Import netcdf 1.1 GB time between Rasdaman 9.3.2 and 9.3.1

Created Diff never expires
21 removals
Words removed18
Total words450
Words removed (%)4.00
137 lines
18 additions
Words added18
Total words450
Words added (%)4.00
136 lines
netcdf 1.1 GB (start: Ram - 2.7 GB, after: Ram - 3.4 GB)
netcdf 1.1 GB (start: Ram - 2.7 GB, after: Ram - 3.4 GB

version 9.3.2
version 9.3.1

rasql -q 'select version()' --out string
rasql -q 'select version()' --out string
rasql: rasdaman query tool v1.0, rasdaman v9.3.2.
rasql: rasdaman query tool v1.0, rasdaman 9.3.1.
opening database RASBASE at localhost:7001...ok
opening database RASBASE at localhost:7001...ok
Executing retrieval query...ok
Executing retrieval query...ok
Query result collection has 1 element(s):
Query result collection has 1 element(s):
Result object 1: rasdaman v9.3.2 on x86_64-redhat-linux, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)
Result object 1: rasdaman 9.1.1 on x86_64-redhat-linux, compiled by c++ (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)
rasql done.
rasql done.

*********first run
*********first time '/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/ingredient.json' ingredient.json
Collected files: ['/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/']...
Collected files: ['/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/']...

The recipe has been validated and is ready to run.
The recipe has been validated and is ready to run.
Recipe: general_coverage
Recipe: general_coverage
Coverage: river_discharge_forecast_test4
Coverage: river_discharge_forecast_test4
WCS Service: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows
WCS Service: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows
Operation: INSERT
Operation: UPDATE
Subset Correction: False
Subset Correction: False
Mocked: False
Mocked: False
Retries: 1
Retries: 1
WMS Import: False
WMS Import: False
A couple of files have been analyzed. Check that the axis subsets are correct.
A couple of files have been analyzed. Check that the axis subsets are correct.
Slice 1: {Axis Subset: Lat(-60,90) Long(-180,180) forecast(0,0) ensemble(0,50.5) ansi("2008-04-21T00:00:00+00:00")
Slice 1: {Axis Subset: Lat(-60,90) Long(-180,180) forecast(0,0) ensemble(0,50.5) ansi("2008-04-21T00:00:00+00:00")
Data Provider: file:///home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/}
Data Provider: file:///home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/}


Progress: [##############################] 1/1 100.00% Done.
nProgress: [##############################] 1/1 100.00% Done.
Recipe executed successfully
Recipe executed successfully
It cost time: 110.445441961 seconds
It cost time: 148.078424931 seconds

*********second run
*********second time ingredient.json ingredient.json
Collected files: ['/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/']...
Collected files: ['/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/']...

The recipe has been validated and is ready to run.
The recipe has been validated and is ready to run.
Recipe: general_coverage
Recipe: general_coverage
Coverage: river_discharge_forecast_test4
Coverage: river_discharge_forecast_test4
WCS Service: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows
WCS Service: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows
Operation: INSERT
Operation: INSERT
Subset Correction: False
Subset Correction: False
Mocked: False
Mocked: False
Retries: 1
Retries: 1
WMS Import: False
WMS Import: False
A couple of files have been analyzed. Check that the axis subsets are correct.
A couple of files have been analyzed. Check that the axis subsets are correct.
Slice 1: {Axis Subset: Lat(-60,90) Long(-180,180) forecast(0,0) ensemble(0,50.5) ansi("2008-04-21T00:00:00+00:00")
Slice 1: {Axis Subset: Lat(-60,90) Long(-180,180) forecast(0,0) ensemble(0,50.5) ansi("2008-04-21T00:00:00+00:00")
Data Provider: file:///home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/}
Data Provider: file:///home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/}

Progress: [##############################] 1/1 100.00% Done.
Progress: [##############################] 1/1 100.00% Done.
Recipe executed successfully
Recipe executed successfully
It cost time: 92.8208320141 seconds
It cost time: 95.1585438251 seconds

*********third run
*********third time ingredient.json ingredient.json
Collected files: ['/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/']...
Collected files: ['/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/']...

The recipe has been validated and is ready to run.
The recipe has been validated and is ready to run.
Recipe: general_coverage
Recipe: general_coverage
Coverage: river_discharge_forecast_test4
Coverage: river_discharge_forecast_test4
WCS Service: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows
WCS Service: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows
Operation: INSERT
Operation: INSERT
Subset Correction: False
Subset Correction: False
Mocked: False
Mocked: False
Retries: 1
Retries: 1
WMS Import: False
WMS Import: False
A couple of files have been analyzed. Check that the axis subsets are correct.
A couple of files have been analyzed. Check that the axis subsets are correct.
Slice 1: {Axis Subset: Lat(-60,90) Long(-180,180) forecast(0,0) ensemble(0,50.5) ansi("2008-04-21T00:00:00+00:00")
Slice 1: {Axis Subset: Lat(-60,90) Long(-180,180) forecast(0,0) ensemble(0,50.5) ansi("2008-04-21T00:00:00+00:00")
Data Provider: file:///home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/}
Data Provider: file:///home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/}

Progress: [##############################] 1/1 100.00% Done.
Progress: [##############################] 1/1 100.00% Done.
Recipe executed successfully
Recipe executed successfully
It cost time: 86.571436882 seconds
It cost time: 93.6082520485 seconds

*********fourth run
*********fourth time ingredient.json ingredient.json
Collected files: ['/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/']...
Collected files: ['/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/']...

The recipe has been validated and is ready to run.
The recipe has been validated and is ready to run.
Recipe: general_coverage
Recipe: general_coverage
Coverage: river_discharge_forecast_test4
Coverage: river_discharge_forecast_test4
WCS Service: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows
WCS Service: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows
Operation: INSERT
Operation: INSERT
Subset Correction: False
Subset Correction: False
Mocked: False
Mocked: False
Retries: 1
Retries: 1
WMS Import: False
WMS Import: False
A couple of files have been analyzed. Check that the axis subsets are correct.
A couple of files have been analyzed. Check that the axis subsets are correct.
Slice 1: {Axis Subset: Lat(-60,90) Long(-180,180) forecast(0,0) ensemble(0,50.5) ansi("2008-04-21T00:00:00+00:00")
Slice 1: {Axis Subset: Lat(-60,90) Long(-180,180) forecast(0,0) ensemble(0,50.5) ansi("2008-04-21T00:00:00+00:00")
Data Provider: file:///home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/}
Data Provider: file:///home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/}

Progress: [##############################] 1/1 100.00% Done.
Progress: [##############################] 1/1 100.00% Done.
Recipe executed successfully
Recipe executed successfully
It cost time: 90.51638484 seconds
It cost time: 90.5936579704 seconds

*********fifth run
*********fifth time ingredient.json ingredient.json
Collected files: ['/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/']...
Collected files: ['/home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/']...

The recipe has been validated and is ready to run.
The recipe has been validated and is ready to run.
Recipe: general_coverage
Recipe: general_coverage
Coverage: river_discharge_forecast_test4
Coverage: river_discharge_forecast_test4
WCS Service: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows
WCS Service: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows
Operation: INSERT
Operation: INSERT
Subset Correction: False
Subset Correction: False
Mocked: False
Mocked: False
Retries: 1
Retries: 1
WMS Import: False
WMS Import: False
A couple of files have been analyzed. Check that the axis subsets are correct.
A couple of files have been analyzed. Check that the axis subsets are correct.
Slice 1: {Axis Subset: Lat(-60,90) Long(-180,180) forecast(0,0) ensemble(0,50.5) ansi("2008-04-21T00:00:00+00:00")
Slice 1: {Axis Subset: Lat(-60,90) Long(-180,180) forecast(0,0) ensemble(0,50.5) ansi("2008-04-21T00:00:00+00:00")
Data Provider: file:///home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/}
Data Provider: file:///home/rasdaman/trask/forecast/}

Progress: [##############################] 1/1 100.00% Done.
Progress: [##############################] 1/1 100.00% Done.
Recipe executed successfully
Recipe executed successfully
It cost time: 83.3346841335 seconds
It cost time: 85.1648039818 seconds