IB vs Live-Evil
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# Exported by Aegisub 9212
# Exported by Aegisub 9212
Many years ago, before gods\Nand men were separated.
In a bygone age, before the worlds of gods and men separated.
But, I don't understand...
But here's what I don't understand:
You were ordered by the mother goddess of Olympus to live this way...
You were ordered by the Mother Goddess of Olympus to live like this...
But Demeter, maybe you've just forgotten what happened.
But, Demeter, you haven't forgotten what happened before, have you?
When that scum, Poseidon...
That despicable Poseidon...
I opposed it.
By Cronus, what he did to you was atrocious...
Now, the area over there\N is under his control.
Now, he controls everything.
Zeus is returning to Olympus.
Zeus is returning to Olympus.
Who are the gods, anyway...\NThey'll just end up dying.
He's claiming he's the supreme\Nruler of the pantheon.
Arion! Are you still awake?
Arion! Are you still awake?
What have I told you\N about eavesdropping?
A child shouldn't eavesdrop on\N an adult's conversation.
Go to sleep! Now!
Go back to sleep this instant.
Hades, as you can see, there's only Arion and this life for me now.
As you can see, Hades, living with Arion is the only thing that's important to me.
I don't want to hear your\N petty complaints.
Complain all you like, but\N nothing will come of it.
Go back to your own realm!
Go back to where you came from at once.
See? This is digitalis. If you grind it into a powder, it'll bring down a fever.
See? This is digitalis. If you grind it into a powder, it'll bring down a fever.
This is mugwort. Mixed with stinging nettles, it makes a medicine for wounds.
This is mugwort. When mixed with stinging nettles, it makes an ointment for wounds.
Look! This's "running skull."
Look! There are lots of belladonnas over here!
Oh? I don't know a thing. Arion...
Well, well, aren't you a \Nknowledgeable little boy, Arion?
Mother taught me everything. But...
Mother taught me everything I know. But...
Poor Mother. Something's\N wrong with her eyes...
I feel sorry for Mother. She can't see.
But the medicine that heals eyes doesn't come from a herb.
But there aren't any herbs I can mix together to make a medicine that cures blindness.
It's not that kind of medicine.
That's not true.
In Macedonia, there are\N flowers called "Arcana."
They say they can cure\N any kind of eye disease.
In Macedonia, there's a\N type of flower called the Arcana.
They say that it can cure\N every kind of eye malady.
Yes. If you want, I can go by\N there on my way home.
Yes. In fact, on my way here,
You can see a lot from that\N mountain pass over there...
I saw several on the other\N side of the mountain path.
Do you want to come with me,\N Arion? With your Uncle?
Shall we go together to take a look, Arion?
Arion! Where are you?
Arion! Where are you?
Uncle, are we there yet?
Uncle, are we there yet?
It's just a little further.\NWe'll get there in no time.
Just a little further.\NWe'll be there soon.
B -- But, can't we go back...
But I have to go back now.
Uncle! Stop!
Uncle! I can't!
Mother will be worried!
Mother will be worried!
Your brother Hades is taking\NArion to the underworld!
Your brother, Hades, is spiriting\NArion to the underworld!
Are you watching, Zeus?
Will you allow him do such a thing? Zeus!
Why is that?
How is he?
He doesn't look different,\Nand he's terribly upset.
He still seems really upset.
Will he really become\Npowerful that way?
Does a coward like him really \Nhave the power you speak of?
No! Go away!
No! Go away!
Go away!
Leave me alone!
Geedo, huh?
That's not right...
Those useless peons.
Ah...! That's it...!
That's right!
That's why you're...
Use this!
Use this!
Arion! As I expected, you\Nhave proven yourself.
Arion! I anticipated that you would\N prove worthy and so you have.
You have become a true Titan.
You are indeed a Titan.
Liar! Uncle?
Liar! Uncle, you're a liar!
There is no herb to\N cure your mother's eyes.
You cannot restore your\N mother's eyesight with herbs.
You lied to me!
You tricked me!
Take me back! Take me\Nback to my Mother!
Take me back! Take me\Nback to my mother!
I can't do that.
I cannot do that.
Why not?
Why not?
A curse was put on\N your mother's eyes.
Because a curse has been \Nplaced on your mother's eyes.
A curse?
A curse?
That's right. Time cannot\Nfree her from that curse.
Correct. Until she is \Nfreed from that curse,
Demeter will always be blind.
Demeter will remain blind.
How do you remove a curse?
How can the curse be removed?
Do you really want to know?
Do you really want to know?
Overthrow Zeus.
Defeat Zeus!
Overthrow Zeus!
Defeat Zeus!
Zeus did it!
Zeus did this to her!
The responsibility for Demeter's plight lies with the whole Titan family.
The whole Titan family are \Nto blame for Demeter's plight!
Zeus is at the royal palace on the western summit of Olympus!
You will find Zeus in his celestial palace on the westernmost peak of Olympus!
With all your heart, fight\Nfor your mother's sake!
If you fight for your mother's cause, you shall become invincible!
If you do so...
It was Zeus...
Zeus sacrificed you and your mother, as well as your foolish father Poseidon.
who plotted to rid the world of you and your mother!
I fear he will do worse!
Even Poseidon holds no fear for him!
Go to Olympus!
Go forth to Olympus!
Strike Zeus' white head\None-hundred times for Demeter!
And present Zeus' snow-topped head on a platter to your mother, Demeter!
The three brothers of the Titan family murdered their father, King Chronos...
The three brothers of the Titan family murdered their father, King Cronus...
And separated his kingdom\N into three territories.
and divided his kingdom up\N into three territories.
The clever youngest, Zeus, became the ruler of Olympus and all things on land.
The calculating youngest brother, Zeus, became the ruler of Olympus and all things on the land.
The next, Poseidon, became\N king of the oceans.
The next brother, Poseidon, \Nbecame the God of the Sea.
And the unlucky eldest brother, Hades, became ruler of the dark underworld.
And the eldest and unluckiest brother, Hades, became ruler of the grim underworld.
But, Zeus and Poseidon\Nwere equal in power.
But Zeus and Poseidon\Nwere equal in strength.
Poseidon, ruler of the seven\N seas, attacked Zeus.
Poseidon, the ruler of the seven seas,\N laid siege to Zeus' domain.
But Zeus, with his eldest daughter Athena as his general...
Yet Zeus, with his eldest daughter Athena as his general,
...managed to keep him at bay.
managed to keep him at bay.
Now, the entire world is at war...
Now, the whole world is at war...
Heh! Farmer... see if you can\Ncatch the GREAT Seneca!
What a dumb ox! Catch the great Seneca if you can!
Damn it...! Well, do what you will!
By the gods! Go on then! Do your worst!
What's this? Sympathy?
What's this? Showing me mercy?!
HA! Tell me why!
Hmph! Cut the horseshit!
Y... you... You're a Titan, aren't you?
Y-You're... You're a Titan, aren't you?
I thought so! Inhuman Titan!
You are, aren't you? I thought as much! You inhuman Titan!
Damn you! Face me!
May Zeus smite you! \NActing all high and mighty—
So be it!
How dare you...
Is that so...? This...
I see. So this is—
Yet the boy could easily wield the sword. There must be an explanation.
He is only a boy, yet his skills are mighty. There must be a reason for it.
What shall we do, Sister?
What is our next move, Sister?
Hm... Well, let's see if we\N can persuade him to talk.
Hmph! Well, let's see if we might\N persuade him to loosen his tongue.
Get back, Lesphina!
Stay back, Lesphoena!
Talk! Where did you get that sword?
Talk! How did you procure that sword?!
From Hades! Why?
You are one of Hades' henchmen, aren't you? Why do you wield it?!
Talk! How do you serve Hades?
Tell me! What relation are you to Hades?
What has Hades made you?
What has Hades said to brainwash you?!
You looked up, didn't you, boy?
You have spirit, boy.
Uncle Hades started it.\N He's an evil bastard...
Old man Hades is an evil bastard.
He's not content with his\N domain. Using that brat...
Not only is he not content with \Nhis underworld domain,
He's a wicked man, starting this!
but he's the kind of god who'll use that whelp to upset the balance, isn't he?
Stay back!
That's your name, isn't it?
That's your name, isn't it?
Thank you.
It doesn't hurt anymore...
The pain has lessened.
I'm okay...
I'm holding up well.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm Arion.
I'm Arion.
You can't talk...
Are you unable to talk?
I see...
I see...
What's wrong? Don't stop...
What's wrong? Please continue your song.
You have a pretty voice.
You have a beautiful voice.
But humming isn't really singing...
Though, I'm a little disappointed that you were only humming.
Sing! Loudly!
Try singing. Project your voice and bellow your song.
Sing, Lesphina.
Sing, Lesphoena.
Well? Use your voice.
Well? Use your voice.
Sing! Sing, Lesphina!
Sing! Sing, Lesphoena!
So sorry to interrupt, brother.\N Get away from that girl!
You act like the dog you are, Brother! Let that girl be!
Too bad... this used to\Nbe such a nice place.
Oh well. The fun had only just started.
Shut up!
Hold your tongue!
Even though we're\N brothers, you will leave!
If you weren't my brother,\N I'd kill you where you stand!
Get out of here!
Leave this place immediately!
This is neither the time nor the place for you to play with your toy!
This is no place for a lecherous beast like you to be stalking in!
A holy war? That's not my idea of fun.
A divine war, is it? It most certainly doesn't sit well on the palate.
I've kept you too long, Ares.
I see that I've caused you trouble, Ares.
You've been spending\N a lot of time with Arion...
Oh, I almost forgot. You \Nmentioned Arion, didn't you?
You've been helping him\N to recover, haven't you?
His convalescence is going well, correct?
Take good care of him.
Make sure you look after him.
In any case, this is his last night alive.
Though, regardless, this will be his last night amongst the living.
I understand. It's safe for\N me to go in that valley, right?
I understand. I should go \Ndown to that valley, yes?
Thank you, Lesphina...
Thank you, Lesphoena.
I'll never forget you...
I shall never forget you.
No, I'll never forget you... but it\Nseems like a poor way to repay you.
I swear it. Because of the \Nkindness you showed me.
Except for my mother, meeting you...
Other than my mother, you're the first person who...
Goodbye, Lesphina.
Goodbye, Lesphoena.
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry.
Big brother...
Hello, my brother...
Hey! That hurts! After that sword,\Neh? You want it back, right?
Hey! Ouch! Th-That hurts!
It's this way.
I-It's about the sword, isn't it?\N You want it back, don't you?
I KNOW! Hurry!
It's this way. I know where it is.
Leave it to me. This is my specialty.
Come on, this way.
As I see it, they borrowed it. They'll lose sleep until they return it.
Leave this to me. This is where I come into my own.
Watch this...
I wouldn't feel right if I didn't return the favor.
Watch this.
Seize him!
You brats!
Wh - what's that?
Don't let them escape! Seize them!
It's Poseidon! Poseidon's fleet...
Wh-What is that?!
It's Poseidon! Poseidon comes!
Th - That's right. It's Poseidon.
Th-That's right. Those are Poseidon's ships!
It'll mean war! Great!
Th-This'll mean war! This is unbelievable!
Come back here, you scum!
Don't go overboard.
Stop blowing bubbles...
So? The sea must have taken their soldiers by now.
Hm? Have you\N brought more captives?
Oh? You've taken prisoners already?
What, not children?
What do you call this? They're just children.
How useless... Give\N them to the rowers...
They're not even big enough to make useful rowers...
Yeah...you. Show me that!
You there! Show me that!
Hmmm... I'll take charge of this.
Yes. I'll take this off your hands.
I'd better show this to the King.
I'd better show it to the king.
Don't worry, you'll get plenty\N of loot soon enough!
In any case, this loot is too\N good for vermin like you.
Hey! Let me go!
By all the gods! Let me go! Throw yourselves to the crows!
Hey, Brother...
Cut me down! Let me go, you hear?! You foul sea scum!
Oh, I just know they'll do\N horrible things to us...
My brother,
Wow! That must be the leader's ship!
do you think they're going to let us scorch in this heat?
That... That's my father...?
Wow! I bet that's the commander's ship!
The troops are restless...
That's... That's my father?
Quiet them! We are\N going to win this war!
The troops are uneasy.
Calm your weak hearts! We will be the victors of this war!
The terrain favors us.
The terrain favors us.
The enemy will blunder into our traps.
The enemy will fall helplessly into our traps.
Lure the enemy inland,\Nthen attack! Strike!
We'll lure the enemy inland\N and ambush them!
And then...! The iron cavalry\Nof the Titans is unbeatable!
Right here!
Poseidon will run in fear!
The iron cavalry of the \NTitans are unbeatable!
The next step, Ares will cut lengthwise.
Even though Poseidon is the enemy we face, we need not fear!
We will cut the enemy in half!
Ares will lead the vanguard,
They will try to retreat\N alongside the sea.
and take them head on. We'll split the enemy in two.
Cut off the Edmoth detachment!\N Pursue them to the sea.
The front line will push them back to the coast.
We'll crush them.
The Edmos detachment will then engage their main force from the sea.
Now, as for Poseidon's battleship; nothing can escape from this cove.
Don't even consider letting the waves finish them off!
Don't allow a single Poseidon galley to leave this cove unscathed!
Go ahead... eat.
You're hard to please...
Go ahead and eat. There's no need for shyness.
Why is that...?
Look at that scowl on your face...
Refusing my cup is not\N wise. I am a hard man.
Come, drain a cup.
Drink! It's your father's wish!
No man has ever refused to drink with me and lived to tell the tale.
Drink. It is your father's wish.
Very well... The wine will just get bitter.
You still refuse?
So be it. You'd only spoil the mood.
That is...
I mean...
That's all right... you can call me that.
Do not pause. You may call me that.
Ow, what is it? Brother, ow! Ow...
Ow! I-In the name of what god are you doing this?!
Father... Why are you attacking Zeus?
Brother! Ow, ow, ouch!
Why aren't you content\N with the oceans?
Father, why are you trying to bring about Zeus' downfall?
And also... why did you\N abandon my mother?
Aren't you content with ruling the seas? Why are you trying to conquer the land?
Hmph... Asking the reason\Nwon't right the wrong.
And on top of that, why did you\N abandon my mother and me?!
A man doesn't ask why.\NDon't use soft words.
Hmph! Asking so many complicated questions all at once...
Zeus and I are water and oil.
Learn this: a man has no need of soft words like "why."
We're both Titans, but there's a\Nreason we can't stand together.
Zeus and I are like water and oil.
Zeus decreed that he is\N ruler of the whole world.
We are both Titans, but there is a\Nreason we cannot stand together.
I don't acknowledge that.
Zeus may believe he has \Nbecome the supreme ruler, but I refuse...
He sent Athena's army. It's over there. And what kind of state is it in?
to acknowledge his authority.
What kind...?
I heard a rumor that you were being held in Athena's stronghold.
Zeus cannot win with such\N a young fool in charge.
How was it over there?
She is too inexperienced to be in charge of such an important war.
What do you mean by that?
Have you met my daughter, Lesphina?
Zeus is a senile old fool,
She's your own flesh and blood...
but making that whore a general is lunacy, even by his standards.
...and twin, besides.
Did you meet a girl named Lesphoena there?
I've heard rumors that she volunteered to be Athena's handmaiden...
She is your sister.
Ah, well and good.
Your twin sister.
That's all right, I WILL do what I must!
Rumor has it that she volunteered to be Athena's handmaiden.
Let us see if I can succeed\Nwith my own two hands.
Oh well, it matters not.
Listen, I shall do what I must, without fail.
I must grasp what I can with these two hands!
I am nothing like Hades.
I am nothing like Hades.
Let's view the battle.
Let me show you how I fight.
The smell, riding on the wind...
Don't slack on the construction!
That is the smell of blood...
I can smell it. It rides on the winds.
Cerberus... magnificent...\NNear the place of battle!
This is the smell of blood.
Go! It's your first battle.\NDon't get impatient for victory.
Listen, Cerberus... War is approaching!
Let's go! This is your first battle. Don't be impatient for victory.
Send in the cavalry! Notify the men!
Spear troops, move forward! Crush the advancing troops!
The third rank's fortifications\N have been breached?
Keep moving!
Yes! They've avoided our trap.
The third rank's fortifications\N have been breached?!
This camp is already threatened...
Yes! This is the only thing we can do now!
Ah... Sister!
This camp may already be in danger!
Gather the whole army!
Gather my men!
I will go!
I will go!
Wait! Wait, if anything should\Nhappen to Commander Athena...!
P-Please wait!
Idiot! This time, Poseidon, I...!
Please wait!!
Who's there?
If anything were to happen to you, Lady Athena...
Who? Answer me!
Move! I won't fall to the likes of Poseidon...
YOU...! Get him!
Who's that?! Who goes there?!
I said, who goes there?!
You killed Ares!
You... Kill him!
Arion, my child, you\N are a strong son of fate.
If I had known then what I know now...
You... killed Ares!
I would have ripped your heart\N out with my own hands!
Fortune smiles on you, boy.
Athena! This time I really\N am your enemy!
If I'd known you were Arion back then,
As the son of Poseidon,\Nas a warrior, I'll kill you!
I would've torn you limb from limb!
Athena! Now, I am\N your mortal enemy!
As the son of Poseidon...\NAs a warrior... I will take your life!
I don't want to see my sister's blood.
I win!
Commander Athena! Are you\N all right? Are you wounded?
I don't want to see my sister's blood spilled.
Follow! What are you doing?
Come back here!
Lady Athena! Are you all right? Are you wounded?
Lesphina, look out!
After him! What are you waiting for?!
Curse you!
Lesphoena, be careful!
What's the matter, Arion?
What's the matter, Arion?
Could you hear the voice of\N your beloved in the rain?
Does the sound of the rain mimic the voice of one you love?
Shut up!
Hold your tongue!
I won't stand for it! Using this\Njerk to delay me! Who?
I won't forgive you! I won't forgive anyone who gets in my way!
Not a single person...
So young -- almost childlike.
So immature. You act like a mewling child.
Good, aren't you?
Listen well!
Who is she, that you fight for her?\NShe's not a possession.
No man is merely a statuette\N fashioned from a lump of clay.
No one has the right\Nto just do as he pleases.
Things don't always go the way you want them to,
Furthermore, you are\N a Titan. We both are.
whether it's just you or concerning others too. Besides, you're a Titan.
The time is coming when you will\Nbe cast down to the world below.
You were also born under a troublesome star.
That's a lie!
That's a lie!
What a shock to have\Nawakened a sleeping dog.
What a shock to have\Nawakened a sleeping dog.
Imagine meeting you here...
I never imagined I'd meet you here.
Why are you here, Uncle?
Why are you here, Uncle?!
In case you didn't notice,\NHell's a boring place. Tedious.
Don't take that tone of voice with me. This dull place is tedious enough.
I just thought I'd come see the battle.
I decided to come and watch the battle.
You're disgusting!
You're rotten to the core!
Jealous of Zeus and Poseidon and the rest...\Nusing me to further your ambitions...
You're jealous of Zeus and Poseidon. You use underhanded methods,
Manipulating me with words...\NHades, you bastard!
and you've hoodwinked me into doing your bidding!
Will you kill me? Me...?
You heard me! You're the most despicable of all, Hades!
Kill me if you can...
Do you intend to kill me?
...but before you do, listen well!
Kill me if you wish,
You're still a child, aren't you?
but before you do, listen closely:
You've fooled Poseidon. He's taken\Nyou into his camp... the fool.
You're still a child.
Shut up! Don't insult my father!
You've been completely deceived by Poseidon. You realize that he's—
You're just like Zeus...\Nan enemy of my father!
Hold your tongue! Don't insult my father!
Don't come near! It's\N no use killing me. Don't!
You're as much an enemy to my father and me as Olympus is!
C... Cerberus?
D-Don't! Killing me is pointless. Nothing will come of it.
Bah! You were forged in\Nthe underworld for this.
Ungrateful idiot!
Have you forgotten that he was the one who trained you in Hades?!
It is good that you should be cursed! Even my death won't save you.
Ungrateful fool!
You will wander alone --\Na miserable existence!
I place a curse on your head! Suffer in eternal agony!
You're not well, are you, Athena?
You will wander alone and writhe in pain wherever you tread!
He killed our foolish older brother.
You look unwell, Athena.
But unlike you, he acted like a brother!
You wouldn't understand.
I suppose it was your intention to buy my gratitude by "saving" me from Arion.
This feeling of fighting a losing battle... You don't know how much I've suffered.
Try not to be too smug.
All because I have a\N cowardly brother like you!
So harsh! Please, tonight\N I came to ask a favor.
You may think I'm indebted to you for the incident with Arion,
A favor...?
but it's not like you saved me.
Yes, that serving girl of yours...\Nthe one I want the most.
So leave your arrogance at the door.
Yes... Lesphina, isn't it?
What a sharp tongue you have! I only came here tonight to ask for a favor.
A favor?
That's right. I would like you to present me with one of your handmaidens.
You know the one. The girl known as Lesphoena.
Won't you give her to me?
Won't you give her to me?
Wait a minute. You've taken a liking\Nto her yourself, haven't you?
I've become somewhat interested in her.
Oh. Particular, aren't you?\N So, that young woman...
Hmph! You have strange tastes. I see... That girl, huh?
Arion... What are you doing?
Arion! What are you doing?
Who are... who are you?
Who are... Who are you?
Won't you follow me?\N As quickly as you can...
Follow me. You have to hurry this way.
Lesphina, you... can speak, can't you?
Lesphoena, you're... able to talk now?!
What are you saying, Arion?
What are you saying, Arion?
You're a strange person...
You're a strange one.
Come to me, far away...\NWouldn't you like to?
You're not happy that we're going far away from this place together?
I can't... I can't go there!
No! Don't go that way!
Mother! Hey, I have the herb\Nthat will make your eyes see!
Mother! Look! I found the herb\Nthat will make you see again!
I came the moment I found it!
I found it all by myself!
That's not an herb.
That's not an herb.
It's a terrible, poisonous flower.
It's a flower laced with a terrible poison.
Besides... Who are you?
And more to the point, who are you?
An unknown child, aren't you...?
I've never seen you before.
Mother! It's me! It's ME!\N I've come back!
Mother! It's me! It's me!\N I've come back!
Are you all right? Brother?
Are you all right, my brother?
Ah, Seneca.
Ah, Seneca.
It was a terrible nightmare.\NYou had a bad dream?
You were moaning loudly in your sleep. Did a nightmare haunt your dreams?
You shouldn't have stood\N in the rain after the battle.
It's because the rain soaked you to the bone on the battlefield.
It's just a bad cold... I'm sure.
I'm sure it's only a fit of ague.
Say, you called Poseidon, "Father."
Listen, do you want me to go fetch Poseidon?
It's all right, Seneca.
No, it's fine, Seneca.
If I do anything else,\Nhe'll end up laughing.
If you do that, he'll mock me.
That kind of thing... the scoundrel...
He would call me pitiful for taking something so trivial this seriously.
I'm all right.
I'm feeling better now.
I'll sleep. You too, Seneca.
It's fine. You should get some rest too, Seneca.
My feet...
My feet...
are heavy...
Why are they so heavy?
Why are they so heavy?
It's no use killing me...
Killing me is pointless...
It's no use!
My brother!
What's the matter? Brother!
Wh-What's wrong, my brother!
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Help him! My brother!
P-Please help him! My brother is...
Quickly, he'll bite his tongue!
This isn't good! He's going to bite his tongue off!
Hold him down!
Hold him down!
Please don't hurt him!\N What a terrible illness...
Please don't hurt him!
I'll call his father, Poseidon!
He's sick.
Wherever you go... You've\N been given a cursed life!
I'll go fetch Poseidon.
You will forever fail in your pursuits. You were born cursed.
You deserve to fail!
You deserve to fail!
It's no use! No use!
It's pointless! Pointless!
My brother!
Wait! I should...
Still coming...?
Stay back.
You're going to attack me again?
Curse you, Hades!
Tell me! What have I done?
Tell me! What have I done?!
What have I done to my Father?
What have I done to my father?!
It's no good... we can't stay here!
There's something wrong. Is it a night raid?
I can't run any further!
No, I think an assassin has snuck in! \N An assassin has snuck in?!
If we stop here, we'll\Nbe caught right away!
No! We can't stay here!
My father is still back there.
I cannot run any further!
I... I can't go.
You can't stop! If we stop here, \Nwe'll be caught in no time!
My father's still back there.
I must go!
Get a hold of yourself!
Get a hold of yourself!
Do you want to be killed?
D-Do you want a sword driven through you?!
You can't run any further!
Run no more!
You should tremble with fear,\Nkilling your father, the King!
You should tremble with fear after\Nkilling your father, the king!
What did Olympus promise you?
What did Olympus bribe you with?!
You're wrong! I'd never do that!
You're wrong! I'd never do such a thing!
Hold your tongue!
Dis... disarmed!
Don't lose heart!\NHe's the King's enemy!
Don't lose your heads!\NHe's an enemy of the king!
Why won't they cut it out?
Wh-Why don't they just kill us?
No, my father's allies are...!
No, my father's allies are...
In any case, this is far enough.
Looks like this is the end for you!
Cloaked spy of Olympus! Prepare...
Prepare your soul for the underworld, you accursed Olympus spy! Charge!
Geedo, you're alive?
Geedo, you're alive?
I have visited the shrine!
I see that you've finally arrived.
You are Alecto.
You must be Alecto.
This is Megaira.
I am Megaera.
I am Tishpone. Many laws\N seem to have been broken!
I'm Tisiphone. It looks as though your blunders are numerous, Zeus the Titan!
Welcome, goddesses of vengeance.
Welcome, O infernal \Ngoddesses of vengeance.
Look at this! Look well!
See this! Look closely!
It is Poseidon!
It is arrogance -- not to fear the gods.
These are the final moments of the arrogant fool who feared no gods!
It is suicide!
What's more,
However, he has chosen to do so...
the one responsible is—
He exists!
We know.
Poseidon, with his sister Demeter, created a set of twins.
One of the twins sired by Poseidon and Demeter.
After that amoral association, she fled to Thrace fifteen years ago. That Arion...
After that immoral pairing, she fled \Nto Thrace fifteen years ago. Arion...
That was so!
It is as you say!
The shame of Olympus lives.\NIt is a cursed child!
The cursed child born from the shame of Olympus!
That boy raised his\Nhand against his father!
He took the life of his own father!
The Titan's holy laws\N have been broken!
The Titans' holy laws\N have been broken!
What is the decision, Erynes?
What will be his punishment, Erinyes?
To commit the high\N crime of patricide...
To commit a crime of the\N highest order like patricide...
Death is the only atonement.
...death is the only atonement.
Very well! It is a good judgement!
Very well! It is a just judgment!
Certainly, Arion's death is\N entrusted to your hands!
I leave the matter of Arion's life in your hands.
Poseidon's troops lost their King....
Poseidon's troops lost their king...
Athena's army was victorious.
Athena's army was victorious.
The great army of the\N ocean was broken.
The great army of the sea was left shattered.
Mount Anth
Mount Athos
Small, isn't it. Really!
Bah! He's good for nothing!
This wood is really quite green.
All he does is gather damp wood!
Ah, get well soon, won't you, brother...
I hope my brother gets well soon.
Stop that!
This is his dinner!
This is his dinner, not yours!
I think you've had enough to eat!
You should be able to find your own food!
I've had enough of being in charge.
You're too big for me to look after!
I can't look after him.
Who's there?!
Who's there?
I have known you since you were a baby.
I've known you since you were a baby.
Who are you?! What's your name?!
Who are you? Your name?
You may call me the Black Lion King.
You can call me the Black Lion King.
Lion King? Lies!
Lion king...? That's a lie!
You're Hades, aren't you?!
You're Hades, aren't you?
That's right! That has to be it!
That's right! It must be so!
Wearing such a suspicious mask.
A trick like that... wearing a mask.
I bet you came here to brainwash me with more of your lies, haven't you?!
I suppose you've come\N to drive me mad again!
Don't jump to foolish conclusions.
Don't be paranoid.
I am not Hades.
I am not Hades.
Poor thing, he can't see what\N the law has done to him...
I pity you, boy. Your injury seems to run deep.
Yet he's not broken.
But, Arion, don't lose heart.
One can't show weakness to an enemy.
You cannot show weakness to your enemies.
Good! However you do it is fine...
I care not! What happens now doesn't interest me!
I killed my father...
I killed my father...
What good am I?
I don't know...
I don't understand anything any more...
what to do anymore.
Don't touch me!
Don't touch me!
"Don't lose heart," you say?!
My enemies?
What about the enemy?
Who cares...
What is "not good?"
what my enemies do?!
Anyhow, I'm a murderer!
In the end, I'm little more than a murderer!
I must go through life without love!
I refuse to let anyone tell me what to do.
What is my destiny?
I shall decide my actions for myself!
I'll kill myself!
I have it! I shall kill myself!
That's it -- better to die! If\N I do, nobody can use me!
If I do that, no one will ever take advantage of me again!
So! I...
I'm right, aren't I?! I'm...
You say you would rather die?
You'll kill yourself?!
All right...
As you wish...
Let's see you die.
Let's see you die!
It's a simple thing.
It's quite simple.
And if you take one half step out\N from there, you will surely die.
If you take half a step in any direction, you will skewer yourself.
What's wrong?
Can't you do it?
You can't even take a measly little step?
So that's how it is.
This is the way of things.
Forced into the role of a fool,\N yet he still has the will to live.
People are used and tricked by others over and over again,
Becoming his true self...
but by surviving, they draw closer to their true selves.
If you do, be strong, Arion.
And so,
Surely, surely be strong...
become strong, Arion!
This mountain is called Anth.
Become stronger than you are.
Since a long time ago, it has been called the Mountain of the Sacred Inn.
This mountain is called Athos.
Passing along the base, go to\N the western heights. The hermit\N called Lukaon lives there.
Since ancient times, it has been known as the Mountain of Spirits.
The man is revered as\N the King of Arcadia.
Circle its base and climb the western face.
But ever since it has become the Titans' world, I heard he's been secluding himself on the mountain.
The hermit known as Lycaon lives there.
Please become strong.
In times past, he was revered as\N the King of Arcadia.
But ever since we entered...
N... no, wait a minute.\NThat poison look...
the Age of the Titans, he has kept \N himself in seclusion on this mountain.
Where did that man go just now?
He should be of aid to you.
Man? No, nobody...
A lie! Come on, he wore a\N black-clothed lion's face...!
Uh, n-no, you'll have to wait.\NThese nuts are poisonous.
Please, won't you sit down?\NCome on, what's the matter?
Where did that man go?!
I took great pains to offer you an invitation. Don't make that kind of face.
A man? I didn't see anyone.
We're in private.
You're lying! He was wearing\N black clothing and the mask of a lion!
Now, you and I, together...
Please take a seat. Come, tell me what's wrong.
On the surface, you're\N happy, aren't you?
I went to a lot of trouble to invite you here, so don't make that face.
You and I don't get along\N very well, ever since...
This is a private audience.
Don't talk about that boy!
Right now, it's only you and me here.
I appreciate your hospitality.
I don't think things will work out between us, even now. That being said...
Don't talk about the boy!
Do you always intend to handle sex\N in such a trivial, offhand fashion?
How long do you intend to maintain that lofty demeanor?
We've won the war.
I know we won the battle,
And so now there is no more Ares...
but Ares is dead.
Zeus will take that road, too.
And Zeus, in his current state...
You understand, don't you...?
You understand my \Nmeaning, don't you?
You offend me!
You stink.
Eh? Aren't you pleased?
What? You don't like it?
The smell of this perfume...
You don't like my perfume?
No... it smells of blood. Perhaps...
No, perhaps it is the smell of blood...
I think it permeates your body.
I believe it has soaked into your skin.
Come now, what will you\N get, wearing some perfume...
Wearing cheap perfume won't cover it up.
Moreover, I don't take\N after the Titans' nature.
Besides, the traditions of the Titans don't suit me,
As a shortsighted person, I'm completely disinterested.
and I have no interest whatsoever in anyone related to me.
A blessing, isn't it?
Fortunately for me.
Do you think you can\N play with me like this?
Do you really think I would do something like this as theater?
What kind of woman would want\N the praises of a heartless man?
Do you see me as a woman who would flirt with a man I don't care about?!
You're trying too hard, saying\N that. You'll overdo the grief.
If I answered that, my reply would seem callous.
Hey -- Don't come near! This isn't\Nan exhibition! Go back! Go back!
You men, leave this place! This isn't\Nan exhibition! Go away! Leave now!
What in the world is this\N foolishness! It's unsightly!
What in the name of the heavens do you think you are doing?! This is pitiful!
What are you doing? Cut the ropes!
What are you doing?! Cut the ropes!
For that kind of treatment -- Hurry!
And tend to her wounds! At once!
From this day on, I never\N want to see you again.
From this day on, I never\N want to see you again.
If I do, I'll kill you!
If I do, I will kill you.
Surely, I will kill you!
I'm sure I'll end up killing you.
Brother, wait! Let's go SLOWLY.
Wait up, my brother! Let's take it slow.
Is he really here? That\N kind of old man...
Does such an old man really exist?
Gods have mercy!
I'm going to break off our friendship...
I'm fed up with this oaf!
It's true...
I mean it...
M-My brother!
Catch hold!
Grab my hand!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?!
Who are you?
Who are you?!
A friend of Lukaon?
A friend of Lycaon?!
Questions and answers are useless!
Cease your prattling!
I'm not a suspicious person!
I am not your enemy!
I only came to beg\N knowledge from the King!
I only came to garner\N knowledge from the king!
Shut up! YOUR devilish feelings\N are knowledge enough!
Hold your tongue! I am well \Naware of your evil intentions!
This blockhead!
You boorish brute!
That's enough!
Hey... It was a pet...?
Wow! So that's his pet, huh?
Forgive his rudeness.
He's a model of versatility, isn't he...
He treats everything with suspicion.
He's called Hercules. He was\N Earth's wildest highwayman.
His name is Heracles. He used to be the wildest bandit in all the land.
Now he's the gatekeeper of my home.
Now, he guards the entrance to my humble dwelling.
Well, he's basically a good fellow.
All in all, he's a fine fellow.
Why are you in this kind of place?
Why are you living in a place like this?
This earth is trivial.
The world below is a mundane place.
Already it's a place for\N things like me to dwell.
It is no place for someone like me now.
Zeus, though he is descended from\N my family, wags his bottom at me.
If I do Zeus' bidding, it would spell the end of my race.
Not only that, but he feels\N that I am a sty in his eye.
Furthermore, he treats me like a wart on his brow,
And if he dies...
and wishes to rid himself of my presence.
They've come, haven't they...
So they've come, have they?
Arion, son of Poseidon.\N You will come along with us!
Arion, son of Poseidon. You will come with us to the place where you shall be judged!
This is...
Will you hinder us, Lukaon?
You deem to interfere, Lycaon?!
Hand him over -- that boy!
Hand the boy over!
He is a criminal who has committed patricide. By arresting him, he will receive punishment.
He is a criminal who has committed patricide. He is in our custody!
Traitorous Erynes -- You've\N become Olympus' pet dogs.
Silence, Erinyes! You've \Nbecome Olympus' lapdog!
I won't hand over Arion!
I refuse to hand over Arion!
Go back to Zeus -- Tell him so!
Return to Zeus and convey that message!
You fool!
Leave! Growling dogs!
Leave, you growling dogs!
This is...?
This is...
It is a pocket of time and space.
It's a place uninhibited by time and space.
It is okay to go with me.
Follow me.
Whatever happens, don't get\N separated from me. If you do, you\N won't be able to return to reality.
Whatever comes to pass, do not stray from my side.
It's the Sea of Elekseinos.
If you do, your passage back to reality will be forever denied to you.
Here in Darukia, a long time ago,\N the Titans established an empire.
This is the Euxine Sea.
Uranus was king of that state.
Long ago, here in Dulekheia, the Titans established an empire.
But Chronos, the son of the King, turned against him and killed him.
Uranus was king of that land.
Then Chronos in turn was\N killed by his son, Zeus.
But the king was killed by his son, Cronus.
Zeus is a prudent man.
Then, Cronus was in turn killed by his son, Zeus.
Since he fears that he, too, will\Ngrope his way to the same fate, he\Nis always suspicious of people.
Zeus is cowardly.
"Defend the law" -- that became\N his prayer, like an incantation...
He fears that he too will \Nsuccumb to the same fate,
It's such an ugly quarrel...
so he is suspicious of everyone and protects himself with his laws.
They got the art of\N heaven in their hands.
He has resorted to incantations and prayers.
The Titan family saved the\Ncountry, and then descended from\Nthe West to dwell on this ground...
But look at this ugly conflict.
The Titans incurred Heaven's wrath,
abandoned their kingdom,
and descended from the west to dwell on this land.
Stop it!
This is Olympus!
This is... Olympus?
I've found you... Lesphina...
I missed you, Lesphoena.
You... You were my sister...
You... I did not realize you were my sister.
Then it's true... You smell like Mother...
But it is true. You smell like Mother.
What impudence.
Both the Erynes and I are\Nfrom the same origin... The\Nroyal family of Arcadia.
Both the Erinyes and I have the same origin: The Arcadian nobility.
Rascals with a sacred power. They are people resurrected from Hades' country.
They were resurrected from Hades' land by spiritual powers.
What do they hope to accomplish, standing loyal to Zeus?
What do they hope to accomplish by being loyal to Zeus?
They've become Gods in order to protect the laws of Olympus...
They have become goddesses in order to protect the laws of Olympus...
A sorry affair.
It's beyond reproach.
But Apollo's hidden power is different from the sacred powers of the Erynes.
But Apollo's hidden power is different from the Erinyes' spiritual power.
He is the incarnation of\N the evil nature of the Titans.
He is the epitome of the Titans' evil nature.
Do you understand, Arion?
Do you understand, Arion?
Your true enemy is the future\N ruler of Olympus, Apollo!
Your true enemy is the future\N supreme ruler of Olympus, Apollo!
B -- But, sacred powers\N and hidden powers--
B-But... I don't have anything like...
I don't have anything like that.
hidden powers or even spiritual powers.
No matter, I shall confront him...
How am I supposed to...
Can't you see? This is a magic family!
You didn't realize it when we were on that mystical journey?!
There is a destiny that supports you.
You didn't see the one last thread of fate that'll support you?
Believe it, Arion.
Proceed with caution, Arion.
For you, she is probably\N your last family.
This will most likely be your final journey.
Only this time you are not forced to go.
Only this time, you are not being forced to go.
You will go to Olympus\N to save Lesphina.
The reason you'll go to Olympus is to save Lesphoena.
You will go to where\N Lesphina is, as yourself.
You will go to where Lesphoena \Nresides of your own free will.
Disobeying the wishes of the\Nsacred Gods, Poseidon came\Nto attack eternal Olympus.
Disobeying the wishes of the sacrosanct gods,
But he and his whole army were\N driven away. The splendor\N of the Titans is eternal!
Poseidon sought to attack the eternal Olympus.
But both he and his entire army were defeated.
The splendor of the Titans is eternal!
Praise Athena!
Praise Athena!
Praise Athena! Praise Athena!
Praise Athena! Praise Athena!
The divine protection\Nof the Gods to Zeus!
May Zeus receive divine protection!
The divine protection\Nof the Gods to Zeus!
May Zeus receive divine protection!
The divine protection\Nof the Gods to Zeus!
May Zeus receive divine protection!
Thank you for your efforts, Athena.
I thank you for your efforts, Athena.
You are my pride.
You are my pride and joy.
You are Olympus' treasure.
You are Olympus' treasure.
Poseidon! Now he's in Hell.\NProbably stamping his feet in rage...
That accursed Poseidon! I bet he's stomping around in Hades right now.
Lord Arion?
Are you Lord Arion?
You will all leave!
You will all leave.
Lesphina -- I have warned him.
Lesphoena, I thought I'd warned you...
This time you appeared\N with Apollo in front of me.
that the next time you and Apollo appeared before me,
Against my orders!
you would die!
I'm not like Apollo --\NI don't just joke around!
Unlike Apollo, I don't like to joke around!
If I say I'll kill someone, I'll kill them!
If I say I'm going to kill\N someone, I will kill them!
If you must hate, don't hate me.
If you must hate someone, don't hate me.
He hurt me, and played with\N you. You should hate Apollo!
You should hate Apollo, the one who hurt me and toyed with your feelings!
Oh, my! He's woken you up?
Oh dear! You're awake?
Although you're exhausted\N from your journey...
And you're exhausted\N from your long journey...
Such a noisy little thing.
Please forgive all the noise.
Oh, I hope it's not a bad sickness...?
Hey, I wonder if that child's caught something bad...
Dear lady...
Smear this on that child's chest.
Rub this on the child's chest.
Oh, I am very grateful.
Oh, I am very grateful to you.
Surely this is an expensive medicine?
This must be very expensive medicine...
No. I learned of it from my mother.
No, my mother taught me how to concoct it.
This, eh? It's made in Kozurina,\Nmixed with oil of wild thyme.
You see? This is made by mixing false daphne with the oil of the wild thyme.
See, it's absorbed in your chest, isn't it?
Feel how it soothes your chest?
So, your mother...
I see. Your mother taught it to you.
Was your mother about\N the same age as Pandora?
Was your mother roughly\N the same age as Pandora?
Was she the mother of these children?
Was she the mother of these children?
No, no. These children are orphans.
No, no. These children are orphans.
Pandora married that\N splendid man, Prometheus.
Pandora, our daughter, married that\N splendid man, Prometheus.
Our daughter... it's a cruel\N tale... became pregnant...
It's a cruel tale. She was pregnant at the time...
Poor daughter... attacking\N this small village...
Poor child...
The children's faces caught\N that man's blood. Couldn't see.
I know she would've wanted to live long enough to see the faces of his children.
I hate to interrupt your grief,\Ngrandma, but where did grandpa go?
I hate to intrude on your grief, dear lady, but where did the old man go?
Uh... that is...
Um... well...
I know!
I know!
But, I do... Follow me, I'll tell you!
But I do. Follow me! I'll show you.
Th... this...
Hurry! What're you doing?
He's on that island, isn't he... grandpa?
Walk faster! What are you doing?
Y... yes...
The old man is on that island, yes?
He's alone? Grandpa?
In here?
Well, let's go in...
The old man lives here all by himself?
Well, onwards and upwards...
He'll get angry. There's an important thing here. Grandpa... said children aren't allowed to go in...
Whyever not?
All right. I'll go and look.\N Everybody stay here, all right?
He'll get angry.
Ah -- Wait!
My grandfather told me...
No children! You'll\N make grandpa angry!
that children aren't allowed in there because it has something valuable inside.
All right already! I'll stay with you.
I understand. I'll go and look.\N Everybody, stay here, all right?
This man...
Ah, w-wait for me!
No children allowed! Grandfather will get mad at you!
I heard you! I'll stay here with you then!
This man is...
It's Prometheus.
It's Prometheus.
We secretly worship him as a god.
We secretly worship him as a god.
This man... is Prometheus...
This man... is Prometheus...
And he married your\N daughter Pandora...
Then, the man who married your daughter, Pandora, is...
Grandma told you as much?
So the old woman told you that, too?
That is common knowledge.
It's common knowledge.
Ethos... Please tell me\Nmore about this man!
Your name is Ethos, correct? Please tell me more about this man!
This is...
It's called a thunder tube.
It is known as a thunder tube.
It came from antiquity, supporting\N the extravagance of the Titans.
It came from ancient times, supporting\N the
The secret power of Zeus. The\N source of the thunder power.
Prometheus taught us\N about this thunder tube.
Therefore, the old fear of the Titans.
It's not a mysterious thing...
He was punished for rebelling\N against the royal family.
At the execution ground\N on the rocky mountain?
Just so.
To repay him for that device,\N they came to ruthlessly kill him...
It's been twenty years, and\N I still regret what happened...
Prometheus was a noble man.
He struck against the nephew of Chronos, the king of the last age.
He was related to Zeus.
Yet it was a mortal girl, Pandora,\N that found favor in his eyes...
I guess he desired the\N prosperity of the Titans.
Polluting the pollution, he wandered into a labyrinth with no exit.
By leading the previous inhabitants\Nin a brave expansion, trying to make\Nthe Titan family harmonious...
Therefore, progressing to associate with us, offending the old prohibition.
Daringly, we became\Nknowledgeable about the origin\Nof the secret power, too...
I feel as if I've known you all along...
B... brother...
Please make an\N announcement, Lord Arion!
It's no use, I...
My father was Poseidon.
My mother, Demeter.
I am a child of the Titans!
Still, I will hunt down Zeus.
I will lay a trap with these hands...
With these hands, that killed my father!
I will fight Zeus!
I will go to Olympus, then I will fight!
But, that...
But really I do this for the sake of the woman I love, who is on Olympus!
Beloved Lesphina, captive of Apollo!
I want to rescue Lesphina!
Lesphina... is my sister.
But I love her!
I will go to Olympus!
Whoever will go with me,\N please consider, and come!\N I will not reject you!
I will fight them!
I will fight for Lesphina's sake!
Really, it is only that!
That's all right, isn't it?
Everybody, come with me!
Then we'll fight Zeus, won't we?
Let's go! To Olympus!
Poseidon's son struck the army...
And he is called Arion?
He is Prometheus' second coming!
Tessaia, Ahty, Vorosa...
...from everywhere, serious members\Ncame together spontaneously\Nagainst the Titans.
The enemy faltered...
In rapid succession,\Nentering the army gates...?
Only this time, I am afraid that\N Olympus will not be so negligent...
Hey, grandpa -- You don't\Nreally intend to use this thing?\N This thunder tube, I mean.
Prometheus made it.\N Don't you believe in it?
Oh, dear...
Oh Great Goddess Gaia, The child of Poseidon, the one called Arion, is now headed this way.
He has the civilians up in arms\N and... oh, what shall we do?
Oh Great Goddess Gaia, please tell us!
Zeus... You're acting unsightly...
Why do you fear so?
No matter how many there\N are, the people won't come...
You hold the rank of King\N of all things, and you cry?
Let me go! Let me strike one b