Untitled diff

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40 removals
Words removed132
Total words3411
Words removed (%)3.87
120 lines
96 additions
Words added911
Total words4190
Words added (%)21.74
148 lines
The majority of skill and support gems have had their level requirements changed. Be sure to check skills on old characters before you head into combat!
The majority of skill and support gems have had their level requirements changed. Be sure to check skills on old characters before you head into combat!
We've also reviewed and normalised the damage effectiveness of all spells. There should no longer be massive differences in the amounts of real damage that added damage modifiers and gems grant to spells.
We've also reviewed and normalised the damage effectiveness of all spells. There should no longer be massive differences in the amounts of real damage that added damage modifiers and gems grant to spells.
Player-friendly auras no longer check line of sight. Minions and allies behind pillars will now get the full benefit of you auras.
Player-friendly auras no longer check line of sight. Minions and allies behind pillars will now get the full benefit of you auras.
All trap and mine skills have had their trap and mine duration reduced to 16 seconds. This includes the support gems Trap and Remote Mine.
All totem skills have had their totem duration reduced to 8 seconds. This includes the support gems Spell Totem and Ranged Attack Totem.
Base Totem Placement Speed has been increased from a placement time of 800ms to 600ms.
The costs on all aura skills with reservation costs has been reduced. The Herald skills remain at 25% mana reservation.
The cooldowns on all aura skills with reservation costs and Heralds has been increased to match their base cast time.
Animate Guardian: The Guardian's base survivability has been increased by 50%. It now deals additional physical damage.
Animate Guardian: The Guardian's base survivability has been increased by 50%. It now deals additional physical damage.
Arc: Damage reduced slightly at all levels. At player level 68, it should deal approximately 8% less damage.
Arc: Damage reduced slightly at all levels. At player level 68, it should deal approximately 8% less damage.
Arctic Breath: Explosion area increased (to 12). The radius of the chilled ground left by the explosion now matches the radius of the explosion.
Arctic Breath: Explosion area increased (to 12). The radius of the chilled ground left by the explosion now matches the radius of the explosion. Now deals approximately 20% more damage at gem level 20.
Ball Lightning: Base radius increased by 33% (from 12 to 16). Damage reduced. At player level 68 it should deal approximately 24% less damage.
Ball Lightning: Base radius increased by 33% (from 12 to 16). Damage reduced. At player level 68 it should deal approximately 24% less damage.
Bear Trap: Now grants 1% increased physical damage per 1% quality (up from 0.75% per 1% quality).
Bear Trap: Now grants 1% increased physical damage per 1% quality (up from 0.75% per 1% quality).
Cleave: Damage dealt while dual wielding reduced to 60% for each weapon (from 65%). Base damage increased by 10%.
Cleave: Damage dealt while dual wielding reduced to 60% for each weapon (from 65%). Base damage increased by 10%.
Cold Snap: Quality now instead increases area of effect by 0.5% per 1%, and no longer affects freeze or chill duration.
Cold Snap: Quality now instead increases area of effect by 0.5% per 1%, and no longer affects freeze or chill duration. Critical Strike Chance has been increased from 4% to 5%.
Cyclone: Reduced the mana cost at all levels. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality).
Cyclone: Reduced the mana cost at all levels. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality).
Detonate Dead: Radius of the explosion increased by 12.5% (from 16 to 18).
Detonate Dead: Radius of the explosion increased by 12.5% (from 16 to 18). Damage caused by the detonation of corpses can no longer be reflected.
Discharge: Damage increased at lower levels. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality).
Discharge: Damage increased at lower levels. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality). Critical Strike Chance has been reduced from 8% to 7%.
Dominating Blow: Minions deal 20% less damage at level 1, with the penalty reduced at each gem level. Base duration set to 20 seconds at all levels. Mana cost reduced at all levels. It now grants 0.5% increased damage per 1% quality instead of affecting duration.
Dominating Blow: Minions deal 20% less damage at level 1, with the penalty reduced at each gem level. Base duration set to 20 seconds at all levels. Mana cost reduced at all levels. It now grants 0.5% increased damage per 1% quality instead of affecting duration.
Dual Strike: Now grants 0.5% increased attack speed per 1% quality instead of increased critical strike chance.
Dual Strike: Now grants 0.5% increased attack speed per 1% quality instead of increased critical strike chance.
Devouring Totem: Reduced the mana cost at all levels. It now lasts 8 seconds at all levels. Devouring Totem now increases totem life by 1% per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality).
Devouring Totem: Reduced the mana cost at all levels. It now lasts 8 seconds at all levels. Devouring Totem now increases totem life by 1% per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality).
Elemental Hit: Now has a base chance to inflict elemental status ailments.
Elemental Hit: Now has a base chance to inflict elemental status ailments.
Ethereal Knives: Now grants 1% Increased projectile speed per 1% quality instead of increased projectile damage.
Ethereal Knives: Now grants 1% Increased projectile speed per 1% quality instead of increased projectile damage. Base Cast Speed has been increased from a cast time of 800ms to 600ms, the mana costs have been reduced to compensate for the increase in cast speed. Critical Strike Chance has been increased from 5% to 6%.
Fireball: Damage increased by 15%. It now has a base chance to ignite. Its projectile speed has been increased by 30%.
Fireball: Damage increased by 15%. It now has a base chance to ignite. Its projectile speed has been increased by 30%.
Firestorm: Had a very slight damage buff. Area of effect of explosions increased by 11% (9 to 10). It now grants 1% area damage per 1% quality instead of reduced delay between fireballs.
Firestorm: Had a very slight damage buff. Area of effect of explosions increased by 11% (9 to 10). It now grants 1% area damage per 1% quality instead of reduced delay between fireballs. The Duration of Firestorm has been increased from 1.3 seconds to 2 seconds at all levels. Base Cast Speed has been increased from a cast time of 1 second to 900ms. Critical Strike Chance has been increased from 5% to 6%.
Flame Surge: Surge width increased by 20% (10 to 12). Cast time reduced to 500ms from 800ms. Damage reduced by 25% to compensate for the cast speed increase (The net result is more damage overall though!).
Flame Surge: Surge width increased by 20% (10 to 12). Cast time reduced to 500ms from 800ms. Damage reduced by 25% to compensate for the cast speed increase (The net result is more damage overall though!).
Flame Totem: Now adds additional projectiles to spray as it levels up. Totem life increased. It now increases totem life by 1% per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality).
Flame Totem: Now adds additional projectiles to spray as it levels up. Totem life increased. It now increases totem life by 1% per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality). Critical Strike Chance has been increased from 4% to 5%.
Flameblast: Now grants 1% increased area damage per 1% quality (quality no longer affects ignite chance). It no longer works with Spell Echo.
Flameblast: Now grants 1% increased damage per 1% quality (quality no longer affects ignite chance). It no longer works with Spell Echo. Base Cast Speed has been increased from a cast time of 300ms to 200ms to compensate for no longer working with Spell Echo.
Flicker Strike: Base damage increased by 4%. The Increased Attack Speed has been removed and instead Flicker Strike grants 20% More Attack Speed. It now increases attack speed by 1% per 1% quality instead of increasing critical strike chance.
Flicker Strike: Base damage increased to 130% from 125%. The Increased Attack Speed has been removed and instead Flicker Strike grants 20% More Attack Speed. It now increases damage by 1% per 1% quality instead of increasing critical strike chance.
Freezing Pulse: Damage increased by 25% to compensate for the shotgunning mechanic change.
Freezing Pulse: Damage increased by 25% to compensate for the shotgunning mechanic change.
Frenzy: Now deals 5% increased physical damage per frenzy charge at all levels. Quality now grants 0.5% increased attack speed per 1% (quality value is no longer affected by frenzy charges).
Frenzy: Now deals 5% increased physical damage per frenzy charge at all levels. Quality now grants 0.5% increased attack speed per 1% (quality value is no longer affected by frenzy charges).
Glacial Cascade: Base cast speed reduced to 800ms from 850ms. Added an additional sequence to the effect (increasing the total length). It now grants 1% increased area damage per 1% quality (was 0.5% per 1% quality).
Glacial Cascade: Base cast speed reduced to 800ms from 850ms. Added an additional sequence to the effect (increasing the total length). It now grants 1% increased damage per 1% quality (was 0.5% per 1% quality). Critical Strike Chance reduced from 6% to 5%.
Glacial Hammer: Base damage increased by 7.5% (130% of weapon damage to 140% of weapon damage). Chance to freeze is now 25% across all levels.
Glacial Hammer: Base damage increased by 7.5% (130% of weapon damage to 140% of weapon damage). Chance to freeze is now 25% across all levels.
Heavy Strike: Now grants 1% increased stun duration per 1% quality (quality no longer affects attack speed).
Heavy Strike: Now grants 1% increased stun duration per 1% quality (quality no longer affects attack speed).
Ice Nova: Damage increased by up to 20% at high levels. Base cast time reduced to 900ms (from 935ms). It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality).
Ice Nova: Damage increased by up to 36% at high levels. Base cast time reduced to 900ms (from 935ms). It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality). Critical Strike Chance has been increased from 5% to 6%.
Ice Shot: Now increases cold damage by 1% per 1% quality. Ice Spear: Now grants 2% increased projectile speed per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality)
Ice Shot: Now increases cold damage by 1% per 1% quality.
Incinerate: Damage increased by 65% to compensate for the shotgunning mechanic change.
Ice Spear: Now grants 2% increased projectile speed per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality)
Infernal Blow: Base damage increased by 4% (from 125% to 130% of base damage). It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality). The explosion effect can no longer reflect damage to the player.
Incinerate: Damage increased by approximately 100% to compensate for the shotgunning mechanic change. Base Cast Speed has been increased from a cast time of 240ms to 200ms. Spell Echo can no longer support this skill.
Infernal Blow: Base damage increased by 4% (from 125% to 130% of base damage). It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality). The explosion effect can no longer reflect damage to the player. The explosion damage has been reduced from 25% to 10% of monsters life.
Leap Slam: Increased the mana cost from 15 to 18 and standardised the knockback chance to 20% at all levels. The maximum range has been reduced from 70 to 60, and Leap Slam can no longer be supported by Multistrike. It now grants 0.5% increased knockback chance per 1% quality instead of increased stun duration.
Leap Slam: Increased the mana cost from 15 to 18 and standardised the knockback chance to 20% at all levels. The maximum range has been reduced from 70 to 60, and Leap Slam can no longer be supported by Multistrike. It now grants 0.5% increased knockback chance per 1% quality instead of increased stun duration.
Lightning Arrow: Base damage increased by 14% (from 70% to 80% base damage). Radius of the lighting effect increased by 12.5% (from 16 to 18). It now grants 0.5% increased chance to shock per 1% quality instead of increased shock duration.
Lightning Arrow: Base damage increased from 70% to 90%. Radius of the lighting effect increased by 12.5% (from 16 to 18). It now grants 0.5% increased chance to shock per 1% quality instead of increased shock duration.
Lightning Strike: Now grants 2% chance to pierce per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality).
Lightning Strike: Now grants 2% chance to pierce per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality).
Lightning Tendrils: Damage reduced by 25% and area of effect reduced by 18% (from 26 to 22).
Lightning Tendrils: Damage reduced by 25% and area of effect reduced by 18% (from 26 to 22). Critical Strike Chance increased from 5% to 6%.
Lightning Trap: We doubled the damage at all levels. We also reduced its mana cost at higher levels.
Lightning Trap: Damage increased by approximately 80% at all levels. We also reduced its mana cost at higher levels. Critical Strike Chance increased from 4% to 5%.
Lightning Warp: Reduced the mana cost slightly at all levels. It now grants 1% increased cast speed per 1% quality (down from 1.5% per 1% quality).
Lightning Warp: Reduced the mana cost slightly at all levels. It now grants 1% increased cast speed per 1% quality (down from 1.5% per 1% quality).
Molten Shell: Greatly reduced the mana cost. It now grants 1% chance to ignite per 1% quality (was 1.5% per 1% quality).
Molten Shell: Greatly reduced the mana cost. It now grants 1% chance to ignite per 1% quality (was 1.5% per 1% quality).
Molten Strike: Now grants 1% increased fire damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Molten Strike: Now grants 1% increased fire damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Poison Arrow: Reduced the mana cost across all levels. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality).
Poison Arrow: Reduced the mana cost across all levels. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality). Damage increased by approximately 26% at gem level 20.
Power Siphon: Now grants 1% increased damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1%).
Power Siphon: Now grants 1% increased damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1%).
Puncture: Now grants 1% increased skill effect duration per 1% quality (was 1.5% per 1% quality).
Puncture: Now grants 1% increased skill effect duration per 1% quality (was 1.5% per 1% quality).
Rain of Arrows: Base damage increased by 13% (from 75% of base damage to 85% of base damage). Area of effect increased by 22% (from 18 to 22) across all levels, but no longer grants increased area of effect per gem level. It now grants 1% increased area damage per 1% quality instead of increased attack speed.
Rain of Arrows: Base damage increased from 75% to 100%. Area of effect increased by 33% (from 18 to 24) across all levels, but no longer grants increased area of effect per gem level. It now grants 1% increased damage per 1% quality instead of increased attack speed. Rain of Arrows mana costs have been reduced.
Raise Spectre: Now grants 1% increased Minion movement speed per 1% quality (was 1.5% per 1% quality).
Raise Spectre: Now grants 1% increased Minion movement speed per 1% quality (was 1.5% per 1% quality).
Reave: Duration on Reave increased to 3 seconds from 2. The maximum number of stacks you can obtain is now 4. It now defaults to your auto-attack if you don't have enough mana to use Reave.
Reave: Duration on Reave increased to 3 seconds from 2. The maximum number of stacks you can obtain is now 4. The area of effect per stack has been doubled to compensate for the reduced maximum stack count. It now defaults to your auto-attack if you don't have enough mana to use Reave. Stacks of Reave are not removed if you use other actions.
Righteous Fire: Now grants 1% increased spell damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1%).
Righteous Fire: Now grants 1% increased spell damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1%).
Searing Bond: Skill duration reduced to 8 seconds. It now increases totem life by 1% per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality).
Searing Bond: Skill duration reduced to 8 seconds. It now increases totem life by 1% per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality).
Shield Charge: The end animation now scales with attack speed. Shield Charge can no longer be supported by Multistrike. Damage at maximum range has been increased, but the stun duration has been decreased across the board. It now grants 1% increased damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Shield Charge: The end animation now scales with attack speed. Shield Charge can no longer be supported by Multistrike. Base Damage is now 50%. Damage at maximum range has been increased, and the stun duration has been set to 200% at all levels. It now has 50% increased movement speed increasing to 69% at level 20. It now grants 1% increased damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Shockwave Totem: Now increases Totem Life by 1% per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality). The knockback chance has been reduced to 25% (from 100%).
Shockwave Totem: Now increases Totem Life by 1% per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality). The knockback chance has been reduced to 25% (from 100%). Critical Strike Chance has been increased from 4% to 5%.
Spark: Damage increased by 76%. It now grants 2% increased projectile speed per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality). Split Arrow: Fires 4 additional projectiles at level 1 and fires one additional projectile every 4 gem levels.
Spark: Damage increased by 76%. It now grants 2% increased projectile speed per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality). Critical Strike Chance has been increased from 5% to 6%.
Static Strike: Now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality). The variance between minimum and maximum damage has been lowered.
Split Arrow: Fires 4 additional projectiles at level 1 and fires one additional projectile every 4 gem levels. Base Damage has been increased from 80% to 90%.
Storm Call: Area of effect increased by 14% (from 14 to 16). Mana costs increased at higher levels. It now grants 1% increased critical strike chance per 1% quality (was 4% per 1% quality.)
Static Strike: Now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality). The explosions now deal 40% Less Damage (from 30% Less Damage). The Radius of the explosions has been reduced from 18 to 16 and the explosions now have a 20% variance in area of effect.
Summon Skeletons: No longer deals less elemental damage but now has a damage effectiveness of 50%.
Storm Call: Area of effect increased by 14% (from 14 to 16). Mana costs increased at higher levels. Critical Strike Chance increased from 5% to 6%. The Damage range has been Tightened. The Damage has been increased by approximately 22% at gem level 20. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect per 1% quality (was 4% per 1% quality.)
Sweep: Area of effect increased by 20% (from 20 to 24), and no longer knocks enemies back beyond the max radius. Sweep is now affected by weapon speed, but has a Less Attack Speed modifier. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality instead of increased attack speed. It now works with all two-handed melee weapons.
Summon Skeletons: No longer deals less elemental damage but now has a new stat which reduces Minions Added Damage by 50%.
Whirling Blades: Skill speed increased by 29%. Temporal Chains: Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Duration increases per level slightly modified. The end result is slightly longer duration at level 1 but slightly shorter duration at level 20.
Sweep: Area of effect increased by 30% (from 20 to 26), and no longer knocks enemies back beyond the max radius. Sweep is now affected by weapon speed, but has a Less Attack Speed modifier. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality instead of increased attack speed. Base Damage has been increased from 85% to 100%. It now works with all two-handed melee weapons.
Vaal Flameblast: Damage reduced by approximately 10%. Vaal Lightning Trap: Damage increased by 33%.
Tornado Shot: Now grants 1% increased projectile damage per 1% quality (was 0.5% per 1% quality). Base Damage has been reduced from 90% to 80% at gem level 1.
Vaal Stormcall: Damage increased by 20%. Vaal Reave: Maximum number of stacks is now 8.
Whirling Blades: Skill speed increased by 29%.
Temporal Chains: Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Duration increases per level slightly modified. The end result is slightly longer duration at level 1 but slightly shorter duration at level 20.
Vaal Flameblast: Damage reduced by approximately 10%.
Vaal Lightning Trap: Damage increased by 33%. Projectiles from Vaal Lightning Trap now also has 100% pierce chance. Critical Strike Chance increased from 4% to 5%.
Vaal Storm Call: Damage increased by 20%. The Radius on the explosion has been increased to match the new value on Storm Call. The base Soul Requirements have been increased to 16. Critical Strike Chance increased from 5% to 6%.
Vaal Reave: Maximum number of stacks is now 8. The base Soul Requirements have been increased to 24.
Elemental Weakness: Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). It now grants 0.25% reduced elemental resistances on cursed enemies per 1% quality (was 0.4% per 1% quality).
Elemental Weakness: Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). It now grants 0.25% reduced elemental resistances on cursed enemies per 1% quality (was 0.4% per 1% quality).
Warlord's Mark: Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level.
Warlord's Mark: Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level.
Enfeeble: Mana cost reduced at all levels. The reduced critical strike chance and critical strike multiplier effects are now 25% at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). It now grants 0.5% reduced critical strike chance and accuracy on cursed enemies per 1% quality instead of just critical strike chance.
Enfeeble: Mana cost reduced at all levels. The reduced critical strike chance and critical strike multiplier effects are now 25% at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). It now grants 0.5% reduced critical strike chance and accuracy on cursed enemies per 1% quality instead of just critical strike chance.
Assassin's Mark: Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level.
Assassin's Mark: Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level.
Projectile Weakness: Pierce chance is now 50% at all levels. Knockback chance is now 25% at all levels. Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level. It now grants 0.5% chance to pierce cursed enemies per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Projectile Weakness: Pierce chance is now 50% at all levels. Knockback chance is now 25% at all levels. Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level. It now grants 0.5% chance to pierce cursed enemies per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Vulnerability: Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level. Flammability, Frostbite and Conductivity: Resistance reduction increased by 5% at all levels. Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level.
Vulnerability: Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level.
Flammability now grants 0.5% increased burn duration on cursed enemies per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality).
Flammability, Frostbite and Conductivity: Resistance reduction increased by 5% at all levels. Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level. Flammability now grants 0.5% increased burn duration on cursed enemies per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality).
Poacher's Mark: Now grants significantly more life on hit at higher levels. Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level. Anger: Now also adds flat fire damage to spells.
Poacher's Mark: Now grants significantly more life on hit at higher levels. Mana cost reduced at all levels. Area of effect increases per gem level reduced, but the base area of effect has been increased by 37.5% (from 16 to 22). Normalised the increased duration per gem level.
Wrath: Grants X% more spell lightning damage. Clarity: Reduced the cost and amount of mana regeneration it grants at all levels. Vaal Clarity: Base duration increased by 2 seconds.
Anger: Now also adds flat fire damage to spells.
Wrath: Grants X% more spell lightning damage.
Clarity: Reduced the cost and amount of mana regeneration it grants at all levels.
Vaal Clarity: Base duration increased by 2 seconds.
Herald of Ash: Radius reduced by 16.5% (from 12 to 10) and base overkill damage reduced to 80% (from 100%).
Herald of Ash: Radius reduced by 16.5% (from 12 to 10) and base overkill damage reduced to 80% (from 100%).
Herald of Thunder: Reduced damage at all levels. Herald of Ice: Shattering effect no longer reflects damage to the player.
Herald of Thunder: Reduced added damage at all levels.
Immortal Call: Consuming endurance charges now grants increased duration, instead of upping the base duration.
Herald of Ice: Shattering effect no longer reflects damage to the player. Reduced added damage at all levels.
Immortal Call: Consuming endurance charges now grants increased duration, instead of upping the base duration. The Base Duration has been increased from 250ms to 400ms. The Cooldown has been increased from 500ms to 3 seconds. The Quality now grants 2% increased cast speed per Quality.
Added Fire Damage: Grants an additional 5% of physical damage added as fire damage at all levels. It now grants 0.5% increased fire damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Added Fire Damage: Grants an additional 5% of physical damage added as fire damage at all levels. It now grants 0.5% increased fire damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Greater Multiple Projectiles and Lesser Multiple Projectiles: Instead of giving Increased Projectile Damage per gem level, each level now reduces the projectile damage penalty.
Greater Multiple Projectiles and Lesser Multiple Projectiles: Instead of giving Increased Projectile Damage per gem level, each level now reduces the projectile damage penalty.
Faster Projectiles: Doubled the initial damage bonus. The gem still increments damage every two gem levels. Increased the projectile speed bonus at early levels. At very high levels the bonus is lower.
Faster Projectiles: Now grants 50% Projectile Speed at Level 1, increasing by 1% per Level. Now Grants 20% Increased Projectile Damage at Level 1, increasing by 0.5% per Level.
Added Cold Damage: Increased the added damage at all levels. No longer grants increased chill duration. Now grants 0.5% increased cold damage per 1% quality instead of increased chance to freeze.
Added Cold Damage: Increased the added damage at all levels. No longer grants increased chill duration. Now grants 0.5% increased cold damage per 1% quality instead of increased chance to freeze.
Additional Accuracy: Now grants 1% increased accuracy per 1% quality instead of increased critical strike chance.
Additional Accuracy: Now grants 1% increased accuracy per 1% quality instead of increased critical strike chance.
Increased Area of Effect: Now grants 20% increased area of effect at level 1 (up from 14%). Quality now grants increased area damage rather than area of effect.
Increased Area of Effect: Now grants 20% increased area of effect at level 1 (up from 14%). Quality now grants increased area damage rather than area of effect.
Added Lightning Damage: Increased the added damage at all levels. Now grants 0.5% increased lightning damage per 1% quality instead of increased chance to shock and shock duration.
Added Lightning Damage: Increased the added damage at all levels. Now grants 0.5% increased lightning damage per 1% quality instead of increased chance to shock and shock duration.
Knockback: Now grants 50% increased knockback distance at all levels.
Knockback: Now grants 50% increased knockback distance at all levels.
Mana Leech: Now grants 2% mana leech at all levels. Higher levels increase the speed of mana leech.
Mana Leech: Now grants 2% mana leech at all levels. Gains increased mana leeched per second per level.
Life Leech: Now grants 2% life leech at all levels. Higher levels increase the speed of life leech.
Life Leech: Now grants 2% life leech at all levels. Gains increased life leeched per second per level.
Pierce: Base increased pierce chance starts 10% higher. It now grants 0.5% chance to pierce per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Pierce: Base increased pierce chance starts 10% higher. It now grants 0.5% chance to pierce per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Trap: Damage multiplier now starts at 20% at level 1 (up from 15%). It now grants 0.5% increased trap throwing speed per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality)
Trap: Damage multiplier now starts at 20% at level 1 (up from 15%). It now grants 0.5% increased trap throwing speed per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality)
Item Rarity: Increased item rarity now starts at 40% at level 1 of the gem, and increments by 1% per level.
Item Rarity: Increased item rarity now starts at 40% at level 1 of the gem, and increments by 1% per level.
Concentrated Effect: Now functions multiplicatively with other area of effect modifiers. In addition, the damage multiplier now starts at 40% (down from 50%). The mana cost multiplier is now 140% rather than 160%. It now grants 0.5% increased area damage per 1% of quality instead of reducing the mana cost.
Concentrated Effect: Now functions multiplicatively with other area of effect modifiers. In addition, the damage multiplier now starts at 40% (down from 50%). The mana cost multiplier is now 140% rather than 160%. It now grants 0.5% increased area damage per 1% of quality instead of reducing the mana cost.
Minion Damage: Mana multiplier reduced to 130% from 150%. Damage now starts at 30% (down from 45%) but now acts multiplicatively with other sources. In general this should be a large boost to minion damage.
Minion Damage: Mana multiplier reduced to 130% from 150%. Damage now starts at 30% (down from 45%) but now acts multiplicatively with other sources. In general this should be a large boost to minion damage.
Increased Duration: Mana multiplier reduced to 140% from 150%.
Increased Duration: Mana multiplier reduced to 140% from 150%.
Minion Speed: Now increases minion movement, attack and cast speed. Mana multiplier has been reduced to 140% from 150%.
Minion Speed: Now increases minion movement, attack and cast speed. Mana multiplier has been reduced to 140% from 150%.
Elemental Proliferation: Supported skills now deal 30% less damage, with the penalty reduced at periodic gem levels. The radius is now 12 at all levels, and now grants all status ailments 0.5% increased duration per 1% quality across the board.
Elemental Proliferation: Supported skills now deal 30% less damage, with the penalty reduced at periodic gem levels. The radius is now 12 at all levels, and now grants all status ailments 0.5% increased duration per 1% quality across the board.
Blood Magic: Now grants 0.5% reduced mana cost per 1% quality instead of increased attack and cast speed.
Blood Magic: Now grants 0.5% reduced mana cost per 1% quality instead of increased attack and cast speed.
Culling Strike: No longer penalises attack speed. It now grants 3% increased damage per level.
Culling Strike: No longer penalises attack speed. It now grants 2% increased damage per level.
Point Blank: No longer penalises attack speed. Instead, it grants 2% increased projectile damage per level. It now grants 0.5% increased projectile damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Point Blank: No longer penalises attack speed. Instead, it grants 2% increased projectile damage per level. It now grants 0.5% increased projectile damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Iron Grip: No longer penalises attack speed. Instead, it grants 2% increased projectile damage per level. It now grants 0.5% increased projectile damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Iron Grip: No longer penalises attack speed. Instead, it grants 2% increased projectile damage per level. It now grants 0.5% increased projectile damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Iron Will: No longer penalises cast speed. Instead, it grants 2% increased spell damage per level. It now grants 0.5% increased spell damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Iron Will: No longer penalises cast speed. Instead, it grants 2% increased spell damage per level. It now grants 0.5% increased spell damage per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Spell Totem: Mana multiplier reduced to 200% (from 250%). Damage penalty grows smaller per gem level. Totem placement is now accelerated by modifiers to totem placement speed rather than cast speed. Spell Totem duration is now 8 seconds at all levels, and now grants 1% increased totem placement speed per 1% quality instead of increased duration.
Spell Totem: Mana multiplier reduced to 200% (from 250%). Damage penalty grows smaller per gem level. Totem placement is now accelerated by modifiers to totem placement speed rather than cast speed. Spell Totem duration is now 8 seconds at all levels, and now grants 1% increased totem placement speed per 1% quality instead of increased duration.
Rejuvenation Totem: Increased life recovery at higher levels. Totem duration is 8 seconds at all levels, and Rejuvenation Totem now grants 3% increased aura radius per 1% quality instead of increased totem life.
Rejuvenation Totem: Increased life recovery at higher levels. Totem duration is 8 seconds at all levels, and Rejuvenation Totem now grants 3% increased aura radius per 1% quality instead of increased totem life.
Freeze Mine: Mana cost reduced at all levels.
Freeze Mine: Mana cost reduced at all levels.
Conversion trap: Now grants 1% increased skill duration per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Conversion trap: Now grants 1% increased skill duration per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Chance to Flee: Now grants 1% chance to flee per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Chance to Flee: Now grants 1% chance to flee per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Decoy Totem: Reduced the mana cost at all levels. Now lasts 8 seconds at all levels. Now increases totem life by 1% per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality).
Decoy Totem: Reduced the mana cost at all levels. Now lasts 8 seconds at all levels. Now increases totem life by 1% per 1% quality (was 3% per 1% quality).
Blind: Now grants a 10% chance to blind at all levels. Higher levels now grant an increased blind duration. It now grants 1% increased blind duration per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Blind: Now grants a 10% chance to blind at all levels. Higher levels now grant an increased blind duration. It now grants 1% increased blind duration per 1% quality (was 0.75% per 1% quality).
Ranged Attack Totem: Mana multiplier reduced to 200% (from 250%). Damage penalty grows smaller per gem level. Totem placement is now accelerated by modifiers to totem placement speed rather than cast speed.Ranged Attack Totem duration is now 8 seconds at all levels, and now grants 1% increased totem placement speed per 1% quality instead of increased duration.
Ranged Attack Totem: Mana multiplier reduced to 200% (from 250%). Damage penalty grows smaller per gem level. Totem placement is now accelerated by modifiers to totem placement speed rather than cast speed. Ranged Attack Totem duration is now 8 seconds at all levels, and now grants 1% increased totem placement speed per 1% quality instead of increased duration.
Chain: Damage penalty grows smaller per gem level, instead of granting increased damage per level. Mana multiplier has been reduced to 150% (from 175%).
Chain: Damage penalty grows smaller per gem level, instead of granting increased damage per level. Mana multiplier has been reduced to 150% (from 175%).
Fork: Now grants 1% more damage per level (which is multiplicative, instead of the additive increase previously). Mana multiplier has been increased to 130% (from 115%)
Fork: Now grants 1% more damage per level (which is multiplicative, instead of the additive increase previously). Mana multiplier has been increased to 130% (from 115%)
Multistrike: Damage penalty has been reduced to 30% less damage (was 36% less) and attack speed bonus at level 1 has been reduced to 75% increased attack speed (was 88%). Multistrike no longer gains increased damage per gem level.
Multistrike: Damage penalty has been reduced to 30% less damage (was 36% less) and attack speed bonus at level 1 has been reduced to 75% increased attack speed (was 88%). Multistrike no longer gains increased damage per gem level.
Spell Echo: Increased the mana multiplier to 140% (from 130%).
Spell Echo: Increased the mana multiplier to 140% (from 130%).
Melee Splash: No longer gains increased damage per level. Instead, now gains 1% more damage to the main target and 1% increased damage to the other targets, alternating per level. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality).
Melee Splash: No longer gains increased damage per level. Instead, now gains 1% more damage to the main target and 1% increased damage to the other targets, alternating per level. It now grants 0.5% increased area of effect radius per 1% of quality (was 1% per 1% quality).
Power Charge on Critical: Base chance now starts at 35% (up from 30%). It now grants 1% increased critical strike chance per 1% quality instead of further chance to gain a power charge on critical strike.
Power Charge on Critical: Base chance now starts at 35% (up from 30%). It now grants 1% increased critical strike chance per 1% quality instead of further chance to gain a power charge on critical strike.
Increased Burning Damage: Now grants 0.5% increased burning damage per 1% quality instead of increased chance to ignite.
Increased Burning Damage: Now grants 0.5% increased burning damage per 1% quality instead of increased chance to ignite.
Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance: Now grants 25% to all elemental resistances at level 1 and increments each every level (as opposed to one per level previously). It now grants 0.5% to all elemental resistance per 1% quality (was 0.35% per 1% quality)
Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance: Now grants 25% to all elemental resistances at level 1 and increments each every level (as opposed to one per level previously). It now grants 0.5% to all elemental resistance per 1% quality (was 0.35% per 1% quality)
Cast on Critical Strike: Level 1 now grants a 50% chance to cast supported skills on crit (up from 30) and 69% chance at level 20 of the gem (up from 68%).
Cast on Critical Strike: Level 1 now grants a 50% chance to cast supported skills on crit (up from 30) and 69% chance at level 20 of the gem (up from 68%).
Cast on Melee Kill: Increased spell damage modifier starts at 40% at level 1 (up from 20%) and grants 78% increased spell damage at level 20 (up from 74%).
Cast on Melee Kill: Increased spell damage modifier starts at 40% at level 1 (up from 20%) and grants 78% increased spell damage at level 20 (up from 74%).
Multiple Traps: No longer grants additional damage, but instead reduced the damage penalty per gem level.
Multiple Traps: No longer grants additional damage, but instead reduced the damage penalty per gem level.
Smoke Mine: Initial smoke cloud duration increased to 4 seconds at level 1 (from 2.75 seconds) and bonus movement speed increased to 30% (from 20%).
Smoke Mine: Initial smoke cloud duration increased to 4 seconds at level 1 (from 2.75 seconds) and bonus movement speed increased to 30% (from 20%).
Slower Projectiles: Now slows projectiles multiplicatively with other projectile slowing effects. Also grants 20% more projectile damage at level 1 (up from 8%).
Slower Projectiles: Now slows projectiles multiplicatively with other projectile slowing effects. Also grants 20% more projectile damage at level 1 (up from 8%).
Reduced Duration: Now lowers duration multiplicatively with other duration reducing effects. Greatly increased the amount that each level reduces supported skill durations.
Reduced Duration: Now lowers duration multiplicatively with other duration reducing effects. Greatly increased the amount that each level reduces supported skill durations. Has been renamed to Less Duration.
Cast when Stunned: Greatly increased the chance for it to trigger at all levels.
Cast when Stunned: Greatly increased the chance for it to trigger at all levels.
Enhance: Reduced the level requirement and experience to level up appropriately. It now grants 10% quality at level 2, and an additional 5% for each additional level. It now has a 115% mana cost multiplier (down from 125%).
Enhance: Now has a 115% mana cost multiplier (down from 125%).
Flesh Offering: The increases to movement, attack and cast speed now start at 20% (down from 30%).
Flesh Offering: The increases to movement, attack and cast speed now start at 20% (down from 30%).
Bone Offering: Now grants life on block for minions while active.
Bone Offering: Now grants life on block for minions while active.
Fire Trap: Burn Duration increased by 30% at all Levels. Critical Strike Chance increased from 5% to 6%.
Vaal Fireball: Now has 50% increased Area of Effect at all Levels. Damage adjusted to compensate for damage adjustements to Fireball.
Vaal Arc: Now has 100% chance to Shock (up from 10%). Now gains 1.5% increased Shock Duration per Quality.
Vaal Molten Shell: Damage reduced by 30%. Increased base Soul Requirement to 48.
Vaal Ice Nova: Damage adjusted to compensate for damage adjustments to Ice Nova. Reduced base Soul Requirement to 24.
Vaal Ground Slam: Now has 30% increased Area of Effect. Damage has been adjusted to be double Ground Slam (160% base Damage).
Vaal Rain of Arrows: Damage has been adjusted to be approximately 40% higher than Rain of Arrows (140% Base Damage).
Vaal Cold Snap: Damage has been increased by 30%.
Vaal Lightning Strike: Increased maximum number of stored uses to 3. Reduced base Soul Requirement to 16.
Vaal Double Strike: Increased maximum number of stored uses to 3. Reduced base Soul Requirement to 16.
Vaal Spark: Critical Strike Chance increased to 6%.
Vaal Cold Snap: Critical Strike Chance increased to 5%.
Vaal Ice Nova: Critical Strike Chance increased to 6%.