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Plaid Transaction

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22 removals
355 lines
29 additions
362 lines
A representation of where a transaction took place
A representation of where a transaction took place
type PlaidLocation {
type RemoteDataPlaidTransactionLocation {
The street address where the transaction occurred.
The street address where the transaction occurred.
address: String
address: String

The city where the transaction occurred.
The city where the transaction occurred.
city: String
city: String

The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code where the transaction occurred.
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code where the transaction occurred.
country: String
country: String

The latitude where the transaction occurred.
The latitude where the transaction occurred.
lat: Float
lat: Float

The longitude where the transaction occurred.
The longitude where the transaction occurred.
lon: Float
lon: Float

The postal code where the transaction occurred. In API versions 2018-05-22 and earlier, this field is called `zip`.
The postal code where the transaction occurred. In API versions 2018-05-22 and earlier, this field is called `zip`.
postalCode: String
postalCode: String

The region or state where the transaction occurred. In API versions 2018-05-22 and earlier, this field is called `state`.
The region or state where the transaction occurred. In API versions 2018-05-22 and earlier, this field is called `state`.
region: String
region: String

The merchant defined store number where the transaction occurred.
The merchant defined store number where the transaction occurred.
storeNumber: String
storeNumber: String

Transaction information specific to inter-bank transfers. If the transaction was
Transaction information specific to inter-bank transfers. If the transaction was
not an inter-bank transfer, all fields will be `null`.
not an inter-bank transfer, all fields will be `null`.
If the `transactions` object was returned by a Transactions endpoint such as
If the `transactions` object was returned by a Transactions endpoint such as
`/transactions/get`, the `payment_meta` key will always appear, but no data
`/transactions/get`, the `payment_meta` key will always appear, but no data
elements are guaranteed. If the `transactions` object was returned by an Assets
elements are guaranteed. If the `transactions` object was returned by an Assets
endpoint such as `/asset_report/get/` or `/asset_report/pdf/get`, this field
endpoint such as `/asset_report/get/` or `/asset_report/pdf/get`, this field
will only appear in an Asset Report with Insights.
will only appear in an Asset Report with Insights.
type PlaidPaymentMeta {
type RemoteDataPlaidPaymentMeta {
The party initiating a wire transfer. Will be `null` if the transaction is not a wire transfer.
The party initiating a wire transfer. Will be `null` if the transaction is not a wire transfer.
byOrderOf: String
byOrderOf: String

For transfers, the party that is receiving the transaction.
For transfers, the party that is receiving the transaction.
payee: String
payee: String

For transfers, the party that is paying the transaction.
For transfers, the party that is paying the transaction.
payer: String
payer: String

The type of transfer, e.g. 'ACH'
The type of transfer, e.g. 'ACH'
paymentMethod: String
paymentMethod: String

The name of the payment processor
The name of the payment processor
paymentProcessor: String
paymentProcessor: String

The ACH PPD ID for the payer.
The ACH PPD ID for the payer.
ppdId: String
ppdId: String

The payer-supplied description of the transfer.
The payer-supplied description of the transfer.
reason: String
reason: String

The transaction reference number supplied by the financial institution.
The transaction reference number supplied by the financial institution.
referenceNumber: String
referenceNumber: String

Information describing the intent of the transaction. Most relevant for personal
Information describing the intent of the transaction. Most relevant for personal
finance use cases, but not limited to such use cases.
finance use cases, but not limited to such use cases.
See the [`taxonomy csv file`](
See the [`taxonomy csv file`](
for a full list of personal finance categories.
for a full list of personal finance categories.
type PlaidPersonalFinanceCategory {
type RemoteDataPlaidPersonalFinanceCategory {
A granular category conveying the transaction's intent. This field can also be
A granular category conveying the transaction's intent. This field can also be
used as a unique identifier for the category.
used as a unique identifier for the category.
detailed: String!
detailed: String

A high level category that communicates the broad category of the transaction.
A high level category that communicates the broad category of the transaction.
primary: String!
primary: String

Plaid Transaction data.
Plaid Transaction data.
type PlaidTransaction {
type RemoteDataPlaidTransaction {
The ID of the account in which this transaction occurred.
The ID of the account in which this transaction occurred.
accountId: String!
accountId: String

The name of the account owner. This field is not typically populated and only relevant when dealing with sub-accounts.
The name of the account owner. This field is not typically populated and only relevant when dealing with sub-accounts.
accountOwner: String
accountOwner: String

The settled value of the transaction, denominated in the transactions's
The settled value of the transaction, denominated in the transactions's
currency, as stated in `iso_currency_code` or `unofficial_currency_code`.
currency, as stated in `iso_currency_code` or `unofficial_currency_code`.
Positive values when money moves out of the account; negative values when
Positive values when money moves out of the account; negative values when
money moves in. For example, debit card purchases are positive; credit card
money moves in. For example, debit card purchases are positive; credit card
payments, direct deposits, and refunds are negative.
payments, direct deposits, and refunds are negative.
amount: Float!
amount: Float

The date that the transaction was authorized. Dates are returned in an [ISO
The date that the transaction was authorized. Dates are returned in an [ISO
8601]( format ( `YYYY-MM-DD` ).
8601]( format ( `YYYY-MM-DD` ).
authorizedDate: Date
authorizedDate: Date

Date and time when a transaction was authorized in [ISO
Date and time when a transaction was authorized in [ISO
8601]( format ( `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ` ).
8601]( format ( `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ` ).
This field is returned for select financial institutions and comes as provided
This field is returned for select financial institutions and comes as provided
by the institution. It may contain default time values (such as 00:00:00).
by the institution. It may contain default time values (such as 00:00:00).
This field is only populated in API version 2019-05-29 and later.
This field is only populated in API version 2019-05-29 and later.
authorizedDatetime: DateTime
authorizedDatetime: DateTime

A hierarchical array of the categories to which this transaction belongs. For
A hierarchical array of the categories to which this transaction belongs. For
a full list of categories, see [`/categories/get`](
a full list of categories, see [`/categories/get`](

If the `transactions` object was returned by an Assets endpoint such as
If the `transactions` object was returned by an Assets endpoint such as
`/asset_report/get/` or `/asset_report/pdf/get`, this field will only appear
`/asset_report/get/` or `/asset_report/pdf/get`, this field will only appear
in an Asset Report with Insights.
in an Asset Report with Insights.
category: [String!]
category: [String!]

The ID of the category to which this transaction belongs. For a full list of
The ID of the category to which this transaction belongs. For a full list of
categories, see [`/categories/get`](
categories, see [`/categories/get`](
If the `transactions` object was returned by an Assets endpoint such as
If the `transactions` object was returned by an Assets endpoint such as
`/asset_report/get/` or `/asset_report/pdf/get`, this field will only appear
`/asset_report/get/` or `/asset_report/pdf/get`, this field will only appear
in an Asset Report with Insights.
in an Asset Report with Insights.
categoryId: String
categoryId: String

The check number of the transaction. This field is only populated for check transactions.
The check number of the transaction. This field is only populated for check transactions.
checkNumber: String
checkNumber: String

The counterparties present in the transaction. Counterparties, such as the
The counterparties present in the transaction. Counterparties, such as the
financial institutions, are extracted by Plaid from the raw description.
financial institutions, are extracted by Plaid from the raw description.
counterparties: [PlaidTransactionCounterparty!]
counterparties: [RemoteDataPlaidCounterparty!]

For pending transactions, the date that the transaction occurred; for posted
For pending transactions, the date that the transaction occurred; for posted
transactions, the date that the transaction posted. Both dates are returned in
transactions, the date that the transaction posted. Both dates are returned in
an [ISO 8601]( format ( `YYYY-MM-DD` ).
an [ISO 8601]( format ( `YYYY-MM-DD` ).
date: Date!
date: Date

Date and time when a transaction was posted in [ISO
Date and time when a transaction was posted in [ISO
8601]( format ( `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ` ).
8601]( format ( `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ` ).
This field is returned for select financial institutions and comes as provided
This field is returned for select financial institutions and comes as provided
by the institution. It may contain default time values (such as 00:00:00).
by the institution. It may contain default time values (such as 00:00:00).
This field is only populated in API version 2019-05-29 and later.
This field is only populated in API version 2019-05-29 and later.
datetime: DateTime
datetime: DateTime

The ISO-4217 currency code of the transaction. Always `null` if `unofficial_currency_code` is non-null.
The ISO-4217 currency code of the transaction. Always `null` if `unofficial_currency_code` is non-null.
isoCurrencyCode: String
isoCurrencyCode: String

A representation of where a transaction took place
A representation of where a transaction took place
location: PlaidLocation!
location: RemoteDataPlaidTransactionLocation

The logo associated with the merchant, if available. Formatted as a 100x100 pixels PNG file path.
The logo associated with the merchant, if available. Formatted as a 100x100 pixels PNG file path.
logoUrl: String
logoUrl: String

The merchant name, as enriched by Plaid from the `name` field. This is
The merchant name, as enriched by Plaid from the `name` field. This is
typically a more human-readable version of the merchant counterparty in the
typically a more human-readable version of the merchant counterparty in the
transaction. For some bank transactions (such as checks or account transfers)
transaction. For some bank transactions (such as checks or account transfers)
where there is no meaningful merchant name, this value will be `null`.
where there is no meaningful merchant name, this value will be `null`.
merchantName: String
merchantName: String

The merchant name or transaction description.
The merchant name or transaction description.
If the `transactions` object was returned by a Transactions endpoint such as
If the `transactions` object was returned by a Transactions endpoint such as
`/transactions/get`, this field will always appear. If the `transactions`
`/transactions/get`, this field will always appear. If the `transactions`
object was returned by an Assets endpoint such as `/asset_report/get/` or
object was returned by an Assets endpoint such as `/asset_report/get/` or
`/asset_report/pdf/get`, this field will only appear in an Asset Report with Insights.
`/asset_report/pdf/get`, this field will only appear in an Asset Report with Insights.
name: String!
name: String

The string returned by the financial institution to describe the transaction.
The string returned by the financial institution to describe the transaction.
For transactions returned by `/transactions/get`, this field is in beta and
For transactions returned by `/transactions/get`, this field is in beta and
will be omitted unless the client is both enrolled in the closed beta program
will be omitted unless the client is both enrolled in the closed beta program
and has set `options.include_original_description` to `true`.
and has set `options.include_original_description` to `true`.
originalDescription: String
originalDescription: String

The channel used to make a payment.
The channel used to make a payment.
`online:` transactions that took place online.
`online:` transactions that took place online.
`in store:` transactions that were made at a physical location.
`in store:` transactions that were made at a physical location.
`other:` transactions that relate to banks, e.g. fees or deposits.
`other:` transactions that relate to banks, e.g. fees or deposits.

This field replaces the `transaction_type` field.
This field replaces the `transaction_type` field.
paymentChannel: String!
paymentChannel: String

Transaction information specific to inter-bank transfers. If the transaction
Transaction information specific to inter-bank transfers. If the transaction
was not an inter-bank transfer, all fields will be `null`.
was not an inter-bank transfer, all fields will be `null`.
If the `transactions` object was returned by a Transactions endpoint such as
If the `transactions` object was returned by a Transactions endpoint such as
`/transactions/get`, the `payment_meta` key will always appear, but no data
`/transactions/get`, the `payment_meta` key will always appear, but no data
elements are guaranteed. If the `transactions` object was returned by an
elements are guaranteed. If the `transactions` object was returned by an
Assets endpoint such as `/asset_report/get/` or `/asset_report/pdf/get`, this
Assets endpoint such as `/asset_report/get/` or `/asset_report/pdf/get`, this
field will only appear in an Asset Report with Insights.
field will only appear in an Asset Report with Insights.
paymentMeta: PlaidPaymentMeta!
paymentMeta: RemoteDataPlaidPaymentMeta

When `true`, identifies the transaction as pending or unsettled. Pending
When `true`, identifies the transaction as pending or unsettled. Pending
transaction details (name, type, amount, category ID) may change before they are settled.
transaction details (name, type, amount, category ID) may change before they are settled.
pending: Boolean!
pending: Boolean

The ID of a posted transaction's associated pending transaction, where applicable.
The ID of a posted transaction's associated pending transaction, where applicable.
pendingTransactionId: String
pendingTransactionId: String

Information describing the intent of the transaction. Most relevant for
Information describing the intent of the transaction. Most relevant for
personal finance use cases, but not limited to such use cases.
personal finance use cases, but not limited to such use cases.
See the [`taxonomy csv file`](
See the [`taxonomy csv file`](
for a full list of personal finance categories.
for a full list of personal finance categories.
personalFinanceCategory: PlaidPersonalFinanceCategory
personalFinanceCategory: RemoteDataPlaidPersonalFinanceCategory

A link to the icon associated with the primary personal finance category. The logo will always be 100x100 pixels.
A link to the icon associated with the primary personal finance category. The logo will always be 100x100 pixels.
personalFinanceCategoryIconUrl: String
personalFinanceCategoryIconUrl: String

An identifier classifying the transaction type.
An identifier classifying the transaction type.
This field is only populated for European institutions. For institutions in
This field is only populated for European institutions. For institutions in
the US and Canada, this field is set to `null`.
the US and Canada, this field is set to `null`.
`adjustment:` Bank adjustment
`adjustment:` Bank adjustment
`atm:` Cash deposit or withdrawal via an automated teller machine
`atm:` Cash deposit or withdrawal via an automated teller machine
`bank charge:` Charge or fee levied by the institution
`bank charge:` Charge or fee levied by the institution
`bill payment`: Payment of a bill
`bill payment`: Payment of a bill
`cash:` Cash deposit or withdrawal
`cash:` Cash deposit or withdrawal
`cashback:` Cash withdrawal while making a debit card purchase
`cashback:` Cash withdrawal while making a debit card purchase
`cheque:` Document ordering the payment of money to another person or organization
`cheque:` Document ordering the payment of money to another person or organization
`direct debit:` Automatic withdrawal of funds initiated by a third party at a regular interval
`direct debit:` Automatic withdrawal of funds initiated by a third party at a regular interval
`interest:` Interest earned or incurred
`interest:` Interest earned or incurred
`purchase:` Purchase made with a debit or credit card
`purchase:` Purchase made with a debit or credit card
`standing order:` Payment instructed by the account holder to a third party at a regular interval
`standing order:` Payment instructed by the account holder to a third party at a regular interval
`transfer:` Transfer of money between accounts
`transfer:` Transfer of money between accounts
transactionCode: String
transactionCode: String

The unique ID of the transaction. Like all Plaid identifiers, the `transaction_id` is case sensitive.
The unique ID of the transaction. Like all Plaid identifiers, the `transaction_id` is case sensitive.
transactionId: String!
transactionId: String

Please use the `payment_channel` field, `transaction_type` will be deprecated in the future.
`digital:` transactions that took place online.
`place:` transactions that were made at a physical location.
`special:` transactions that relate to banks, e.g. fees or deposits.
`unresolved:` transactions that do not fit into the other three types.
transactionType: String

The unofficial currency code associated with the transaction. Always `null` if
The unofficial currency code associated with the transaction. Always `null` if
`iso_currency_code` is non-`null`. Unofficial currency codes are used for
`iso_currency_code` is non-`null`. Unofficial currency codes are used for
currencies that do not have official ISO currency codes, such as
currencies that do not have official ISO currency codes, such as
cryptocurrencies and the currencies of certain countries.
cryptocurrencies and the currencies of certain countries.
See the [currency code
See the [currency code
schema]( for a full
schema]( for a full
listing of supported `iso_currency_code`s.
listing of supported `iso_currency_code`s.
unofficialCurrencyCode: String
unofficialCurrencyCode: String

The website associated with the merchant, if available.
The website associated with the merchant, if available.
website: String
website: String

The counterparty, such as the merchant or financial institution, is extracted by Plaid from the raw description.
The counterparty, such as the merchant or financial institution, is extracted by Plaid from the raw description.
type PlaidTransactionCounterparty {
type RemoteDataPlaidCounterparty {
The URL of a logo associated with the counterparty, if available. The logo is formatted as a 100x100 pixel PNG filepath.
The URL of a logo associated with the counterparty, if available. The logo is formatted as a 100x100 pixel PNG filepath.
logoUrl: String
logoUrl: String

The name of the counterparty, such as the merchant or the financial
The name of the counterparty, such as the merchant or the financial
institution, as extracted by Plaid from the raw description.
institution, as extracted by Plaid from the raw description.
name: String!
name: String

The counterparty type.
The counterparty type.
`merchant`: a provider of goods or services for purchase
`merchant`: a provider of goods or services for purchase
`financial_institution`: a financial entity (bank, credit union, BNPL, fintech)
`financial_institution`: a financial entity (bank, credit union, BNPL, fintech)
`payment_app`: a transfer or P2P app (e.g. Zelle)
`payment_app`: a transfer or P2P app (e.g. Zelle)
`marketplace`: a marketplace (e.g DoorDash, Google Play Store)
`marketplace`: a marketplace (e.g DoorDash, Google Play Store)
`payment_terminal`: a point-of-sale payment terminal (e.g Square, Toast)
`payment_terminal`: a point-of-sale payment terminal (e.g Square, Toast)
type: String!
type: String

The website associated with the counterparty.
The website associated with the counterparty.
website: String
website: String