Strava API Changes Fall 2024

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Strava API Agreement
Strava API Agreement
Effective Date: September 30, 2024
Effective Date: November 11, 2024

The Strava API Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between Strava, Inc. (“Strava”, we, us) and you. “You” means you individually or the entity that you represent. If you are entering into this Agreement for an entity, you represent and warrant to us that you have the legal authority to bind that entity to this Agreement. Here are some of the key terms:
The Strava API Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between Strava, Inc., or, if you are in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), Strava Ireland Limited (“Strava”, we, us) and you. “You” means you individually or the entity that you represent. If you are entering into this Agreement for an entity, you represent and warrant to us that you have the legal authority to bind that entity to this Agreement. Here are a few highlights:

We hope you create an application that is useful, inspiring and helps build a community for Strava athletes.
We expect you to create applications that are useful, inspiring and help build a community for Strava athletes.
You may not create an application that competes with or merely replicates Strava.
You may not create applications that compete with or replicate Strava functionality.
You are responsible for your use of the Strava API and your application.
You are responsible for your use of the Strava API and your applications.
Strava Data provided by a specific user can only be displayed or disclosed in your Developer Application to that user. Strava Data related to other users, even if such data is publicly viewable on the Strava Platform, may not be displayed or disclosed.
Your use of the Strava API is subject to volume limits and other use restrictions.
Your use of the Strava API is subject to volume limits and other use restrictions.
You must always respect Strava users and their privacy choices. This includes not sharing a Strava user’s data with other users or third parties, and not using a Strava user’s data to train models.
You must always respect Strava users and comply with their privacy choices. This includes not sharing a Strava user’s data with other users, end users of your application, or third parties without explicit consent.
You agree to use appropriate security measures to protect any data you obtain from Strava.
You agree to use appropriate security measures to protect any data you obtain from Strava.
You must comply with Strava’s API Brand Guidelines and use the provided Strava logos and links where you use Strava data in your application.
Use of Strava’s API is a privilege granted to you by Strava, not a right. Strava may modify or discontinue access to the Strava API at any time for any reason.
Your application must comply with this Strava API Agreement, including the Strava Service Terms (defined below), Strava’s Community Standards, your privacy policy and all applicable laws. Strava may conduct an audit to ensure your application’s ongoing compliance.
Use of Strava’s API is a privilege granted to you by Strava, not a right. Strava may modify or discontinue access to the Strava API at any time.
Strava makes no warranties and Strava is not liable for your use of the Strava API.
Strava makes no warranties and Strava is not liable for your use of the Strava API.
Strava may collect and use data from your access of the Strava API, subject to the terms and restrictions in this Agreement.
Strava may collect and use data related to your access to the Strava API.
Strava may, but is under no obligation to, feature or promote your application.
Strava may, but is under no obligation to, feature or promote your application.
Strava reserves the right to not permit loyalty or reward programs.
You must comply with Strava’s API Brand Guidelines and display the provided Strava logos and links where you use Strava data in your application.
Please read the entire Strava API Agreement below as it, along with any applicable Statement of Work (SOW), governs your use of the Strava API.
Your application must comply with the Strava API Agreement, Strava's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and all applicable laws.
Strava may conduct audits to ensure your compliance with this Agreement.

The Strava application programming interface, software developer kit, documentation, and any software, materials or data that Strava makes available to you, in its sole discretion, including the API Token as defined below (collectively, the “Strava API Materials”) are made available subject solely to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which terms incorporate by reference the Strava Terms of Service, including the Strava Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Service Terms”) and Strava API Brand Guidelines. By accessing or using the Strava API Materials, you acknowledge that you have read, and agree to abide by, this Agreement including the Service Terms. If you are unable or unwilling to comply with the current or any future version of this Agreement, you must immediately cease all use of the Strava API Materials.
The Strava application programming interface, software developer kit, documentation, and any software, materials or data that Strava makes available to you, in its sole discretion, including the API Token as defined below (collectively, the “Strava API Materials”) are made available subject solely to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which incorporate by reference the Strava Terms of Service, the Strava Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Service Terms”) and Strava API Brand Guidelines. By accessing or using the Strava API Materials, you acknowledge that you have read, and agree to abide by, this Agreement including the Service Terms. If you are unable or unwilling to comply with the current or any future version of this Agreement, you must immediately cease all use of the Strava API Materials.

This Agreement will evolve as our business and platform expands and as creative developers dream up new applications for the Strava service and platform (“Strava Platform”), so check back often and make sure that you are familiar with the most current version of this Agreement whenever you engage in any use of the Strava API Materials. Any amendment to this Agreement will be effective upon our posting online of such updated terms. Your continued use of the Strava API Materials after such posting constitutes your consent to be bound by this Agreement, as updated and amended. Additionally, we may modify, remove or add portions of, or otherwise update the Strava API Materials in Strava’s sole discretion.
This Agreement will evolve as our business and platform expands and as creative developers dream up new applications for the Strava service and platform (“Strava Platform”), so check back often and make sure that you are familiar with the most current version of this Agreement whenever you engage in any use of the Strava API Materials. Any amendment to this Agreement will be effective upon our posting online of such updated terms. Your continued use of the Strava API Materials after such posting constitutes your consent to be bound by this Agreement, as updated and amended. Additionally, we may modify, remove or add portions of, or otherwise update the Strava API Materials in Strava’s sole discretion.

Once your registration is complete, you are authorized to use the Strava API Materials to develop products, sites, applications or services that are registered with us and are designed to interact with and enhance the Strava Platform (“Developer Applications”) subject to the restrictions, conditions and limitations in this Agreement. Strava may require you to renew your registration from time to time or to provide additional information in order to maintain or increase your access to the Strava API Materials. To use the Strava API Materials you must use the approved developer key token provided by Strava (“API Token”). You may only use a single API Token for a single Developer Application.
Once your registration is complete, you are authorized to use the Strava API Materials to develop products, sites, applications or services that are registered with us and are designed to interact with and enhance the Strava Platform (“Developer Applications”) subject to the restrictions, conditions and limitations in this Agreement. Strava may require you to renew your registration from time-to-time or to provide additional information in order to maintain or increase your access to the Strava API Materials. To use the Strava API Materials you must use the approved developer key token provided by Strava (“API Token”). You may only use a single API Token for a single Developer Application.
You are solely responsible for the confidentiality of your API Token and may not share your API Token with any other developer or use it for more than one application or service. You agree to keep your registration, site, application or service information accurate, complete, and current for so long as you use the Strava API Materials. You are responsible for all use that occurs under your API Token, including any activities by you or your employees, contractors or agents. If you believe an unauthorized person has gained access to your API Token we issue you, you must notify us as soon as possible.
You are solely responsible for the confidentiality of your API Token and may not share your API Token with any other developer, third party, or use it for more than one application or service. You agree to keep your registration, site, application or service information accurate, complete, and current for so long as you use the Strava API Materials. You are responsible for all use that occurs under your API Token, including any activities by you or your employees, contractors or agents. If you believe an unauthorized person has gained access to your API Token we issue you, you must notify us as soon as possible but no later than twenty-four (24) hours after discovery.
Strava may contact you from time to time about your use of the Strava API Materials and/or API Token, and you agree to be responsive to inquiries from Strava.
Strava may contact you from time to time about your use of the Strava API Materials and/or API Token, and you agree to be responsive to inquiries from Strava.
Operational usage
Strava API Materials: Permitted Use and Limitations
Strava reserves the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Strava API Materials, your use of the Strava API Materials, or any portion thereof with or without notice to you and without any form of compensation or consideration to you, regardless of the status of any of your Developer Applications. Strava reserves the right to create, modify and enforce controlling mechanisms such as a rate limiting structure for use of the Strava API Materials, and to apply controlling mechanisms to individual Developer Applications as determined in our sole discretion. Further, you acknowledge that Strava has no obligation to ensure that an upgrade of the Strava API Materials or the Strava Platform will be compatible with existing or planned Developer Applications.
Strava reserves the right at any time (and for any reason) to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Strava API Materials, your use of the Strava API Materials, or any portion thereof with or without notice to you and without any form of compensation or consideration to you, regardless of the status of any of your Developer Applications. Strava also reserves the right to create, modify and enforce controlling mechanisms such as a rate limiting structure or granular permissioning for use of the Strava API Materials, and to apply controlling mechanisms to individual Developer Applications as determined in our sole discretion. Further, you acknowledge that Strava has no obligation to ensure that an upgrade of the Strava API Materials or the Strava Platform will be compatible with existing or planned Developer Applications.
Strava may use your Developer Applications and related marks and logos that you create using the Strava API Materials, without providing notice to you, for the purposes of promoting Strava and marketing and making Developer Applications available to our mutual customers. However, Strava has no obligation to use or promote any Developer Application.
Strava reserves the right to revoke your API Token or terminate or limit any uses of the Strava API Materials if you violate this Agreement or we otherwise object to your use of the Strava API Materials, including but not limited to, uses that replicate or otherwise imitate Strava sites, services, or products. If you are unsure if a certain use of the Strava API Materials is permitted or if there is a use case you would like to see covered that is not currently supported by the API or this Agreement, please contact us at to discuss your needs.
You agree to comply with the Strava Brand Guidelines, including without limitation, attributing your use of Strava Data in your Developer Applications by using the links and logos Strava makes available to you. The Strava API Brand Guidelines are available on the Strava developer site and may be updated by us from time to time. You understand and agree that Strava has the sole discretion to determine whether you are in compliance with the Strava API Brand Guidelines.
You agree that any reference to Strava and/or the Strava Platform in your Developer Application shall not be displayed in a manner that has a likelihood of creating confusion as to the origin of the Developer Application or implying a direct or indirect affiliation, endorsement, sponsorship or approval by Strava.
Strava may use your Developer Applications and any related marks, logos, or other intellectual property that you leverage in the Strava API Materials, without providing notice to you, for the purposes of promoting Strava and marketing and making Developer Applications available to our mutual customers. However, Strava has no obligation to use or promote any Developer Application.
You, and not Strava, are responsible for providing all customer and technical support and maintenance for your Developer Applications. Strava has no obligation to provide any type of technical or other support for the Strava API Materials or any services or content related thereto, whether provided by Strava, by you, or by third parties. Strava reserves the right to provide Developer Applications with varying levels of access, support, benefits, and/or incentives.
You, and not Strava, are responsible for providing all customer and technical support and maintenance for your Developer Applications. Strava has no obligation to provide any type of technical or other support for the Strava API Materials or any services or content related thereto, whether provided by Strava, by you, or by third parties. Strava reserves the right to provide Developer Applications with varying levels of access, support, benefits, and/or incentives.
You agree to use commercially reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical, and physical measures, including taking account of the measures described in Article 32(1) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), to maintain the security and integrity of (i) all data you access or collect from the Strava API Materials including but not limited to Strava user personal and activity data and Strava segment and leaderboard data (collectively “Strava Data”), and (ii) all other data you access or collect in connection with any of your Developer Applications (“Developer Application Data”). Strava Data and Developer Application Data are collectively defined as “Data.” You are fully responsible for the security of Data used in connection with your Developer Applications or otherwise in your possession. You agree to comply with all applicable state and federal laws and rules in connection with your collection, security and dissemination of any personal, financial, card, or transaction Data on your site or through the Developer Application. You must ensure that any Strava Data is encrypted and transmitted over a secure, encrypted channel (e.g., HTTPS). You must notify Strava of any security breach, including any personal data breach within the meaning of the GDPR, related to your Developer Applications or Strava Data as soon as possible but no later than twenty-four hours of your discovery of any such security incident.
You agree to use commercially reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical, organisational and physical measures, including taking account of the measures described in Article 32(1) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and as it forms part of the law of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 and as amended by the Data Protection, Privacy and Electronic Communications (Amendments etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (“UK GDPR”), to maintain the security and integrity of (i) all data you access or collect from the Strava API Materials including but not limited to Strava user personal and activity data and Strava segment and leaderboard data (collectively “Strava Data”), and (ii) all other data you access or collect in connection with any of your Developer Applications (“Developer Application Data”). Strava Data and Developer Application Data are collectively defined as “Data.” You are fully responsible for the security of Data used in connection with your Developer Applications or otherwise in your possession. You agree to comply with all applicable laws including state and federal laws and rules in connection with your collection, security and dissemination of any personal, financial, card, or transaction Data on your site or through the Developer Application. You must ensure that any Strava Data is encrypted and transmitted over a secure, encrypted channel (e.g., HTTPS). You must notify Strava of any security breach, including any personal data breach within the meaning of the GDPR or UK GDPR, related to your Developer Applications or Strava Data as soon as possible but no later than twenty-four (24) hours of your discovery of any such security incident.
You agree that Strava may monitor and collect certain use data and information related to your use of the Strava API Materials, and Strava Platform in connection with your Developer Applications (“Usage Data”), and that Strava may use such Usage Data for any business purpose, internal or external, including, without limitation, providing enhancements to the Strava API Materials or Strava Platform, providing developer of user support, ensuring compliance with Agreement, or otherwise. You agree to include a statement to this effect in your privacy policy.
You may not collect, use, store, aggregate or transfer any Strava Data in any manner except as expressly permitted by us for the use of your Developer Applications. You agree not to transfer or disclose any Strava Data, including publically viewable Strava Data, to any third parties, except as expressly permitted by this Agreement, your then-current privacy policy, and in full compliance with all applicable laws, including in particular Article 28 GDPR and Article 28 UK GDPR. You may not, directly or indirectly, disclose, market, sell, license, lease, or make available in exchange for monetary or other valuable consideration, any Strava Data to any third party including but not limited to advertisers or data brokers even if your Developer Applications user consents to such use. Users of your Developer Application must be permitted to express contact preferences, via notice and consent, at the point of collecting contact information and in accordance with applicable regulations. If you are acquired or merged with a third party, you must give Strava notice of such a transaction.
You may include advertisements in your Developer Application but you must not use Strava Data in any advertisements without Strava’s express written consent.
Unless your Developer Application is a “Community Application,” You may only display or disclose to an end user the specific Strava Data related to that user. For the avoidance of doubt, you may not display or disclose Strava Data related to other users, even if such data is publicly viewable on Strava’s Platform. A “Community Application” is defined as a Developer Application created with the primary purpose of permitting athletes to organize and collaborate in group activities and are no larger than 9,999 registered users. Classification of a Developer Application as a Community Application shall be performed by Strava in its sole discretion.
Restrictions on Use
Your use of the Strava API Materials may be subject to certain limitations on access, data requests, and use as set forth on the Strava Developers web page. If we believe that you have attempted to exceed or circumvent these limitations, your ability to use the Strava API Materials may be temporarily or permanently blocked. Your use of certain endpoints may be subject to certain limitations on access as established by Strava from time-to-time. If you desire to implement an endpoint or scope in a manner that would exceed the limitations on access, please contact us. You may not, nor may you encourage or allow any third party to, interfere with, hinder, limit, or modify any notices or authorization or consent requests provided by Strava.
Strava reserves the right to revoke your API Token or terminate or limit any uses of the Strava API Materials if you violate this Agreement or we otherwise object to your use of the Strava API Materials. This includes the right to revoke Strava API Materials access for any Developer Application that we determine is not providing added benefit to Strava users and/or is not in the best interests of Strava or our users.
You agree that Strava may monitor and collect certain usage data and information related to your use of the Strava API Materials, and Strava Platform in connection with your Developer Applications (“Usage Data”), and that Strava may use such Usage Data for any business purpose, internal or external, including, without limitation, providing enhancements to the Strava API Materials or Strava Platform, providing developer or user support, ensuring compliance with Agreement, or otherwise. You agree to include a statement to this effect in your privacy policy.

You may include advertisements in your Developer Application but you must not use Strava Data in any advertisements without Strava’s express written consent. Your advertisements may not be displayed in any manner that suggests approval or endorsement by Strava. You may not use the Strava API Materials, directly or indirectly, for targeted advertising or similar purposes.
Below is an non-exhaustive list of restrictions applicable to the use of the Strava API Materials, including Strava Data. These restrictions apply to you as the developer and require that you not encourage, allow, or authorize any third parties to violate these restrictions.
We reserve the sole right to determine whether or not your use of the Strava API Materials is acceptable, and to revoke Strava API Materials access for any Developer Application that we determine is not providing added benefit to Strava users and/or is not in the best interests of Strava or our users. The following are some, but not all, restrictions applicable to the use of the Strava API Materials including, but not limited to, Strava Data:

You may not use Strava API Materials for any purpose other than providing the Developer Applications for which you are registered to provide as a Strava API developer.
No use of Strava API Materials for any purpose other than providing the Developer Applications for which you are registered to provide as a Strava API developer.
You may not use the Strava API Materials in any manner that is competitive to Strava or the Strava Platform, including, without limitation, in connection with any application, website or other product or service that also includes, features, endorses, or otherwise supports in any way a third party that provides services competitive to Strava’s products and services, as determined in our sole discretion.
No use that enables virtual races or competitions, real-world segment races, or unsafe activities, loyalty or reward programs, and uses that replicate Strava sites, services or products. If you are unsure if a certain use of the Strava API Materials is permitted or if there is a use case you would like to see covered that is not currently supported by the API or this Agreement, please contact us at to discuss your needs.
You may not use the Strava API Materials in any manner to create an application that, in Strava’s sole discretion, imitates the look, imagery, and brand identity of Strava and the Strava Platform.
No collecting, using, storing, aggregating, transferring, or sharing any Strava Data in any manner except as expressly permitted by us for the use of your Developer Applications. As a non-exhaustive list
You may not use the Strava API Materials (including Strava Data), directly or indirectly, for any model training related to artificial intelligence, machine learning or similar applications.
You may not access any Strava user data unless they have expressly authorized your Developer Applications prior to you accessing any of their data. In addition, you may not use the Strava API Materials in any way that would grant someone other than you or the applicable user the right to see any data related to that user without obtaining the prior express consent of that user. Please see the Privacy section for further detail.
Strava users must expressly authorize your Developer Applications prior to you accessing any of their data. Such authorization shall respect any granular permissioning implemented by Strava (which may be updated from time-to-time in Strava’s sole discretion). Your Developer Applications must also allow the end user of your Developer Application to access such end user’s data that you have collected via the Strava API Materials at the request of such end user. Your Developer Applications must provide easily accessible contact information for end-user support. Your Developer Applications must provide clear links for users to navigate to their Strava accounts. You must delete all Data about an end-user in your possession or control upon such end user’s request or upon such end user’s termination or cancellation of the Developer Application’s access to Strava API Materials.
You agree not to transfer or disclose any Data to any third parties, except as expressly permitted by this Agreement, your then-current privacy policy, and in full compliance with all applicable laws.
You may not continue displaying or disclosing Strava Data in your Developer Application that a user has deleted from Strava. For the avoidance of doubt, deletions must be reflected in your Developer Application expeditiously but in all cases, within 48 hours.
You may not collect, use, store or aggregate any Strava Data in any manner that trains large language models (LLMs), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), or modeling of any kind.
You may not process or disclose Strava Data, even publically viewable Strava Data, including in an aggregated or de-identified manner, for the purposes of, including but not limited to, analytics, analyses, customer insights generation, and products or services improvements. Strava Data may not be combined with other customer data, for these or any other purposes.
You may not, directly or indirectly, disclose, market, sell, license, lease, or make available in exchange for monetary or other valuable consideration, any Strava Data to any third party including but not limited to advertisers or data brokers even if your Developer Applications user consents to such use.
You may not include or use the Strava API Materials in, or in connection with, any application, website or other product or service that includes content that may be perceived, in Strava’s sole discretion, as detrimental, disparaging, or harmful to Strava.
You must comply with any valid request by an end user of any of your Developer Applications to exercise their rights under data protection law regarding access to, or deletion of, any of that user’s data that you have collected via the Strava API Materials. Your Developer Applications must provide easily accessible end user support contact information. Your Developer Applications must provide clear links for users to navigate to their Strava accounts. All Data about an end user in your possession or control must be deleted by you upon such end user’s request or upon such end user’s termination or cancellation of the Developer Application’s access to Strava API Materials.
You may not use web scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction methods to extract data from the Strava Platform.
Users of your Developer Application must be permitted to express contact preferences, via notice and consent, at the point of collecting contact information and in accordance with applicable regulations.
You may not include or use the Strava API Materials in, or in connection with, any application, website or other product or service that includes content that is, in Strava’s sole discretion, defamatory, libelous, hateful, threatening, harrassing, abusive, violent, obscene, pornographic, illegal, or otherwise objectionable.
If you are acquired or merged with a third party, you must give Strava notice of such a transaction.
You may not use the Strava API Materials to distribute any virus, spyware, adware, malware, or other harmful or malicious component.
No use that fails to comply with the Strava Brand Guidelines, including removing or altering any proprietary notices or marks on the Strava API Materials, or modifying or editing any content, links or metadata when displaying Strava Data in your Application. In addition, you must attribute your use of Strava Data in your Developer Applications by using the links and logos Strava makes available to you. The Strava API Brand Guidelines are available on the Strava developer site and may be updated by us from time to time. You understand and agree that Strava has the sole discretion to determine whether you are in compliance with the Strava API Brand Guidelines.
You may not use the Strava API Materials for any purpose which might overburden, impair or disrupt the Strava Platform or related servers or networks.
No attempting to exceed or circumvent limitations on access, data requests, and use that we place on your use of the Strava API Materials as set forth on the Strava Developers web page. If you desire to use the Strava API Materials in a manner that would exceed the limitations on access, please contact us.
You may not use the Strava API Materials to distribute unsolicited advertising or promotions, or to send messages, make comments, or initiate any other unsolicited direct communication or contact with Strava users or partners.
No interfering with, hindering, limiting, or modifying any notices or authorization or consent requests provided by Strava, or encouraging or allowing any third party to do the same.
You may not, nor may you encourage or authorize others to: (i) remove or alter any proprietary notices or marks on the Strava API Materials; (ii) use or access the Strava API Materials for purposes of monitoring the availability, performance, or functionality of any of Strava’s products and services or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes; (iii) use or access the Strava API Materials to aggregate, cache, or store geographic location information or other user information accessible via the Strava API; (iv) frame, wrap or otherwise reproduce significant portions of the Strava Platform; or (v) reverse engineer, reverse assemble, decompile, modify or attempt to discover any source or object code of the Strava API Materials or any part of the Strava Platform; (vi) modify or create derivative works based upon the Strava API Materials or distribute copies of them.
No using Strava Data in any advertisements without Strava’s express written consent, or displaying your advertisements in any manner that suggests approval or endorsement by Strava.
You may not charge end users in any manner for access to or use of the Strava API Materials or any services or functionality included in or related to the Strava API Materials or Strava Platform. Without limiting the foregoing, you may not sell, rent, lease, sublicense, redistribute or syndicate access to the Strava API Materials, and you may not charge any kind of service, booking or similar fee in connection with any services made available via the Strava Platform. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing shall not prohibit you from charging for the provision of functionality not provided by the Strava Platform in your Developer Applications.
No using the Strava API Materials in any manner that is competitive to Strava or the Strava Platform, including in connection with any application, website or other product or service that also includes, features, endorses, or otherwise supports in any way a third party that provides services competitive to Strava’s products and services, as determined in our sole discretion. For example,
You will at all times use the Strava API Materials and Strava Data in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, your privacy policy and the Service Terms, including but not limited to laws, regulations and directives regarding privacy, data security and the export of data, and you may not use the Strava API Materials and Data to conduct or facilitate, in any way, activity that is in violation of applicable laws or regulations or the Service Terms.
No replicating, framing, wrapping or otherwise reproducing significant portions of the Strava Platform
You must not impose any terms on users of your Developer Applications that are inconsistent with this Agreement or the Service Terms. Your Developer Applications terms of service shall disclaim all warranties on behalf of third party service providers, including a disclaimer of implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement and exclude third party service providers from all liability for consequential, special, punitive, indirect damages.
No using or accessing the Strava API Materials for purposes of monitoring the availability, performance, or functionality of any of Strava’s products and services or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes
You may not use the Strava API Materials in any way that would grant someone other than you or the applicable user the right to see any data related to that user without obtaining the prior express consent of that user.
No reverse engineering, reverse assembling, decompiling, modifying or attempting to discover any source or object code of the Strava API Materials or any part of the Strava Platform.
You cannot modify or edit any content, links or metadata when displaying Strava Data in your Application.
No using or accessing the Strava API Materials to aggregate, cache, or store geographic location information or other user information accessible via the Strava API.
No processing Strava Data, including in an aggregated or de-identified manner, for the purposes of, including but not limited to, analytics, analyses, customer insights generation, and products or services improvements. No combining Strava Data with other customer data, for these or any other purposes.
No including or using the Strava API Materials in, or in connection with, any application, website or other product or service that includes content that may be perceived as detrimental, disparaging, or harmful to Strava, in our sole discretion.
No using web scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction methods to extract data from the Strava Platform.
No including or using the Strava API Materials in, or in connection with, any application, website or other product or service that includes content that is defamatory, libelous, hateful, threatening, harassing, abusive, violent, obscene, pornographic, illegal, or otherwise objectionable, or otherwise in violation of Strava’s Acceptable Use Policy.
No using the Strava API Materials to distribute any virus, spyware, adware, malware, or other harmful or malicious component.
No using the Strava API Materials for any purpose which might overburden, impair or disrupt the Strava Platform or related servers or networks.
No using the Strava API Materials to distribute unsolicited advertising or promotions, or to send messages, make comments, or initiate any other unsolicited direct communication or contact with Strava users or partners.
No charging end users in any manner for access to or use of the Strava API Materials or any services or functionality included in or related to the Strava API Materials or Strava Platform. Without limiting the foregoing, you may not sell, rent, lease, sublicense, redistribute or syndicate access to the Strava API Materials, and you may not charge any kind of service, booking or similar fee in connection with any services made available via the Strava Platform. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing shall not prohibit you from charging for the provision of functionality not provided by the Strava Platform in your Developer Applications.
No using the Strava API Materials and Strava Data in violation of any applicable laws and regulations, your privacy policy and the Service Terms including but not limited to laws, regulations and directives regarding privacy, data security and the export of data, and you may not use the Strava API Materials and Data to conduct or facilitate, in any way, activity that is in violation of applicable laws or regulations or the Service Terms.
No imposing any terms on users of your Developer Applications that are inconsistent with this Agreement or the Service Terms. Your Developer Applications terms of service shall disclaim all warranties on behalf of third party service providers, including a disclaimer of implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement and exclude third party service providers from all liability for consequential, special, punitive, indirect damages.
Platform Changes
Platform Changes
Strava and its third-party providers may make improvements and/or changes in the data and functionality provided by the Strava API Materials at any time without notice.
Strava and its third-party providers may make improvements and/or changes in the data and functionality provided by the Strava API Materials at any time without notice. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, changes to the authentication and/or permissioning structure for end users who connect their Strava Data to your Developer Application.
Access to and use of the Strava API Materials and the Strava Platform are currently provided at no charge. Strava reserves the right to charge you for use of the Strava API Materials and access to the Strava Platform, and such updates may include such charges or updates to such charges, in the future at our discretion, including, without limitation, rated pricing and/or differentiated pricing for business users. We will provide you with notice in the event we decide to start charging for use.
Access to and use of the Strava API Materials and the Strava Platform are currently provided at no charge. Strava reserves the right to charge you for use of the Strava API Materials and access to the Strava Platform, and such updates may include such charges or updates to such charges, in the future at our discretion, including, without limitation, rated pricing and/or differentiated pricing for business users. We will provide you with notice in the event we decide to start charging for use.
If you do not agree to any such charges or updates, you must cancel your access to the API within such 30-day notice period as set forth in the “Cancellation and Termination” section below.
If you do not agree to any such charges or updates, you must immediately cease use of the Strava API Materials.
Cancellation and Termination
Cancellation and Termination
You may cancel your access to the Strava API Materials at any time by notifying Strava at Strava may cease making the Strava API Materials available at any time as set forth in Section 2 (Permitted Uses and Limitations). You agree that Strava shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any access, use, modification, suspension or discontinuance of the API, Services or any portion thereof.
You agree that Strava shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any access, use, modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Strava API Materials, Services or any portion thereof.
Strava may terminate your access to the Strava API Materials immediately if you do not comply with the Service Terms or this Agreement, or you are engaged in any activity that may expose Strava to risk or liability of any kind, or if we otherwise reasonably object to your use of the Strava API Materials. You agree that Strava shall not be liable to you or any third party for any costs, liabilities, losses, expenses, or damages that may result from termination of this Agreement or your access to the Strava API Materials.
Strava may terminate your access to the Strava API Materials immediately if you do not comply with the Service Terms or this Agreement, or you are engaged in any activity that may expose Strava to risk or liability of any kind, or if we otherwise reasonably object to your use of the Strava API Materials. You agree that Strava shall not be liable to you or any third party for any costs, liabilities, losses, expenses, or damages that may result from termination of this Agreement or your access to the Strava API Materials.
The following Sections of this Agreement shall survive any termination or expiration: 4, 5, 10-16.
The following Sections of this Agreement shall survive any termination or expiration: 4, 5, 10-16.
Upon any termination of this Agreement, you will promptly cease using and permanently delete all the Strava API Materials, the Strava Platform, and Strava Data provided hereunder and so certify in writing to Strava. Upon any termination of this Agreement, you will also inform users of your Developer Applications that your access to the Strava API Materials, the Strava Platform, and Strava Data have been discontinued.
Upon termination of this Agreement, you must promptly cease using and permanently delete all the Strava API Materials, any links or access to the Strava Platform in your Developer Application, and all Strava Data provided hereunder and so certify in writing to Strava. Upon any termination of this Agreement, you must also inform users of your Developer Applications that your access to the Strava API Materials, the Strava Platform, and Strava Data have been discontinued.
Your Developer Applications must respect the privacy settings configured by the Strava users. You may use and retain Data only so long as necessary for the purpose you originally obtained it, subject to Section 7 (Retention) below. If your Developer Applications do not collect the authentication credentials of a Strava user, then you are not permitted to display any data or use any functionality via the API Materials that is not available to a logged out user. When requesting authentication scopes, you should only request minimum viable permissions. Keep in mind that activities that are visible to a logged out user could be leveraging privacy functionality within Strava. This underscores the importance of ensuring you are not displaying data to other users and third parties that is not available to a logged out user. If your Developer Applications log into Strava on behalf of a Strava user, then you are permitted to access and display data or functionality only for that Strava user, and you may not disclose such data to, or use it for, another user nor any other third party without a lawful basis. Your Developer Applications shall have a lawful privacy policy, including GDPR compliance, accessible with reasonably prominent hyperlinks that does not conflict with or supersede the Strava Privacy Policy and that explains how you collect, store, use, and/or transfer any Personal Data (defined below) via your Developer Applications. You also agree to comply with all privacy and data protection laws applicable to you.
Your Developer Applications must respect the privacy settings configured by the Strava users. You may use and retain Data only so long as necessary for the purpose you originally obtained it, subject to Section 7 below. If your Developer Applications do not collect the authentication credentials of a Strava user, then you are not permitted to display any data or use any functionality via the API Materials.
If your use of the Strava API Materials or Personal Data requires or will likely result in the provision of Personal Data directly to Strava, you agree to obtain all necessary consents and authorizations from the applicable users to provide such Personal Data to Strava. You will also take steps to ensure that such users are aware of this processing and disclosure in such cases, including by adding a statement to this effect in your privacy policy. Strava will treat Personal Data obtained from you through your use of the Strava API Materials in accordance with Strava’s then-current Privacy Policy.
Your Developer Application must obtain the legal consent of a Strava user before accessing any of their data via the Strava API materials. Your Developer Application must authenticate the account of the Strava user and, at minimum, outline the following to the user: i) what type of data will be collected; ii) how the data will be collected; iii) how a user can withdraw their consent; iv) how a user may request deletion. If your Developer Applications log into Strava on behalf of a Strava user, then you are permitted to access and display data or functionality only for that Strava user, and you may not disclose such data to, or use it for, another user nor any other third party. Your Developer Applications shall have a lawful privacy policy meeting the requirements of the GDPR and UK GDPR, accessible with reasonably prominent hyperlinks that do not modify, conflict with or supersede the Strava Privacy Policy, which will control in the event of any conflict with your privacy policy, and that explains how you collect, store, use, and/or transfer any Personal Data (defined below) via your Developer Applications. You also agree to comply with all privacy and data protection laws applicable to you. In the event of a change in the type of data to be collected from a Strava user, you must notify the Strava user of such change and obtain their consent to the change in scope.
Unless otherwise required by applicable law or agreement with the applicable user to retain such data, if a user revokes the authorization previously granted for your Developer Applications to access to their Strava account, you must ensure that all Personal Data pertaining to that user is deleted from your Developer Applications and related networks, systems and servers. If you stop using the Strava API Materials altogether or if your Strava API Materials access is revoked, you must delete all Personal Data in the same way.
If your use of the Strava API Materials or Personal Data requires or will likely result in the provision of Personal Data directly to Strava, you agree to obtain all necessary consents and authorizations from the applicable users to provide such Personal Data to Strava. You will al
You agree to process and use Personal Data in a manner consistent with all applicable data protection and privacy laws. If for any reason you are unable to comply with any privacy requirement of the Service Terms you must promptly inform Strava and take reasonable and appropriate steps to remedy any non-compliance, or cease your access to the API and use of all Personal Data.
“Personal Data” means data that may be used, either alone or together with other information, to identify an individual user, including, without limitation, a user’s name, address, telephone number, username, email address, city and country, geolocation, unique identifiers, picture, or other similar information and includes personal data as defined in the GDPR.
Security and Fraud Controls
Strava is responsible for protecting the security of Personal Data in its possession and will maintain commercially reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical, and physical procedures to protect the Personal Data regarding your customers that is stored in Strava’s servers from unauthorized access and accidental loss or modification. However, Strava cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat those measures or use such Personal Data for improper purposes. You acknowledge that if you provide Personal Data to Strava, you do so at your own risk. We recommend that you review our Privacy Policy, which will help you understand how we collect, use and safeguard the Personal Data you may provide to us.
Strava may provide, suggest or mandate security procedures and controls intended to reduce the risk to you of fraud or security breaches (“Security Controls”). These Security Controls may include processes or applications that are developed by Strava or by third parties, including but not limited to providing two-factor authentication for users logging i