AFPUB-2019-IPv4-002-DRAFT02 vs AFPUB-2019-IPv4-002-DRAFT03

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5.7 IPv4 Resources transfers
5.7 IPv4 Resources transfers

This policy applies to an organization with justified needs, for IPv4 resources that cannot be satisfied by AFRINIC.
This policy applies to an organization with a justified need for IPv4 resources (recipients) and organizations with IPv4 resources that are no longer needed by that organization (sources).

5.7.1 Recognized transfer types
5.7.1 Recognized transfer types

Two types of transfers are recognized:
Two types of transfers are recognized:

a) Intra-RIR. Both parties are within the AFRINIC service region.
a) Intra-RIR. Both parties are within the AFRINIC service region.
b) Inter-RIR. One of the parties is within the AFRINIC service region, while the other is in another RIR service region.
b) Inter-RIR. One of the parties is within the AFRINIC service region, while the other is in another RIR service region.

5.7.2 Conditions on the source of the transfer
5.7.2 Conditions on the source of the transfer The source must be the current rightful holder of the IPv4 address resources in the relevant RIR, and not be involved in any dispute as to the status of those resources. A source must be validated by the applicable source RIR according to their policies and procedures. A source within AFRINIC must be in good standing, be the rightful registrant of the resources to be transferred and there must be no disputes as to the status of said resources. Source entities will not be eligible to receive any further IPv4 address allocations or assignments from AFRINIC. Source entities will not be eligible to receive any further IPv4 address allocations or assignments from AFRINIC. Source entities may, if they can show justified need, receive resources via transfer after a period of not less than 24 months has elapsed from their last outbound transfer. Source entities must not have received a transfer, allocation, or assignment of IPv4 number resources from AFRINIC for the 12 months prior to the approval of transfer request. An organization which has received IPv4 resources from AFRINIC within preceding 12 months will not be approved as a transfer source.

5.7.3 Conditions on the recipient of the transfer
5.7.3 Conditions on the recipient of the transfer For an organization within the AFRINIC service region, AFRINIC must approve the recipient's need for the IPv4 number resources, following existing relevant policies. Recipient organizations within the AFRINIC service region must be approved with the same policies and procedures as if the request were being satisfied from the AFRINIC pool. For an organization in another RIR service region the relevant criterion will depend on the relevant policies in the destination RIR. The recipient must be a member of the relevant RIR, subjected to its policies and legal documents/service agreements. Recipients in other RIRs must be approved according to that RIR’s policies and procedures. IPv4 legacy resources will no longer be regarded as legacy resources: IPv4 legacy resources will no longer be regarded as legacy resources:
• In the case of intra-RIR transfers.
• In the case of intra-RIR transfers.
• In the case of inter-RIR, when incoming to AFRINIC service region.
• In the case of incoming inter-RIR.

In the case of outgoing inter-RIR, the resulting status will depend on the policies in the receiving RIR.

5.7.4 Provisions for ASN transfers
5.7.4 Transfer or ASN with IPv4 Resources

In case of transfers of the majority of the IPv4 resources from the source, the relevant ASN(s) could also be transferred, if other relevant policies are fulfilled.
In the case where the majority of the IPv4 resources are being transferred, any relevant ASN(s) may also be transferred at the same time, if the relevant policies are fulfilled.

5.7.5 Timing for Applicability of Inter-RIR transfers
5.7.5 Timing for Applicability of Inter-RIR transfers

Inter-RIR transfers will be triggered only once AFRINIC enters into Exhaustion Phase 2 (as defined in
Inter-RIR transfers will be triggered only once AFRINIC enters into Exhaustion Phase 2 (as defined in

5.7.6 Transparency of Transfers
5.7.6 Required Disclosure for Transfers

Each time a transfer is completed, the relevant, non-confidential information will be automatically published in a specific web page, including at least: Date of the transfer, transferred resources, source organization and RIR, destination organization and RIR.
Each time a transfer is completed, AFRINIC will publish all related information permitted by the source or recipient, including at least:
• Date of the transfer.
• Transferred resources.
• Source RIR and organization
• Recipient RIR and organization.

5.7.8 Provisions for Suspensions of Transfers
5.7.7 Provisions for Suspensions of Transfers The inter-RIR transfers will be suspended in case the number of outgoing IPv4 addresses exceeds the incoming ones by 6 consecutive months. The inter-RIR transfers will be suspended in case the number of outgoing IPv4 addresses exceeds the incoming ones for 6 consecutive months. The staff can provisionally suspend any suspicious operation and request more information to all the parties, so the board can take a decision. Staff may request additional information from parties for any transfer deemed suspicious by staff. Afterwards, all available information shall be escalated to the board for a decision to approve the transfer or not.