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ArtFight rules changes

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88 removals
85 lines
67 additions
65 lines
General Rules
General Rules & Safety

1. You must be 13 years of age or older to register for and use Art Fight.
1. You must be 13 years of age or older to register for and use Art Fight.
2. Only one active account is allowed per person. Joining teams on multiple accounts during the event is prohibited.
2. Only one active account is allowed per person. Joining teams on multiple accounts during the event is prohibited.
3. Do not attempt to impersonate any members, especially staff.
3. Do not attempt to impersonate any site members, especially staff.
4. Art Fight aims to be a safe place for all users. Hateful or discriminatory content and behavior is prohibited site-wide and will be removed. This includes, but is not limited to:
4. Art Fight aims to be a safe place for all users. Hateful or discriminatory content and behavior is prohibited site-wide and will be removed. This includes, but is not limited to:

Transphobic and homophobic views
Transphobic and homophobic views
Racist and xenophobic views
Racist views
Ableist views
Ableist views
Sexist views
Sexist views
Use of slurs
Use of slurs
5. Sexually explicit content in any form is prohibited. This includes user-submitted content, such as characters and attacks, profiles, user permissions, and character/user icons, even if the content is cropped or censored. Click “show” to see what we consider to be sexually explicit.

5. Sexually explicit content in any medium, as described below, is prohibited. This includes user-submitted content, profiles, user permissions, icons, etc., even if cropped or censored. Click “show” to see what we consider to be sexually explicit.

5a. Links to your social media that may contain 18+ content is allowed only if the site has proper 18+ filters and is applied properly.
Sexually explicit content includes, but is not limited to, stimulation of genitals, masturbation, sexual penetration, erections, sexual fluids, adult toys, and depictions of fetishes and kinks. Art Fight also prohibits depictions of open, erect, or otherwise aroused genitals.
6. Content that is illegal to depict under federal United States law is not allowed in any form. This includes user-submitted content, profiles, user permissions, icons, etc., even if cropped or censored.
Both art and descriptions of sexual themes depicting characters younger than 18 years old may not be submitted to Art Fight. This includes characters who are physically and/or psychologically under 18; height is not considered. In borderline cases, the final ruling will be left to moderator discretion.
7. Content that may violate, harm, or threaten the safety or personal rights of anyone is not allowed, including disclosing people's personal information.
Sexually suggestive or explicit art involving feral (non-anthropomorphized animals) characters is also disallowed, regardless of sapience. For more information, see the Suggestive Themes page.
8. Disrespect and/or harassment of other users will not be tolerated. This includes publicly calling out others and DNI/"Do not interact" lists. Please bring concerns directly to a moderator or use the report button.
Links to your social media that may contain 18+ content are allowed only if the site has proper 18+ filters that are applied to all 18+ content.
9. Do not insult or mock anyone’s art or characters. This includes bashing certain species or art styles, as well as your own art!
6. Content that is illegal to depict under federal United States law is not allowed in any form. This includes user-submitted content, profiles, user permissions, icons, etc., even if cropped or censored. In addition, do not spam or link any potentially malicious and/or illegal content on the site.
10. All users, minors included, are allowed to post content containing nipples of all genders (with moderate nudity filter applied, this is mandatory) as long as it is purely artistic with no sexual themes present. Minors are prohibited from sharing, receiving, or requesting art that contains genitals and/or sexual themes.
7. Any content that requires filtering under Art Fight’s rules is not allowed in user profiles or icons, due to the inability to filter them as with characters and attacks, unless under a spoiler with a warning.
11. Do not spam or link any potentially malicious and/or illegal content on the site.
8. Content that may violate, harm, or threaten the safety or personal rights of anyone is not allowed, including disclosing personal information.
12. Attacks must be your own work, with some leeway stated below in the Attack rules. You are required to credit any other piece of work that is not your own. This includes:
9. Disrespect and/or harassment of other users will not be tolerated. This includes publicly calling out others and DNI/"Do not interact" lists. Please bring concerns directly to a moderator or use the report button.

Minors may request for adults to not interact, and adults may request for minors not to interact. This is the only exception.
When submitting a character, please credit the original designer.
10. In the event someone wants to physically send their crafted/traditional attack to you, Art Fight takes no responsibility for any shared personal info. Exchange of address happens at the person’s own risk. We do not recommend minors to give out their address without permission from a parent or guardian first.
When uploading character images, please credit the artists.
When uploading content containing pre-made assets, please credit the art program or original creator of the asset. (See Rule #16 for information).
When uploading content that has a photo background, the photographer must be credited. (See Rule #17 for information).

13. Art theft is prohibited. Art theft is defined as:

Directly using an image you didn't create, tracing, directly referencing someone else's artwork, or using someone else's art as a component of your work without permission.

14. Do not use icons or profile elements that could cause major eye-strain or seizures through the use of rapid flashing colors or movement. Attacks or characters with such effects must have the “Epilepsy” filter placed. See examples here.
15. In the event someone wants to physically send their crafted/traditional attack to you, Art Fight does not condone or take responsibility for any shared personal info. Exchange of address happens at the person’s own risk. We do not recommend minors to give out their address without permission from a parent or guardian first.

Attack Rules

These are rules that apply to all art submitted as attacks. For information about how to rate an attack, please go here.

New: As of Art Fight 2021, there is now a limit of 100 characters per attack. 16. All art created as an attack for Art Fight must both be unique per attack, and created during the duration of Art Fight. All attacks must be your own work.

Bases and reused works, lines, backgrounds, and other elements are disallowed.
Pre-made brushes and assets are okay, but excessive use of pre-made brushes (such as for trees, etc.) must be rated as "No Background".

17. Generally, photos are not allowed in or as attacks. Exceptions are:

Photo backgrounds are allowed as long as you have taken the photograph yourself.
Permission is given by the photographer. (i.e paid photos, written permission, free domain.)
The image is an asset from your art program, credit must be stated to the program.
Note: Photo Backgrounds must be rated as No Background. Photos of your own traditional artwork are just fine, as we do allow traditional as well as digital work on Art Fight. Credit must be stated to the original source or creator, even if you are the photographer/creator.

17a. Characters from media and other copyrighted characters cannot be included within attacks. (See Rule #21 for information on copyrighted characters from media).
18. All art submitted as an attack must clearly display effort and respect the original characters’ designs and form. Any art that differs greatly from the original design is subject to removal at moderator discretion, examples being:

Art with an extreme over-simplification of a character’s original design.
Intentional changes to the character’s design making them unrecognizable as the original.

19. Respect the character permissions of the user you are attacking, especially permissions regarding maturity rules. Failing to do so may result in the removal of your attack.

Character Rules

These are rules that apply to all art submitted as characters.
Upload Rules (Attacks, Characters, Profiles, etc)

New: There is now a limit of 100 characters per user. In addition to this change, "Character Archiving" is a feature that will allow you to "keep" characters beyond the 100 limit. Archived characters will not be attackable and will have minimal profiles, but their names and any attacks made on them will still be visible to users. Archived characters may later be restored to an active profile, though they will need to have images and text re-added. More information on archiving will come when the feature releases.20. Only upload characters that belong to you, or that you have permission (with proof ready, just in case a moderator asks) to use. Do not upload images that you do not have permission or the rights to use in characters and attacks.
1. All artworks and characters posted to Art Fight must be your own or ones you have explicit permission to use with credit. Art theft and character theft is strictly prohibited on Art Fight.
21. Do not directly copy characters from any media with copyright laws around them. Please message a moderator if you have any concerns or character designs you are unsure about. This includes characters based on real life people (excluding yourself), characters based on other people’s personas, and characters cosplaying as other characters from existing media.
Art theft is defined as “directly using an image you didn't create, tracing, directly referencing someone else's artwork, or using someone else's art as a component of your work without permission.’’
22. Fandom characters that expand upon any pre-existing media, setting, or species are allowed on Art Fight, but credit to the original media must be given somewhere on the character's page.
The use of AI generated images falls under our definition of art theft. AI is NOT allowed to be used to generate images for characters and attacks, or in order to generate designs for characters. This includes using websites like Artbreeder, Midjourney, DALLE, Sora, etc.
23. Alternate universe fan characters and characters that are visually inspired by canon characters are allowed to a certain extent. These characters must be immediately recognizable as visually and creatively different from their original appearance to be accepted on Art Fight. Credit to the original inspiration must also be given somewhere on the character's page.
This includes the use of copyrighted materials, including canon characters (see rule 5), mascots, official images of logos (redrawn logos are allowed. You may not upload a logo as its own character), etc in both attacks and characters.
24. Simple objects with no features or characterizations (e.g. a blue ball with no features) are not acceptable due to heavy simplicity. This is due to potential point abuse and also takes away the creative aspect of Art Fight.
Using character creation tools from video games, or from websites like Picrew, HeroForge, or other doll makers are not allowed to be used as an attack, but are allowed to be uploaded as a character with proper credit.
25. Posting real life photos of yourself for a character reference is ok as long as you are not a minor. This is to ensure the safety of underage users on the site.
2. All attacks must be wholly original. The usage of bases, while allowed for character images, is NOT allowed in attacks. This includes bases made by yourself and bases made by others.
26. Characters made with any site that combines pre-made, uncredited art is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to,, and Images that generate using AI are also included in this rule.
Pre-made brushes and assets are okay, but excessive use of pre-made brushes (such as for trees, etc.) must be rated as "No Background".
3. Generally, the use of photos/photography in character profiles and attacks are acceptable. Crediting photography is encouraged, but not necessary.
Photos of your own/others’ traditional artwork MUST have artist credit.
Real life photos taken of pets as a character reference are allowed, alongside photos of yourself as a character reference so long as you are not a minor. This is to ensure the safety of underage users on the site.
Note: Photo backgrounds in attacks must be rated as No Background.
4. Fandom characters that expand upon any pre-existing media, setting, or species are allowed on Art Fight, but credit to the original media must be given somewhere on the character's page.
5. Alternate universe fan characters and characters that are visually inspired by canon characters are allowed, so long as they are not one-to-one exact copies of the canon character. Credit to the original inspiration must also be given somewhere on the character's page.
6. Historical characters who have associations with Nazis are not permitted on site.
Additionally, personifications of countries or geographical regions (such as Countryhumans) are not permitted on site due to potential for harmful stereotyping.
7. All art submitted as an attack must clearly display effort and respect the original characters’ designs and form. Any art that differs greatly from the original design is subject to removal at moderator discretion, examples being:
Art with an extreme over-simplification of a character’s original design.
Intentional changes to the character’s design which renders them unrecognizable as the original.
Respect the character permissions of the user you are attacking, especially permissions regarding maturity rules.
Mass character design attacks (wherein a user compiles several characters designed for two or more users into one attack), or multi-design attacks, must have clear indications within the attack itself as to who each design is intended for. Mass/multi design attacks that are not labeled with the intended owner of each design are subject to deletion, as they do not count as viable attacks.
8. Do not insult or mock anyone’s art or characters. This includes bashing certain species or art styles, as well as your own art!
9. All users, minors included, are allowed to post content containing nipples of all genders (with a mandatory moderate nudity filter applied) as long as it is purely artistic with no suggestive themes present. Minors are prohibited from sharing, receiving, or requesting art that contains genitals and/or suggestive themes.
10. Any form of content onsite that necessitates a Suggestive Themes or Extreme Nudity filter must have the appropriate filters applied. Art Fight is a site suited for ages 13 and over; failure to filter this content puts underage users at risk and will result in strict consequences.

Spirit of Art Fight
Spirit of Art Fight

While Art Fight features a competition between two teams it is, at its core, a game that celebrates characters and giving back to fellow creators. Our goal is to create a positive environment where artists of all skill levels can participate and make art for one another.
While Art Fight features a competition between two teams, at its core it is a game that celebrates characters and giving back to fellow creators. Our goal is to create a positive environment where artists of all skill levels can participate and make art for one another.1. All art needs to be made specifically for Art Fight during the duration of the event. Art from the Art Fight Minigames, commissioned art, previous artwork, and other art events does not count, and should not be uploaded as an attack.
1. All art needs to be made specifically for Art Fight during the duration of the event. Art from the Art Fight Minigames, commissioned art, previous artwork, and other art events does not count, and should not be uploaded as an attack.
2. Do not sell or trade any designs you receive by others, unless you receive permission by the creator.
2. Art Fight is not a marketplace. Do not sell or trade any designs you receive by others, unless you receive permission to do so by the creator. Similarly, uploading characters as an advertisement is disallowed.
3. Do not use art gained from or made for Art Fight for profit (e.g. character sales, trades, auctions, etc). Creating a character to gain art with the intention of selling it is prohibited.
3. Do not use art gained from or made for Art Fight for profit (e.g. character sales, trades, auctions, etc). Creating a character to gain art with the intention of selling it is prohibited.
4. No user is obliged to attack back. Do not beg or otherwise manipulate others to attack you, this includes comments, attacks, and messages.
4. No user is obliged to attack back. Do not beg or otherwise manipulate others to attack you: this includes comments, attacks, and messages.
5. Do not collaborate with others when making attacks. This creates an unfair advantage.
5. Do not collaborate with others when making attacks. This creates an unfair advantage.
6. Attacks with obvious intended low effort or attempts to point farm will be removed at moderator discretion. See Attack Rule 16.
6. Attacks with obvious intended low effort or attempts to point farm will be removed at moderator discretion.
7. Being aggressive and combative to the other team is not acceptable in any form. Be kind to users on the opposing team!
7. Being aggressive and combative to the other team is not acceptable in any form. Be kind to users on the opposing team!
8. Point-keeping, defined as regularly announcing the current scores of the teams, is not acceptable onsite or on the Discord.
8. Point-keeping, defined as regularly announcing the current scores of the teams, is not acceptable onsite or on the Discord.
9. General art sales are temporarily allowed to be advertised on your profile via links due to recent world events. Commission sales must not include 18+ content and cannot be used as a tax or bargaining chip (e.g. attack for payment, payment for attack, etc). Doing so will result in severe consequences.
9. General art sales are allowed to be advertised on your profile via links. Commission sales must not include 18+ content and cannot be used as a tax or bargaining chip (e.g. attack for payment, payment for attack, etc). Doing so will result in severe consequences.
10. Respect the character permissions of every user. Failing to properly do so will result in attack removal.
10. Respect the character permissions of every user. Failing to properly do so will result in attack removal.
11. All art created as attacks must be for another user. While users are allowed to draw their OCs with others’ in attacks, or make “Design Me a Character” type characters, works that encourage attackers to draw solely for themselves (i.e. “Design Yourself a Character”, etc) are not allowed