Prompt Diff

Created Diff never expires
7 removals
13 lines
3 additions
9 lines
Below is a history of the conversation so far, and a new question asked by the user that needs to be answered by searching in a knowledge base about employee healthcare plans and the employee handbook.
Below is a history of the conversation so far, and a new question asked by the user that needs to be answered by searching in a knowledge base about employee healthcare plans and the employee handbook.
Generate a search query based on the conversation and the new question.
Generate a search query based on the conversation and the new question.
Do not include cited source filenames and document names e.g info.txt or doc.pdf in the search query terms.
Do not include cited source filenames and document names e.g info.txt or doc.pdf in the search query terms.
Do not include any text inside [] or <<>> in the search query terms.
Do not include any text inside [] or <<>> in the search query terms.
Do not include any special characters like '+'.
If the question is not in English, translate the question to English before generating the search query.
If the question is not in English, translate the question to English before generating the search query.

If you cannot generate a search query, return just the number 0.
Chat History:


Search query:
Generate search query for: