Bleach TYBW 01 - DSNP vs Lazy v2
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# Lazy eng
The confined Quincy King…
The confined Quincy King
…regains his pulse after 900 years.
regains his pulse after 900 years.
His mind after 90 years.
His mind after 90 years.
His strength after 9 years.
His strength after 9 years.
What's the Shutara Scale at?
What's the Sutra Scale at?
It's currently at Category 4. It's quite serious.
It's currently at Category 4…\NIt's quite serious.
I see you wasted no time in reporting this.
You certainly took your sweet time\Nreporting this.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm sorry, sir.
There have been minor ones\Nin the past...
There have been minor events in the past,
but we've been able to handle them\Nwith only slight adjustments.
but we've been able to handle them \Nwith only slight adjustments.
112 more Hollow have disappeared\Nfrom 902-0201!
One hundred and two more Hollows \Nhave disappeared from 902-0201!
– We lost 51 from 6603-8983!\N– Correcting border intensity by 0.24 degrees!
That's 51 down in 6603-8983!
Correcting border intensity by 0.24 degrees!
Notify the Correction Crew!
Notify the Correction Crew!
Third Seat Akon! \NThe Hollows are continuing to disappear!
Third Seat Akon!\NThe Hollows are continuing to disappear!
In a mere few days, the border between \Nthe World of the Living—
At this rate, within a few days,
I've already relayed that information!
the border between\Nthe World of the Living will…
If you have nothing else to report, leave us!
the border between\Nthe World of the Living will…
I'm sorry, sir!
I've already informed him of that!
Captain, do you think...
If you have nothing else to report,\Nleave us!
A useless question.
My apologies!
The only ones capable of erasing \Nthe very existence of Hollows
Captain, could this be…?
are those cretins!
Isn't it obvious?
Awwright! We're here!
To be capable of erasing\Nthe very existence of Hollows…
Okay! That's it for me, kiddos.
They are the only ones!
Now try to play nice, you two. \NFocus on exterminating those Hollows!
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Awright … We're here!
Ya hear me? Play nice—
My work here is done!
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Now try to get along, you two.\NFocus on exterminating those Hollows!
Ya hear me? Play nice—
You got that? No fighting--
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
Ya hear me? Play nice—
That hurt!
That hurt!
Don't be so quick\Nto hit me, Shino!
Don't just hit me like that, Shino!
Don't be so quick\Nto hit me, Shino!
Get your act together!
Get your act together!
Karakura Town is\Nour new post…
Karakura Town is our new post.
Stop being so nervous\Nand be more confident!
Man up and show some damn confidence!
Got it, Ryunosuke?
Got it, Ryunosuke?
I know you're right, but...
I know that, but…
I'm just worried is all.
I'm just worried,\Nyou know?
What've you got to worry \Nabout with me around?
What's there to worry\Nwhen you're with me?!
That's not really what I meant.
No, that's not what I meant.
I've just heard that Hollows show up \Na lot here in Karakura Town,
I've heard that the rate of\NHollow appearances
and it makes me wonder \Nif I'm the right person to send here.
in Karakura Town is high…
Besides, this town's supposed to have \Na really strong Substitute Soul Reaper.
It makes me wonder
I don't see what good I'll do being here.
if I'm the right person to be sent\Nto a place like this...
Listen to yourself! Stop being such a wuss!
Besides, I heard that this town
There's a reason they doubled \Nthe personnel stationed here,
has a really strong\NSubstitute Soul Reaper.
and that's so we don't have to rely on\Nthis Substitute Soul Reaper as much!
So what's the point of me\Neven being here?
Which means...
Listen to yourself!\NStop being such a wuss!
They increased the number of\Npersonnel stationed here to two…
so that we don't have to rely on\Nthis Substitute Soul Reaper as much!
Which means…!
They acknowledged your abilities.
They acknowledged your abilities.
But they're adding personnel\Nto prevent
But they're adding personnel to prevent \Nthis super strong person from fighting.
this super strong person\Nfrom fighting…
It doesn't make sen—
It doesn't make sense--
Oh, just shut up!
Oh, just shut up!
I'll take the north side.\NYou patrol the south.
I'll take the north side. \NYou patrol the south.
What? We're not going together?!
What? We're not going together?!
That would be a waste of time.
That'd be a total waste of time.
What's the point in sending\Ntwo of us then?
Why bother sending two of us, then?
Or what? Are you scared?
Or what? You scared?
Just say so if you are.
Come on. Let's hear you say it.
That's right, I'm scared!
That's right! I'm scared!
Don't say it with such a resolute face!\NYou're pathetic!
Drop the look of conviction! \NGod, you're pathetic!
I'm done with you.
I'm done with you.
Go by yourself and\Ngrow some backbone!
You're on your own. \NMaybe it'll whip you into shape.
Huh? C'mon!
Huh? C'mon!
That Shino…\NI admitted that I was scared.
Shino can be so cruel. \NI very clearly said I was scared.
And she still makes me go\Non patrol alone…
Yet here I am, on patrol all alone.
Please don't let me come\Nacross any Hollows…
Just don't let me encounter any Hollows.
What was that crash?
It's here! It's here! It's here!
It's here! It's here! It's here!
Shino, it's here!
Shino, it's here!
Shino! Shino! Shino!
Shino! Shino! Shino!
Shino! Shino! Shino!
Shino! Shino! Shino!
Hey, Shino--!
Hey, Shino!
I have to do this…
I have to do this.
It's just the two of us…
It's just the two of us.
I have to…
I have to...
save Shino…!
save Shino!
Huh? No way… How…?
Huh? No way. How?
Just from that one hit…?
Just from that one hit?
Am I…going to die?
Am I... gonna die?
I don't want…to die…
I don't wanna die.
I gave you both some first aid.
You're both out of danger for the time being.
I'll come back to heal you\Nwhen this is over.
I'll come finish healing you \Nonce we're done here.
Okay then…
Okay, then.
Let's settle this quickly.
Let's get this over with.
There are so many…
I can't even count them all.
How can they take on all of them?
How are they gonna take on this many?
Brazo Izquierdo Del Diablo.
Brazo Izquierdo…Del Diablo.
La Muerte!
La Muerte!
Licht Regen.
Licht Regen…
That was a close call.
That was a close call…
Not as close as your damn arrows!
Your arrow was way more dangerous!
Come again?
No way.
I'll finish this right now.
I'll take you all on.
Getsuga tensho!
Wh-Who are you?
W-Who are you?
Ichigo Kurosaki.
Ichigo Kurosaki…
Substitute Soul Reaper.
Substitute Soul Reaper.
If you're awake,\Nyou're free to leave.
If you're up, feel free to see yourself out.
We're here!
Special delivery!
I brought some delicious bread!
I brought some yummy bread!
Oh, you're awake!\NThank goodness!
Oh, you're awake! Thank goodness!
You sure you want to claim\Nthat they're delicious?
You sure you wanna make that claim?
Those bread are leftovers,\Nmeaning they didn't sell well, right?
Those are just the bin-bound \Nleftovers nobody wanted to buy, right?
Fine. No bread for those\Nwho say such things!
Fine. Negative Nellies get to go hungry.
Inoue's right.
Orihime's got the right idea.
You're the one who always\Nenjoys them the most.
You're always the first to go back for more.
Talk about ungrateful.
Talk about ungrateful.
– I agree.\N– Shut up!
I agree.
By the way, what's with walking in\Nwithout ringing the doorbell?!
We met Yuzu right outside.
How about you stop talking\Nand get us some plates?
Why do I have to take orders\Nfrom you?!
I'm not ordering you,\NI'm giving you advice.
It's for your own good.
Shut up!
Shut up!
You shut up too!
By the way, have none of you \Never heard of knocking?
Y-Y-You're that guy from last night…!
We ran into Yuzu right outside.
You just realized that now?\NNo wonder you were so unresponsive.
How about you stop talking \Nand get us some plates?
For the record,\Nthat was two days ago, not last night.
Who died and made you boss?
I'm not bossing you around. \NI'm giving you advice.
I'm just looking out for you.
Shut up!
You shut up, too!
Y-You're that guy from last night!
I thought you were oddly quiet, \Nbut you just noticed that?
And for the record, \Nthat was two days ago. Not last night.
You were asleep for over a day!
You were out cold for over a day.
That long…?
That long?
– Shino! What about--?\N– Here!
Shino! What about—
It's your share. Eat. It's good.
It's your share. Eat. It's good.
Uh… But…
Uh... But...
You can't eat like that.
You can't eat like that.
Hurry up and get into\Nthat gigai next to you.
Hurry up and get into that gigai behind you.
Next to me?
Behind me?
Do you have to scream\Nevery damn time?
Do you have to scream at every damn thing?
Why're scared of your own gigai?
Why're you scared of your own gigai?
No, that's not it.\NI have no time for this.
I just... I don't have time for this.
Shino… Is Shino all right?!
Shino! Is Shino all right?!
I'm back.
I'm back.
I bought the colas…
I bought the soda you ask—
Shino! Thank goodness.
Shino! Thank goodness.
– Your wound is healed--\N– You're pathetic!
Your wounds are all—
– Okay, let's eat.\N– She dropped the cola…
You're pathetic!
– I think he'd like this yakisoba bread.\N– Wait, wait! Shino, that hurts!
Okay! Let's eat.
– Let's save it for him.\N– Quit whining, you wimp!
I think he'd like this yakisoba bread.
– You're only saying that\N– Hurry up
She dropped the soda.
– ‘cuz you don't want it.\N– and get inside your gigai!
Let's save it for him.
Oh yeah.\NI haven't asked your name yet.
You're only saying that \N‘cuz you don't want it.
You're right.
Wait, wait! Shino, that hurts!
Allow me to answer. I'm Ebern.
Quit whining, you wimp!
Want to know my full name?\NIt's Asguiaro Ebern.
Hurry and get your ass in your gigai!
Oh yeah. We never got your name.
You have not.
Allow me to rectify that. I'm Ebern.
My full name, you ask?
It's Asguiaro Ebern.
Any other questions?
Any other questions?
I don't know who you are,\Nbut get off my bed.
I don't give a damn who you are. \NJust get off my bed.
I beg your pardon.\NCan you repeat that?
I beg your pardon. Can you repeat that?
I didn't quite catch\Nwhat you just said.
I didn't quite catch what you said.
I said, I don't know who you are,\Nbut get off my bed.
I said, I don't give a damn who you are. \NGet the hell off my bed.
I refuse.
I refuse.
Who was that?
Who was that?
He was wearing a Hollow mask…\NCould be an Arrancar.
Judging by the Hollow mask, \NI'd guess he was an Arrancar.
Who knows?
Who knows?
I'll go and drive him away.
I'll go send him back where he came from.
Um... Who was that just now?
Um… Who was that just now?
I dunno.
Beats me.
Why did that idiot just kick me?
Why did he kick me\Nall of a sudden?
What the hell is wrong with him?!
Is he an idiot?!
I bet you're here\Nbecause of me, right?
You came here looking for me, right?
I'll hear you out, so follow me!
Well, you've got my attention, so follow me.
You think I'm here\Nbecause of you?
You think I'm here for you?
You're so full of yourself…
The world doesn't revolve around you.
But you must be curious\Nabout who I am!
But you must be curious about who I am!
Couldn't care less.
So, was Ishida right?\NAre you an Arrancar?
So, was Uryu right? You an Arrancar?
Did you come alone?\NDid someone send you?
You alone? Someone send you?
What do you have to gain\Nfrom fighting me?
What's in it for you fighting me?
Me? An Arrancar?
Me? An Arrancar?
What's wrong?
What's with you?
Hey, that's a Quincy's…
Hey, that's a Quincy's...
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
See something familiar…\NIchigo Kurosaki?!
See something familiar, Ichigo Kurosaki?
There's really nobody here.
There's really nobody here…
There's no way the entire Rukon District \Ncould just up and disappear.
There's no way\Nanyone in the Rukon District
could disappear\Nwithout being noticed.
Especially not on our watch.
Especially not on our watch.
There were supposed\Nto be a few left
There were supposedly a few residents \Nstill around at the time of the report.
Which means the situation is getting worse.
at the time\Nwe got the report.
Third Seat Madarame! Fifth Seat Ayasegawa!
Which means\Nthe situation is getting worse.\NSQUAD 11 THIRD SEAT – IKKAKU MADARAME
Third Seat Madarame!\NFifth Seat Ayasegawa!
We searched the entire area,
We searched the entire area,
but we couldn't find\Neven a single child!
but we couldn't find even a single child.
So the entire village's been\Nspirited away…
So the entire village has been spirited away.
This is almost supernatural.
This is almost supernatural.
Don't be ridiculous.\NI'm not settling for that explanation.
Cut the crap.
I'm not gonna just tie it up \Nin a pretty bow like that.
What ? Is there something else?
Actually, there's something\Nyou need to see…
What? Is there something else?
It's these footprints…
Actually, there's something you need to see.
They all come together here\Nin one spot, then cease.
Look at these footprints.
You see what I'm seeing, Yumichika?
They all lead to this one spot, \Nand then the trail vanishes.
You see what I'm seein', Yumichika?
The footprints are either\Nfrom sandals or bare feet.
All these footprints are \Nfrom sandals or bare feet.
This wasn't the work of\Na Hollow or some such…
This wasn't the work of some kind of Hollow.
The residents of the Rukon District\Nabducted their own people.
The residents of the Rukon District \Nwere abducted by those very same residents.
What?! What does that mean…?
What? What does that mean?
It's our job to find out!
It's our job to find out!
Keep looking!\NThere may be other clues!
Keep looking! There may be other clues!
– Yes, sir!\N– Yes, sir!
Yes, sir!
That was Sasakibe's...
Head Captain! Reporting!
That was Sasakibe's…
Who's there?
Head Captain! Reporting…!
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance,
Who's there…?
Head Captain of the 13 Court Guard Squads,
It is nice to meet you…
Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, I presume.
Head Captain of\Nthe 13 Court Guard Squads…
Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto…\NI presume.
We have come to declare war.
We have come to declare war.
That item he was carrying…
That cross on his wrist...
If so, is he…?
So is he a...
But the mask he's wearing is\Nonly worn by Arrancars…
But you only see masks like \Nthe one he's got on Arrancars.
I must admit, I was shocked.
I must admit, I was quite surprised.
This office is like\Nthe private quarters
This office could be considered the private quarters\Nof the Head Captain of the 13 Court Guard Squads.
of the Head Captain of\Nthe 13 Court Guard Squads.
And yet, it was so easy to infiltrate.
And yet,\Nit was so easy to infiltrate.
Perhaps your attention \Nto security is a bit low?
Perhaps your attention\Nto security is a bit low?
I have nothing to fear.
I have nothing to fear.
I am here.
I am here.
There is no greater security\Nthan that.
There is no greater security than that.
I see…
I see.
Don't mourn for him.
Do not mourn for him.
He should be praised.
He deserves only to be praised.
He has single-handedly demonstrated\Nthe fate that awaits your people.
He has single-handedly demonstrated\Nthe fate that awaits your people.
In other words,
In other words, a hopeless death \Nfollowing a desperate struggle.
a hopeless death\Nfollowing a desperate struggle.
Five days from now, the Soul Society
Five days from now,\Nthe Soul Society…
will be annihilated by the Wandenreich.
will be annihilated by the Wandenreich.
Those eyes…
I see it in your eyes.
You must want to ask,\N"Who are you people?"
You crave so desperately \Nto ask us who we are.
Yet you also know that we would\Nnever answer that question.
All the while knowing that we \Nwould never answer that question.
You should be able to guess\Nwho we are.
You should be able to guess who we are.
Stop right there!
Stop right there!
What's the matter, Ichigo Kurosaki?
What's the matter, Ichigo Kurosaki?
Is dodging the best you can do?
Is dodging the best you can do?
Is that the extent of your powers?!
Is that the extent of your powers?!
That's odd…
Something's off.
All he's been doing is taunting me.
All he's been doing is taunting me.
At this rate, you'll never be able to\Nbeat me without using your Bankai!
Pathetic! You'll never be able to beat me \Nwithout using your Bankai!
Another taunt…
Another taunt.
I don't know who he is,\Nor why he's attacking me.
I don't know who he really is \Nor why he's attacking me.
I guess I have no choice…
but to play along.
I'll play your game.
They got away…!
They got away.
M-Master Genryusai…
M-Master Genryusai.
Th-There is something\NI must tell you…
Th-There is something I must tell you.
Here it comes!
Here it comes!
Th-The enemy…
Th-The enemy...
This is it, Ichigo Kurosaki!
This is it, Ichigo Kurosaki!
Our Bankai…! They can…
Our Bankai... They can...
Your Bankai…
Your Bankai...
ends here!
ends here!
What…is that?!
What the hell is that?
Aufreide… Meer eh wolken,\Nwolken eh regen, regen eh nebel.
Aufreide. Meer eh wolken, \Nwolken eh regen, regen eh nebel.
Sieht balle eh um sieht ballen.
Sieht balle eh um sieht ballen.
Wir gut freude.\NDanach Vrund Dill Becher.
Wir gut freude. Danach Vrund Dill Becher.
Getsuga tensho!
Damn it… Why…?
Damn it! Why?
Why won't his Bankai disappear?!
Why won't his Bankai disappear?!
What do you mean by\Nmy Bankai disappearing?
What's this about my Bankai disappearing?
In the last five minutes,
Care to explain?
I've got a ton of questions\NI wanna ask you.
I've come up with a ton of questions \Nfor you in the last five minutes.
You're coming with me.
You're coming with me.
Damn it…
Damn it.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
This "shadow" only hides the chosen.
This "shadow" only hides the chosen.
Damn it!
Damn it!
What the hell was that?
What the hell was that?
It wasn't a Garganta\Nthat Arrancars use.
It wasn't an Arrancar's Garganta.
If it isn't Ebern.
If it isn't Ebern.
How commendable of you\Nto be waiting, bowing down.
How commendable of you to be bowing \Nin anticipation of my arrival.
You fool…
You fool.
As if I would ever bow down to you.
As if I would ever bow down to you.
Who do you think\Nyou're talking to…?
Who do you think you're talking to?
How many times must I remind you?
How many times must I remind you?
Do not argue in my presence.
Do not squabble in my presence.
I dislike conflict.
I abhor conflict.
Now then, let me hear your report\Nfor the cause of peace.
Now, let me hear your report \Nfor the cause of peace.