Untitled diff

Created Diff never expires
65 removals
180 lines
115 additions
227 lines
title: "About bitcoin.org"
title: "About bitcoin.org"
pagetitle: "About bitcoin.org"
pagetitle: "About bitcoin.org"
pagedesc: "Bitcoin.org is dedicated to help Bitcoin to develop in a sustainable way."
pagedesc: "Bitcoin.org is dedicated to help Bitcoin to develop in a sustainable way."
own: "Who owns bitcoin.org?"
own: "Who owns bitcoin.org?"
owntxt: "Bitcoin.org is the original domain name used with the first Bitcoin website. It was registered and is still managed by <a href=\"#development#\">Bitcoin core developers</a> and by additional community members, with the input of <a href=\"#community#\">Bitcoin communities</a>. Bitcoin.org is not an official website. Just like nobody owns the email technology, nobody owns the Bitcoin network. As such, nobody can speak with authority in the name of Bitcoin."
owntxt: "Bitcoin.org was originally registered and owned by Bitcoin's first two developers, <a href=\"https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Satoshi_Nakamoto\">Satoshi Nakamoto</a> and <a href=\"https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Sirius\">Martti Malmi</a>. When Nakamoto left the project, he gave ownership of the domain to additional people, separate from the Bitcoin developers, to spread responsibility and prevent any one person or group from easily gaining control over the Bitcoin project."
owntxt2: "From 2011 to 2013, the site was primarily used for releasing new versions of the software now called Bitcoin Core. In 2013, the site was redesigned into its current form, adding numerous pages, listing additional Bitcoin software, and creating the translation system. Developer documentation was added in 2014."
owntxt3: "Today the site is an independent open source project with contributors from around the world. Final publication authority is held by the co-owners, but all regular activity is organized through the public <a href=\"https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.org#working-with-github\">pull request process</a> and managed by the site co-maintainers."
owntxt4: "Bitcoin.org is not Bitcoin's official website. Just like nobody owns the email technology, nobody owns the Bitcoin network. As such, nobody can speak with authority in the name of Bitcoin."
control: "Then... who controls Bitcoin?"
control: "Then... who controls Bitcoin?"
controltxt: "Bitcoin is controlled by all Bitcoin users around the world. Developers are improving the software but they can't force a change in the rules of the Bitcoin protocol because all users are free to choose what software they use. In order to stay compatible with each other, all users need to use software complying with the same rules. Bitcoin can only work decently with a complete consensus between all users. Therefore, all users and developers have strong incentives to adopt and protect this consensus."
controltxt: "Bitcoin is controlled by all Bitcoin users around the world. Developers are improving the software but they can't force a change in the rules of the Bitcoin protocol because all users are free to choose what software they use. In order to stay compatible with each other, all users need to use software complying with the same rules. Bitcoin can only work decently with a complete consensus between all users. Therefore, all users and developers have strong incentives to adopt and protect this consensus."
mission: "Mission"
mission: "Mission"
missiontxt1: "Inform users to protect them from common mistakes."
missiontxt1: "Inform users to protect them from common mistakes."
missiontxt2: "Give an accurate description of Bitcoin properties, potential uses and limitations."
missiontxt2: "Give an accurate description of Bitcoin properties, potential uses and limitations."
missiontxt3: "Display transparent alerts and events regarding the Bitcoin network."
missiontxt3: "Display transparent alerts and events regarding the Bitcoin network."
missiontxt4: "Invite talented humans to help with Bitcoin development at many levels."
missiontxt4: "Invite talented humans to help with Bitcoin development at many levels."
missiontxt5: "Provide visibility to the large scale Bitcoin ecosystem."
missiontxt5: "Provide visibility to the large scale Bitcoin ecosystem."
missiontxt6: "Improve Bitcoin worldwide accessibility with internationalization."
missiontxt6: "Improve Bitcoin worldwide accessibility with internationalization."
missiontxt7: "Remain a neutral informative resource about Bitcoin."
missiontxt7: "Remain a neutral informative resource about Bitcoin."
help: "Help us"
help: "Help us"
helptxt: "You can report any problem or help to improve bitcoin.org on <a href=\"https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.org#how-to-participate\">GitHub</a> by opening an issue or a pull request in English. When submitting a pull request, please take required time to discuss your changes and adapt your work. You can help with translations by joining a team on <a href=\"https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.org#translation\">Transifex</a>. Please don't ask for promotion for your personal business or website, except for special cases like conferences. Many thanks to all contributors who are spending time improving bitcoin.org!"
helptxt: "You can report any problem or help to improve bitcoin.org on <a href=\"https://github.com/bitcoin-dot-org/bitcoin.org#how-to-participate\">GitHub</a> by opening an issue or a pull request in English. When submitting a pull request, please take required time to discuss your changes and adapt your work. You can help with translations by joining a team on <a href=\"https://github.com/bitcoin-dot-org/bitcoin.org#translation\">Transifex</a>. Please don't ask for promotion for your personal business or website, except for special cases like conferences. Many thanks to all contributors who are spending time improving bitcoin.org!"
maintenance: "Maintenance"
maintenance: "Maintenance"
documentation: "Documentation"
documentation: "Documentation"
sponsorship: "Sponsorship"
service_contributors: "Service Contributors"
translation: "Translation"
translation: "Translation"
inactive_contributors: "Inactive Contributors"
inactive_contributors: "Inactive Contributors"
owners: "Domain Owners"
partial_list: "Partial List"
github: "Contributors on GitHub"
github: "Contributors on GitHub"
title: "Bitcoin for Businesses - Bitcoin"
title: "Bitcoin for Businesses - Bitcoin"
pagetitle: "Bitcoin for Businesses"
pagetitle: "Bitcoin for Businesses"
summary: "Bitcoin is a very secure and inexpensive way to handle payments."
summary: "Bitcoin is a very secure and inexpensive way to handle payments."
lowfee: "The lowest fees out there"
lowfee: "Choose your own fees"
lowfeetext: "Bitcoin's high cryptographic security allows it to process transactions in a very efficient and inexpensive way. You can make and receive payments using the Bitcoin network with almost no fees. In most cases, fees are not strictly required but they are recommended for faster confirmation of your transaction."
lowfeetext: >
There is no fee to receive bitcoins, and many wallets let you
control how large a fee to pay when spending. Most wallets have
reasonable default fees, and higher fees can encourage faster <a
href="#you-need-to-know##instant">confirmation</a> of your
transactions. Fees are unrelated to the amount transferred, so it's
possible to send 100,000 bitcoins for the same fee it costs to
send 1 bitcoin.

fraud: "Protection against fraud"
fraud: "Protection against fraud"
fraudtext: "Any business that accepts credit cards or PayPal knows the problem of payments that are later reversed. Chargeback frauds result in limited market reach and increased prices, which in turn penalizes customers. Bitcoin payments are irreversible and secure, meaning that the cost of fraud is no longer pushed onto the shoulders of the merchants."
fraudtext: "Any business that accepts credit cards or PayPal knows the problem of payments that are later reversed. Chargeback frauds result in limited market reach and increased prices, which in turn penalizes customers. Bitcoin payments are irreversible and secure, meaning that the cost of fraud is no longer pushed onto the shoulders of the merchants."
international: "Fast international payments"
international: "Fast international payments"
internationaltext: "Bitcoins can be transferred from Africa to Canada in 10 minutes. In fact, bitcoins never have any real physical location, so it is possible to transfer any amount anywhere with no limits, delays, or excessive fees. There are no intermediate banks to make you wait three business days."
internationaltext: >
Sending bitcoins across borders is as easy as sending them across
the street. There are no banks to make you wait three business
days, no extra fees for making an international transfer, and no
special limitations on the minimum or maximum amount you can send.

pci: "No PCI compliance required"
pci: "No PCI compliance required"
pcitext: "Accepting credit cards online typically requires extensive security checks in order to comply with the PCI standard. Bitcoin still requires you to <a href=\"#secure-your-wallet#\">secure your wallet</a> and your payment requests. However, you do not carry the costs and responsibilities that come with processing sensitive information from your customers like credit card numbers."
pcitext: "Accepting credit cards online typically requires extensive security checks in order to comply with the PCI standard. Bitcoin still requires you to <a href=\"#secure-your-wallet#\">secure your wallet</a> and your payment requests. However, you do not carry the costs and responsibilities that come with processing sensitive information from your customers like credit card numbers."
visibility: "Get some free visibility"
visibility: "Get some free visibility"
visibilitytext: "Bitcoin is an emerging market of new customers who are searching for ways to spend their bitcoins. Accepting them is a good way to get new customers and give your business some new visibility. Accepting a new payment method has often shown to be a clever practice for online businesses."
visibilitytext: "Bitcoin is an emerging market of new customers who are searching for ways to spend their bitcoins. Accepting them is a good way to get new customers and give your business some new visibility. Accepting a new payment method has often shown to be a clever practice for online businesses."
multisig: "Multi-signature"
multisig: "Multi-signature"
multisigtext: "Bitcoin also includes a multi-signature feature which allows bitcoins to be spent only if a subset of a group of people authorize the transaction. This can be used by a board of directors to prevent any member to make expenditures without enough consent from other members, as well as to track which members allowed each payment."
multisigtext: "Bitcoin also includes a multi-signature feature which allows bitcoins to be spent only if a subset of a group of people authorize the transaction. This can be used by a board of directors to prevent any member to make expenditures without enough consent from other members, as well as to track which members allowed each payment."
transparency: "Accounting transparency"
transparency: "Accounting transparency"
transparencytext: "Many organizations are required to produce accounting documents about their activity. Using Bitcoin allows you to offer the highest level of transparency since you can provide information your members can use to verify your balances and transactions. Non-profit organizations can also allow the public to see how much they receive in donations."
transparencytext: "Many organizations are required to produce accounting documents about their activity. Using Bitcoin allows you to offer the highest level of transparency since you can provide information your members can use to verify your balances and transactions. Non-profit organizations can also allow the public to see how much they receive in donations."
title: "Bitcoin for Developers - Bitcoin"
title: "Bitcoin for Developers - Bitcoin"
pagetitle: "Bitcoin for Developers"
pagetitle: "Bitcoin for Developers"
summary: "Bitcoin can be used to build amazing things or just answer common needs."
summary: "Bitcoin can be used to build amazing things or just answer common needs."
simple: "The simplest of all payment systems"
simple: "The simplest of all payment systems"
simpletext: "Unless payment needs to be associated with automatic invoices, accepting money is as simple as sending a bitcoin: link or displaying a QR code. This simple setup is within reach of any user and can fulfill the needs of a good range of clients. When done publicly, it is especially suitable for transparent donations and tips."
simpletext: "Unless payment needs to be associated with automatic invoices, accepting money is as simple as sending a bitcoin: link or displaying a QR code. This simple setup is within reach of any user and can fulfill the needs of a good range of clients. When done publicly, it is especially suitable for transparent donations and tips."
api: "Many third party APIs"
api: "Many third party APIs"
apitext: "There are many third party payment processing services that provide APIs; you don't need to store bitcoins on your server and handle the security that this implies. Additionally, most of these APIs allow you to process invoices and exchange your bitcoins into your local currency at competitive costs."
apitext: "There are many third party payment processing services that provide APIs; you don't need to store bitcoins on your server and handle the security that this implies. Additionally, most of these APIs allow you to process invoices and exchange your bitcoins into your local currency at competitive costs."
own: "You can be your own financial system"
own: "You can be your own financial system"
owntext: "If you don't use any third party APIs, you can integrate a Bitcoin server directly in your applications, allowing you to become your own bank and payment processor. With all the responsibilities that this implies, you can build amazing systems that process Bitcoin transactions with almost no fees."
owntext: >
If you don't use any third party APIs, you can integrate a Bitcoin
node directly into your applications, allowing you to become your
own bank and payment processor. With all the responsibilities that
this implies, you can build amazing systems that process Bitcoin
transactions however you would like.

invoice: "Bitcoin addresses to track invoices"
invoice: "Bitcoin addresses to track invoices"
invoicetext: "Bitcoin creates a unique address for each transaction. So if you were to build a payment system associated with an invoice, you simply need to generate and monitor a Bitcoin address for each payment. You should never use the same address for more than one transaction."
invoicetext: "Bitcoin creates a unique address for each transaction. So if you were to build a payment system associated with an invoice, you simply need to generate and monitor a Bitcoin address for each payment. You should never use the same address for more than one transaction."
security: "Most of the security is on client side"
security: "Most of the security is on client side"
securitytext: "Most parts of the security are handled by the protocol. This means no need for PCI compliance and fraud detection is only required when services or products are delivered instantly. Storing your bitcoins in a <a href=\"#secure-your-wallet#\">secure environment</a> and securing payment requests displayed to the user should be your main concerns."
securitytext: >
micro: "Cheap micro payments"
Most security is handled by the protocol, eliminating the need for
microtext: "Bitcoin offers the lowest payment processing fees and usually can be used to send micro payments as low as a few dollars in value. Bitcoin allows to design new creative online services that could not exist before only because of financial limitations. This includes various kinds of tipping systems and automated payment solutions."
PCI compliance. Fraud prevention can be simplified down to
monitoring a single variable: the <a
href="#you-need-to-know##instant">confirmation score</a>. Beyond
that, keeping
your bitcoins secure is mainly a matter of <a
href="#secure-your-wallet#">securing your wallet</a> and using
HTTPS or other secure protocols to send payment requests to customers.

micro: "New payment possibilities"
microtext: >
Bitcoin allows you to design new and creative online services
that couldn't exist before because of financial limitations. This
includes tipping systems, automated payment solutions,
distributed crowd-funding services, time locked payment
management, public asset tracking, low-trust escrow services,
micro-payment channels, and more.

title: "Bitcoin for Individuals - Bitcoin"
title: "Bitcoin for Individuals - Bitcoin"
pagetitle: "Bitcoin for Individuals"
pagetitle: "Bitcoin for Individuals"
summary: "Bitcoin is the simplest way to exchange money at very low cost."
summary: "Bitcoin is the simplest way to exchange money at very low cost."
mobile: "Mobile payments made easy"
mobile: "Mobile payments made easy"
mobiletext: "Bitcoin on mobiles allows you to pay with a simple two step scan-and-pay. No need to sign up, swipe your card, type a PIN, or sign anything. All you need to receive Bitcoin payments is to display the QR code in your Bitcoin wallet app and let your friend scan your mobile, or touch the two phones together (using NFC radio technology)."
mobiletext: "Bitcoin on mobiles allows you to pay with a simple two step scan-and-pay. No need to sign up, swipe your card, type a PIN, or sign anything. All you need to receive Bitcoin payments is to display the QR code in your Bitcoin wallet app and let your friend scan your mobile, or touch the two phones together (using NFC radio technology)."
international: "Fast international payments"
international: "Fast international payments"
internationaltext: "Bitcoins can be transferred from Africa to Canada in 10 minutes. There is no bank to slow down the process, level outrageous fees, or freeze the transfer. You can pay your neighbors the same way as you can pay a member of your family in another country."
internationaltext: >
Sending bitcoins across borders is as easy as sending them across
the street. There are no banks to make you wait three business
days, no extra fees for making an international transfer, and no
special limitations on the minimum or maximum amount you can send.

simple: "Works everywhere, anytime"
simple: "Works everywhere, anytime"
simpletext: "Just like with email, you don't need to ask your family to use the same software or the same service providers. Just let them stick to their own favorites. No problem there; they are all compatible as they use the same open technology. The Bitcoin network never sleeps, even on holidays!"
simpletext: "Just like with email, you don't need to ask your family to use the same software or the same service providers. Just let them stick to their own favorites. No problem there; they are all compatible as they use the same open technology. The Bitcoin network never sleeps, even on holidays!"
secure: "Security and control over your money"
secure: "Security and control over your money"
securetext: "Bitcoin transactions are secured by military grade cryptography. Nobody can charge you money or make a payment on your behalf. So long as you take the required steps to <a href=\"#secure-your-wallet#\">protect your wallet</a>, Bitcoin can give you control over your money and a strong level of protection against many types of fraud."
securetext: "Bitcoin transactions are secured by military grade cryptography. Nobody can charge you money or make a payment on your behalf. So long as you take the required steps to <a href=\"#secure-your-wallet#\">protect your wallet</a>, Bitcoin can give you control over your money and a strong level of protection against many types of fraud."
lowfee: "Zero or low fees"
lowfee: "Choose your own fees"
lowfeetext: "Bitcoin allows you to send and receive payments at very low cost. Except for special cases like very small payments, there is no enforced fee. It is however recommended to pay a higher voluntary fee for faster confirmation of your transaction and to remunerate the people who operate the Bitcoin network."
lowfeetext: >
There is no fee to receive bitcoins, and many wallets let you
control how large a fee to pay when spending. Most wallets have
reasonable default fees, and higher fees can encourage faster <a
href="#you-need-to-know##instant">confirmation</a> of your
transactions. Fees are unrelated to the amount transferred, so it's
possible to send 100,000 bitcoins for the same fee it costs to
send 1 bitcoin.

anonymous: "Protect your identity"
anonymous: "Protect your identity"
anonymoustext: "With Bitcoin, there is no credit card number that some malicious actor can collect in order to impersonate you. In fact, it is even possible to send a payment without revealing your identity, almost just like with physical money. You should however take note that some effort can be required to <a href=\"#protect-your-privacy#\">protect your privacy</a>."
anonymoustext: "With Bitcoin, there is no credit card number that some malicious actor can collect in order to impersonate you. In fact, it is even possible to send a payment without revealing your identity, almost like with physical money. You should however take note that some effort can be required to <a href=\"#protect-your-privacy#\">protect your privacy</a>."
title: "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"
title: "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"
pagetitle: "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"
pagetitle: "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"
summary: "The paper that first introduced Bitcoin"
summary: "The paper that first introduced Bitcoin"
description: "Satoshi Nakamoto's original paper is still recommended reading for anyone studying how Bitcoin works. Choose which translation of the paper you want to read:"
description: "Satoshi Nakamoto's original paper is still recommended reading for anyone studying how Bitcoin works. Choose which translation of the paper you want to read:"
translated_by: "translated by"
translated_by: "translated by"
submit_new_translation: 'Do you want to translate the paper into your language? Visit the <a href="https://github.com/saivann/bitcoinwhitepaper">Bitcoin Paper repository</a> for instructions and <a href="https://github.com/saivann/bitcoinwhitepaper/issues/new">open an issue</a> if you have any questions.'
submit_new_translation: 'Do you want to translate the paper into your language? Visit the <a href="https://github.com/saivann/bitcoinwhitepaper">Bitcoin Paper repository</a> for instructions and <a href="https://github.com/saivann/bitcoinwhitepaper/issues/new">open an issue</a> if you have any questions.'
title: "Community - Bitcoin"
title: "Community - Bitcoin"
pagetitle: "Bitcoin communities"
pagetitle: "Bitcoin communities"
pagedesc: "Find interesting people, groups and communities around Bitcoin."
pagedesc: "Find interesting people, groups and communities around Bitcoin."
forums: "Forums"
forums: "Forums"
bitcointalk: "<a href=\"https://bitcointalk.org/\">BitcoinTalk Forum</a>"
bitcointalk: "<a href=\"https://bitcointalk.org/\">BitcoinTalk Forum</a>"
reddit: "Reddit's Bitcoin Community"
reddit: "Reddit's Bitcoin Community"
stackexchange: "Bitcoin StackExchange (Q&amp;A)"
stackexchange: "Bitcoin StackExchange (Q&amp;A)"
irc: "IRC Chat"
irc: "IRC Chat"
ircjoin: "IRC Channels on <a href=\"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=bitcoin&amp;uio=d4\">freenode</a>."
ircjoin: "IRC Channels on <a href=\"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=bitcoin&amp;uio=d4\">freenode</a>."
chanbitcoin: "(General Bitcoin-related)"
chanbitcoin: "(General Bitcoin-related)"
chandev: "(Development and technical)"
chandev: "(Development and technical)"
chanotc: "(Over The Counter exchange)"
chanotc: "(Over The Counter exchange)"
chanmarket: "(Live quotes from markets)"
chanmarket: "(Live quotes from markets)"
chanmining: "(Bitcoin mining related)"
chanmining: "(Bitcoin mining related)"
social: "Social networks"
social: "Social networks"
linkgoogle: "<a href=\"https://plus.google.com/communities/115591368588047305300\">Google+ Bitcoin Community</a>"
linkgoogle: "<a href=\"https://plus.google.com/communities/115591368588047305300\">Google+ Bitcoin Community</a>"
linktwitter: "Twitter Search"
linktwitter: "Twitter Search"
facebook: "<a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/bitcoins\">Facebook Page</a>"
facebook: "<a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/bitcoins\">Facebook Page</a>"
meetups: "Meetups"
meetups: "Meetups"
meetupevents: "Bitcoin Conferences And Events"
meetupevents: "Bitcoin Conferences And Events"
meetupgroup: "Bitcoin Meetup Groups"
meetupgroup: "Bitcoin Meetup Groups"
meetupbitcointalk: "Bitcoin Meetups On BitcoinTalk"
meetupbitcointalk: "Bitcoin Meetups On BitcoinTalk"
meetupwiki: "Bitcoin Meetups On The Wiki"
meetupwiki: "Bitcoin Meetups On The Wiki"
nonprofit: "Non-profit organizations"
nonprofit: "Non-profit organizations"
wikiportal: "Visit the <a href=\"https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Bitcoin:Community_portal\">Community portal</a> on the wiki."
wikiportal: "Visit the <a href=\"https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Bitcoin:Community_portal\">Community portal</a> on the wiki."
title: "Choose your wallet - Bitcoin"
title: "Choose your wallet - Bitcoin"
pagetitle: "Choose your Bitcoin wallet"
pagetitle: "Choose your Bitcoin wallet"
pagedesc: "Find your wallet and start making payments with merchants and users."
pagedesc: "Find your wallet and start making payments with merchants and users."
walletcatmobile: "Mobile"
walletcatmobile: "Mobile"
walletcatdesktop: "Desktop"
walletcatdesktop: "Desktop"
walletcathardware: "Hardware"
walletcathardware: "Hardware"
walletcatweb: "Web"
walletcatweb: "Web"
walletbitcoinqt: "Bitcoin Core is a full Bitcoin client and builds the backbone of the network. It offers high levels of security, privacy, and stability. However, it has fewer features and it takes a lot of space and memory."
walletbitcoinqt: "Bitcoin Core is a full Bitcoin client and builds the backbone of the network. It offers high levels of security, privacy, and stability. However, it has fewer features and it takes a lot of space and memory."
walletmultibithd: "MultiBit HD is a lightweight client that is fast and easy to use. With integrated TREZOR and Tor support, it synchronizes directly with the Bitcoin network. The extensive help makes it an excellent choice for non-technical users."
walletbitcoinknots: "Bitcoin Knots is a full Bitcoin client and builds the backbone of the network. It offers high levels of security, privacy, and stability. It includes more advanced features than Bitcoin Core, but they are not as well-tested. It uses a lot of space and memory."
wallethive: "Hive is a fast, integrated, user-friendly Bitcoin wallet for Mac OS X. With a focus on usability, Hive is translated into many languages and has apps, making it easy to interact with your favorite Bitcoin services and merchants."
walletmultibithd: "MultiBit HD is a lightweight client that is fast and easy to use. With integrated Trezor and Tor support, it synchronizes directly with the Bitcoin network. The extensive help makes it an excellent choice for non-technical users."
wallethive-web: "Hive is a human-friendly Bitcoin and Litecoin wallet, which features a beautiful, elegant and simple interface. It offers Waggle, a simple way to send &amp; receive tokens with other Hive users near you. Your passphrase generates your wallet, making it portable and backups easy."
walletarmory: "Armory is an advanced Bitcoin client that expands its features for Bitcoin power users. It offers many backup and encryption features, and it allows secure cold-storage on offline computers."
walletarmory: "Armory is an advanced Bitcoin client that expands its features for Bitcoin power users. It offers many backup and encryption features, and it allows secure cold-storage on offline computers."
walletelectrum: "Electrum's focus is speed and simplicity, with low resource usage. It uses remote servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system, and it allows you to recover your wallet from a secret phrase."
walletelectrum: "Electrum's focus is speed and simplicity, with low resource usage. It uses remote servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system, and it allows you to recover your wallet from a secret phrase."
walletmsigna: "mSIGNA is an advanced yet easy-to-use wallet featuring speed and simplicity, enterprise-level scalability, and strong security. It supports BIP32, multisignature transactions, offline storage, multidevice synchronization, and encrypted electronic and paper backups."
walletmsigna: "mSIGNA is an advanced yet easy-to-use wallet featuring speed and simplicity, enterprise-level scalability, and strong security. It supports BIP32, multisignature transactions, offline storage, multidevice synchronization, and encrypted electronic and paper backups."
walletbitcoinwallet: "Bitcoin Wallet is easy to use and reliable, while also being secure and fast. Its vision is de-centralization and zero trust; no central service is needed for Bitcoin-related operations. The app is a good choice for non-technical people."
walletbitcoinwallet: "Bitcoin Wallet is easy to use and reliable, while also being secure and fast. Its vision is de-centralization and zero trust; no central service is needed for Bitcoin-related operations. The app is a good choice for non-technical people."
walletairbitzwallet: "Airbitz is a mobile Bitcoin Wallet making high levels of privacy, security, and decentralization very familiar and usable to the masses. Airbitz wallets are always automatically encrypted, backed up, and even function when Airbitz servers go down."
walletairbitzwallet: "Airbitz is a mobile Bitcoin Wallet making high levels of privacy, security, and decentralization very familiar and usable to the masses. Airbitz wallets are always automatically encrypted, backed up, and even function when Airbitz servers go down."
walletbreadwallet: "Simplicity is breadwallet's core design principle. As a real standalone Bitcoin client, there is no server to get hacked or go down, and by building on iOS's strong security base, breadwallet is designed to protect you from malware, browser security holes, even physical theft."
walletbreadwallet: "Simplicity is breadwallet's core design principle. As a real standalone Bitcoin client, there is no server to get hacked or go down, and by building on iOS's strong security base, breadwallet is designed to protect you from malware, browser security holes, even physical theft."
walletmyceliumwallet: "Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet for Android is designed for security, speed, and ease of use. It has unique features to manage your keys and for cold storage and offers compatibilty with Trezor and others."
walletmyceliumwallet: "Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet for Android is designed for security, speed, and ease of use. It has unique features to manage your keys and for cold storage and offers compatibility with Trezor and others."
walletcoinbase: "Coinbase is a web wallet service that aims to be easy to use. It also provides an Android web wallet app, merchant tools and integration with US bank accounts to buy and sell bitcoins."
walletcoinbase: "Coinbase is a web wallet service that aims to be easy to use. It also provides an Android web wallet app, merchant tools and integration with US bank accounts to buy and sell bitcoins."
walletxapo: "Xapo combines the convenience of an everyday Bitcoin wallet with the security of an insured deep cold storage vault. Xapo Debit Card links to your Xapo Wallet and allows you to spend bitcoins at millions of merchants all around the world."
walletxapo: "Xapo combines the convenience of an everyday Bitcoin wallet with the security of an insured deep cold storage vault. Xapo Debit Card links to your Xapo Wallet and allows you to spend bitcoins at millions of merchants all around the world."
walletcircle: "Circle is a web wallet service that aims to be easy to use. It provides the ability to instantly purchase and sell bitcoins using either a credit card or a U.S. bank account. It also provides an Android and an iOS web wallet app."
walletcircle: "Circle is a web wallet service that aims to be easy to use. It provides the ability to instantly purchase and sell bitcoins using either a credit card or a U.S. bank account. It also provides an Android and an iOS web wallet app."
walletcoinkite: "Coinkite is a web wallet &amp; debit card service that aims to be easy to use. It also works on mobile browsers, has merchant tools, point-of-sale payment terminals. It is a hybrid wallet and full reserve vault."
walletcoinkite: "Coinkite is a web wallet &amp; debit card service that aims to be easy to use. It also works on mobile browsers, has merchant tools, point-of-sale payment terminals. It is a hybrid wallet and full reserve vault."
walletcoinspace: "Coin.Space HD Wallet is a free online bitcoin wallet, which you can use to make worldwide payments for free. It makes paying with bitcoins easy and secure available anywhere on your phone or desktop."
walletbitgo: "BitGo is a high-security multi-sig wallet, which protects your bitcoin from theft and loss. You maintain full custody; BitGo cannot spend or freeze funds. BitGo wallets are easy to use and offer advanced security features such as spending limits and multi-user access."
walletbitgo: "BitGo is a high-security multi-sig wallet, which protects your bitcoin from theft and loss. You maintain full custody; BitGo cannot spend or freeze funds. BitGo wallets are easy to use and offer advanced security features such as spending limits and multi-user access."
walletgreenaddress: "GreenAddress is a user-friendly multi-signature wallet with improved security and privacy. At no time are your keys server side, even encrypted. For security reasons, you should always use 2FA and the browser extension or Android App."
walletgreenaddress: "GreenAddress is a user-friendly multi-signature wallet with improved security and privacy. At no time are your keys server side, even encrypted. For security reasons, you should always use 2FA and the browser extension or Android App."
wallettrezor: "TREZOR is a hardware wallet providing a high level of security without sacrificing convenience. Unlike cold storage, TREZOR is able to sign transactions while connected to an online device. That means spending bitcoins is secure even when using a compromised computer."
wallettrezor: "Trezor is a hardware wallet providing a high level of security without sacrificing convenience. Unlike cold storage, Trezor is able to sign transactions while connected to an online device. That means spending bitcoins is secure even when using a compromised computer."
walletkeepkey: "KeepKey is a hardware wallet that makes bitcoin security simple. When you entrust KeepKey with your money, every bitcoin transaction you make must be reviewed and approved via its OLED display and confirmation button."
walletcopay: "Copay is the HD-multisignature wallet originally built to secure BitPay's funds. Copay supports multiple personal and shared wallets, testnet, and the full Payment Protocol. A private <a href=\"https://github.com/bitpay/bitcore-wallet-service\">BWS</a> node can be used for enhanced security and privacy."
walletnano: "Ledger Nano is a hardware wallet built upon a ST23YT66 banking smartcard platform. It keeps the user private keys safe, validates transactions, can be used as a secure prepaid card or a multisignature party. While not open-source, it can be deterministically validated."
walletnano: "Ledger Nano is a hardware wallet built upon a ST23YT66 banking smartcard platform. It keeps the user private keys safe, validates transactions, can be used as a secure prepaid card or a multisignature party. While not open-source, it can be deterministically validated."
walletninki: "Ninki is a multi-signature wallet with a beautiful user interface that makes sending bitcoin as easy as email. You have full control of your bitcoins at all times."
walletnanos: "Ledger Nano S is a secure Bitcoin hardware wallet. It connects to any computer through USB and embeds a built-in OLED display to double-check and confirm each transaction with a single tap on its buttons."
walletdbb: "Digital Bitbox is a minimalist hardware wallet from Switzerland that emphasizes security and privacy. Features include fully offline &amp; simplified backup, plausible deniability, multi-sig support, a native desktop app, and a mobile app for verification &amp; 2FA."
walletninki: "An advanced wallet for experienced Bitcoin users. Ninki is a multi-signature wallet with a beautiful user interface. You have full control of your bitcoins at all times."
walletbither: "Bither is a simple and secure wallet on many platforms. With special designed Cold/Hot modes, user can easily get both safety and simplicity. Bither's XRANDOM uses different entropy sources to generate true random number for users. Also with HDM, users can have HD's advantages and Multisig's security."
walletbither: "Bither is a simple and secure wallet on many platforms. With special designed Cold/Hot modes, user can easily get both safety and simplicity. Bither's XRANDOM uses different entropy sources to generate true random number for users. Also with HDM, users can have HD's advantages and Multisig's security."
walletcoinapult: "Coinapult's wallet is designed with Bitcoin newcomers in mind. It allows sending bitcoins via email and SMS, and a handy tool called Locks helps protecting your balance from Bitcoin price swings. Users can Lock bitcoins to Gold, Euros, and more!"
walletcoinapult: "Coinapult's wallet is designed with Bitcoin newcomers in mind. It allows sending bitcoins via email and SMS, and a handy tool called Locks helps protecting your balance from Bitcoin price swings. Users can Lock bitcoins to Gold, Euros, and more!"
walletcoinomi: "Coinomi is a lightweight, secure, open-source, universal, HD Wallet. Apart from Bitcoin it also supports many altcoins so you can keep all your funds in a single wallet. Your private keys never leave your device and you only need to back it up just once!"
walletgreenbits: "GreenBits is a fast and easy to use wallet. Enjoy improved security with a minimal/zero trust approach, optional hardware wallets support, multisignature based 2FA and spending limits functionality."
walletbtccom: "Safe and easy to use, BTC.com Bitcoin Wallet keeps you, the user, in total control of your bitcoins. Features include HD and multi-signature technology, multi-platform, local language and currency support, QR codes and more."
walletsimplebitcoinwallet: "Simple, secure and reliable Bitcoin wallet."
walletarcbit: "ArcBit is designed to be simple and easy to use, while giving users full control over their money. It offers an optional cold wallet storage feature with the ability to authorize payments offline for enhanced security."
walletdownload: "Install"
walletdownload: "Install"
walletvisit: "Visit website"
walletvisit: "Visit website"
walletsourcecode: "Source code"
walletsourcecode: "Source code"
platformandroid: "Android"
platformandroid: "Android"
platformios: "iOS"
platformios: "iOS"
platformwindowsphone: "Windows Phone"
platformblackberry: "BlackBerry"
platformblackberry: "BlackBerry"
platformwindows: "Windows"
platformwindows: "Windows"
platformmac: "Mac"
platformmac: "Mac"
platformlinux: "Linux"
platformlinux: "Linux"
checkgoodcontrolfull: "Control over your money"
checkgoodcontrolfull: "Control over your money"
checkgoodcontrolfulltxt: "This wallet gives you full control over your bitcoins. This means no third party can freeze or lose your funds. You are however still responsible for securing and backing up your wallet."
checkgoodcontrolfulltxt: "This wallet gives you full control over your bitcoins. This means no third party can freeze or lose your funds. You are however still responsible for securing and backing up your wallet."
checkpasscontrolhybrid: "Hosted control over your money"
checkpasscontrolhybrid: "Hosted control over your money"
checkpasscontrolhybridtxt: "This wallet gives you control over your bitcoins. However, this service is retaining an encrypted copy of your wallet. This means your bitcoins can be stolen if you don't use a strong password and the service is compromised."
checkpasscontrolhybridtxt: "This wallet gives you control over your bitcoins. However, this service is retaining an encrypted copy of your wallet. This means your bitcoins can be stolen if you don't use a strong password and the service is compromised."
checkpasscontrolmulti: "Shared control over your money"
checkpasscontrolmulti: "Shared control over your money"
checkpasscontrolmultitxt: "This wallet requires every transaction to be authorized both by you and this third party. Under normal circumstances, you can regain full control over your bitcoins using your initial backup or pre-signed transactions sent by email."
checkpasscontrolmultitxt: "This wallet requires every transaction to be authorized both by you and this third party. Under normal circumstances, you can regain full control over your bitcoins using your initial backup or pre-signed transactions sent by email."
checkfailcontrolthirdpartyinsured: "Money controlled by a third party"
checkfailcontrolthirdpartyinsured: "Money controlled by a third party"
checkfailcontrolthirdpartyinsuredtxt: "This service has full control over your bitcoins. This means you need to trust this service will not freeze or mismanage your funds. Although this service claims to be providing insurance against failures on their side, you are still responsible for securing your wallet."
checkfailcontrolthirdpartyinsuredtxt: "This service has full control over your bitcoins. This means you need to trust this service will not freeze or mismanage your funds. Although this service claims to be providing insurance against failures on their side, you are still responsible for securing your wallet."
checkfailcontrolthirdparty: "Money controlled by a third party"
checkfailcontrolthirdparty: "Money controlled by a third party"
checkfailcontrolthirdpartytxt: "This service has full control over your bitcoins. This means you need to trust this service will not lose your funds in an incident on their side. As of today, most web wallets don't insure their deposits like a bank, and many such services have suffered from security breaches in the past."
checkfailcontrolthirdpartytxt: "This service has full control over your bitcoins. This means you need to trust this service will not lose your funds in an incident on their side. As of today, most web wallets don't insure their deposits like a bank, and many such services have suffered from security breaches in the past."
checkgoodvalidationfullnode: "Full validation"
checkgoodvalidationfullnode: "Full validation"
checkgoodvalidationfullnodetxt: "This wallet is a full node that validates and relays transactions on the Bitcoin network. This means no trust in a third party is required when verifying payments. Full nodes provide the highest level of security and are essential to protecting the network. However, they require more space (over 20GB), bandwidth, and a longer initial synchronization time."
checkgoodvalidationfullnodetxt: "This wallet is a full node that validates and relays transactions on the Bitcoin network. This means no trust in a third party is required when verifying payments. Full nodes provide the highest level of security and are essential to protecting the network. However, they require more space (over {{site.text.bitcoin_datadir_gb}}GB), bandwidth, and a longer initial synchronization time."
checkgoodvalidationfullnoderequired: "Full validation"
checkgoodvalidationfullnoderequired: "Full validation"
checkgoodvalidationfullnoderequiredtxt: "This wallet requires you to install full node software that validates and relays transactions on the Bitcoin network. This means no trust in a third party is required when verifying payments. Full nodes provide the highest level of security and are essential to protecting the network. However, they require more space (over 20GB), bandwidth, and a longer initial synchronization time."
checkgoodvalidationfullnoderequiredtxt: "This wallet requires you to install full node software that validates and relays transactions on the Bitcoin network. This means no trust in a third party is required when verifying payments. Full nodes provide the highest level of security and are essential to protecting the network. However, they require more space (over {{site.text.bitcoin_datadir_gb}}GB), bandwidth, and a longer initial synchronization time."
checkneutralvalidationvariable: "Variable validation"
checkneutralvalidationvariable: "Variable validation"
checkneutralvalidationvariabletxt: "Payment validation features are provided by the software wallet you use with this device. Please see the Validation score for the software wallet you plan to use."
checkpassvalidationspvp2p: "Simplified validation"
checkpassvalidationspvp2ptxt: "This wallet uses SPV and the Bitcoin network. This means very little trust in third parties is required when verifying payments. However, it is not as secure as a full node like <a href=\"#download#\">Bitcoin Core</a>."
checkpassvalidationspvservers: "Simplified validation"
checkpassvalidationspvserverstxt: "This wallet uses SPV and random servers from a list. This means little trust in third parties is required when verifying payments. However, it is not as secure as a full node like <a href=\"#download#\">Bitcoin Core</a>."
checkpassvalidationservers: "Decentralized validation"
checkpassvalidationserverstxt: "This wallet connects to a random server from a list. This means some trust in third parties is required when verifying payments. However, it is not as secure as a full node like <a href=\"#download#\">Bitcoin Core</a>."
checkfailvalidationcentralized: "Centralized validation"
checkfailvalidationcentralizedtxt: "This wallet relies on a centralized service by default. This means a third party must be trusted to not hide or simulate payments."
checkgoodtransparencydeterministic: "Complete transparency"
checkgoodtransparencydeterministictxt: "This wallet is open-source and built deterministically. This means any developer in the world can audit the code and make sure the final software isn't hiding any secrets."
checkpasstransparencyopensource: "Basic transparency"
checkpasstransparencyopensourcetxt: "The developers of this wallet publish the source code for the client. This means any developer in the world can audit the code. However, you still need to trust developers of this wallet when installing or updating the final software because it was not built deterministically like <a href=\"#download#\">Bitcoin Core</a>."
checkpasstransparencyopensourcehardware: "Basic transparency"
checkpasstransparencyopensourcehardwaretxt: "The source code for this wallet is public. This means any developer in the world can audit the code. However, you still need to trust developers of this wallet because the device cannot be verified to be using the same source code to generate secure random seeds and for other operations. Updating your device's firmware, generating your own secure random seed or using multi-signature can make it harder to steal your bitcoins."
checkpasstransparencyopenspechardware: "Basic transparency"
checkpasstransparencyopenspechardwaretxt: "The specification for this wallet is public. This means any developer in the world can do blackbox testing. However, you still need to trust developers of this wallet because the device cannot be verified to be generating secure random seeds and the source code cannot be audited. Updating your device's firmware, generating your own secure random seed or using multi-signature can make it harder to steal your bitcoins."
checkfailtransparencyclosedsource: "No