CoWIN Strings
47 removals
Words removed | 118 |
Total words | 985 |
Words removed (%) | 11.98 |
175 lines
79 additions
Words added | 361 |
Total words | 1228 |
Words added (%) | 29.40 |
204 lines
"NO_RECORDS_FOUND": "No record(s) found!",
"NO_RECORDS_FOUND": "No record(s) found!",
"Dashboard": "Dashboard",
"Dashboard": "Dashboard",
"Register Beneficiary": "Register Beneficiary",
"Register Beneficiary": "Register Beneficiary",
"Beneficiary Registration": "Beneficiary Registration",
"Beneficiary Registration": "Individual Registration",
"Conduct Session": "Conduct Session",
"Conduct Session": "Conduct Session",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Configuration": "Configuration",
"BIOMETRICDEVICE": "Biometric Device",
"Report": "Report",
"Report": "Report",
"Logout": "Logout",
"Logout": "Logout",
"Vaccination Insights": "Vaccination Insights",
"Vaccination Insights": "Vaccination Insights",
"Session Information": "Session Information",
"Session Information": "Session Information",
"On Going Session Information": "On Going Session Information",
"CHOOSE_LANGUAGE": "Choose your preferred language",
"CHOOSE_LANGUAGE": "Choose your preferred language",
"SET_LANGUAGE": "Set language",
"SET_LANGUAGE": "Set language",
"MOBILE_NO": "Mobile Number",
"MOBILE_NO": "Mobile No",
"NAME": "Name",
"NAME": "Name",
"MOBILE_NUMBER": "Mobile Number",
"MOBILE_NUMBER": "Mobile Number",
"GENDER": "Gender",
"GENDER": "Gender",
"VIEW_MORE": "View More",
"VIEW_MORE": "View More",
"GET_STARTED": "Get Started",
"GET_STARTED": "Get Started",
"SELF_REGISTARTION": "Self Registration",
"FROM_DATE": "From Date",
"FROM_DATE": "From Date",
"TO_DATE": "To Date",
"TO_DATE": "To Date",
"PHOTO_ID": "Photo ID",
"PHOTO_ID": "Photo ID",
"PHOTO_ID_NUMBER": "Photo ID Number",
"PHOTO_ID_NUMBER_AIIP": "Photo ID Number As In Selected ID Proof",
"APPLY_FILTER": "Apply Filter",
"APPLY_FILTER": "Apply Filter",
"ADDRESS": "Address",
"ADDRESS": "Address",
"PINCODE": "Pincode",
"PINCODE": "Pincode",
"Forgot Password": "Forgot Password",
"Forgot Password": "Forgot Password",
"VERIFY_MOBILE_NO": "Verify Mobile Number",
"VERIFY_MOBILE_NO": "Verify Mobile No.",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SUBMIT": "Submit",
"SUBMIT": "Submit",
"SAVE": "Save",
"SAVE": "Save",
"BIODEVICECHANGEDSUCCESS": "Biometric Device Configured Successfully",
"INVALID_DATE": "Invalid Date",
"INVALID_DATE": "Invalid Date",
"TO_BE_SYNCED": "To Be Synced",
"TO_BE_SYNCED": "To Be Synced",
"CHANGE_MOBILE_NUMBER": "Change Mobile Number",
"CHANGE_MOBILE_NUMBER": "Change Mobile Number",
"CURRENT_MOBILE_NUMBER": "Current Mobile Number",
"CURRENT_MOBILE_NUMBER": "Current Mobile Number",
"NEW_MOBILE_NUMBER": "New Mobile Number",
"NEW_MOBILE_NUMBER": "New Mobile Number",
"RESEND_OTP": "Resend OTP",
"RESEND_OTP": "Resend OTP",
"VERIFY": "Verify",
"VERIFY": "Verify",
"CHANGE": "Change",
"CHANGE": "Change",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change Password",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change Password",
"CURRENT_PASSWORD": "Current Password",
"CURRENT_PASSWORD": "Current Password",
"NEW_PASSWORD": "New Password",
"NEW_PASSWORD": "New Password",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"UPDATE": "Update",
"APPLICATIONTRACKER": "Application Tracker",
"ENTER_MOBILE_NUMBER": "Enter Mobile Number",
"REGISTER_VACCINATION": "Register for Vaccination",
"REGISTER_WITH_AADHAAR": "Register with Aadhaar",
"ENTER_OTP": "Enter Aadhaar OTP",
"AADHAAR_OTP_MSG": "Aadhaar has sent you an OTP to your Aadhaar registered mobile ",
"INFO_TEXT": "Your Photo Id will be verified at the time of your vaccination appointment. Please provide the details of the Photo Id you will carry for vaccination.",
"REFERENCEID": "Reference ID",
"TRACK": "Track",
"LOGIN": {
"LOGIN": {
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"CAPTCHA": "Captcha",
"CAPTCHA": "Captcha",
"FORGOT_PWD": "Forgot Password?"
"FORGOT_PWD": "Forget Password?"
"BENEFICIARYDETAILS": "Beneficiary Details"
"OPTIONAL": "optional",
"DD": "DD",
"MM": "MM",
"YY": "YYYY",
"YOB": "Year of Birth",
"TYPEOFBENEFICIARY": "Type of Beneficiary",
"TYPEOFBENEFICIARY": "Type of Beneficiary",
"SELECT_PHOTO_ID_PROOF": "Select Photo ID Proof",
"SELECT_PHOTO_ID_PROOF": "Select Photo ID Proof",
"REASONS_FOR_OTHER_LOCAL_AUTHORITY": "Reasons for Other(Local Authority)",
"REASONS_FOR_OTHER_LOCAL_AUTHORITY": "Reasons for Other(Local Authority)",
"BASIC_DETAILS": "Basic Details",
"BASIC_DETAILS": "Basic Details",
"AADHAAR_NUMBER": "Aadhaar Number",
"AADHAAR_NUMBER": "Aadhaar Number",
"ID_PROOF_NUMBER": "Id Proof Number",
"ID_PROOF_NUMBER": "Id Proof Number",
"BENEFICIARY_NAME": "Beneficiary Name",
"GENDER": "Gender",
"GENDER": "Gender",
"YEAR_OF_BIRTH": "Year Of Birth",
"YEAR_OF_BIRTH": "Year Of Birth",
"MONTH_OF_BIRTH": "Month Of Birth",
"MONTH_OF_BIRTH": "Month Of Birth",
"DATE_OF_BIRTH": "Date Of Birth",
"DATE_OF_BIRTH": "Date Of Birth",
"AADHAAR_VERIFICATION": "Aadhaar Verification",
"AADHAAR_VERIFICATION": "Aadhaar Verification",
"VERIFY_AADHAAR": "Verify Aadhaar",
"VERIFY_AADHAAR": "Verify Aadhaar",
"ENTER_OTP": "Enter OTP",
"ENTER_OTP": "Enter OTP",
"VERIFY_OTP": "Verify",
"VERIFY_OTP": "Verify",
"RESEND_OTP": "Resend",
"RESEND_OTP": "Resend",
"PERMANENT_ADDRESS": "Permanent Address",
"PERMANENT_ADDRESS": "Permanent Address",
"STREET": "Street",
"STREET": "Street",
"STATE": "State",
"STATE": "State/UT",
"DISTRICT": "District",
"DISTRICT": "District",
"BLOCK": "Block",
"BLOCK": "Block",
"POSTAL_CODE": "Postal Code",
"POSTAL_CODE": "Postal Code",
"LOCALITY_VILLAGE": "Locality / Village",
"LOCALITY_VILLAGE": "Locality / Village",
"CURRENT_ADDRESS": "Current Address",
"CURRENT_ADDRESS": "Current Address",
"MOBILE_NUMBER": "Mobile Number",
"MOBILE_NUMBER": "Mobile Number",
"GET_OTP": "Get OTP",
"GET_OTP": "Get OTP",
"MOBILE_NUMBER_BELONGS_TO": "Mobile Number Belongs To",
"MOBILE_NUMBER_BELONGS_TO": "Mobile Number Belongs To",
"ADDITIONAL_FIELDS": "Additional Fields",
"ADDITIONAL_FIELDS": "Additional Fields",
"CHECK_BOX_AADHAR": "Beneficiary detail is duly verified and approved by competent authority.",
"CHECK_BOX_AADHAR": "Individual detail is duly verified and approved by competent authority.",
"AADHAAR_CONCENT": "I hereby confirm that the beneficiary has consented and provided his/her Aadhaar Number for authentication and creation of Unique Health ID.",
"AADHAAR_CONCENT": "I hereby declare that the information given by me about Aadhaar Number for authentication and creation of Unique Health ID in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.",
"REGISTRAION_CONCENT": "I hereby confirm that I have read out the information provided by the beneficiary in a language that is understandable by the beneficiary and he/she has confirmed that the information is true, correct and complete.",
"REGISTRAION_CONCENT": "I hereby confirm that the information provided is true, correct and complete.",
"AADHAAR_CONCENT1": "“I, hereby confirm that the beneficiary has consented to share his/her Aadhaar Number, with Government of India (GoI) for the purpose of Aadhaar based authentication and creation of Unique Health ID (UHID). The beneficiary has been informed that his/ her UHID can be used in any healthcare interaction across India. The beneficiary authorizes GoI to use his/ her Aadhaar Number/ Virtual ID for performing Aadhaar based authentication with UIDAI and store his/her e-KYC (Name, Address, Age, Date of Birth, Gender and Photograph) information as per the provisions of Aadhaar Act, 2016 only for the stated purpose. The beneficiary understands that UIDAI will share his/ her e-KYC details with GoI on successful authentication.",
"AADHAAR_CONCENT1": "“I, hereby confirm that the Individual has consented to share his/her Aadhaar Number, with Government of India (GoI) for the purpose of Aadhaar based authentication and creation of Unique Health ID (UHID). The Individual has been informed that his/ her UHID can be used in any healthcare interaction across India. The Individual authorizes GoI to use his/ her Aadhaar Number/ Virtual ID for performing Aadhaar based authentication with UIDAI and store his/her e-KYC (Name, Address, Age, Date of Birth, Gender and Photograph) information as per the provisions of Aadhaar Act, 2016 only for the stated purpose. The Individual understands that UIDAI will share his/ her e-KYC details with GoI on successful authentication.",
"AADHAAR_CONCENT2": "The beneficiary has been duly informed about the option of KYC without using his/her Aadhaar details and through use of other Govt. issued IDs and its associated details shall be stored by GoI for the purpose of creation of Health ID.",
"AADHAAR_CONCENT2": "The Individual has been duly informed about the option of KYC without using his/her Aadhaar details and through use of other Govt. issued IDs and its associated details shall be stored by GoI for the purpose of creation of Health ID.",
"AADHAAR_CONCENT3": "The beneficiary has consented to share Aadhaar Number/ Virtual ID for the purpose of availing benefits across National Digital Health Ecosystem (NDHE). The beneficiary is aware that his/her e-KYC information (Name, Address, Age, Date of Birth, Gender and Photograph) excluding Aadhaar Number/ VID number will be made available to the entities working in the NDHM framework for enabling the healthcare services to him/ her across National Digital Health Ecosystem(NDHE). The beneficiary reserves the right to revoke the given consent at any point of time from GoI at his/her own discretion.”",
"AADHAAR_CONCENT3": "The Individual has consented to share Aadhaar Number/ Virtual ID for the purpose of availing benefits across National Digital Health Ecosystem (NDHE). The Individual is aware that his/her e-KYC information (Name, Address, Age, Date of Birth, Gender and Photograph) excluding Aadhaar Number/ VID number will be made available to the entities working in the NDHM framework for enabling the healthcare services to him/ her across National Digital Health Ecosystem(NDHE). The Individual reserves the right to revoke the given consent at any point of time from GoI at his/her own discretion.”",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"REGISTER": "Register",
"REGISTER": "Register",
"HEALTHID": "Health Id",
"HEALTHID": "Health Id",
"COMORBIDITY": "Comorbidities - (pre-existing medical conditions)",
"COMORBIDITIES": "Do you have any Comorbidities (pre-existing medical conditions)? ",
"COMORBIDITIES_TEXT": "If you have any comorbidities, please carry a medical certificate with you for the vaccination appointment.",
"FRONT_HEALTH_WORKER": "Are you a Health or Front Line Worker?",
"FRONT_HEALTH_WORKER_TEXT": "If you are a Health or Front Line Worker, please carry an authorization letter from your employer with you for the vaccination appointment.",
"AADHAAR_NUMBER_DIGITS": "Aadhar Number must be 12 digits",
"AADHAAR_NUMBER_DIGITS": "Aadhaar Number must be 12 digits",
"ID_PROOF_PATTERN": "Must contain only English Alphabets (“a-z” and “A-Z”), Numbers “0-9”, Dot “.”, Comma “,”, Hyphen “-”, Forward Slash “/”, Open parenthesis “(“ and Close parenthesis “)”",
"ID_PROOF_PATTERN": "Must contain only English Alphabets (“a-z” and “A-Z”), Numbers “0-9”, Dot “.”, Comma “,”, Hyphen “-”, Forward Slash “/”, Open parenthesis “(“ and Close parenthesis “)”",
"NAME_PATTERN": "Must contain only English Alphabets (“a-z” and “A-Z”), Dot “.”, Comma “,”, Hyphen “-”, Open parenthesis “(“ and Close parenthesis “)”",
"NAME_PATTERN": "Must contain only English Alphabets (“a-z” and “A-Z”), Dot “.”, Comma “,”, Hyphen “-”, Open parenthesis “(“ and Close parenthesis “)”",
"ID_PROOF_CHARACTERS": "Must be between 5 to 20 Characters",
"USERNAME_PATTERN": "Must contain only English Alphabets (“a-z” and “A-Z”)",
"ID_PATTERN": "Must contain only English Alphabets (“a-z” and “A-Z”), Numbers(0-9), Dot “.”, Hyphen “-”",
"ID_PROOF_CHARACTERS": "Must be between 8 to 14 Characters",
"PASSPORT_CHARACTERS": "Must be between 4 to 14 Characters",
"BENEFICIARY_NAME_CHARACTERS": "Must be between 1 to 50 Characters",
"BENEFICIARY_NAME_CHARACTERS": "Must be between 1 to 50 Characters",
"PIN_PATTERN": "Pincode must be 6 characters",
"BENEFICIARY_NAME_CHARACTERS_LENGTH": "Must be between 2 to 50 Characters",
"PIN_PATTERN": "Pin Code must be 6 characters",
"MOBILE_PATTERN": "Must be 10 digits",
"MOBILE_PATTERN": "Must be 10 digits",
"MOBILE_PATTERN_STARTS_WITH": "Mobile Number Must Starts with 6, 7, 8 or 9",
"MOBILE_PATTERN_STARTS_WITH": "Mobile Number Must Starts with 6, 7, 8 or 9",
"AGE_RANGE": "Please enter valid year",
"MAx_Age": "Registration is open for individuals with age 60 years or more (Birth Year of 1971 or earlier)",
"STREET_PATTERN": "Must contain only English Alphabets (“a-z” and “A-Z”), Numbers “0-9”, Dot “.”, Hyphen “-”, Open parenthesis “(“ and Close parenthesis “)”",
"STREET_PATTERN": "Must contain only English Alphabets (“a-z” and “A-Z”), Numbers “0-9”, Dot “.”, Hyphen “-”, Open parenthesis “(“ and Close parenthesis “)”",
"STREET_CHARACTERS": "Must be between 5-250 characters",
"STREET_CHARACTERS": "Must be between 5-250 characters",
"PLEASE_SELECT_CONSENT": "Please Select Consent",
"PLEASE_SELECT_CONSENT": "Please Select Consent",
"VERIFY_MOBILE": "Please Verify Your Mobile Number",
"VERIFY_MOBILE": "Please Verify Your Mobile Number",
"VERIFY_AADHAAR": "Please Verify Your Aadhaar",
"VERIFY_AADHAAR": "Please Verify Your Aadhaar",
"PLEASE_UPLOAD_A_DOCUMENT": "Please Upload a document",
"PLEASE_UPLOAD_A_DOCUMENT": "Please Upload a document",
"BENEFICIARY_REGISTERED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Beneficiary Registered Successfully",
"BENEFICIARY_REGISTERED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Individual Registered Successfully",
"OTP_SENT": "OTP Sent Successfully to Mobile Number +91",
"BENEFICIARY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Individual Updated Successfully",
"BENEFICIARY_REMOVED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Individual Deleted Successfully",
"APPOINTMENT_CANCELLED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Appointment Cancelled Successfully",
"OTP_SENT": "OTP Sent Successfully to Your Mobile",
"OTP_VERIFICATION": "OTP Verification Done Successfully",
"OTP_VERIFICATION": "OTP Verification Done Successfully",
"SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Something Went Wrong Please Try Again!",
"SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Something Went Wrong Please Try Again!",
"SELECT_AT_LEAST_ONE_BEN": "Please select at least one beneficiary",
"MAX_BEN_LIMIT_ERROR": "You can add upto 4 beneficiaries with one mobile number",
"ACCESS_DENIED": "Access Denied",
"ACCESS_DENIED": "Access Denied",
"PLEASE_ENTER_OTP": "Please Enter OTP",
"PLEASE_ENTER_OTP": "Please Enter OTP",
"OTP_PATTERN": "OTP Must be 6 digits",
"OTP_PATTERN": "OTP Must be 6 digits",
"NUMBERS_ALLOWED": "Only Numbers are allowed",
"NUMBERS_ALLOWED": "Only Numbers are allowed",
"VALID_OTP": "Please Enter Valid OTP",
"VALID_OTP": "Please Enter Valid OTP",
"UNABLE_TO_SEND_OTP": "Unable to send OTP",
"WAIT_TO_SEND_OTP": "New OTP can be requested after 180 seconds of last OTP",
"AADHAAR_VERIFIED": "Aadhaar Verified Successfully",
"AADHAAR_VERIFIED": "Aadhaar Verified Successfully",
"AADHAAR_NUMBER_VERIFY": "Please Enter Aadhaar number first to verify",
"AADHAAR_NUMBER_VERIFY": "Please Enter Aadhaar number first to verify",
"MANDATORY_DEMO_AUTH": "Please Enter All Mandatory fields for Demo Auth",
"MANDATORY_DEMO_AUTH": "Please Enter All Mandatory fields for Demo Auth",
"DEMO_AUTHNETICATION": "Demo Authnetication Successful",
"DEMO_AUTHNETICATION": "Message Authentication Successful",
"AADHAAR_OTP_SENT": "Aadhaar OTP Sent To Registered Mobile Number",
"AADHAAR_OTP_SENT": "Aadhaar OTP Sent To Registered Mobile Number",
"BENEFICIARY_UPDATED": "Beneficiary Details Updated Successfully",
"BENEFICIARY_UPDATED": "Individual Details Updated Successfully",
"BENEFICIARY_NOT_FOUND": "Individual not found.",
"BIOMETRIC_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "Biometric Authentication Failed",
"BIOMETRIC_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED": "Biometric Authentication Failed",
"BIOMTERIC_CONFIGURATION_NOT_DONE": "Please Configure Biometric Device in Configurations"
"VALID_REGISTRAION_FORM": "Please correct the errors and send your information again"
"TOTAL_REGISTERATIONS": "Total Registrations",
"TOTAL_REGISTERATIONS": "Total Registerations",
"ONLINE_REGISTERATIONS": "Online Registrations",
"ONLINE_REGISTERATIONS": "Online Registerations",
"OFFLINE_REGISTERATIONS": "Offline Registrations",
"OFFLINE_REGISTERATIONS": "Offline Registerations",
"SYNC_USER": "Sync user",
"SYNC_USER": "Sync user",
"REGISTERED_TIME": "Registered Time",
"REGISTERED_TIME": "Registered Time",
"LATEST_REGISTRATIONS": "Latest Registrations"
"LATEST_REGISTRATIONS": "Latest Registrations"
"NAME_CHARACTERS": "Must be between 2-30 characters",
"NAME_CHARACTERS": "Must be between 2-30 characters",
"MOBILE_CHARACTERS": "Must be 10 digits",
"MOBILE_CHARACTERS": "Please enter valid Mobile Number",
"PASSWORD_MIN_CHARACTERS": "Password should be min 6 chars",
"PASSWORD_MIN_CHARACTERS": "Password should be min 6 chars",
"PASSWORD_MAX_CHARACTERS": "Password should be max 20 chars",
"PASSWORD_MAX_CHARACTERS": "Password should be max 20 chars",
"PASSWORD_POLICY": "Password Must Satisfy the Given Password Policy",
"PASSWORD_POLICY": "Password Must Satisfy the Given Password Policy",
"REQUIRED_VALUES": "Please provide all the required values!",
"REQUIRED_VALUES": "Please provide all the required values!",
"PROFILE_UPDATED": "Profile Updated Successfully",
"PROFILE_UPDATED": "Profile Updated Successfully",
"PROFILE_PICTURE": "Profile Picture Uploaded Successfully",
"PROFILE_PICTURE": "Profile Picture Uploaded Successfully",
"FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED": "Format Not Supported",
"FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED": "Format Not Supported",
"ErrorProfilePicture": "Error In Profile Picture Upload"
"ErrorProfilePicture": "Error In Profile Picture Upload"
"GREATER_TO_DATE": "From Date must not be greater then Today",
"GREATER_TO_DATE": "From Date must not be greater then Today",
"GREATER_THEN_TODAY": "From Date must not be greater then Today"
"GREATER_THEN_TODAY": "From Date must not be greater then Today"
"TOTAL_BENEFICIARIES": "Total Beneficiaries",
"TOTAL_BENEFICIARIES": "Total Beneficiaries",
"VACCINATED": "Vaccinated",
"VACCINATED": "Vaccinated",
"TOTAL_SESSIONS": "Total Sessions",
"TOTAL_SESSIONS": "Total Sessions",
"CONDUCTED": "Conducted",
"CONDUCTED": "Conducted",
"DAILY_INSIGHTS": "Daily Insights",
"DAILY_INSIGHTS": "Daily Insights",
"TODAYS_SESSIONS": "Today's Sessions",
"TODAYS_SESSIONS": "Today's Sessions",
"UPCOMING_SESSIONS": "Upcoming Sessions",
"UPCOMING_SESSIONS": "Upcoming Sessions",
"SESSION_NAME": "Session Name",
"SESSION_NAME": "Session Name",
"TIME": "Time",
"TIME": "Time",
"SESSION_SITE": "Session Site",
"SESSION_SITE": "Session Site",
"STATUS": "Status"
"STATUS": "Status"
"CLEAR": "Clear",
"CLEAR": "Clear",
"OFFLIN_NETWORK_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED": "network disconnected. Please try when network is available",
"OFFLIN_NETWORK_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED": "network disconnected. Please try when network is available",
"BENEFICIARIES": "Beneficiaries",
"UNABLE_TO_GET_RESPONSE": "Unable to process your request. Please try after sometime."
"DAILY_INSIGHTS": "Daily Insights"