Admin360-Reloaded 9.1.0 vs 9.2.0

Created Diff never expires
18 removals
Words removed72
Total words2869
Words removed (%)2.51
602 lines
20 additions
Words added69
Total words2866
Words added (%)2.41
604 lines
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Notes | #
# | Notes | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Admin360 auto-renames any old config file into "config_old.yml" on server restart.
# Admin360 auto-renames any old config file into "config_old.yml" on server restart.
# You should delete "config_old.yml" after use to avoid breaking auto-renaming on future updates.
# You should delete "config_old.yml" after use to avoid breaking auto-renaming on future updates.

# Comments in this file can be a bit lengthy because we try hard to explain everything to you.
# Comments in this file can be a bit lengthy because we try hard to explain everything to you.
# If you do spend time reading through all the messages, I assure you a good understanding of how Admin360 works.
# If you do spend time reading through all the messages, I assure you a good understanding of how Admin360 works.

# This plugin supports HEX codes on 1.16+ servers.
# This plugin supports HEX codes on 1.16+ servers.
# Example: "#e69296This is a #c8a2c8test #e69296message."
# Example: "#e69296This is a #c8a2c8test #e69296message."

# All messages, by default, contain all the built-in placeholders made available to that particular message.
# All messages, by default, contain all the built-in placeholders made available to that particular message.
# You can safely remove or duplicate these placeholders in a message.
# You can safely remove or duplicate these placeholders in a message.

# Admin360 recognises players with permission "admin360.staff.basic" as staff on server join.
# Admin360 recognises players with permission "admin360.staff.basic" as staff on server join.
# If a player is granted the above permission while they're online, they should re-join the server.
# If a player is granted the above permission while they're online, they should re-join the server.

# <PENDING> <ATTENDING> <COMPLETING> <COMPLETED> are the 4 major stages Admin360 used to administer Requests.
# <PENDING> <ATTENDING> <COMPLETING> <COMPLETED> are the 4 major stages Admin360 used to administer Requests.
# The first 3 stages are managed completely in Memory, while completed requests will be saved to the database.
# The first 3 stages are managed completely in Memory, while completed requests will be saved to the database.

# <PENDING> is a Queue holding all pending Requests that awaits processing.
# <PENDING> is a Queue holding all pending Requests that awaits processing.
# <ATTENDING> is a List holding all attending Requests that are currently in progress.
# <ATTENDING> is a List holding all attending Requests that are currently in progress.
# <COMPLETING> is a List holding all closed Requests that awaits user review.
# <COMPLETING> is a List holding all closed Requests that awaits user review.
# <COMPLETED> does not exist in Memory, but all entries in the database can be referred to this stage.
# <COMPLETED> does not exist in Memory, but all entries in the database can be referred to this stage.

# What Admin360 does is to manage the transition between these stages.
# What Admin360 does is to manage the transition between these stages.
# Incomplete requests will be voided on server restart.
# Incomplete requests will be voided on server restart.

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | General | #
# | General | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Do not change this unless you know what you're doing.
# Do not change this unless you know what you're doing.
# Admin360 uses this to check whether we should recreate a new config for you.
# Admin360 uses this to check whether we should recreate a new config for you.
version: "9.1.0"
version: "9.2.0"

no-permission: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAccess Denied&7 You do not have permission to use this command."
no-permission: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAccess Denied&7 You do not have permission to use this command."
incorrect-syntax: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nIncorrect Syntax&7 Use &6/admin360 &7to display a list of commands."
incorrect-syntax: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nIncorrect Syntax&7 Use &6/admin360 &7to display a list of commands."
reload-config: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7The config file has been reloaded successfully."
reload-config: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7The config file has been reloaded successfully."

# You MUST restart your server to apply any changes in this section.
# You MUST restart your server to apply any changes in this section.
# Admin360 will use SQLite if mysql is set to false.
# Admin360 will use SQLite if mysql is set to false.
# The other options will only be valid if mysql is true.
# The other options will only be valid if mysql is true.
mysql: false
mysql: false
host: "localhost"
host: "localhost"
port: "3306"
port: "3306"
database: "database"
database: "database"
username: "user"
username: "user"
password: "password"
password: "password"
options: "?autoReconnect=true&verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=false"
options: "?autoReconnect=true&verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=false"

- ""
- ""
- "&7&m------------&r &6ADMIN360 &7&m------------"
- "&7&m------------&r &6ADMIN360 &7&m------------"
- "&6/ticket create [details] &f- &7Open a ticket."
- "&6/ticket create [details] &f- &7Open a ticket."
- "&6/ticket cancel &f- &7Cancel your ticket."
- "&6/ticket cancel &f- &7Cancel your ticket."
- "&6/ticket status &f- &7Query ticket status."
- "&6/ticket status &f- &7Query ticket status."
- "&6/ticket stats &f- &7View overall statistics."
- "&6/ticket stats &f- &7View overall statistics."
- "&6/ticket help &f- &7Display command list."
- "&6/ticket help &f- &7Display command list."
- "&b/admin360 &f- &7Display plugin info."
- "&b/admin360 &f- &7Display plugin info."
- "&7*&fParameters: [Optional] <Compulsory>"
- "&7*&fParameters: [Optional] <Compulsory>"
- "&7&m---------------------------------"
- "&7&m---------------------------------"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- "&7&m------------&r &6ADMIN360 &7&m------------"
- "&7&m------------&r &6ADMIN360 &7&m------------"
- "&fStep 1"
- "&fStep 1"
- "&6/ticket list &f- &7View the ticket list."
- "&6/ticket list &f- &7View the ticket list."
- "&6/ticket next &f- &7Proceed to the next ticket."
- "&6/ticket next &f- &7Proceed to the next ticket."
- "&6/ticket select <name> &f- &7Select a ticket."
- "&6/ticket select <name> &f- &7Select a ticket."
- "&fStep 2"
- "&fStep 2"
- "&6/ticket tp &f- &7Teleport to requester."
- "&6/ticket tp &f- &7Teleport to requester."
- "&6/ticket info &f- &7View the ticket details."
- "&6/ticket info &f- &7View the ticket details."
- "&fStep 3"
- "&fStep 3"
- "&6/ticket drop &f- &7Drop the ticket."
- "&6/ticket drop &f- &7Drop the ticket."
- "&6/ticket close &f- &7Done-mark the ticket."
- "&6/ticket close &f- &7Done-mark the ticket."
- "&6/ticket transfer <name> &f- &7Transfer the ticket."
- "&6/ticket transfer <name> &f- &7Transfer the ticket."
- "&fRemoval"
- "&fRemoval"
- "&6/ticket remove <name> &f- &7Remove target from all stages."
- "&6/ticket remove <name> &f- &7Remove target from all stages."
- "&6/ticket purge [stage] &f- &7Remove all tickets in a stage."
- "&6/ticket purge [stage] &f- &7Remove all tickets in a stage."
- "&7[stage]: pending (default), attending, completing, all"
- "&7[stage]: pending (default), attending, completing, all"
- "&fHonors"
- "&fHonors"
- "&6/ticket hpstats [name] &f- &7View HP stats."
- "&6/ticket hpstats [name] &f- &7View HP stats."
- "&6/ticket hptop [line] &f- &7View HP leaderboard."
- "&6/ticket hptop [line] &f- &7View HP leaderboard."
- "&6/ticket history [line] &f- &7View HP history."
- "&6/ticket history [line] &f- &7View HP history."
- "&6/ticket hpreset <name> &f- &7Reset HP stats."
- "&6/ticket hpreset <name> &f- &7Reset HP stats."
- "&b/admin360 reload &f- &7Reload the config file."
- "&b/admin360 reload &f- &7Reload the config file."
- "&7*&fParameters: [Optional] <Compulsory>"
- "&7*&fParameters: [Optional] <Compulsory>"
- "&7&m---------------------------------"
- "&7&m---------------------------------"
- ""
- ""

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ticket Creation | #
# | Ticket Creation | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket create [details] : Open a request with or without a description.
# /ticket create [details] : Open a request with or without a description.
# Requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".
# Requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".


# Here's a cooldown feature to avoid creation spamming
# Here's a cooldown feature to avoid creation spamming
# Cooldown persists even after the target logs out.
# Cooldown persists even after the target logs out.
enable: true
enable: true
interval: 60 # in seconds
interval: 60 # in seconds
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Please wait for &6<SECONDS>s&7 before opening another ticket."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Please wait for &6<SECONDS>s&7 before opening another ticket."

# If this is set to true ...
# If this is set to true ...
# Players will not be allowed to create tickets when there are no staff on the server.
# Players will not be allowed to create tickets when there are no staff on the server.
require-staff: false
require-staff: false

# Create aborted because ...
# Create aborted because ...
# no-staff : There are no staff available atm.
# no-staff : There are no staff available atm.
# pending : You have a pending request in queue atm.
# pending : You have a pending request in queue atm.
# attending : Staff is attending to your request atm.
# attending : Staff is attending to your request atm.
# completing : You have a completing request atm that awaits your review.
# completing : You have a completing request atm that awaits your review.
# restricted : You are a staff, and you are blocked from using this feature to avoid self-boosting.
# restricted : You are a staff, and you are blocked from using this feature to avoid self-boosting.
no-staff: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 We cannot handle your request at the moment."
no-staff: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 We cannot handle your request at the moment."
pending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You already have a pending ticket in queue. (&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)"
pending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You already have a pending ticket in queue. (&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)"
attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You already have an attending ticket in progress.(&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)"
attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You already have an attending ticket in progress.(&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)"
completing: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You have a ticket that await your feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)"
completing: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You have a ticket that await your feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)"
restricted: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 This feature has been disabled for this user group."
restricted: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 This feature has been disabled for this user group."

# Create succeeded means ...
# Create succeeded means ...
# Request is added to Pending Queue and is put at the end of queue.
# Request is added to Pending Queue and is put at the end of queue.
- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have opened a ticket (&fPosition: &c<POSITION>&7)."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have opened a ticket (&fPosition: &c<POSITION>&7)."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Details: &f<DETAILS>"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Details: &f<DETAILS>"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Use &6/ticket status &7to query the progress."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Use &6/ticket status &7to query the progress."
- ""
- ""
# This will notify all online staff with permission "admin360.staff.basic".
# This will notify all online staff with permission "admin360.staff.basic".
- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME>&7 opened a ticket."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME>&7 opened a ticket."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Details: &f<DETAILS>"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Details: &f<DETAILS>"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<AMOUNT>&f ticket(s) remaining"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<AMOUNT>&f ticket(s) remaining"
- ""
- ""
# Run console commands on ticket creation. Default example using Title-Manager.
# Run console commands on ticket creation. Default example using Title-Manager.
# <DETAILS> is also available as a placeholder.
# <DETAILS> is also available as a placeholder.
enable: false
enable: false
- "tm msg <PLAYERNAME> &b\n&6Ticket Created &7(&fPosition: &6<POSITION>&7)"
- "tm msg <PLAYERNAME> &b\n&6Ticket Created &7(&fPosition: &6<POSITION>&7)"

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ticket Cancellation | #
# | Ticket Cancellation | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket cancel: Cancel your submitted request.
# /ticket cancel: Cancel your submitted request.
# Requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".
# Requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".


# Cancel aborted because ...
# Cancel aborted because ...
# no-ticket : You don't have any pending request, nothing to cancel tbh.
# no-ticket : You don't have any pending request, nothing to cancel tbh.
# attending : Staff is attending to your request, pretty self-explanatory.
# attending : Staff is attending to your request, pretty self-explanatory.
# completing : You have a completing request that awaits your review.
# completing : You have a completing request that awaits your review.
# restricted : You are a staff. You can't create a ticket, how can you cancel one?
# restricted : You are a staff. You can't create a ticket, how can you cancel one?
no-ticket: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 You don't have any pending requests. (&fTips: &6/ticket create [details]&7)"
no-ticket: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 You don't have any pending requests. (&fTips: &6/ticket create [details]&7)"
attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 You cannot cancel an attending request. (&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)"
attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 You cannot cancel an attending request. (&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)"
completing: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 You have a ticket that await your feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)"
completing: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 You have a ticket that await your feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)"
restricted: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 This feature has been disabled for this user group."
restricted: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 This feature has been disabled for this user group."

# Cancel succeeded means ...
# Cancel succeeded means ...
# You have successfully cancelled your submitted request.
# You have successfully cancelled your submitted request.
# Request is removed from Pending Queue.
# Request is removed from Pending Queue.
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have successfully cancelled your request."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have successfully cancelled your request."

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Check Ticket Status (Player/Staff) | #
# | Check Ticket Status (Player/Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket status: Query your ticket status.
# /ticket status: Query your ticket status.
# Requires the permission "admin360.player.status".
# Requires the permission "admin360.player.status".


# Player exclusive status
# Player exclusive status
# no-ticket : You don't have any pending request atm.
# no-ticket : You don't have any pending request atm.
# pending : You have a pending request in queue atm.
# pending : You have a pending request in queue atm.
# attending : Staff is attending to your request atm.
# attending : Staff is attending to your request atm.
# completing : You have a completing request that awaits your review atm.
# completing : You have a completing request that awaits your review atm.
no-ticket: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You don't have any pending request. (&fTips: &6/ticket create [details]&7)"
no-ticket: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You don't have any pending request. (&fTips: &6/ticket create [details]&7)"
pending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Your ticket is now &6pending &7in queue position &6<POSITION>&7."
pending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Your ticket is now &6pending &7in queue position &6<POSITION>&7."
attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Our staff is attending to your ticket. You will be approached soon."
attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Our staff is attending to your ticket. You will be approached soon."
completing: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have a ticket that await your feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)"
completing: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have a ticket that await your feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)"

# Staff exclusive status
# Staff exclusive status
# attending : You are attending a request atm.
# attending : You are attending a request atm.
# not-attending : You are not attending a request atm.
# not-attending : You are not attending a request atm.
attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You are attending to a request at the moment. (&fTips: &6/ticket info&7)"
attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You are attending to a request at the moment. (&fTips: &6/ticket info&7)"
not-attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You are not attending to any request at the moment. (&fTips: &6/ticket next&7)"
not-attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You are not attending to any request at the moment. (&fTips: &6/ticket next&7)"

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ticket Statistics | #
# | Ticket Statistics | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket stats: Display ticket statistics.
# /ticket stats: Display ticket statistics.
# Requires the permission "admin360.player.stats".
# Requires the permission "admin360.player.stats".

# <PENDING> <ATTENDING> <COMPLETING> <COMPLETED> are all temporary counters.
# <PENDING> <ATTENDING> <COMPLETING> <COMPLETED> are all temporary counters.
# They are all stored in memory and will be reset once the server restarts.
# They are all stored in memory and will be reset once the server restarts.

# In fact, most of Admin360 components are in memory as well, including the
# In fact, most of Admin360 components are in memory as well, including the
# Pending Request Queue, Attending Request List and Completing Request List.
# Pending Request Queue, Attending Request List and Completing Request List.
# <COMPLETED> counts all the completed requests since previous server restart.
# <COMPLETED> counts all the completed requests since previous server restart.

# Only completed requests get stored to the database for statistical and logging purposes.
# Only completed requests get stored to the database for statistical and logging purposes.
# Any incomplete tickets (pending, attending, completing) will be voided on server restart.
# Any incomplete tickets (pending, attending, completing) will be voided on server restart.

# <TOTAL> counts the number of records from the database.
# <TOTAL> counts the number of records from the database.
# All entries in the database are historical completed requests with a submitted review.
# All entries in the database are historical completed requests with a submitted review.

# <UPVOTE_PERCENT> is the upvote:total ratio calculated based on data retrieved from database.
# <UPVOTE_PERCENT> is the upvote:total ratio calculated based on data retrieved from database.

- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c<PENDING>&f ticket(s) pending."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c<PENDING>&f ticket(s) pending."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<ATTENDING>&f ticket(s) attending."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<ATTENDING>&f ticket(s) attending."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &a<COMPLETING>&f ticket(s) completing."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &a<COMPLETING>&f ticket(s) completing."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &b<COMPLETED>&f ticket(s) completed &3today&7."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &b<COMPLETED>&f ticket(s) completed &3today&7."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &d<TOTAL>&f ticket(s) completed &3all-time &7(&f<UPVOTE_PERCENT>%&a+&7)"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &d<TOTAL>&f ticket(s) completed &3all-time &7(&f<UPVOTE_PERCENT>%&a+&7)"
- ""
- ""

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ticket Selection | #
# | Ticket Selection | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket list: List out all the tickets in queue.
# /ticket list: List out all the tickets in queue.
# /ticket select <name>: Select a ticket in queue to attend.
# /ticket select <name>: Select a ticket in queue to attend.
# /ticket next: Proceed to attend the next request in queue.
# /ticket next: Proceed to attend the next request in queue.
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.basic".
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.basic".

# "next" and "select" share the same messages and settings.
# "next" and "select" share the same messages and settings.

- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Ticket List"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Ticket List"
body: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e&l<INDEX> &7[&f<DATETIME>&7] &f<PLAYERNAME> &7: <DETAILS>"
body: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e&l<INDEX> &7[&f<DATETIME>&7] &f<PLAYERNAME> &7: <DETAILS>"
- ""
- ""


# Do you want Admin360 to teleport your staff to the target player by default?
# Do you want Admin360 to teleport your staff to the target player by default?
# Change this to false if you want to disable this option.
# Change this to false if you want to disable this option.
auto-teleport: true
auto-teleport: true

# Do you want Admin360 to make your staff invincible when attending a ticket?
# Change this to false if you want to disable this option.
ticket-invincibility: true

# Attend aborted because ...
# Attend aborted because ...
# no-ticket : There are no pending tickets available in queue atm.
# no-ticket : There are no pending tickets available in queue atm.
# not-online : Selection target is not online atm.
# not-online : Selection target is not online atm.
# not-pending : Selection target has no pending tickets atm.
# not-pending : Selection target has no pending tickets atm.
# attending : You are attending a request atm.
# attending : You are attending a request atm.
no-ticket: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAttend Failed&7 There are no pending tickets at the moment."
no-ticket: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAttend Failed&7 There are no pending tickets at the moment."
not-online: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAttend Failed&7 &6<PLAYERNAME> &7is not online at the moment."
not-online: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAttend Failed&7 &6<PLAYERNAME> &7is not online at the moment."
not-pending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAttend Failed&7 &6<PLAYERNAME> &7does not have a pending request."
not-pending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAttend Failed&7 &6<PLAYERNAME> &7does not have a pending request."
attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAttend Failed&7 You are already attending to a request."
attending: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAttend Failed&7 You are already attending to a request."

# Attend succeeded means ...
# Attend succeeded means ...
# You will be teleported to the ticket creator.
# You will be teleported to the ticket creator.
# Request is removed from Pending Queue and added to the Attending List.
# Request is removed from Pending Queue and added to the Attending List.
- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &7has been assigned to your request."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &7has been assigned to your request."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &7is now attending to your request."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &7is now attending to your request."
- ""
- ""
# This will notify all online staff with permission "admin360.staff.basic".
# This will notify all online staff with permission "admin360.staff.basic".
- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &7is now attending to &6<PLAYERNAME>&7's request."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &7is now attending to &6<PLAYERNAME>&7's request."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<AMOUNT>&f ticket(s) remaining"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<AMOUNT>&f ticket(s) remaining"
- ""
- ""
# Run console commands on ticket attendance. Default example using title-manager.
# Run console commands on ticket attendance. Default example using title-manager.
enable: false
enable: false
- "tm msg <PLAYERNAME> &b\n&6<ADMINNAME> &fis now reviewing your request."
- "tm msg <PLAYERNAME> &b\n&6<ADMINNAME> &fis now reviewing your request."

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Teleportation | #
# | Teleportation | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket tp: Teleport to the request owner.
# /ticket tp: Teleport to the request owner.
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.teleport".
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.teleport".

message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nTeleport Failed&7 You are not attending to any request at the moment."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nTeleport Failed&7 You are not attending to any request at the moment."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have been teleported to &6<PLAYERNAME>&7."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have been teleported to &6<PLAYERNAME>&7."

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ticket Information | #
# | Ticket Information | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket info: Display ticket information.
# /ticket info: Display ticket information.
# Requires the permission "".
# Requires the permission "".

message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nView-Info Failed&7 You are not attending to any request at the moment."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nView-Info Failed&7 You are not attending to any request at the moment."
- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Name: &f<PLAYERNAME>"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Name: &f<PLAYERNAME>"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Details: &f<DETAILS>"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Details: &f<DETAILS>"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Time: &f<DATETIME>"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Time: &f<DATETIME>"
- ""
- ""

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
Text moved with changes from lines 594-598 (90.9% similarity)
# | Ticket Invulnerability | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# If attend.ticket-invincibility is true, then these messages are used.

on: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &a&nInvulnerability Enabled for Ticket Attend"
Text moved with changes from lines 588-593 (95.6% similarity)
off: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nInvulnerability Disabled for Ticket Close"

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ticket Transfer | #
# | Ticket Transfer | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket redirect: Transfer your assigned ticket to another staff.
# /ticket redirect: Transfer your assigned ticket to another staff.
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.transfer".
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.transfer".


# Transfer aborted because ...
# Transfer aborted because ...
# You are not attending to any request, or the target is not a staff.
# You are not attending to any request, or the target is not a staff.
# The name you enter is invalid, or the target is attending another request atm.
# The name you enter is invalid, or the target is attending another request atm.
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nTransfer Failed&7 This request cannot be transferred to &6<ADMINNAME>&7."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nTransfer Failed&7 This request cannot be transferred to &6<ADMINNAME>&7."

# Transfer succeeded means ...
# Transfer succeeded means ...
# The entire attend cycle will be triggered again, as if it is a new ticket.
# The entire attend cycle will be triggered again, as if it is a new ticket.
# Request is removed from Attending List and re-added with the new assignee.
# Request is removed from Attending List and re-added with the new assignee.
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have successfully transferred this request to &6<ADMINNAME>&7."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have successfully transferred this request to &6<ADMINNAME>&7."

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ticket Abandonment | #
# | Ticket Abandonment | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket drop: Abandon a ticket without the need to close it.
# /ticket drop: Abandon a ticket without the need to close it.
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.drop".
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.drop".


message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nDrop Failed&7 You are not attending to any request at the moment."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nDrop Failed&7 You are not attending to any request at the moment."

# Drop succeeded means ...
# Drop succeeded means ...
# Request is removed from Attending List.
# Request is removed from Attending List.
notify-handler: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have successfully dropped &6<PLAYERNAME>&7's request."
notify-handler: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have successfully dropped &6<PLAYERNAME>&7's request."
- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Your ticket has been&c dropped&7 by &6<ADMINNAME>&7."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Your ticket has been&c dropped&7 by &6<ADMINNAME>&7."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Make sure your request complies with our rules."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Make sure your request complies with our rules."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7We look forward to serving you again."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7We look forward to serving you again."
- ""
- ""

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ticket Close | #
# | Ticket Close | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket close: Close a ticket and done-mark it.
# /ticket close: Close a ticket and done-mark it.
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.basic".
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.basic".


message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nClose Failed&7 You are not attending to any request at the moment."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nClose Failed&7 You are not attending to any request at the moment."

# Close succeeded means ...
# Close succeeded means ...
# Review reminder will be in action to prompt request owner for feedback.
# Review reminder will be in action to prompt request owner for feedback.
# Request is removed from Attending List and put to Completing List.
# Request is removed from Attending List and put to Completing List.
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have successfully closed &6<PLAYERNAME>&7's request."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have successfully closed &6<PLAYERNAME>&7's request."

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Service Review | #
# | Service Review | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket yes, /ticket no: Upvote or downvote a service.
# /ticket yes, /ticket no: Upvote or downvote a service.
# Requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".
# Requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".

# After a ticket is closed, your player will be asked to rate the service.
# After a ticket is closed, your player will be asked to rate the service.
# They can upvote or downvote. /ticket yes: upvote; /ticket no: downvote.
# They can upvote or downvote. /ticket yes: upvote; /ticket no: downvote.

# Once a review is submitted, details of that request will be added to the database.
# Once a review is submitted, details of that request will be added to the database.
# Requests will only be kept in memory if a review is not submitted.
# Requests will only be kept in memory if a review is not submitted.


# Periodically prompt your players to review the service they received.
# Periodically prompt your players to review the service they received.
enable: false
enable: false
interval: 20 # in seconds
interval: 20 # in seconds

# Prompt message will be sent at least once regardless of reminder.enable option.
# Prompt message will be sent at least once regardless of reminder.enable option.
# This section, however, will be triggered periodically if reminder.enable is true.
# This section, however, will be triggered periodically if reminder.enable is true.
- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &7has completed your request."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &7has completed your request."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Are you satisfied with &6<ADMINNAME>&7's service?"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Are you satisfied with &6<ADMINNAME>&7's service?"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &fYes: &7[&a/ticket yes&7], &fNo: &7[&c/ticket no&7]"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &fYes: &7[&a/ticket yes&7], &fNo: &7[&c/ticket no&7]"
- ""
- ""
# Runs console commands on review prompt. Default example using Chest-Commands.
# Runs console commands on review prompt. Default example using Chest-Commands.
# e.g. Opens a GUI with buttons triggering /ticket yes and /ticket no.
# e.g. Opens a GUI with buttons triggering /ticket yes and /ticket no.
# <ADMINNAME> is also available as a placeholder.
# <ADMINNAME> is also available as a placeholder.
enable: false
enable: false
- "chestcommands open feedback.yml <PLAYERNAME>"
- "chestcommands open feedback.yml <PLAYERNAME>"

# Failed to give rating
# Failed to give rating
# Probably because of wrong ticket status ...
# Probably because of wrong ticket status ...
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You don't have any completing ticket at the moment."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You don't have any completing ticket at the moment."

# Rating received means ...
# Rating received means ...
# Review reminder will be put to halt.
# Review reminder will be put to halt.
# Request is removed from Completing List and added to the database.
# Request is removed from Completing List and added to the database.
received: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Thank you for your feedback. We look forward to serving you again."
received: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Thank you for your feedback. We look forward to serving you again."
upvote-notify: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME>&e likes &7your service. [&f1&a+&7]"
upvote-notify: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME>&e likes &7your service. [&f1&a+&7]"
downvote-notify: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME>&c dislikes &7your service. [&f1&c-&7]"
downvote-notify: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME>&c dislikes &7your service. [&f1&c-&7]"
# Runs console commands on review received. Default example using EssentialsX.
# Runs console commands on review received. Default example using EssentialsX.
# e.g. Gives both staff and player some custom rewards to complete a ticket.
# e.g. Gives both staff and player some custom rewards to complete a ticket.
enable: false
enable: false
- "eco give <PLAYERNAME> 100"
- "eco give <PLAYERNAME> 100"
- "eco give <ADMINNAME> 100"
- "eco give <ADMINNAME> 100"

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ticket Removal | #
# | Ticket Removal | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket purge [stage]: Purge all tickets in a stage.
# /ticket purge [stage]: Purge all tickets in a stage.
# Possible stages: pending, attending, completing, all
# Possible stages: pending, attending, completing, all
# Requires permission "admin360.staff.purge".
# Requires permission "admin360.staff.purge".

# /ticket remove <name>: Forcibly remove a target from all stages.
# /ticket remove <name>: Forcibly remove a target from all stages.
# Requires permission "admin360.staff.remove".
# Requires permission "admin360.staff.remove".

# Difference between purge and delete:
# Difference between purge and delete:
# Purge: Remove all tickets in a stage.
# Purge: Remove all tickets in a stage.
# Delete: Remove a player from all stages.
# Delete: Remove a player from all stages.

- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &fPurged &c<AMOUNT> &f<TYPE> ticket(s)."
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &fPurged &c<AMOUNT> &f<TYPE> ticket(s)."
- ""
- ""

message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nRemove Failed&7 &6<PLAYERNAME> &7is not online at the moment."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nRemove Failed&7 &6<PLAYERNAME> &7is not online at the moment."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME> &7has been forcibly removed from all stages."
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME> &7has been forcibly removed from all stages."

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Honor Points | #
# | Honor Points | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket hpstats [name]: Honor Points Statistics.
# /ticket hpstats [name]: Honor Points Statistics.
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.hpstats".
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.hpstats".

# /ticket hptop [line]: Honor Points Leaderboard.
# /ticket hptop [line]: Honor Points Leaderboard.
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.hptop".
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.hptop".

# /ticket hpreset <name>: Reset the target's database entries.
# /ticket hpreset <name>: Reset the target's database entries.
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.hpreset".
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.hpreset".

- ""
- ""
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME>&f's Statistics"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME>&f's Statistics"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &a<UPVOTE>&f upvote(s) &a+"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &a<UPVOTE>&f upvote(s) &a+"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c<DOWNVOTE>&f downvote(s) &c-"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c<DOWNVOTE>&f downvote(s) &c-"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<TOTAL>&f total ticket(s) &a+&c-"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<TOTAL>&f total ticket(s) &a+&c-"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &b<UPVOTE_PERCENT>%&f satisfaction &a+"
- "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &b<UPVOTE_PERCENT>%&f satisfaction &a+"
- ""
- ""


# Set the number of records shown in hptop.
# Set the number of records shown in hptop.
default-limit: 5
default-limit: 5

- ""
- ""
- "&7&m-------------&r &6LEADERBOARD &7&m-------------"
- "&7&m-------------&r &6LEADERBOARD &7&m-------------"
- " &7[ &a+&fUpvote &c-&fDownvote &a+&c-&fTotal &7]"
- " &7[ &a+&fUpvote &c-&fDownvote &a+&c-&fTotal &7]"
- ""
- ""
body: " &6<ADMINNAME>&7: &f<UPVOTE>&a+ &f<DOWNVOTE>&c- &f<TOTAL>&a+&c- &f<UPVOTE_PERCENT>%&a+"
body: " &6<ADMINNAME>&7: &f<UPVOTE>&a+ &f<DOWNVOTE>&c- &f<TOTAL>&a+&c- &f<UPVOTE_PERCENT>%&a+"
- ""
- ""
- "&7&m--------------------------------------"
- "&7&m--------------------------------------"
- ""
- ""

# Names are stored in the database with case preserved. Case-sensitive for name inputs.
# Names are stored in the database with case preserved. Case-sensitive for name inputs.
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nReset Failed&7 &6<ADMINNAME>&7 does not exists in the database. (&fTips: &7Names are Case-Sensitive!&7)"
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nReset Failed&7 &6<ADMINNAME>&7 does not e
Text moved with changes to lines 386-391 (95.6% similarity)
message: "&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have successfully reset &6<ADMINNAME>&7's honor stats."

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
Text moved with changes to lines 378-382 (90.9% similarity)
# | Ticket / Honor Points History | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket history [line]: Honor Points History.
# Requires the permission "admin360.staff.history".

# This command works closely with Honor Points system.
# If a /ticket hpreset <name> is executed, all records related to that staff w