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Fingoal Diff

Created Diff never expires
5 removals
174 lines
5 additions
174 lines
FinGoal Transaction data.
Fingoal Enrichment data.
type FingoalTransaction {
type RemoteDataFingoalEnrichedTransaction {
The ID of the account associated with the transaction
The ID of the account associated with the transaction
accountid: String
accountid: String

The transaction's USD amount
The transaction's USD amount
amountnum: Float
amountnum: Float

The most applicable categorization for the transaction
The most applicable categorization for the transaction
category: String
category: String

The numeric ID of the transaction's category
The numeric ID of the transaction's category
categoryId: String
categoryId: String

A cascading hierarchy of the transaction's categories, from high-level to detail-level categorization
A cascading hierarchy of the transaction's categories, from high-level to detail-level categorization
categoryLabel: [String!]
categoryLabel: [String!]

Your FinGoal client ID
Your FinGoal client ID
clientId: String
clientId: String

A high-level categorization of the account type. Eg, 'bank'
A high-level categorization of the account type. Eg, 'bank'
container: String
container: String

The date on which the transaction took place
The date on which the transaction took place
date: String
date: DateTime

The numeric ID of the transaction's detail category
The numeric ID of the transaction's detail category
detailCategoryId: String
detailCategoryId: String

The transaction's globally unique FinSight API issued ID
The transaction's globally unique FinSight API issued ID
guid: String
guid: String

The numeric ID of the transaction's high level category
The numeric ID of the transaction's high level category
highLevelCategoryId: String
highLevelCategoryId: String

Whether the transaction was made at a physical location, or online
Whether the transaction was made at a physical location, or online
isPhysical: Boolean
isPhysical: Boolean

Whether the transaction is set to recur on a fixed interval
Whether the transaction is set to recur on a fixed interval
isRecurring: Boolean
isRecurring: Boolean

The street address of the merchant associated with the transaction
The street address of the merchant associated with the transaction
merchantAddress1: String
merchantAddress1: String

The name of the city where the merchant is located
The name of the city where the merchant is located
merchantCity: String
merchantCity: String

The name of the country where the merchant is located
The name of the country where the merchant is located
merchantCountry: String
merchantCountry: String

The latitude of the merchant
The latitude of the merchant
merchantLatitude: String
merchantLatitude: String

The URL resource for the merchant's logo
The URL resource for the merchant's logo
merchantLogoURL: String
merchantLogoUrl: String

The longitude of the merchant
The longitude of the merchant
merchantLongitude: String
merchantLongitude: String

The name of the merchant associated with the transaction
The name of the merchant associated with the transaction
merchantName: String
merchantName: String

The phone number of the merchant associated with the transaction
The phone number of the merchant associated with the transaction
merchantPhoneNumber: String
merchantPhoneNumber: String

The name of the state where the merchant is located
The name of the state where the merchant is located
merchantState: String
merchantState: String

The merchant's type
The merchant's type
merchantType: String
merchantType: String

The ZIP code where the merchant is located
The ZIP code where the merchant is located
merchantZip: String
merchantZip: String

The transaction description as received. This will not change
The transaction description as received. This will not change
originalDescription: String
originalDescription: String

The date on which FinSight API first received the transaction
The date on which FinSight API first received the transaction
receiptDate: String
receiptDate: DateTime

A unique ID for the request the transaction came in with, for debugging purposes
A unique ID for the request the transaction came in with, for debugging purposes
requestId: String
requestId: String

An easy-to-understand, plain-language transaction description
An easy-to-understand, plain-language transaction description
simpleDescription: String
simpleDescription: String

The source of the transaction
The source of the transaction
sourceId: String
sourceId: String

A more detailed classification that provides further information on the type of transaction.
A more detailed classification that provides further information on the type of transaction.
subType: String
subType: String

The FinSight API issued tags for the transaction
The FinSight API issued tags for the transaction
transactionTags: [String!]
transactionTags: [String!]

The ID of the transaction as it was originally submitted
The ID of the transaction as it was originally submitted
transactionid: String
transactionid: String

An attribute describing the nature of the intent behind the transaction.
An attribute describing the nature of the intent behind the transaction.
type: String
type: String

The ID of the user associated with the transaction, as originally submitted
The ID of the user associated with the transaction, as originally submitted
uid: String
uid: String