SobsPleaase WEB EP13 - v1 vs. v2
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# SobsPlease v1
# SobsPlease v2
Yer serious bout helpin' her?
Yer serious bout helpin' her?
Fer sure.
Fer sure.
It don't sit well with me.
It don't sit well with me.
She ain't done nothing to 'em.
She ain't done nothing to 'em.
She don't deserve it.
She don't deserve it.
Don't need much of a reason ta bully somebody.
Don't need much of a reason ta bully somebody.
Sayin' they looked at ya weird's enough.
Sayin' they looked at ya weird's enough.
Ya know...
Ya know...
She looked our way. Silently prayin' for help.
She looked our way. Silently prayin' for help.
Well, there wasn't no one else around. 'Course she'd look to us.
Well, there wasn't no one else around. 'Course she'd look to us.
Help 'er all ya want, but I ain't backin' ya up, Nina.
Help 'er all ya want, but I ain't backin' ya up, Nina.
If you stop 'em from bullying her, yer gonna be next on down the line.
If you stop 'em from bullying her, yer gonna be next on down the line.
And if I don't, what'll happen to 'er?
And if I don't, what'll happen to 'er?
She either sets it straight herself, quits coming ta school,
She either sets it straight herself, quits coming ta school,
or the teachers'll wise up and rein 'em in.
or the teachers'll wise up and rein 'em in.
And yer gonna leave 'er to it 'til then?
And yer gonna leave 'er to it 'til then?
Why do ya care so much?
Why do ya care so much?
Lord, I've had it to here with you. Yer real annoying, ya know that?
Lord, I've had it to here with you. Yer real annoying, ya know that?
Still, I just can't stand it!
Still, I just can't stand it!
I hear ya, Hina.
I hear ya, Hina.
But it don't sit right with me.
But it don't sit right with me.
Doing good is doing evil?
Doing good is doing evil?
Ain't that backwards?
Ain't that backwards?
I can't just sit back 'n watch.
I can't just sit back 'n watch.
A dream, huh?
A dream, huh?
We were supposed to be at the agency today...
We were supposed to be at the agency today...
Crap. I overslept.
Crap. I overslept.
I'll be blunt: we're not even at half of our projection.
I'll be blunt: we're not even at half of our projection.
Given how few views the video has.
Given how few views the video has.
No way we'd gain subscribers without views.
No way we'd gain subscribers without views.
What's your opinion on the matter, Ms. Miura?
What's your opinion on the matter, Ms. Miura?
The crux of the issue is that your exposure and popularity are in fact growing.
The crux of the issue is that your exposure and popularity are in fact growing.
If we look at searches, the numbers are looking good.
If we look at searches, the numbers are looking good.
And if people are searching you this much, the song should be getting plays.
And if people are searching you this much, the song should be getting plays.
But you're saying it isn't.
But you're saying it isn't.
It's our fault.
It's our fault.
It seems our marketing was insufficient.
It seems our marketing was insufficient.
I'm truly sorry.
I'm truly sorry.
No, I was trying to say that—
No, I was trying to say that—
This is an era where anyone can self-advertise.
This is an era where anyone can self-advertise.
Our agency cannot become complacent.
Our agency cannot become complacent.
If artists don't see value in working with us, they won't.
If artists don't see value in working with us, they won't.
Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
No, that's true.
No, that's true.
Please, give me a few days.
Please, give me a few days.
I'll think of something.
I'll think of something.
I've never seen Ms. Miura act like that.
I've never seen Ms. Miura act like that.
She really was off today.
She really was off today.
Huh? Where's Momoka?
Huh? Where's Momoka?
She said "Sorry, I have to go" and left.
She said "Sorry, I have to go" and left.
Huh? She went home?
Huh? She went home?
Weren't we going to practice today?
Weren't we going to practice today?
Forget it. Let's take the day off.
Forget it. Let's take the day off.
Good idea.
Good idea.
Momoka put it together, right?
Momoka put it together, right?
Of course she did.
Of course she did.
You're so clueless, I swear.
You're so clueless, I swear.
Then tell me.
Then tell me.
You heard Ms. Miura.
You heard Ms. Miura.
Our band is gaining popularity, but the song isn't.
Our band is gaining popularity, but the song isn't.
And what does that mean?
And what does that mean?
The problem lies with the song.
The problem lies with the song.
Excuse me?
Excuse me?
Ms. Miura realized that Momoka was trying to say that.
Ms. Miura realized that Momoka was trying to say that.
That's why she interrupted her.
That's why she interrupted her.
But why?
But why?
She doesn't want Momoka to feel hurt, duh.
She doesn't want Momoka to feel hurt, duh.
No way!
No way!
There's still time!
There's still time!
It's such a good song!
It's such a good song!
Everyone praised it, didn't they?
Everyone praised it, didn't they?
Ms. Miura and Mr. Nakata!
Ms. Miura and Mr. Nakata!
If that was all it took to sell well, it'd be easy being an artist.
If that was all it took to sell well, it'd be easy being an artist.
They say Van Gogh only managed to sell a single painting while he was alive.
They say Van Gogh only managed to sell a single painting while he was alive.
Look, people are easily influenced.
Look, people are easily influenced.
They'll watch what's popular, even if it doesn't interest them.
They'll watch what's popular, even if it doesn't interest them.
And they won't watch something no one else does.
And they won't watch something no one else does.
I don't think...
I don't think...
You think I'm wrong?
You think I'm wrong?
Let's say you wanna watch a Let's Play.
Let's say you wanna watch a Let's Play.
One video's got five thousand views, the other one million. Which will you pick?
One video's got five thousand views, the other one million. Which will you pick?
Wanting to sink into the depths you're charting
Wanting to sink into the depths you're charting
As I stare at your eerie gazes
As I stare at your eerie gazes
But that wouldn't get me what I'm craving
But that wouldn't get me what I'm craving
Living in a world full of silenced screaming
Living in a world full of silenced screaming
All I want to do is to push it forward
All I want to do is to push it forward
For the sake of those still changing
For the sake of those still changing
That single wish is what drives me onward
That single wish is what drives me onward
Stop that. It's embarrassing.
Stop that. It's embarrassing.
I-I know...
I-I know...
I will shout it out 'til my voice can't handle it
I will shout it out 'til my voice can't handle it
"They picked a fight without standing a chance."
"They picked a fight without standing a chance."
"I really hate how full of themselves they are."
"I really hate how full of themselves they are."
"No one wants you losers here!"
"No one wants you losers here!"
Shut the hell up!
Shut the hell up!
Screw you all!
Screw you all!
You haven't even listened to the song!
You haven't even listened to the song!
It's not like you're the ones we're losing to!
It's not like you're the ones we're losing to!
Stay out of our fight, will you!
Stay out of our fight, will you!
Calm down, calm down, calm down...
Calm down, calm down, calm down...
A two-day band battle...
A two-day band battle...
The Diamond Dust day is already sold out.
The Diamond Dust day is already sold out.
No surprise there.
No surprise there.
A follower request?
A follower request?
It's her verified account.
It's her verified account.
Made you look!
Made you look!
Long time no see.
Long time no see.
Are you fine without a disguise?
Are you fine without a disguise?
Come on, we're not that famous.
Come on, we're not that famous.
I see you still like this brand.
I see you still like this brand.
I do.
I do.
Didn't we grab it pretty often after school?
Didn't we grab it pretty often after school?
I'll pay for it.
I'll pay for it.
No need. It's my treat.
No need. It's my treat.
What do you want?
What do you want?
I'd just like to clear up the confusion I'm sure you have.
I'd just like to clear up the confusion I'm sure you have.
Like what?
Like what?
I didn't join Diamond Dust specifically to spite you.
I didn't join Diamond Dust specifically to spite you.
I told you I was auditioning, didn't I?
I told you I was auditioning, didn't I?
Well, maybe not.
Well, maybe not.
That was after we stopped talking.
That was after we stopped talking.
And after you stopped coming to school.
And after you stopped coming to school.
You here to brag?
You here to brag?
To say things went the way they did because I didn't listen to you?
To say things went the way they did because I didn't listen to you?
That if I'd listened to you, none of this would have happened?
That if I'd listened to you, none of this would have happened?
Or rather, you're half right.
Or rather, you're half right.
Tickets not selling well?
Tickets not selling well?
None of your business.
None of your business.
I'd say that it is, actually.
I'd say that it is, actually.
We're performing together, aren't we?
We're performing together, aren't we?
It's not together!
It's not together!
Your agent, Ms. Miura, came to our agency asking for help.
Your agent, Ms. Miura, came to our agency asking for help.
Trying to find a solution.
Trying to find a solution.
She did?!
She did?!
If Diamond Dust performed on both days,
If Diamond Dust performed on both days,
the tickets would sell better,
the tickets would sell better,
and we could go head-to-head both days.
and we could go head-to-head both days.
She even admitted that you're below 30% capacity with your ticket sales.
She even admitted that you're below 30% capacity with your ticket sales.
We don't have anything planned for that day, so they're leaving the decision up to us.
We don't have anything planned for that day, so they're leaving the decision up to us.
I figured I'd talk it through with you before casting my vote.
I figured I'd talk it through with you before casting my vote.
As in, you don't want us butting into your problems?
As in, you don't want us butting into your problems?
Or are you grateful to your saviors?
Or are you grateful to your saviors?
Hear that?
Hear that?
That's what selling well is.
That's what selling well is.
It's important.
It's important.
Very important.
Very important.
Stop being stubborn. Admit it.
Stop being stubborn. Admit it.
"I was in the wrong."
"I was in the wrong."
"You were right, Hina."
"You were right, Hina."
"I should've listened to you."
"I should've listened to you."
You were gonna lay the truth bare and be proud of it, right?
You were gonna lay the truth bare and be proud of it, right?
If you admit you were wrong,
If you admit you were wrong,
I'll always give you a hand.
I'll always give you a hand.
I'm leaving!
I'm leaving!
Your money!
Your money!
Thank you for the invite!
Thank you for the invite!
Sorry for the sudden call.
Sorry for the sudden call.
It's no problem at all.
It's no problem at all.
Did something happen?
Did something happen?
Not really, we've just been discussing something.
Not really, we've just been discussing something.
We've received a proposal from Diamond Dust where we'd both perform on both days.
We've received a proposal from Diamond Dust where we'd both perform on both days.
They want to go head-to-head in front of the same audience.
They want to go head-to-head in front of the same audience.
You heard this from Ms. Miura, didn't you?
You heard this from Ms. Miura, didn't you?
That's true. What about it?
That's true. What about it?
What do you think, Nina?
What do you think, Nina?
What do you guys think?
What do you guys think?
Isn't it obvious?
Isn't it obvious?
It was a completely unfair challenge that suddenly became a little more fair, so why not?
It was a completely unfair challenge that suddenly became a little more fair, so why not?
But if we change it now,
But if we change it now,
we won't be drawing our own audience like we intended,
we won't be drawing our own audience like we intended,
just leeching off Diamond Dust instead.
just leeching off Diamond Dust instead.
And wouldn't that just be admitting our defeat from the get-go?
And wouldn't that just be admitting our defeat from the get-go?
So you're against it?
So you're against it?
I hate it.
I hate it.
There she goes again.
There she goes again.
I understand how you feel, but...
I understand how you feel, but...
We can't agree to this. We absolutely can't!
We can't agree to this. We absolutely can't!
Have you forgotten what brought us to this point?!
Have you forgotten what brought us to this point?!
Momoka wasn't wrong.
Momoka wasn't wrong.
Her songs can and will make it big!
Her songs can and will make it big!
We're gonna prove that, aren't we?!
We're gonna prove that, aren't we?!
We've made it this far because we believed that!
We've made it this far because we believed that!
But turns out reality says otherwise.
But turns out reality says otherwise.
We haven't even sold 30% of our tickets.
We haven't even sold 30% of our tickets.
It's worse than when we were indie.
It's worse than when we were indie.
So what?!
So what?!
Are you going to make up the difference?
Are you going to make up the difference?
You know how much it costs to run an event?
You know how much it costs to run an event?
The costs...
The costs...
It's not just the cost of the venue.
It's not just the cost of the venue.
We've been making merch thinking it'd sell.
We've been making merch thinking it'd sell.
Advertising isn't free either.
Advertising isn't free either.
Our only option right now is to do some damage control.
Our only option right now is to do some damage control.
I'm at fault for all of this.
I'm at fault for all of this.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
So we're gonna bow our heads to Diamond Dust as well?
So we're gonna bow our heads to Diamond Dust as well?
That's not what we're planning to do, though?
That's not what we're planning to do, though?
It's not. We're just accepting a proposal they came to us with.
It's not. We're just accepting a proposal they came to us with.
It's not that simple!
It's not that simple!
You think Diamond Dust would propose this on their own?
You think Diamond Dust would propose this on their own?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Isn't it obvious?
Isn't it obvious?
Ms. Miura went to them, bowing her head, to ask for this.
Ms. Miura went to them, bowing her head, to ask for this.
To do the concert together. To get their help.
To do the concert together. To get their help.
How could you know that?
How could you know that?
Hina approached me.
Hina approached me.
Told me to admit I was in the wrong.
Told me to admit I was in the wrong.
Offered her help, but only if I gave in.
Offered her help, but only if I gave in.
But I... I don't want to say it!
But I... I don't want to say it!
Because... I...
Because... I...
I wasn't in the wrong at all!
I wasn't in the wrong at all!
So don't you dare bow your head!
So don't you dare bow your head!
Don't go against everything I've done and felt!
Don't go against everything I've done and felt!
Money, responsibility, popularity...
Money, responsibility, popularity...
I understand how it all works!
I understand how it all works!
It's choking me, squeezing me, beating me, crushing me!
It's choking me, squeezing me, beating me, crushing me!
I've had enough!
I've had enough!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Look, I just...
Look, I just...
I feel so powerless.
I feel so powerless.
They do this to you?
They do this to you?
Didn't I make myself clear?
Didn't I make myself clear?
I ain't gonna back you up.
I ain't gonna back you up.
You that against what I did?
You that against what I did?
Ya know, every time I talk to you, I get to thinking...
Ya know, every time I talk to you, I get to thinking...
You go on a crusade about justice, then act the victim when it blows up,
You go on a crusade about justice, then act the victim when it blows up,
and hurt people both ways.
and hurt people both ways.
At this point, aren't you the bad guy here?
At this point, aren't you the bad guy here?
And you haven't talked since?
And you haven't talked since?
Well, nothing I wouldn't expect out of you, Nina.
Well, nothing I wouldn't expect out of you, Nina.
And? What happened to the girl who was getting bullied?
And? What happened to the girl who was getting bullied?
See, that's the weird thing.
See, that's the weird thing.
Later on, she joined her bullies and started bullying me.
Later on, she joined her bullies and started bullying me.
Then she came to talk to me in secret.
Then she came to talk to me in secret.
Told me to apologize to them.
Told me to apologize to them.
She said they'd leave me alone.
She said they'd leave me alone.
And that she wouldn't have to bully me anymore either.
And that she wouldn't have to bully me anymore either.
That's ridiculous.
That's ridiculous.
But she was also trembling.
But she was also trembling.
She was afraid of those girls.
She was afraid of those girls.
But you saved her from them, right?
But you saved her from them, right?
She owed you for that!
She owed you for that!
And that's why you stopped going to school, huh?
And that's why you stopped going to school, huh?
Because you did the right thing, yeah?
Because you did the right thing, yeah?
She didn't, though!
She didn't, though!
Nina, you absolutely made mistakes!
Nina, you absolutely made mistakes!
I mean, am I wrong?
I mean, am I wrong?
No matter how you look at it, Hina was right!
No matter how you look at it, Hina was right!
But you know what?
But you know what?
I think that's what won me over.
I think that's what won me over.
I like your singing, too.
I like your singing, too.
And I think Rupa, Momoka, and Subaru feel the same.
And I think Rupa, Momoka, and Subaru feel the same.
Stop that!
Stop that!
No can do!
No can do!
This really isn't my kind of thing!
This really isn't my kind of thing!
So we've got our answer.
So we've got our answer.
But everyone at the agency did so much for us.
But everyone at the agency did so much for us.
We need to sort this out somehow.
We need to sort this out somehow.
Though I guess I can't say I didn't see this coming.
Though I guess I can't say I didn't see this coming.
It was kinda to be expected.
It was kinda to be expected.
We're all on Nina's wild ride.
We're all on Nina's wild ride.
Yup, pretty much.
Yup, pretty much.
That's mean!
That's mean!
You want to refuse?
You want to refuse?
Yes. We're sorry.
Yes. We're sorry.
They proposed we have a proper battle.
They proposed we have a proper battle.
To make it fair.
To make it fair.
We're aware.
We're aware.
But if we do that now, all it'll amount to is them doing us a favor.
But if we do that now, all it'll amount to is them doing us a favor.
Even if that's the case, at least the audience would—
Even if that's the case, at least the audience would—
This is our decision.
This is our decision.
Of course, we're aware how selfish we're acting.
Of course, we're aware how selfish we're acting.
We're also aware this will damage the agency's reputation.
We're also aware this will damage the agency's reputation.
So we'd like to know how much this event cost.
So we'd like to know how much this event cost.
Unfortunately we cannot give you a timeframe,
Unfortunately we cannot give you a timeframe,
but we will fully compensate you.
but we will fully compensate you.
Please understand.
Please understand.
Sorry and thank you.
Sorry and thank you.
Please, raise your heads.
Please, raise your heads.
Tell me your reasons.
Tell me your reasons.
I received a message.
I received a message.
From Diamond Dust's member Hina directly.
From Diamond Dust's member Hina directly.
I was really glad you did so much for us.
I was really glad you did so much for us.
I selfishly asked to participate in this battle,
I selfishly asked to participate in this battle,
and you worked so hard to support us.
and you worked so hard to support us.
We feel that refusing your hard-earned solution is unprofessional.
We feel that refusing your hard-earned solution is unprofessional.
We're sorry for being so selfish!
We're sorry for being so selfish!
To be completely honest with you, I expected this.
To be completely honest with you, I expected this.
I knew I was going against what you wanted.
I knew I was going against what you wanted.
Ms. Miura...
Ms. Miura...
I truly failed you, didn't I?
I truly failed you, didn't I?
Let me be clear with you.
Let me be clear with you.
I'll sort out your contract and the expenses with the agency.
I'll sort out your contract and the expenses with the agency.
I wanted to work with you not despite, but because of your character.
I wanted to work with you not despite, but because of your character.
Let me do something for you at least once.
Let me do something for you at least once.
You're quitting?
You're quitting?
Why? Transferring?
Why? Transferring?
No, we're going independent.
No, we're going independent.
Were you unhappy with my work?
Were you unhappy with my work?
Not at all.
Not at all.
We just have to stay true to ourselves.
We just have to stay true to ourselves.
That's all.
That's all.
Is he mad?
Is he mad?
That's a very naive thing to say.
That's a very naive thing to say.
She said too much, as usual.
She said too much, as usual.
Ten years from now, let me know if you're still active.
Ten years from now, let me know if you're still active.
I'll work for you free of charge.
I'll work for you free of charge.
We will!
We will!
Thank you so much, Mr. Nakata!
Thank you so much, Mr. Nakata!
Want to grab some beef bowls?
Want to grab some beef bowls?
I bet you just wanna drink.
I bet you just wanna drink.
That's not true!
That's not true!
You're not fooling anyone, Rupa.
You're not fooling anyone, Rupa.
Actually, this is where we first met you two, isn't it?
Actually, this is where we first met you two, isn't it?
I guess.
I guess.
Beni-Shouga, huh?
Beni-Shouga, huh?
Can we swear an oath?
Can we swear an oath?
On Beni-Shouga.
On Beni-Shouga.
It refers to the red ginger served with beef bowls,
It refers to the red ginger served with beef bowls,
so it's more than just your group's name.
so it's more than just your group's name.
But what kinda oath?
But what kinda oath?
That we'll carry on together.
That we'll carry on together.
None of us will ever quit.
None of us will ever quit.
Well, guess we have to get beef bowls now.
Well, guess we have to get beef bowls now.
Sounds good.
Sounds good.
One beer and not a sip more.
One beer and not a sip more.
You know, I really like this city.
You know, I really like this city.
Here, I found friends I can laugh and cry with no matter what.
Here, I found friends I can laugh and cry with no matter what.
I really love it!
I really love it!
That's Kawasaki!
That's Kawasaki!
You could see this loss a mile away.
You could see this loss a mile away.
Like a team that's been losing all season.
Like a team that's been losing all season.
No miracles here, huh?
No miracles here, huh?
What did you expect? We're not in a soap opera.
What did you expect? We're not in a soap opera.
Oh? You watch some?
Oh? You watch some?
The only show I watch is Grandma Detective!
The only show I watch is Grandma Detective!
You wanna fight?
You wanna fight?
You know,
You know,
it's nothing surprising.
it's nothing surprising.
We knew very well that reality was like this.
We knew very well that reality was like this.
That it wasn't gonna be easy.
That it wasn't gonna be easy.
Now you're all enlightened?
Now you're all enlightened?
You were the most clueless one all this time.
You were the most clueless one all this time.
Still, that's why you can keep fighting.
Still, that's why you can keep fighting.
Saying you're not wrong.
Saying you're not wrong.
Actually, since yesterday's Diamond Dust concert,
Actually, since yesterday's Diamond Dust concert,
there've been more comments.
there've been more comments.
And you told us not to look!
And you told us not to look!
It's fine.
It's fine.
Let's see...
Let's see...
"I actually like this a lot."
"I actually like this a lot."
"Why were people flaming them so hard?"
"Why were people flaming them so hard?"
"Just shut up and listen to the songs. Music isn't about views."
"Just shut up and listen to the songs. Music isn't about views."
"Don't act like it's over before they even play."
"Don't act like it's over before they even play."
See, there are people willing to voice the unpopular opinions.
See, there are people willing to voice the unpopular opinions.
Determination comes across to people, doesn't it?
Determination comes across to people, doesn't it?
It really does.
It really does.
Actually, I had no idea you got so good at playing guitar.
Actually, I had no idea you got so good at playing guitar.
You improved so much.
You improved so much.
You're really okay with me playing on stage?
You're really okay with me playing on stage?
All that practice in Miharashi Park paid off.
All that practice in Miharashi Park paid off.
I don't mind.
I don't mind.
Thank you, guys.
Thank you, guys.
Get ready, please.
Get ready, please.
I swear...
I swear...
She's a real character.
She's a real character.
Have you considered Hina might not actually want you to give in?
Have you considered Hina might not actually want you to give in?
What's that mean?
What's that mean?
She went out of her way to tell you to apologize.
She went out of her way to tell you to apologize.
She probably knew you'd be stubborn about it.
She probably knew you'd be stubborn about it.
Nina has those final boss vibes.
Nina has those final boss vibes.
The Incomparably Annoying Archdemon of Sophistry.
The Incomparably Annoying Archdemon of Sophistry.
But once she's gone, the game's over, so you don't want her to be defeated.
But once she's gone, the game's over, so you don't want her to be defeated.
That's not much of a compliment.
That's not much of a compliment.
But it is!
But it is!
You think I could lie to you?
You think I could lie to you?
it's time.
it's time.
Um, as you all already know,
Um, as you all already know,
we're supposed to be playing against Diamond Dust.
we're supposed to be playing against Diamond Dust.
But the results are pretty clear...
But the results are pretty clear...
Thank you all for coming to see us today!
Thank you all for coming to see us today!
To be honest, it really bothered us.
To be honest, it really bothered us.
We wanted to win against Diamond Dust.
We wanted to win against Diamond Dust.
We didn't want to be worse.
We didn't want to be worse.
Even during the festival, we intended to beat them.
Even during the festival, we intended to beat them.
I know it's not appropriate, but I'd like to share a story.
I know it's not appropriate, but I'd like to share a story.
May I, Rupa?
May I, Rupa?
Actually, when I was in high school, I decided to help a girl who was being bullied.
Actually, when I was in high school, I decided to help a girl who was being bullied.
And on my way to help her, I felt so happy.
And on my way to help her, I felt so happy.
I was proud of myself for that,
I was proud of myself for that,
and glad that I made the decision.
and glad that I made the decision.
But because of that, I ended up getting bullied next.
But because of that, I ended up getting bullied next.
And in the end, I dropped out of school.
And in the end, I dropped out of school.
But not once have I thought that I shouldn't have done that.
But not once have I thought that I shouldn't have done that.
I never blamed it for what happened to me.
I never blamed it for what happened to me.
Not even a bit.
Not even a bit.
And that's how I realized.
And that's how I realized.
I realized that I don't regret anything I've done.
I realized that I don't regret anything I've done.
I was able to stay strong thanks to Momoka's songs.
I was able to stay strong thanks to Momoka's songs.
I'd often talk about that with Hina—
I'd often talk about that with Hina—
Hina loved them too.
Hina loved them too.
She loved Diamond Dust.
She loved Diamond Dust.
Those songs aren't only mine.
Those songs aren't only mine.
They reach everyone's hearts.
They reach everyone's hearts.
Getting back on track, thank you for coming today.
Getting back on track, thank you for coming today.
Some might say you all have poor taste.
Some might say you all have poor taste.
But that's what I love about you!
But that's what I love about you!
And I'll respond!
And I'll respond!
We'll never give in!
We'll never give in!
We're not in the wrong!
We're not in the wrong!
And now, all of you...
And now, all of you...
will witness the humble beginnings of a legend!
will witness the humble beginnings of a legend!
Ready, and...
Ready, and...
Thank you!
Thank you!