EyeBallTank OC post update (April but whatever)

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NOTEPAD NEW (Before it was 34, now it's 36)

Note: This post still has some work to do, i just happened to release this sooner but at some point i’ll edit it at times.
Note: This post still has some work to do, i just happened to release this sooner but at some point i’ll edit it at times.
This is supposed to be a “proper” description post for my OC’s, so i just get to edit this instead of making a new post and expect people to read them all from a specific order.
This is supposed to be a “proper” description post for my OC’s, so i just get to edit this instead of making a new post and expect people to read them all from a specific order.
I sort of want to justify most of them coexisting with each other without going with some “self aware/embarrassed ” direction, like there being a “multiverse” or “anthology” (As opposed to a literal parody thing like Drawn Together, Meet The Spartan/Scary Movie or some Robot Chicken sketches).
I sort of want to justify most of them coexisting with each other without going with some “self aware/embarrassed ” direction, like there being a “multiverse” or “anthology” (As opposed to a literal parody thing like Drawn Together, Meet The Spartan/Scary Movie or some Robot Chicken sketches).
I also don't want things like Wreck-it Ralph where characters come from in-universe media and are aware of it or anything in a “it was all a dream/simulation/someone made them up” context out of a MatPat video; These characters are real in their actual context (Semi-related note, i loved The Big O but i wouldn’t do an ending like that of the show).
I also don't want things like Wreck-it Ralph where characters come from in-universe media and are aware of it or anything in a “it was all a dream/simulation/someone made them up” context out of a MatPat video; These characters are real in their actual context (Semi-related note, i loved The Big O but i wouldn’t do an ending like that of the show).
No Matrix or Truman Show twists at all.
No Matrix or Truman Show twists at all.
Like, there’s a series of different universes that are separate from each other by abstract dimensions and worlds, some of them being dream-like or even weirder than that.
Like, there’s a series of different universes that are separate from each other by abstract dimensions and worlds, some of them being dream-like or even weirder than that.
There may not be a “central” story but rather multiple stories, like a tv show or side missions in a game.
There may not be a “central” story but rather multiple stories, like a tv show or side missions in a game.
Although i did had some ideas for a “true” timeline of events and how these characters come together.
Although i did had some ideas for a “true” timeline of events and how these characters come together.
But even with the crossover aspect, i don’t really want any self-insert character for me (Or anyone else) or any 4th wall breaks/too much meta, just to make the settings or characters “slightly real”.
But even with the crossover aspect, i don’t really want any self-insert character for me (Or anyone else) or any 4th wall breaks/too much meta, just to make the settings or characters “slightly real”.
(This series may require a lot of suspension of disbelief from the potential audience).
(This series may require a lot of suspension of disbelief from the potential audience).
If i had a name for this series, it would be either “Project Multimerse” or “Project Crossnect”, depending on which name isn’t taken (And not as annoying to pronounce), but it has to be something crossover/multiverse related and also memorable or “brand enough” i guess.
If i had a name for this series, it would be either “Project Multimerse” or “Project Crossnect”, depending on which name isn’t taken (And not as annoying to pronounce), but it has to be something crossover/multiverse related and also memorable or “brand enough” i guess.
This whole “document” originated as a Wordpress blogpost in 2019, that i kept editing from then until i deleted my blog in 2021.
This whole “document” originated as a Wordpress blogpost in 2019, that i kept editing from then until i deleted my blog in 2021.
(There may be some Dunning Krueger effect as i even used topics or concepts i don’t know much about here).
(There may be some Dunning Krueger effect as i even used topics or concepts i don’t know much about here).
Most of this is also like blueprint material of a series that may or may not happen.
Most of this is also like blueprint material of a series that may or may not happen.
I also want most, if not all of my characters to make their first proper debut in video games.
I also want most, if not all of my characters to make their first proper debut in video games.
Anyway, let’s see if you’re brave enough to read this from start to finish and understand almost everything:
Anyway, let’s see if you’re brave enough to read this from start to finish and understand almost everything:

PLACE: Nortubel (Town of Lisivia)/Year 2007/Earth/Universe 5356:
PLACE: Nortubel (Town of Lisivia)/Year 2007/Earth/Universe 5356:
Fictional European-like city with some made up language but things mostly function almost like our world, so it’s kind of a generic Earth with some creative freedom (Like how Pokemon, GTA and Ace Combat sort of make up places based on real life a bit).
Fictional European-like city with some made up language but things mostly function almost like our world, so it’s kind of a generic Earth with some creative freedom (Like how Pokemon, GTA and Ace Combat sort of make up places based on real life a bit).
History: Founded in 811 by first king Lucidiere Alfredo; Current main currency is shields.
History: Founded in 811 by first king Lucidiere Alfredo; Current main currency is shields.
Flag: Green background, white diamond shape and 12 oysters, placed close to the edges.
Flag: Green background, white diamond shape and 12 oysters, placed close to the edges.
Most of the time, it’s “relatable” and “normal” to our world but with made up country names and historical events for background.
Most of the time, it’s “relatable” and “normal” to our world but with made up country names and historical events for background.
Soccer is popular in Nortubel and called “Futebol”.
Soccer is popular in Nortubel and called “Futebol”.
And so is bullfighting.
And so is bullfighting.
Praxe/hazing is a thing in Nortubel.
Praxe/hazing is a thing in Nortubel.
Nortubel has some imagery/iconography of 2 donkey heads, one smiling and the other sad.
Nortubel has some imagery/iconography of 2 donkey heads, one smiling and the other sad.
Cheese rolling is also a thing in Nortubel (That one activity in the UK where they drop a rolling cheese off a hill, then a whole crowd rolls around for the fun of it).
Cheese rolling is also a thing in Nortubel (That one activity in the UK where they drop a rolling cheese off a hill, then a whole crowd rolls around for the fun of it).
Type of location: Second hand market, with tents and rural people selling stuff (Almost like a bazaar).
Type of location: Second hand market, with tents and rural people selling stuff (Almost like a bazaar).
Gypsies exist in Nortubel.
Gypsies exist in Nortubel.
Certain types of foods and cooking would be referenced, considering the European countries that Nortubel references.
Certain types of foods and cooking would be referenced, considering the European countries that Nortubel references.
Even those Danish metal boxes with cookies could be there.
Even those Danish metal boxes with cookies could be there.
Even roasted chestnuts are a thing, as a reference to Castanyada/Magusto.
Even roasted chestnuts are a thing, as a reference to Castanyada/Magusto.
There could be references to Fernando Pessoa.
There could be references to Fernando Pessoa.
Nortubel has a fictional poet who had a baby that fell off a window (And his tombstone even gets to be part of a location).
Nortubel has a fictional poet who had a baby that fell off a window (And his tombstone even gets to be part of a location).
Yunopa is the name of the continent Nortubel is part of.
Yunopa is the name of the continent Nortubel is part of.
When most worlds get dream-like copycat/corruption-like copies of them, Nortubel may have the most “dreamworlds” that get explored (Some with “shadow people”).
When most worlds get dream-like copycat/corruption-like copies of them, Nortubel may have the most “dreamworlds” that get explored (Some with “shadow people”).
Dream places of Nortubel can be compared to “liminal spaces” or that one trend of dream-like photos (But actually better than most of these).
Dream places of Nortubel can be compared to “liminal spaces” or that one trend of dream-like photos (But actually better than most of these).
These places can vary in skyboxes/backgrounds but one type that is prevalent is a gray colored skin that seems indistinguishable from clouds.
These places can vary in skyboxes/backgrounds but one type that is prevalent is a gray colored skin that seems indistinguishable from clouds.
A way to describe some locations in the dreamlands is how they feel like a stage/theater/play set.
A way to describe some locations in the dreamlands is how they feel like a stage/theater/play set.
Some artists that could serve as inspiration of these surreal places are Michiel Schrijver and Minoru Nomata.
Some artists that could serve as inspiration of these surreal places are Michiel Schrijver and Minoru Nomata.
Something i think makes old/certain European houses/buildings look neat is when you can’t tell where it starts and ends, so Nortubel should have more interesting architecture/geometry/appeal than the average “liminal space” photo.
Something i think makes old/certain European houses/buildings look neat is when you can’t tell where it starts and ends, so Nortubel should have more interesting architecture/geometry/appeal than the average “liminal space” photo.
Dream places have an “frozen time” that makes it so a person can stay on their current age for long enough, as if given extended time (Almost like time dilation in different planets but not really because time isn’t slow, so it’s more about giving someone a larger span of time for their current age or something); When someone manages to leave the dream places, time in the real world is still the same, so you don’t have to worry about skipping a 1000 years while discovering what feels like partial immortality.
Dream places have an “frozen time” that makes it so a person can stay on their current age for long enough, as if given extended time (Almost like time dilation in different planets but not really because time isn’t slow, so it’s more about giving someone a larger span of time for their current age or something); When someone manages to leave the dream places, time in the real world is still the same, so you don’t have to worry about skipping a 1000 years while discovering what feels like partial immortality.
The core issue is having so many memories tied to a certain age, because that can screw someone mentally.
The core issue is having so many memories tied to a certain age, because that can screw someone mentally.
The 6 Nortubel friends were transported to the “dreamworlds” when they were in a treehouse, in which soon Pamela had to look for them.
The 6 Nortubel friends were transported to the “dreamworlds” when they were in a treehouse, in which soon Pamela had to look for them.
Creature: A boat monster (Old wooden fisher boat with drawn eyes like those Portuguese ones) with sharp wooden features.
Creature: A boat monster (Old wooden fisher boat with drawn eyes like those Portuguese ones) with sharp wooden features.
Moorish geckos appear in Nortubel (These and the boat monster can work as special enemies/bosses that show up if you stay in a level for too much time).
Moorish geckos appear in Nortubel (These and the boat monster can work as special enemies/bosses that show up if you stay in a level for too much time).
Mosquitoes are present in Nortubel and have to be repelled by use of lemons.
Mosquitoes are present in Nortubel and have to be repelled by use of lemons.
And how could i forget Portuguese Man-o-Wars? They should be a thing here too.
And how could i forget Portuguese Man-o-Wars? They should be a thing here too.
These following characters come from Nortubel, a group of 6 friends and some others close to them.
These following characters come from Nortubel, a group of 6 friends and some others close to them.
(In case you think their clothing choices are weird, assume it’s because of economic factors and maybe their lack of style).
(In case you think their clothing choices are weird, assume it’s because of economic factors and maybe their lack of style).
How i thought the main 6 could get into the “multiverse”: Carrie meets some ghosts and discovers her grandma’s a witch, Oscar goes to Massag-Coav or meet Arnold, Katrin could end up in Herrko, Pete in Brinkaedea, Melvin in either Greklovick or 1934 and Angela with either Kalub/Aliss or Leon/Otto (And Stella meets Booker).
How i thought the main 6 could get into the “multiverse”: Carrie meets some ghosts and discovers her grandma’s a witch, Oscar goes to Massag-Coav or meet Arnold, Katrin could end up in Herrko, Pete in Brinkaedea, Melvin in either Greklovick or 1934 and Angela with either Kalub/Aliss or Leon/Otto (And Stella meets Booker).
They would meet each other again, but these are just ideas, so maybe there could be a different way.
They would meet each other again, but these are just ideas, so maybe there could be a different way.
Characters like Marcus or Charles Kendery may make comments of Nortubel “eating weird”.
Characters like Marcus or Charles Kendery may make comments of Nortubel “eating weird”.
Nortubese people also use “ground floor” terminology because of their obvious European influences, while characters like Booker can be confused by this, who are used to “first floor” terminology.
Nortubese people also use “ground floor” terminology because of their obvious European influences, while characters like Booker can be confused by this, who are used to “first floor” terminology.
They also use “meters” instead of “feet” for measurements.
They also use “meters” instead of “feet” for measurements.
Batman is an existing piece of media in Nortubel’s universe but it’s in a timeline where Bill Finger never met Bob Kane, so it’s just a red guy with wings (Even Bonky comments on how at least Kane didn’t end up screwing over Finger in this world).
Batman is an existing piece of media in Nortubel’s universe but it’s in a timeline where Bill Finger never met Bob Kane, so it’s just a red guy with wings (Even Bonky comments on how at least Kane didn’t end up screwing over Finger in this world).
Maybe at some point, the 6 Nortubel kids would get alternate designs with a bit more detail, like Tetsuya Nomura street styled clothing.
Maybe at some point, the 6 Nortubel kids would get alternate designs with a bit more detail, like Tetsuya Nomura street styled clothing.
A way for them to summon guardians could be by using candles and lighting them up (IF i give them something like that, of course).
A way for them to summon guardians could be by using candles and lighting them up (IF i give them something like that, of course).
A game based on Nortubel would still focus on recurring “gamey” elements but also one-time/unique puzzles, like in a Resident Evil game (With RE4 being a more focused inspiration for the Ashley/companion sections).
A game based on Nortubel would still focus on recurring “gamey” elements but also one-time/unique puzzles, like in a Resident Evil game (With RE4 being a more focused inspiration for the Ashley/companion sections).
Alternate versions of Earth are common on some universes and have different geography from ours (For example, instead of a north/south poles, the equivalents of Artic/Antartic in Nortubel’s Earth is a straight line around the equator).
Alternate versions of Earth are common on some universes and have different geography from ours (For example, instead of a north/south poles, the equivalents of Artic/Antartic in Nortubel’s Earth is a straight line around the equator).
When it comes to vehicles in Nortubel, maybe those Toboggan couch/basket/sled hybrids in Madeira could be a great reference.
When it comes to vehicles in Nortubel, maybe those Toboggan couch/basket/sled hybrids in Madeira could be a great reference.
I could use Nortubel to reference El Chavo del Ocho.
I could use Nortubel to reference El Chavo del Ocho.
NPC: Some guy named Ricardo and he's obviously based on Cristiano Ronaldo.
NPC: Some guy named Ricardo and he's obviously based on Cristiano Ronaldo.
NPC: Some other soccer player that’s supposed to be handsome enough that even Carrie and Katrin had a crush on; He ends up breaking his leg, something that Melvin can’t help but laugh at.
NPC: Some other soccer player that’s supposed to be handsome enough that even Carrie and Katrin had a crush on; He ends up breaking his leg, something that Melvin can’t help but laugh at.
NPC: Someone named Amalia, still not sure who it could be.
NPC: Someone named Amalia, still not sure who it could be.
NPC: Guy with black mustache, curly hair and black sunglasses named “mister Vito”.
NPC: Guy with black mustache, curly hair and black sunglasses named “mister Vito”.
NPC: Some high school bully character whose name could be a reference to Egas Moniz and design could reference one of the bullies from Procidis’ Once Upon a Time; Once tries to sabotage prom with a prank to humiliate Carrie but Melvin ends up pushing her away to save her from being covered by mud.
NPC: Some high school bully character whose name could be a reference to Egas Moniz and design could reference one of the bullies from Procidis’ Once Upon a Time; Once tries to sabotage prom with a prank to humiliate Carrie but Melvin ends up pushing her away to save her from being covered by mud.
(Maybe i could make it so this bully has a history of bullying other people by hitting them hard enough that they get brain damage, as a reference to the real life Egas Moniz).
NPC: Awkward nerd with terrible curse; His family puts wooden planks on windows to keep zombies off before one of them turns into bubbles and turns his aunt into a humanoid goat person; Other family members turn into penguins; His parents turn into plastic plates with drawings on them and with limbs; His grandfather is mad at him and he runs; Meanwhile, some witch and 2 Spartan knights are standing in the statue of a muscular swimmer and the witch keeps continuously switching from making the living statue fly and fall over and over again (The Nortubel kids would try and help him get rid of his curse).
NPC: Awkward nerd with terrible curse; His family puts wooden planks on windows to keep zombies off before one of them turns into bubbles and turns his aunt into a humanoid goat person; Other family members turn into penguins; His parents turn into plastic plates with drawings on them and with limbs; His grandfather is mad at him and he runs; Meanwhile, some witch and 2 Spartan knights are standing in the statue of a muscular swimmer and the witch keeps continuously switching from making the living statue fly and fall over and over again (The Nortubel kids would try and help him get rid of his curse).
NPC’s: 2 farmers based on a gag from Zé Carlos, where one keeps telling a story in a show and occasionally tells the other to shut up (Not like i care that much for Gato Fedorento, so this is more of a “sure why not” thing).
NPC’s: 2 farmers based on a gag from Zé Carlos, where one keeps telling a story in a show and occasionally tells the other to shut up (Not like i care that much for Gato Fedorento, so this is more of a “sure why not” thing).
NPC: The president of Nortubel’s republic, whose first name is “Martelo” (A nod to the Portuguese word for “hammer” and how the word is close to the name “Marcelo”).
NPC: The president of Nortubel’s republic, whose first name is “Martelo” (A nod to the Portuguese word for “hammer” and how the word is close to the name “Marcelo”).
An idea for a character name in Nortubel’s setting could be “Malazar”.
Enemy type: Ghostly figures resembling soccer hooligans.
Enemy type: Ghostly figures resembling soccer hooligans.
Boss concept: A haunted house with a subtle “face” and trees for arms (Inspired by the animated movie Monster House)
Boss concept: A haunted house with a subtle “face” and trees for arms (Inspired by the animated movie Monster House)
Hypothetical videogame switch/button design: Red/blue/yellow house switches (Red color means timed, yellow means on/off and blue means permanent).
Hypothetical videogame switch/button design: Red/blue/yellow house switches (Red color means timed, yellow means on/off and blue means permanent).
Hypothetical videogame key designs: Red/blue/yellow house keys.
Hypothetical videogame key designs: Red/blue/yellow house keys.
Hypothetical videogame jump pad design: Trampoline with black and white circles.
Hypothetical videogame jump pad design: Trampoline with black and white circles.
Hypothetical videogame health pick up design: Grocery basket with white colors, some food products being pink.
Hypothetical videogame health pick up design: Grocery basket with white colors, some food products being pink.
Hypothetical videogame info/lore pick up design: Open book, with brown and yellow colors.
Hypothetical videogame info/lore pick up design: Open book, with brown and yellow colors.
Hypothetical videogame invincibility power up design: Green jacket.
Hypothetical videogame invincibility power up design: Green jacket.
Hypothetical videogame strength power up design: Red fishing rod.
Hypothetical videogame strength power up design: Red fishing rod.
Hypothetical videogame explosive object: Red dynamite bars with a yellow sign.
Hypothetical videogame explosive object: Red dynamite bars with a yellow sign.
Carob pods and Mariner’s astrolabes can also work as items to fit the Nortubel theme.
Carob pods and Mariner’s astrolabes can also work as items to fit the Nortubel theme.
The family roots/ancestry of the Nortubel kids can trace to other places (Decarde are a mix of Irish and French, Flenn would obviously be African and Brokston would be Greek; This also means the fictional equivalent of these countries, obviously).
The family roots/ancestry of the Nortubel kids can trace to other places (Decarde are a mix of Irish and French, Flenn would obviously be African and Brokston would be Greek; This also means the fictional equivalent of these countries, obviously).

CHARACTER: Carrie Decarde:
CHARACTER: Carrie Decarde:
She has orange hair with green parts (It starts as orange and the later hair parts fade to green, which is kinda like Gravity Rush’s Raven) and green eyes.
She has orange hair with green parts (It starts as orange and the later hair parts fade to green, which is kinda like Gravity Rush’s Raven) and green eyes.
She has long hair with part of her hair almost covering a side of her face.
She has long hair with part of her hair almost covering a side of her face.
Inspiration/references for her hair style comes from Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3, the Sorceress from Dragon’s Crown, Raven from Gravity Rush, Parasoul from Skullgirls, Erza Scarlet and Mei Terumi from Naruto.
Inspiration/references for her hair style comes from Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3, the Sorceress from Dragon’s Crown, Raven from Gravity Rush, Parasoul from Skullgirls, Erza Scarlet and Mei Terumi from Naruto.
Clothing: A long sleeved sweater/shirt with yellow and orange, horizontal stripes; her jeans and shoes are brown, necklace with green pebbles.
Clothing: A long sleeved sweater/shirt with yellow and orange, horizontal stripes; her jeans and shoes are brown, necklace with green pebbles.
Alternatively, Carrie's shirt could have orange and black lines.
Alternatively, Carrie's shirt could have orange and black lines.
Her jeans/pants are short and end a bit above her knees.
Her jeans/pants are short and end a bit above her knees.
Carries a brown fanny pack.
Carries a brown fanny pack.
Is she pretty or hot? I mean i don’t feel like putting “canon” proportions or stuff like that, so maybe if you want her to be pretty, then she is (I should consider consistency, at least).
Is she pretty or hot? I mean i don’t feel like putting “canon” proportions or stuff like that, so maybe if you want her to be pretty, then she is (I should consider consistency, at least).
She has freckles on her face and other parts of her body (I just think freckled bodies are cute).
She has freckles on her face and other parts of her body (I just think freckled bodies are cute).
(Carrie and Oscar have freckles because i thought it was neat, so don’t expect me acknowledging real life logic like whether or not they should be more vulnerable to sunlight or whatever how that works).
(Carrie and Oscar have freckles because i thought it was neat, so don’t expect me acknowledging real life logic like whether or not they should be more vulnerable to sunlight or whatever how that works).
Age: It isn’t specific but she’s a young adult, so think 18 to 20.
Age: It isn’t specific but she’s a young adult, so think 18 to 20.
She’s still a student and has a summer job at a store.
She’s still a student and has a summer job at a store.
She likes going to the beach.
She likes going to the beach.
She also likes fish and even wanted to become a marine biologist or have a job related to it, but at some point, she stopped caring, not because someone or something was stopping her but more because she just forgot about it.
She also likes fish and even wanted to become a marine biologist or have a job related to it, but at some point, she stopped caring, not because someone or something was stopping her but more because she just forgot about it.
In terms of personality, she could be someone who’s nice to hang out and talk to, even if she can be a bit pessimistic at times.
In terms of personality, she could be someone who’s nice to hang out and talk to, even if she can be a bit pessimistic at times.
Her father played guitar in some small band that used to be popular in her hometown.
Her father played guitar in some small band that used to be popular in her hometown.
Alternative clothing: During winter, she wears a green beanie; in summer she wears blue shorts and a sleeveless shirt, that is white with orange stripes in it.
Alternative clothing: During winter, she wears a green beanie; in summer she wears blue shorts and a sleeveless shirt, that is white with orange stripes in it.
Optional cosmetic item: A green hair pin/clip on her hair that kinda resembles a leaf.
Optional cosmetic item: A green hair pin/clip on her hair that kinda resembles a leaf.
Alternate hair style: Something “short” like Triss Merigold in most Witcher games or ZS Samus Aran.
Alternate hair style: Something “short” like Triss Merigold in most Witcher games or ZS Samus Aran.
(Thinking about it, Carrie could look good with curly hair).
(Thinking about it, Carrie could look good with curly hair).
Optional: Carrie could have green lipstick.
Optional: Carrie could have green lipstick.
Birthday: 11 March.
Birthday: 11 March.
(Since i want to get experimental (Or inconsistent) with my characters’ designs, colors are a good example like if i want to give Carrie a green/orange scheme for her sweater instead of yellow/orange, because it’d probably look nicer).
Transformation concept: Witch/sorceress Carrie.
Transformation concept: Witch/sorceress Carrie.
Guardian concept: Necromancer themed wolf.
Guardian concept: Necromancer themed wolf.

CHARACTER: Oscar Decarde:
CHARACTER: Oscar Decarde:
Also has orange hair with a green spot on his hair (Similar to his sister but it’s on a spot in the front) and green eyes.
Also has orange hair with a green spot on his hair (Similar to his sister but it’s on a spot in the front) and green eyes.
His hairstyle was inspired by characters like Pit from Kid Icarus and Len from Vocaloid.
His hairstyle was inspired by characters like Pit from Kid Icarus and Len from Vocaloid.
Clothing: A white shirt with an orange circle in it (Maybe it’s better with inverted colors) and then brown shoes and shorts.
Clothing: A white shirt with an orange circle in it (Maybe it’s better with inverted colors) and then brown shoes and shorts.
He has a green packback on his back.
He has a green packback on his back.
He also has freckles.
He also has freckles.
Is he cute? Ye he cute (And i want him and characters like this to be cartoony and cute).
Is he cute? Ye he cute (And i want him and characters like this to be cartoony and cute).
Age: The number is also not specific but he’s half his sister’s age, so maybe 8 to 10.
Age: The number is also not specific but he’s half his sister’s age, so maybe 8 to 10.
In terms of personality, he wants to be nice and tries his best to behave and be as selfless as possible.
In terms of personality, he wants to be nice and tries his best to behave and be as selfless as possible.
Oscar is often referred to “Orange” as his nickname.
Oscar is often referred to “Orange” as his nickname.
Relationship between the two Decarde siblings: It’s like a normal sibling relationship, but they like each other a lot, even if they get mad at each other sometimes or dumb stuff happens.
Relationship between the two Decarde siblings: It’s like a normal sibling relationship, but they like each other a lot, even if they get mad at each other sometimes or dumb stuff happens.
Their parents aren’t always home, due to their jobs, so it’s mostly Carrie that takes care of her brother.
Their parents aren’t always home, due to their jobs, so it’s mostly Carrie that takes care of her brother.
Their birthdays are a bit close to one another, which leads to the two sharing birthday parties on some occasions.
Their birthdays are a bit close to one another, which leads to the two sharing birthday parties on some occasions.
Carrie does worry if she protects him too much, he can’t stand for his own when she’s not present.
Carrie does worry if she protects him too much, he can’t stand for his own when she’s not present.
Carrie and Oscar have a dog named Beans: It’s a Welsh corgi Pembroke one, with a collar that has a green clover shaped tag.
Carrie and Oscar have a dog named Beans: It’s a Welsh corgi Pembroke one, with a collar that has a green clover shaped tag.
Alternatively, a hair type i once thought of was something that could be described as “short and spiky” (Alt hair style and how the green hair spot is added is inspired by Ape Escape’s Spike).
Alternatively, a hair type i once thought of was something that could be described as “short and spiky” (Alt hair style and how the green hair spot is added is inspired by Ape Escape’s Spike).
Alt hairstyle for Oscar: A short hair with a bit in the middle colored green, kinda looks like that alternate “boy-ish” hair Amanda O’Neill had on that one LWA episode.
Alt hairstyle for Oscar: A short hair with a bit in the middle colored green, kinda looks like that alternate “boy-ish” hair Amanda O’Neill had on that one LWA episode.
Optional clothing gear: An orange cap with a green spinner and top, like those silly dumb hats.
Optional clothing gear: An orange cap with a green spinner and top, like those silly dumb hats.
Birthday: 10 March.
Birthday: 10 March.
Transformation concept: Astronaut Oscar.
Transformation concept: Astronaut Oscar.
Guardian concept: Astronaut themed dog.
Guardian concept: Astronaut themed dog.

CHARACTER: Katrin Flenn:
CHARACTER: Katrin Flenn:
This helpful and positive girl is one of Carrie’s best friends; They were friends since childhood.
This helpful and positive girl is one of Carrie’s best friends; They were friends since childhood.
Her personality was mostly inspired by Gravity Rush’s Kat and Street Fighter’s Elena.
Her personality was mostly inspired by Gravity Rush’s Kat and Street Fighter’s Elena.
She has black long raven hair with bangs/hime cut (Inspiration/reference for hair style is mostly Chel from The Road to El Dorado and Alice from Zero Escape) and her hair has a blue part above her right eye.
She has black long raven hair with bangs/hime cut (Inspiration/reference for hair style is mostly Chel from The Road to El Dorado and Alice from Zero Escape) and her hair has a blue part above her right eye.
She’s dark skinned/a person of color/black girl and has brown eyes.
She’s dark skinned/a person of color/black girl and has brown eyes.
Clothing: A blue shirt with a “Deep V” on the front, a blue short skirt and black shoes, with white socks, white bracelet.
Clothing: A blue shirt with a “Deep V” on the front, a blue short skirt and black shoes, with white socks, white bracelet.
Carries a blue fanny pack.
Carries a blue fanny pack.
Is she hot? Same with Carrie: If you want her to.
Is she hot? Same with Carrie: If you want her to.
Has the same age as Carrie.
Has the same age as Carrie.
She sometimes helps Carrie taking care of her brother, while Carrie takes care of Pete (And sometimes, they watch over Angela while Melvin does the same for Oscar/Pete).
She sometimes helps Carrie taking care of her brother, while Carrie takes care of Pete (And sometimes, they watch over Angela while Melvin does the same for Oscar/Pete).
She’s pretty chill and always wants to have a good time.
She’s pretty chill and always wants to have a good time.
She works at a florist shop.
She works at a florist shop.
She doesn’t like frogs (Ranidaphobia).
She doesn’t like frogs (Ranidaphobia).
Alternate hairstyles: Something inspired by Piranha from Jet Set Radio and just straight hair with no hime cut.
Alternate hairstyles: Something inspired by Piranha from Jet Set Radio and just straight hair with no hime cut.
Optional: Katrin could have blue lipstick (Just in case, i could make Carrie/Katrin have green/blue lipstick by default if i feel like emphasizing on their lips to make them feminine enough).
Optional: Katrin could have blue lipstick (Just in case, i could make Carrie/Katrin have green/blue lipstick by default if i feel like emphasizing on their lips to make them feminine enough).
Birthday: 8 May.
Birthday: 8 May.
(Maybe i could do a Carole and Tuesday reference using Carrie and Katrin).
Transformation concept: Nature themed sorceress Katrin.
Transformation concept: Nature themed sorceress Katrin.
Guardian concept: Nature themed lion.
Guardian concept: Nature themed lion.

CHARACTER: Pete Flenn:
CHARACTER: Pete Flenn:
Katrin’s little bro and one of Oscar’s best friends (Has the same age as Oscar).
Katrin’s little bro and one of Oscar’s best friends (Has the same age as Oscar).
His hair is blue with a black part of his hair above his left eye to mirror his sister’s hair and it’s short like a bowl haircut with bangs or something (Reference for his hairstyle could be king Cai from Gravity Rush 2).
His hair is blue with a black part of his hair above his left eye to mirror his sister’s hair and it’s short like a bowl haircut with bangs or something (Reference for his hairstyle could be king Cai from Gravity Rush 2).
(By the way, the coloring on Katrin and Pete’s hair styles has nothing to do with Godot’s mascot, just in case).
(By the way, the coloring on Katrin and Pete’s hair styles has nothing to do with Godot’s mascot, just in case).
Also has brown eyes.
Also has brown eyes.
He wears mostly blue clothes and his blue jacket has a hoodie, alongside a dark purple backpack.
He wears mostly blue clothes and his blue jacket has a hoodie, alongside a dark purple backpack.
He likes coming up with dumb jokes, that can either be kinda funny or bland but not too cringy.
He likes coming up with dumb jokes, that can either be kinda funny or bland but not too cringy.
Somehow, he knows how to play poker.
Somehow, he knows how to play poker.
Like Oscar, he could be cute as well.
Like Oscar, he could be cute as well.
Pete would definitely get Oscar into silly/dumb stuff, like that Shin Chan thing of painting an elephant’s ears and eyes on him.
Pete would definitely get Oscar into silly/dumb stuff, like that Shin Chan thing of painting an elephant’s ears and eyes on him.
Oscar and Pete may have crushes on each other's sisters, whereas Oscar usually acts soft over Katrin and Pete tries to act cool over Carrie: Both girls find it cute but don't take it seriously because of Melvin and their ages.
Oscar and Pete may have crushes on each other's sisters, whereas Oscar usually acts soft over Katrin and Pete tries to act cool over Carrie: Both girls find it cute but don't take it seriously because of Melvin and their ages.
Katrin and Pete own a cat named Sylvester (Devon Rex type) that has a tiny hat with some flower patterns.
Katrin and Pete own a cat named Sylvester (Devon Rex type) that has a tiny hat with some flower patterns.
Alternate hairstyle: Something inspired by Riley Freeman from Boondocks.
Alternate hairstyle: Something inspired by Riley Freeman from Boondocks.
Much like Carrie and Oscar, Katrin and Pete also have a 10 year age difference and close birth dates.
Much like Carrie and Oscar, Katrin and Pete also have a 10 year age difference and close birth dates.
Birthday: 9 May.
Birthday: 9 May.
Transformation concept: Gadget superhero Pete.
Transformation concept: Gadget superhero Pete.
Guardian concept: Superhero themed cat.
Guardian concept: Superhero themed cat.

CHARACTER: Melvin Brokston:
CHARACTER: Melvin Brokston:
A white twink/cute guy, same age as Carrie and Katrin; Hangs out with the two girls.
A white twink/cute guy, same age as Carrie and Katrin; Hangs out with the two girls.
Has red hair with purple parts (It starts off red, then fades to purple in lower parts/ends) and blue eyes.
Has red hair with purple parts (It starts off red, then fades to purple in lower parts/ends) and blue eyes.
He looks somewhat feminine, since i visually wanted to base him over Persona 3/5’s protagonists, Todoroki from MHA and Sandalphon from Granblue.
He looks somewhat feminine, since i visually wanted to base him over Persona 3/5’s protagonists, Todoroki from MHA and Sandalphon from Granblue.
Wears a black shirt with red sleeves and sometimes wears sunglasses and roller skates (Even uses these roller skates when doing deliveries on his job).
Wears a black shirt with red sleeves and sometimes wears sunglasses and roller skates (Even uses these roller skates when doing deliveries on his job).
Carries a brown gym bag, usually hanging from his right shoulder.
Carries a brown gym bag, usually hanging from his right shoulder.
Melvin carries a Swiss army knife.
Melvin carries a Swiss army knife.
Despite coming from a family that used to be rich (Who then got into some awful situations), he spent most of his childhood with his rural uncle, giving him interests and experiences different from his father.
Despite coming from a family that used to be rich (Who then got into some awful situations), he spent most of his childhood with his rural uncle, giving him interests and experiences different from his father.
(Carrie and Katrin also had somewhat rich families, Mel’s was just richer in comparison but either way, they all faced economic downgrades).
(Carrie and Katrin also had somewhat rich families, Mel’s was just richer in comparison but either way, they all faced economic downgrades).
He also does a lot of sports activities.
He also does a lot of sports activities.
Because the two girls have little brothers, this guy gets a little sister.
Because the two girls have little brothers, this guy gets a little sister.
Because his mother (Named Olivia) died when Angela was 3, Melvin tries to raise Angela in a similar way his mom raised him, especially when his father isn’t always around.
Because his mother (Named Olivia) died when Angela was 3, Melvin tries to raise Angela in a similar way his mom raised him, especially when his father isn’t always around.
Between Mel, Carrie and Katrin, it’s up to debate who is dating who.
Between Mel, Carrie and Katrin, it’s up to debate who is dating who.
While Carrie and Katrin were friends since childhood, Melvin has been with them for at least 6 or so years.
While Carrie and Katrin were friends since childhood, Melvin has been with them for at least 6 or so years.
Since Carrie and Katrin are 2 girls Mel is into the most, he tends to be a very nice/helpful/respectful/etc, though he can still make a few jokes and dick around for fun (Like if Pamela ever said something about being mindful over shower time and water usage, Melvin would definitely make a joke about how he has to share a shower with the 2 girls).
Since Carrie and Katrin are 2 girls Mel is into the most, he tends to be a very nice/helpful/respectful/etc, though he can still make a few jokes and dick around for fun (Like if Pamela ever said something about being mindful over shower time and water usage, Melvin would definitely make a joke about how he has to share a shower with the 2 girls).
Melvin will at times bring up having a friend named Jeremia, that exists but wont show up and is only mentioned in talk.
Melvin will at times bring up having a friend named Jeremia, that exists but wont show up and is only mentioned in talk.
Another friend of Melvin is a blond girl called Ana, who owns a bike ship and used to be a boy called Antonio (Because of how i felt about the Herrko fairies, i figured i could have done proper representation, even if i need to work on this better).
Another friend of Melvin is a blond girl called Ana, who owns a bike ship and used to be a boy called Antonio (Because of how i felt about the Herrko fairies, i figured i could have done proper representation, even if i need to work on this better).
Melvin can be called Mel by close ones.
Melvin can be called Mel by close ones.
Because of his name, there should be at least one moment where someone says “you really are a fucking Melvin, aren’t you?”.
Because of his name, there should be at least one moment where someone says “you really are a fucking Melvin, aren’t you?”.
(Can also make a joke where someone assumes his surname is O’Houlihan or he’s the “brother of the Joker”).
(Can also make a joke where someone assumes his surname is O’Houlihan or he’s the “brother of the Joker”).
Alt hairstyle idea: James from Pokemon.
Alt hairstyle idea: James from Pokemon.
Birthday: 15 April.
Birthday: 15 April.
Transformation concept: Sci-fi armor Melvin.
Transformation concept: Sci-fi armor Melvin.
Guardian concept: Robotic dog.
Guardian concept: Robotic dog.

CHARACTER: Angela Brokston (Pronounced Angéla):
CHARACTER: Angela Brokston (Pronounced Angéla):
Melvin’s sister; She has the same age as Oscar/Pete and she hangs out with them.
Melvin’s sister; She has the same age as Oscar/Pete and she hangs out with them.
Wears mostly pink clothes, a blue (Fancy) beanie on her head and her hair is red with a ponytail on one side and straight hair on the other (Hair style inspired by Viridi from Kid Icarus and Iori from Idolmaster a bit).
Wears mostly pink clothes, a blue (Fancy) beanie on her head and her hair is red with a ponytail on one side and straight hair on the other (Hair style inspired by Viridi from Kid Icarus and Iori from Idolmaster a bit).
She has Heterochromia (Left eye:blue/Right eye:purple).
She has Heterochromia (Left eye:blue/Right eye:purple).
She has a bandage/band aid on her nose.
She has a bandage/band aid on her nose.
Carries a pink backpack.
Carries a pink backpack.
She can be stubborn at times, because she sees herself as the leader of the group (Angelica Pickles from Rugrats came to mind, when thinking of her personality).
She can be stubborn at times, because she sees herself as the leader of the group (Angelica Pickles from Rugrats came to mind, when thinking of her personality).
She has a pet dog (Dobermann) named Cecil, that wears a vest with blue wave/ocean patterns.
She has a pet dog (Dobermann) named Cecil, that wears a vest with blue wave/ocean patterns.
Alt hair style: Twin ponytails (Or pigtails, whatever).
Alt hair style: Twin ponytails (Or pigtails, whatever).
Like the others, even Melvin and Angela have the 10 year age difference and close birth dates, making it a weird coincidence to all 6 of them.
Like the others, even Melvin and Angela have the 10 year age difference and close birth dates, making it a weird coincidence to all 6 of them.
Birthday: 17 April.
Birthday: 17 April.
Transformation concept: Haunted ballerina/victorian dressed Angela.
Transformation concept: Haunted ballerina/victorian dressed Angela.
Guardian concept: Haunted ballerina/victorian dressed dog.
Guardian concept: Haunted ballerina/victorian dressed dog.
By the way, Decarde are “redhead” in the ginger/orange sense while Brokston are redhead by having actual red hair and no freckles, should have cleared that shit out (Realistically, they would have brown hair in “real world” logic).
By the way, Decarde are “redhead” in the ginger/orange sense while Brokston are redhead by having actual red hair and no freckles, should have cleared that shit out (Realistically, they would have brown hair in “real world” logic).
The group of 6 (Carrie, Oscar, Katrin, Pete, Melvin and Angela) would be like the kinds of characters that would go on some adventures or something; They wouldn’t have powers or weapons, maybe “tools” like stuff that ends up being convenient like skateboards or slingshots or whatever (I did thought of like Pam teaching Carrie some magic or Mel being interested in whatever sci-fi armory he looks at after meeting B-Man).
The group of 6 (Carrie, Oscar, Katrin, Pete, Melvin and Angela) would be like the kinds of characters that would go on some adventures or something; They wouldn’t have powers or weapons, maybe “tools” like stuff that ends up being convenient like skateboards or slingshots or whatever (I did thought of like Pam teaching Carrie some magic or Mel being interested in whatever sci-fi armory he looks at after meeting B-Man).
Some items include fishing hooks as grappling hooks and soccer balls as projectiles.
Some items include fishing hooks as grappling hooks and soccer balls as projectiles.
Could be the kind of characters that would make new friends and foes, while discovering new stuff.
Could be the kind of characters that would make new friends and foes, while discovering new stuff.
At a certain point, their pets (Beans, Sylvester and Cecil) are said to have been split in half, causing Pamela and Shelly to try and bring them back, leading to the split animals turn into guardians of some sort, that can even fuse with their owners to give them new forms.
At a certain point, their pets (Beans, Sylvester and Cecil) are said to have been split in half, causing Pamela and Shelly to try and bring them back, leading to the split animals turn into guardians of some sort, that can even fuse with their owners to give them new forms.
(This stuff about the 6 friends having guardians or stronger forms might as well be dropped, so let’s go back to treating them as almost regular kids using toys/tools/objects for attacks or whatever).
(This stuff about the 6 friends having guardians or stronger forms might as well be dropped, so let’s go back to treating them as almost regular kids using toys/tools/objects for attacks or whatever).
In some adventures, they would find basic vehicles they could use to travel or simply move from point A to B, like basic wooden boats with paddles, bikes, handcars, boats with bike pedals and driving wheels etc.
In some adventures, they would find basic vehicles they could use to travel or simply move from point A to B, like basic wooden boats with paddles, bikes, handcars, boats with bike pedals and driving wheels etc.
The Nortubel kids also spend their time on the dreamlands to find lost people and bring them back to Nortubel or at least just explore the locations to find things.
The Nortubel kids also spend their time on the dreamlands to find lost people and bring them back to Nortubel or at least just explore the locations to find things.
They also get delivery related jobs and often carry/deliver stuff to the people of Nortubel (But not without facing obstacles along the way).
They also get delivery related jobs and often carry/deliver stuff to the people of Nortubel (But not without facing obstacles along the way).

CHARACTERS: Details on their parents:
CHARACTERS: Details on their parents:
They may not literally show up but instead have indirect appearances, like mentions or pictures.
They may not literally show up but instead have indirect appearances, like mentions or pictures.
Carrie/Oscar’s dad (Named Maurice) was a guitarist from a band popular in their town and visually, has a somewhat bit of long orange hair and beard, just to establish that he was handsome.
Carrie/Oscar’s dad (Named Maurice) was a guitarist from a band popular in their town and visually, has a somewhat bit of long orange hair and beard, just to establish that he was handsome.
Carrie/Oscar’s mom (Named Daisy) is some green, short haired lady, who’s mentioned to have a heated argument with her daughter before Carrie ran away with Oscar.
Carrie/Oscar’s mom (Named Daisy) is some green, short haired lady, who’s mentioned to have a heated argument with her daughter before Carrie ran away with Oscar.
The idea being that the mom thought her husband was cheating on her and whether or not it’d be true, she’d try to do something bad.

Katrin/Pete’s dad (Named Malcolm) is bald, has bits of a shaved beard and wears sunglasses.
Katrin/Pete’s mom (Named Rebecca) wasn’t really thought out much besides being a loving caring mother.
They also have an uncle (Malcolm’s brother) that has some bad relationship with the father, so at some point things get heated; This means the dad tries to protect his family and fight back.
Melvin/Angela’s dad (Named Brian) is some classy guy with red hair and be