content" id="modal_content"><h3>Disconnected from Gateway</h3><p>You have been disconnected.</p><button type="button" class="modal-button" onclick="window.location.reload(true);">Close</button>
/* Can't use idle check with dataModel methods
/* Can't use idle check with dataModel methods
else if (location.href == last_location) {
else if (location.href == last_location) {
state_loading = 0;
state_loading = 0;
if (state_idle >= state_idle_time) {
if (state_idle >= state_idle_time) {
console.log("Page Idle too long");
console.log("Page Idle too long");
state_idle = 0;
state_idle = 0;
unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";
unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";
else {
else {
// comment out to avoid console spam
// comment out to avoid console spam
//console.log("Page Idle ...", state_idle + "s");
//console.log("Page Idle ...", state_idle + "s");
else {
else {
last_location = location.href;
last_location = location.href;
state_loading = 0;
state_loading = 0;
state_idle = 0;
state_idle = 0;
}, 1000);
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* Add a string of CSS to the main page
* Add a string of CSS to the main page
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* @param {String} cssString The CSS to add to the main page
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function AddCss(cssString) {
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var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
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if (!head)
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newCss.type = "text/css";
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newCss.innerHTML = cssString;
function countLeadingSpaces(str) {
function countLeadingSpaces(str) {
return str.match(/^(\s*)/)[1].length;
return str.match(/^(\s*)/)[1].length;
var image_pause = "" +
var image_pause = "" +
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"2epO6iHqmeob1Q/pH5Z/YkGWcNMw09DpFGgsV/jvMYgC2MZs3gsIWsNq4Z1gTXEJrHN2Xx2" +
"KruY/R27iz2qqaE5QzNKM1ezUvOUZj8H45hx+Jx0TgnnKKeX836K3hTvKeIpG6Y0TLkxZVx" +
"KruY/R27iz2qqaE5QzNKM1ezUvOUZj8H45hx+Jx0TgnnKKeX836K3hTvKeIpG6Y0TLkxZVx" +
"rqpaXllirSKtRq0frvTau7aedpr1Fu1n7gQ5Bx0onXCdHZ4/OBZ3nU9lT3acKpxZNPTr1ri" +
"rqpaXllirSKtRq0frvTau7aedpr1Fu1n7gQ5Bx0onXCdHZ4/OBZ3nU9lT3acKpxZNPTr1ri" +
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