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unified diff of extension export (ubuntu left, windows right)

Created Diff never expires
54 removals
117 lines
67 additions
129 lines
(function (e, l) {
(function (e, a) {
typeof exports == "object" && typeof module < "u" ? module.exports = l(require("vue"), require("../injectionKeys.ts")) : typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define(["vue", "../injectionKeys.ts"], l) : (e = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : e || self, e.StreamsyncCustomComponentTemplates = l(e.vue, e.injectionKeys))
typeof exports == "object" && typeof module < "u" ? module.exports = a(require("vue")) : typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define(["vue"], a) : (e = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : e || self, e.StreamsyncCustomComponentTemplates = a(e.vue))
})(this, function (e, l) {
})(this, function (e) {
"use strict";
"use strict";
var a = (t => (t.Text = "Text", t.KeyValue = "Key-Value", t.Color = "Color", t.Shadow = "Shadow", t.Number = "Number", t.Object = "Object", t.IdKey = "Identifying Key", t))(a || {}),
var a = (t => (t.Text = "Text", t.KeyValue = "Key-Value", t.Color = "Color", t.Shadow = "Shadow", t.Number = "Number", t.Object = "Object", t.IdKey = "Identifying Key", t))(a || {}),
s = (t => (t.General = "General", t.Style = "Style", t))(s || {}),
s = (t => (t.General = "General", t.Style = "Style", t))(s || {}),
y = (t => (t.Text = "Text", t.Textarea = "Textarea", t))(y || {});
p = (t => (t.Text = "Text", t.Textarea = "Textarea", t))(p || {});
const u = t => (e.pushScopeId("data-v-c47a5383"), t = t(), e.popScopeId(), t), _ = {class: "BubbleMessage"},
const y = {
g = u(() => e.createElementVNode("div", {class: "triangle"}, null, -1)), b = {class: "message"}, h = {
core: Symbol(),
builderManager: Symbol(),
evaluatedFields: Symbol(),
componentId: Symbol(),
isBeingEdited: Symbol(),
isDisabled: Symbol(),
getChildrenVNodes: Symbol(),
renderProxiedComponent: Symbol(),
instancePath: Symbol(),
flattenedInstancePath: Symbol(),
instanceData: Symbol()
}, u = t => (e.pushScopeId("data-v-e441d9c1"), t = t(), e.popScopeId(), t), _ = {class: "BubbleMessage"},
b = u(() => e.createElementVNode("div", {class: "triangle"}, null, -1)), g = {class: "message"}, S = {
streamsync: {
streamsync: {
name: "Bubble Message",
name: "Bubble Message",
description: "Shows a message in the shape of a speech bubble.",
description: "Shows a message in the shape of a speech bubble.",
category: "Content",
category: "Content",
fields: {text: {name: "Text", type: a.Text}},
fields: {text: {name: "Text", type: a.Text}},
previewField: "text"
previewField: "text"
}, f = e.defineComponent({
}, h = e.defineComponent({
...h, __name: "BubbleMessage", setup(t) {
...S, __name: "BubbleMessage", setup(t) {
const n = e.inject(l.evaluatedFields);
const n = e.inject(y.evaluatedFields);
return (o, c) => (e.openBlock(), e.createElementBlock("div", _, [g, e.createElementVNode("div", b, e.toDisplayString(e.unref(n).text.value), 1)]))
return (o, l) => (e.openBlock(), e.createElementBlock("div", _, [b, e.createElementVNode("div", g, e.toDisplayString(e.unref(n).text.value), 1)]))
}), $ = "", m = (t, n) => {
}), $ = "", m = (t, n) => {
const o = t.__vccOpts || t;
const o = t.__vccOpts || t;
for (const [c, p] of n) o[c] = p;
for (const [l, d] of n) o[l] = d;
return o
return o
}, S = m(f, [["__scopeId", "data-v-c47a5383"]]);
}, f = m(h, [["__scopeId", "data-v-e441d9c1"]]);
a.Color, s.Style;
a.Color, s.Style;
const x = {name: "Primary text", type: a.Color, category: s.Style, applyStyleVariable: !0};
const x = {name: "Primary text", type: a.Color, category: s.Style, applyStyleVariable: !0};
a.Color, s.Style, a.Color, s.Style;
a.Color, s.Style, a.Color, s.Style;
const C = {name: "Container background", type: a.Color, category: s.Style, applyStyleVariable: !0};
const C = {name: "Container background", type: a.Color, category: s.Style, applyStyleVariable: !0};
a.Shadow, s.Style;
a.Shadow, s.Style;
const v = {name: "Separator", type: a.Color, category: s.Style, applyStyleVariable: !0};
const v = {name: "Separator", type: a.Color, category: s.Style, applyStyleVariable: !0};
a.Color, s.Style, a.Color, s.Style, a.Shadow, s.Style, a.Color, s.Style;
a.Color, s.Style, a.Color, s.Style, a.Shadow, s.Style, a.Color, s.Style;
const E = {
const E = {
name: "Custom CSS classes",
name: "Custom CSS classes",
type: a.Text,
type: a.Text,
category: s.Style,
category: s.Style,
desc: "CSS classes, separated by spaces. You can define classes in custom stylesheets."
desc: "CSS classes, separated by spaces. You can define classes in custom stylesheets."
}, d = t => (e.pushScopeId("data-v-026368bf"), t = t(), e.popScopeId(), t),
}, r = t => (e.pushScopeId("data-v-f40a8e45"), t = t(), e.popScopeId(), t),
V = d(() => e.createElementVNode("div", {class: "triangle"}, null, -1)), B = {class: "message"},
V = r(() => e.createElementVNode("div", {class: "triangle"}, null, -1)), B = {class: "message"},
w = {class: "text"}, k = [d(() => e.createElementVNode("i", {class: "ri-pushpin-line"}, null, -1))],
w = {class: "text"}, I = [r(() => e.createElementVNode("i", {class: "ri-pushpin-line"}, null, -1))],
M = [d(() => e.createElementVNode("i", {class: "ri-flag-line"}, null, -1))], T = `This documentation will show in the collapsible mini-docs feature embedded in Builder.
M = [r(() => e.createElementVNode("i", {class: "ri-flag-line"}, null, -1))], k = `This documentation will show in the collapsible mini-docs feature embedded in Builder.
You _can_ use **markdown**.`, I = `
You _can_ use **markdown**.`, T = `
def handle_flag(state, payload):
def handle_flag(state, payload):
state["flagged_message_id"] = payload`, N = `
state["flagged_message_id"] = payload`, N = `
def handle_pin(state, payload):
def handle_pin(state, payload):
state["pinned_message_id"] = payload`, j = {
state["pinned_message_id"] = payload`, P = {
streamsync: {
streamsync: {
name: "Bubble Message (Advanced)",
name: "Bubble Message (Advanced)",
description: "Shows a message in the shape of a speech bubble.",
description: "Shows a message in the shape of a speech bubble.",
docs: T,
docs: k,
category: "Content",
category: "Content",
fields: {
fields: {
messageId: {
messageId: {
name: "Message id",
name: "Message id",
desc: "Unique id to identify the message when generating events.",
desc: "Unique id to identify the message when generating events.",
init: "a1",
init: "a1",
type: a.Text
type: a.Text
text: {
text: {
name: "Text",
name: "Text",
desc: "The message to be displayed.",
desc: "The message to be displayed.",
default: "(Empty message)",
default: "(Empty message)",
type: a.Text,
type: a.Text,
control: y.Textarea
control: p.Textarea
orientation: {
orientation: {
name: "Orientation",
name: "Orientation",
category: s.Style,
category: s.Style,
type: a.Text,
type: a.Text,
options: {left: "Pointing left", right: "Pointing right"}
options: {left: "Pointing left", right: "Pointing right"}
bubbleColor: {
bubbleColor: {
name: "Bubble",
name: "Bubble",
default: "#CFEFF3",
default: "#CFEFF3",
category: s.Style,
category: s.Style,
type: a.Color,
type: a.Color,
applyStyleVariable: !0
applyStyleVariable: !0
primaryTextColor: x,
primaryTextColor: x,
separatorColor: v,
separatorColor: v,
containerBackgroundColor: C,
containerBackgroundColor: C,
cssClasses: E
cssClasses: E
events: {
events: {
"pin-message": {desc: "Emitted when the pin button is clicked.", stub: N},
"pin-message": {desc: "Emitted when the pin button is clicked.", stub: N},
"flag-message": {desc: "Emitted when the flag button is clicked.", stub: I}
"flag-message": {desc: "Emitted when the flag button is clicked.", stub: T}
previewField: "text"
previewField: "text"
}, A = e.defineComponent({
}, j = e.defineComponent({
...j, __name: "BubbleMessageAdvanced", setup(t) {
...P, __name: "BubbleMessageAdvanced", setup(t) {
const n = e.ref(null), o = e.inject(l.evaluatedFields), c = e.computed(() => o.messageId.value);
const n = e.ref(null), o = e.inject(y.evaluatedFields), l = e.computed(() => o.messageId.value);

function p() {
function d() {
const r = c.value, i = new CustomEvent("flag-message", {detail: {payload: r}});
const c = l.value, i = new CustomEvent("flag-message", {detail: {payload: c}});

function K() {
function A() {
const r = c.value, i = new CustomEvent("pin-message", {detail: {payload: r}});
const c = l.value, i = new CustomEvent("pin-message", {detail: {payload: c}});

return (r, i) => (e.openBlock(), e.createElementBlock("div", {
return (c, i) => (e.openBlock(), e.createElementBlock("div", {
class: e.normalizeClass(["BubbleMessage", {rightOriented: e.unref(o).orientation.value == "right"}]),
class: e.normalizeClass(["BubbleMessage", {rightOriented: e.unref(o).orientation.value == "right"}]),
ref_key: "rootEl",
ref_key: "rootEl",
ref: n
ref: n
}, [V, e.createElementVNode("div", B, [e.createElementVNode("div", w, e.toDisplayString(e.unref(o).text.value), 1), e.createElementVNode("div", {class: "actions"}, [e.createElementVNode("div", {
}, [V, e.createElementVNode("div", B, [e.createElementVNode("div", w, e.toDisplayString(e.unref(o).text.value), 1), e.createElementVNode("div", {class: "actions"}, [e.createElementVNode("div", {
class: "action",
class: "action",
onClick: K
onClick: A
}, k), e.createElementVNode("div", {class: "action", onClick: p}, M)])])], 2))
}, I), e.createElementVNode("div", {class: "action", onClick: d}, M)])])], 2))
}), D = "";
}), q = "";
return {bubblemessage: S, bubblemessageadvanced: m(A, [["__scopeId", "data-v-026368bf"]])}
return {bubblemessage: f, bubblemessageadvanced: m(j, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f40a8e45"]])}