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Classroom of the Elite Vol.7 Chap 4 OLD vs. NEW

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Chapter 4:
Chapter 4:
ONE DAY, shortly before winter vacation, a storm hit Class D. It happened just after the end of homeroom. Our classroom door swung open, and Ryuuen and his fellow Class C students strode inside. The entire class immediately erupted into chaos.
ONE DAY, shortly before winter vacation, a storm hit Class D. It happened just after the end of homeroom. Our classroom door swung open, and Ryuuen and his fellow Class C students strode inside. The entire class immediately erupted into chaos.
Chabashira-sensei glanced at Ryuuen and the others, but left without a word. It would’ve been one thing if a brawl broke out right then and there, but there was no issue with students from another class coming to visit.
Chabashira-sensei glanced at Ryuuen and the others, but left without a word. It would’ve been one thing if a brawl broke out right then and there, but there was no issue with students from another class coming to visit.
Ryuuen and his classmates had observed Class D from a distance so far. Since they hadn’t gotten the answers they’d been looking for, they’d finally decided to take a direct approach. Or perhaps they were acting on a strategy I couldn’t yet understand. In any case, they’d clearly decided to confront us.
Ryuuen and his classmates had observed Class D from a distance so far. Since they hadn’t gotten the answers they’d been looking for, they’d finally decided to take a direct approach. Or perhaps they were acting on a strategy I couldn’t yet understand. In any case, they’d clearly decided to confront us.
Horikita, who was packing up her things to leave, stopped and stared at the Class C group consisting of Ryuuen, Ishizaki, and Yamada Albert. Komiya and Kondou were there, too.
Horikita, who was packing up her things to leave, stopped and stared at the Class C group consisting of Ryuuen, Ishizaki, and Yamada Albert. Komiya and Kondou were there, too.
With all these opponents gathered together in force, the mood was tense.
With all these opponents gathered together in force, the mood was tense.
“Hey, what’s goin’ on? This is Class D.” Sudou was the first to react. He was usually quick to pick a fight, but seemed more defensive this time. He stood and approached Ryuuen; Hirata panicked and hurried to stand between them, probably afraid that they were about to get violent.
“Hey, what’s goin’ on? This is Class D.” Sudou was the first to react. He was usually quick to pick a fight, but seemed more defensive this time. More importantly, he probably felt he needed to protect Horikita.
He stood and approached Ryuuen; Hirata panicked and hurried to stand between them, probably afraid that they were about to get violent.
“Do you have some business with our class, Ryuuen-kun?” Hirata asked.
“Do you have some business with our class, Ryuuen-kun?” Hirata asked.
In response, Ryuuen casually put up his hands. “Is there any reason I can’t visit a friend’s class? That does happen at this school, doesn’t it? Visiting a pal. Why’re you all shaking?”
In response, Ryuuen exaggeratedly raised his hands. “Is there any reason I can’t visit my classmates? That does happen at this school, doesn’t it? Visiting a pal. Why’re you all shaking?”
The statement sounded like a provocation, but Hirata remained cool and composed. “That’s normally true, yes. But this school isn’t normal, is it? Besides, you’ve never visited Class D before.”
The statement sounded like a provocation, but Hirata remained cool and composed. “That’s normally true, yes. But this school isn’t normal, is it? Besides, you’ve never visited Class D before.”
“We’ve been too estranged. I thought we should be a little more assertive about buddying up,” said Ryuuen. He placed his hand on a nearby girl’s desk, showing off his white teeth in a grin. “Man, you guys sure did great in the Paper Shuffle. Class C lost because of your brilliance. Well, the results still aren’t out, but word is you guys might be Class C next semester. That’s huge.”
“We’ve been too estranged. I thought we should be a little more assertive about buddying up,” said Ryuuen. He placed his hand on a nearby girl’s desk, showing off his white teeth in a grin. “Man, you guys sure did great in the Paper Shuffle. Class C lost because of your brilliance. Well, the results still aren’t out, but word is you guys might be Class C next semester. That’s huge.”
“Heh. Guess the only thing big about you is your head, you incompetent monkey. Time for you to get a taste of being Class D,” said Sudou.
“Heh. Guess the only thing big about you is your head, you incompetent monkey. Time for you to get a taste of being Class D,” said Sudou.
Hirata grabbed Sudou by the shoulder, clearly panicked. “It’s because we’ve been working hard.”
Hirata grabbed Sudou by the shoulder to reign him in, clearly panicked. “It’s because we’ve been working hard.”
“Working hard, huh?” said Ryuuen. “I mean, the concept of hard work seems completely foreign to Sudou, yet he’s still here. I thought he’d be the first to get kicked out.”
“Working hard, huh?” said Ryuuen. “I mean, the concept of hard work seems completely foreign to Sudou, yet he’s still here. I thought he’d be the first to get kicked out.”
“So, you do remember my name,” said Sudou.
“So, you do remember my name,” said Sudou.
Ryuuen and Sudou stared each other down. The air between them was electric. Several classmates who’d been heading out stood frozen in place.
Ryuuen and Sudou stared each other down. The air between them was electric. Several classmates who’d been heading out stood frozen in place.
“Could you tell us why you’re really here?” asked Hirata.
“Could you tell us why you’re really here?” asked Hirata. Perhaps he wanted to bring the situation under control as soon as possible, and was therefore trying to keep Ryuuen from dragging it out. Or perhaps he was just being as straightforward as always.
“I’m giving you a fair warning, Class D,” said Ryuuen.
“I’m giving you a fair warning, Class D,” said Ryuuen.
“Warning? What do you mean?”
“Warning? What do you mean?”
“I have no intention of explaining things to an idiot. Or are you just pretending not to understand?”
“I have no intention of explaining things to an idiot. Or are you just pretending not to understand?”
It might’ve seemed as if he was trying to provoke Hirata, but in fact, Ryuuen barely even looked at him. He was busy scanning the entire classroom. He might have aimed his statement at me, or Keisei, or even Akito. Ultimately, his gaze landed on a rather unexpected person. The individual in question didn’t even realize Ryuuen was staring at him—or perhaps he just didn’t care.
It might’ve seemed as if he was trying to provoke Hirata, but in fact, Ryuuen barely even looked at him. He was busy scanning the entire classroom. He might have aimed his statement at me, or Keisei, or even Akito.
Ultimately, his gaze landed on a rather unexpected person. The individual in question didn’t even realize Ryuuen was staring at him—or perhaps he just didn’t care. In fact, he was heading back to the dorms.
Kouenji got up and nonchalantly left the classroom, apparently unaffected by Ryuuen’s presence. Ryuuen gave a quiet chuckle and signaled his comrades to follow him. They left immediately, and as the door closed behind them, the tension in our classroom dissipated at once and was replaced by an uproar.
Kouenji got up and nonchalantly left the classroom, apparently unaffected by Ryuuen’s presence. Ryuuen gave a quiet chuckle and signaled his comrades to follow him. They left immediately, and as the door closed behind them, the tension in our classroom dissipated at once and was replaced by an uproar.
“Hey, hey, that Ryuuen dude looked like he was gonna do something crazy! This is unreal!” Ike exclaimed.
“Hey, hey, that Ryuuen dude looked like he was gonna do something crazy! This is unreal!” Ike exclaimed.
“They’re plannin’ to do something to Kouenji,” said Yamauchi. “Right?”
“They’re plannin’ to do something to Kouenji,” said Yamauchi. “Right?”
Indeed. Kouenji Rokusuke, Class D’s resident enfant terrible. Conspiracy theories flew every which way, starting with Ike and Yamauchi. Unusually, Kushida stayed quiet. She’d stopped getting as actively involved with class issues, perhaps due to her defeat at Horikita’s hand.
Indeed. Kouenji Rokusuke, Class D’s resident enfant terrible. Conspiracy theories flew every which way, starting with Ike and Yamauchi.
“This is really bad, isn’t it?” asked Horikita, while I was deep in thought.
Unusually, Kushida stayed out of it. She’d stopped getting as actively involved with class issues, perhaps due to her defeat at Horikita’s hand. Even now, though she was murmuring to some other girls about Ryuuen and his crew, she wasn’t actively contributing to the conversation.
“This is really bad, isn’t it?” asked Horikita, while I was deep in thought. Even she, who wanted to avoid entanglement with Class C as far as possible, couldn’t leave this situation alone.
“Maybe,” I said.
“Maybe,” I said.
It did seem as though Ryuuen had some business with Kouenji, but that puzzled me. me think. Kouenji was weird, sure, but even to an outside observer, the possibility of him being a big mover and shaker in Class D had to be low. There had to be a reason why Ryuuen was trying to make contact with him in such a blatant way, while simultaneously scoping out a number of other people.
“Should we go check it out, Kiyotaka?” asked Akito.
“Should we go check it out, Kiyotaka?” asked Akito.
“So many people are around, though. There’s not much Class C can try.”
“So many people are around, though. There’s not much Class C can try.”
“Maybe not. But even though lots of people are around, it’s no guarantee Ryuuen won’t try anything.”
“They may have something planned.”
“I suppose… I guess even though lots of people are watching, that’s no guarantee Ryuuen won’t try something.”
This was odd. Even from an outside perspective, the probability that Kouenji was Class D’s secret savior was low. In the unlikely event that Class C assaulted Kouenji, other members of Class D might get in trouble for jumping into the fray. Then again, if we held back when we could’ve helped, we’d regret it.
This was odd. Even from an outside perspective, the probability that Kouenji was Class D’s secret savior was low. In the unlikely event that Class C assaulted Kouenji, other members of Class D might get in trouble for jumping into the fray. Then again, if we held back when we could’ve helped, we’d regret it.
When I went into the hallway with Akito, Keisei trailed me. “I’ll come, too. Safety in numbers,” he reasoned.
When I went into the hallway with Akito, Keisei trailed me. “I’ll come, too. Safety in numbers,” he reasoned.
Horikita lagged slightly behind us, and Sudou followed her. Hirata also came along, looking worried. This was shaping up to be a real storm. I asked Keisei and Akito to wait, then went to talk to Hirata.
Horikita lagged slightly behind us, and Sudou followed her. Hirata also came along, looking worried. This was shaping up to be a real storm. I asked Keisei and Akito to wait, then went to talk to Hirata.
“Wouldn’t it be better if you stayed behind, Hirata? If you come, other students might follow. If people like Ike and Yamauchi join in, it’ll add fuel to the fire,” I said.
“Wouldn’t it be better if you stayed behind, Hirata? If you come, other students might follow. If people like Ike and Yamauchi join in, it’ll add fuel to the fire,” I said.
“That’s true…but will Kouenji-kun be all right?”
“That’s true…but will Kouenji-kun be all right?”
“Horikita’s coming. Keisei and Akito are too. In the worst-case scenario, if it looks like things are getting violent, I’ll call you.”
“Horikita’s coming. Keisei and Akito are too. In the worst-case scenario, if it looks like things are getting violent, I’ll call you.”
“Keisei? Hunh. Okay. Just don’t do anything rash, sound good?” Hirata looked puzzled at the way I referred to Yukimura, but went back inside the classroom.
“Keisei? Huh. Okay. Just don’t do anything rash, sound good?” Hirata looked puzzled at the way I referred to Yukimura, but went back inside the classroom.
“That was the right decision, Kiyotaka.” Keisei nodded. “Besides, Hirata’s better suited to calming the rest of the class down.”
“That was the right decision, Kiyotaka.” Keisei nodded. “Besides, Hirata’s better suited to calming the rest of the class down.”
The next problem was figuring out where Kouenji and the others went. Even Ryuuen and his goons couldn’t start trouble in the school building. If they were going to try something, it would probably be outside, but I had no idea where Kouenji might’ve gone.
The next problem was figuring out where Kouenji and the others went. Even Ryuuen and his goons couldn’t start trouble in the school building. If they were going to try something, it would probably be outside, but I had no idea where Kouenji might’ve gone.
“Where does Kouenji normally go after class?” I asked.
“Where does Kouenji normally go after class?” I asked.
“No idea.”
“No idea.”
“I don’t know, either.” Akito and Keisei shrugged.
“I don’t know, either.” Akito and Keisei tilted their heads to the side, apparently clueless.
“Does anyone know anything about Kouenji?” Practically none of us ever spoke to him at length.
“Does anyone know anything about Kouenji?” Practically none of us ever spoke to him at length.
“He usually heads straight back to the dorms.”
“He usually heads straight back to the dorms.”
“How do you know?”
“How do you know?”
“I see him fairly often. Let’s head to the dorm entrance for now.”
“I see him fairly often. Let’s head to the entrance for now.”
We hurried there, keeping pace with one another.
If his shoes were still there, we could confirm that he was still in the school building. In that case, we probably still had enough time to deal with this. We hurried there, keeping pace with one another.
“Could be a serious fight,” said Sudou to Horikita, clenching his fists.
“Could be a serious fight,” said Sudou to Horikita, clenching his fists.
“Don’t be funny. Violence between Classes D and C is nothing to laugh about. More importantly, why are you following me?”
“Don’t be funny. Violence between Classes D and C is nothing to laugh about. More importantly, why are you following me?”
“Well, ’cuz I’m worried about you, Suzune, you know? There are rumors that Ryuuen will even hit girls.”
“Well, ’cuz I’m worried about you, Suzune, you know? There are rumors that Ryuuen will even hit girls.”
“I’m not so soft that I need your protection,” said Horikita.
“I’m not so soft that I need your protection,” said Horikita.
“Don’t say that.”
“Don’t say that.”
Sudou’s chivalry was misguided. A girl could easily take down a boy if she had the requisite martial arts skill. However, Sudou was Sudou, and the idea that Horikita was strong enough to hold her own probably hadn’t occurred to him.
Horikita was as bullish as ever, and Sudou’s chivalry was misguided. A girl could easily take down a boy if she had the requisite martial arts skill. However, Sudou was Sudou, and the idea that Horikita was strong enough to hold her own probably hadn’t occurred to him.
“What about your club?” asked Horikita.
“Besides, though I may be worrying needlessly, what about your club?” asked Horikita.
“Not to worry. Still got a little time left until practice. Let’s hurry up and find Kouenji.” Sudou was going nowhere with Horikita.
“Not to worry. Still got a little time left until practice. Let’s hurry up and find Kouenji.” Sudou was going nowhere.
“For crying out loud. I don’t want a troublemaker tailing me around,” she muttered.
“For crying out loud. I don’t want a troublemaker tailing me around,” she muttered.
Still, if Horikita got hurt taking these Class C guys on by herself, Sudou would go nuclear. If the school caught him picking fights again, he was done for. Letting him come along might’ve been the best way for us to keep an eye on him.
Still, if Horikita got hurt taking these Class C guys on by herself, Sudou would go nuclear. If the school caught him picking fights again, he was done for. Letting him come along might’ve been the best way for us to keep an eye on him.
LEAVING THE SCHOOL BUILDING, we took the tree-lined path back to the dormitories. Since class had just ended, barely anyone was around, but we saw a bunch of Class C guys on the path ahead. Ibuki was with them, though she hadn’t accompanied Ryuuen when he visited our classroom. Some distance in front was Kouenji, walking alone.
LEAVING THE SCHOOL BUILDING, we took the tree-lined path back to the dormitories. Since class had just ended, barely anyone was around, but we saw a bunch of Class C guys on the path ahead. Ibuki was with them, though she hadn’t accompanied Ryuuen when he visited our classroom. Some distance in front was Kouenji, walking alone.
It seemed Class C really planned to attack him. As Ryuuen drew closer, he ordered Ishizaki to block Kouenji’s path.
It seemed Class C really planned to attack him. As Ryuuen drew closer, he ordered Ishizaki to block Kouenji’s path.
“It’s just like Suzune predicted. Let’s stop ’em,” said Sudou, looking to Horikita for orders.
“It’s just like Suzune predicted. Let’s stop ’em,” said Sudou, looking to Horikita for orders.
“Let’s wait and see what happens. We still don’t know what Ryuuen-kun’s after,” reasoned Horikita.
“Let’s wait and see what happens. We still don’t know what Ryuuen-kun’s after,” reasoned Horikita.
As Ryuuen himself said, it was well within the rules to simply talk to someone from another class. We approached slowly, observing the situation.
As Ryuuen himself said, it was well within the rules to simply talk to someone from another class. We approached slowly, observing the situation.
“Hey, Kouenji. Lemme pick your brain, eh?” Ryuuen called.
“Hey, Kouenji. Lemme pick your brain, eh?” Ryuuen called.
“What’re you doing? I don’t recall behaving in any way that’d warrant you flagging me down.” Because Ishizaki was in the way, I couldn’t see Kouenji’s face. But his tone of voice was arrogant as usual.
“What’re you doing? I don’t recall behaving in any way that’d warrant you flagging me down.” Because Ishizaki was in the way, I couldn’t see Kouenji’s face. But his tone of voice was arrogant as usual.
“You don’t get to decide that.”
“You don’t get to decide that.”
“Hmph. You certainly don’t, either,” replied Kouenji. He looked at Ryuuen and his goons without the slightest hint of anxiety.
“Hmph. You certainly don’t, either,” replied Kouenji. He looked at Ryuuen and his goons without the slightest hint of anxiety.
“You remember me, don’t you?” asked Ryuuen. Both hands still in his pockets, he walked up to Kouenji.
“You remember me, don’t you?” asked Ryuuen. Both hands still in his pockets, he walked up to Kouenji.
“Of course. You’re Class C’s obnoxious dictator, aren’t you?” said Kouenji.
“Of course. You’re Class C’s obnoxious dictator, aren’t you?” said Kouenji.
“I missed you last time, but now you’re coming with me, freak,” spat Ryuuen.
“I missed you last time, but now you’re coming with me, freak,” spat Ryuuen.
“My apologies. I’m afraid I must’ve been busy, whenever you missed me,” said Kouenji, smoothing his hair back. It didn’t seem like much of an apology. “However, you just said something I’m afraid I cannot overlook. When you said ‘freak,’ were you referring to me?”
“My apologies. I’m afraid I must’ve been busy, whenever you missed me,” said Kouenji, smoothing his hair back. It didn’t seem like much of an apology. “However, you just said something I’m afraid I cannot overlook. When you said ‘freak,’ were you referring to me?”

“Who else could I be referring to?”
“Who else could I be referring to?”
“Well, even though I find your statement entirely baffling, I suppose I’ll just let it go. I’m quite a magnanimous fellow, you see. I have a date, so let’s wrap things up quickly, shall we?”
“Well, even though I find your statement entirely baffling, I suppose I’ll just let it go. I’m quite a magnanimous fellow, you see. I have a date, so let’s wrap things up quickly, shall we?”
“Sorry, but you’re going to have to postpone your date.”
“Sorry, but you’re going to have to postpone your date.”
“So, you’ve no intention of backing down?”
“So, you’ve no intention of backing down?”
“What’ll you do if we don’t leave?”
“What’ll you do if we don’t leave?”
Kouenji crossed his arms and appeared deep in thought for a moment.
Kouenji crossed his arms and appeared deep in thought for a moment.
“Well, I suppose we’ll discuss your business over there,” he said eventually, pointing to a rest area up ahead.
“Well, I suppose we’ll discuss your business over there,” he said eventually, pointing to a rest area up ahead.
“I don’t care where we go,” said Ryuuen.
“I don’t care where we go,” said Ryuuen.
“Then follow me.”
“Then follow me.”
They trailed Kouenji to the rest area up the path, threatening to leave our sightline.
They trailed Kouenji to the rest area up the path, threatening to leave our sightline.
“Seems like we’d better go over there, too,” said Sudou.
“Seems like we’d better go over there, too,” said Sudou.
Horikita stopped him at once. “Don’t say or do anything reckless. Understand?”
Horikita stopped him at once. “Don’t say or do anything reckless. Understand?”
Sudou took the lead, with Horikita in hot pursuit. The rest of us followed slightly behind, and we headed over. “Ryuuen-kun,” Horikita called to Ryuuen. “What are you planning? If you try anything, we’re going to have trouble.”
Sudou took the lead, with Horikita in hot pursuit. The rest of us followed slightly behind, and we headed over. “Ryuuen-kun,” Horikita called to Ryuuen. “What are you planning? If you try anything, we’re going to have trouble.”
“Heh. So, you took the bait, huh?”
“Heh. So, you took the bait, huh?”
Ryuuen looked over his shoulder as if he’d known someone would follow him from the very beginning. He scanned our entire group. Though Kouenji likely interested him, this was a trap designed to narrow down Class C’s list of suspects. That was why Ryuuen deliberately marched his fighters into Class D. His aim had been to smoke us all out, and he had.
Ryuuen looked over his shoulder as if he’d known someone would follow him from the very beginning. He scanned our entire group. Though Kouenji likely interested him, this was a trap designed to narrow down Class C’s list of suspects. That was why Ryuuen deliberately marched his fighters into Class D. His aim had been to smoke us all out, and he had.
“Ayanokouji, Miyake, and Yukimura, huh? Well, that’s acceptable.”
“Ayanokouji, Miyake, and Yukimura, huh? Well, that’s acceptable.”
“I’m here too, Ryuuen,” said Sudou, smashing his fists together.
“I’m here too, Ryuuen,” said Sudou, smashing his fists together.
“What happened to Hirata?” Ryuuen added.
“What happened to Hirata?” Ryuuen added.
“Who knows? Haven’t got a clue. You aren’t interested in him anyway, right?”
“Who knows? Haven’t got a clue. You aren’t interested in him anyway, right?”
“Oh, spare me. That guy’s sense of justice is so strong, it wouldn’t be strange if he showed up here,” said Ryuuen.
“Oh, spare me. That guy’s sense of justice is so strong, it wouldn’t be strange if he showed up here,” said Ryuuen.
“This isn’t going to go the way you think,” said Horikita.
“This isn’t going to go the way you think,” said Horikita.
“Well, that’s fine. For now, anyway.”
“Well, that’s fine. For now, anyway.”
Ryuuen lifted his chin in a signal. On his command, Ishizaki and the others surrounded Kouenji.
Ryuuen lifted his chin in a signal. On his command, Ishizaki and the others surrounded Kouenji.
Akito, watching the situation unfold, couldn’t hide his disgust. “It’s like he thinks he’s a king. Bossing his classmates around just by moving his chin,” he spat.
Akito, watching the situation unfold, couldn’t hide his disgust. “It’s like he thinks he’s a king. Bossing his classmates around just by moving his chin,” he spat.
“Sorry, Miyake, but I was born this way,” replied Ryuuen. Hands still in his pockets, he drew closer to Kouenji.
“Sorry, Miyake, but I was born this way,” replied Ryuuen. Hands still in his pockets, he drew closer to Kouenji.
“Stop,” Horikita said.
“Stop,” Horikita said.
“Stop? What should I stop? As you can plainly see, I’m not doing anything.”
“Stop? What should I stop? As you can plainly see, I’m not doing anything.”
No one had laid a single finger on Kouenji yet.
No one had laid a single finger on Kouenji yet.
“I don’t particularly mind playing around, but it seems that my presence here isn’t a necessity. Would you agree?” asked Kouenji.
“I don’t particularly mind playing around, but it seems that my presence here isn’t a necessity. Would you agree?” asked Kouenji.
Ryuuen faced him once again. “That reminds me. You’ve got the lead role today, Kouenji. You owe me a debt.”
Ryuuen faced him once again, ignoring Horikita’s warning. “That reminds me. You’ve got the lead role today, Kouenji. You owe me a debt.”
“A debt? I haven’t the foggiest notion of what you mean.”
“A debt? I haven’t the foggiest notion of what you mean.”
“The zodiac test. Thanks to you, I lost the chance to capitalize on more points,” said Ryuuen.
“The zodiac test. Thanks to you, I lost the chance to capitalize on more points,” said Ryuuen.
“Ah. If I impeded you, you have my apologies.”
“Ah. If I impeded you, you have my apologies.”
So Kouenji said, but he sure didn’t look the least bit apologetic. In a brazen gesture, he took his hand mirror from his breast pocket. The Class C goons eyed him suspiciously, and he responded in a courteous manner.
So Kouenji said, but he sure didn’t look the least bit apologetic. In a brazen gesture, he took his hand mirror from his breast pocket. The Class C goons eyed him suspiciously, and he responded in a courteous manner.
“It’s quite windy today. I’m making sure my debonair hairdo isn’t mussed up.” Turning his face left and right, he checked his reflection. “Hmm. I’m looking tragically disheveled. Sorry, but would you mind holding this?”
“It’s quite windy today. I’m making sure my debonair hairdo isn’t mussed up.” Turning his face left and right, he checked his reflection. “Hmm. I’m looking tragically disheveled. Sorry, but would you mind holding this?”
Kouenji presented Ryuuen with his hand mirror. Ryuuen took it, smiling.
Kouenji presented Ryuuen with his hand mirror. Ryuuen took it, smiling.
“You may aim the mirror toward me,” said Kouenji. Retrieving a small container of hair wax from his bag, he scooped a glob onto his finger and started styling his hair with both hands.
“You may aim the mirror toward me,” said Kouenji. Retrieving a small container of hair wax from his bag, he scooped a glob onto his finger and started styling his hair with both hands.
Ryuuen threw the mirror to the ground, cracking it. Still wearing that smile, he grabbed Kouenji’s arm.
Class C, taken aback, couldn’t do nothing to respond…until a shattering sound cut through the air. Ryuuen had thrown the mirror to the ground, cracking it. Still wearing that smile, he grabbed Kouenji’s arm.
“I wonder how long you can keep up this freakshow act,” he said.
“I wonder how long you can keep up this freakshow?” he said.
Kouenji, still arranging his hair, sighed gently. “You really are quite the scoundrel. That mirror was rather expensive, you know.”
Kouenji, still arranging his hair, sighed gently. “You really are quite the scoundrel. That mirror was rather expensive, you know.”
“Sorry. My hand slipped,” said Ryuuen.
“Sorry. My hand slipped,” said Ryuuen.
“Tch. In that case, will you kindly release my arm so I may finish styling my hair? Of course, I’m the kind of man who’d look good even with disheveled hair,” said Kouenji.
“Tch. In that case, will you kindly release my arm so I may finish styling my hair? Of course, I’m the kind of man who’d look good even with disheveled hair,” said Kouenji.
We were on pins and needles as the tension grew. Ryuuen slowly let go of Kouenji’s arm.
We were on pins and needles as the tension grew. Ryuuen slowly let go of Kouenji’s arm. Doing this in public was risky behavior, but in keeping with his usual style of trying to push his enemies to their limits.
“Knock it off, Ryuuen-kun.”
“Knock it off, Ryuuen-kun.”
“Quiet, Suzune. I’m playing with Kouenji.”
“Quiet, Suzune. I’m playing with Kouenji.”
“Aren’t you just attacking him? This seems one-sided. He doesn’t want this.” Carefully picking up fragments of the broken hand mirror, Horikita glared at Ryuuen.
“Aren’t you just attacking him? This seems one-sided. He doesn’t want this.” Carefully picking up fragments of the broken hand mirror, Horikita glared at Ryuuen.
“I’ll do it. You might hurt your hands,” said Sudou to Horikita.
“I’ll do it. You might hurt your hands,” said Sudou to Horikita.
“I don’t mind. It’d be more of a problem if the glass cut you, because you have your club.”
“I don’t mind. It’d be more of a problem if the glass cut you, because you have your club.”
“Don’t say stupid stuff like that. I can’t let a girl get hurt.” Sudou moved Horikita aside and began picking up the fragments.
“Don’t say stupid stuff like that. I can’t let a girl get hurt.” Sudou moved Horikita aside and began picking up the fragments.
“I’m not doctoring you if you get cut,” said Horikita. Sudou ignored that and kept picking up the pieces.
“I’m not doctoring you if you get cut,” said Horikita. Sudou ignored that and kept picking up the pieces.
“My, this is quite an interesting collection of people, isn’t it?” someone said.
“My, this is quite an interesting collection of people, isn’t it?” someone said.
As if summoned to the rest area by some unseen cue, Sakayanagi and her coterie strolled up to us. I saw Kamuro Masumi among her followers, but knew nothing about the two other guys, though I remembered their faces. Sakayanagi stopped and lightly tapped her cane on the concrete. Including Kouenji, six of us were gathered here from Class D, five from Class C, and now four from Class A, making a total of fifteen people.
As if summoned to the rest area by some unseen cue, Sakayanagi and her coterie strolled up to us. I saw Kamuro Masumi among her followers, but knew nothing about the two other guys, though I remembered their faces.
“Sakayanagi, huh? What suspiciously perfect timing.”
Sakayanagi stopped and lightly tapped her cane on the concrete. This was turning into quite the crowd. Including Kouenji, six of us were gathered here from Class D, five from Class C, and now four from Class A, making a total of fifteen people.
“I’m here purely by coincidence,” said Sakayanagi.
“I’m here purely by coincidence,” said Sakayanagi.
“Don’t make me laugh,” Ryuuen said.
“Don’t make me laugh,” Ryuuen said.
“To think I’d stumble on Class C’s major players having it out with some Class D students. Are you planning a Christmas party?”
“To think I’d stumble on Class C’s major players having it out with some Class D students. Are you planning a Christmas party?”
“Back off. I don’t have any business with you,” snapped Ryuuen.
“Back off. I don’t have any business with you,” snapped Ryuuen.
“Come now, there’s no need to say that. If you’re party-planning, the more the merrier. Wouldn’t you agree? May I join you?”
“Come now, there’s no need to say that. If you’re party-planning, the more the merrier. Wouldn’t you agree? May I join you?”
“If you plan on sticking around, don’t get in my way.”
“If you plan on sticking around, don’t get in my way.”
“Of course. I wouldn’t dream of embarrassing the party organizer,” said Sakayanagi.
“Of course. I wouldn’t dream of embarrassing the party organizer,” said Sakayanagi.
She took a seat on a nearby bench. The three other Class A students sat around her, as if shielding her with their bodies. There were no surveillance cameras in this rest area, after all, though we were surrounded by students walking back to the dorms.
She took a seat on a nearby bench. The three other Class A students sat around her, as if shielding her with their bodies. There were no surveillance cameras in this rest area, after all, though we were surrounded by students walking back to the dorms. There was no telling how many people might walk by.
Kouenji Rokusuke, still wearing that bold, fearless smile, spoke once more. “I don’t mind that our audience has grown, but isn’t it about time that we end this? If we aren’t going to talk, I’ll be on my way.”
Kouenji Rokusuke, still wearing that bold, fearless smile, spoke once more. “I don’t mind that our audience has grown, but isn’t it about time that we end this? If we aren’t going to talk, I’ll be on my way.”
“Wait, Kouenji. Ryuuen-san said not to let you run away this time.”
“Wait, Kouenji. Ryuuen-san said not to let you run away this time.”
Kouenji wore a thin smile. “My apologies that our conversation was delayed. I think we should get to the heart of the matter. I surmise that you’re fixated on defeating whomever gets in Class C’s way, or whomever forms an alliance with another class to do exactly that. Am I wrong?”
Kouenji wore a thin smile. “My apologies that our conversation was delayed. I think we should get to the heart of the matter. I surmise that you’re fixated on defeating whomever gets in Class C’s way, or whomever forms an alliance with another class to do exactly that. Am I wrong?”
“I’ll crush every such insect in my way, yeah,” said Ryuuen.
“I’ll crush every such insect in my way, yeah,” said Ryuuen.
“And now, such an obstreperous person has appeared within Class D. So, you’re searching for this hindrance,” said Kouenji. He seemed to understand the situation very well for someone who showed no interest in anything around him.
“And now, such an obstreperous person has appeared within Class D. So, you’re searching for this hindrance,” said Kouenji. He seemed to understand the situation very well for someone who showed no interest in anything around him.
“In that case, I’m afraid I don’t fit the profile. I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in Class D’s future, nor in any of the other classes. I’ve contributed nothing noteworthy to any exam thus far, and I have no intention of doing so. Tell me, are you truly fixated on making such a person your enemy?”
“In that case, I’m afraid I don’t fit the profile. I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in Class D’s future, nor in any of the other classes. I’ve contributed nothing noteworthy to any exam thus far, and I have no intention of doing so. Tell me, are you truly fixated on making such a person your enemy?”
“Well, how would you explain the zodiac exam, then? Talk’s gotten around,” said Ryuuen.
“Well, how would you explain the zodiac exam, then? Talk’s gotten around,” said Ryuuen.
“Oh ho. You seem to be quite the knowledgeable fellow.”
“Oh ho. You seem to be quite the knowledgeable fellow.”
During the zodiac exam, Kouenji had rather brilliantly discovered the identity of the Monkey Group’s VIP. Even understanding that Class D won after seeing the results, however, it should’ve been difficult for Ryuuen to pinpoint any specific student as the one who figured that out. He really had done his homework. Or perhaps he guessed that Kouenji was assigned to the Monkey Group?
During the zodiac exam, Kouenji had rather brilliantly discovered the identity of the Monkey Group’s VIP. Even understanding that Class D won after seeing the results, however, it should’ve been difficult for Ryuuen to pinpoint any specific student as the one who figured that out. He really had done his homework. Or perhaps he guessed that Kouenji was assigned to the Monkey Group?
“Oh, that. I was simply saving time. I didn’t really feel like participating in those bothersome meetings, so I decided to end it and enjoy my freedom again. Nothing more,” said Kouenji. He got his phone and used the camera to appraise his face. It was sufficient as a makeshift hand mirror, apparently.
“Oh, that. I was simply saving time. I didn’t really feel like participating in those bothersome meetings, so I decided to end it and enjoy my freedom again. Nothing more,” said Kouenji. He got his phone and used the camera to appraise his face. It was sufficient as a makeshift hand mirror, apparently.
“We can’t rule out the possibility that you helped with other tests,” said Ryuuen. “That means there’s no guarantee that you aren’t controlling Class D.”
“We can’t rule out the possibility that you helped with other tests,” said Ryuuen. “That means there’s no guarantee that you aren’t controlling Class D.”
“I suppose that’s possible. But if it’s the conclusion you’ve settled on, it must mean you’re a moron with a paltry intellect,” said Kouenji.
“I suppose that’s possible. But if it’s the conclusion you’ve settled on, it must mean you’re a moron with a paltry intellect,” said Kouenji.
Ishizaki looked ready to charge, but Ryuuen smiled and stopped him. I had to admit that I admired Kouenji’s comeback. If Ryuuen was harassing the wrong person, he’d come off looking pretty stupid.
Ishizaki looked ready to charge, but Ryuuen smiled and stopped him. I had to admit that I admired Kouenji’s comeback. If Ryuuen was harassing the wrong person, he’d come off looking pretty stupid.
“Heh. You’re certainly right. If you are telling the truth, then you’re completely and utterly harmless.”
“Heh. You’re certainly right. If you are telling the truth, then you’re completely and utterly harmless.”
“Yes. You’re quite perceptive, Dragon Boy.”
“Yes. You’re quite perceptive, Dragon Boy.”
Sakayanagi started laughing at the nickname “Dragon Boy.”
Sakayanagi started laughing at the nickname “Dragon Boy.”
Ryuuen changed the topic entirely. “What if I tell these guys to pummel you senseless as payback for the zodiac exam? What’ll you do if I come at you with senseless violence?”
Ryuuen changed the topic entirely. “What if I tell these guys to pummel you unconscious as payback for the zodiac exam? What’ll you do if I come at you with senseless violence?”
Horikita tried to reply to that disturbing question, but Kouenji only laughed. “Now that’s just nonsensical. You wouldn’t do that here, with this large of an audience. It wouldn’t benefit you at all.”
Horikita tried to reply to that disturbing question, but Kouenji cut her off with a laugh. “Now that’s just nonsensical. You wouldn’t do that here, with this large of an audience. It wouldn’t benefit you at all.”
“I’m quite capable of going on a rampage even in this rather inconvenient place, benefits aside,” said Ryuuen.
“I’m quite capable of going on a rampage even in this rather inconvenient place, benefits aside,” said Ryuuen.
“I see. I suppose that if you did choose that option, I’d knock down everyone who came at me,” said Kouenji.
“I see. I suppose that if you did choose that option, I’d defend by pride and knock down everyone who came at me,” said Kouenji.
“You could do that by yourself?”
“You could do that by yourself?”
“I find it harder to imagine why I couldn’t.”
“I find it harder to imagine why I couldn’t.”
Sakayanagi, still listening, merely grinned.
Sakayanagi, still listening, merely grinned.
“Apparently, my reasoning was off,” said Ryuuen. “Kouenji doesn’t seem to be X. He is completely nuts, though in a different way from me. Seems that’s all there is to it.”
“Looks like my reasoning was off,” said Ryuuen. “Kouenji doesn’t seem to be X. He is completely nuts, though in a different way from me. Seems that’s all there is to it.”
“So glad to have cleared up this misunderstanding,” replied Kouenji.
“So glad to have cleared up this misunderstanding,” replied Kouenji.
“But let me ask you one thing, Kouenji. Class D’s points are steadily increasing. Someone has to be responsible for that. If it’s not you, who is it? One of the people who followed us here like a flock of sheep?” asked Ryuuen.
“But let me ask you one thing, Kouenji. Class D’s points are steadily increasing. Someone has to be responsible for that. If it’s not you, who is it? One of the people who followed us here like a flock of slack-jawed sheep?” asked Ryuuen.
For the first time, Kouenji glanced at us. Then he sneered and shrugged, having immediately lost interest. “I’m happy to tell you, but—”
For the first time, Kouenji glanced at us. Then he sneered and shrugged, having immediately lost interest. “I’m happy to tell you, but—”
“May I have a moment?” Sakayanagi seemed as if she was trying to keep Kouenji from speaking. “This is a fascinating conversation. Someone in Class D is getting in Class C’s way, are they? I heard rumors that Dragon Boy-san was searching for such a person, but is that really true?”
“May I have a moment?” Sakayanagi seemed as if she was trying to keep Kouenji from speaking. “This is a fascinating conversation. Someone in Class D is getting in Class C’s way, are they? I heard rumors that Dragon Boy-san was searching for such a person, but is that really true?”
“I told you to shut up already, Sakayanagi. And if you call me that again, I’ll kill you. Got it?”
“I told you to shut up already, Sakayanagi. And if you call me that again, I’ll kill you. Got it?”
“My, my, you don’t like it? I think it’s a wonderful nickname. Sorry. Anyway, there’s something here that I don’t quite understand.”
“My, my, you don’t like it? I think it’s a wonderful nickname. Sorry. Anyway, there’s something here that I don’t quite understand.”
Ryuuen laughed, but Sakayanagi paid him no mind.
Ryuuen laughed in response, but Sakayanagi paid him no mind.
“Someone in Class D saw through your plans and defeated you,” she continued. “Is that all there is to it? This school is fundamentally designed to pit classes against each other. You and I have clashed numerous times in this manner. I don’t know who this Class D student is, but they’re employing excellent strategy by remaining anonymous while waging war on you. Should you really be going out of your way to unearth their identity? Honestly, I can’t see your actions as anything but rather pathetic.”
“Someone in Class D saw through your plans and defeated you,” she continued. “Is that all there is to it? This school is fundamentally designed to pit classes against each other. You and I have clashed numerous times in this manner. I don’t know who this Class D student is, but they’re employing excellent strategy by remaining anonymous while waging war on you. Are you really going to expend all this energy on interrogating an unrelated student? Honestly, I can’t see your actions as anything but rather pathetic.”
“I’ll admit that X screwed up my plans,” replied Ryuuen, “but that’s not the problem here. I’m doing this to draw out the person acting behind the scenes. I’m going to drag him kicking and screaming to the forefront.”
“I’ll admit that X screwed up my plans,” replied Ryuuen, “but that’s not the problem here. I’m doing this to draw out the person acting behind the scenes. I’m going to drag him kicking and screaming to the forefront.”
“I see. So, you intend to resort to extortion and blackmail if you must?”
“I see. So, you intend to resort to extortion and blackmail if you must?”
“Yep. I’m prepared to use violence, too, if necessary. I rather enjoy my way of doing things.”
“Yep. I’m prepared to use violence, too, if necessary. I rather enjoy my way of doing things.”
“If you do that, not only will you appear pathetic, but you’ll also reveal your own incompetence. I heard quite a bit already from Masumi-san and Hashimoto-kun about the strategy you used on the island, and how your tricks failed. If you regard the situation objectively, it’s clear that Kouenji wasn’t involved, isn’t it? Besides, I heard that the mastermind was Horikita Suzune-san, the girl standing right over there. I wonder—does this person you’re searching for even exist in the first place?” Sakayanagi asked, excoriating Ryuuen with her sharp gaze and words.
“If you do that, not only will you appear pathetic, but you’ll also reveal your own incompetence. I heard quite a bit already from Masumi-san and Hashimoto-kun about the strategy you used on the island, and how your tricks failed. If you regard the situation objectively, it’s clear that Kouenji wasn’t involved, isn’t it? Besides, I heard that the mastermind was Horikita Suzune-san, the girl standing right over there. I wonder—does this person you’re searching for even exist in the first place?” Sakayanagi asked, excoriating Ryuuen with her sharp gaze and words.
“Are you sure you’re not just trying to cover up your own failure, Ryuuen-kun?” muttered one Class A student.
“Are you sure you’re not just trying to cover up your own failure, Ryuuen-kun?” muttered one Class A student.
“That’s going too far, Kitou. Ryuuen isn’t that much of an idiot,” replied another. I think it was Hashimoto, or whatever his name was.
“That’s going too far, Kitou. Ryuuen isn’t that much of an idiot,” replied another. I think it was Hashimoto, or whatever his name was.
Ryuuen showed no sign of agitation at Class A’s provocations. He understood that type of strategy better than anyone, after all.
Ryuuen showed no sign of agitation at Class A’s provocations. He understood that type of strategy better than anyone, after all. Rather than argue about what Sakayanagi said, he switched tracks.
Rather than argue about what Sakayanagi said, he switched tracks. “You’re the idiot, Sakayanagi. I used Katsuragi, and made him sign a contract with me.”
“You’re the idiot, Sakayanagi. I used Katsuragi. I made him sign a contract with me.”
“A contract? Ah. ‘In exchange for assistance provided to Class A by Class C, private points will be paid as compensation,’ or something to that effect, yes? Specifically, there was a clause that said ‘twenty thousand private points will be paid per person per month until graduation,’ right?” Sakayanagi rattled off smoothly.
“A contract? Ah. ‘In exchange for assistance provided to Class A by Class C, private points will be paid as compensation,’ or something to that effect, yes? Specifically, there was a clause that said ‘twenty thousand private points will be paid per person per month until graduation,’ right?” Sakayanagi rattled off smoothly.
“Huh? What?! Are you really okay with that?” cried Sudou.
“Huh? What?! Are you really okay with that?” cried Sudou.
“It’s not against the rules,” said Sakayanagi. “It’s a contract both classes mutually agreed upon. We’d receive the class points that Class C should’ve received, and compensate them with private points in exchange.”
“It’s not against the rules,” said Sakayanagi. “It’s a contract both classes mutually agreed upon. We’d receive the class points that Class C should’ve received, and compensate them with private points in exchange.”
I knew that classes A and C formed an alliance during the island exam, but the deal’s nature had been unclear to me. Apparently, after using up all their points and leaving their 270 remaining points (minus the thirty deducted due to Sakayanagi’s absence) to Class A, Class C requested twenty thousand private points in exchange. At first glance, it might’ve seemed like Class C came out on the better end of the deal. However, what was most important was whether you could lead in class points at the end of the exam.
I knew that classes A and C formed an alliance during the island exam, but the exact nature of the deal had been unclear to me. Apparently, after using up all their points and leaving their 270 remaining points (minus the thirty deducted due to Sakayanagi’s absence) to Class A, Class C had requested twenty thousand private points in exchange.
Class points determined the class rankings, after all. If Katsuragi hadn’t taken the deal, the island test could’ve gone much worse for Class A. However, why bring this up now?
At first glance, it might seem like Class C came out on the better end of the deal. However, what was most important was whether you could lead in class points at the end of the exam. Class points determined the class rankings, after all. You might even say the private points were only awarded as a bonus. If Katsuragi hadn’t taken the deal, the island test could’ve gone much worse for Class A. They would have had barely any class points remaining now, a
“Well, I’m not the one who’s gonna be in trouble if those details leak. You will,” said Ryuuen. “Other classes will find out we’ve been getting twenty thousand monthly points from you, won’t they?”
“If you wanted to tell everyone, you would’ve done so already. Besides, it was Katsuragi-kun who suggested the contract in the first place,” replied Sakayanagi.
She hadn’t been present on the island, and could avoid taking responsibility for the decision. It was possible that she instructed her followers in Class A to let Katsuragi go ahead, but we couldn’t know. What mattered was that Katsuragi was keeping a low profile right now, while Sakayanagi appeared to control the class.
“Ugh. So, Class C’s basically got a guaranteed monthly allowance?” grumbled Sudou.
“Don’t let them fool you, Sudou-kun. Class C could’ve obtained those class points themselves, but they wasted them. They gained nothing,” said Horikita.
“Is that really true, Suzune?” asked Ryuuen. “It’s no different than getting two hundred class points the real way, back on the island. Besides, we’ll keep earning those points until Class A loses their standing.”
“Wrong. It seems similar, but it’s not. All you’re getting is private points. They have nothing to do with class points.”
In that regard, Horikita was correct. However, eight hundred thousand private points flowing from Class A to Class C every month was significant. Even if Class C continued to lose class points, they were guaranteed an allowance. Though Sakayanagi’s faction was coming for them, Katsuragi’s faction had given Class C a free ride.
“Are we finished here? I have no intention of denying you your fun, but I’d like for you to get out of my way. I’ve wasted enough time listening to your meaningless drivel,” said Kouenji.
“Wait, Kouenji. You haven’t answered yet.”
Kouenji looked at the sky,