A Dark Rabbit has Seven Lives - CR vs WhyNot (WBDP)
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Total words | 1836 |
Words removed (%) | 7.73 |
404 lines
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Words added | 142 |
Total words | 1836 |
Words added (%) | 7.73 |
413 lines
WhyNot (WBDP)
Are you ready to do this?
Are you ready to do this?
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
This won't hurt.
This won't hurt.
You're going to...
Are you going to...
...suck my blood?
suck my blood?
I'm not going to suck your blood.
I'm not going to suck your blood.
What are you going to do then?
What are you going to do then?
I'm going to give you some poison.
I'm going to give you some poison.
Yes, poison.
Yes, poison.
I'm going to give you some of my poison.
I'm going to give you some of my poison.
And then you won't be able to ever leave me.
And then you won't be able to ever leave me.
Don't worry. This won't hurt.
Don't worry.
This won't hurt.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Okay, all done!
Okay, all done!
You won't be able to leave me now.
You won't be able to leave me now.
We'll be together in life and death.
We'll be together in life and death.
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
I'm not ready yet...
I'm not ready yet...
But I already placed a curse on you.
But I already placed a curse on you.
You are now my servant...
You are now my servant...
My protector...
My protector...
My beloved...
My beloved...
I love you, Taito.
I love you, Taito.
This is all too sudden...
This is all too sudden...
Don't mind that. Just tell me that you love me.
Don't mind that. Just tell me that you love me.
That will complete the spell.
That will complete the spell.
Or are you saying that you don't like me?
Or are you saying that you don't like me?
That's not it...
That's not it...
So you like me?
So you like me?
Then say the words.
Then say it.
Uh-huh... I...
Uh-huh... I...
I love you too, Himea...
I love you too, Himea.
In that moment,
In that moment,
I realized that the world, the very composition of my body had completely changed,
I realized that the world,
the very composition of my body, had completely changed.
I had been placed under a curse...
I had been placed under a curse...
I had been placed under a spell...
I had been placed under a spell...
And so...
And so...
I love you, Taito.
I love you, Taito.
And so, this was the beginning of my story...
And so, this was the beginning of my story.
Or so I thought...
Or so I thought...
Taito... Taito!
Taito! Taito!
I love...
I love...
Taito! Hello, Taito!
Taito! Hello, Taito!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on now!
Come on, now!
Wake up already, Taito!
Wake up already, Taito!
Honestly, homeroom ended ages ago.
Honestly, homeroom ended ages ago.
"900 Seconds of After School <Part One>"
Hmm? Haruka? What's up?
Hmm? Haruka? What's up?
Honestly, that's all you have to say?
Honestly, that's all you have to say?
You've been asleep since fifth period.
You've been asleep since fifth period.
The teacher couldn't wake you up when he tried.
The teacher couldn't even wake you up.
Whoa! Homeroom's over already!
Homeroom's over already!
That's what I just said.
That's what I just said.
Are you okay, Taito?
Are you okay, Taito?
Damn, I overslept...
Damn, I overslept...
Ha-Haruka! Wh-What are you doing?!
Wh-What are you doing?!
Huh? Oh, there was drool on your face.
Huh? Oh, there was drool on your face.
Uh, this isn't what you think...
Uh, this isn't what you think...
I knew they were an item.
I knew they were an item.
Aw, Haruka was supposed to be my wife.
Aw, Haruka was supposed to be my wife.
Ha-Haruka, you realize that we're not, y'know?
Ha-Haruka, you realize that we're not, y'know?
So you should stop doing that.
So you should stop doing that.
Hmm? We're not what?
Hmm? We're not what?
Uh, I shouldn't need to tell you.
Figure it out.
Eh, whatever...
Eh, whatever...
Seriously? You're still tired after all that sleep?
Seriously? You're still tired after all that sleep?
Are you feeling sick, Taito?
Are you feeling sick, Taito?
Not really. I'm fine.
Not really. I'm fine.
Does your leg still hurt?
Does your leg still hurt?
Don't feel a thing.
Don't feel a thing.
Oh, actually...
Oh, actually...
Lately I keep having the same dream.
Lately, I keep having the same dream.
Huh? The same dream?
Huh? The same dream?
Uh-huh, that's right.
Uh-huh, that's right.
What kind of dream?
What kind of dream?
I'm not going to tell you.
I'm not going to tell you.
You'll totally laugh at me.
You'd totally laugh at me.
Huh? That's no fair. Now I want to know.
Huh? That's no fair. Now I want to know.
Promise not to laugh?
Promise not to laugh?
I promise.
I promise.
Really? Then I'll tell you.
Then, I'll tell you.
I'm a little kid again, and there's this girl who confesses her love to me.
I'm a little kid again, and there's this girl who confesses her love to me.
"I love you, Taito."
"I love you, Taito."
Huh? That's it?
Huh? That's it?
That's your recurring dream?
That's your recurring dream?
You promised not to laugh!
You promised not to laugh!
Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
How old was I?
How old was I?
Maybe the girl in my dream was you?
Maybe the girl in my dream was you?
I-It couldn't be!
I-It couldn't be!
I still haven't confessed my love to you or anything like that...
I still haven't confessed my love to you or anything like that...
True. I mean, that girl was super cute!
True. I mean, that girl was super cute!
What's that supposed to mean?! You're such a jerk!
What's that suppose to mean?! You're such a jerk!
Omigod! It's Gekkou-sama!
It's Gekkou-sama!
Gekkou-sama! Gekkou-sama! Over here!
Gekkou-sama! Gekkou-sama! Over here!
Gekkou-sama, are you off to do student council work?!
Gekkou-sama, are you off to do student council work?!
Out of the way, trash.
Out of the way, trash.
Stay out of my sight.
Stay out of my sight.
No fair! Say something to me, too!
No fair! Say something to me, too!
Move it! Move it!
Move it! Move it!
Hey, Gekkou. Can I use force to scatter this crowd?
Hey, Gekkou. Can I use force to scatter this crowd?
Don't do anything stupid, scum.
Don't do anything stupid, scum.
I'm not scum!
I'm not scum!
Work hard, Gekkou-sama!
Work hard, Gekkou-sama!
A top student and star athlete
A top student and a star athlete
who's popular with the girls...
who's popular with the girls...
A superstar who was voted student council president in his first year at school...
A superstar who was voted student council president in his first year at school...
Kurenai Gekkou-sama has graced us with his presence.
Kurenai Gekkou-sama has graced us with his presence.
Oh, you must be jealous of Kurenai-kun because he's so popular.
Oh, you must be jealous of Kurenai-kun because he's so popular.
Huh? I guess.
I guess so.
Really... You want to be popular?
Really... You want to be popular?
I'd be lying if I say that I didn't...
I'd be lying if I said that I didn't...
But I'm not a superman like him,
But I'm not a superman like him,
so I'll never be that popular.
so I'll never be that popular.
You'd rather go out with someone like him, right?
You'd rather go out with someone like him, right?
Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that.
What's that supposed to mean?
What's that suppose to mean?
Haruka's actually pretty cute.
Haruka's actually pretty cute.
So why am I so...
So why am I so...?
You are my servant.
You are my servant.
My protector.
My protector.
My beloved.
My beloved.
I love you, Taito...
I love you, Taito...
It's nothing. I just have a little headache because I slept too much.
It's nothing. I just have a little headache because I slept too much.
Hey, Haruka. Was he looking at me?
Hey, Haruka. Was he looking at me?
You were probably imagining things?
You were probably imagining things?
Really? It felt like he was staring right at me.
Really? It felt like he was staring right at me.
I wonder what people like him usually think about.
I wonder what people like him usually think about.
Yep. He's really something.
Yep. He's really something.
Yeah, The complete opposite of me and my mediocre life.
Yeah, he's the complete opposite of me and my mediocre life.
You're not mediocre.
You're not mediocre.
Yeah, I am.
Yeah, I am.
You're not.
You're not.
I'm pretty sure I am.
I'm pretty sure I am.
Okay. In that case...
Okay. In that case...
What's wrong with being mediocre?
What's wrong with being mediocre?
If you can go through life with a smile on your face every day, you've got it made.
If you can go through life with a smile on your face every day, you've got it made.
You're right.
You're right.
I forgot! We have a tennis meeting today!
I forgot! We have a tennis meeting today!
Sorry, Taito! Can you wait until we're finished?
Sorry, Taito! Can you wait until we're finished?
Screw that.
Screw that.
What? You're so mean!
What? You're so mean!
Let's go home together!
Let's go home together!
Just get going!
Just get going!
R-Right. Got it! Bye!
R-Right. Got it! Bye!
Oh, Haruka!
Oh, Haruka!
Uh, well...
Uh, well...
I guess there's nothing wrong with being mediocre.
I guess there's nothing wrong with being mediocre.
Though that makes me sound like an old fart instead of someone in high school.
Although, that makes me sound like an old fart instead of someone in high school.
Grandpa Taito! Look both ways when you cross the street!
Grandpa Taito! Look both ways when you cross the street!
Mediocre, huh...
Mediocre, huh?
I did it!
I did it!
He shouldn't have any trouble walking.
He shouldn't have any trouble walking.
However, he should avoid any intensive activity.
However, he should avoid any intensive activity.
After the injury cost me everything I had worked for,
After the injury cost me everything I had worked for,
It's okay, Taito!
It's okay, Taito!
...was always by my side with a smile on her face,
was always by my side with a smile on her face,
telling me that everything would be okay...
telling me that everything would be okay.
We ended up going to the same high school,
We ended up going to the same high school.
where I sit around doing nothing, and all she says is...
I sit around doing nothing and all she says is...
If you can go through life with a smile on your face every day, you've got it made.
"If you can go through life with a smile on your face every day, you've got it made."
Oh, man...
Oh, man...
I need to find something to do.
I need to find something to do.
Kiss me!
Kiss me!
Geez! Just kiss me already, Gekkou!
Geez! Just kiss me already, Gekkou!
Shut up.
Shut up.
What?! Shut up?!
What?! Shut up?!
What's that supposed to mean?!
What's that supposed to mean?!
Hey, now! Are you listening to me?!
Hey, now! Are you listening to me?!
Hurry up and kiss me!
Hurry up and kiss me!
Hurry! Hurry!
Hurry! Hurry!
Or else I'll die!
Or else I'll die!
Come on, Gekkou!
Come on, Gekkou!
There it is!
There it is!
I said to kiss me already!
I said to kiss me already!
I'm going to die!
I'm going to die!
I'm really going to die!
I'm really going to die!
I'll die! I'll die!
I'll die! I'll die!
Come on, Gekkou!
Come on, Gekkou!
Shut up, trash.
Shut up, trash.
Exorcise: Spell Error!
Exorcise: Spell Error!
Hmph, trash.
Hmph, trash.
What are you doing, Gekkou?! That was dangerous!
What are you doing, Gekkou?! That was dangerous!
You need me to kiss you before you can deal with a weakling, trash?
You need me to kiss you before you can deal with a weakling, trash?
I'm not trash!
I'm not trash!
Noisy trash, then.
Noisy trash, then.
Geez! Come on...
Geez! Come on!
I'm thirsty!
I'm thirsty!
I want some Dr Cinnamon!
I want some Dr Cinnamon!
Can I go buy some?
Can I go buy some?
Simpleton. Do as you wish.
Simpleton. Do as you wish.
Yay! I'll buy some for you!
Yay! I'll buy some for you!
Oh, what do you want?
Oh, what do you want?
A coke.
A coke.
Got it!
Got it!
This report makes me...
This report makes me...
Sick to the stomach...
Sick to my stomach...
Dr Cinnamon! Dr Cinnamon!
Dr Cinnamon! Dr Cinnamon!
Tastes great but nobody likes it!
Tastes great, but nobody likes it!
Isn't that the girl who was with Kurenai Gekkou...?
Isn't that the girl who was with Kurenai Gekkou?
Am I going to die...?
Am I going to die?
Why haven't you come...
Why haven't you come?
Why haven't you come for me...
Why haven't you come for me...
I've been...
I've been...
I've been alone here forever...
I've been alone here, forever.
I'm so lonely...
I'm so lonely.
Come quick...
Come quickly.
One last chance...
One last chance...
I'll wait five minutes...
I'll wait for five more minutes.
Will you come before then... maybe...?
Will you come before then?
Taito said that he enjoyed being with me...
Taito said that he enjoyed being with me.
I was so happy, too...
I was so happy
...being with you...
being with you, too...
You were the only one who never tried to use me... Never wanted my power...
You were the only one who never tried to use me.
You said I was fun to be with...
You never wanted my power.
You said I was fun to be with.
Taito... I want to see you...
Taito... I want to see you.
If Taito's forgotten about me...
If Taito's forgotten about me,
...but he's found happiness...
but he's found happiness,
...then it doesn't matter...
then it doesn't matter.
I was lying!
I was lying!
Don't forget me!
Don't forget me!
Don't forget about me, Taito...
Don't forget about me, Taito.
Hey! You still alive?
Hey! Are you still alive?
Huh? Whoa!
Huh? Whoa!
Whew... You're okay?
Whew... You're okay?
Wait! I can see your underwear!
Wait! I can see your underwear!
No way. Is that...
No way... Is that...
Whoa! Awesome!
Whoa! Awesome! Why are you still alive?
Why are you still alive?
You're like the headless horseman?
Are you like the headless horseman?
Wait! First, tell me if that body over there is... me?
Wait! First, tell me if that body over there is... me?
I-I knew it...
I-I knew it.
Whoa... You can still feel pain in your body when your head isn't connected?
Whoa... You can still feel pain in your body even when your head isn't connected?
Um, wh-whoa?!
Um, wh-whoa!
No way...
No way...
I can move...?
I can move?
What's this? What's making it move?
What's this? What's making it move?
That's not the problem here!
That's not the problem here!
Are you one of those transformable robots?!
Are you one of those transformable robots?!
That isn't how a normal person reacts!
That isn't how a normal person reacts!
Ah! We have a hit-and-run!
Ah! We have a hit-and-run!
Quick! Take a picture!
Quick! Take a picture!
Huh? Look!
Huh? Look!
Here! Over here!
Here! Over here!
Whoa! Bye-bye, immortal guy!
Whoa! Bye-bye, immortal guy!
F-First, I need to fix my head!
F-First, I need to fix my head!
Put my head back on!
Put my head back on!
I-It's back on!
I-It's back on!
I'm okay now!
I'm okay now!
Yeah, the hell I am!
Yeah, the hell I am!
I'm perfectly fine...
I'm perfectly fine...
A-And my leg... I was able to run at full strength...
A-And my leg... I was able to run at full strength...
Wh-What is this?
Wh-What is this?
Didn't I die?!
Didn't I die?!
What the hell is going on?!
What the hell is going on?!
My power...
My power...
My power is coming back?
My power is coming back?
I see... Taito died for me...
I see...
He died for me...
Now I can finally finish...
I can finally finish it now.
...the 900-second spell...
The 900-second spell...
Now remember me.
Now, remember me.
Call my name.
Call my name.
Then, finally, the rest of my power will return.
Then, finally, the rest of my power will return.
I love you, Taito!
I love you, Taito!
That... That voice was...
That... That voice was
...from my dream... No...
from my dream?
I recognize that voice...
I met her a long time ago...
I recognize that voice.
I met her a long time ago.
We'll be together in life and death.
We'll be together in life and death.
Her name is...
Her name is...
I love you, Taito!
I love you, Taito!
That's right...
That's right...
Oh, Taito...
Oh, Taito...
You remembered...
You remembered!
He'll be here very soon...
He'll be here very soon!
Er... I'm not dressed!
I'm... I'm not dressed!
I have to get changed!
I have to get changed!
Um... My current body is 6-years-old...
Um... My current body is six years old.
Nine years have passed...
Nine years have passed.
...so I should be fifteen?
So, I should be fifteen?
Will Taito tell me that I look cute?
Will Taito tell me that I look cute?
Well, if he doesn't tell me that I look cute, I'll kill him.
Well, if he doesn't tell me that I look cute,
I'll kill him.
It's me.
It's me.
Dammit! Dammit!
Dammit! Dammit!
This stinks!
This stinks!
I've kept Himea waiting...
I've kept Himea waiting
...for all of these years...
for all of these years...
I won't! I won't forget you!
I won't! I won't forget you!
I'll come save you!
I'll come to save you!
How... How could I forget about her?!
How... How could I forget about her?!
M-My leg healed itself?!
M-My leg healed itself?!
I see... This is the power Himea gave me!
I see... This is the power Himea gave me!
I made a promise...
I made a promise...
To never let you go!
To never let you go!
To always protect you!
To always protect you!
In the park... The park where only we used to play together...
In the park...
Himea... Himea!
The park where only we used to play together...
Wait for me, Himea!
Wait for me, Himea!
Nothing's changed...
Nothing has changed.
This place is always empty for some strange reason...
This place is always empty for some strange reason.
Wait... Why did I think that Himea would be waiting for me here?
Wait... Why did I think that Himea would be waiting for me here?
You're late! You took too long to come here, Taito!
You're late! You took too long to come here, Taito!
Five minutes later...
Only five more minutes...
It's been nine years... I was going to wait five more minutes...
It's been nine years. I was going to wait five more minutes.
I said if you didn't come, I would kill you...
I said if you didn't come, I would kill you.
I've waited for such a long time...
I've waited for such a long time.
Such a long time...?
Such a long time?
You waited nine years...?
You waited for nine years?
Five minutes later... Five minutes later...?
Only five more minutes... Only five more minutes?
I'm sorry... I promised to come for you...
I'm sorry. I promised to come for you!
I've missed you so much...
I've missed you so much,
Sorry to keep you waiting...
Sorry to keep you waiting...
You're here now, so I'll forgive you.
You're here now, so I'll forgive you.
Our deeply intertwined fates and stories...
Our deeply intertwined fates and stories
...began to move towards their final destination.
began to move towards their final destination.
Listen to me, scum.
Listen to me, scum.
I'm Kurenai Gekkou, president of the student council.
I'm Kurenai Gekkou, president of the student council.
And starting today,
And starting today,
you've all become my slaves for life.
you've all become my slaves for life.
Get down on your knees and worship me.
Get down on your knees and worship me.
Be grateful that you have the fortune to serve me.
Be grateful that you have the fortune to serve me.
For you stand before...
For you stand before...
...a genuine genius.
...a genuine genius.
Hmm? What? Is there a problem?
Hmm? What? Is there a problem?
Anyone with a problem, get over here. I'll kill you.
Anyone with a problem, get over here. I'll kill you.
Everyone else will be my slaves.
Everyone else will be my slaves.