Plaid Investments
30 removals
Words removed | 30 |
Total words | 1499 |
Words removed (%) | 2.00 |
368 lines
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Words added | 26 |
Total words | 1495 |
Words added (%) | 1.74 |
370 lines
The Investments data from Plaid.
The Investments data from Plaid.
type ConnectionRemoteDataPlaidInvestments {
type ConnectionRemoteDataPlaidInvestments {
The Investments Holdings data from Plaid.
The Investments Holdings data from Plaid.
holdings: ConnectionRemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsHoldings
holdings: ConnectionRemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsHoldings
The Investments Transactions data from Plaid.
The Investments Transactions data from Plaid.
transactions: ConnectionRemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsTransactions
transactions: ConnectionRemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsTransactions
The Investments Holdings data from Plaid.
The Holdings data from Plaid.
type ConnectionRemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsHoldings {
type ConnectionRemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsHoldings {
The response body.
The response body.
response: PlaidInvestmentsHoldings
response: RemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsHoldings
The date and time when the data was fetched.
The date and time when the data was fetched.
timestamp: DateTime!
timestamp: DateTime!
The Investments Transactions data from Plaid.
The Transactions data from Plaid.
type ConnectionRemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsTransactions {
type ConnectionRemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsTransactions {
The response body.
The response body.
response: PlaidInvestmentsTransactions
response: RemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsTransactions
The date and time when the data was fetched.
The date and time when the data was fetched.
timestamp: DateTime!
timestamp: DateTime!
A securities holding at an institution.
A securities holding at an institution.
type PlaidHolding {
type RemoteDataPlaidHolding {
The Plaid `account_id` associated with the holding.
The Plaid `account_id` associated with the holding.
accountId: String!
accountId: String
The original total value of the holding. This field is calculated by Plaid as
The original total value of the holding. This field is calculated by Plaid as
the sum of the purchase price of all of the shares in the holding.
the sum of the purchase price of all of the shares in the holding.
costBasis: Float
costBasis: Float
The last price given by the institution for this security.
The last price given by the institution for this security.
institutionPrice: Float!
institutionPrice: Float
The date at which `institution_price` was current.
The date at which `institution_price` was current.
institutionPriceAsOf: Date
institutionPriceAsOf: Date
Date and time at which `institution_price` was current, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ).
Date and time at which `institution_price` was current, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ).
This field is returned for select financial institutions and comes as provided
This field is returned for select financial institutions and comes as provided
by the institution. It may contain default time values (such as 00:00:00).
by the institution. It may contain default time values (such as 00:00:00).
institutionPriceDatetime: DateTime
institutionPriceDatetime: DateTime
The value of the holding, as reported by the institution.
The value of the holding, as reported by the institution.
institutionValue: Float!
institutionValue: Float
The ISO-4217 currency code of the holding. Always `null` if `unofficial_currency_code` is non-`null`.
The ISO-4217 currency code of the holding. Always `null` if `unofficial_currency_code` is non-`null`.
isoCurrencyCode: String
isoCurrencyCode: String
The total quantity of the asset held, as reported by the financial
The total quantity of the asset held, as reported by the financial
institution. If the security is an option, `quantity` will reflect the total
institution. If the security is an option, `quantity` will reflect the total
number of options (typically the number of contracts multiplied by 100), not
number of options (typically the number of contracts multiplied by 100), not
the number of contracts.
the number of contracts.
quantity: Float!
quantity: Float
The Plaid `security_id` associated with the holding. Security data is not
The Plaid `security_id` associated with the holding. Security data is not
specific to a user's account; any user who held the same security at the same
specific to a user's account; any user who held the same security at the same
financial institution at the same time would have identical security data. The
financial institution at the same time would have identical security data. The
`security_id` for the same security will typically be the same across
`security_id` for the same security will typically be the same across
different institutions, but this is not guaranteed. The `security_id` does not
different institutions, but this is not guaranteed. The `security_id` does not
typically change, but may change if inherent details of the security change
typically change, but may change if inherent details of the security change
due to a corporate action, for example, in the event of a ticker symbol change
due to a corporate action, for example, in the event of a ticker symbol change
or CUSIP change.
or CUSIP change.
securityId: String!
securityId: String
The unofficial currency code associated with the holding. Always `null` if
The unofficial currency code associated with the holding. Always `null` if
`iso_currency_code` is non-`null`. Unofficial currency codes are used for
`iso_currency_code` is non-`null`. Unofficial currency codes are used for
currencies that do not have official ISO currency codes, such as
currencies that do not have official ISO currency codes, such as
cryptocurrencies and the currencies of certain countries.
cryptocurrencies and the currencies of certain countries.
See the [currency code
See the [currency code
schema]( for a full
schema]( for a full
listing of supported `iso_currency_code`s.
listing of supported `iso_currency_code`s.
unofficialCurrencyCode: String
unofficialCurrencyCode: String
A transaction within an investment account.
A transaction within an investment account.
type PlaidInvestmentTransaction {
type RemoteDataPlaidInvestmentTransaction {
The `account_id` of the account against which this transaction posted.
The `account_id` of the account against which this transaction posted.
accountId: String!
accountId: String
The complete value of the transaction. Positive values when cash is debited,
The complete value of the transaction. Positive values when cash is debited,
e.g. purchases of stock; negative values when cash is credited, e.g. sales of
e.g. purchases of stock; negative values when cash is credited, e.g. sales of
stock. Treatment remains the same for cash-only movements unassociated with securities.
stock. Treatment remains the same for cash-only movements unassociated with securities.
amount: Float!
amount: Float
A legacy field formerly used internally by Plaid to identify certain canceled transactions.
A legacy field formerly used internally by Plaid to identify certain canceled transactions.
cancelTransactionId: String
cancelTransactionId: String
The [ISO 8601]( posting date for the transaction.
The [ISO 8601]( posting date for the transaction.
date: Date!
date: Date
The combined value of all fees applied to this transaction
The combined value of all fees applied to this transaction
fees: Float
fees: Float
The ID of the Investment transaction, unique across all Plaid transactions.
The ID of the Investment transaction, unique across all Plaid transactions.
Like all Plaid identifiers, the `investment_transaction_id` is case sensitive.
Like all Plaid identifiers, the `investment_transaction_id` is case sensitive.
investmentTransactionId: String!
investmentTransactionId: String
The ISO-4217 currency code of the transaction. Always `null` if `unofficial_currency_code` is non-`null`.
The ISO-4217 currency code of the transaction. Always `null` if `unofficial_currency_code` is non-`null`.
isoCurrencyCode: String
isoCurrencyCode: String
The institution’s description of the transaction.
The institution’s description of the transaction.
name: String!
name: String
The price of the security at which this transaction occurred.
The price of the security at which this transaction occurred.
price: Float!
price: Float
The number of units of the security involved in this transaction. Positive for
The number of units of the security involved in this transaction. Positive for
buy transactions; negative for sell transactions.
buy transactions; negative for sell transactions.
quantity: Float!
quantity: Float
The `security_id` to which this transaction is related.
The `security_id` to which this transaction is related.
securityId: String
securityId: String
For descriptions of possible transaction types and subtypes, see the
For descriptions of possible transaction types and subtypes, see the
[Investment transaction types schema](
[Investment transaction types schema](
subtype: String!
subtype: String
Value is one of the following:
Value is one of the following:
`buy`: Buying an investment
`buy`: Buying an investment
`sell`: Selling an investment
`sell`: Selling an investment
`cancel`: A cancellation of a pending transaction
`cancel`: A cancellation of a pending transaction
`cash`: Activity that modifies a cash position
`cash`: Activity that modifies a cash position
`fee`: A fee on the account
`fee`: A fee on the account
`transfer`: Activity which modifies a position, but not through buy/sell
`transfer`: Activity which modifies a position, but not through buy/sell
activity e.g. options exercise, portfolio transfer
activity e.g. options exercise, portfolio transfer
For descriptions of possible transaction types and subtypes, see the
For descriptions of possible transaction types and subtypes, see the
[Investment transaction types schema](
[Investment transaction types schema](
type: String!
type: String
The unofficial currency code associated with the holding. Always `null` if
The unofficial currency code associated with the holding. Always `null` if
`iso_currency_code` is non-`null`. Unofficial currency codes are used for
`iso_currency_code` is non-`null`. Unofficial currency codes are used for
currencies that do not have official ISO currency codes, such as
currencies that do not have official ISO currency codes, such as
cryptocurrencies and the currencies of certain countries.
cryptocurrencies and the currencies of certain countries.
See the [currency code
See the [currency code
schema]( for a full
schema]( for a full
listing of supported `iso_currency_code`s.
listing of supported `iso_currency_code`s.
unofficialCurrencyCode: String
unofficialCurrencyCode: String
Plaid Investments Holdings data.
Plaid Holdings data.
type PlaidInvestmentsHoldings {
type RemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsHoldings {
The holdings belonging to investment accounts associated with the Item.
The holdings belonging to investment accounts associated with the Item.
Details of the securities in the holdings are provided in the `securities` field.
Details of the securities in the holdings are provided in the `securities` field.
holdings: [PlaidHolding!]!
holdings: [RemoteDataPlaidHolding!]
Objects describing the securities held in the accounts associated with the Item.
Objects describing the securities held in the accounts associated with the Item.
securities: [PlaidSecurity!]!
securities: [RemoteDataPlaidSecurity!]
Plaid Investments Transactions data.
Plaid Transactions data.
type PlaidInvestmentsTransactions {
type RemoteDataPlaidInvestmentsTransactions {
The transactions being fetched
The transactions being fetched
investmentTransactions: [PlaidInvestmentTransaction!]!
investmentTransactions: [RemoteDataPlaidInvestmentTransaction!]
All securities for which there is a corresponding transaction being fetched.
All securities for which there is a corresponding transaction being fetched.
securities: [PlaidSecurity!]!
securities: [RemoteDataPlaidSecurity!]
Contains details about a security
Contains details about a security
type PlaidSecurity {
type RemoteDataPlaidSecurity {
Price of the security at the close of the previous trading session. Null for non-public securities.
Price of the security at the close of the previous trading session. Null for non-public securities.
If the security is a foreign currency this field will be updated daily and will be priced in USD.
If the security is a foreign currency this field will be updated daily and will be priced in USD.
If the security is a cryptocurrency, this field will be updated multiple times
If the security is a cryptocurrency, this field will be updated multiple times
a day. As crypto prices can fluctuate quickly and data may become stale sooner
a day. As crypto prices can fluctuate quickly and data may become stale sooner
than other asset classes, refer to `update_datetime` with the time when the
than other asset classes, refer to `update_datetime` with the time when the
price was last updated.
price was last updated.
closePrice: Float
closePrice: Float
Date for which `close_price` is accurate. Always `null` if `close_price` is `null`.
Date for which `close_price` is accurate. Always `null` if `close_price` is `null`.
closePriceAsOf: Date
closePriceAsOf: Date
9-character CUSIP, an identifier assigned to North American securities. Please
9-character CUSIP, an identifier assigned to North American securities. Please
note that Plaid's customers must hold a license directly from CUSIP Global
note that Plaid's customers must hold a license directly from CUSIP Global
Services to receive CUSIP & ISIN data. This field will be null by default for
Services to receive CUSIP & ISIN data. This field will be null by default for
new customers. For existing customers, this field will be null by default
new customers. For existing customers, this field will be null by default
starting on Sept 15, 2023. If you would like access to this field, please
starting on Sept 15, 2023. If you would like access to this field, please
contact your Plaid Account Manager or reach out to
contact your Plaid Account Manager or reach out to
cusip: String
cusip: String
If `institution_security_id` is present, this field indicates the Plaid
If `institution_security_id` is present, this field indicates the Plaid
`institution_id` of the institution to whom the identifier belongs.
`institution_id` of the institution to whom the identifier belongs.
institutionId: String
institutionId: String
An identifier given to the security by the institution
An identifier given to the security by the institution
institutionSecurityId: String
institutionSecurityId: String
Indicates that a security is a highly liquid asset and can be treated like cash.
Indicates that a security is a highly liquid asset and can be treated like cash.
isCashEquivalent: Boolean
isCashEquivalent: Boolean
12-character ISIN, a globally unique securities identifier. Please note that
12-character ISIN, a globally unique securities identifier. Please note that
Plaid's customers must hold a license directly from CUSIP Global Services to
Plaid's customers must hold a license directly from CUSIP Global Services to
receive CUSIP & ISIN data. This field will be null by default for new
receive CUSIP & ISIN data. This field will be null by default for new
customers. For existing customers, this field will be null by default starting
customers. For existing customers, this field will be null by default starting
on Sept 15, 2023. If you would like access to this field, please contact your
on Sept 15, 2023. If you would like access to this field, please contact your
Plaid Account Manager or reach out to
Plaid Account Manager or reach out to
isin: String
isin: String
The ISO-4217 currency code of the price given. Always `null` if `unofficial_currency_code` is non-`null`.
The ISO-4217 currency code of the price given. Always `null` if `unofficial_currency_code` is non-`null`.
isoCurrencyCode: String
isoCurrencyCode: String
A descriptive name for the security, suitable for display.
A descriptive name for the security, suitable for display.
name: String
name: String
In certain cases, Plaid will provide the ID of another security whose
In certain cases, Plaid will provide the ID of another security whose
performance resembles this security, typically when the original security has
performance resembles this security, typically when the original security has
low volume, or when a private security can be modeled with a publicly traded security.
low volume, or when a private security can be modeled with a publicly traded security.
proxySecurityId: String
proxySecurityId: String
A unique, Plaid-specific identifier for the security, used to associate
A unique, Plaid-specific identifier for the security, used to associate
securities with holdings. Like all Plaid identifiers, the `security_id` is
securities with holdings. Like all Plaid identifiers, the `security_id` is
case sensitive. The `security_id` may change if inherent details of the
case sensitive. The `security_id` may change if inherent details of the
security change due to a corporate action, for example, in the event of a
security change due to a corporate action, for example, in the event of a
ticker symbol change or CUSIP change.
ticker symbol change or CUSIP change.
securityId: String!
securityId: String
7-character SEDOL, an identifier assigned to securities in the UK.
7-character SEDOL, an identifier assigned to securities in the UK.
sedol: String
sedol: String
The security’s trading symbol for publicly traded securities, and otherwise a short identifier if available.
The security’s trading symbol for publicly traded securities, and otherwise a short identifier if available.
tickerSymbol: String
tickerSymbol: String
The security type of the holding. Valid security types are:
The security type of the holding. Valid security types are:
`cash`: Cash, currency, and money market funds
`cash`: Cash, currency, and money market funds
`cryptocurrency`: Digital or virtual currencies
`cryptocurrency`: Digital or virtual currencies
`derivative`: Options, warrants, and other derivative instruments
`derivative`: Options, warrants, and other derivative instruments
`equity`: Domestic and foreign equities
`equity`: Domestic and foreign equities
`etf`: Multi-asset exchange-traded investment funds
`etf`: Multi-asset exchange-traded investment funds
`fixed income`: Bonds and certificates of deposit (CDs)
`fixed income`: Bonds and certificates of deposit (CDs)
`loan`: Loans and loan receivables
`loan`: Loans and loan receivables
`mutual fund`: Open- and closed-end vehicles pooling funds of multiple investors
`mutual fund`: Open- and closed-end vehicles pooling funds of multiple investors
`other`: Unknown or other investment types
`other`: Unknown or other investment types
type: String
type: String
The unofficial currency code associated with the security. Always `null` if
The unofficial currency code associated with the security. Always `null` if
`iso_currency_code` is non-`null`. Unofficial currency codes are used for
`iso_currency_code` is non-`null`. Unofficial currency codes are used for
currencies that do not have official ISO currency codes, such as
currencies that do not have official ISO currency codes, such as
cryptocurrencies and the currencies of certain countries.
cryptocurrencies and the currencies of certain countries.
See the [currency code
See the [currency code
schema]( for a full
schema]( for a full
listing of supported `iso_currency_code`s.
listing of supported `iso_currency_code`s.
unofficialCurrencyCode: String
unofficialCurrencyCode: String
Date and time at which `close_price` is accurate, in ISO 8601 format
Date and time at which `close_price` is accurate, in ISO 8601 format
(YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ). Always `null` if `close_price` is `null`.
(YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ). Always `null` if `close_price` is `null`.
updateDatetime: DateTime
updateDatetime: DateTime