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HorribleSubs Ep 10
LostYears Ep 10 Editing: CaptainJet / CTR
Amadeus and Salieri...
Amadeus and Salieri...
Kurisu and me...
Kurisu and me...
One was gifted with natural talent, Amadeus Mozart.
One was gifted with natural talent, Amadeus Mozart.
The other viewed him as a lifelong rival, Antonio Salieri.
The other viewed him as a lifelong rival, Antonio Salieri.
Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 11 in A Major, first movement.
Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 11 in A Major, first movement.
You like Mozart's music?
You like Mozart's music?
I dabble in it sometimes.
I dabble in it sometimes.
I like the quote "Death means not getting to listen to Mozart anymore."
I like the quote "Death means not getting to listen to Mozart anymore."
I've never heard of that one.
I've never heard of that one.
Strictly speaking, there's no record that Einstein ever said those words.
Strictly speaking, there's no record that Einstein ever said those words.
You see, I think it's a very logical statement.
You see, I think it's a very logical statement.
After all, you can't listen to Mozart if you're dead.
After all, you can't listen to Mozart if you're dead.
Isn't that much obvious?
Isn't that much obvious?
Yes, it is obvious.
Yes, it is obvious.
If you die, you can't listen. The statement is true.
If you die, you can't listen. The statement is true.
See? Logical, right?
See? Logical, right?
July 28, 2010...
July 28, 2010...
Makise Kurisu left this world.
Makise Kurisu left this world.
Amadeus and Salieri...
Amadeus and Salieri...
Those two hold a very special meaning to me.
Those two hold a very special meaning to me.
I loved Kurisu...
I loved Kurisu...
I respected Kurisu...
I respected Kurisu...
I aspired to be like Kurisu...
I aspired to be like Kurisu...
Global Brain Science Organization Office Prep Room.
Global Brain Science Organization Office Prep Room.
A fundraising plea by Leskinen.
A fundraising plea by Leskinen.
If everyone who read this donated just one dollar, I could eat a can of oden.
If everyone who read this donated just one dollar, I could eat a can of oden.
The Professor never gets tired of joking around...
The Professor never gets tired of joking around...
Yo, Maho! Welcome to our powered-up prep room!
Yo, Maho! Welcome to our powered-up prep room!
By that you mean the table and couch?
By that you mean the table and couch?
Yes! It is said, "Keeping it simple is the secret on the long journey towards truth."
Yes! It is said, "Keeping it simple is the secret on the long journey towards truth."
And whose quote is that?
And whose quote is that?
That would be mine.
That would be mine.
So? How's Amadeus?
So? How's Amadeus?
I just finished running the final checks.
I just finished running the final checks.
We should be able to launch without issue.
We should be able to launch without issue.
Should I start it?
Should I start it?
Of course!
Of course!
Long time no see, Senpai.
Long time no see, Senpai.
Well? No problems so far?
Well? No problems so far?
Nope. Not as far as I'm aware, at the least.
Nope. Not as far as I'm aware, at the least.
All right. I'll let Okabe-san know we're good.
All right. I'll let Okabe know we're good.
Okay. Though even if you say I'm restored, I'm not sure he'll want to talk to me...
Okay. Though even if you say I'm restored, I'm not sure he'll want to talk to me...
You think?
You think?
I'm sure he enjoys talking to you a whole lot more.
I'm sure he enjoys talking to you a whole lot more.
You seem to like it too.
You seem to like it too.
Would you stop saying stuff like that? I'm telling you, it's not true!
Would you stop saying stuff like that? I'm telling you, it's not true!
After lengthy observation and analysis, I'm certain that I'm correct.
After lengthy observation and analysis, I'm certain that I'm correct.
How so? You're just letting delusions of love run amok in your head.
How so? You're just letting delusions of love run amok in your head.
I sure missed you two going at it.
I sure missed you two going at it.
Well, shall we get our meeting started?
Well, shall we get our meeting started?
What the hell is this?
What the hell is this?
This room's unbelievable!
This room's unbelievable!
Oh, Okabe-san? You're here early.
Oh, Okabe? You're here early.
Where the hell did the room go?
Where the hell did the room go?
It's worse than it was a few days ago.
It's worse than it was a few days ago.
The lapse of time changes both people and things.
The lapse of time changes both people and things.
What do you think? Functional, right?
What do you think? Functional, right?
I could go exploring in here!
I could go exploring in here!
Anyways, Amadeus is all restored now.
Anyways, Amadeus is all restored now.
Is it?
Is it?
What will it be? If you want to keep testing, I can reset it for you.
What will it be? If you want to keep testing, I can reset it for you.
Yeah, please.
Yeah, please.
Are you sure? Really?
Are you sure? Really?
A lot has happened since then...
A lot has happened since then...
I've been thinking...
I've been thinking...
It's about time I moved forward.
It's about time I moved forward.
I wonder why Faris told me to bring Mayuri along when I came?
I wonder why Faris told me to bring Mayuri along when I came?
Because Mayushii has a brilliant mind!
Because Mayushii has a brilliant mind!
I think I get Faris-chan! She must've wanted this room to be cleaned!
I think I get Faris!
She must've wanted this room to be cleaned!
And if you're here, it'll get cleaned?
And if you're here, it'll get cleaned?
More like, if Mayushii comes over, she'll think to bring that person along!
More like, if Mayushii comes over, she'll think to bring that person along!
That person?
That person?
Sergeant Clean!
Sergeant Clean!
I will be your drill instructor! Refer to me as Sergeant Clean!
I will be your drill instructor! Refer to me as Sergeant Clean!
You mean Nae, right?
You mean Nae, right?
Listen up! Until this room is clean, you are nothing more than inchworms!
Listen up! Until this room is clean, you are nothing more than inchworms!
All you're good for is squirming around on top of leaves!
All you're good for is squirming around on top of leaves!
You're the lowest life form on Earth!
You're the lowest life form on Earth!
Do you understand?!
Do you understand?!
What the hell is this?
What the hell is this?
When it comes to cleaning, Nae-chan's personality changes a little.
When it comes to cleaning, Nae's personality changes a little.
That's putting it lightly...
That's putting it lightly...
But when cleaning's over, maybe she'll open up and act all mushy and sweet!
But when cleaning's over, maybe she'll open up and act all mushy and sweet!
Why the hell are you here?
Why the hell are you here?
Who was that?! Which of you said something creepy?!
Who was that?! Which of you said something creepy?!
I-It was me!
I-It was me!
What are you smirking for?!
What are you smirking for?!
Listen up! From now on, you're Mr. Smileybear!
Listen up! From now on, you're Mr. Smileybear!
Got it, Mr. Smileybear?!
Got it, Mr. Smileybear?!
Y-Yes, ma'am! Miss Nae!
Y-Yes, ma'am! Miss Nae!
That's more like it, Mr. Smileybear.
That's more like it, Mr. Smileybear.
Now go sweep up and down the hall 10 times in 30 seconds!
Now go sweep up and down the hall 10 times in 30 seconds!
Miss Nae! Yes, ma'am! Miss Nae!
Miss Nae! Yes, ma'am! Miss Nae!
He's enjoying every second of this...
He's enjoying every second of this...
What exactly are we doing here?
What exactly are we doing here?
Until we're done, Hiyajo-san and Kiryu-san are supposed to leave.
Until we're done, Hiyajo and Kiryu are supposed to leave.
No one told me.
No one told me.
Orders from the homeowner. Can't refuse.
Orders from the homeowner. Can't refuse.
Not nearly good enough, Mr. Smileybear!
Not nearly good enough, Mr. Smileybear!
Well? Did you figure out anything new? Not nearly good enough, Mr. Smileybear!
It's not?
Well? Did you figure out anything new? It's not?
Well? Did you figure out anything new?
No progress, sadly.
No progress, sadly.
I've got a guess about the culprits, but no way to know for sure.
I've got a guess about the culprits, but no way to know for sure.
Can't let it end up like SERN...
Can't let it end up like SERN...
Uh, that's... Forget it...
Uh, that's... Forget it...
Still, I find it hard to believe.
Still, I find it hard to believe.
I never imagined Kurisu was researching time machines...
I never imagined Kurisu was researching time machines...
It's the truth.
It's the truth.
I didn't say you were lying.
I didn't say you were lying.
On one hand it seems crazy, but nothing from her surprises me.
On one hand it seems crazy, but nothing from her surprises me.
It's my user name at university. Didn't I tell you?
It's my user name at university.
Didn't I tell you?
Yeah... Does it have some special meaning?
Yeah... Does it have some special meaning?
Not really...
Not really...
I see...
I see...
Antonio Salieri.
Antonio Salieri.
The man whose life was thrown into chaos by Amadeus Mozart... Do you know him?
The man whose life was thrown into chaos by Amadeus Mozart... Do you know him?
Like the movie, right? I've heard of it.
Like the movie, right? I've heard of it.
Salieri had a promising future as a musician,
Salieri had a promising future as a musician,
but he grew envious of Mozart's talents and was driven into despair.
but he grew envious of Mozart's talents and was driven into despair.
In the end, the hounding and pressure from Salieri led to his demise.
In the end, the hounding and pressure from Salieri led to his demise.
Don't worry. I don't believe that's the case myself, but...
Don't worry. I don't believe that's the case myself, but...
It's been a while.
It's been a while.
You haven't changed a bit.
You haven't changed a bit.
Same goes for you.
Same goes for you.
Of course not. I'm AI.
Of course not. I'm AI.
I don't know... It just doesn't feel right.
I don't know... It just doesn't feel right.
I'll have to fix it to my liking later.
I'll have to fix it to my liking later.
The others will kill you if they hear you say that.
The others will kill you if they hear you say that.
Okarin! Sorry to keep you!
Okarin! Sorry to keep you!
She fell asleep, huh?
She fell asleep, huh?
Yup! Being Sergeant Clean must take it all out of her.
Yup! Being Sergeant Clean must take it all out of her.
Want me to carry her?
Want me to carry her?
Sure, if you want to eat a full-powered straight right from Mr. Tennoji.
Sure, if you want to eat a full-powered straight right from Mr. Tennoji.
Full-powered straight right! Huff huff...
Full-powered straight right! Huff huff...
All that drill training must've scrambled his head...
All that drill training must've scrambled his head...
So... If you can't find something you need, let me know!
So... If you can't find something you need, let me know!
All right. Where are Faris-san and Kiryu-san?
All right. Where are Faris and Kiryu?
They said they'll be right back.
They said they'd be right back.
I said don't call me that.
I said don't call me that.
We're back.
We're back.
Yeah... What's with the bag?
Yeah... What's with the bag?
She said she wanted to shop.
She said she wanted to shop.
Sorry, but tonight is no boys allowed! Not even Kyouma, meow!
Sorry, but tonight is no boys allowed! Not even Kyouma, meow!
No boys allowed?
No boys allowed?
Yup, meow! The operation in store for tonight is...
Yup, meow! The operation in store for tonight is...
The All-Night Cinderella Girls Secret Party!
The All-Night Cinderella Girls Secret Party!
So sleepy someone slips secrets, meow!
So sleepy someone slips secrets, meow!
What's wrong, you two? Where's your excitement, meow?
What's wrong, you two? Where's your excitement, meow?
Come on! I even picked out some pricey ice cream and cake for us, meow!
Come on! I even picked out some pricey ice cream and cake for us, meow!
Well, all right...
Well, all right...
The thing about Maho-meow is,
The thing about Maho-meow is,
she's cute like a doll so everything looks good on her, meow.
she's cute like a doll so everything looks good on her, meow.
Quit calling me that.
Quit calling me that.
Moe-meow finally laughed, meow!
Moe-meow finally laughed, meow!
S-Stop it...
S-Stop it...
Wh-What incredible boobs, meow!
Wh-What incredible boobs, meow!
These are just begging to be tickled, meow!
These are just begging to be tickled, meow!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Uh-oh! This is making me feel naughty, meow!
Uh-oh! This is making me feel naughty, meow!
N-No, stop! Ah! S-Stop! I think she likes it!
N-No, stop! Ah! S-Stop!
I think she likes it!
I'm getting some juice, meow.
I'm getting some juice, meow.
What the heck...
What the heck...
What are you writing?
What are you writing?
A memo... for my novel.
A memo... for my novel.
A novel? You're writing one?
A novel? You're writing one?
Mmm, because I'm not special in any way.
Mmm, because I'm not special in any way.
Practically anyone can take my place.
Practically anyone can take my place.
What are you talking about? You are you. Nobody can replace you.
What are you talking about? You are you. Nobody can replace you.
You can't be replaced, so don't belittle yourself.
You can't be replaced, so don't belittle yourself.
If you compare yourself to others and live your whole life feeling inferior, that's so...
If you compare yourself to others and live your whole life feeling inferior, that's so...
Never mind...
Never mind...
I think she likes it, meow...
I think she likes it, meow...
A lot has happened since then...
A lot has happened since then...
It's about time I moved forward.
It's about time I moved forward.
Why are you so...
Why are you so...
This circuit board pattern is so pretty, it's like a work of art!
This circuit board pattern is so pretty, it's like a work of art!
Is this an IFX008 image sensor?!
Is this an IFX008 image sensor?!
What's it doing here?!
What's it doing here?!
Who knew Akihabara had places like this?!
Who knew Akihabara had places like this?!
This is the true Maho-senpai.
This is the true Maho.
Who would've thought she's so obsessed with parts?
Who would've thought she'd be so obsessed with parts?
I love putting things together.
I love putting things together.
When I was little, I made Japanese plastic models all the time.
When I was little, I made Japanese plastic models all the time.
Did you build a germanium radio?
Did you build a germanium radio?
Burned myself soldering one a good bit.
Burned myself soldering one a good bit.
It happens to everyone!
It happens to everyone!
I know!
I know!
Uh, I think it's only you two...
Uh, I think it's only you two...
Why did I not come here sooner?
Why did I not come here sooner?
You should've said it was like this!
You should've said it was like this!
I had no idea you'd like it this much.
I had no idea you'd like it this much.
Are there any more places like that one?
Are there any more places like that one?
There used to be stores like that all over the place, but lately...
There used to be stores like that all over the place, but lately...
More importantly, didn't you want to talk?
More importantly, didn't you want to talk?
It can wait.
It can wait.
You're not busy, right? Let's hang out some more.
You're not busy, right? Let's hang out some more.
Well, that's fine with me, but...
Well, that's fine with me, but...
Check it out!
Check it out!
An @channel character?
An @channel character?
Guess what? Kurisu had one of these characters in her bedroom!
Guess what? Kurisu had one of these characters in her bedroom!
Kurisu did? She had one sent to America?
Kurisu did? She had one sent to America?
Senpai! Say no more!
Senpai! Say no more!
That's a closet @channeler for you...
That's a closet @channeler for you...
Wh-What are you talking about? What's an @channeler?
Wh-What are you talking about? What's an @channeler?
Never gonna...
Never gonna...
...give you up.
...give you up.
You deserved it.
You deserved it.
Care if I give it a shot?
Care if I give it a shot?
Um... I've just gotta use this arm and drop it over the hole, right?
Um... I've just gotta use this arm and drop it over the hole, right?
Here goes nothing...
Here goes nothing...
Argh! Why?! Why is it breaking the laws of physics?!
Argh! Why?! Why is it breaking the laws of physics?!
Otherwise they wouldn't profit from it.
Otherwise they wouldn't profit from it.
But I'm pretty sure I loosened it up!
But I'm pretty sure I loosened it up!
Next time I'll get it for sure! I'm grabbing some change!
Next time I'll get it for sure! I'm grabbing some change!
She's totally suckered in...
She's totally suckered in...
This is no time to be saying that!
This is no time to be saying that!
This is where you prove you're a man, Okabe-san!
This is where you prove you're a man, Okabe!
Good! With this much I should be able...
Good! With this much I should be able...
An employee came by and loosened it a bit.
An employee came by and loosened it a bit.
You can have it.
You can have it.
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
There's no point in me keeping it.
There's no point in me keeping it.
Then, in that case...
Then, in that case...
You wanted it that badly?
You wanted it that badly?
After Kurisu passed away...
After Kurisu passed away...
Her mother knew Kurisu liked it so much, so she put it in her room as a decoration.
Her mother knew Kurisu liked it so much, so she put it in her room as a decoration.
But it was burned in the fire, so...
But it was burned in the fire, so...
I had no idea...
I had no idea...
That's why I want to give this to Kurisu's mother as a present.
That's why I want to give this to Kurisu's mother as a present.
Is that okay?
Is that okay?
Of course. That'd be nice...
Of course. That'd be nice...
Uh, wanna go inside? There's racing games too!
Uh, wanna go inside? There's racing games too!
I had no idea we were there so long.
I had no idea we were there so long.
Man, I had no idea you were such a pro at racing games.
Man, I had no idea you were such a pro at racing games.
I might've got a bit carried away...
I might've got a bit carried away...
What should we do next? Grab a bite or something?
What should we do next? Grab a bite or something?
No... It's already getting pretty late.
No... It's already getting pretty late.
But there's somewhere I have to visit before I go back to America...
But there's somewhere I have to visit before I go back to America...
This place, huh?
This place, huh?
Yeah... The place where Makise Kurisu lost her life.
Yeah... The place where Makise Kurisu lost her life.
The last place she was...
The last place she was...
If you don't want to, just tell me where.
If you don't want to, just tell me where.
I can go in alone.
I can go in alone.
It's so quiet in here.
It's so quiet in here.
Most of the shops have moved already, since it's going to be rebuilt.
Most of the shops have moved already, since it's going to be rebuilt.
It's not really used much anymore.
It's not really used much anymore.
This way.
This way.
Right in here.
Right in here.
I see... So it was right here...
I see... So it was right here...
I'm not a physicist or anything,
I'm not a physicist or anything,
so I don't know the details of the theory of relativity, but...
so I don't know the details of the theory of relativity, but...
If space and time are unified,
If space and time are unified,
why can we move around in space, but not move freely through time?
why can we move around in space, but not move freely through time?
Right now, I stand in the same spatial axis where Kurisu died.
Right now, I stand in the same spatial axis where Kurisu died.
And yet, just because the time axis is a little off, I can't stop it from happening.
And yet, just because the time axis is a little off, I can't stop it from happening.
You can't stop it.
You can't stop it.
Even if you returned to the same time axis...
Even if you returned to the same time axis...
...you can't change anything.
...you can't change anything.
What makes you so sure?
What makes you so sure?
I discussed it with Kurisu.
I discussed it with Kurisu.
I see...
I see...
With Kurisu...
With Kurisu...
I'm sorry. It's my fault for lacking delicacy.
I'm sorry. It's my fault for lacking delicacy.
You cared for Kurisu so much that...
You cared for Kurisu so much that...
No, don't worry about it.
No, don't worry about it.
Hey... Did you really just meet her at a seminar?
Hey... Did you really just meet her at a seminar?
It doesn't seem that way at all.
It doesn't seem that way at all.
From time to time, I wonder how long it could've been.
From time to time, I wonder how long it could've been.
One month? Two months? No... You talk like you knew her well beyond that.
One month? Two months? No... You talk like you knew her well beyond that.
How do you know so much about Kurisu?
How do you know so much about Kurisu?
Because I... Kurisu...
Because I... Kurisu...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I understand.
I understand.
I can tell something went on you don't want to talk about.
I can tell something went on you don't want to talk about.
That's enough for me.
That's enough for me.
Every time I see you, I think the same thing...
Every time I see you, I think the same thing...
Why do you always look so sad?
Why do you always look so sad?
It's the same thing when you talk about Kurisu.
It's the same thing when you talk about Kurisu.
It's the same when you talk with everyone.
It's the same when you talk with everyone.
As if you're regretting some choice... As if struggling alone against something...
As if you're regretting some choice... As if struggling alone against something...
And then there's Mayuri and me...
And then there's Mayuri and me...
It's like you're trying to protect us from something.
It's like you're trying to protect us from something.
And the thing is, we were really attacked...
And the thing is, we were really attacked...
Is that what it seems like to you?
Is that what it seems like to you?
I'm not going to ask you to tell me everything, but...
I'm not going to ask you to tell me everything, but...
I want to support and empower that feeling of yours, so...
I want to support and empower that feeling of yours, so...
I promised myself I wouldn't tell anybody, but I will.
I promised myself I wouldn't tell anybody, but I will.
I actually have it.
I actually have it.
Makise Kurisu's legacy.
Makise Kurisu's legacy.
Kurisu's... legacy?
Kurisu's... legacy?
Her notebook computer.
Her notebook computer.
With all her research data...
With all her research data...
With her theories... with her private data too.
With her theories... with her private data too.
Her own computer.
Her own computer.
The thief that broke into my hotel must've been after that.
The thief that broke into my hotel must've been after that.
Where is it?
Where is it?
I can't figure out her password, so I'm having a trustworthy source analyze it.
I can't figure out her password, so I'm having a trustworthy source analyze it.
You can't!
You can't!
That computer is Pandora's Box! It mustn't be opened!
That computer is Pandora's Box!
It mustn't be opened!
The data inside is a curse that leads to the destruction of the world!
The data inside is a curse that leads to the destruction of the world!
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
I told you already!
I told you already!
The race for a time machine is what makes Russia and America fight one another!
The race for a time machine is what makes Russia and America fight one another!
Both countries are after the data and will do whatever it takes to get their hands on it!
Both countries are after the data and will do whatever it takes to get their hands on it!
It's the spark that ignites World War III!
It's the spark that ignites World War III!
World War III?!
World War III?!