SobsPleaase WEB EP11 - v1 vs. v2
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Total words | 1906 |
Words removed (%) | 0.21 |
392 lines
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Total words | 1905 |
Words added (%) | 0.16 |
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# SobsPlease v1
# SobsPlease v2
The breeze feels great.
The breeze feels great.
So cramped!
So cramped!
Isn't this too small?!
Isn't this too small?!
Nothing we can do about it.
Nothing we can do about it.
Okay, but why did we end up with this room?
Okay, but why did we end up with this room?
The bigger one wasn't available.
The bigger one wasn't available.
I saw the studio we used before was empty.
I saw the studio we used before was empty.
That one's super expensive!
That one's super expensive!
Are we going to be alright?
Are we going to be alright?
The festival's so close!
The festival's so close!
"Are we going to be alright?"
"Are we going to be alright?"
"The festival's so close!"
"The festival's so close!"
We're wasting time.
We're wasting time.
So? Do you have this next section down?
So? Do you have this next section down?
I just have to come in when you said, right?
I just have to come in when you said, right?
Should I cue you?
Should I cue you?
Do we need the last bit?
Do we need the last bit?
I think I prefer it without.
I think I prefer it without.
But I like what we have now.
But I like what we have now.
I could go either way, maybe Momoka wants to weigh in?
I could go either way, maybe Momoka wants to weigh in?
What do you think?
What do you think?
It might just be too loud with everyone playing.
It might just be too loud with everyone playing.
Let's give that part a try without my guitar.
Let's give that part a try without my guitar.
From the last chorus.
From the last chorus.
I'm beat...
I'm beat...
My god!
My god!
Burton Sisters are playing at the end!
Burton Sisters are playing at the end!
No way!
No way!
Oh? You a fan?
Oh? You a fan?
W-Wouldn't say so...
W-Wouldn't say so...
I mean, they are pretty good-looking...
I mean, they are pretty good-looking...
You've got the wrong idea!
You've got the wrong idea!
Look! We're on here too!
Look! We're on here too!
Of course we are. We're playing there, y'know?
Of course we are. We're playing there, y'know?
And we're on the first day, right?
And we're on the first day, right?
Yup. We're the opening act for our stage.
Yup. We're the opening act for our stage.
So we can see the band that plays last for sure.
So we can see the band that plays last for sure.
And this one, and this one, and...
And this one, and this one, and...
Are you just going to watch other bands all day?
Are you just going to watch other bands all day?
Why shouldn't I?
Why shouldn't I?
Normally I'd have to pay for a ticket.
Normally I'd have to pay for a ticket.
How big do you think the crowd will be?
How big do you think the crowd will be?
It's a multi-day event.
It's a multi-day event.
It'll come and go.
It'll come and go.
It'll be packed during peak hours,
It'll be packed during peak hours,
and the smaller bands will have less draw.
and the smaller bands will have less draw.
We'll have to do our best to leave a mark on the audience we get.
We'll have to do our best to leave a mark on the audience we get.
Speaking of—
Speaking of—
I've heard what happened!
I've heard what happened!
You got a new time slot, right?
You got a new time slot, right?
Rock on, girls!
Rock on, girls!
So, there's an offer for us to play on the second day.
So, there's an offer for us to play on the second day.
Another band suddenly can't make their time slot.
Another band suddenly can't make their time slot.
They were on our stage,
They were on our stage,
but in a different time slot, so they asked if they could move us.
but in a different time slot, so they asked if they could move us.
The second day is an all-nighter,
The second day is an all-nighter,
so their time slot should be miles better than what we had.
so their time slot should be miles better than what we had.
That's amazing!
That's amazing!
Sounds like that's good with everyone?
Sounds like that's good with everyone?
Could it be
Could it be
that luck is on our side?
that luck is on our side?
Do you all have some free time now?
Do you all have some free time now?
Is this the place?
Is this the place?
I figured it wouldn't hurt to scout out the place beforehand.
I figured it wouldn't hurt to scout out the place beforehand.
We're going to play on a stage that big?!
We're going to play on a stage that big?!
Nope. That's the main stage.
Nope. That's the main stage.
We're playing on the little stage that's getting put up over there.
We're playing on the little stage that's getting put up over there.
There are multiple stages?
There are multiple stages?
You're completely clueless, aren't you?
You're completely clueless, aren't you?
The big bands play on the larger one.
The big bands play on the larger one.
Small bands like us play on the smaller one.
Small bands like us play on the smaller one.
Of course, Diamond Dust is on the big one.
Of course, Diamond Dust is on the big one.
You know, I'm happy.
You know, I'm happy.
This is kinda cool.
This is kinda cool.
Diamond Dust will play on the big stage,
Diamond Dust will play on the big stage,
and we're gonna challenge them from the small stage.
and we're gonna challenge them from the small stage.
David and Goliath, huh?
David and Goliath, huh?
A cornered rat will bite the cat.
A cornered rat will bite the cat.
Hold your horses.
Hold your horses.
Neither they nor their fans think that way.
Neither they nor their fans think that way.
But we do.
But we do.
Momoka and I.
Momoka and I.
Is everyone sure about our new time slot?
Is everyone sure about our new time slot?
You are, right?
You are, right?
We are.
We are.
I bet it'll feel great.
I bet it'll feel great.
Singing under the stars.
Singing under the stars.
When we perform, lend me your guitar at the start!
When we perform, lend me your guitar at the start!
Okay, I'm off to work!
Okay, I'm off to work!
Huh? She's off on her own?
Huh? She's off on her own?
She took another job.
She took another job.
Alone this time, without us to help out.
Alone this time, without us to help out.
I can't tell anymore whether she's headstrong or just whimsical.
I can't tell anymore whether she's headstrong or just whimsical.
She's made up her mind.
She's made up her mind.
She's going to live on her own.
She's going to live on her own.
True. She's like an entirely different person lately, isn't she?
True. She's like an entirely different person lately, isn't she?
Also, wait. Did she actually learn to play guitar?
Also, wait. Did she actually learn to play guitar?
I swear...
I swear...
Other people want a clean ending too, you know?
Other people want a clean ending too, you know?
Damn it.
Damn it.
I'm not a liar.
I'm not a liar.
Subaru is still hiding that she's in a band, right?
Subaru is still hiding that she's in a band, right?
I like this side of you, you know?
I like this side of you, you know?
I-It's not what you think.
I-It's not what you think.
I hope one day you can make peace with your family, too.
I hope one day you can make peace with your family, too.
There's no way.
There's no way.
You never know what the future will bring.
You never know what the future will bring.
It's not happening.
It's not happening.
But you can still reach out to her.
But you can still reach out to her.
You haven't met or even spoken since then, but she's alive.
You haven't met or even spoken since then, but she's alive.
While all those dear to me are gone
While all those dear to me are gone
and only dust remains.
and only dust remains.
You have me.
You have me.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Why music, you ask?
Why music, you ask?
Let me think...
Let me think...
Maybe because it connects me to people?
Maybe because it connects me to people?
Because I can be myself on stage, perhaps?
Because I can be myself on stage, perhaps?
I'm not sure.
I'm not sure.
Because I can forget and just live, maybe?
Because I can forget and just live, maybe?
I want to believe I'm not in the wrong.
I want to believe I'm not in the wrong.
There's such a huge crowd.
There's such a huge crowd.
Because the event's reaching its peak.
Because the event's reaching its peak.
And you are...
And you are...
Sorry, we're TogeToge! Togenashi Togeari.
Sorry, we're TogeToge! Togenashi Togeari.
Oh, I see! Please, park over there.
Oh, I see! Please, park over there.
We're playing in the evening, right?
We're playing in the evening, right?
Yup. Don't be late.
Yup. Don't be late.
I guess I'll go check out other bands.
I guess I'll go check out other bands.
What? Not gonna prepare?
What? Not gonna prepare?
Well, seeing other bands and getting hyped is one way to prepare.
Well, seeing other bands and getting hyped is one way to prepare.
Seriously though, do not be late.
Seriously though, do not be late.
Of course!
Of course!
Can I go with you?
Can I go with you?
Nope, not allowed!
Nope, not allowed!
So this is our tent, huh?
So this is our tent, huh?
I guess.
I guess.
You came to see us?
You came to see us?
You busy?
You busy?
Not at all!
Not at all!
It's good to see you again.
It's good to see you again.
It's been a while.
It's been a while.
Should've said you'd be coming!
Should've said you'd be coming!
It wouldn't be a surprise if I did!
It wouldn't be a surprise if I did!
Congrats, by the way!
Congrats, by the way!
It's crazy you got such a good slot on the second day.
It's crazy you got such a good slot on the second day.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It was just luck, though.
It was just luck, though.
You been doing well, Nina?
You been doing well, Nina?
I have! But I haven't made much progress with the guitar.
I have! But I haven't made much progress with the guitar.
You look much more confident now.
You look much more confident now.
I can tell you're ready to sing.
I can tell you're ready to sing.
I hope so!
I hope so!
You done catching up yet?
You done catching up yet?
You were supposed to introduce me, remember?
You were supposed to introduce me, remember?
It's a raid!
It's a raid!
Oh, sorry.
Oh, sorry.
This is Kyoko.
This is Kyoko.
Small world, isn't it?
Small world, isn't it?
Hello there.
Hello there.
Kyoko said she's a fan of yours.
Kyoko said she's a fan of yours.
I like your voice, kid.
I like your voice, kid.
Sing with us again, will ya?
Sing with us again, will ya?
We don't bite.
We don't bite.
I-If you'll have me, sure...
I-If you'll have me, sure...
For real?! I'm so hyped, seriously!
For real?! I'm so hyped, seriously!
Can I get a pic with you, actually?
Can I get a pic with you, actually?
Make a stupid face.
Make a stupid face.
Everyone get in here, come on!
Everyone get in here, come on!
Huh? Why?
Huh? Why?
Okay, say cheese!
Okay, say cheese!
You made some really interesting faces.
You made some really interesting faces.
I can't believe you two cut and ran like that.
I can't believe you two cut and ran like that.
Whoa! We're getting so many likes.
Whoa! We're getting so many likes.
And comments.
And comments.
"Looking forward to seeing TogeToge!"
"Looking forward to seeing TogeToge!"
We're getting a lot of attention.
We're getting a lot of attention.
Look! They have free beer!
Look! They have free beer!
Sounds like heaven...
Sounds like heaven...
God's gift to musicians!
God's gift to musicians!
Stop right there.
Stop right there.
Just a sip?
Just a sip?
A sip for you might as well be the whole glass.
A sip for you might as well be the whole glass.
Oh! Ms. Miura!
Oh! Ms. Miura!
That is you, right?
That is you, right?
You've got the wrong person!
You've got the wrong person!
I'll just take a quick taste—
I'll just take a quick taste—
Not a drop.
Not a drop.
Wait. Is Subaru still not back?
Wait. Is Subaru still not back?
Probably still enjoying her free entry.
Probably still enjoying her free entry.
No fair.
No fair.
I wanted to go with her.
I wanted to go with her.
I saw her back in our tent, actually.
I saw her back in our tent, actually.
How was it?
How was it?
Saw what you wanted to?
Saw what you wanted to?
I'm jealous.
I'm jealous.
I wanted to come, too.
I wanted to come, too.
Deal with it.
Deal with it.
You've been happy enough as it is.
You've been happy enough as it is.
What was that?
What was that?
Long ago, when I went to see my first festival,
Long ago, when I went to see my first festival,
a drummer said something that stuck with me.
a drummer said something that stuck with me.
That the drummer's job is to be watching everyone from behind.
That the drummer's job is to be watching everyone from behind.
When I heard that,
When I heard that,
I felt like that was so me.
I felt like that was so me.
I was already in that sort of position.
I was already in that sort of position.
You know, I messaged my grandma yesterday.
You know, I messaged my grandma yesterday.
About what?
About what?
Isn't it obvious?
Isn't it obvious?
That I wanna do something other than acting.
That I wanna do something other than acting.
And I thought,
And I thought,
I want us to keep going, no matter what.
I want us to keep going, no matter what.
Even if we fail today.
Even if we fail today.
You sure?
You sure?
Your problem, Nina,
Your problem, Nina,
is your shortsightedness, your fickle reasoning, and your inability to compromise.
is your shortsightedness, your fickle reasoning, and your inability to compromise.
While somehow being both shy and abrasive.
While somehow being both shy and abrasive.
No wonder you got bullied.
No wonder you got bullied.
But you're also incapable of lying,
But you're also incapable of lying,
and always give everything your all.
and always give everything your all.
It's oddly reassuring.
It's oddly reassuring.
You make people want to tag along for the ride.
You make people want to tag along for the ride.
Remember I'm a liar.
Remember I'm a liar.
You are.
You are.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Where to?
Where to?
You'll see.
You'll see.
It's really big.
It's really big.
It's the main stage, after all.
It's the main stage, after all.
That's a big crowd.
That's a big crowd.
Can you see, Tomo?
Can you see, Tomo?
I hate crowds.
I hate crowds.
Want me to give you a lift?
Want me to give you a lift?
You've started using it now, too, huh?
You've started using it now, too, huh?
The pinky.
The pinky.
It's starting.
It's starting.
Wait, this song...
Wait, this song...
Yeah, it's new.
Yeah, it's them.
Thank you all for coming to see us today!
Thank you all for coming to see us today!
And for those who don't know us,
And for those who don't know us,
we are...
we are...
Diamond Dust!
Diamond Dust!
Make sure you stay till the end!
Make sure you stay till the end!
You love playing the tragic heroine, don't you?
You love playing the tragic heroine, don't you?
You were in the wrong, Nina.
You were in the wrong, Nina.
Keep acting like this and you'll regret it.
Keep acting like this and you'll regret it.
Seriously. You're an idiot.
Seriously. You're an idiot.
Shut up.
Shut up.
Let's go!
Let's go!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Welcome, everyone! We see you in the back, too!
Welcome, everyone! We see you in the back, too!
They've gotten good.
They've gotten good.
Going idol with their new vocalist really got them flamed for chasing appeal over art.
Going idol with their new vocalist really got them flamed for chasing appeal over art.
They must be thinking,
They must be thinking,
"We'll show you all."
"We'll show you all."
"You'll regret looking down on us, just you see."
"You'll regret looking down on us, just you see."
"This is our chance."
"This is our chance."
And the audience can definitely see that.
And the audience can definitely see that.
Their determination.
Their determination.
They're just like us, huh?
They're just like us, huh?
It's obnoxious.
It's obnoxious.
I like that sort of thing.
I like that sort of thing.
Momoka, girls,
Momoka, girls,
let's pull all of these people to our stage.
let's pull all of these people to our stage.
Alright, Togenashi Togeari, sound check, please!
Alright, Togenashi Togeari, sound check, please!
Drums, give me a bit of everything.
Drums, give me a bit of everything.
Alright, that's enough!
Alright, that's enough!
Now, please speak into the mic.
Now, please speak into the mic.
Good. Thank you.
Good. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm good to go.
I'm good to go.
Alright, let's hear the bass next, then.
Alright, let's hear the bass next, then.
Will do!
Will do!
Good. Will you be using any pedals?
Good. Will you be using any pedals?
Yes, distortion.
Yes, distortion.
Got it! Anything else?
Got it! Anything else?
That's all!
That's all!
We're almost up.
We're almost up.
I'll grab a quick sip, then.
I'll grab a quick sip, then.
No drinking!
No drinking!
Wait. I don't see Ms. Miura.
Wait. I don't see Ms. Miura.
She messaged me a moment ago.
She messaged me a moment ago.
She'll be in the audience.
She'll be in the audience.
Won't even say hi?
Won't even say hi?
Keeping her distance makes her more trustworthy in my eyes.
Keeping her distance makes her more trustworthy in my eyes.
You think that's her reason?
You think that's her reason?
Togenashi Togeari!
Togenashi Togeari!
You're up!
You're up!
So? Wanna huddle or something?
So? Wanna huddle or something?
Not a chance.
Not a chance.
The pinky...
The pinky...
How about we put up our pinkies?
How about we put up our pinkies?
I like that!
I like that!
We're about to perform in our most important concert yet.
We're about to perform in our most important concert yet.
Stand on the stage and let us hear your song, Nina.
Stand on the stage and let us hear your song, Nina.
Scream for us.
Scream for us.
Rip everyone's hearts out with our song.
Rip everyone's hearts out with our song.
I will.
I will.
Look, you made her cry!
Look, you made her cry!
What are you doing? We're up!
What are you doing? We're up!
I can't play!
I can't play!
She's crazy.
She's crazy.
You suck.
You suck.
That's rock.
That's rock.
Um, it's nice to meet you.
Um, it's nice to meet you.
We're Togenashi Togeari.
We're Togenashi Togeari.
Um... We're a band.
Um... We're a band.
Er, but it's not really as easy as it sounds.
Er, but it's not really as easy as it sounds.
We're all huge cowards,
We're all huge cowards,
have trust issues, and whine all the time.
have trust issues, and whine all the time.
We get people involved, then try to back out on them.
We get people involved, then try to back out on them.
Are you talking about me?
Are you talking about me?
Excuse me? You think I'm whiny?
Excuse me? You think I'm whiny?
But that's how it is!
But that's how it is!
Now, now.
Now, now.
That's Momoka on guitar and Tomo on keyboard!
That's Momoka on guitar and Tomo on keyboard!
And Miss Sound Argument,
And Miss Sophistry,
our vocalist, Nina!
our vocalist, Nina!
Then, on bass, Rupa!
Then, on bass, Rupa!
I love fights!
I love fights!
Last but not least, our drummer...
Last but not least, our drummer...
"Give up. That's just a pipe dream."
"Give up. That's just a pipe dream."
"You're crazy. Face reality."
"You're crazy. Face reality."
"Just leave it be."
"Just leave it be."
"Other people have it worse than you."
"Other people have it worse than you."
I've heard it enough.
I've heard it enough.
These are the ways reality tries to swallow us up.
These are the ways reality tries to swallow us up.
It eats away at us with false kindness.
It eats away at us with false kindness.
This song will blow it all away.
This song will blow it all away.
When we play,
When we play,
we'll win over the nonbelievers with our song.
we'll win over the nonbelievers with our song.
We'll prove ourselves to everyone who ridiculed us.
We'll prove ourselves to everyone who ridiculed us.
I'll scream my truth in their face!
I'll scream my truth in their face!
I really did choose the right path, didn't I?
I really did choose the right path, didn't I?
Next time: "The Sky Darkens Further Still."
Next time: "The Sky Darkens Further Still."