Untitled diff
64 removals
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Total words | 4049 |
Words removed (%) | 22.28 |
337 lines
87 additions
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Total words | 4012 |
Words added (%) | 21.56 |
360 lines
Below you will find the latest roadmap for the development of the Star Citizen Persistent Universe. While the bulk of this schedule outlines our tasks and estimates that you can expect to find in the upcoming 3.0.0 patch (as well as some of the tasks that we’ve already completed), we are also including projections for the remainder of the year so you can have some visibility into the upcoming Persistent Universe features and content. These are the very same schedules we update daily and circulate internally on our intra-studio hand-offs with a few exceptions: the individual developer names assigned to the tasks will be omitted (for obvious reasons), we’ll remove the JIRA details, and we’ll modify the technical wording to make it readable for a wider audience.
Below you will find the latest roadmap for the development of the Star Citizen Persistent Universe. While the bulk of this schedule outlines our tasks and estimates that you can expect to find in the upcoming 3.0.0 patch (as well as some of the tasks that we’ve already completed), we are also including projections for the remainder of the year so you can have some visibility into the upcoming Persistent Universe features and content. These are the very same schedules we update daily and circulate internally on our intra-studio hand-offs with a few exceptions: the individual developer names assigned to the tasks will be omitted (for obvious reasons), we’ll remove the JIRA details, and we’ll modify the technical wording to make it readable for a wider audience.
Also note, this schedule does not represent everything CIG is working on, but more the functionality and content we feel comfortable committing to at this time. Outside of the work on Squadron 42, we have a few research projects that, once validated, we would move into production and add to this schedule. Otherwise, when something changes, slips or is completed, you will know.
Also note, this schedule does not represent everything CIG is working on, but more the functionality and content we feel comfortable committing to at this time. Outside of the work on Squadron 42, we have a few research projects that, once validated, we would move into production and add to this schedule. Otherwise, when something changes, slips or is completed, you will know.
What you are seeing here is the result of our scheduling and planning process. We have a high level feature and content set that we want to achieve for Star Citizen and Squadron 42. The first step is to break these features into higher level tasks with which we populate Microsoft Project, JIRA and Shotgun (the three tools we use for project scheduling and tasking). Then, as we approach a task, Production works with the relevant developer(s) to make sure the task is broken up with enough detail to allow completion. Sometimes this means adjusting the initial task estimate, as things tend to come into a clearer focus when coming up on a task, but it almost always means breaking down the big task into a bunch of smaller tasks that have their own individual sub tasks that possibly are distributed to multiple developers.
What you are seeing here is the result of our scheduling and planning process. We have a high level feature and content set that we want to achieve for Star Citizen and Squadron 42. The first step is to break these features into higher level tasks with which we populate Microsoft Project, JIRA and Shotgun (the three tools we use for project scheduling and tasking). Then, as we approach a task, Production works with the relevant developer(s) to make sure the task is broken up with enough detail to allow completion. Sometimes this means adjusting the initial task estimate, as things tend to come into a clearer focus when coming up on a task, but it almost always means breaking down the big task into a bunch of smaller tasks that have their own individual sub tasks that possibly are distributed to multiple developers.
Both tasks and sub-tasks get created in JIRA, linked under an Epic (which is a high level task or feature) and are then pulled into Microsoft Project to manage with granular detail providing us global visibility through Gantt charts and visual timelines. No developer works on a task unless it has been created in JIRA, prioritized and assigned by a lead or a member of the Production Team.
Both tasks and sub-tasks get created in JIRA, linked under an Epic (which is a high level task or feature) and are then pulled into Microsoft Project to manage with granular detail providing us global visibility through Gantt charts and visual timelines. No developer works on a task unless it has been created in JIRA, prioritized and assigned by a lead or a member of the Production Team.
Then as the developers work on the tasks, Production will adjust the schedule and JIRA tickets to reflect the work being done.
Then as the developers work on the tasks, Production will adjust the schedule and JIRA tickets to reflect the work being done.
In the schedule below, you will first find a master schedule that covers the broad departments/disciplines that are being developed. Each department will then have its own dedicated sub-schedule, briefly explaining the various features that are being developed and their current status.
In the schedule below, you will first find a master schedule that covers the broad departments/disciplines that are being developed. Each department will then have its own dedicated sub-schedule, briefly explaining the various features that are being developed and their current status.
But also, we would like to establish some ground rules before proceeding:
But also, we would like to establish some ground rules before proceeding:
I.Quality will always be our number one goal. We set out on this journey by looking at the gaming landscape and asking: can we do better? We continue to ask that question about everything we do. As a result, we will ALWAYS extend timelines or re-do features and content if we do not feel they are up to our standards. The freedom to fight for a new level of quality in game development is what crowd funding has allowed us, and we will continue to fight to make sure Star Citizen is the best possible game it can be.
I.Quality will always be our number one goal. We set out on this journey by looking at the gaming landscape and asking: can we do better? We continue to ask that question about everything we do. As a result, we will ALWAYS extend timelines or re-do features and content if we do not feel they are up to our standards. The freedom to fight for a new level of quality in game development is what crowd funding has allowed us, and we will continue to fight to make sure Star Citizen is the best possible game it can be.
II.The estimates we provide are just that: estimates. They are based on our knowledge and experience, but there are many aspects of game development that are impossible to predict because they literally cover uncharted territory. You will see the same estimates we use in our internal planning, but it is important to understand that in many cases (especially with groundbreaking engineering tasks) these estimates are often subject to change due to unforeseen complexity in implementing features.
II.The estimates we provide are just that: estimates. They are based on our knowledge and experience, but there are many aspects of game development that are impossible to predict because they literally cover uncharted territory. You will see the same estimates we use in our internal planning, but it is important to understand that in many cases (especially with groundbreaking engineering tasks) these estimates are often subject to change due to unforeseen complexity in implementing features.
III.The time expected for bug fixing and polishing is also very hard to estimate, increasingly so in online and multiplayer situations. The complexity and the difficulty in testing at a large scale make it harder to reproduce and isolate bugs in order to fix them. We base our estimates, again, on our experience, but we also know that it’s possible for a single bug to cause a delay of days or weeks when a hundred others might be fixed instantly.
III.The time expected for bug fixing and polishing is also very hard to estimate, increasingly so in online and multiplayer situations. The complexity and the difficulty in testing at a large scale make it harder to reproduce and isolate bugs in order to fix them. We base our estimates, again, on our experience, but we also know that it’s possible for a single bug to cause a delay of days or weeks when a hundred others might be fixed instantly.
IV.Internal schedules, the ones you will now be privy to, tend to have aggressive dates to help the team focus and scope their tasks, especially in the case of tech development. Every team, even a team blessed with the kind of support and freedom you have allowed us, needs target dates in order to focus and deliver their work.
IV.Internal schedules, the ones you will now be privy to, tend to have aggressive dates to help the team focus and scope their tasks, especially in the case of tech development. Every team, even a team blessed with the kind of support and freedom you have allowed us, needs target dates in order to focus and deliver their work.
V.This schedule doesn’t cover everything being worked on across Cloud Imperium Games, but is meant to highlight our aims for the remainder of the year on the Persistent Universe.
V.This schedule doesn’t cover everything being worked on across Cloud Imperium Games, but is meant to highlight our aims for the remainder of the year on the Persistent Universe.
VI.This schedule doesn’t include every audio, vfx, tech art, etc. task. Those are detailed in our departmental sub-schedules.
VI.This schedule doesn’t include every audio, vfx, tech art, etc. task. Those are detailed in our departmental sub-schedules.
VII.Although technology is shared between the two games, this does not reflect the Squadron 42 schedule. That will be released at a future date.
VII.Although technology is shared between the two games, this does not reflect the Squadron 42 schedule. That will be released at a future date.
VIII.These aim dates are determined based on our current staff. Additional hiring will potentially allow us to bring in some dates below.
VIII.These aim dates are determined based on our current staff. Additional hiring will potentially allow us to bring in some dates below.
The community has always been integral to Star Citizen, so we will be updating this page weekly to keep you informed about our development. We hope that this page will not only help explain our latest status, but also provide some explanations in the event that updates are delayed.
The community has always been integral to Star Citizen, so we will be updating this page weekly to keep you informed about our development. We hope that this page will not only help explain our latest status, but also provide some explanations in the event that updates are delayed.
Last update : Aug 18th, 2017
Last update : Aug 18th, 2017
We are still working hard on getting 3.0 ready for release. Our current approach is to reach an acceptable quality level by fixing the issues we’ve identified as mandatory (we call them ‘Must Fix’), as noted in the list below. Although our numbers look similar to last week’s at first glance, this high level view hides a massive amount of activity below the surface. The team have actually tackled many important issues (more than 25 blockers have been cleared this week) that allow QA to progress beyond those blockers, to test deeper into the game, which often means they find new bugs that we couldn’t discover before. We’re still moving closer and closer to release and, as you can see from the new Burndown chart, it’s really a case of a few steps forward and then one step back. This process is very common during the push to a major release, as any seasoned game developer would attest.
This week, we have been busy at Gamescom in Cologne, showing one of the moons from 3.0 on the show floor to our fans and the press. The feedback has been great, as attendees have gotten their first chance to try out our planetary tech, which everyone will soon be playing once we release to Evocati , PTU and ultimately our public servers. In the meantime, our development teams have been back at home focusing on making that happen soon! Their focus has been to lower the ‘must-fix’ issues for 3.0 and this week they’ve been successful, lowering the total number of those issues from 77 to 67. That’s good news as we move ever closer to rolling out Alpha 3.0 to everyone.
This week we have also moved the code onto its own 3.0 branch. “Branching” is when we copy the code from our main repository, where all the developers send their fixes and implementations at any time, to a separate “branch” and start looking more closely at what is changing, to make sure that any activity happening is absolutely necessary for our target build. While there are benefits to having all our developers working on the same codebase during production, so that features and new systems are applied simultaneously across the board, the isolation granted from branching allows us to focus on close in on a stable release. This is why we’ve moved our efforts to the 3.0 branch this week, a positive step in getting 3.0 in your hands.
Bringing so many improvements together takes time to adjust and balance, so some features are still adapting their schedules to achieve the desired quality. We hope this transparency allows people to get a better understanding of how this process works and helps you see our progress towards a release. You may also want to consult this week’s ATV Burndown Report for more information on our development progress.
What you see below is a numerical representation of issues the team are focusing on to close-out (Burndown) to get to an Evocati release candidate. Below, you will find a chart which shows the number of issues that were resolved, against the number of issues that were created so you can see the progress of work we’re doing on a week-by-week basis.
What you see below is a numerical representation of issues the team are focusing on to close-out (Burndown) to get to an Evocati release candidate, so you can see the progress of work we’re doing on a week-by-week basis.
(Please note: This is an overview of fixes made this week and not a complete list.)
(Please note: This is an overview of fixes made this week and not a complete list.)
Fixed a crash in CEntitySystem::DumpEntity
Fixed a crash in CEffect_Particle::LoadEffectData
Fixed a crash in CSCItemSeat::OnEjectionInteraction
Fixed a crash in CZone::RemoveObject
Fixed a crash in CProceduralClipPosAdjust::Update
Fixed a crash in CTX::TaskDomain::RemoveRunnable
Fixed a crash in CSCActorActionHandlerComponent::OnComponentUpdate
Fixed a crash in CSCActorResultStateLadder::Exit
Fixed a crash in CZoneSystem::MoveToZoneData_Impl
Fixed a crash in CFrontendController::RequestOpenFE
Fixed a crash in CImageUtil::GetBilinearFilteredAt
Fixed a crash in CGame::Update
Fixed a crash in CSCActorResultStateLadder::Update
Fixed a crash in CSCItemQuantumDrive::DisengageAutoPilot
Fixed a crash in CSeatAccessAction::Exit
Fixed an issue where the mobiGlas was displaying a placeholder texture.
Fixed an issue where setting the throttle power to 0 did not have an effect on the power to other systems.
Fixed an issue where the main menu UI was missing.
Fixed an issue where there was no representation of the ship’s Hydrogen fuel level.
Fixed an issue where the character visor displayed placeholder textures.
Fixed an issue where opening the Starmap via mobiGlas would cause mobiGlas to close
Fixed an issue where activating the mobiGlas while prone would make the character unresponsive.
Fixed an issue where the “Landing Gear Deployed” HUD message was not displayed.
Fixed an issue where Quantum Travel markers would always be present for the player.
Quantum Travel
Quantum Travel
Fixed an issue where the Covalex Shipping Hub could not be reached via Quantum Travel.
Fixed an issue where exiting the pilot seat after quantum travelling caused the player to teleport back to their starting point.
Fixed an issue where some asteroid Nav Points were not set as Quantum Travel destinations.
Fixed an issue where players would exit Quantum Travel, but not be facing their destination.
Fixed various issues where the AI ships that were needed for missions were not properly spawning.
Fixed an issue where players would spawn at Levski upon loading Star Marine.
Fixed an issue where a shop was missing from Levski.
Fixed an issue where some cargo crates on the surface of Daymar appeared as semi-transparent.
Fixed an issue where an AI ship in an escort mission would not move, preventing mission completion.
Fixed an issue where shopkeeper animations did not match up with their props/surroundings.
Fixed an issue where the rotation of the moons caused intense motion blur.
Fixed an issue where the shop counters were missing in Casaba and Live Fire.
Fixed various placeholder texture problems around Levski.
Fixed an issue where players were able to use the shopping “Try On” feature with ship components.
Fixed an issue where item interaction would break if the Player entered Interaction and attempted to pick up the item while moving,
Fixed an issue where players would spawn into the EZ Hab bed too far forwards.
Fixed an issue where players would be left on a black screen if they respawned while another player connects.
Fixed Vis-area issues inside derelict ships.
Fixed an issue where players were able to draw and fire their weapons inside the Grim HEX green zone.
Fixed texture issues on the screens in the central room of Kareah.
Fixed an issue where some shopkeeper AI did not have animations.
Fixed an issue where some clothing would not appear on NPC’s.
Fixed an issue where dead players would not ragdoll properly.
Arena Commander
Arena Commander
Fixed an issue where AI ship and pilot spawns were delayed.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to start a match due to players not being registered as “ready.”
Fixed an issue where player ships would not respawn.
Star Marine
Star Marine
Fixed an issue where the character could get stuck on a ladder and continually take damage until they died.
Fixed an issue where some players would spawn in and be invisible.
Fixed an issue where ladders would trap characters in an eternal climbing animation.
Fixed an issue where the character would momentarily pose as if holding a weapon after jumping.
Fixed an issue where running while holstering/unholstering weapons would cause them to disappear.
Fixed an issue where all interaction points in the Buccaneer were missing.
Fixed an issue where the player character would see other characters in incorrect positions when they were seated in the back of the Ursa rover.
Fixed an issue where the ship HUDs could become detatched.
Fixed an issue where the landing gear deployment animation of the Aurora would repeat.
Fixed an issue where the pilot would be offset from the seat of the Dragonfly.
Fixed an issue where the landing gear of the Sabre was missing collision.
Fixed an issue where Aurora debris could get stuck when detatching and cause extended damage vfx and audio.
Game Code
Fixed an issue where ship weapons would remain in place after ship destruction.
Fixed an issue where the character could be thrown around in when in the Ursa rover and take damage.
Fixed an issue where Mission-related AI ships wouldn’t stop moving after its engines were destroyed.
Fixed an issue where the collision of the Cutlass did not match the ship.
Fixed an issue where interaction objects were not correctly highlighted.
Fixed misaligned UI and MFD screens in the Ursa rover.
Fixed an issue where the ESP mode was not functioning.
Fixed an issue where the interior doors of the Vanguard would not open.
Fixed an issue where one of the Constellation turrets would not move.
Fixed an issue where Eckhart’s voice was too loud.
Fixed an issue where there was no ambient noise at the Garage location in Levski.
Fixed an issue where the mini elevator in the Constellation Aquila had no audio.
Fixed an overly loud area ambiance that occurred inside a wrecked ship.
Fixed an issue where landed ships would despawn immediately after exiting the ship.
Fixed an issue where the particles emitted from the Scourge Railgun were blocky.
Fixed an issue where exiting Star Marine and joining a Crusader instance would cause the character to spawn as a ball.
Fixed an issue where the character’s arm was being held too high when viewing the mobiGlas while in a pilot seat.
Fixed an issue where every player in the Stanton map would hear Eckhart speak and see the subtitles when he speaks to a player.
Fixed an issue where the shell effects from gatling guns would become attached to and follow the ship.
Fixed an issue where buying an item in the shop would play audio for requesting a new ship.
Improvement of Our Overall Framerate
Improvement of Our Overall Framerate
We have decided to spend time increasing performance on the client and server side.
We have decided to spend time increasing performance on the client and server side.
Player Count & General Stability
Player Count & General Stability
Currently, performance and stability drop sharply once the active players in a server reach 12-15 players.
Currently, performance and stability drop sharply once the active players in a server reach 12-15 players.
Cockpit Experience
The Cockpit Experience sprint team is focused on improving the overall player experience in the cockpit through adjustments to cockpit geo, character placement, g-force/hit reactions, VFX, Audio, UI, and code support for things like camera shaking and hooking into ship health systems to display proper damage.
Space Landscaping
Space Landscaping
We are working on some extra Graphics code for the GPU particle system to support the creation of new VFX to implement space dust at points around Stanton. This will continue to be iterated on to create some more elaborate assets.
We are working on some extra Graphics code for the GPU particle system to support the creation of new VFX to implement space dust at points around Stanton. This will continue to be iterated on to create some more elaborate assets.
Basic Ship Security
Basic Ship Security
With the gameplay we’re adding in to 3.0.0, we’re conscious that there may be some other players that would love to kill you and take your ship. To help prevent this, we wanted to implement some basic security that will allow you to lock the ship, so only you have the ability to pass freely through its doors. Part of this work includes adding destruction for external ship doors to allow for the other half: basic breaching / boarding.
With the gameplay we’re adding in to 3.0.0, we’re conscious that there may be some other players that would love to kill you and take your ship. To help prevent this, we wanted to implement some basic security that will allow you to lock the ship, so only you have the ability to pass freely through its doors. Part of this work includes adding destruction for external ship doors to allow for the other half: basic breaching / boarding.
Rotating and Orbiting Planets
Rotating and Orbiting Planets
We are very keen to make the Stanton map feel more organic as a real environment and having the planets rotate and orbit will really help with this.
We are very keen to make the Stanton map feel more organic as a real environment and having the planets rotate and orbit will really help with this.
This will also introduce a proper day/night cycle when you’re on a planet surface which in turn opens up further gameplay possibilities.
This will also introduce a proper day/night cycle when you’re on a planet surface which in turn opens up further gameplay possibilities.
Player Interaction System – User Experience Improvements
Player Interaction System – User Experience Improvements
We want to give players the ability to more intuitively interact with items and objects within the game, but also find ways to indicate to the player what type of interaction they would be performing (pick up, start conversation, push button, etc).
We want to give players the ability to more intuitively interact with items and objects within the game, but also find ways to indicate to the player what type of interaction they would be performing (pick up, start conversation, push button, etc).
Race Tracks on Planets
Race Tracks on Planets
To give our planetary environments extra points of interest, and also an excuse to drive ground-based vehicles around at high speed, we thought the best way to do this was to build some rudimentary race tracks on the planets that would have been previously used by the research teams as a way to blow off steam and have fun.
To give our planetary environments extra points of interest, and also an excuse to drive ground-based vehicles around at high speed, we thought the best way to do this was to build some rudimentary race tracks on the planets that would have been previously used by the research teams as a way to blow off steam and have fun.
The following lists and charts show our progress towards releasing 3.0.0, with all remaining major tasks listed.
The following lists and charts show our progress towards releasing 3.0.0, with all remaining major tasks listed.
Tasks are either feature complete, or have an ETA for completion.
Tasks are either feature complete, or have an ETA for completion.
Some tasks may require further QA, bug-fixing and iteration.
Some tasks may require further QA, bug-fixing and iteration.
Tasks that delay beyond our target dates might cause the release of 3.0.0 to be delayed, or might be excluded from 3.0.0 if appropriate to maintain the release date target.
Tasks that delay beyond our target dates might cause the release of 3.0.0 to be delayed, or might be excluded from 3.0.0 if appropriate to maintain the release date target.
3.0.0 work is separated into Subsections: Persistent Universe Content, FPS / Space Gameplay, Engineering, UI, AI, Graphics, Backend, Network, and Ships & Weapons.
3.0.0 work is separated into Subsections: Persistent Universe Content, FPS / Space Gameplay, Engineering, UI, AI, Graphics, Backend, Network, and Ships & Weapons.
The 3.0.0 Procedural Planet update marks a major advance in the Star Citizen Persistent Universe.
The 3.0.0 Procedural Planet update marks a major advance in the Star Citizen Persistent Universe.
Yela is the most frigid of the Crusader moons. Those bold (or careless) enough to step outside without a spacesuit will be killed instantly by its freezing temperatures. If the cold doesn’t kill you, then any of the treacherous crevasses that crisscross the planet might. Cyrovolcanos have been known to erupt unexpectedly from such crevasses, so be wary when flying at low altitudes. Despite all its danger, there is much beauty to be found on Yela, like the underwater caves hidden beneath the moon’s crust.
Yela is the most frigid of the Crusader moons. Those bold (or careless) enough to step outside without a spacesuit will be killed instantly by its freezing temperatures. If the cold doesn’t kill you, then any of the treacherous crevasses that crisscross the planet might. Cyrovolcanos have been known to erupt unexpectedly from such crevasses, so be wary when flying at low altitudes. Despite all its danger, there is much beauty to be found on Yela, like the underwater caves hidden beneath the moon’s crust.
Burning with volcanic activity, Cellin is the counter to her icy sister. Although the volcanoes have been dormant for hundreds of years, the surface is dotted with thermal geysers that erupt without notice. The largest of such geysers can destroy heavy vehicles. Highly corrosive clouds of gas are regularly released from the moon’s surface, creating low visibility and damaging anything caught outside.
Burning with volcanic activity, Cellin is the counter to her icy sister. Although the volcanoes have been dormant for hundreds of years, the surface is dotted with thermal geysers that erupt without notice. The largest of such geysers can destroy heavy vehicles. Highly corrosive clouds of gas are regularly released from the moon’s surface, creating low visibility and damaging anything caught outside.
Daymar’s surface is like a harmonic blend of Yela and Cellin. It’s mountainous surface is reminiscent of Cellin’s volcanoes, while its craters share a warm likeness to Yela’s frozen crevasses. Known for its dense atmosphere, thick fog and a loose dirt surface makes travel difficult. Lightning storms can help illuminate the fog, just don’t get struck by their flash.
Daymar’s surface is like a harmonic blend of Yela and Cellin. It’s mountainous surface is reminiscent of Cellin’s volcanoes, while its craters share a warm likeness to Yela’s frozen crevasses. Known for its dense atmosphere, thick fog and a loose dirt surface makes travel difficult. Lightning storms can help illuminate the fog, just don’t get struck by their flash.
We are adding 3 new moons to the Crusader system; Yela, Cellin, and Daymar.
We are adding 3 new moons to the Crusader system; Yela, Cellin, and Daymar.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
The new moons will also have outposts on their surface to explore.
The new moons will also have outposts on their surface to explore.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
After a recent Director review of the moons, it was apparent that the moons felt a little unpopulated. To address this, we’ve added additional outposts to the moons to explore.
After a recent Director review of the moons, it was apparent that the moons felt a little unpopulated. To address this, we’ve added additional outposts to the moons to explore.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
We have implemented a new fog system in the game to improve the overall feel in various environments such as ships and shops. In doing this, we need to convert the old fog volumes to this new system and do another sweep through existing lighting to ensure the new fog works with the lights correctly. This work is still being estimated due to cross-discipline dependencies.
We have implemented a new fog system in the game to improve the overall feel in various environments such as ships and shops. In doing this, we need to convert the old fog volumes to this new system and do another sweep through existing lighting to ensure the new fog works with the lights correctly. This work is still being estimated due to cross-discipline dependencies.
We’re introducing Miles Eckhart (first seen in the Gamescom video) and Ruto to provide missions to players.
We’re introducing Miles Eckhart (first seen in the Gamescom video) and Ruto to provide missions to players.
We’re aiming to complete Ruto’s initial setup in Subsumption today, but there will be further support needed from both Gamecode Engineering and Graphics Engineering after this point.
We’re aiming to complete Ruto’s initial setup in Subsumption today, but there will be further support needed from both Gamecode Engineering and Graphics Engineering after this point.
ETA is 25th August
ETA is 25th August
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
We are adding the planet Delamar and the landing zone, Levski
We are adding the planet Delamar and the landing zone, Levski
Shop kiosk implementation – Code complete
Shop kiosk implementation – Code complete
Modular Room System for procedural generation of planetary outposts
Modular Room System for procedural generation of planetary outposts
Official Outpost Spawning System ready for mission designers
Official Outpost Spawning System ready for mission designers
Integrated Outpost distribution to PlanetEd
Integrated Outpost distribution to PlanetEd
Single outpost Object Preset
Single outpost Object Preset
Cluster of Outposts
Cluster of Outposts
Crash site mission
Crash site mission
Interface to hand place modules and save to Layer
Interface to hand place modules and save to Layer
Interface to teleport the camera to the closest outpost
Interface to teleport the camera to the closest outpost
Area boxes created by artists (all room sizes are now usable in the outpost procedural system)
Area boxes created by artists (all room sizes are now usable in the outpost procedural system)
Entrance Room system working (stairs and ramps are now available as initial rooms)
Entrance Room system working (stairs and ramps are now available as initial rooms)
Rooftop Prop system working for Solar panel
Rooftop Prop system working for Solar panel
Wall prop system working for additional prop variations
Wall prop system working for additional prop variations
Material Wear/Dirt on props using Layer Blend done and actually working
Material Wear/Dirt on props using Layer Blend done and actually working
Developed Outpost “feet” system
Developed Outpost “feet” system
Set random rotation and offset caps on planet editor
Set random rotation and offset caps on planet editor
Start documenting 3 possible map layouts looping system (using 2 or 4 meters metrics * system; using connection additional corridor pieces; using spline skinned corridors)
Start documenting 3 possible map layouts looping system (using 2 or 4 meters metrics * system; using connection additional corridor pieces; using spline skinned corridors)
Support Aircon/solar panel system on outposts
Support Aircon/solar panel system on outposts
Added color tinting to Outposts
Added color tinting to Outposts
Added color tinting interface to Planet Ed
Added color tinting interface to Planet Ed
Created material distinction for interior / exteriors
Created material distinction for interior / exteriors
Group elements offset in Planet Object Preset to be able to offset landing pads
Group elements offset in Planet Object Preset to be able to offset landing pads
New Assets:
New Assets:
Heavy Marine Armor
Heavy Marine Armor
Explorer Suit Armor
Explorer Suit Armor
Cloth and Clothing simulation on various assets old and new
Cloth and Clothing simulation on various assets old and new
Updated helmet interiors and exterior for updated art, FOV tech and standardization
Updated helmet interiors and exterior for updated art, FOV tech and standardization
Armor converted to work within modular customization structure
Armor converted to work within modular customization structure
Finalized delivery of ALL facial assets from 3lateral.
Finalized delivery of ALL facial assets from 3lateral.
New Skinning and Rigging tools for landing gear on ships.
New Skinning and Rigging tools for landing gear on ships.
Constellation Cargo Bay/Elevator extensions
Constellation Cargo Bay/Elevator extensions
Light Group entity optimization
Light Group entity optimization
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
We are continuing to improve the player experience with turrets by identifying and addressing further items of polish from QA testing and through gameplay reviews with Directors.
We are continuing to improve the player experience with turrets by identifying and addressing further items of polish from QA testing and through gameplay reviews with Directors.
As we’re introducing cargo with 3.0.0, players will be able to manually interact with their cargo to load and unload it properly on their ships.
As we’re introducing cargo with 3.0.0, players will be able to manually interact with their cargo to load and unload it properly on their ships.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
We are beginning the process of converting our available ships over to the Item 2.0 system. This will allow for greater player control of the ship and also allow for expanded gameplay.
We are beginning the process of converting our available ships over to the Item 2.0 system. This will allow for greater player control of the ship and also allow for expanded gameplay.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
With Part 1 of this feature (the Engineering side) drawing to a close, and appearing to come in as estimated. We have been properly able to schedule out the Tech Design side of this.
With Part 1 of this feature (the Engineering side) drawing to a close, and appearing to come in as estimated. We have been properly able to schedule out the Tech Design side of this.
Feature Complete. Bug fixing in progress.
Feature Complete. Bug fixing in progress.
ITEM 2.0
ITEM 2.0
Operator Seats.
Operator Seats.
Operator seats replace existing vehicle seats as the new controllers of Item 2.0 based ships.
Operator seats replace existing vehicle seats as the new controllers of Item 2.0 based ships.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Radar System
Radar System
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Light Control System.
Light Control System.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Fuel / Refuel.
Fuel / Refuel.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Power Supply / Pipes.
Power Supply / Pipes.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Quantum Drive.
Quantum Drive.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Code Complete. Now supporting bugfixing.
Code Complete. Now supporting bugfixing.
All 3.0.0 tasks complete. This feature will be developed further for future releases.
All 3.0.0 tasks complete. This feature will be developed further for future releases.
We are starting to update the doors and airlocks within the game to be more intelligent. This would mean that the door would ‘know’ if a room beyond them is depressurized and would stay shut for safety.
We are starting to update the doors and airlocks within the game to be more intelligent. This would mean that the door would ‘know’ if a room beyond them is depressurized and would stay shut for safety.
Feature Complete for 3.0.0. Bugfixing in progress.
Feature Complete for 3.0.0. Bugfixing in progress.
Code Complete. Now supporting bugfixing.
Code Complete. Now supporting bugfixing.
Implementing items to represent units of commodity cargo.
Implementing items to represent units of commodity cargo.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Code Complete. Now supporting bugfixing.
Code Complete. Now supporting bugfixing.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Persistence ensures that your vehicle state is saved between sessions.
Persistence ensures that your vehicle state is saved between sessions.
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Code Complete Bugfixing to follow as needed.
Code Complete Bugfixing to follow as needed.
Code Complete. Bugfixing to follow as needed.
Code Complete. Bugfixing to follow as needed.
Code Complete Bugfixing as needed
Code Complete Bugfixing as needed
Changing the IFCS system to work in batch updates for performance improvements
Changing the IFCS system to work in batch updates for performance improvements
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
We have decided to include a first iteration of in-game hints to help new players acclimate to the various complex gameplay mechanics in Star Citizen. This is a feature we have worked on in the background and until this week, were unsure if it would be ready in time for 3.0.0. As work on this has progressed better than expected, we have made the decision to include this feature for 3.0.0
We have decided to include a first iteration of in-game hints to help new players acclimate to the various complex gameplay mechanics in Star Citizen. This is a feature we have worked on in the background and until this week, were unsure if it would be ready in time for 3.0.0. As work on this has progressed better than expected, we have made the decision to include this feature for 3.0.0
Feature Complete for 3.0.0. Bugfixing & polish in progress.
Feature Complete for 3.0.0. Implementing, Bugfixing & polish in progress.
The Cockpit Experience sprint team focused on improving the overall player experience in the cockpit by refining the cockpit geo, character placement, g-force/hit reactions, VFX, Audio, UI, as well as code support for things like camera shaking and hooking into ship health systems to display proper damage.
ETA is 5th September
Crusader Converted to Object Container Setup
Crusader Converted to Object Container Setup
With the transition to Object Containers, the Crusader map was completely re-designed. Each Point of Interest is now an object container laid out via the Solar System Editor. This is in preparation for Object Container streaming and seamless transitions from different POI’s and between Star Systems. Mission Flowgraphs are converted over to use Subsumption and the new Mission System.
With the transition to Object Containers, the Crusader map was completely re-designed. Each Point of Interest is now an object container laid out via the Solar System Editor. This is in preparation for Object Container streaming and seamless transitions from different POI’s and between Star Systems. Mission Flowgraphs are converted over to use Subsumption and the new Mission System.
Mega Map for Persistent Universe
Mega Map for Persistent Universe
Mega Map tech (also used in Crusader for seamless loading between different gamemodes) is now possible in the new PU map, which is setup in the Solar System Editor. This allows the utilization of Mega Map technology.
Mega Map tech (also used in Crusader for seamless loading between different gamemodes) is now possible in the new PU map, which is setup in the Solar System Editor. This allows the utilization of Mega Map technology.
Revamp of Power Plants / Shield Generators / Coolers and the Heat & Power System for improved gameplay and conversion to Item 2.0
Revamp of Power Plants / Shield Generators / Coolers and the Heat & Power System for improved gameplay and conversion to Item 2.0
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Feature Complete
Will allow lower priority entities (i.e. those further away from players) to be updated less frequently, which should improve the overall framerate and allow us to add more content to the universe.
Will allow lower priority entities (i.e. those further away from players) to be updated less frequently, which should improve the overall framerate and allow us to add more content to the universe.
Planned work for 3.0.0 is complete. This feature will extend past 3.0.0 as the work is ongoing, and continual improvements will be made in the run up to 3.0.0 release.
Planned work for 3.0.0 is complete. This feature will extend past 3.0.0 as the work is ongoing, and continual improvements will be made in the run up to 3.0.0 release.
Code Complete. This now allows the backend team to properly hook into this system.
Code Complete. This now allows the backend team to properly hook into this system.
New Radar Databank
New Radar Databank
Subsumption Base Functionality
Subsumption Base Functionality
This is the initial release of the foundation technology that drives all of the AI, mission, dynamic content, and conversation logic. The mission content previously created with FlowGraph has been replaced and the implementation time to achieve a desired effect has been cut dramatically.
This is the initial release of the foundation technology that drives all of the AI, mission, dynamic content, and conversation logic. The mission content previously created with FlowGraph has been replaced and the implementation time to achieve a desired effect has been cut dramatically.
Various Performance improvements
Various Performance improvements
Planetary Physics Grid to support orbiting and rotating planets
Planetary Physics Grid to support orbiting and rotating planets
Multi-Function Display implementation for Item 2.0 Components on ships
Multi-Function Display implementation for Item 2.0 Components on ships
IFCS improvements to support AI & Takeoff System
IFCS improvements to support AI & Takeoff System
Unified Visor for seamless Ship 2.0 / FPS transition
Unified Visor for seamless Ship 2.0 / FPS transition
HUD/Visor integration for new Radar Databank
HUD/Visor integration for new Radar Databank
Object Distribution
Object Distribution
Terrain / Object blending for soft natural transition of objects intersecting with the ground
Terrain / Object blending for soft natural transition of objects intersecting with the ground
Video codec updated to Bink2, providing higher fidelity at lower bitrate
Video codec updated to Bink2, providing higher fidelity at lower bitrate
Vehicles no longer use Lua
Vehicles no longer use Lua
This is a huge step forward on the code side.
This is a huge step forward on the code side.
Skeleton Extension support for Item Port Offset overrides per item
Skeleton Extension support for Item Port Offset overrides per item
Numerous types of physics simulation for all Item 2.0 attachments including hair, weapons, grenades and more.
Numerous types of physics simulation for all Item 2.0 attachments including hair, weapons, grenades and more.
Destructible component for items, props and environment assets
Destructible component for items, props and environment assets
Nested Physics Grids support for vehicle transportation in
Nested Physics Grids support for vehicle transportation inside large ships, i.e. DragonFly & Rover
Physics simulation gravity vector now respects planetary gravity
Modular loadouts rule sets and support for up to five loadouts
Animation driven facial audio implemented
Updated Spacebox Editor Python integration.
Zone culling on all character assets and layers, system complete and mesh markup complete supplemented with tools to easily support new assets.
Solar System Editor
A tool that will layout entire solar system with their astral objects (sun, planets moons) as well as space stations, etc.
New Light Controller for runtime light switches
New network message queue (current in QATR) to reduce network bandwidth and network thread time.
Light Entity Render node merging.
Dynamic Physics Grid to support sparse space areas vs. dense areas like space stations.
Highly optimized vertex and position format for all geometry
Texture memory usage reduced across the project
Unified material libraries for use across all departments
Comparing and finding all duplicated normal maps and albedo maps in the LayerBlend texture library
Clean up LayerBlend Material Libraries, Resolution Adjustments, Renames to Lower Case
Follow-ups on list of unused textures and materials
Massively improved LOD computation and average face sizes for ships
Shared hair assets (instead of bespoke asset per head) for character creation
Automated facial asset LODs, skinning algorithm per LOD updated.
Reworked mesh setup of facial assets for optimal performance and reduced drawcalls.
Unified helmet and character mesh into singular render proxy for better performance and visuals.
Various portal and culling improvements.
Improved Animation Data Base collection and build process for optimized animation data streaming also added external tools to manage this.
Deprecated thousands of legacy and test assets including animations, geometry, libraries and more for reduced build size.
Automatic Asset Error collection and tracking.
Reworked itemport layout for characters and character items
Updated all assets using HumanSkin to highly optimized HumanSkinv2 shader. This saves upwards of a 100 megs of texture memory per face.
Vastly improved memory allocator which allowed massive reduction in runtime allocation count
Several significant optimizations to entity update code
Feature Complete
Base Feature Complete
Bugfixing and further polish is ongoing.
Feature Complete
Players will now be able to customize their characters’ heads, hair, eye color, and skin col