Admin360-Reloaded 8.0.0 VS 8.1.1

Created Diff never expires
118 removals
Words removed529
Total words2928
Words removed (%)18.07
472 lines
155 additions
Words added624
Total words3023
Words added (%)20.64
508 lines
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Notes | #
# | Notes | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Version 8.0.0
# Version 8.1.1
# Tested on Spigot 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.4.
# Tested on Spigot 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.16.4.

# Config version = Plugin version.
# Config version = Plugin version.
# Do not change this unless you know what you're doing.
# Do not change this unless you know what you're doing.
# This is for the plugin to check whether we should generate a new config for you.
# This is for the plugin to check whether we should generate a new config for you.
version: '8.0.0'
version: '8.1.1'

# Whenever there's an update available, read the upgrade procedures as instructed on our spigot project page.
# Whenever there's an update available, read the upgrade procedures as instructed on our spigot project page.
# If there're any changes made to this config, for example, if we've added several new settings or messages,
# If there're any changes made to this config, for example, if we've added several new settings or messages,
# you may have to compare the changes of the new and old config. And, it takes time to apply your old settings
# you may have to compare the changes of the new and old config. And, it takes time to apply your old settings
# especially when the update is big.
# especially when the update is big.

# Since version 7.1.0, the plugin will auto-rename the old config file into "config_old.yml" on server restart.
# Since version 7.1.0, the plugin will auto-rename the old config file into "config_old.yml" on server restart.
# This is to make sure that everything works even if we reworked the config file (which is something I always do).
# This is to make sure that everything works even if we reworked the config file (which is something I always do).
# But remember to delete the "config_old.yml" after you've migrated all the changes.
# But remember to delete the "config_old.yml" after you've migrated all the changes.
# If not, it may break this auto-rename feature on future updates.
# If not, it may break this auto-rename feature on future updates.

# As you can see, the comments can be lengthy because we want to explain everything to you.
# As you can see, the comments can be lengthy because we want to explain everything to you.
# If you really spend time read through this, then you will know how the plugin works.
# If you really spend time read through this, then you will know how the plugin works.
# If you want to disable some messages, simply make it an empty line using ''.
# If you want to disable some messages, simply make it an empty line using ''.
# All default messages contain all the placeholders that can be used. You can remove it or dupliciate it.
# All default messages contain all the placeholders that can be used. You can remove it or duplicate it.
# However, placeholders will only work in that particular message.
# However, placeholders will only work in that particular message.

# We welcome users to make translation of this config. Contact us so that we can put your translation official.
# We welcome users to make translation of this config. Contact us so that we can put your translation official.
# Project:
# Project:
# Support:
# Support:
# Authors: Dennie, PPT_T, vidhu1911
# Authors: Dennie_Mok, KaytlynJay, vidhu1911

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Basic (perms, syntax, help, reload) | #
# | Basic (perms, syntax, help, reload, database) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

no-permission: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAccess Denied&7 You do not have permission to use this command.'
no-permission: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAccess Denied&7 You do not have permission to use this command.'
incorrect-syntax: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nIncorrect Syntax&7 Use &6/admin360 &7to display a list of commands.'
incorrect-syntax: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nIncorrect Syntax&7 Use &6/admin360 &7to display a list of commands.'
is-player-check: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAccess Denied&7 This is a player-only command.'
is-player-check: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nAccess Denied&7 This is a player-only command.'
reload-message: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7The config file has been reloaded successfully.'
reload-message: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7The config file has been reloaded successfully.'

# Database
# You MUST restart your server if you've changed the database settings and if you want the changes to apply.
# Admin360 will use SQLITE if use-mysql is set to false.
# Drivers that we use: SQLITE (org.sqlite.JDBC) and MYSQL (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)
# Your hosting provider should have these installed by default. If you're running your server on Windows, SQLITE is preferred.
# The other options such as host, port, database, username and password will only be valid if use-mysql is true.
use-mysql: false
host: 'localhost'
port: '3306'
database: 'database'
username: 'user'
password: 'password'

# Help Section: Player Commands
# Help Section: Player Commands
# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- ''
- '&7&m------------&r &6ADMIN360 &7&m------------'
- '&7&m------------&r &6ADMIN360 &7&m------------'
- '&6/ticket create [details] &f- &7Open a ticket.'
- '&6/ticket create [details] &f- &7Open a ticket.'
- '&6/ticket cancel &f- &7Cancel your ticket.'
- '&6/ticket cancel &f- &7Cancel your ticket.'
- '&6/ticket status &f- &7Query ticket status.'
- '&6/ticket status &f- &7Query ticket status.'
- '&6/ticket stats &f- &7View ticket statistics.'
- '&6/ticket stats &f- &7View ticket statistics.'
- '&6/ticket help &f- &7Print command list.'
- '&6/ticket help &f- &7Print command list.'
- '&6/admin360 &f- &7Display plugin info.'
- '&b/admin360 &f- &7Display plugin info.'
- '&7*&fParameters: [Optional] <Compulsory>'
- '&7*&fParameters: [Optional] <Compulsory>'
- '&7&m---------------------------------'
- '&7&m---------------------------------'
- ''
- ''

# Help Section: Staff Commands
# Help Section: Staff Commands
# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- ''
- '&7&m------------&r &6ADMIN360 &7&m------------'
- '&7&m------------&r &6ADMIN360 &7&m------------'
- '&f&nStep 1'
- '&6/ticket list &f- &7View the ticket list.'
- '&6/ticket pick <name> &f- &7Pick up a ticket.'
- '&6/ticket next &f- &7Proceed to the next ticket.'
- '&6/ticket next &f- &7Proceed to the next ticket.'
- '&6/ticket tp &f- &7Teleport to target player.'
- '&f&nStep 2'
- '&6/ticket tp &f- &7Teleport to the player.'
- '&6/ticket info &f- &7View the ticket details.'
- '&6/ticket info &f- &7View the ticket details.'
- '&6/ticket close &f- &7Close/complete a ticket.'
- '&f&nStep 3'
- '&6/ticket redirect <name> &f- &7Redirect a ticket.'
- '&6/ticket drop &f- &7Drop and abandon a ticket.'
- '&6/ticket close &f- &7Done-mark a ticket.'
- '&f&nRemoval Tools'
- '&6/ticket purge &f- &7Purge all queuing tickets.'
- '&6/ticket purge &f- &7Purge all queuing tickets.'
- '&6/ticket delete <name> &f- &7Delete a ticket.'
- '&6/ticket delete <name> &f- &7Delete a ticket.'
- '&6/ticket history [#] &f- &7View ticket history.'
- '&f&nHonor Points'
- '&6/ticket hpstats [name] &f- &7View staff stats.'
- '&6/ticket hpstats [name] &f- &7View HP stats.'
- '&6/ticket hptop [#] &f- &7View staff leaderboard.'
- '&6/ticket hptop [#] &f- &7View HP leaderboard.'
- '&6/ticket hpreset <name> &f- &7Reset staff stats.'
- '&6/ticket history [#] &f- &7View HP history.'
- '&6/admin360 reload &f- &7Reload the config file.'
- '&6/ticket hpreset <name> &f- &7Reset HP stats.'
- '&b/admin360 reload &f- &7Reload the config file.'
- '&7*&fParameters: [Optional] <Compulsory>'
- '&7*&fParameters: [Optional] <Compulsory>'
- '&7&m---------------------------------'
- '&7&m---------------------------------'
- ''
- ''

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Creating Tickets (/ticket create) | #
# | Create A Ticket (Player) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket create [details] : Open a ticket with or without a description (optional) of the case.
# /ticket create [details] : Open a ticket with or without a description of the request.
# In this section, you can modify the settings and messages that are related to "/ticket create".
# This is a player command which requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".
# This is a player command which requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".

# create-failed-no-staff : Creation aborted because there are no staff online.
# create-failed-no-staff : Creation aborted because there are no staff online.
# create-failed-in-queue : Creation aborted because you already have a ticket opened.
# create-failed-in-queue : Creation aborted because you already have a ticket opened.
# create-failed-in-progress : Creation aborted because a staff is attending your help-request.
# create-failed-in-progress : Creation aborted because a staff is attending your help-request.
# create-failed-require-feedback : Creation aborted because you still haven't submitted a feedback for your previous ticket.
# create-failed-require-feedback : Creation aborted because you still haven't submitted a feedback for your previous ticket.
# create-failed-anti-exploit : Creation aborted because you are a staff member. Staff is banned from ticket creation to prevent boosting.
# create-failed-anti-exploit : Creation aborted because you are a staff member. Staff is banned from ticket creation to prevent boosting.
#*boosting: self-ticketing exploit.
# *boosting: self-ticketing exploit.
# create-succeeded : Creation succeeded. Your ticket has been put in the next position of the queue.
# create-succeeded : Creation succeeded. Your ticket has been put in the next position of the queue.

# After a ticket is opened, your staff (with permission "admin360.staff.basic") will be notified.
# After a ticket is opened, your staff (with permission "admin360.staff.basic") will be notified.

# Command cooldown to avoid spammming issues.
# Command cooldown to avoid spamming issues.
# The unit of cooldown-timer is seconds.
# The unit of cooldown-timer is seconds.
use-cooldown: true
use-cooldown: true
cooldown-timer: 60
cooldown-timer: 60
cooldown-message: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Please wait for &6<SECONDSLEFT>s&7 before opening another ticket.'
cooldown-message: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Please wait for &6<SECONDSLEFT>s&7 before opening another ticket.'

# Check if any staff members are currently available.
# Check if any staff members are currently available.
# If this is set to true, players will not be allowed to open a new ticket if there are no staff in the server.
# If this is set to true, players will not be allowed to open a new ticket if there are no staff in the server.
# How do we determine between a player and a staff? Staff are those who have the permission "admin360.staff.basic".
# How do we determine between a player and a staff? Staff are those who have the permission "admin360.staff.basic".
staff-online-required: true
staff-online-required: true
create-failed-no-staff: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 There are no staff currently available.'
create-failed-no-staff: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 There are no staff currently available.'

create-failed-in-queue: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You already have a ticket opened. (&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)'
create-failed-in-queue: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You already have a ticket opened. (&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)'
create-failed-in-progress: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You have another ticket in progress.(&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)'
create-failed-in-progress: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You have another ticket in progress.(&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)'
create-failed-require-feedback: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You may have forgotten to give us a feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)'
create-failed-require-feedback: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 You may have forgotten to give us a feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)'
create-failed-anti-exploit: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 Members of the staff team are not allowed to open a ticket to avoid exploits.'
create-failed-anti-exploit: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCreate Failed&7 Members of the staff team are not allowed to open a ticket to avoid exploits.'

# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have opened a ticket (&fPosition: &c<POSITION>&7). Use &6/ticket status &7to check your progress.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have opened a ticket (&fPosition: &c<POSITION>&7). Use &6/ticket status &7to check your progress.'
# Do you want to run a custom command right after a ticket is opened? Default example using title-manager.
# Do you want to run a custom command right after a ticket is opened? Default example using title-manager.
# Change this to true if you want to use this option.
# Change this to true if you want to use this option.
ticket-created-trigger-custom-command: false
ticket-created-trigger-custom-command: false
ticket-created-custom-command: 'tm msg <PLAYERNAME> &b\n&6Ticket Created &7(&fPosition: &6<POSITION>&7)'
ticket-created-custom-command: 'tm msg <PLAYERNAME> &b\n&6Ticket Created &7(&fPosition: &6<POSITION>&7)'

# Notify your staff when there is a ticket created.
# Notify your staff when there is a ticket created.
# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- ''
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME> &copened a &a&lNEW &cticket.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME> &copened a &a&lNEW &cticket.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &cDetails: &f<DETAILS>'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &cDetails: &f<DETAILS>'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7(&e<TICKETSREMAIN> &fticket(s) remaining&7)'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7(&e<TICKETSREMAIN> &fticket(s) remaining&7)'
- ''
- ''

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Cancelling Tickets (/ticket cancel) | #
# | Cancel A Ticket (Player) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket cancel: Cancel your submitted request.
# /ticket cancel: Cancel your submitted request.
# In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to "/ticket cancel".
# This is a player command which requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".
# This is a player command which requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".

# cancel-failed-no-ticket : You didn't opened any request. There are no request for you to cancel.
# cancel-failed-no-ticket : You didn't opened any request. There are no request for you to cancel.
# cancel-failed-in-progress : You can't cancel your request because a staff is now attending it.
# cancel-failed-in-progress : You can't cancel your request because a staff is now attending it.
# cancel-failed-attending : You are a staff and you are processing a ticket. You cannot cancel any tickets.
# cancel-failed-attending : You are a staff and you are processing a ticket. You cannot cancel any tickets.
# cancel-failed-require-feedback : You cannot cancel your request because you still haven't submitted a feedback for your previous ticket.
# cancel-failed-require-feedback : You cannot cancel your request because you still haven't submitted a feedback for your previous ticket.
# cancel-succeeded : You have cancelled your submitted request successfully.
# cancel-succeeded : You have cancelled your submitted request successfully.

cancel-failed-no-ticket: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 Do you need help? (&fTips: &6/ticket create [details]&7)'
cancel-failed-no-ticket: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 Do you need help? (&fTips: &6/ticket create [details]&7)'
cancel-failed-in-progress: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 A staff is attending your help-request. (&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)'
cancel-failed-in-progress: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 A staff is attending your help-request. (&fTips: &6/ticket status&7)'
cancel-failed-attending: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 Members of the staff team do not need this function.'
cancel-failed-attending: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 Members of the staff team do not need this function.'
cancel-failed-require-feedback: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 You may have forgotten to give us a feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)'
cancel-failed-require-feedback: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nCancel Failed&7 You may have forgotten to give us a feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)'
cancel-succeeded: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have removed your ticket from the queue successfully.'
cancel-succeeded: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have removed your ticket from the queue successfully.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Tickets Status (/ticket status) | #
# | Check Ticket Status (Player/Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket status: Query the current status of your ticket.
# /ticket status: Query the current status of your ticket.
# In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to "/ticket status".
# This is a player command which requires the permission "admin360.player.status".
# This is a player command which requires the permission "admin360.player.status".

# status-no-ticket : You didn't submit any help-requests. You can open one.
# status-no-ticket : You didn't submit any help-requests. You can open one.
# status-in-queue : You already have a ticket opened, which is still in the queue at the moment.
# status-in-queue : You already have a ticket opened, which is still in the queue at the moment.
# status-in-progress : A staff is attending your request at the moment.
# status-in-progress : A staff is attending your request at the moment.
# status-attending : You are a staff and you are currently attending a case.
# status-attending : You are a staff and you are currently attending a case.
# status-require-feedback : Your ticket is closed but you still haven't give us a feedback.
# status-require-feedback : Your ticket is closed but you still haven't give us a feedback.

status-no-ticket: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Do you need help? (&fTips: &6/ticket create [details]&7)'
status-no-ticket: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Do you need help? (&fTips: &6/ticket create [details]&7)'
status-in-queue: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Your ticket is now in position &6<POSITION> &7of the queue.'
status-in-queue: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Your ticket is now in position &6<POSITION> &7of the queue.'
status-in-progress: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Your ticket is now in progress. A staff will contact you soon.'
status-in-progress: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Your ticket is now in progress. A staff will contact you soon.'
status-attending: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You are attending a help-request at the moment. (&fTips: &6/ticket info&7)'
status-attending: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You are attending a help-request at the moment. (&fTips: &6/ticket info&7)'
status-require-feedback: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You may have forgotten to give us a feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)'
status-require-feedback: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You may have forgotten to give us a feedback. (&fTips: &a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7)'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Attending Tickets (/ticket next) | #
# | View Ticket Statistics (Player/Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

Text moved with changes from lines 356-377 (98.4% similarity)
# /ticket next: Proceed to the next help-request.
# /ticket stats: Display tickets statistics.
# In this section, you can modify the settings and messages that are related to "/ticket next".
# This is a player command which requires the permission "admin360.player.stats".

# <INQUEUE> <INPROGRESS> <AWAITING> <COMPLETED> are temporary counters.
# They will be reset once the server restarts. It's because they are stored in RAM.
# <TOTAL> is a counter of records of the database. <PERCENT> is the upvote ratio.
# They will not be reset on server restart.

# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c<INQUEUE> &fticket(s) in the queue.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<INPROGRESS> &fticket(s) in progress.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &a<AWAITING> &fticket(s) awaiting feedback.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &b<COMPLETED> &fticket(s) completed today.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &d<TOTAL> &ftotal ticket(s) &7(&f<PERCENT>%&a▲&7)'
- ''

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Pick A Ticket (Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket list: List out all the tickets from the queue.
# /ticket pick <name>: Pick a ticket from the queue and proceed.
# /ticket next: Proceed to process the next request in the queue.
# This is a staff command which requires the permission 'admin360.staff.basic".
# This is a staff command which requires the permission 'admin360.staff.basic".

# "next" and "pick" share the same messages and settings.
# next-failed-no-ticket : Currently, there are no tickets in the queue so you cannot proceed.
# next-failed-no-ticket : Currently, there are no tickets in the queue so you cannot proceed.
# next-failed-attending : You are still attending a help-request. That's why you can't proceed to the next ticket.
# next-failed-attending : You are still attending a request. That's why you can't proceed to process the next ticket.
# If "/ticket next" succeeded, you will be teleported to the target player by Admin360 (which can be disabled).
# After picking a ticket, you will be teleport to the target player by Admin360 (which can be disabled).

# Your staff in the server (with permission "admin360.staff.basic") will be notified when the status of a ticket is
# Your staff in the server (with permission "admin360.staff.basic") will be notified when the status of a ticket has
# changed from pending (in queue) to processing (in progress). The player who created the ticket will also be notified.
# changed. The player who created the ticket will also be informed.

next-failed-no-ticket: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nNext Failed&7 There are no unattended tickets at the moment.'
list-message: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6&l<INDEX> &7[&f<TIME>&7] &f<PLAYERNAME> &7: <DETAILS>'

next-failed-no-ticket: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nNext Failed&7 There are no tickets at the moment.'
next-failed-attending: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nNext Failed&7 You have to close your current ticket before attending the next one.'
next-failed-attending: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nNext Failed&7 You have to close your current ticket before attending the next one.'

# Do you want Admin360 to teleport your staff to the target player by default?
# Do you want Admin360 to teleport your staff to the target player by default?
# Change this to false if you want to disable this option.
# Change this to false if you want to disable this option.
use-auto-teleport: true
use-auto-teleport: true

# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &7is now reviewing your help-request.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &7is now reviewing your request.'
# Do you want to run a custom command right after a ticket changed its status? Default example using title-manager.
# Do you want to run a custom command right after a ticket changed its status? Default example using title-manager.
# Change this to true if you want to use this option.
# Change this to true if you want to use this option.
ticket-in-progress-trigger-custom-command: false
ticket-in-progress-trigger-custom-command: false
ticket-in-progress-custom-command: 'tm msg <PLAYERNAME> &b\n&6<ADMINNAME> &fis now reviewing your request.'
ticket-in-progress-custom-command: 'tm msg <PLAYERNAME> &b\n&6<ADMINNAME> &fis now reviewing your request.'

# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- ''
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &cis now processing &6<PLAYERNAME>&c''s ticket.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME> &cis now processing &6<PLAYERNAME>&c''s ticket.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7(&e<TICKETSREMAIN> &fticket(s) remaining&7)'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7(&e<TICKETSREMAIN> &fticket(s) remaining&7)'
- ''
- ''

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Teleport (/ticket tp) | #
# | Teleport To The Target (Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket tp: It allows you to teleport to the player who opened the ticket that you are processing now.
# /ticket tp: It allows you to teleport to the player who opened the ticket that you are processing now.
# In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to "/ticket tp".
# This is a staff command which requires the permission "".
# This is a staff command which requires the permission "".

teleport-failed: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nTeleport Failed&7 You cannot use this function at the moment.'
teleport-failed: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nTeleport Failed&7 This function is disabled at the moment.'
teleport-succeeded: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have been teleported to &6<PLAYERNAME>&7.'
teleport-succeeded: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have been teleported to &6<PLAYERNAME>&7.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | View-Info (/ticket info) | #
# | View Ticket Info (Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket info: Remember "/ticket create [details]"? This command enables you to read that details again
# /ticket info: Remember "/ticket create [details]"? This command enables you to read that details again.
# if you are processing that ticket (in case you forgot).
# if you are processing that ticket (in case you forgot).
# In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to "/ticket info".
# This is a staff command which requires the permission "".
# This is a staff command which requires the permission "".

info-failed: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nView-Info Failed&7 You cannot use this function at the moment.'
info-failed: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nView-Info Failed&7 This function is disabled at the moment.'

# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- ''
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Name: &f<PLAYERNAME>'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Name: &f<PLAYERNAME>'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Details: &f<DETAILS>'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Details: &f<DETAILS>'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Time: &f<TIME>'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6Time: &f<TIME>'
- ''
- ''

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Closing Tickets (/ticket close) | #
# | Redirect A Ticket (Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket close: Close a ticket and mark it as completed.
# /ticket redirect: Redirect and reassign a ticket to another staff.
# In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to "/ticket close".
# This is a staff command which requires the permission "admin360.staff.redirect".

# You will get the fail message either because the name you enter is invalid,
# or that staff is handling a request at the moment.
redirect-failed: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nRedirect Failed&7 This ticket cannot be redirected to &6<ADMINNAME>&7.'
redirect-succeeded: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have redirected this ticket to &6<ADMINNAME>&7.'

Text moved with changes from lines 462-468 (94.0% similarity)
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Drop A Ticket (Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket drop: Drop and abandon a ticket without the need to close it.
# This is a staff command which requires the permission "admin360.staff.drop".

drop-failed: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nDrop Failed&7 You cannot use this function at the moment.'
drop-message: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have deleted &6<PLAYERNAME>&7''s ticket.'
drop-notify-player: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Your ticket has been cancelled by &6<ADMINNAME>&7.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Close A Ticket (Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket close: Close a ticket and done-mark it.
# This is a staff command which requires the permission "admin360.staff.basic".
# This is a staff command which requires the permission "admin360.staff.basic".

close-failed: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nClose Failed&7 You are not attending any request at the moment.'
close-failed: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nClose Failed&7 You are not attending any request at the moment.'
close-succeeded: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have closed this ticket successfully.'
close-succeeded: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have closed this ticket successfully.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Giving Feedback (/ticket yes or no) | #
# | Give A Feedback (Player) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket yes, /ticket no: After a ticket is closed, your player will be asked to rate the service.
# /ticket yes, /ticket no: After a ticket is closed, your player will be asked to rate the service.
# They can upvote or downvote. /ticket yes: upvote; /ticket no: downvote.
# They can upvote or downvote. /ticket yes: upvote; /ticket no: downvote.
# In this section, you can modify the settings and messages that are related to "/ticket yes" and "/ticket no".
# This is a player command which requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".
# This is a player command which requires the permission "admin360.player.basic".

# After a player has made a feedback, the ticket details will be stored as a record in the database.
# After a player has made a feedback, the ticket details will be stored as a record in the database.
# If not, then the database will not store anything. The details will only be kept in RAM.
# If not, then the database will not store anything. The details will only be kept in RAM.

# Set this to true if you want to remind your players to give feedback after their ticket are closed.
# Set this to true if you want to remind your players to give feedback after their ticket are closed.
show-reminder: true
show-reminder: true

# If the above option (show-reminder) is set to true,
# If the above option (show-reminder) is set to true,
# a timed message (feedback-required) with an interval (remidner-frequency) measured in seconds
# a timed message (feedback-required) with an interval (reminder-frequency) measured in seconds
# will be set to remind your players to submit a feedback. This option can be disturbing for
# will be set to remind your players to submit a feedback. This option can be disturbing for
# your players if you set the frequency to some low values.
# your players if you set the frequency to some low values.
# But sometimes, more annoying = more effective :)
# But sometimes, more annoying = more effective :)
reminder-frequency: 20
reminder-frequency: 20

feedback-required: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7We have completed your request. Are you satisfied with it? [&a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7].'
feedback-required: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7We have completed your request. Are you satisfied with it? [&a/ticket yes&7, &c/ticket no&7].'
# Do you want to run a custom command if the player needs to give a feedback? Default example using chest-command.
# Do you want to run a custom command if the player needs to give a feedback? Default example using chest-command.
# This can work really well with some plugins that opens a GUI with buttons triggering /ticket yes and /ticket no.
# This can work really well with some plugins that opens a GUI with buttons triggering /ticket yes and /ticket no.
# Change this to true if you want to use this option.
# Change this to true if you want to use this option.
feedback-trigger-custom-command: false
feedback-trigger-custom-command: false
feedback-custom-command: 'chestcommands open feedback.yml <PLAYERNAME>'
feedback-custom-command: 'chestcommands open feedback.yml <PLAYERNAME>'

feedback-not-required: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You are not required to submit a feedback at the moment.'
feedback-not-required: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You are not required to submit a feedback at the moment.'
feedback-received: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Thank you for your feedback. We are looking forward to serving you again.'
feedback-received: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7Thank you for your feedback. We are looking forward to serving you again.'

# If you do not want your staff to know who actually votes for them, simply remove the placeholder.
# If you do not want your staff to know who actually votes for them, simply remove the placeholder.
upvote-rating-notify-staff: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME> &elikes &7your service. [&f1&a▲&7]'
upvote-rating-notify-staff: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME> &elikes &7your service. [&f1&a▲&7]'
downvote-rating-notify-staff: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME> &cdislikes &7your service. [&f1&c▼&7]'
downvote-rating-notify-staff: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME> &cdislikes &7your service. [&f1&c▼&7]'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Removing Tickets (/ticket purge, delete) | #
# | Remove A Ticket (Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket purge, /ticket delete <name>: Purge all pending tickets or delete a particular ticket.
# /ticket purge, /ticket delete <name>: Purge all pending tickets or delete a particular ticket.
# In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to "/ticket purge" and "/ticket delete".
# They are staff commands which require permission "admin360.staff.purge" and "admin360.staff.delete".
# They are staff commands which require permission "admin360.staff.purge" and "admin360.staff.delete".

# Difference between purge and delete:
# Difference between purge and delete:
# Purge: Remove all pending tickets (in queue + in progress).
# Purge: Remove all tickets in the queue.
# Delete: Remove a particular ticket from a player regardless of status (in queue + in progress + awaiting feedback).
# Delete: Delete everything related to a particular player regardless of status.
# However, you cannot delete a completed ticket.
# However, you cannot delete a completed ticket.

# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- ''
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &fPurged &c<AMOUNTPURGED> &fpending ticket(s).'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &fPurged &c<AMOUNTPURGED> &fpending ticket(s).'
- ''
- ''

#This message is used for /ticket delete and /ticket abandon.
delete-message: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME>&7''s ticket has been removed successfully.'
delete-message: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<PLAYERNAME>&7''s ticket has been removed successfully.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Tickets Statistics (/ticket stats) | #
# | Honor Points (Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket stats: Display tickets statistics.
Text moved with changes to lines 215-236 (98.4% similarity)
# In this section, you can modify the messages that are related to "/ticket stats".
# This is a player command which requires the permission "admin360.player.stats".

# <INQUEUE> <INPROGRESS> <AWAITING> <COMPLETED> are temporary counters.
# They will be reset once the server restarts. It's because they are stored in RAM.
# <TOTAL> is a counter of records of the database. <PERCENT> is the upvote ratio.
# They will not be reset on server restart.

# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c<INQUEUE> &fticket(s) in the queue.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<INPROGRESS> &fticket(s) in progress.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &a<AWAITING> &fticket(s) awaiting feedback.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &b<COMPLETED> &fticket(s) completed today.'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &d<TOTAL> &ftotal ticket(s) &7(&f<PERCENT>%&a▲&7)'
- ''

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Honor Points (/ticket hptop, hpstats, hpreset) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket hpstats [name]: Honor Points Statistics, /ticket hptop [#]: Honor Points Leaderboard.
# /ticket hpstats [name]: Honor Points Statistics, /ticket hptop [#]: Honor Points Leaderboard.
# /ticket hpreset <name>: Clear Honor points of a staff.
# /ticket hpreset <name>: Clear Honor points of a staff.
# In this section, you can modify the settings and messages that are related to honor points.
# They are staff commands which require the permissions "admin360.staff.hptop", "admin360.staff.hpstats"
# They are staff commands which require the permissions "admin360.staff.hptop", "admin360.staff.hpstats"
# and "admin360.staff.hpreset".
# and "admin360.staff.hpreset".

Text moved with changes from lines 407-417 (99.9% similarity)
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME>&f''s Statistics'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &a<UPVOTE> &fupvote(s) &a▲'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c<DOWNVOTE> &fdownvote(s) &c▼'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<TOTAL> &ftotal ticket(s) &a▲&c▼'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &b<PERCENT>% &fsatisfaction &a▲'
- ''

# Set the number of records shown in hptop.
# Set the number of records shown in hptop.
default-leaderboard-output: 5
default-leaderboard-output: 5

# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- ''
- '&7&m-------------&r &6LEADERBOARD &7&m-------------'
- '&7&m-------------&r &6LEADERBOARD &7&m-------------'
- ' &7[ &a▲&fUpvote &c▼&fDownvote &a▲&c▼&fTotal &7]'
- ' &7[ &a▲&fUpvote &c▼&fDownvote &a▲&c▼&fTotal &7]'
- ''
- ''

# hptop body message
# hptop body message
leaderboard-body: ' &6<ADMINNAME>&7: &f<UPVOTE>&a▲ &f<DOWNVOTE>&c▼ &f<TOTAL>&a▲&c▼ &f<PERCENT>%&a▲'
leaderboard-body: ' &6<ADMINNAME>&7: &f<UPVOTE>&a▲ &f<DOWNVOTE>&c▼ &f<TOTAL>&a▲&c▼ &f<PERCENT>%&a▲'

# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- ''
- '&7&m--------------------------------------'
- '&7&m--------------------------------------'
- ''
- ''

Text moved with changes to lines 436-445 (99.9% similarity)

# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &6<ADMINNAME>&f''s Statistics'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &a<UPVOTE> &fupvote(s) &a▲'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c<DOWNVOTE> &fdownvote(s) &c▼'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &e<TOTAL> &ftotal ticket(s) &a▲&c▼'
- '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &b<PERCENT>% &fsatisfaction &a▲'
- ''

# Names are stored in the database with case preserved. Case-sensitive for name inputs.
# Names are stored in the database with case preserved. Case-sensitive for name inputs.
reset-hpstats-failed: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nReset Failed&7 Player not found. Names are case-sensitive.'
reset-hpstats-failed: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &c&nReset Failed&7 Player not found. Names are case-sensitive.'
reset-hpstats-succeeded: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have reset <ADMINNAME>''s stats successfully.'
reset-hpstats-succeeded: '&f[&6ADMIN360&f] &7You have reset &6<ADMINNAME>&7''s stats successfully.'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | History (/ticket history) | #
# | Ticket / HP History (Staff) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# /ticket history [#]: Honor Points History.
# /ticket history [#]: Honor Points History.
# In this section, you can modify the settings and messages that are related to "/ticket history".
# This is a staff command which requires the permission "admin360.staff.history".
# They are staff commands which require the permissions "admin360.staff.history".

# This command is closely related to the Honor Points system.
# This command is closely related to the Honor Points system.
# If a /ticket hpreset is executed, the records of that staff will also be removed.
# If a /ticket hpreset is executed, all the records related to that staff will also be removed.
# A ticket will only appear in the history as a record when it is completed. That's because tickets
# A ticket will only appear in the history as a record when it is completed. That's because tickets
# in other stages (in queue, in progress, awaiting feedback) will not be stored in the database.
# in other stages (in queue, in progress, awaiting feedback) will not be stored in the database.
# They will only be stored temporarily in RAM.
# They will only be stored temporarily in RAM.

# Set the number of records shown in history.
# Set the number of records shown in history.
default-history-output: 5
default-history-output: 5

# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- ''
- '&7&m-----------------&r &6HISTORY &7&m-----------------'
- '&7&m-----------------&r &6HISTORY &7&m-----------------'
- ' &7[ &aP: &fPlayer &cS: &fStaff &dR: &fRating &eD: &fDetails &7]'
- ' &7[ &aP: &fPlayer &cS: &fStaff &dR: &fRating &eD: &fDetails &7]'
- ''
- ''

# History body message
# History body message
#<TIME> is the time that the player opened the ticket.
#<TIME> is the time that the player opened the ticket.
history-body: '&7[&f<TIME>&7] &aP:&f<PLAYERNAME> &cS:&f<ADMINNAME> &dR:&f<RATING> &eD:&f<DETAILS>'
history-body: '&7[&f<TIME>&7] &aP:&f<PLAYERNAME> &cS:&f<ADMINNAME> &dR:&f<RATING> &eD:&f<DETAILS>'

# This message supports multiple lines.
# This message supports multiple lines.
- ''
- ''
- '&7&m------------------------------------------'
- '&7&m------------------------------------------'
- ''
- ''

Text moved with changes to lines 332-338 (94.0% similarity)
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Final Notes | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# End of file. You're done with the configuration. Congratulations!

# Project :
# Support :
# Authors : Dennie, PPT_T, vidhu1911