
Created Diff never expires
341 removals
617 lines
203 additions
481 lines
"404 Error": "404 Error",
"APPLICANT_NOT_FOUND": "Not found candidate of given data. Please choose or fill-in proper candidate's or search data.",
"Accept": "Accept",
"Accept": "Accept",
"AcceptInvitation": "Accept Invitation",
"AcceptInvitation": "Accept Invitation",
"Add": "Add",
"Add": "Add",
"Admin": "Admin",
"AdminDashboard": "Admin Dashboard",
"AdminPositions": "View: ALL COMPANY RECRUITMENTS",
"AdminTeam": "View: ALL USERS OF THE COMPANY (admin, recruiters, observers)",
"Answers": "Answers",
"Applicant": "Candidate",
"Applicant": "Candidate",
"Applicants": "Candidates",
"Applicants": "Candidates",
"ApplicantsOfCompany": "View: ALL CANDIDATES OF THE COMPANY (TILL NOW)",
"ArchivedPositions": "Archived Company All Positions / Job Recruitments View",
"Back": "Back",
"Back": "Back",
"CONFIRMATION_STEP": "Summary and confirmation",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Choose": "Choose",
"Close": "Close",
"Close": "Close",
"ConfirmAccount": "Confirm Account",
"ConfirmAccount": "Confirm Account",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Details": "Details",
"Details": "Details",
"EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS": "Email already exists with this or another company (email must be unique). Please change email.",
"EditPosition": "View: EDIT POSITION (JOB)",
"Email": "Email",
"Email": "Email",
"Emails": "Emails Stats",
"Emails": "Emails Stats",
"GENERAL_INFO_STEP": "General data",
"INVITATION_EMAIL_NOT_SENT": "Invitation email was not sent. Please check email",
"INVITATION_USED_OR_WRONG": "Invitation has been already used or is wrong. Please check link, possibly ask for new invitation.",
"InviteUser": "View: USERS INVITATION (Recruiters / Observers)",
"LandingPage": "Home Page",
"LandingPage": "Home Page",
"Login": "Login",
"Login": "Login",
"MANAGER_OBSERVER_STEP": "Recruiter & Observer/Observers",
"MANAGER_STEP": "Recruiter",
"Manager": "Recruiter",
"Manager": "Recruiter",
"ManagerDashboard": "My recruitments",
"ManagerDashboard": "My recruitments",
"OK": "OK",
"OK": "OK",
"OPEN_POSITION_EMAIL_NOT_SENT": "Email to ecruiter in new recruitment's was not sent. Please check email",
"Observe": "Observe",
"Observe": "Observe",
"Observer": "Observer",
"ObserverDashboard": "My observations",
"Observers": "Observers",
"Observers": "Observers",
"PLEASE_CONFIRM_YOUR_ACCOUNT_CLICKING_IN_LINK_IN_EMAIL": "Please confirm your new account by clicking link in invitation email.",
"POSITION_NOT_FOUND": "Not found position of given data. Please choose or fill-in proper position's or search data.",
"Page": "Page",
"PasswordReset": "Password Reset",
"PasswordResetRequest": "Password Reset Request",
"PasswordResetRequest": "Password Reset Request",
"Permissions": "View: SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS",
"Phone": "Phone",
"Phone": "Phone",
"Profile": "User Profile View",
"QUESTIONS_STEP": "Create a set of questions",
"Questions": "Questions",
"Questions": "Questions",
"REGISTRATION_EMAIL_NOT_SENT": "Email to confirm registration was not sent. Please check email",
"REGISTRATION_IS_RESTRICTED": "Registration is restricted to whitelist. Please contact with support by:",
"RESET_EMAIL_NOT_SENT": "Email for password reset was not sent. Please check email",
"Register": "Register",
"Register": "Register",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resource that you looking for was not found": "Resource that you looking for was not found",
"RestrictedRegister": "Restricted Register",
"Role": "Role",
"Roles": "Roles",
"Roles": "Roles",
"Save": "Save",
"Save": "Save",
"Search": "Search",
"Search": "Search",
"SinglePosition": "Single Position / Job Recruitment View",
"Start answering": "Start recording",
"SuperAdminDashboard": "Super Admin Dashboard",
"Superadmin": "Superadmin",
"Surveys": "Satisfaction survey",
"TEMPLATE_STEP": "Use an existing recruitment as a template or create a New Recruitment",
"TestEmailSending": {
"TestEmailSending": {
"cardTitle": "Test your email",
"cardTitle": "Test your email",
"emailAddress": "Email address to send test-email",
"emailAddress": "Email address to send test-email",
"emailTitle": "Title of test-email",
"emailTitle": "Title of test-email",
"sendBy": "Send by",
"sendBy": "Send by",
"sendButtonText": "Send"
"sendButtonText": "Send"
"USER_ALREADY_INVITED": "This user's invitation email has already been sent from this or another company (email must be unique). Please wait for invitation approval by the user or change the email.",
"USER_NOT_FOUND": "Not found user of given data. Please choose or fill-in proper user's or search data.",
"User": "User",
"Users": "Users",
"Wrong URL (wrong web address)": "Wrong URL (wrong web address)",
"You are not authenticated": "You are not authenticated. Invalid login or password, or not confirmed account.",
"Your credentials are valid but not adequate to gain access": "Your credentials are valid but not adequate to gain access",
"account": {
"account": {
"have": {
"have": {
"already": "Have account already?"
"already": "Have account already?"
"admin": "admin",
"adminDashboard": {
"adminDashboard": {
"teamMembers": "Team Members",
"teamMembers": "Team Members",
"inviteUsers": "Invite user",
"listUsers": "User list",
"permissions": "Observations",
"openJobs": "Open Recruitments",
"openJobs": "Open Recruitments",
"PositionsTable": "All recruitments",
"newPosition": "New Recruitment",
"archive": "Archive",
"currentApplicants": "Current Candidates",
"currentApplicants": "Current Candidates",
"applicantsTable": "All Candidates",
"recordedAnswers": "Videos"
"applicantsToBeGraded": "Candidates to be evaluated",
"recordedAnswers": "Videos",
"usageStatistics": "Statistics"
"adminManager": {
"tableName": "Recruiter",
"name": "Recruitment",
"start_at": "Start",
"end_at": "End",
"applicants_count": "No of candidates",
"answered_count": "No of submissions",
"answered_percentage": "Answers in %"
"adminObservations": {
"adminObservations": {
"tableName": "Observations in the company",
"tableName": "Observations in the company",
"header": {
"who": "Observer",
"type": "Type of observation",
"what": "Observed User/Recruitment/Candidate",
"delete": "Delete"
Text moved with changes to lines 55-59 (98.2% similarity)
"type": {
"user": "User",
"position": "Recruitment",
"applicant": "Candidate"
"delete": {
"title": "Please confirm to remove the observation",
"text": "(the observation will be permanently deleted)",
"confirmButtonText": "Delete",
"cancelButtonText": "Leave observation"
"observationDeleted": "Observation was deleted",
"observationKept": "Observation was kept",
"introduction": "Each user can observe:",
"introduction": "Each user can observe:",
"list_user": "another user and his / her recruitments",
"list_user": "another user and his / her recruitments",
"list_position": "recruitment for a selected position",
"list_position": "recruitment for a selected position",
"list_applicant": "selected candidate",
"list_applicant": "selected candidate",
"explanation": "The table below shows all observations. The table is for the Administrator's use only and is used to manage observations in the company."
"explanation": "The table below shows all observations. The table is for the Administrator's use only and is used to manage observations in the company.",
Text moved with changes from lines 125-129 (98.2% similarity)
"type": {
"user": "User",
"position": "Recruitment",
"applicant": "Candidate"
"adminPositions": {
"adminPositions": {
"tableName": "Company recruitment table (Admin view)",
"tableName": "Company recruitment table (Admin view)",
"explanation": "Table contains all recruitments in the company managed by Admin"
"explanation": "Table contains all recruitments in the company managed by Admin"
"adminSetObservationsForUser": {
"adminSetObservationsForUser": {
"tableName": "Defining the scope of observation ",
"tableName": "Defining the scope of observation ",
"users": "Users",
"users": "Users",
"positions": "Recruitments",
"applicants": "Candidates",
"avatar": "Avatar",
"name": "First Name",
"surname": "Last Name",
"user": "User",
"email": "Email",
"roles": "Roles",
"observationType": {
"observationType": {
"header": "Decide what the user will observe",
"tooltip": {
"tooltip": {
"users": "Select another ser (her/his Recruitments) to observe",
"users": "Select another ser (her/his Recruitments) to observe",
"positions": "Select a specific recruitment for observation",
"positions": "Select a specific recruitment for observation",
"applicants": "Select a specific candidate (s) for observation"
"applicants": "Select a specific candidate (s) for observation"
"positions": "Recruitments",
"applicants": "Candidates"
"adminTeam": {
"adminTeam": {
"tableName": "Users",
"tableName": "Users"
"avatar": "Avatar",
"user": "User",
"email": "Email",
"company": "Company Name",
"loginAs": "Login as",
"roles": "Roles",
"disabled": "Confirmed email"
"appBar": {
"appBar": {
"tooltip": {
"tooltip": {
"profile": "Your Profile",
"profile": "Your Profile",
"logout": "Logout"
"logout": "Logout"
"appendQuestions": {
"appendQuestions": {
"timeForAnswer": "Time for answer",
"timeForAnswer": "Time for answer",
"sec": "sec",
"sec": "sec"
"warning": {
"questionRepeated": {
"title": "This question already exists for this recruitment",
"text": "This question already exists on the list of questions for this recruitment. Decide whether to keep it",
"confirmButtonText": "OK"
"applicantCVViewDialog": {
"applicantCVViewDialog": {
"dialogName": "Candidate's CV"
"dialogName": "Candidate's CV"
"applicantDeleteDialog": {
"applicantDeleteDialog": {
"titleDialog": {
"titleDialog": {
"line1": "Delete Candidate",
"line1": "Delete Candidate",
"line2": "(including observations of this candidate)"
"line2": "(including observations of this candidate)"
"applicantNameSurname": "Name and surname of the candidate",
"applicantNameSurname": "Name and surname of the candidate",
"email": "Email",
"email": "Email",
"phone": "Phone",
"phone": "Phone"
"applicantDeleted": "Candidate was deleted",
"applicantKept": "Candidate's kept"
"applicantEditCreateDialog": {
"applicantEditCreateDialog": {
"name": "Name",
"name": "Name",
"surname": "Surname",
"surname": "Surname",
"email": "Email",
"email": "Email",
"phone": "Phone",
"phone": "Phone",
"note": "Additional notes regarding the candidate",
"note": "Additional notes regarding the candidate",
"invitation_exp_at": {
"invitation_exp_at": {
"headline": "Invitation expiry date",
"headline": "Invitation expiry date",
"explanation": "IMPORTANT: only after selecting the expiry date of the invitation, you can SAVE and INVITE the candidate"
"explanation": "IMPORTANT: only after selecting the expiry date of the invitation, you can SAVE and INVITE the candidate"
"saveInvite": "Save & Invite",
"saveInvite": "Save & Invite"
"warning": {
"emailRepeated": {
"title": "Email address already exists for this recruitment",
"text": "The e-mail address provided already exists on the list of candidates for this recruitment. Please change the email or leave it if, for example, you want to resend the invitation",
"confirmButtonText": "OK"
"applicantSaved": "Candidate was saved",
"applicantNotSaved": "Candidate was NOT saved",
"applicantInvited": "The candidate was invited by email",
"applicantNotInvited": "The candidate was NOT invited by email"
"applicantGradeDialog": {
"applicantGradeDialog": {
"dialogTitleAsManager": "Evaluate as direct recruiter",
"dialogTitleAsManager": "Evaluate as direct recruiter",
"dialogTitleAsObserver": "Evaluate as an observer",
"dialogTitleAsObserver": "Evaluate as an observer",
"gradeApplicant": "Evaluate the candidate",
"gradeApplicant": "Evaluate the candidate",
"description": "Comment",
"description": "Comment",
"noGrade": "No candidate evaluation",
"positiveGrade": "Positive rate",
"neutralGrade": "Neutral rate",
"negativeGrade": "Negative rate",
"negativeGrade": "Negative rate",
"grade": {
"neutralGrade": "Neutral rate",
"saved": "Your rate was saved"
"positiveGrade": "Positive rate"
"applicantInviteDialog": {
"applicantInviteDialog": {
"dialogName": "Invite candidate",
"dialogName": "Invite candidate",
"invitation_exp_at": {
"invitation_exp_at": {
"label": "Choose invitation expiry date",
"label": "Choose invitation expiry date",
"note": "IMPORTANT: only after selecting the expiry date of the invitation, you can SAVE and INVITE the candidate"
"note": "IMPORTANT: only after selecting the expiry date of the invitation, you can SAVE and INVITE the candidate"
"invite": "Invite",
"invite": "Invite"
"applicantInvited": "The candidate was invited by email"
"applicantViewDialog": {
"applicantViewDialog": {
"note": "Additional notes regarding the candidate",
"dialogName": "Candidate details",
"dialogName": "Candidate details",
"applicantNameSurname": "Name and surname of the candidate",
"applicantNameSurname": "Name and surname of the candidate",
"email": "Email",
"email": "Email",
"phone": "Phone",
"phone": "Phone",
"note": "Additional notes regarding the candidate",
"cv": "CV uploaded",
"cv": "CV uploaded",
"invitation_sent_at": "Invitation Date Sent (GB format)",
"invitation_sent_at": "Invitation Date Sent (GB format)",
"invitation_exp_at": "Invitation Date Exp (GB format)",
"invitation_exp_at": "Invitation Date Exp (GB format)",
"position_name": "Job title",
"position_name": "Job title",
"questions_count": "No. of questions",
"questions_count": "No. of questions",
"answeredStatus": "Are all questions answered?",
"answeredStatus": "Are all questions answered?",
"partially_answered": "Not answered all questions",
"awaiting_for_invitation": "Not invited",
"error_of_invitation_sent_at": "Error of invitation sending date",
"error_of_invitation_exp_at": "Error of invitation expired-date",
"not_answered_expired": "Not answered & invitation expired",
"awaiting_for_answer": "Waiting for the candidate answers",
"answered_at": "Date of the last video recording (GB format)",
"answered_at": "Date of the last video recording (GB format)",
"videos_count": "No of answers of candidate",
"videos_count": "No of answers of candidate",
"visit_counter": "No of visits IR by candidate",
"visit_counter": "No of visits IR by candidate",
"manager_grade": {
"manager_grade": {
"title": "Recruiter evaluation",
"title": "Recruiter evaluation",
"managerNameSurname": "Recruiter",
"managerNameSurname": "Recruiter",
"grade": "Evaluation",
"grade": "Evaluation",
"description": "Comment"
"description": "Comment"
"noGrade": "NO EVALUATION",
"observers_grades": {
"observers_grades": {
"title": "Observers' evaluation",
"title": "Observers' evaluation",
"observerFullName": "Observer",
"observerFullName": "Observer",
"grade": "Evaluation",
"grade": "Evaluation",
"description": "Comment"
"description": "Comment"
"noGrade": "NO EVALUATION",
"noGrades": "NO EVALUATIONS"
"noGrades": "NO EVALUATIONS"
"applicantsOfCompany": {
"applicantsOfCompany": {
"title": "All candidates of the company"
"title": "All candidates of the company"
"applicantsTable": {
"applicantsTable": {
"tableName": "Candidate table for the position",
"position": "Recruitment",
"candidate": "Candidate",
"cv": "See⠀CV",
"cv": "See⠀CV",
"noCv": "No CV",
"noCv": "No CV",
"answeredStatus": {
"title": "Answered",
"partially_answered": "Incomplete answer",
"awaiting_for_invitation": "Not invited",
"error_of_invitation_sent_at": "Invitation error",
"error_of_invitation_exp_at": "Invitation error",
"not_answered_expired": "No answ. & expired",
"awaiting_for_answer": "Waiting for the answer",
"awaiting_for_positionStart": "Waiting for the start of recruit."
"videoApplicant": "See video rec.",
"play": "Play",
"play": "Play",
"manager_grade": {
"grade": "Recruiter's evaluation"
"doGrade": "Change evaluation",
"letsGrade": "Evaluate",
"letsGrade": "Evaluate",
"grades": "All evaluations",
"positionNameShort": "Position",
"invitation_sent_at": "Invitation date",
"invitation_exp_at": "Expiry date",
"answered_at": "Answer date (GB format)",
"btnInvite": {
"btnInvite": {
"title": "Invite",
"invite": "Invite",
"invite_again": "Invite⠀again",
"answered": "Answered",
"answered": "Answered",
"position_not_started": "Recr. not started",
"position_not_started": "Recr. not started"
"invite": "Invite",
"invite_again": "Invite⠀again"
"edit": "Edit",
"debug": "Debug",
"info": "INFO",
"info": "INFO",
"invitation_not_sent": "Invitation not send",
"tableName": "Candidate table for the position",
"position": "Recruitment",
"search_explanation_0": "Search options - explanation",
"search_explanation_0": "Search options - explanation",
"search_explanation_1": "You can search candidates by:",
"search_explanation_1": "You can search candidates by:",
"search_explanation_11": "- first and last name of candidate",
"search_explanation_11": "- first and last name of candidate",
"search_explanation_12": "- email candidate",
"search_explanation_12": "- email candidate",
"search_explanation_13": "- phone candidate",
"search_explanation_13": "- phone candidate",
"search_explanation_14": "- invitation sending date in yyyy-mm-dd format, e.g. 2020-12-10",
"search_explanation_14": "- invitation sending date in yyyy-mm-dd format, e.g. 2020-12-10",
"search_explanation_15": "- invitation expiry date in yyyy-mm-dd format, e.g. 2020-12-17"
"search_explanation_15": "- invitation expiry date in yyyy-mm-dd format, e.g. 2020-12-17"
"applicantsToBeGraded": {
"applicantsToBeGraded": {
"title": "Candidates to be evaluated"
"title": "Candidates to be evaluated"
"buttonFalseText": "Discard",
"buttonTrueText": "Accept",
"changes-saved": "Your changes was saved",
"common": {
"common": {
"confirm": "Confirm"
"confirm": "Confirm"
"company": {
"company": {
"data": "Company Data",
"name": "Company Name"
"name": "Company Name",
"tin": "VAT No.",
"address": "Company Address",
"admin_id": "Admin ID",
"create": "Create Company"
"confirmAccount": {
"confirmAccount": {
"confirm": "I confirm my account",
"confirm": "I confirm my account"
"toasted": {
"success": "Account confirmed. You can login",
"failed": "Account NOT confirmed. Please check link"
"swal": {
"failed": {
"title": "Account NOT confirmed",
"text": "Please check link",
"confirmButtonText": "OK"
"create": {
"create": {
"applicant": "Create Candidate"
"applicant": "Create Candidate"
"created_at": "Invitation date",
"detailsSwitch": {
"hide": "hide details",
"show": "show details"
"edit": {
"edit": {
"applicant": "Edit Candidate"
"applicant": "Edit Candidate"
"emailStats": {
"emailStats": {
"to-see": "To view the full statement, log in to",
"to-see": "To view the full statement, log in to",
"docs": "Statuses documentation",
"docs": "Statuses documentation",
"ref": "Event Webhook Reference",
"ref": "Event Webhook Reference"
"hook-target": "Webhook Target URL",
"status": {
"name": {
"processed": "Processed",
"dropped": "Dropped",
"delivered": "Delivered",
"deferred": "Deferred",
"bounce": "Bounce",
"open": "Opened",
"click": "Clicked",
"spam_report": "Spam report",
"unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"group_unsubscribe": "Group unsubscribe",
"group_resubscribe": "Group subscribe"
"description": {
"processed": "Message has been received and is ready to be delivered.",
"dropped": "You may see the following drop reasons: Invalid SMTPAPI header, Spam Content (if Spam Checker app is enabled), Unsubscribed Address, Bounced Address, Spam Reporting Address, Invalid, Recipient List over Package Quota",
"delivered": "Message has been successfully delivered to the receiving server.",
"deferred": "Receiving server temporarily rejected the message.",
"bounce": "Receiving server could not or would not accept mail to this recipient permanently. If a recipient has previously unsubscribed from your emails, the message is dropped.",
"blocked": "Receiving server could not or would not accept the message temporarily. If a recipient has previously unsubscribed from your emails, the message is dropped.",
"open": "Recipient has opened the HTML message. Open Tracking needs to be enabled for this type of event.",
"click": "Recipient clicked on a link within the message. Click Tracking needs to be enabled for this type of event.",
"spam_report": "Recipient marked message as spam.",
"unsubscribe": "Recipient clicked on the 'Opt Out of All Emails' link (available after clicking the message's subscription management link). Subscription Tracking needs to be enabled for this type of event.",
"group_unsubscribe": "Recipient unsubscribed from a specific group either by clicking the link directly or updating their preferences. Subscription Tracking needs to be enabled for this type of event.",
"group_resubscribe": "Recipient resubscribed to a specific group by updating their preferences. Subscription Tracking needs to be enabled for this type of event."
"error": {
"error": {
"occurred": "Error occurred",
"occurred": "Error occurred"
"unknown": "Unknown type of error.",
"network": "Network Error. Check your internet connection."
"footer": {
"footer": {
"terms": "Terms",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"status": "Status",
"apiIntegrations": "Api / Integrations",
"madeWith": "made with",
"madeWith": "made with",
"by": "by"
"by": "by"
"formValid": {
"required": "Field required",
"email": {
"notValid": "E-mail must be valid"
"password": {
"nChars": "Password must have at least {nChars} characters",
"lowercase": "Password must have one lowercase character",
"uppercase": "Password must have one uppercase character",
"number": "Password must have one number",
"special": "Password must have one special character: ! @, # $ % ^ & * ( )"
"passwordConfirm": {
"differ": "The password confirmation must be identical to the password"
"text": {
"nChars": "Field must have at least {nChars} characters"
"number": {
"min": "Minimal value is {min}",
"max": "Maximum value is {max}"
"gradesViewTooltip": {
"gradesViewTooltip": {
"tooltipChipName": "Evaluations",
"tooltipChipName": "Evaluations",
"surnameName": "Surname Name",
"surnameName": "Surname Name",
"description": "Comment",
"description": "Comment",
"grade": "Evaluation"
"grade": "Evaluation"
"inviteUser": {
"inviteUser": {
"invite_header": "Invite user",
"invite_header": "Invite user",
"text_1": "Enter the e-mail of the new user. You can immediately assign him / her the role of a recruiter (all your users can be observers).",
"text_1": "Enter the e-mail of the new user. You can immediately assign him / her the role of a recruiter (all your users can be observers).",
"text_2": "After You added a new user, the system will automatically send an email with an invitation and a registration link. The user must personally confirm the registration.",
"text_2": "After You added a new user, the system will automatically send an email with an invitation and a registration link. The user must personally confirm the registration.",
"text_3": "After the new user has registered, you will see it in the system. From now on, you can assign the user observer roles and / or manage his / her recruitments.",
"role_manager": "recruiter role",
"role_observer": "observer role is assigned by default, see below \"Roles explanation\"",
"role_observer": "observer role is assigned by default, see below \"Roles explanation\"",
"role_manager": "recruiter role",
"button": "Invite",
"role_explanation_0": "Roles explanation",
"role_explanation_0": "Roles explanation",
"role_explanation_11": "1. Observer:",
"role_explanation_11": "1. Observer:",
"role_explanation_12": " Each user invited by the Administrator may act as an OBSERVER:",
"role_explanation_12": " Each user invited by the Administrator may act as an OBSERVER:",
"role_explanation_13": "As an Administrator, grant the permission to observe:",
"role_explanation_13": "As an Administrator, grant the permission to observe:",
"role_explanation_14": " - any recruiter, all candidates , all evaluations given by the recruiter. The observer may also make his own evaluation of the candidate and leave the comments on each of the candidates",
"role_explanation_14": " - any recruiter, all candidates , all evaluations given by the recruiter. The observer may also make his own evaluation of the candidate and leave the comments on each of the candidates",
"role_explanation_15": " - any recruitment process for any selected position",
"role_explanation_15": " - any recruitment process for any selected position",
"role_explanation_16": " - any selected candidate in any recruitment process",
"role_explanation_16": " - any selected candidate in any recruitment process",
"role_explanation_21": "2. Recruiter:",
"role_explanation_21": "2. Recruiter:",
"role_explanation_22": "A person to whom the Administrator has assigned the authority to conduct and manage the recruitment process for any selected position.",
"role_explanation_22": "A person to whom the Administrator has assigned the authority to conduct and manage the recruitment process for any selected position.",
"role_explanation_23": "Only after assigning the role of a recruiter, the designated person independently and fully manages the recruitment process by:",
"role_explanation_23": "Only after assigning the role of a recruiter, the designated person independently and fully manages the recruitment process by:",
"role_explanation_24": " - uploading candidates' CVs to the system",
"role_explanation_24": " - uploading candidates' CVs to the system",
"role_explanation_25": " - if a CV is missing, manually adding a candidate to the list",
"role_explanation_25": " - if a CV is missing, manually adding a candidate to the list",
"role_explanation_26": " - sends a link inviting the candidate to take part in the recruitment",
"role_explanation_26": " - sends a link inviting the candidate to take part in the recruitment",
"role_explanation_27": " - evaluates the candidate according to agreed criteria, based on the analysis of video recordings",
"role_explanation_27": " - evaluates the candidate according to agreed criteria, based on the analysis of video recordings",
"role_explanation_28": " Recruiter automatically becomes an observer",
"role_explanation_28": " Recruiter automatically becomes an observer"
"button": "Invite",
"success": "User with email {email} was invited.",
"waiting": "Pending invitations."
"invitedUsers": {
"invitedUsers": {
"headerName": "Pending users invitations",
"headerName": "Pending users invitations",
"testInvitationLink": "Test invitation link",
"testInvitationLink": "Test invitation link"
"delete": {
"title": "Confirm the removal of the user invitation",
"text": "(the invitation will be permanently deleted and it will no longer be possible to resend the invitation to this email)",
"confirmButtonText": "Delete",
"cancelButtonText": "Keep Invitation"
"invitationDeleted": "Invitation was deleted",
"invitationKept": "Invitation was kept"
"lang": {
"pl": "Polish",
"en": "English"
"langCode": "Język",
"loadingServer": "Loading data ",
"loadingServer": "Loading data ",
"login": {
"login": {
"formName": "Login",
"welcome": "Welcome in Interview Record!",
"welcome": "Welcome in Interview Record!",
"confirm": "Let's Go",
"formName": "Login",
"fillIn": "Enter an email and password",
"fillIn": "Enter an email and password",
"email": "Email",
"email": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"password": "Password",
"confirm": "Let's Go",
"remindPassword": "Forgot password?",
"remindPassword": "Forgot password?",
"register": "Registration",
"ifHavingAccount": "If You have acoount",
"ifHavingAccount": "If You have acoount",
"invalidLogin": "Invalid login or password, or not confirmed account"
"register": "Registration"
"manager": "recruiter",
"mongo": {
"usage": "Usage statistics"
"navigation": {
"home-superadmin": "Super Admin Dashboard",
"surveys": "Surveys",
"home-admin": "Admin Dashboard",
"invite": "Invite user",
"my-team": "Company Team",
"permissions": "All observations",
"observer": "My observations",
"open-position": "New recruitment",
"positions": "All recruitments",
"manager": "My recruitments",
"restricted-register": "Restricted Register",
"changelog": "Changes"
"observation": {
"saved": "Observation was saved"
"logs": "Logs",
"observationsSetDialog": {
"observationsSetDialog": {
"tableName": {
"users": "Select users to observe",
"positions": "Select recruitments to observe",
"applicants": "Select candidates to observe",
"line2": "(by the User: "
"selectMessage": "Select one or more observations"
"selectMessage": "Select one or more observations"
"observer": "observer",
"observer": "observer",
"observerDashboard": {
"observerDashboard": {
"assignedUsers": {
"assignedUsers": {
"title": "Observed users",
"title": "Observed users",
"explanation": "You can observe candidates of other userAdmin, Recruiter)"
"explanation": "You can observe candidates of other userAdmin, Recruiter)"
"assignedPositions": {
"assignedPositions": {
"title": "Observed recruitments",
"title": "Observed recruitments",
"explanation": "You can observe the selected recruitment for the position (all candidates)"
"explanation": "You can observe the selected recruitment for the position (all candidates)"
"assignedApplicants": {
"assignedApplicants": {
"title": "Observed candidates",
"title": "Observed candidates"
"explanation": "You can also observe single candidates"
"openEditPosition": {
"openEditPosition": {
"step": "Step",
"step": "Step",
"name": {
"name": {
"title": "Job title",
"title": "Job title",
"label": "Job title",
"label": "Job title",
"hint": "Eg. Account Manager, Sales Executive, ..."
"hint": "Eg. Account Manager, Sales Executive, ..."
"startDate": {
"startDate": {
"title": "Recruitment start date",
"title": "Recruitment start date",
"label": "Select date"
"label": "Select date"
"language": {
"language": {
"title": "Language",
"title": "Language",
"label": "Select the ecruitment language "
"label": "Select the ecruitment language "
"description": {
"description": {
"title": "Job description",
"title": "Job description",
"label": "Job description"
"label": "Job description"
"applicantEmailInfo": {
"applicantEmailInfo": {
"title": "Additional information for candidates",
"title": "Additional information for candidates",
"label": "Additional information for candidates in e-mails with invitations"
"label": "Additional information for candidates in e-mails with invitations"
"manager": {
"manager": {
"title": "Recruiter"
"title": "Recruiter"
"observer": {
"observer": {
"title": "Observer/Observers",
"title": "Observer/Observers"
"errorManager": "Chosen recruiter was also chosen as observer. Job position was saved but observation NOT "
"error": {
"noPositionName": "Type the job title to open a new recruitment",
"noQuestions": "Create a set of questions (min. 1) to open a new recruitment.",
"invalidQuestions": "In each question, write down its content and assign a time to answer (min. 10 sec.) to open a new recruitment.",
"noManager": "To start recruiting for this position, please assign a recruiter. Select the recruiter from the Company Team list."
"passwordReset": {
"passwordReset": {
"reset_password": "If you want to reset your password, please enter your e-mail address. We will send you a link with the option to set a new password.",
"password-reset-send": "Link to reset password was sent.",
"change-password": "Change Password",
"change-password": "Change Password",
"change-pass-welcome": "You're changing password for {email}",
"password": "Password",
"password": "Password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"confirm": "Let's Go",
"confirm": "Let's Go",
"change-pass-welcome": "You're changing password for {email}",
"reset_password": "If you want to reset your password, please enter your e-mail address. We will send you a link with the option to set a new password.",
"register": "Register",
"password-reset-send": "Link to reset password was sent.",
"login": "Login",
"login": "Login",
"invalidEmail": "Invalid email",
"register": "Register"
"invalidLogIn": "Invalid login or password"
"position": {
"position": {
"delete": "Delete position",
"delete": "Delete position",
"edit": "Edit position",
"edit": "Edit position",
"confirmed-delete": "Recruitment position was deleted",
"questions": {
"really-delete": "Are you going to remove position? This will be impossible to reverse.",
"openQuestionsPdf": "Typical Recruitment Questions",
"applicant": {
"time-description": "Time for answer",
"tableName": "List of candidates for the position",
"sec": "sec"
"positionChoiceDialog": {
"dialogName": "Use an existing recruitment as a template or create a New Recruitment",
"existingPosition": "I choose the existing recruitment",
"plainPosition": "New recruitment"
"positionDialog": {
"summaryTitle": {
"dialogName": "Recruitment details. Summary and approval",
"actionDescription": "Check all data and confirm with \"SAVE\" button"
"dialogName": "Recruitment details",
"name": "Job title",
"description": "Job Description",
"applicantEmailInfo": "Additional information for candidates in e-mails with invitations",
"managerNameSurname": "Recruiter",
"start_at": "Start",
"lang_code": "Language",
"questionList": "Questions Table",
"questions": {
"no": "No.",
"content": "Question",
"time": "Time [sec.]"
"profileEdit": {
"headerName": "Edit my profile",
"language": "Language",
"companyName": "Company",
"companyAddress": "Company Address",
"uploadAvatar": "Upload Avatar",
"changePassword": "Request to change password",
"updateProfile": "Profile update"
"questionChoiceDialog": {
"dialogName": "Choose a question from the list provided",
"language": "Language"
"questionsTooltip": {
"tooltipChipName": "Questions",
"question": "Question",
"time": "Time",
"sec": "sec"
"register": {
"login": "Login"
"registration": {
"constrained": "Constrain registration",
"is-constrained": "Now closed to the following list of emails",
"is-free": "Now registration is open for anyone",
"whitelist": "List of e-mails with allowance for registration",
"register-at": "Registered at {registerAt}"
"select": {
"question": "Select or write a question"
"setManager": {
"label": "Choose recruiter"
"setObserver": {
"label": "Select observer (s) (you can skip this selection)"
"simpleApplicantCard": {
"position": "Recruitment",
"manager": "Recruiter",
"managerGrade": "Recruiter evaluation",
"not_applicable": "Not evaluated",
"answeredStatus": "LACKING_TRANSLATION",
"partially_answered": "Incomplete answer",
"invitation_not_sent": "Not invited",
"not_answered_expired": "No answ. & expired",
"awaiting": "Waiting for the answer",
"invitationDate": "Invitation date",
"expiredDate": "Expiry date",
"btnDetails": "Candidate details"
"simplePositionCard": {
"invited": "Invitation",
"answeredStatus": "LACKING_TRANSLATION",
"btnDetails": "Candidates of the recruitment"
"singlePosition": {
"uploadApplicants": "Upload candidates CV",
"newApplicant": "Add a new candidate"
"singlePositionData": {
"title": "Recruitment details"
"superadminDashboard": {
"admins": {
"tableName": "Admins Table (All companies Admins)",
"users": {
"surveysTable": {
"tableName": "Candidates' surveys table"
"tooltip": {
"login-as": "Login as that user (Admin)",
"not-confirmed-email": "User did NOT confirm invitation email",
"confirmed-email": "User confirmed invitation email"
"uploadAvatarDialog": {
"dialogName": "Upload your Avatar",
"zoom": "Zoom",
"rotation": "Rotation",
"setAsAvatar": "Set As Avatar"
"uploadCvDialog": {
"dialogName": "Upload CV",
"loadFiles": "Load CV file/files",
"selectCV": "Select CV files to upload",
"CVfiles": {
"label": "CV files",
"placeholder": "Select CV pdf documents/files"
"process": "PROCESS uploaded CV files",
"validateData": "Checking processed CV files",
"plsCheck": "Check if processed data are correct",
"name": "First Name",
"surname": "Last Name",
"email": "Email",
"phone": "Phone",
"note": "Additional notes"
"userData": {
"name": "First Name",
"surname": "Last Name",
"email": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"password-repeat": "Repeat Password",
"confirmationPrivacyPolicy": "I confirm that I have read the information on the processing of my personal data by Q1 GROUP Sp. z o. o. contained in",
"agreement": "I agree to the",
"getStarted": "Register"
"videosDialog": {
"videoOfApplicant": "Candidate's video",
"dialogTitleAsManager": "Evaluate as direct recruiter",
"dialogTitleAsObserver": "Evaluate as an observer",
"gradeApplicant": "Evaluate the candidate",
"description": "Comment",
"negativeGrade": "Negative rate",
"neutralGrade": "Neutral rate",
"positiveGrade": "Positive rate"