Fingoal User Diff

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54 lines
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Total words123
Words added (%)3.25
54 lines
FinGoal Profile data.
Fingoal Insights data.
type FingoalProfile {
type RemoteDataFingoalUser {
Your client ID.
Your client ID.
clientId: String
clientId: String

The user ID.
The user ID.
id: String
id: String

The user's lifetime savings, if known.
The user's lifetime savings, if known.
lifetimeSavings: Float
lifetimeSavings: Float

The date on which the user was registered with FinSight API.
The date on which the user was registered with FinSight API.
registrationDate: String
registrationDate: DateTime

The user's subtenant ID.
The user's subtenant ID.
subtenantId: String
subtenantId: String

The FinSight API tags that were applied to the user.
The FinSight API tags that were applied to the user.
tags: [String!]
tags: [String!]

The total number of transactions the user has in FinSight API.
The total number of transactions the user has in FinSight API.
totaltransactions: Float
totaltransactions: Float

The number of transactions since the last time insights were run for the user.
The number of transactions since the last time insights were run for the user.
transactionsSinceLastUpdate: Float
transactionsSinceLastUpdate: Float

The user's ID.
The user's ID.
uid: String
uid: String

The user's unique ID in the format of `clientId:uid`.
The user's unique ID in the format of `clientId:uid`.
uniqueId: String
uniqueId: String