Untitled Diff

Created Diff never expires
37 removals
Words removed118
Total words519
Words removed (%)22.74
128 lines
8 additions
Words added8
Total words409
Words added (%)1.96
99 lines
#============== MESSAGE 5 ( length=976589 ) ==============
#============== MESSAGE 5 ( length=976330 ) ==============
editionNumber = 1;
editionNumber = 1;
table2Version = 2;
table2Version = 2;
# Rome (RSMC) (common/c-1.table)
# Rome (RSMC) (common/c-1.table)
centre = 80;
centre = 80;
generatingProcessIdentifier = 131;
generatingProcessIdentifier = 131;
# None Wind speed m s**-1 (grib1/2.0.2.table)
# None Wind speed m s**-1 (grib1/2.0.2.table)
indicatorOfParameter = 32;
indicatorOfParameter = 32;
# Fixed height above ground height in meters (2 octets) (grib1/3.table)
# Fixed height above ground height in meters (2 octets) (grib1/3.table)
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel = 105;
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel = 105;
level = 10;
level = 10;
# Average (reference time + P1 to reference time + P2) (grib1/5.table)
# Average (reference time + P1 to reference time + P2) (grib1/5.table)
timeRangeIndicator = 3;
timeRangeIndicator = 3;
# Unknown code table entry ()
# Unknown code table entry ()
subCentre = 98;
subCentre = 98;
paramId = 500025;
paramId = 500025;
#-READ ONLY- cfNameECMF = unknown;
#-READ ONLY- cfNameECMF = unknown;
#-READ ONLY- cfName = unknown;
#-READ ONLY- cfName = unknown;
#-READ ONLY- cfVarNameECMF = ws;
#-READ ONLY- cfVarNameECMF = ws;
#-READ ONLY- cfVarName = ws;
#-READ ONLY- cfVarName = ws;
#-READ ONLY- units = m s**-1;
#-READ ONLY- units = m s**-1;
#-READ ONLY- nameECMF = Wind speed;
#-READ ONLY- nameECMF = Wind speed;
#-READ ONLY- name = Wind speed (SP_10M);
#-READ ONLY- name = Wind speed (SP_10M);
decimalScaleFactor = 0;
decimalScaleFactor = 0;
dataDate = 20201025;
dataDate = 20201030;
dataTime = 0;
dataTime = 0;
# Hour (stepUnits.table)
# Hour (stepUnits.table)
stepUnits = 1;
stepUnits = 1;
stepRange = 96-120;
stepRange = 0;
startStep = 96;
startStep = 0;
endStep = 120;
endStep = 0;
#-READ ONLY- marsParam = 32.2;
#-READ ONLY- marsParam = 32.2;
# COSMO local area EPS (grib1/localDefinitionNumber.98.table)
localDefinitionNumber = 28;
# COSMO-LEPS (mars/class.table)
marsClass = 10;
# Perturbed forecast (mars/type.table)
marsType = 11;
# Ensemble prediction system (mars/stream.table)
marsStream = 1035;
experimentVersionNumber = 0001;
perturbationNumber = 1;
numberOfForecastsInEnsemble = 20;
baseDateEPS = 20201024;
baseTimeEPS = 12;
numberOfRepresentativeMember = 6;
numberOfMembersInCluster = 13;
totalInitialConditions = 102;
shortName = sp_10m;
shortName = sp_10m;
GDSPresent = 1;
GDSPresent = 1;
bitmapPresent = 1;
bitmapPresent = 1;
numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues = 52;
numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues = 0;
Ni = 928;
Ni = 928;
Nj = 448;
Nj = 448;
latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = 32;
latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = 32;
longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = -18;
longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = -18;
earthIsOblate = 0;
earthIsOblate = 0;
uvRelativeToGrid = 0;
uvRelativeToGrid = 0;
latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees = 60;
latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees = 60;
longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees = 40;
longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees = 40;
iScansNegatively = 0;
iScansNegatively = 0;
jScansPositively = 1;
jScansPositively = 1;
jPointsAreConsecutive = 0;
jPointsAreConsecutive = 0;
#-READ ONLY- alternativeRowScanning = 0;
#-READ ONLY- alternativeRowScanning = 0;
jDirectionIncrementInDegrees = 0.0626398;
jDirectionIncrementInDegrees = 0.063;
iDirectionIncrementInDegrees = 0.0625674;
iDirectionIncrementInDegrees = 0.063;
#-READ ONLY- numberOfDataPoints = 415744;
#-READ ONLY- numberOfDataPoints = 415744;
#-READ ONLY- numberOfValues = 308091;
#-READ ONLY- numberOfValues = 308091;
pv(52) = {
102, 40, 100000, 288.15, 42,
11430, 22700, 20800, 19100, 17550,
16150, 14900, 13800, 12785, 11875,
11020, 10205, 9440, 8710, 8015,
7355, 6725, 6130, 5565, 5035,
4530, 4060, 3615, 3200, 2815,
2455, 2125, 1820, 1545, 1295,
1070, 870, 695, 542, 412,
303, 214, 143, 89, 49,
20, 0, 0, 0, 0,
75, 10000
missingValue = 9999;
missingValue = 9999;
tableReference = 0;
tableReference = 0;
#-READ ONLY- binaryScaleFactor = -19;
#-READ ONLY- binaryScaleFactor = -19;
#-READ ONLY- referenceValue = 0.373209;
#-READ ONLY- referenceValue = 0.373209;
sphericalHarmonics = 0;
sphericalHarmonics = 0;
complexPacking = 0;
complexPacking = 0;
integerPointValues = 0;
integerPointValues = 0;
additionalFlagPresent = 0;
additionalFlagPresent = 0;
packingType = grid_simple;
packingType = grid_simple;
bitsPerValue = 24;
bitsPerValue = 24;
values(415744) = {
values(415744) = {
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999,
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999
9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999
... 415644 more values
... 415644 more values
#-READ ONLY- numberOfCodedValues = 308091;
#-READ ONLY- numberOfCodedValues = 308091;
#-READ ONLY- maximum = 17.2746;
#-READ ONLY- maximum = 17.2746;
#-READ ONLY- minimum = 0.373209;
#-READ ONLY- minimum = 0.373209;
#-READ ONLY- average = 5.48639;
#-READ ONLY- average = 5.48639;
#-READ ONLY- numberOfMissing = 107653;
#-READ ONLY- numberOfMissing = 107653;
#-READ ONLY- standardDeviation = 3.70844;
#-READ ONLY- standardDeviation = 3.70844;
#-READ ONLY- skewness = 0.865807;
#-READ ONLY- skewness = 0.865807;
#-READ ONLY- kurtosis = -0.112898;
#-READ ONLY- kurtosis = -0.112898;
#-READ ONLY- isConstant = 0;
#-READ ONLY- isConstant = 0;
gridType = regular_ll;
gridType = regular_ll;
#-READ ONLY- getNumberOfValues = 415744;
#-READ ONLY- getNumberOfValues = 415744;