Deer 01 - DeerGod v YouDeer

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These fair maidens who flock to the garden of Fudou Myou-ou,
The fair maidens flocking to Acala's garden
smiles as spotless as those of Shinsengumi soldiers,
pass over the Tama River yet again,
once again cross the banks of the Tama River.
flashing smiles as innocently as elite swordsmen.
Their unsullied bodies and hearts clad in school uniforms of pure white.
Their pure hearts and bodies are clad in uniforms white as the driven snow.
Taking care not to ruffle the pleats of their skirts...
So that the pleats of their skirts are not disturbed,
...or dishevel their blue sailor collars,
and so that their blue sailor collars are not set aflutter,
they walk slowly, as dictated by local customs.
it is customary here to walk slowly and with decorum.
Tokyo Metropolitan Hinominami High School...
Tokyo South Hino High School:
A true garden of maidens. (Addendum: It's co-ed.)
A garden of maidens (and dudes).
Good morning, dear viewers!
To those of you watching at home, good morning!

Deer, deer, deer!


It's still so cold out today!
How is it still so cold out?
Rained yesterday, too.
Yeah, and it even rained yesterday.
Be careful not to slip.
You'd best watch your step.
Are you okay?
Are you all right?
Ah! Umm... Thank you so much!
Th-Th-Th-Thank you so much!
You're welcome.
You're quite welcome.
Koshi Torako, a second-year at Hinominami High.
Koshi Torako, a second-year student at Tokyo South Hino High School.
President of the student council, and class rep for class 2-B.
She's student council president, and class president of class 2-B.
Not to mention...
But wait, there's more!
a stunning beauty,
She's beautiful from every angle,
a student with outstanding grades,
smart in every subject,
and a well-rounded athlete.
and excels at every sport.
The quintessential perfect girl, whether at school or around town.
Forget school, she's known as the Perfect Girl™ around the neighborhood, too.
She's wonderful!
An angel!
Exactly as planned!
All according to keikaku. (Translator's note: keikaku means plan)
Though her school life may appear perfect,
While her high school life might seem like it's on the up and up,
Koshi Torako keeps a secret she mustn't speak to anyone.
Koshi Torako holds a deep, dark secret.
She is
You see...
a former delinquent!
She used to be a thug.
The Vicious Beast of Hino, Tokyo! That's me!
Ever heard o' tha Beast of Hino? Yer lookin' at 'er!
My dark days as a delinquent too obsessed with shounen manga!
I got influenced by shounen manga and joined a gang. Such is my dark past.
If my secret got out,
If I get found out,
all that work making a clean break with high school and becoming an honor student...
all my efforts to leave the thug life behind and play the perfect student
...would go down the drain!
will go down the drain!
Anyway, my disguise is flawless. No one will ever see through it!
Good thing no one will ever know. My disguise is perfect.
Or so she thought...
Or so she thought.
Until this very day.
Until today, that is.
Wait, the first episode starts with someone hanging themselves?!
It's just the first episode and we're already pulling the suicide card?!
Thank god this is a late-night anime!
Thank god this airs in a late-night time slot!
This is definitely not good, though!
Not that suicides should even be here!
P-Police? Doctor?
D-Do I call the police? A doctor? Sherlock?!
Conan-kun! Wait, no...
Yeah, no.
She's alive?
What? She's alive?
What's going on?
What's going on?
If this isn't a suicide,
If she didn't hang herself,
why is she hanging there?
what's she even doing up there?
Are those antlers?
What are those, horns?!
Ah, they're those things they sell at Toky—
Right! The happiest place on Ear—

Whoops, copyright!
I mean, Chiba Mouseyland...
The happiest place in Chiba sells them!
Wait! Shouldn't they have come off and let her fall?!
But then they wouldn't stay attached!
Does this mean they're real antlers?!
Which means they're real?
And they're probably deer antlers...
Actually, are those deer antlers?
What kind of deer even are you?!
Yeah, right! That's no deer!
But come to think of it, aren't male deer the ones with antlers?
Not to mention, aren't only male deer supposed to have antlers?
Is she some kind of new UMA, then?
So, is she some new kind of cryptid?!
Or maybe a mutant from some evil organization?!
Or the horrific creation of some evil organization?!
Either way, that's a lot of snot...
Still, gotta admit, that's quite the booger.
It is twelve degrees Celsius.
It's a cool twelve degrees out.
Gah! That's disgusting!
Ugh! Gross!
And while I was lost in thought,
I look away for one second,
a bunch of animals showed up to dine on her corpse!
and she's already getting swarmed by hungry animals!
Huh? Want summa this?
Huh? You wanna piece o' me?
You want a piece of me, huh?!
You wanna fight, tough guy?!
Ora Ora Ora! Want some?! Ora Ora Ora!
Wanna go? Do ya? Well, do ya?

Put 'em up and fight me, bozo!
Why is she trying to pick a fight in her situation?
Why is she looking for a fight when she's stuck up there?
Should I try to help?
Should I even bother helping her out?
She's staring a hole through my head!
Crap, now she's staring at me!
So intense!
The pressure!
If I get caught up in all this, I'll be late for school!
If I get involved, I'm bound to be late.
An honor student like me absolutely cannot be late!
I cannot allow that to happen, or my reputation will be in shambles!
I'll just... pretend I didn't see her...
I'll just pretend I didn't see anything...
...and hurry to school...
And carry on my merry way...
You're leaving me...
So you would abandon me.
You're really gonna abandon me like this.
You would look at this poor soul and just walk away.
I-I-I-I would never! I was just about to...
O-O-Of course not! I'm just, uh...
Actually, this is your fault for hanging there, right?
You got yourself into this mess, so is it really any of my business?
I'm in a hurry. I don't have time for playing games...
I have places to be. No time to hang out with you, sorr—
Tomorrow's news will say, "Hino City high schooler caught on electric cables dies."
"Local Hino student found dead, hangs from power line."
Every morning, when you walk through this street, you'll see my face.
Every morning, when you prance on by on your way to school, you'd see my face.
"If only I had helped her when I could"... You'll spend the rest of your life haunted by regret.
The guilt would eat away at you for the rest of your life.
All right, already! I get it!
Fine, I'll help you down!
I live!
I live!
She's freakin' heavy!
This girl's heavy as hell.
How the—
Hey, shith—
Would you be so kind as to tell me how you ended up there?
Sweet child, might I ask what you were doing up there?
I woke up this morning and was just, like, there, y'know?
I was up there when I woke up, so...
Good question.
Seriously! Tell me!
How do you not know?!
However it happened, thank you so much for helping me,
Either way, thanks for saving me,
Miss Delinquent!
thug girl.
Oh, I didn't do anything special—
Don't mention it. It was nothi—
Miss Delinquent?
"Thug girl"?
Huh?! Who're you callin' a delinquent?!
Bwaah?! Who are you calling a thug?!
You, miss!
You, thugalicious.
Wh-What are you talking about?!
Huh?! Wh-Wh-What nonsense is this?
Me? One as beautiful and elegant as a peony?
They say I'm as beautiful as a peony, as elegant as a lily!
A delinquent?!
And you're calling me a thug?!
Th-That's absurd!
A-A-Absolutely no way!
That so? Hmm...
Oh, huh.
But I smell it all over you...
You smell like one, though.
Smell what?
I what?
And my antlers are reacting to you.
My antler sense is tingling, too.
Wait, what kind of sensors are those?!
Why do they even do that?!
Being near her is way too risky...
I can't risk getting involved any further.
A-Are you sure you aren't imagining things?
Y-You have quite the imagination.
Perhaps you're mistaken...
Perhaps you have the wrong person?
Oh, I have to get going!
Oh! I really do need to be going now.
Try not to get caught up there again, okay?
Try not to get stuck in any other weird places!
That was close...
That was close.
My disguise should have been flawless...
My acting should have been flawless.
How did she...?
So how did she figure me out?
What was with that girl?
What was she, even?
Everyone, take your seats!
Take your seats, everyone.
Today, we have a new transfer student I would like you to meet.
Today is a special day. We're getting a transfer student.
A transfer student?
A transfer student?
I got a bad feeling about this...
I have a bad feeling about this...
Come on in!
Alright, come in.
Okie dokie!
I knew it!
Oh, come on!
Oh? Huh?
H-How are you stuck again?
H-How did you manage to get stuck again?!
Learn your lesson, already!
How dense are you?!

You're kidding me, right?!
Are you shitting me?!
Now, Shikanoko-san, introduce yourself.
Alright, Shikanoko, say hello to the class.
Lersant! I'm Shikanoko Noko!
Good antlernoon! I'm Shikanoko Noko!
You can call me Noko-tan!
Call me Nokotan!
Hi Nokotan!
What a funny girl.
She's great, isn't she?
She's a deer!
What a deer!
Why is she getting a normal welcome?
Huh? Why's everyone so welcoming?
Am I the weirdo here?
Have I finally lost it?
And you can sit...
You'll sit...
Oh, there's a free seat next to Koshi-san!
I see there's space next to Koshi.
A common trope in school anime:
A staple of any show set at a school.
the conveniently free seat.
Behold: the conveniently empty seat.
This is bad! If she says anything weird,
Not good. I can totally see her saying something problematic.
my high school life is over!
My high school life will be ruined.
I have to get ahead of this!
I need to make the first move.
G-Good morning!
H-How do you do?
Oh, it's you!
Oh, I 'member you.
So you're a transfer student, huh?
I didn't know you were transferring here.
I'm Koshi Torako.
I'm Koshi Torako.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Let me know if you need any help.
Huh? Is this actually gonna work out somehow?
Huh? That went way better than I thought it would.
Guess I had nothing to worry about after all!
My god, I was worried for nothing!
You can call me whatever you like.
You can call me whatever you like.
Whatever I like?
Whatever I like?
I was just overthinking things...
Guess I was just overthinking things.
Got it!
You got it!
Miss Delinquent!
Thug girl.
Miss Delinquent!
Thug girl.
Miss Delinquent!
Thug girl.
Miss Delinquent!
Thug girl.
I hope we'll get along, Miss Delinquent!
Nice to meet you, thug girl!
Koshi-san is a delinquent?!
Koshi's a thug?
Her of all people?!
There's no way Koshi's...
We misheard that, right?!
We must've misheard, right?
The fuck!
None of you batted an eye at the deer transfer student! How does this surprise you?!
Sure, ignore the girl with literal antlers and focus on this instead, why don't you!
A d-d-delinquent? Me? What are you talking about?
Wh-Wh-What could you possibly mean by that?
Could you please not make things up?
Those are quite the accusations, you know?
My animal instincts tell me you're a delinquent.
My primal instincts are telling me you hang around thugs a lot.
Are you a wild beast?!
What about you is "primal"?!
Furthermore... You're a virgin, aren't you?
Also. You're a virgin, aren't you?
Huh? Huh?!
Huh? What?!
I mean, my antlers are reacting to you!
My antler sense is tingling.
What kind of system do you have going there?!
Seriously, how does that even work?!
So Koshi-san's a virgin?
Koshi is a virgin...
I knew she had to be!
Of course Koshi's...
We heard right, right?
Stay out of this, peanut gallery!
Put a sock in it, peanut gallery!
Wh-What kind of proof do you have to claim I'm a virgin...?
Wh-Wh-What evidence could you possibly have...
Huh? So you're not a virgin?
Huh? Are you not?
Well, that's... uh...
No— I'm not— I just...
Virginity confirmed!
Virginity confirmed.
It's Koshi-san!
It's Koshi!
As beautiful as always!
She's so beautiful.
My disgraceful past nearly got exposed back there...
I nearly showed some disgraceful behavior back there,
I have to keep this up...
but we're back to business as usual.
But I can't let my guard down!
No, I can't let my guard down!
I need to make sure that deer doesn't expose me as a former delinquent!
I need to do something about that stupid deer and prevent her from revealing my past!
Which is why...
And to achieve that,
...I have to get ahead of her before she says more weird—
I need to make the first move before she...
A giant pile of sweets on my desk?
There's a mountain of snacks on my desk?
Wait, no! That cross-shaped wrapping...
No! Those distinctive paper strips tell me...
Those are deer crackers!
These are deer crackers!
Deer crackers.
Deer crackers.
Known as soul food for the people of Nara prefecture. (Addendum: So says one theory.)
They are known to be comfort food for the residents of Nara.[citation needed]
Students on school trips commonly try them for laughs...
Students on school trips sometimes eat them for the bit,
...but much like their taste,
but just like their taste,
these jokes are dry and bland.
the reaction they get is kinda whatever.
The only one who would do this is...
Who in the hell would—
It must have been her!
Who else but that nutcase!
Wait, is she drooling?
Wait, what's with that downright waterfall?
What is she, a merlion?
What are you, some sort of fountain?
Umm, Shikanoko-san? What's all of this about?
Um, Shikanoko? May I ask what this is about?
Nyun? Recompense?
It's a thank-you gift.
Your face tells a different story!
You don't look grateful to me!
Hey, lady.
You saved me this morning, didn't you?
You rescued me this morning, yeah?
It's my thanks.
This is how I'm thanking you.
Hmm? Oh, that was nothing. No need to thank me...
Oh, no, it was nothing, really. You don't have to thank me...
What? Deer crackers not good enough for you?
Huh? Got a problem with deer crackers?
That's not the issue...
No, that's not the issue here...
And why do you sound so cocky all of a sudden?
And what's with the attitude?
You want one of my antlers as a special gift?
Want an antler instead?
They come off?!
You can take them off?!
Take it.
I don't want it!
Don't wanna!
By the way, they're edible.
They're edible, by the way.
Wh-What do they taste like?
D-Do they even taste like anything?
Not that I'll try one...
Not that I wanna eat them.
They're tasteless, odorless, and super tough!
No taste, no scent, and very hard.
You're saying I'd have to force it down?!
So you'd have to choke it down?!
If you must insist...
You drive a hard bargain...
Just this once.
Just for you.
I told you, I don't want it!
Still don't want them!
And, like, not that I should argue,
I can't believe I'm saying this,
but aren't you abandoning your identity too quickly?!
but you're giving up a core part of who you are!
Without antlers, you're just an ordinary high school girl!
Without your antlers, you'd be just a normal high school girl!
You saved my life...
You saved my life...
I'll forsake my entire character for you!
I'd even sacrifice my very existence for you!
That's too serious! It's too early to break character!
You're getting way too into this! Don't dump your identity like that!
This is still the first episode, you know.
Girls, this is only the first episode.
Don't want deer crackers... Don't want antlers...
Doesn't want deer crackers, doesn't want my antlers...
They reattach...
They stick back, huh?
Ah! Then what you really want...
Ah! Could it be you're after... my tender deer flesh?!
My deer, tender flesh?
Why are you so wrapped up with this deer thing?
Why do you have to rope deer into everything?!
I get it now! Go ahead and eat me!
Rope? Fine, tie me up and eat me if that's what you want!
I'm not gonna eat you!
I don't wanna!
And who are these people?!
And where'd they come from?!
I mean, I don't have anything else to give you!
Look, I don't have anything else to give you!
Look! As you can see, I have no money.
See, I'm flat broke.
But you had more deer crackers?
How many crackers do you even have?
Please, don't make me give up more...
Please, I don't have anything left to give.
Why are you acting like I'm extorting you or something?
Why do you make it sound like I'm extorting you?!
And for crackers of all things!
For deer crackers, no less!
Oops! I let my real side slip!
Whoops! I dropped my act for a sec!
Hey, Noko-tan! Do you and Koshi-san know each other?
Hey, Nokotan, are you friends with Koshi?
You've been acting like good friends all day!
You've been hanging out all day.
Wait, Noko-tan?
Wait, "Nokotan"?
My nickname. Cute, isn't it?
It's my nickname. Adorable, right?
She's so annoying...
I swear, this girl...
You see, I got stuck on a power line this morning, and Miss Delinq—
Y'see, I was stuck in some power lines this morning when this thug g—
Shikanoko-san! I just remembered, our teacher wants to see you!
Shikanoko! The teacher wanted to see you!
Oh my, Koshi-tan... Why did you bring me here all of a sudden?
Gosh, dragging me here of all places...
How bold...
You're so bold, Koshitan.
What are you imagining?!
Wh-What are you thinking about?!
Huh? Real question is, what were you imagining, Koshi-tan?
Oh? What are you thinking about, huh?
W-Well, I mean... I-I wasn't...
I mean... You...
Bona fide virgin.
Such a virgin.
Will you shut up?!
Shut up!
And why do you keep calling me Koshi-tan?
What's with the "Koshitan" anyway?!
It's a nickname.
It's your nickname.
Doesn't "Noko-tan and Koshi-tan" sound nice?
Nokotan & Koshitan sounds great, no?
What are we, a comedy duo?!
Are we a comedy duo?!
Besides, who said you could nickname me?
Who said you could give me a nickname?
Okay, Miss Delinq—
Alright, thug girl.
Koshi-tan's fine.
Koshitan is fine.
She's accepted it.
Koshitan it is.
I mean, it doesn't really matter, anyway.
We've gotten off track.
Can you promise me that you'll never,
I want you to promise.
ever reveal my true identity?
Don't reveal who I am to anyone, okay?

I'm passing as an honor student here, so it will be a big problem if anyone finds out.
I'm supposed to be the perfect student here.
If you speak a word of this...
If word got out, I'd have quite the mess on my hands.
There's gonna be hell to pay.
And you really don't want to be that mess.
Your real identity...
You mean...
You mean that you're actually a virgin?
The fact you're actually a virgin?
You're wro—Well, not wrong, but that's not what I meant!
No— I mean, yes, but no!
Dammit... You just won't stop calling me out...
Damn, she really can't stop herself from making fun of people...
Stupid brat! Stick to the antler gags, will ya?!
You want jokes? What about your stupid antlers?!
Of course... These antlers are weird, aren't they?
You're right... My antlers are stupid, aren't they...
O-Oh... I...
Huh? N-No, I mean...
I mean, of course a girl who grows antlers is creepy, right?
A girl with antlers really is just creepy.
Like, what even is a deer anyway when you really think about it?
Like, what even am I? Girl? Deer?
I'm sorry if I touched a nerve!
I'm sorry if that upsets you.
I see...
I see.
She's probably always getting laughed at because of her appearance,
She must've suffered so much because of her antlers.
and yet I...
And yet I...
I'm a failure of a honor student! No... A failure of a human being!
How can I call myself a perfect student now? Nay, I'm no longer human!
I-I'm sorry!
I don't mind the antlers at all!
I won't mention your antlers ever again!
So? This is better, huh?
Aight, how's this?
Koshi-tan wanted to know where the antlers began, but she feared the answer.
Koshitan was too terrified to ask just how much of her was antlers.
Today's been exhausting...
One helluva day.
I need to hurry home and prep for tomorrow's classes...
I need to get home and review for tomorrow.
What was that noise?
What was that noise?
Was it from over there?
Did it come from the shed?
Excuse me! Is anyone there?
Excuse me! Is anyone inside?
I just heard a loud noise. Is everything oka—
I heard a loud noise, is everything alri—
P-Police? Doctor?
D-Do I call the police?! A doctor?!
Conan-kun... Wait, no.
Sherlock?! Yeah, no.
Nyun, Koshi-tan!
Oh, hey Koshitan.
is that b-b-blood? Did something happen?
I-Is that blood? What happened?
Oh, my bad!
Sheesh, what a blunder.
I fell off the stepladder and scraped my knee!
I fell from a stepladder and scraped my knee.
No, your head! Your freakin' head!
Forget your knee, what about your head!
What a cute bandage!
Cute band-aid.
Shut up!--
Shut up.
What are you doing in this unused warehouse, anyway?
What are you even doing in this abandoned shed?
I was cleaning!
Me? I was just cleaning.
Cleaning? By yourself?
Cleaning? All by yourself?
Yep! Thanks, Koshi-tan!
Yup! Thanks, Koshitan!
All right, back to work!
Alright! Time to get back to cleaning!
Okay, okay. I'll help you.
Argh, fine. I'll help you out.
What? For real?
Really? You will?
W-Well, you're hurt,
W-Well, you're hurt.
and who knows what you'll do if I leave you alone...
And I don't know what kind of hell you'd raise if I left you to your own devices.
Yippee! Thanks!
Yay! Thanks!
She is undeniably a tsundere.
Look up tsundere in a dictionary, and you'd get a picture of her.
Cleaning is is a lot of work, but you look like you're having fun, huh?
Cleaning's such a chore, but you seem to be enjoying yourself.
Well, yeah. I'm doing it with you, Koshi-tan.
Well, it's fun with you, Koshitan.

Y-You're too much! We're just cleaning!
Y-You're being dramatic. It's just cleaning.
I guess even cleaning can be fun if you do it with others!
I never knew being with someone could even make cleaning fun!
Oh my, it looks so much cleaner already!
My, you've made this place sparkle.
Ms. Ukai?
Ms. Ukai?
Ms. Ukai, lersant!
Good antlernoon, Teach!
Hey there! Lersant!
Yep, good antlernoon.
So you've been helping out, Koshi-san?
Oh, did Koshi help you?
Thank you! It must have been difficult.
Thank you. It must've been rough.
Oh, not at all! It was nothing!
No, it was nothing, really!
I feel much better knowing you'll be joining the Deer Club too, Koshi-san!
I don't have to worry with Koshi in the deer club.
Of cour—
You're exactly ri—
Excuse me? Deer Club?
Excuse me? The deer what?
Well, as promised, you can use this space however you like.
Alright, as promised, you can use this shed as you see fit.
Wait, what the heck is a Deer Club?
Wait, what in the world is a deer club?
And why am I joining?!
And since when am I joining?
What? You don't know?
Oh, haven't you heard?
I founded the Deer Club!
I started a deer club.
What is this avant-garde sounding club?!
Gee, thanks for really spelling it out for me.
I promised that if she cleaned up in here, she could use it as a clubroom.
I promised her she could use this shed as the club room as long as she cleaned it up.

Don't give me that "Right?" crap!
"Right!", my ass! There's nothing right about this!
This won't end well for me if I get sucked into this pointless club!
Actually, I seriously can't let them put me in this nonsense club!
Oh, it's such a relief!
I have to admit, I'm relieved.
You're so reliable and compassionate, Koshi-san.
Koshi is so caring and dependable.
Like an older sister!
Like a big sister!
With how cheerful and kind you are, I'm sure this will be an enjoyable club!
She's so kind and cheerful, the club's gonna be a blast!
It'll be like home for us!
We'll feel right at home!
You're so smart too, so maybe you'll even win an award!
And she's so smart, the club's bound to snag a trophy or something!
Maybe even make it to nationals!
The nationals are ours!
If you join, I'm sure the Deer Club will do incredible things!
If Koshi joins, the deer club is sure to be the best club ever!
You can count on me!
Leave it to me!
Koshi-tan was easily persuaded.
Koshitan is quite simple.
Okay, Shikanoko-san, make sure you fill out the club approval form.
Alright, Shikanoko, fill out this form.
Club name: Deer Club.
Name: Deer Club.
Club president: Koshi Torako.
President: Koshi Torako.
Activities: Taking care of deer, mostly.
Activities: taking care of deer.
Wait a minute! Why am I the club president?
Wait a sec, why am I the president?
Because you're the president, Koshi-tan.
Who else but you, Koshi?
Because you're the president, Koshi-san.
It has to be you, Koshitan!
Huh? Am I the weirdo here?
Huh? Am I supposed to be in the wrong here?
Isn't this the Deer Club?
It's the deer club, right?
If Shikanoko-san, a literal deer, can't be president, then who can?
Wouldn't it make more sense for Shikanoko, a literal deer, to be the president?
Oh, that's what you meant?
Oh, that's what you mean.
Look, it says here that the deer club's activities are "taking care of deer, mostly", right?
The main activity of the deer club is taking care of deer, see?
Huh? Yeah...
Huh? S-Sure.
I'll be the Deer Club's resident deer, you see...
I'd be the deer that the deer club owns, y'see...
The Deer Club's resident deer?!
The deer that the deer club owns?
The president is responsible for her care!
Which means you'd be taking care of her!
That's you, Koshi-tan!
As the president!
I am not okay with this!
I don't like this reasoning.
What kind of club takes care of deer, anyway? Is this an agricultural school?!
Why do we even allow a club for taking care of deer? What are we, an agricultural school?!
Here, submitted.
Here's our application.
And accepted!
Application accepted!
Whoa! You work too fast!
They work too fast!
Well, then, madam president, I'm counting on you to look after Shikanoko-san.
Alright, President. Take good care of Shikanoko.
Take good care of me, nyun!
I'm counting on you!
All right...
Because she said "leave it to me" with such a wide smile,
She said "Leave it to me!" with a huge smile on her face just a moment ago,
Koshi-tan found herself unable to argue.
so now she has no room to argue.
The Deer Club's inaugurated! Hooray!
Deer club established! Yippee!
What an unexpected turn of events for just one day...
It's just been one thing after another today.
I'll bring more deer crackers tomorrow!
I'll bring more deer crackers tomorrow.
Oh well.
Ah, whatever.
Now, then, can you start by giving me a good brushing?
Could I ask you to brush me first?
You can't be serious!
Are you for real?
And what's with that scrub brush thingy?
What is this, a scrubbing brush?
It's for animals.
It's an animal brush.
Fine, guess I have no choice!
Fine, if you insist so deerly!
Buck yeah!
Dammit, why me of all people?
Why did it have to be me?
Ugh, you're going to make me do this every club meeting, aren't you?
Seriously, am I gonna get forced to do this every single day?
Curse you, foul beast!
You pest...
S-So scary!
G-Good lord!
I don't know what's going on, but the Deer Club's battle has only just begun!
I don't get what her problem is, but the deer club's battle is just getting started!